#hotel wifi fucking sucks everything is so slow
l48yr1nth · 7 months
finally opened my laptop to check ,, OVER 70 REQUESTS IN THE ASKBOX. so many. so many..
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princessofsass19 · 7 years
Heart To Heart: Chapter One
I was lying in my bed, being a closeted Little wasn’t the best thing in the world. I didn’t have a caregiver after I got out of the psych ward. I felt so alone, maybe I should get back into group chats on Kik again? I unlocked my phone, pressed the icon.
Let’s see…, there is so many choices…, I’ll try a few.
Now I play the waiting game, I patiently waited for the responses, I joined a few groups, some just wanted me to be their sex toy. Nothing new with that, I blocked the bad ones and stayed with two groups. Sent a live picture of me to the admin’s and was accepted into the groups. I started texting the groups when I had time and felt like almost a family. Time had passed.
I was texting James, saying I was packing for a trip for christmas break. I packed clothes and items for entertainment into my large suitcase. I’m regretting the long six hour drive, My sister and I put all our things in the van, driving towards Grande Prairie which was technically an hour and a half drive but because of how slow grandma’s van is, it felt like we took longer. We then met up with my father and step mother and started on our way towards Edmonton, we were stopped in a small town called Fox Creek, my phone vibrated in my pocket just before getting to this small town.
“Hello, mother” I answered.
“Are you guys listening to the radio?” Mom asked.
“No, why?” I replied.
“There is a huge car pile up up ahead” Mom informed me.
I groaned in response and informed my father and step mother, Dad then stopped at Best Western, grabbing our things and going into our hotel room. The bed felt like I was on a fluffy cloud, by the time dad came back, he was carrying A&W, I had wifi and was talking to the group. I jammed the pills down my throat including the new ones. I had then passed out on the bed next to my younger sister. All of us wake up at seven am despite our pleads and complaints to stay in the comfy beds and my tired eyes. I snarled at everyone and jammed all our stuff in the small car, both me and my younger sister instantly passed out in the car in uncomfortable positions until we reached Edmonton which is where James lived.  Putting all my things away, I noticed that I was missing my purse.
“Where the fuck is it?” I growled, my sister and family tried helping but I only gave them a snarl in response. The new pills were known to give me extreme mood swings so I knew I had to stop the new pills that were already fucking up my body. I thought back to where I’ve been before, I didn’t take it out at the hotel so it wasn’t there, what about…, oh shit. It’s at the Tim Hortons in Valley View and that’s over 4 hours away. I felt my anger boil up in my chest, spread out my entire body.
Did you find it?
No, it’s back at Tim’s Hortons in Valley View
Oh no! What are you going to do?
I’m gonna call the Tim’s in Valley View
I pressed the home button on my phone, then pressed the google icon, pressing on the search and texting in Valley View Tim's Hortons, finding the phone number on the first link, pressing the phone number and it brings me straight to my call icon. I press the call button and wait for a staff member to answer.
“Hello, this is Tim’s Hortons. How may I help you?” She asked.
“Hi, my name is Jordyn Schock, I left my purse there yesterday. I was wondering if anyone has picked it up?” I asked with a bit of strain in my voice.
“Let me check” She replied before coming back.
“What does it look like?” She asked.
“Brown leather and there’s a black leather wallet with a TD bank card, my high school card and medical card with my keys in the back pocket” I answered.
“Yeah, is there money?” She asked.
“Yeah, around fifty dollars” I answered.
“Yep, everything is here. I’ll put it in the safe until you come and get it, okay?” She asked.
“That’d be great, thank you so much” I replied, hanging up.
So how did it go?
They are keeping it in a safe for when I come for it.
Yeah, this fucking sucks
I turned my phone off before placing it in my pocket.
“I know where it is now!” I yelled.
“Where is it?” Nancy yelled.
“Back at Valley View!” I raised my voice.
“So what now?” Dad asked.
“I’ll just pick it up when we get there” I replied.
“Okay then” Dad replied.
I laid on my couch listening to music and letting my frustration get to my head, my face was flushed a dark pink due to my emotions. Nancy began teasing me and baby talking to the small pom that she treated more like a baby more than anything. I groaned and rolled my eyes before walking up the stairs and collapsing on the bed.
“Could you stop?” Loganne asked.
“Fuck off, slut” I moaned against the pillow. Loganne and I kept yelling insults at each other till I threw a pillow at her face. I press the home button, clicked in the password, pressed the Kik icon before clicking on James messages and the rest of the day was relaxing as tomorrow was christmas day. I smiled as I told James I was going to sleep.
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