#hot cobert summer writing challenge
bella-caecilia · 2 years
Heeyyy this goes to all the Cobert writers <3
I thought it would be fun to do another Cobert fanfic exchange similar to what we did in the summer with the Hot Cobert Writing Challenge. So, I would like to see who would be down for a Winter/Christmas Cobert Fanfic Exchange this year! This is still a rather rough idea, but if you would be interested in participating, please leave a comment on this post <3
More details, like prompts etc will follow when I know if it will be realistic and worthwhile. Love yall <3!!
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bonhughbon · 2 years
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Major FanFics
The Life of Viscount Downton [Book 1] - (Ao3) (FFN) (Wattpad)
Une Nouvelle Ère [Book 2] - (Ao3) (Wattpad)
Prompted Writings
📱- Modern AU
📖 - With My OC(s) from my FanFics
⏪ - Pre-Canon/Prequel
Blended Toast! (Hot Cobert Summer Challenge) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱
Last Minute Surprises (Cobert Winter Fanfic Exchange) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱📖
Smoochie Kiss (YOTP January Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱
Soulmates (YOTP February Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱
Breads and Doorframes (YOTP March Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱
All's Well that Ends Well (YOTP April Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱⏪
Moonlight Waltz (YOTP May Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) ⏪
Kissing in the Rain (YOTP June Fic) - (AO3) (FFN) 📱
Attack! (YOTP July Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📖
Champion of the World (YOTP August Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱📖
Intentions and Meetings (YOTP September Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN) ⏪
Birthday GILF (YOTP October Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN)📱
Somebody that I Used to Know (YOTP December Fic) - (Ao3) (FFN)
Captain's Hat (Physical Affection Prompts, #1)
After Hours (Physical Affection Prompts, #3 + #11) 📖
Personal Teddy Bear (Physical Affection Prompts, #5) 📱
Dear Diary (Physical Affection Prompts, #14)
Late Night Papers (Kiss Fic Asks, #4 + #25)
Falling Tears (Kiss Fic Asks, #6) 📖
Seaside (Kiss Fic Asks, #7)
Best Kept Secret (Kiss Fic Asks, #8)
Weddings and Feelings (Kiss Fic Asks, #21)
Out of Time (Kiss Fic Asks, #39)
Envious Barista (Kiss Fic Asks, #46) 📱
Get A Room, Please (Gentle Love Prompts, #9) 📖
Marital Bliss (Gentle Love Prompts, #35) 📱
Delightful Cupcakes (Gentle Love Prompts, #48)
Other Writings
Christmas 1918 - (Ao3) (FFN) 📖
Glimpse Of Us - (Ao3) (FFN) 📱📖
Fencing!! - (Ao3) (FFN) 📖
Happy Halloween!! - (Ao3) (FFN) ⏪
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avoverud · 2 years
this is the hot cobert summer writing challenge finished product!
i'm so proud of everyone (even if i've only been here since may or something), i've read most everyone's and they're all SO GOOD, and i'll edit this post later to fill in everyone who hasn't yet :)
i see a lot of people thanking me, but i'd like to thank all of YOU for participating and making this whole thing come alive. a special thanks to @abumperprize and @ohtobealady , this whole thing probably never would've started without them <33
here's the list that i promised you, with the participants, their prompts, and the link to their work/first chapter so you can find it :D
once again, thank you all SO SO much.
as a reassurance
as a confession
as a sign of happiness
as a goodbye
as a promise
as a last attempt
as a question
as a dare
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ohtobealady · 2 years
so sorry for posting a day late! I literally changed my plot three (3) times. ha!
My prompt is "saying I love you timidly" -- thank you so, so much to @avoverud for organizing! I can't wait to read everyone's contributions!
Long live our wonderful ship! xoxo
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whatsabriard · 2 years
done and done. in time, might i add. thanks for a fun challenge, everyone. this chapter is definitely for grown folks only, so heed the warnings. 
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randomabiling · 2 years
Here is my submission for the Cobert Hot Summer 2022 challenge. My prompt was saying I love you as a last resort. I changed this about 7 times, not to plagiarize @ohtobealady (she only changed hers 3 lol). My writing is rustier than the Tin Man.
But here, enjoy anyway!
