summocrap · 11 months
This is something I've always wondered but how tall do you think Lil' Salomon is?
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Special Quest: The Family
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Here we are, dear family.
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Yes, thank you for bringing us here, Mother.
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Hey, don't forget, I helped, too.
Lupin: I know, Gramps.
You came here with Hecate, Balor, Hermes, Tezcatlipoca, and Xolotl. coming here, you feel that there can be only one thing you can call this... Family time.
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So, what shall we do here today? Perhaps go for a run around the town.
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I'm a pretty fast runner myself. But can I really out run you? I was told back in your homeworld, you were practically the god of speed.
Hermes: And I'm still am.
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Settle down, you two. This is suppose to be family time. A chance for all of use to have a nice quiet day together.
Xolotl: Sorry.
Hecate: I actually had Kurogane set up someplace for us. Come, I'll show you.
You all follow Hecate to where she was talking about.
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Balor: (a bit surprised) My, Hecate, you've out done yourself.
Hermes: It's almost like being back in Olympus. I can even sense the vibrations.
Hecate: I even had him add a lake. We can have a small picnic, go fishing, or just go for a swim.
Lupin: This is wonderful of you, Mother.
Hecate: Thank you, Lupin. Now, let's enjoy the day.
You notice Xolotl was looking a bit down.
Lupin: Is something wrong Xolotl?
Xolotl: I'm fine. It's nice that I can spend time with mi hermanos, you and Tezcatlipoca. But... (looking down again)
Lupin: You were hoping Hakumen would come along, too.
Xolotl: Believe me, she wanted to come, too, when she heard you were coming. But, something came up with our Guild that required her urgent attention.
Tezcatlipoca: Maybe next time.
Xolotl: (happy) I'm sure.
Hecate: Just as long as she behaves herself. Remember what happened last time.
Xolotl: Si, Mama Hecate.
Balor: So, how about we go for a swim? I've asked the local fairies to cook up something for lunch.
Hermes: Isn't it dangerous to eat something offered by fairies? And we know that as a World Representative, you're after Lupin.
Balor: (laughing) Hermes, dear boy, this is a virtual world, not Tir na Nog. I think you'll be safe.
Tezcatlipoca: Besides, you forget that I'm also a world Representative and is after the one you call "Lugh". But he'll always be Quetzalcoatl to us. So please, let's try to play fair.
Balor: Very well.
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That was great, Balor!
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Way to go, Gramps! Xolotl, wanna go in with me?
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S- Sure, hermano.
You and Xolotl jump into the lake.
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That was great... Now, it's my turn.
Hermes flew high in the air. When he was high enough, he dove right in and made huge splash.
Lupin: Wow! Now that was big, Papa Hermes.
Hermes: Thank you.
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(sighs, looking up from her manga) Boys will be boys. Still, I'm glad they are having fun.
Hermes: Say, let's see how long we can hold our breath under water.
Lupin: Okay, let's do it.
You, Hermes, Balor, Tezcatlipoca, and Xolotl all go under water to see how long you can stay under... Sadly, you were the first to get up. Xolotl was next. Then Balor. Then Tezcatlipoca. Hermes was the last one to get up and he won.
Hermes: I win.
Tezcatlipoca: I could have stayed under longer. But my wings kept pulling me back up.
Xolotl: Why not just go to your mini form?
Tezcatlipoca: I don't want to take a chance some big current would carry me away. Best to stay in this form.
Suddenly, a fairy comes to you and announces that lunch is served.
Back up in the ruins, you all sit around and enjoy the meal.
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(enjoy the food) My, Balor, your fairies really know how to cook.
Balor: Thank you, Hecate. That's how well they serve me. How they serve us.
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I must say, Balor, this is an excellent feast.
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Yeah. You even go John Barleycorn cake here.
Balor: (happy) I knew it was your favorite. I hope you enjoy it.
Lupin: I will. Thanks, Gramps.
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I can see why. This cake's the best. You've got to give me the recipe so I can make it for Lady Hakumen sometime.
Balor: (laughing) Sorry, boyo, but this is my special recipe for Lugh, and only Lugh.
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(whispering) Don't worry, I'll see if I can sneak into his cell and see if he wrote it down.
Balor: I heard that. Don't bother. I have all memorized up here. (taps his head)
Hermes: Oh, you'd be surprised about where I can get to.
You all laugh at how much fun you're having... You are almost on the verge of tears.
Hecate: What's the matter, Eurynome. You look like you're about to cry.
Lupin: I'm... I'm sorry. But having us all together like this. It just makes me so happy. We really are a family in this moment.
Tezcatlipoca: We're happy to hear that, Quetzalcoatl. Though some of us come from different worlds and different Guilds, we all have one thing in common... How much we love you.
Balor: I bet even Babalon and her family would be jealous.
Lupin: Let's not make fun of them. Thanks to Wakan, I remember I was once a member of their family. But when a new Game began, it was time to find a new one. I found the Summoners... And I found all of you.
