I have been so curious on your tags you have for groups...... can you please tell me a few because I am genuinely curious what you have for them. They are great and hilarious. Like baby nunu boulder I can think about at 3 am and laugh over it
Lmao, yeah I have a weird brain 😂 and I’d love to tell you! Idk what groups you’re into so I’ll just go through them all haha Some have stories, some are just obvious. But I’ll just give the rundown since I talk a lot anyway 😂
UPDATE: I have to put a keep reading thingy because, oh my god I wrote so much. I’m terrible.
MJ: Happy Virus
That’s a given I think since it’s something he’s known by but he really does make me extraordinarily happy so it fits.
JinJin: Smiley Jinwoo
I love his full name and I almost always use an idols full name in any situation. I mean “JinJin” is adorable obviously, but “Jinwoo” makes me real soft. And he’s a smiley puppy and I can think about his smile anytime and it will automatically make me feel a million times better.
Eunwoo: Prince Dongmin
Again with the full/real name. And “prince” because not only is he very princely in appearance, he also has, in my opinion, some of the most important qualities a prince should have. I’m all about appreciating him for more than just his face!
Moonbin: Binnie Bug
So I have this thing where I only call specific people “bug”. Like it’s not a nickname I use lightly, it’s special to me for a reason that I’m not even able to describe. Binnie just happens to be one of those specific people. And my favorite name to call him is “Binnie” because it sounds cuddly and cute and I call him “Bin” or “Moonbin” when he’s being rude 😂
Rocky: Dancing Minhyuk
Real name again 👍 and he’s extraordinary at dancing. Nothing exciting about this tag, honestly. It doesn’t mean I love him any less!!! I would protect him with my life.
Sanha: Bbu Bbu Sanha
Sanha is captain of Astro’s boat. 👌 And he’s beyond adorable when he says “bbu bbu” so every time I tag it it makes me giggle and smile because I think about how cute he is and how much I wanna pinch his cheeks urghhhhhh I love him.
Mark: Quiet Sparkle
Mark can sometimes be super quiet and reserved and I really like that side of him. I mean I love his weird loud side too but something about quiet Mark is oddly soothing to me. And to me, he literally sparkles at any given moment.
Jaebeom: Jaememe
I genuinely think it’s impossible for him to avoid being a living, breathing, walking meme and I love it so much.
Jinyoung: Heavenly Jinyoung
Another pretty generic one. He’s just straight up heavenly. In all the way omg (he’s such a great bias wrecker 😩 aghhhh save me from himmmm).
Jackson: Wang Puppy
A given. A typical nickname of his but I just think it’s so cute and accurate. I like to think he’s mainly cute and adorable considering I qualify him as my best friend and most people want to avoid falling in love with their best friend, but I will admit that he messes with my head sometimes and thus, the tag is far from accurate in those cases…
Youngjae: Happy Sunshine
The light of my life (well one of them. MJ and Yeonjun and Youngjae are all one giant sunshine of my life). And happy is my favorite look on him. Excuse me while my heart flutters because I love him so much.
Bambam: Damn Bambam
I actually say this multiple times a day. And more than just for when he’s doing something ridiculously attractive. Sometimes it’s “damn Bambam, why are you so cute and dumb?” other times it’s “damn, Bambam is the best meme.” just to name a few 😂
Yugyeom: Brownie
I know this is also a common nickname for him, although I think people spell it Browny, but for some weird reason, when I first got into Got7, I don’t remember exactly what Yugyeom did, but it made me think of a cosmic brownie, ya know the little debbie snacks, and that’s what was in my brain when I thought up a tag for him 😂
Yeonjun: Baby Sunshine
He’s the baby out of my three sunshines, the other two as previously stated being MJ and Youngjae. He seriously makes me giddy with happiness and, like I said before, he lights up my life and makes it better.
Soobin: Cucumber Watermelon
I read somewhere when they first debuted that he has a nickname of “cucumber” because he’s tall and I thought it was cute and went with it. The “watermelon” part is because one of my favorite outfits he’s ever worn reminded me of a watermelon. I shall include a photo to illustrate my point, but also because he’s adorable.
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Beomgyu: Fluffy Sparkle
Because he’s fluffy and cuddly and cute and squishy and I just wanna squeeze him. Plus fluffy hair on him is my favorite. And he’s another natural born sparkler. Idk how he and Mark do it!
Taehyun: Doe Eyes
They were the first thing I noticed about him. They always look so gentle. Even if he’s bursting with happiness and laughing away, his eyes are still so sweetly soft. I love them.
Hueningkai: Dollbaby
I took one look at this boys face and thought he was an absolute doll. That perfect porcelain skin and those defined petite features, he’s just beautiful and a lot of the time he doesn’t even look real to me.