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emma-hahn · 2 years
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
Thank you @downton-bridgerton and @corasorangejuice for tagging me :)
Favorite time of the year : Winter ! Especially February, because there’s my birthday and December because I love Christmas ! I like the cold and I love going round in the city with a big coat on with the smell of mulled wine. Where I come from Christmas is a big thing there’s decorations everywhere I love it. And for me there’s nothing better than putting a jumper on and watching a movie or reading a book with a nice cup of tea.
Comfort foods : Fries, cheese and bread (and chocolate). I also love a speciality from here in Alsace, we call it “flammekueche” in French it’s “tarte flambée” it’s a thin base with creme, onions and lardons, and you can add cheese on it. Yes I know I’m a cliché French girl I love bread and cheese 😂
Do you collect anything? : Bookmarks, everywhere I go I buy some as a souvenir, now even my friends and my family are used to bring me back one when they travel somewhere. I haven’t counted them in a while but last time I did, I had 300 😂 I love having the right bookmark for the book I want to read, I can take 10 mins to choose the right one (yes I know I’m weird x)).
Favorite drink : Tea ! Hot or cold I love tea and I quite love water too actually especially Volvic water.
Favorite music artists : Well if you listen to my podcast you probably know, Taylor Swift ! I have pretty basic music taste actually, basic and mainstream 😂 As my favorites there’s also Little Mix, Demi Lovato, Maisie Peters, Céline Dion, Ed Sheeran and Shy’m (she’s a French artist). I love the Mamma Mia 1&2 soundtracks as well as The Greatest Shoman. I do listen to a lot of different artists (when I’m not listening to Taylor Swift). And I like to listen to instrumental movie soundtracks (especially from Harry Potter) or just some cello (i love the cello).
Current favorite songs :
Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift
august by Taylor Swift
Cornelia Street (Live From Paris) by Taylor Swift
Cate’s Brother by Maisie Peters 
Supermarket Flowers by Ed Sheeran
Collide by Ed Sheeran
SUBSTANCE by Demi Lovato  
Some songs in French :)
Elle danse encore by Shy’m
En attendant ses pas by Céline Dion
Longtemps by Amir
Favorite fics : Oh boy that’s difficult. I have to mention Jack & Jill Went Up The Hill, which was the first DA fanfiction that I’ve read and To Get To You by @mcgonneville. I love Modern AU, others that I love are Lessons to Learn by @bella-caecilia and The Secrets of the White Lady by Countess of Cobert. Then I have to say everything written by @ohtobealady especially Things Given To Tomorrow. I also love A Flame into Being by @modernamericangirl. But there’s too many, it’s too difficult to choose 😂. I adored all the drabbles for the Hot Cobert Summer Writing Challenge so just go and read that and all these authors are so talented. If you don’t know what to read check their work, it’s worth it ! :) 
Tagging (if you want to do it :)) :
@bella-caecilia, @idoloveouradventures, @ohtobealady, @andallthatmishigas, @vinnyvangohsleftear, @abumperprize, @cobertaddict, @avoverud, @good-now-kiss-me, @dream-of-ragtime
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whydidnttheyaskcora · 2 years
My contribution to @avoverud’s Hot Cobert Summer Writing Challenge.  This was so much fun and I was incredibly surprised by what my brain managed to come up with— angst ahoy!  My prompt was ‘I love you’ said quietly.  I’m posting it now to force myself to stop obsessively editing it. :)  Hope you enjoy!
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avoverud · 2 years
here's my hot cobert summer writing challenge product!
i'm going on vacation for a few days, but hopefully i'll find some time to organize the finished product of everyone's work. in the meantime, take mine <3
i had a headcanon once for pre-canon cobert, i never did get to writing more than just a synopsis, but i decided that i was going to be productive for once in my life and actually have it written down. so here we are :)
my prompt was "saying i love you breathlessly", to be honest it's not so much a prompt as me sticking the word breathlessly into the love confession but um.
and i decided to have some fun with the ending and see if anyone noticed :D
Robert sighed, standing in his dressing room. A cold, biting wind whispered across the sky, and the rain went pitter-patter against the windows. The atmosphere itself felt heavy, something the viscount did not appreciate. It felt like the weather was mocking him.
Couldn’t it just pretend that everything was fine? 
Robert certainly was.
His life so far had not been the most.. satisfactory, what with his mother grilling him every time she saw him, and Rosamund giving him looks when they passed each other in the candlelit corridors. Mainly his mother. And of course it was all about his new wife. She was quite the talk of the town. Cora this, Cora that.
