#how about a queue d'etat
dearkaelsman · 5 years
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by  りとる | pixiv
Whisking away Mrs. Elsman ;)
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pathofhouserules · 7 years
Deep Blue Kingdom Session 3: Battle With Basic p.475
Abbreviated session of Deep Blue Kingdom this time, and my first encounter with the gadgeteering rules. It doesn’t go smooth.
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Having now fended off the coup forces, the PC team is able to escape from Harhaven Harbor. Their sub, the Sima Yi, is home to themselves, a skeleton crew, and a number of fleeing civilians.
The first bit is a smaller scene for Alastar and Olwen, occurring later in the day. The two of them help make breakfast for Princess Fionnoula, and try to comfort her about all that's going on. It's somewhat successful. They also meet a Yean student, fleeing the coup d'etat forces due to their extreme hostility to her own country. That student, Reiho Song, was kind of an antagonist to Fionnoula during their time in school. Reiho gets along decently with Alastar, much less decently with Olwen, and offers to help around the sub with comms operation and the like. Alastar gets a message to her parents (and embassy) that she's safe moved up the ship's comm queue. Reiho's family, it turns out, has major ties to a large Yean defence contractor, which may or may not be relevant later.
The bulk of the session comes down to a strategy meeting, with the PCs, the sub's captain Cerys Gordon, and Fionnoula present. As Harhaven was a harbor on the Empire's Inland Sea, which is inland, they've got a long way to go and two broad options.
Flee like a normal sub underwater, pass the Alor Straits, and break into international waters
Use the ship's Tesla-Rosenkroft engine to fly, and flee between the foothills of the occidental mountains until they reach the arctic
Players have been informed OOC that both options will involve a boss fight. On the Alor Straits side, it's the most badass naval fort in the whole empire, the place where Alastar earned his Reputation + 4 Imperial Cross, and the obvious route out. On the northern route they will have to face the Strategic Missile Defence wing of the army, their very large tanks (for shooting down missiles), and the regular-sized tanks that ride around on them.
After some discussion, the players decide that if they can't get past the straits undetected (they can't), they might as well go the north route. It's also decided that for politics reasons (not wanting to look like traitors) they'll be avoiding the other major superpower on-planet. Instead the destination is Outremer, a northern, partially theocratic state with a love of ESPers; naturally, the players have taken to calling it 'Land Zeon'.
With that decided, the session kind of winds down. Everyone has a week and a half of downtime until the next big stuff, so Eoghan decides to do gadgeteering, and things grind to a screeching halt. Some examples of things that cropped up, with varying levels of incredulity:
The workshop needs how many dollars worth of tools?
How complex is complex? How average is average?
1d6 months!?
A prototype costs how much?
Skill levels for assistants need to be over 20?
Eoghan's planned invention is pictured at the top of the post; it's an interface for controlling mecha with brainwaves and without any sort of cyborg implants, as well as amplifying psi powers. Eventually I set it up as a Complex, TL 11^ invention, but on the lower end of price and time spent for such things. I let the Engineering (Psychotronics) roll default off of Engineering (mecha), as it is a mecha interface and I want to be generous, and let it use a shorter time ( ~10 days) for a prototyping phase, since that's the length of the timeskip we're dealing with and I want gadgeteering to be fun. I don't like having to fight books like this, but since I have so much control over what the result is, it seems fine to make the process more bearable by rampant fiat.
Next time we'll cover a few short side sessions that happened between then and me writing this post, and after that the battle in the arctic.
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dearkaelsman · 5 years
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