#hot rod/rodimus
soundcrusher · 2 years
How Hot Rod accidentally took over the Decepticons and became Rodimus
Hah, I did it! I finally finished this mess of a story!
And, honestly, it's pretty serious, until the end. Then it becomes somewhat weird.
Either way, @ut-girl666 and @gaybot-showdown, I hope the both of you will love this.
Hot Rod should have listened to Kup when he told him to stand back and let Optimus deal with Megatron himself. The tank was his former friend turned enemy after all, but did that stop the young speedster from running towards the two and distract Megatron by engaging into a duel with him when the prime as down? No, it didn’t, and in hindsight, it was still a better idea than letting Megatron kill their leader.
Still, Hot Rod should have done something else, because then he wouldn’t be pinned down underneath Megatron. With the warlord’s weight slowly crushing him as if he was nothing more than a bug. And the worst part? There was no-one who could help him. Not with the Decepticons keeping everyone away, because apparently, if the leader is challenged to a duel, it means that no-one is allowed to interrupt. Something Hot Rod found ridiculous, because everyone’s interrupting Optimus and Megatron when they’re fighting together. What makes his fight with the warlord different?
What the frag did he do, when he yelled, “Hey, buckethead! You, me, one on one! Now!” Was that some kind of codeword for ‘I’m-gonna-kill-that-one-myself”? Or did it mean something else? Maybe he should have listened to Kub when he was explaining some of the Decepticons rules and such, but the lesson was rather boring and Hot Rod had better things to do. There was a race… and he wanted to go racing, not learn about ‘Decepticon’s rules of combat 101’.
Either way, he shouldn’t think about what was, but rather how he’s going to get out of this situation without dying or damaging anything. Which is easier said than done, because Megatron had him pinned and was about to dig his digits into Hot Rod’s optics, when the younger mech remembered his flames. And before Megatron could end his live for good, Hot Rod grabbed his opponent’s arm, giving the warlord a defying glare, before letting his frame heat up. Making sure that Megatron couldn’t escape him until his frame set itself on fire. Burning the tankformer and causing him to let go of the speedster.
But before Megatron could recover, let alone counter Hot Rod’s fiery attack, the smaller mech was already grabbing for the blaster laying near them and fired one shot. A shot that went straight through the warlords spark and caused everyone fighting to stop, as the shock of what happened settled in. At least, until a shrill shriek pierced the eery stillness that has spread across the battlefield.
“MEGATRON HAS FALLEN, I, STARSCREAM, AM NOW THE LEADER OF THE DECEPTICONS!” Although, as the flier landed and looked over his ‘new subjects’, none of them paid him any attention. No. All their optics were directed at the trembling mech who ended Megatron and was currently aiming his blaster at any Decepticon trying to come closer to him.
“Stay back! I’m not afraid to shoot again!” Screamed Hot Rod, and much to his surprise, the Decepticons stopped walking closer. Which the young speedster took as his chance to transform and drive off. Although, he didn’t make it far, because the Constructicons quickly transformed into Devastator and simply picked up the, by now, flailing Autobot at Soundwaves command. “Hey! But me down Decepticreep! I’m not a toy car for you to play with!” But the big mech wouldn’t listen and simply held Hot Rot like a misbehaving robo-kitten, while the smaller mech was doing his best to kick at the giants servo, not caring about if he would fall or not.
And while Devastator was making sure Hot Rod wouldn’t escape, Starscream was in a one-sided screaming match with Soundwave. Demanding to know what the cassette player meant when he said that he, Starscream, was not the new leader of the Decepticons, but rather that stupid Autobot with the obnoxious paint job. To which Soundwave simply shook his head, before commanding the Decepticons to retreat back to Austrotrain and return to Cybertron. Together with the kicking and screaming Autobot, who was quickly tossed into the waiting dripple changer and restrained by Hook and Mixmaster, after Devastator disengaged and turned back into the Constructicons.
And after the last Decepticons made it into Astrotrain, the shuttle took off, while the Autobots could do nothing but stare on and wonder what exactly happened that made them take one of their own and ditch the deactivated remains of their former leader. Something one of the Decepticons took a picture off, because seeing Optimus Prime with his optics as wide as saucers and Ultra Magnus with his jaw on the floor was just too good.
