#how did Santana not hook up with her sooner
tuiyla · 2 years
What do you think brittana was like after the auditorium scene in 4x22, together and separately, during the rest of that day, what do you think was going through each of their minds etc etc
I was gonna say I swear I've covered post-4x22 but on a larger timescale not later that day so I appreciate this v much. Love me some 4x22 Brittana thoughts.
From Santana's pov I think it was a quiet "defeat" - because Brittany was going away and she looked at this as the true end of their relationship. Technically, Britt was going to be closer to where Santana is in New York but it's more of a symbolic distance than a physical one. Brittany going to MIT and now leaving Lima just as Santana did signifies the end of an era. As weird as this might sound, I think part of Santana felt like she also belonged at McKinley as long as Brittany was still there. Their breakup wasn't "official" and she kept going back whenever Finn asked with the not so lowkey goal of seeing Brittany. I guess they have the official breakup in Diva, if not sooner, but this is different. Brittany is ultimately choosing to embark on the MIT journey and so their paths diverge for real now. And Santana's happy for her, as the person who always believed in Britt and is there for her as a friend, but it must be a bittersweet feeling. I think this fits with the vibe we get from Santana at the start of season 5 and with Dani. She's come to terms with her and Britt being over (even though she will eventually jump back into a relationship with her) and this is the day she comes to that conclusion. As Santana helps Brittany up and they walk off together, it's a closing moment for both of them. Exit stage right.
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For Brittany, obviously her life is being uprooted. The world is suddenly full of possibilities for someone who'd been told over and over again she was too dumb to go anywhere. And she panicked, understandably so, but Santana served as her anchor through it and so Brittany took a deep breath and decided to take that step towards adulthood. I think her relationship with Santana was part of what she was thinking about and afraid of letting go, though not all of it. In that quiet, perfect scene, Brittany sits down just after she wins her final show choir competition and looks over the stage. That was it. More than halfway through her second senior year she's finally being forced to let go and the one person who eases her into it, who non-verbally tells her it's gonna be okay is the same one Brittany had sent on her way just a couple months back. I'd wager they both briefly reflected on that moment in Diva. It's a different feeling for Brittany, naturally, and she's more focused on the bigger picture than Santana whose only point of connection to this is Brittany herself.
I'm not sure how coherent that was but tl;dr I think it's a bittersweet moment for them and scary particularly for Brittany but they look at it as the end of something old but the beginning of something new. In that moment, they kind of accept defeat in terms of their romantic relationship but 4x22 is also a great ep to showcase that they'll always be best friends first and foremost. I hope that's the kind of thing you were looking for. Also I'm not against the idea that they hooked up before they both left Lima lol.
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honeysucklepink · 3 years
What if...? Glee edition
You know, I'm a Gleek through and through, and while the show had its faults, there's pretty much something I like about every episode, all the way through the final season. Even the newbies and the new newbies.
I see a pattern among folks discovering the show in the past couple of years binging it and not liking it as much after season four. And let's be real, it was weird after season three, when we did that weird split between New York and McKinley. And to be fair introducing new characters and trying to deeply incorporate them into the fold was awkward. What I'm saying is, what if Season Four was the final season, used to wrap everything up? Here's how I would have done it:
First, you would have to rework the last episode of Season Three with one simple change: Kurt and Rachel both get into NYADA.
Next, don't put the break-ups off until episode four. Do them quickly and painlessly in the first episode, before school even starts. No cheating, just a simple "long distance relationships don't really work." Work the couples back toward each other over the course of the season.
(They still hook up at Will and Emma's aborted wedding though)
Move "The New Rachel" to episode two. Forget most of the newbies, except Kitty (for a final round of "Sue tries to bring down the Glee Club" and keep her cartoonish) and Wade/Unique (and beef up her transition story), keep Sugar Motta and bring in Stoner Brett for more comic relief. Finn comes back sooner from the Army to teach the Glee Club.
Focus the McKinley side on our fivesome; Brittany, Sam, Blaine, Artie and Tina, plus the aforementioned Unique story.
Blaine still has an identity crisis when he sleeps with someone, which since he's already broken up with Kurt isn't actually cheating, but he still feels bad about it because it kinda feels "too soon" after the break up plus deep down he sorta hoped he could stay "pure" for Kurt.
No Grease (but Blaine still sings "Hopelessly Devoted" in his audition), we do Little Shop of Horrors instead. Sam is Seymour, Tina is Audrey, Unique is Audrey II, Artie is Mr. Mushnick. Blaine is still in his "villain" feelings so he decides to be Orin (come on, you still get Darren in leather pants, just singing "You'll Be a Dentist" instead).
