#how a character who had his teeth removed via torture might be able to regain them
mikkeneko · 1 year
amusing myself with a little snippet of SVSSS lore that I may not ever end up using for fic purposes:
In the world of Proud Immortal Demon Way, there is a special kind of symbiotic barnacle that grows along rocky beaches, the Bone White Bleached Teeth Barnacle. Its shells are ivory-white and come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes that are all roughly that of humanoid teeth. With the right techniques, these barnacles can be harvested, shaped and coaxed into acting as tooth implants that are visually and functionally indistinguishable from the human (or demon’s) original teeth.
The reason the Bone White Bleached Teeth Barnacle exists is that Airplane Shooting Towards The Sky really, really liked a particular dramatic turn of phrase in a combat scene where a character would take a punch across the jaw, slowly turn their head to the side and dramatically spit broken teeth fragments onto the ground. In fact he liked it so much and reused this phrase so often that some fans actually made a spreadsheet of how many times it had occurred in the course of PIDW and determined that Luo Binghe had lost at minimum 17 teeth throughout the story.
Airplane argued that Luo Binghe, with his Heavenly Demon nature, can simply regrow teeth at need (as can any of his demon wives.) But there were enough instances where a human wife had teeth punched out and then showed up in a later chapter with a perfectly intact pearly-white smile that he eventually had to cave.
Three chapters after the spreadsheet was posted, Luo Binghe had a dramatic showdown with a storm demon on a beach where it was specifically noted that a colony of Bone White Bleached Teeth Barnacle grew. Noted anti-fan Peerless Cucumber initially pitched a fit about this blatant ass-covering, until someone else in the forum drew a fanart of the scene. The resultant panorama, with thousands and thousands of humanish teeth growing in profusion along the jagged rocks with the roiling dark clouds in the background, was so unsettling that even Peerless Cucumber admitted that it was pretty fucking metal, actually.
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