Although, the mood was quickly ruined as the remaining Decepticons started to fight amongst each other, because half of them couldn’t believe that an Autobot defeated Megatron and had a claim to the position of leader, while the other half stood behind their rules. Especially Soundwave and Starscream were at each other’s throats and ready to defend their opinions, when Astrotrain informed them that they might not make it to Cybertron if they didn’t lose and ballast. And with Starscream being Starscream, he suggested to throw out those who were already on their best way to the AllSpark. However, before anyone could grab anyone from the injured, Hot Rod decided to speak up.
“You can’t throw them out.” Said the speedster, while his spoiler lowered ever so slightly in discomfort as everyone stared at him. “I mean… yes, our chances are higher if we ‘dispose’ of them, but they’re your comrades. You CAN’T throw them out, just because they’re hurt.”
“Oh, really now? Didn’t you hear Astrotrain? We’re going to die ourselves if we don’t get rid of the useless ones.” Countered Starscream with one of his insufferable smirks, as he walked closer to the bound Autobot with the intend to throw him out first, but he was stopped by Soundwave. Who was glaring at the second in command through his visor. “Observation: Autobot defeated Megaton in a duel. Conclusion: Autobot new leader. Suggestion: Starscream follows orders.”
“As if I would ever take the order of an insufferable Autobot who knows nothing about us and our faction!” Seethed the seeker, but the communications officer did not move from his spot. Rather, he started to slowly push Starscream back, before addressing the rest of the Decepticons, while Hot Rod is left to bonder on what to do next. Kup might have thought him a few things, but never has he prepared him for this kind of situation. And he doubted that anyone from the Autobots would send someone to rescue him.
Not with them having to deal with the mess Megatron’s troops have caused.
Well, at least he didn’t have to help with the repairs. That was one positive thing in all of this, but the situation was still very bad for him. Especially with Soundwave looking his way every time he tried to move a little bit. And then there were the ones Starscream would have thrown out. They kept on staring at him, as if they owed him something or were expecting him to change his mind after all. So, Hot Rod’s only option was waiting and seeing where this was going. Then again, this whole mess could have turned out worse than he ever expected. But, to his surprise, it didn’t.
And after landing on Cybertron, Hot Rod was forced to learn everything he needed to know as the new leader of the Decepticons. Which not only included how to tell apart each of the Seekers, but also things he was sure not even Optimus had to deal with.
Like, making sure that Starscream wouldn’t poison his energon or make sure a certain big lipped mech wouldn’t go on a needless killing spree. Truly, Hot Rod, who was more known by his new name “Rodimus” by now, had his servos full and it often didn’t leave him any time for his own personal live or hobbies. At least Hook took him fishing sometimes and Soundwave always made sure that he was okay. And then there were all the others he slowly managed to befriend. Like Thundercracker and Skywarp. Which didn’t really come as a surprise to him because they were rather pissed at Starscream for trying to throw them out.
Although, there was also those who still liked him, but utterly unsettled Hot Rod. Like the Insecticons. Hot Rod was sure that the only reason they stayed with him was because he also kept them from being discarded like yesterday’s garbage. And then there was the whole situation with that masked mech. Yea, Hot Rod always made a big circle around that one or backtracked entirely whenever he was close.
However, being liked by some Decepticons and having most of the commanders behind him didn’t mean that there weren’t those who still hated the fact that a former Autobot was now leading them. And next to Starscream’s murder attempts, Hot Rod also had to deal with Decepticons walking up to him and challenging him to a duel. Luckily, he never had to take more than one, but it was still tiring. Especially with the peace treaty meetings he had to attend and that seemed to have dragged on for years now.
Speaking of which, he was currently attending one with Soundwave, Starscream and two other mechs he kind of forgot the names of. Although, one was definitely named something with Lock? Honestly, Hot Rod has never met that guy before and frankly, with the way Lock kept on staring at him right now, he was kind of happy about it. How did Megatron deal with him, or all the other weirdly bloodthirsty Cybertronians in his army?
“Hot Rod, what do you think of our propositions?” Asked none other than Optimus Prime, and Hot Rod found himself groaning internally at having to answer him.
“The name’s Rodimus now, Prime, I thought I told you that before.” Said the young leader, as he grabbed the data-pad containing the peace treaty. Although, he was quick to drop it as soon as he saw that his, and in extend his factions suggestions, weren’t accepted into the newest version. “Seriously? You guys didn’t even once think about adding the stuff we worked hard to compile? Do you know how long it took to actually get everyone to work together?!”