He envied Cora, just a little bit. She didn’t have to sit through lecture after lecture about how they were dependent on Americans now, and oh my was this the best course of action, and oh well at least they could save the estate. 
But she wasn’t happy. He could tell, and it hurt him every day seeing her struggling to fit into the mold society (and his mother) had set. She didn’t deserve that. But what else could he give her?
It was funny how a four letter word could describe her when no other adjectives could. It was funny how a four letter word could encapsulate someone like her, could sound so foreign yet so perfect when it was spoken. 
She was so beautiful, the room seemed to light up whenever she entered. He already knew he loved her, had loved her for while, however improper it was to say it. He just wanted to be with her without anyone glancing surreptitiously their way. He just wanted to hear her laugh, that was all, to tell her that he loved her. But he couldn’t. 
It was ridiculous and he knew it. But deep inside, he felt like he had cheated her out of something. That he hadn’t earned her love, because he hadn’t. That maybe if she knew the truth when he had courted her, she wouldn’t have married him. Someone like Cora deserved better than him. And so he pushed her away.
Suddenly realizing that he was still in his dressing room, Robert pushed open the door to the hall and headed downstairs, his hand trailing lightly on the banister. One day this would all be his. His and Cora’s.
Passing through the Great Hall, Robert opened the door to the library. Not that he expected to see anyone, of course. 
But there she was, and his heart did the funny little jump it did every time his eyes met hers.
“Oh!” said Cora, looking up from her book. Yes, she was very beautiful, Robert thought. Even in the shadow that the rainclouds cast, she seemed to glow.
“I hope I’m not disturbing you,” he replied, briskly. “I’ve just come to get a book.” Well. Not really.
Cora’s gaze trailed him to the desk, where he stopped.
“..Do you remember what occasion tomorrow is?” she asked, a little hesitantly. Robert turned to face her, lifting an eyebrow.
“Well, it can’t be your birthday,” he said, half-heartedly. “And it’s not a holiday, I don’t think. No, I don’t remember.” It was no wonder that he didn’t, with everything happening so fast these past months. It was probably just a special guest coming over to dine with them. “Tell me, then.”
“It’s our anniversary,” Cora said, putting on a small smile, trying to hide the sting of disappointment. 
The words seemed to hang in the air.
Upset that he had forgotten, Robert’s next words slipped out of his mouth. “It doesn’t matter much, anyways.” I should not have said that.
Cora stared at him in disbelief. “It doesn’t?” she questioned, not really wanting to hear the answer.
“Well, everyone thinks I only married you for your money.”
“And did you?”
The question was inevitable, wasn’t it? The answer was even more so. He knew, she knew, but they had left those words unspoken. And now what was he supposed to say? It was one of those decisions he knew he would regret before he even made it, but he did it anyways. “I suppose, but-”
The book Cora had been reading clattered to the ground as she stood up, facing him. Tears filling her eyes, she fled from the room. She didn’t know why, but she couldn’t stay there, not with the emotions that were flooding the room, spilling onto her. She couldn’t stay to see the expression on his face.
She needed air.
Then it was silence. A terrible, heavy silence that made Robert feel sick. Expecting to hear the sound of Cora’s door slam, he glanced back out the window for a second. His eyes widened in shock.
Cora was running down the path, her hair twisting in the wind. The raindrops shattered on the pebbles around her, glittering like pearls in her hair.
I don’t understand, Robert thought, his hand pressed against the glass. And all of a sudden, his feet were taking him into the hall, past the front doors, into the rain, to somehow set this right, whatever it took. It was too late to go back now.
The rain sloshed around him as he raced across the gravel path. She had stopped, standing there, beautiful in a sad way. He couldn’t bear it, he couldn’t, wouldn’t let her be sad. Not anymore.
He realized that maybe, just maybe, there was something he could give her.
“Cora?” he whispered, when he had reached her at last. “Are you alright?”
She laughed, taking a breath before replying. “I’m sorry,” was the first thing she said. “I shouldn’t have done that.” She bit her lip slightly, turning her head away. “It’s not been the best year, has it?”
“No, it hasn’t,” Robert admitted. “But you shouldn’t be sorry. I should be.” He couldn’t stop himself from rambling on. “That you were so unhappy. For bringing you here.” His gaze dropped to the ground.
Cora’s cheeks were flushed from the cold as she studied the expression on his face. When she finally, spoke, it was with that familiar lilt in her tone. “I’m not sorry you did, Robert.”