Monsta X
Shownu: Baby Nunu Boulder
I too laugh at this on a regular basis lmao. He seriously has such a baby face though. Like it’s so cute and his eyes when he laughs I just *squeals into a pillow* “Nunu” because it’s a nickname of his and “boulder” because he’s, well, very large 😂
Wonho: Sin Axolotl
I explained this recently but I’ll just say it again since I’m on a roll lmao. He’s, a lot of the time, sinful to look at. But he’s also basically the cutest living being. And if he was an animal, I know everyone says bunny which I totally agree with, but in my brain, he’s an axolotl. I made a post about it a while back with photos side by side and, quite frankly, I cried a little about how cute I find the comparison to be. Maybe I’ll look for it, and cry again, and repost it.
Minhyuk: Soft Angel Face
I don’t mean this in a negative way so I’m not really sure how to word this without it sounding that way, but 95% of the time, I’m not wildly attracted to Minnie. It’s not that I don’t find him attractive at all, it’s just he’s more often than not extraordinarily adorable and pretty to me. There’s still that 5% of the time where he messes with my head but for the most part, he’s very soft and sweet and angelic looking to me.
Kihyun: Hamster Clam
This is one of my personal favorites 😂 This is the one I think about at 3 AM and laugh about. He’s compared to a hamster all the time and I love it so much and think it’s so accurate. But the clam part *starts laughing again* There’s this moment in some interview of MX’s, I have no idea what it was since I’ve never seen the full thing, just this clip that’s permanently ingrained in my mind, but Kihyun says something about like clam chowder or something and than Changkyun takes the mic and says “You look like a clam. Sorry.” It makes me laugh randomly and that’s why I chose it. Every Monbebe knows about that clip I’m sure. I’m still relatively new here so I don’t know everything and feel like I have to explain what I do know lmao
Hyungwon: Anime Prince
He’s so princely to me. Like he just looks regal. Don’t get me wrong, he’s a complete dork, but he looks very princely in my opinion. And to me, and probably other people, he looks like he just stepped out of an anime at any given moment of any given day. As an anime and manga lover, it makes me feel some type o’ way.
Jooheon: Joobee
Obviously known as JooHoney, I wanted to go off the beaten path and this is what my brain came up with. It’s not very creative, I’m aware of that. But I think it sounds really adorable and it fits him and I’d probably call him that if I knew him irl too.
Changkyun: Crisis Causing Boy
Curse this boy, I swear. He messes with me sooooo much. One minute he’s squishy and so so cute and I just wanna cuddle with him. The next minute he’s *string of curse words*. A demon. A demon, I tell you. He has caused me to have more crises than I can count so that’s why his tag is what it is.
As for tags for members of other groups I don’t stan yet, I only have one because I couldn’t pass up the opportunity when it presented itself in my brain. Also, I consider Ateez to be one of the groups I stan but I don’t have tags for them other than their names yet. Anyway, the one I have a tag for.
Woozi: Oojigoojigoo
I both hate myself for this and am impressed that I’m crazy enough to think of this. I just had to find out that his name is pronounced “oo-ji” and not phonetically. My exact thoughts when I discovered this are as follows: *gasp* “Ooji.” *has epiphany* *another gasp* “A baby.” *fawns over his cuteness* “Ooji - gooji - goo!” *is ashamed* “I’m a disgrace. I am the scum of the earth. I’m a genius!”
So yeah, I wrote a fucking novel I’m sorry 😂 You probably didn’t want all of this information. But now everyone knows my secrets…..? Are they secrets? Not really. Anyway, I’m sorry this is the longest post ever but I hope you at least find something of this entertaining or cute or any positive emotion really. And thank you so much for asking. I love exposing my horrible mind and terrible sense of humor to the world.
No seriously thank you. I’ve got questions about my tags before so I’m glad people are at least somewhat interested in them and what they mean/where they came from. I might update this is I think of more tags for the groups I get into in the future. This was fun. For fucks sake, I need to shut up, I’m so sorry.
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sweetdreamer90 · 7 years
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GOT7 seem to be fans of Dragon Ball Z 😉
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Hey how’s life. Just curious on how u doing? Spinning top... thoughts? -🍕
Not bad. I have a pretty horrific headache today but such is life.
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^tis how I feel about Spinning Top^ flustered, super fking excited, and a little dizzy. Also makes me think of Inception so I'm super hype 👍
Thank you for asking and being concerned about me, I love you ❤️❤️❤️
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1-7 for got7!!!