Hot Rod knew that looking impatient or angry wasn’t the best look for a leader, but quite frankly? He didn’t give two fucks about what Optimus, nor the other Autobots thought of him. They lost their rights to judge him the second he heard some of them call him a traitor for joining a faction he never intended to lead. “Like, it was already hard to get their respect, and even now I don’t have it fully. So, them opening up to actually give me suggestions on what they want in this is a huge step!”
“I can imagen Hot… Rodimus. But I cannot allow gladiatorial matches to continue, even if they have limitations and fixer rules than before. Let alone pardon Decepticons who committed crimes.” Optimus looked at the young speedster, searching for understanding, but finding none. No, Hot Rod only grew angrier at the prime before him.
“As if Autobots have never committed crimes!” This time it was Starscream who spoke up, and Hot Rod nodded in agreement.
“Also,” started the young leader, as he folded his servos before him and looked at every Autobot. Giving them a look, he learned while playing a game of earth poker against the Stunticons. “Let’s not forget of who the Autobots and Decepticons are mostly made up. You and everyone attending this meeting knows exactly what I mean, Prime. So, I suggest you better rework the treaty with our suggestions in it before you call me again.”
And with that said, Hot Rod stood up and left the meeting together with his entourage. Keeping up the appearance of a confident leader, but the second they were back on their ship and in their meeting room, Hot Rod quickly collapsed into the nearest chair. Whole frame shaking from the anxiety he felt before and during his talk with Optimus. However, there was also a sense of accomplishment because he just talked with Optimus, fragging, Prime as if he was nothing more than a co-worker with whom he had a simple disagreement. That counted as a win, right? Well, at least it felt like a win to Hot Rod.
But his mental victory parade came to a screeching halt, as he remembered that he wasn’t alone. So, Hot Rod quickly sat back up straight and motioned for everyone present to take a seat. And even as the one named Lock remained standing, the young leader insisted on him to take a seat. “Come on, everyone’s sitting. You should sit too.” Said Hot Rod with one of his winning grins, which only grew wider as Lock finally sat down. Only then did he start the small meeting where they discussed the new developments on the peace treaty and how the meeting with Optimus generally went.
Which gave Starscream another great opportunity to insult Hot Rod, because their young leader, despite having lived with the Decepticons for some years now, was still a former Autobot. And while the second in command started to go on a small rant about how the failures of their peace treaty was clearly Hot Rod’s fault, the former Autobot found himself slowly sinking in on himself. He really did mess up, didn’t he?
Yes, he did manage to get a shaky cease fire between the factions, but apparently, he was doing a really bad job with everything else. And Starscream’s words didn’t hep him either. So, to get his second in command’s attention, Hot Rod slammed his servos down on the conference table and stood up as small flames danced over his arms.
“Okay, I get it. You’re not happy with me being the leader, and you’re not happy with the peace treaty taking so long, but we already have a cease fire. A shaky one, yes, but we have it and I swear on my spark, if you do anything to ruin that, I will personally see to it that someone else is getting your position as my second!” Seethed the young leader. And Starscream was quick to answer, as he himself jumped up. Mimicking Hot Rod by slamming his own servos down on the table, just minus the flames.
“You can’t do that! I’M the second in command of this army, you can’t just take my position and give it to someone else! Who would you even give it to?!” Screeched the seeker.
“I don’t know.” Answered Hot Rod honestly, before a playful smirk formed on his lips, as he crossed his arms over his chestplates while cocking an optic ridge. “But I’m sure that I can find someone. There are enough candidates after all. Like Overlord. I bet he would be a WONDERFUL second in command. He’s quite the politician, isn’t he?”
“Oh? He isn’t to your liking? Then how about Shockwave, or maybe I should ask Thrust? I bet he would LOVE to have your job.” Chuckled the young leader, before quickly dodging a shot coming from Starscream. “Alright, alright. You convinced me. I’ll give your job to… hmmm… Lock over there!” And with that said, Hot Rod quickly ran out of the meeting room. Transforming as soon as he was in the halls and speeding off towards his favourite spot on the ship, while listening to Starscream’s offended screeches and Soundwave’s attempts to calm the raging seeker.
Although, something that confused Hot Rod greatly was the sound of another Cybertronian coming after him, or better said, following him as if they were his bodyguard. And low and behold, there was the mech named Something-lock following and keeping up with him. He even seemed to get closer with each second, and the fiery speedster found himself unable to shake his pursuer.
So, he gave up trying, even if he didn’t want to lead Something-lock towards the only spot where he could ever get some peace for himself. Which was basically a simple storage room big enough for two mechs to fight in, but Hot Rod decorated to look and be a lot more comfortable.