And oh, the emotions that seemed to rush to his head. He wasn’t even quite sure what she had just said to him, because at the moment everything seemed to be spinning. But he didn’t care, not as long as she was here. And she didn’t blame him for everything.
He told her, somehow he did, and he meant it with all his heart.
“I love you, Cora,” he told her, breathlessly.
She was silent, the raindrops coming down even harder now. Her blue eyes caught his for what seemed like forever.
“Cora? This might sound silly, but- you- we- we will be happy, won’t we?”
It was freezing, but neither of them could feel it. The rumble of thunder was distant as Cora laughed. “Very, very happy.”
And as Robert leaned down to press his lips to hers, maybe they weren’t the three words that he had so desperately wanted to hear these past few months. But he believed them, all the same.
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Look, I’m a terrible procrastinator. So I’m posting part 1 now to buy me time to finish part 2. My contribution to @avoverud ‘s Hot Summer Cobert Challenge. 
Written because there was an appalling lack of Cora’s MILF appreciation in canon and we all know that at least 1 in 3 boys that courted the girls did so because they were half in love with Cora. 
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
A little bit of s3 grief. After Violet invited Robert and Cora to listen to what Dr Clarkson had to say, there is the tiniest bit of new-found closeness between the couple. But their way back to each other is still hard.
My prompt was “saying ‘I love you’ as a confession”.
Thanks to @avoverud for organising this great event! This was super fun, and I can’t read everyone else’s stories!
You can also read it on AO3 here!
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bonhughbon · 2 years
Here we are! My contribution for the Hot Cobert Summer Writing Challenge, organized by the amazing @avoverud ! Thank you so much for organizing this fun challenge!!
I can't write smut to save my life, so please do enjoy the sexual tension between these two dorks in the modern timeline😂
I'll it publish now, so that by tomorrow I'll just enjoy myself in reading the other's stories (who are probably better than mine)! I can't wait for the other fics!!! 🥰
Also here on AO3
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avoverud · 2 years
it's almost the middle of july! i hope all of the participants for the hot cobert summer challenge are doing well :)
this post is kind of just me telling you you can do it, sooo
if i've made anyone panic, please don't, you still have plenty of time, and i can't WAIT to see what everyone's come up with
i just wanted to clear something up-
when you're ready to post your writing, you can do so on whatever platform you like, since i know some people who use other websites
if you'd like to wait until the end of july to post it, in case you want to edit it or something, feel free to! just remember to send me the link or tag me.
there are a million different roads your prompt can take you, and again, i am so, so excited (as i'm sure you all are) to read your stories
if anyone has any questions, please don't hesitate to ask me, and i wish you all good luck!
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avoverud · 2 years
okay, update on the cobert drabble activity
first of all, we have a wonderful amazing other adjectives that i can't think of right now new name gifted to us by @abumperprize
i still can't believe how amazing it is
the new name is ✨ hot cobert summer writing challenge ✨
anyways. since we are having some trouble coming up with a prompt, for all of our readers who are not participating in the writing, if you would like to offer a prompt, that would be very much appreciated :D
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whatsabriard · 2 years
Anybody else spend the entire month of July going “I’ll get to my challenge fic soon - I work better under a deadline” and now you’re paying for it?
just me?
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bella-caecilia · 2 years
Excited to read your next Cobert chapter but Take all the time you need ❤️
Ooooo thank you, anon <3 I feel a bit like I lost my identity as a fanfic writer because it's been so long since I gave you guys an update 🥺
I've been working on a chapter lately but I can't say when I'll finish it. My life is pretty stressful at the time. I prefer not talking too much about what's going on personally in my life because this blog is for Cobert and fandom content, and this is what people are following me for. But let me just say the summer will be very busy for me, and I hope I can still be active here and there and maybe post the one or other ficlet. My priority the next few months though has to be my state exam that is coming up. It has been taking up all my time the last few months already (as you maybe were able to tell) and this won't change the whole summer. I hate that it has to be that way because I love the creativity that is bubbling up in the fandom at the moment and I'd love to be a part of it (I'd love to dive in to all the great analyses that sprout everywhere 😭), but I have to focus on my career at the moment. I hope you understand.
I'm very much looking forward to participating in the Hot Cobert Summer writing challenge however 😊 This is something I definitely want to realise! So, at the latest you will read from me then.
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