Hecate: We know.
Lupin: ... I wonder if we should have invited them to come. They probably would have loved this, too. Maybe next time.
Hecate: Just as long as you keep Surtr out of the water. I don't think he would like it.
You all laugh while enjoying your time together.
Just before you knew it, it was time to leave. You all leave the beautiful setting that you and your family were just in. You all knew in your hearts that you would all return there someday.
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loupmoune · 2 years
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Why these three? According to the wiki, Maria Like Xolotl while Xolotl likes Garmr, but Garmr doesn't like anyone. Maria  tysondragon © Lifewonders Tokyo Afterschool Summoners Xolotl and Garmr siba81715928
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dorokora · 2 months
Imagine if Lw add Dionysus to Housmao but he looks a lot like Dionys.
I mean I guess you could say they already did something like that with Bacchus (who in myth is the Roman version of Dionysus) plus Prince Dionys is related to Bacchus
But if we do get an actual Dionysus they might as just make him look exactly like Prince Dionys (but older) and just say this is Dionys from a alternate timeline/future like in the second collaboration event
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kairunatic · 2 years
The new hakkenshi Nobumichi full body image has just been revealed
Saw this on Housmao FB group page
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danieyells · 1 year
Random, but you did great writing, in my opinion. Just from the bit of Housmao work you did, I think your old askblog confessional and that old spicy bit of Gabriel work is great.
🥹 thank you, anon!! I'd like to write more but. I don't have the right environment or any ideas atm, really. I'd like to resume Azazel's blog too, but I can't do it without my laptop so. . . eventually maybe I'll pick it up again hahaha.
I'm super out of practice but hopefully I'll be able to write again eventually, one way or another. It may not be as good as it used to be, but I'll get back there. Thank you again!!! I'm glad you could enjoy some of my work!!!
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smoltamaraw · 3 years
Hello, I'm sorry if I wasn't able to complete the suggestions I have received on my "pinned post" as of now. I'm currently busy with College and Training. 🙇 I do hope to get through some of them when I'm more free. Thank you for understanding 💚
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summocrap · 1 year
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pof203 · 1 year
A Summoner Birthday
Previous post: https://pof203.tumblr.com/post/727506377780625409/a-summoner-birthday
Story (Chapter 12 Part 4 (After Battle Part 1))
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After a long and vigorous battle, you finally manage to defeat the Fisher King and his angels.
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You have done it. You have given this story the happy ending that it needed. I am sorry. I have caused you so much trouble.
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It's not your fault. You were just having a bad dream. But we woke you up. Now there's nothing ahead of you except a brand new day.
The Fisher King: I know. Thank you, all.
Even though this Fisher King is actually a glitch, it still behaves like an Exception. And like all Exceptions, it can only disappears when a hierarchy is established. The Fisher King lowers his hand to you... You kiss it. Then, the Fisher King was gone. Suddenly, the stone that your sword raises to show... a computer terminal.
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There it is. Kurogane, are you ready on your end?
Kurogane's Voice: I'm ready, Boogeyman.
Boogeyman goes to the terminal. He types a few things and finally hits enter. When he does, everything goes dark for a about a minute. Then... It becomes light again.
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Computer Voice: System Reboot: COMPLETE. All Real World Access: RESTORED.
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WE DID IT! We can leave the virtual world now!
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Well done, everyone. We worked together and we accomplished our goals.
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Yeah. Now we can go home. I can't wait to get to-
Shiro: (sternly) Kengo!
Kengo: (surprised) Oops! Almost spoiled it.
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Spoiled what?
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You will know soon enough. Now, let us be off.
With that, Toji, the rest of your Guild, and all your friends disappear, returning to the real world... Except for you, Wakan Tanka, Oniwaka, Taurus Mask, and Zabaniyya.
Boogeyman: Aren't you coming?
Lupin: We'll be out a little later.
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Yes, you go on, My Boogeyman.
Boogeyman: Alright. But don't stay too long. We don't want anyone to worry.
Boogeyman returns to the terminal... Yet, he stays a little longer to hear.
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What is it, Lupin? Is something wrong?
Lupin: It's about what I said... I really meant it when I said you can join the Summoners. Having you guys around will make everyone so happy. Me, especially. I love you all. I know the App says I can only love one person back at a time, but I don't care. I love you all. All those times you went away, I was scared. My Wakan, when you became a World Representative, I felt like something inside me just falling silent. Almost like I couldn't believe it.
Wakan Tanka: (looking down, but hopeful) I know. I'm sorry I scared you. You must have been really unhappy.
Lupin: The same with you, Zabaniyya. When I first laid eyes on Israfil, I was worried that you might be gone and might never come back. When will we ever find another angel like you?
Zabaniyya: I'm sure there are plenty of others, but I'm glad to hear that from you.
