heroesofthewindwaker · 11 months
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This chapter only took me 3 months. This Is Fine.
Once again, not too proud of this one but I'm glad I got it finished! Shoutout to my art browser for hearing my cries and 1) Adding a text option and 2) Making more brushes available for free. I also tried a new shading method because the old one felt a bit too... How do I say- muddy? For me. Feel free to drop feedback on the shading method you prefer.
Again, sorry for disappearing but I am now in (UK) college and while I am in fewer days a week, I decided to do a film course. Which. Yeah, that's stressful. Fun, but very stressful. Also, it's been a year since the first page of this comic. Wild to think that we're not even on the first story arc, but that may be a while yet lmao
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<Previous Next>
I honestly hate this update but its actually just. Not worth having to redo it at this point.
Also, important notice! The next update may be a lot longer to come out as I want to jump ship to a different art program! This means I have to learn it all and that might take a while. However, I believe it will make my life easier overall because the current site I use is mediocre at best and also the one I wanna jump to has text options. You can finally read the dialogue because it won't be badly written out.
Probably the last translation you will have to read:
Warriors: Cook? What's the meaning of this?
Wild: I'm sorry, sir, but you both need to come and see this! Quickly! There's a stranger on board!
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Stowed Away
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<Previous Next>
Ah, so that's why Time wasn't in Cast Off.
Transcript because my handwriting is mediocre:
WILD: I'll go get the captain!
LEGEND: It's quite funny when you think about it, you know?
LEGEND: Less than two days in, and yet... we've already found a stowaway.
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Cast Off - part 2
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<Previous Next> Transcript:
Warriors: I hate to admit that I doubted this many people would show up. I thought for sure a few of you would turn tail... Regardless, it's a pleasure to see you all here. Sky: So, that's the captain, right? He never mentioned anything during my recruitment... Four: (shrugs) Warriors: I doubt we'll get any further arrivals at this time, so without further pause, allow me to introduce your captain for the foreseeable future; Captain Link Strand.
Wind (thought): Well, I can't that this is what I expected... Wind: I think we can make this work.
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Cast Off - part 1
Edit: I fixed the quality issue but it comes at the cost of having to physically write out the text and draw each text bubble. A small price to pay to be comprehensible.
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Transcript in case you can't read something:
Sky: Another one? Legend: How many could there possibly be? Twilight: I'm... here for the Wind Waker? Am I in the right place? Hyrule: Yep! Right place! (Ooo, nice tattoos) Wild: Alright, spill it! What's your role and name? Twilight: Well, I'm the new quartermaster, Twilight: And my name is Link. ... Four: ...Link? Twilight: Yes? Legend: How does this even happen?! Twilight: ...Someone please explain? Wild: Well... Hi, Link, I'm Link! I'm the assigned cook! That's Link! He's the navigation! This is also Link! He's the medic. Then we have Link, the lookout. And finally, Link! He's the cooper. Twilight: ... Are we all named Link?! Four: Unfortunately.
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Heroes of the Wind Waker Masterpost
Comic Progress Tracker
Next Update Name: Command
Scripted: ✔️ Sketched: ✔️ Lined: ✔️ Colored: ✔️ Shaded: ✔️ Edited (BG, text, etc): ✔️
Notes, Doodles and References
Main Character References Sky in the Crow's Nest
Comic Storyline Beginning
Cast Off (Part 1) Cast Off (Part 2) Stowed Away Alert
Tag Shortcuts
'hero's voyage' = The main plotline of the AU 'cawing from the crow's nest' = Out of character/Irl-related posts which will probably just be me screaming about something that happened in my daily life, ngl.
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Character References
The references for the upcoming comic and au as a whole!
Feel free to send in asks - whether they're directed at the characters or me! Please note that not all asks will be answered, as they may be considered potential spoilers to the upcoming comic.
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Link Cato - "Legend" - Navigation and Steering - 21 > Pessimistic > Paranoid > Experienced to a certain degree > Knows a lot about myths and legends
Link Faron - "Hyrule" - Medic - 18 > Optimist > Clumsy at times > Dabbles in magic and curses > Inexperienced, but ready for anything!
Link Skyloft - "Sky" - Look-out - 19 > Laid back > Mediator > Typically found on the crow's nest, asleep > Feels a little out of place, thinks he's had it really easy and feels bad for it
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Link Smith - "Four" - Cooper + general boat maintenance - 16 > Everyone's friend > Tinkerer > Practical > Travel sized, yet one of the bravest (very ride or die) Link Hogan - "Warriors" - Gunner (unofficial first mate) - 26 > Good under pressure > Has a gun, treats it as a last resort > Gets seasick quite easily > Ex-navy, was disgraced for helping a pirate and is now considered a criminal
Link Lykos - "Twilight" - Quartermaster - 22 - Strong as hell - Determined to big brother every single one of the crew - In charge of supplies and supply runs - Looks like he could kill you, an absolute sweetheart
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Link Cooke - "Wild" - Cook - 17 > Impulsive > Can't remember anything before he was 16 > Is no longer allowed to accept dares for Certain Reasons > Weirdly competent on a boat - he didn't think he'd be this good in a crew.
Link Strand - "Wind" - Captain - 14 > Decisive > Often underestimated by others > Upbeat and positive, but can be downright terrifying if the situation calls for it > Arguably the most experienced in the crew, born and raised in piracy
Link Tree-Lon - "Time" - 'Cabin Boy' (No assigned role) - 32 > Helps where he can > Very socially awkward > Typically does the odd jobs on the ship (errands at port, swabbing, etc) > Only really speaks when spoken to - stays out of the way
Designs are subject to change as the comic and storyline progress.
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Bruh I haven't updated in so long I forgot how I draw half of these characters
If they look weird in the new update this is why Whoops
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Happy (Official) Birthday, HotWW
Today marks the one-year anniversary since I started planning the official plotline for the au which I count as the official birthday. I have done so little for this au, it's insane, even the last updates only BARELY scratch the surface of the plotline. I have forsaken myself. Also, I am working on the next update I promise, but I made the very terrible decision to start working on this as my final exams are happening so... 10/10, self, absolutely wonderful decision making skills
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Every time I draw these guys they look different this is rough
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Sleepy Sky in the crow's nest
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