And as his pursuer walked into the room, the red speedster was already flopping down on a bean bag chair Soundwave got for him. Kicking his pedes up and resting them on the wonky coffee table he made from some empty oil barrels and an old metal door.
“You know, usually when I leave a meeting like that, I DON’T want to be followed. Hasn’t Soundwave told you that?” Asked Hot Rod, as he pulled out a data-pad from his sup-space and started to read some of the reports on it, before throwing it on the coffee table and groaning. He already did enough work today, Soundwave surely can’t expect him to do more.
Although, he was quick to sit up straight as he saw Something-lock pick up the data-pad and read over it himself. Still with that same and stoic expression he had during their attempt at making a peace treaty with the Autobots and their meeting afterwards. Although, Hot Rod soon enough could spot a small smirk on his unwelcomed guest, and it made him vary.
Usually, Decepticons only got those smirks when thinking about attacking someone, or shortly before he had to duck and roll out of harm’s way. But it seemed like Hot Rod’s worries weren’t needed, because Something-lock started to laugh, after finishing the reports.
“You really beat up Overlord with a metal bat?”
“I… ehm… yea?” Okay, Hot Rodd was confused. Like, seriously confused, because he was expecting the other to attack him, not commend on one of his duels. “Granted, the metal bat only came after I already did some damage with my fire, and I didn’t really ‘beat him up’. I just… hit him with it? But don’t ask me how I did it because I have no idea. According to my own calculations, I should have lost. Like, I shouldn’t even be here right now. I should be a smudge on the ground, or worse.”
“But you still did it.” Stated Lock, before sitting down cross legged on the other side of the coffee table. “Not many can say that they managed to survive one of Overlord’s fights, let alone beat him… with a metal bat.”
Hot Rod couldn’t help but groan. He specifically told Soundwave that this duel shouldn’t be as well documented as the others. Not only because he feared of what his challenger would do, if he found out that everyone could read up about their fight, but also because it wasn’t a big deal. There were many he had to duel with, especially at the start of his leadership, and it wasn’t anything special.
And yet, he could see the interest in Lock’s optics and that small, curved up smirk as he commented on how modesty didn’t suit a Decepticon leader. Which in return got another groan from Hot Rod, as he got up from his bean bag and walked over to a big chest. “If I show you the bat, will you drop the issue and leave it be?” He asked, and found himself repressing yet another groan as soon as he saw Lock’s smirk.
“Well… good enough for me.” Was all the speedster said, as he pulled out a hot pink metal bat littered with small white flowers and the face of a cat with a bow. And dangling from the hilt of the bat by a chain was the exact same bat, only human sized. “Here, this is it, the weapon.”
“… Why is there a cat on it and how did you get that?” Asked Lock, and Hot Rod blinked at him slowly, before shaking his head. “It’s Hello Kitty, a very popular little cat and… I got it from a human child who’s very dear to me. Well, I got the small bat from him as a joke, and Soundwave got me the bigger one, after seeing it.”
“And you decided to keep it, because?”
“Because they were gifts from my friends. I would never throw away something I got from them.” Was all he said, as he put the bat back in its place, before returning to his own. And after that, it was quiet. But not in an uncomfortable way, but rather something aching to what it was like when Hot Rod spend time with his Autobot friends. Which got him thinking about the past years and how much he’s missing out by being here, rather than with them.
Although, even if he went back now, Hot Rod doubts that he would even be welcomed. His former friends and comrades made it clear that they didn’t trust him anymore, and if that’s how it is, then Hot Rod… no… Rodimus didn’t need them.
“By the why, what’s your name? I didn’t really catch it when you showed up.”
“Nice to meet you Deadlock, I’m Rodimus.”
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plutonify · 2 years
A little about my Transformers “Prime In Training” AU(name not final)
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In this AU Hot Rod is chosen to be the next Prime by Optimus. Hot Rod changes his name to Rodimus and starts training under OP. Deadlock and Hot Rod had already been friends through the wreckers, Deadlock changes his name to Drift and becomes Rodimus bodyguard. First Aid was assigned Rodimus personal medic by Optimus and Ratchet.
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falliay · 5 months
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Rodimus prime or whatever 🔥
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undergroundoil · 1 year
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littlebeanalien · 1 month
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Monster hunter au Part 6
О. Oh, no, Drift. Your medic. Your medic misses you, you need to find him, you need to come backkk
But seriously, haha, I'm done with Drift's journey, in the next part, he's coming home~
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