Lupin: Oniwaka, when you disappeared after what happened with that Exception at the Berserkers' Arena, I was afraid you went to place I couldn't reach you. But it was a relief when I met you on the mountains with Zao.
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To be honest, I was afraid myself. Because I just met you and I already liked you. I didn't show it then because my loyalty to my Guild. But after what happened on the mountains, I now know how important you are to me.
Lupin: Taurus Mask, Daisuke, when we met again and you didn't remember me because of what Alice did to your memories, I actually felt pain in my chest. I was sure you didn't care about me.
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But in time, I did remember you. You're my soul brother, no matter what a little girl and her magical stuffed rabbit say. You will always be in my heart and that will never change. And if you love me more than a brother... It just makes my heart glow.
Wakan Tanka: The other me is happy, too. Happy that you love us no matter what happens.
Zabaniyya: So dose Israfil. Maybe the next song he composes will ensure that even after the end, love will live on.
Lupin: Thank you, all. I... (begins tearing up) I love you.
All of Them: And we love you.
You go to Wakan Tanka and your lips meet. You feel a great energy as this mean you are kiss his other self, as well. Then, you go to Oniwaka and you kiss on the lips as well. You feel how strong he is, not from being an ogre, but from being him. You move on to Daisuke and your lips also lock in. You can tell just how passionate he is about all of this. Finally, you go to Zabaniyya and you also land your lips on his. You can feel how hot they are. Then, they turned wet as the angel inside him is also sharing this kiss. Then, the four people you love kiss each other to show that the love they they have for you, they also have for each other.
From the terminal, Boogeyman was watching. He remembers that you and him used to date. But you broke up because Boogeyman is a teacher and said you need to be with someone close to your age... But seeing this was giving him second thoughts.
He quickly logs off. Then, you, and the newest members of your Guild log off, as well.
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After finally returning to the real world, you look at Wakan Tanka who was once again in his World Rep. form. You were scared at first, but you remember that he can switch between this and his mortal form whenever he wishes. But for now, he is in this form as a formality to his Guild.
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Back in front of the safe house...
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I called them before we left. They should be ready now.
Lupin: Ready with what?
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Close your eyes and you will get a big surprise.
You cover your eyes as your friends guide you inside.
Ryota: Now you can open them.
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You were surprised to see the safe house so finely decorated for your birthday.
Shiro: Agyo, Gullinbursti, Inaba, Kijimuna, and R-19 stayed behind to decorate for the party when we came back.
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We were a little worried after Kurogane told us what happened. But we're glad you're alright.
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Same here. I'm pretty sure the last thing my partner wanted was to be trapped on his birthday.
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We're also glad that time does slow down for us in there. We shouldn't waste food.
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I'm more concerned that there's an Invader and an Entertainer here.
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What gives? You two better not start any trouble. This is party for our leader.
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Knock it off, you guys. Wakan Tanka is Lupin's boyfriend and Bigfoot is Wakan Tanka's friend. If they're here on the birthday boy's invitation, we should treat them like guests.
Tadatomo: I know. I'm just paranoid, I guess.
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(whisper) Nice act.
Tadatomo: (whisper back) Thanks.
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Now, without further a due, let us begin the celebration.
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He's right. This is party for my darling grandson. How about a game of tin-pin?
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I have been told a more traditional game for this sort of occasion would be... Pin the Tale on the Donkey.
Kengo: (unimpressed) It is... If this was a little kid's party.
NOTE: This After Battle has been cut to a Part due to hitting the 30 Image Limit. Part 2 will be posted soon. (I keep telling them, they have to remove the limit to make it so each post can have an infinite number of images.)
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dorokora · 2 years
Okay hear me out...Tokyo afterschool summoners themed mario party OR Housmao and Live a hero at the olympic games.
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kairunatic · 2 years
If somehow LW ever did make an anime about housamo how will they show each main story Ch like one ep per Ch seems a bit short
And also will they follow what was on the Game or will they chnage some parts of it, Take for example Magia record the anime has very huge difference to the game, Like The anime is supposed to be " What if" type of theme will LW also do the same with the housmao anime?
What do you guys think?
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summocrap · 2 years
Y’know that Simpsons episode where Homer officiated like 50 gay weddings? That’s the first thing Azazel did when he came to Tokyo.
Alp and Licho go to slam poetry nights
Babalon goes to Shinjuku’s PTA meetings just to gossip with Ziz and harass the other parents.
Yorimoto sucks at shogi and that’s why he only likes chess metaphors.
I don't remember that Simpsons Episode. I need to start watching that show again.
I once did slam poetry. It was fun.
"Ma'am, your kid doesn't even go to this school"
The idea of the most Japanese person in Housamo sucking at shogi is funny to Mr.
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summocrap · 1 year
christine is easily the scariest housamo character
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summocrap · 2 years
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summocrap · 2 years
More Character Chart Memes
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summocrap · 2 years
Uhhh...anyone got them translations?
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