Kendrey!!!! How are you sweetheart!? ☺️❤️ Thank you for asking hehe
Got7: Bambam
1. The moment you realized they are your bias
Oh goodness, I was watching crack videos, as I do all the time lmao, and I don't remember anything in specific making me know he was my bias, he kinda snuck up on me tbh 😂, but I'm pretty sure there was a compilation of dirty/suggestive things he's said and I love me some dirty humor and I thought "This guy knows what's up" 👌🏻😂 I also remember seeing him in the striped shirt and red hat and his dumb chicken legs dancing like an idiot and singing so horribly and thinking "Wow, he's really irritating and weird, I love him." 😂 So yeah I guess it wasn't any moment in particular, he just was too weird for me to resist lmao
2. Are they your ultimate bias?
He isn't but believe me when I say he is so incredibly special to me. Got7 was the second KPop group I fell in love with so he will always be special to me in a way that no one else will. He may not be my ult but I would do anything for him ❤️
3. Have there been others before them?
Yes, actually! If we're talking technicality, my first ever bias is Astro's Moonbin, but if we're talking Got7, Jackson had my heart first ☺️ He was adorable and his sense of humor was, and still is, one of the best I've ever come across. I learned everything about him first and then actually got into the group and that's when everything changed. I realized that Jackson and I would be the best of friends and annoy the crap out of everyone and have movie nights and always spending time together and laughing like crazy. So yeah he went from my bias to my best friend and I'm really happy about that! I love him in such a unique way hehe ❤️
4. Who threatens their title? Who is your bias wrecker?
So I have a weird bias line in most groups I stan and Got7 is no exception lmao I have two bias wreckers and a husband 😂 that is an effed up sentence. So I consider Youngjae to be my husband haha. He's the one I could actually see myself being with forever, like his personality and everything would mesh with mine I think and he's just full of qualities that I actually look for in a significant other. My wreckers are Mark and Jinyoung. And believe me, they are really good at threatening his title 😩
5. First impression of them
As mentioned above, 'Dear god, he is so irritating and weird. I love him.' I think I called him a chicken-legged crackhead or some variation of that 😂
6. The sweetest thing they have done
He genuinely has such a kind heart and it makes my heart swell with pride all the time. Whenever he gets emotional over how much he loves the members or how he doesn't feel like he's enough for us Ahgases, that's the sweetest thing to me. To see how much love he has and wants to share it with everyone, that makes me so proud to say he's my bias ❤️
7. A moment that made you cry
Oh gosh, there's a lot because he's made me super emotional from the beginning. But really anytime he cries, which admittedly isn't all that often, I cry too. And seeing him on his solo tour this year made me overwhelmingly proud and I'm pretty sure I cried about it a few times.
Yay, this was fun! I love talking about my babies, it makes me so happy ☺️ here, have a sweet boy to end this long post, and thank you again for asking, babe! ❤️
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sweetdreamer90 · 7 years
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GOT7 being GOT7
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Jaebum, shownu, Jinjin. But let’s be real Got7 more like hot7
Exactly why my tag for Got7 is "hot7/dork7" 😂
JinJin, Jaebeom, Shownu. They're all so beautiful though 😭
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Featuring gifs of my favorite JinJin look ever, memebum, and fluffy cute Nunu. *cries over cute*
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How long ago did u fall into the Kpop whole? And the first three bands that hooked you? My ahgase ass needs to know!
Mid- January 2019. I am BABY lol.
First it was Astro, so those boys will always be my everything since they're what got me into KPop.
Second was GOT7. Them came in and quite literally swept me off my feet and knocked me on my ass. I was toast 😂
I hope I satisfied your curiosity ❤️❤️❤️
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Can I send two groups? I'll send two groups😂 💖 Got7 and Monsta x ♥
You're always welcome to send in as many as you want! ❤️
KPop Group Who I Find Most Attractive
- Got7
I'm gonna break this down because I find each of them attractive for different reasons.
Most attractive voice - Jinyoung hands down. His voice...does things to me 😂
Most sexually attractive - Bambam, my bias, for obvious reasons 🤭
Most attractive husband vibes - Youngjae. I would marry this man in a heartbeat. He's my ideal type, I've figured out.
- Monsta X
This is like pure torture because they're all so attractive it's unreal. And my attraction changes on a daily basis.
So it's an exact tie between Hyungwon and Changkyun right now. With a sprinkling of Wonho because I'm a whore 😂
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I enjoy Astro, got7 and Monsta X. But my views on them are like SO DIFFERENT. Like Astro is just CUTE! All around adorable Then got7 is like they FINE! But then Monsta X is like CAUTION THEY ARE SO HOT U WILL GET BURNED LOOKING AT THEM! then the DUALITY Jooheon, cutest guy alive then BOOM FIERCE FT. Dimples Shownu is like so fluffy bear material then BOOM DADDY MATERIAL FT. SHOULDERS wonho is cute when he smiles but he can just take his shirt off and BOOM SEXY SEXY SEEEEXXXYY
*holds onto a wall to keep from falling over* yes. Just yes. I will read anything most of the time, tbh, but my views for each group are drastically different! I feel exactly the same way you do! Astro smut is usually a pretty hard no from me, it really depends on the member it's focused on and the scenario, but Astro fluff is my favorite thing ever. Got7 I'll usually read anything, also depending on the members. Some are more suited to fluff in my mind and others more to smut. I feel like angst is usually universal though. And Monsta X! You'll always catch me with the hardcore smut 😂 Don't get me wrong, I'm here for the fluff too, but MX smut is where it's at!
Thank you, cute anon! Sorry I rambled 🤭
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