And we still get the "Will he or won't he go back to Dalton" story with Nightbird.
You can still also have the Diva storyline. I mean honestly, Blaine/Tina/Brittany/Unique are really the new Rachel/Kurt/Santana/Mercedes rivalry-that-respects-each-other's-talent anyway.
Meanwhile...Santana never goes to Louisville. She's the one wandering the halls instead of Kurt, and Sue and Brittany push her to go to New York (so basically, the Blaine-and-Kurt/Imagine Dragons number goes to Brittana instead).
So we get Rachel, Kurt, AND Santana in New York way earlier, PLUS we move up Elliott and Dani and the Spotlight Diner, and the cover band. No Brody, but we still have Adam as a rebound for Kurt.
Sadie Hawkins is pushed back a bit and becomes the prom episode. Tina still gets slushied but by this point Kitty gets a redemption from just being a bitch (since there's no Marley she tricked into bulimia).
Blaine and Kurt get back together right after the wedding hookup.
New Directions lose Regionals fairly against Vocal Adrenaline (with Skylar Astin as their lead) in episode 20, graduation and Klaine proposal in episode 21 (making it clear they won't get married until after college).
Final episode is a flash-forward to FOUR YEARS LATER. Will and Finn take New Directions to Nationals in New York, Klaine wedding, Rachel gets Fanny Brice, gets her Tony for THAT, and comes home to Finn.
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
out of the old [santana lopez]
santana lopez x reader
requested: hi! i love your work! could you possibly do a santana x fem!reader where santana is in love w/ britt but she's refusing to break up w artie – so santana crawls over to the reader and sucks up to her and in a way uses her as a rebound but the reader has feelings for santana and doesn't wanna be used and brushes santana away until she realizes she does have feelings for the reader?
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*not my gif*
“I love you too Santana, but I also love Artie. And I can’t do that to him.” Brittany’s words echoing in Santana’s ear. She was currently driving to your house, knowing all about your huge crush on her. Knowing that you’ll cave into her pouty lips and big brown eyes.
She knocks on your front door, impatiently waiting for you to open it, “Santana? What’s up?” 
“Shh...don’t talk.” she says, placing a finger to your lips. Your eyes widening in the process.
Santana put her hands on your waist, pulling you out your front door and onto your porch. Mouth open in shock at the head cheerleader’s actions. 
You’re about to say something else, but she places her mouth onto yours. You didn’t kiss back at first, thinking this was just some weird fantasy, but as she continued kissing your mind finally caught up with reality. Tasting the lips you craved so much was a dream come true. 
But you couldn’t help, but let your mind wander about how this has happened. You thought that for sure she was in love with Brittany. 
As time went on the kiss grew more and more passionate. Her hands roaming your entire body. Nails digging into your back, scratching down it slowly.
“Are your parents home?” she asks, breaking apart from the kiss.
You shake your head, “No. They’re out of town.” 
“Well, what are we waiting for?” she says, a mischievous look in her eyes. 
After a couple months, the two of you have spent more and more time with each other as time went on. Santana never explained why she all of a sudden thought that it would be good idea to pursue a relationship with you. Well it wasn’t really a relationship...it was more of a casual relationship. No one else knew and it would be secret dates at your place which ultimately led to hooking up. 
You walked side by side with Santana, gazing at the brightly-illuminated screens in New York’s famous Time Square, admiring how far you and the New Directions have gotten. All around you, people were bussing around trying to get to work or tourists laughing, in awe of the city. 
Santana tugged on your hand, pointing towards the hot dog cart. You smiled at her, before ordering a hot dog for the two of you to share, “This is a huge hot dog!” 
“Please,” she told you with a scoff, “I’ve seen bigger.” 
You couldn’t help, but laugh at her comment. Before staring at her in awe as she smiled back at you. Her springy ponytail swayed back and forth as she moved. 
“What?” she asks, catching you staring at her.
You shake your head, “Nothing. You’re just beautiful.” 
This causes a smile to pop up onto her face. Looking around the area you were in, when she finally looked back at you she kissed you softly. But you couldn’t shake a feeling that something was off. The way she looked around like that, like she wasn’t proud to be seen with you.
But you kept that to yourself until you were at the hotel with your best friend Rachel. 
“Hey Rachel?” you asked as she was thinking of song lyrics. 
She finished writing her lyric before looking up at you, “Yes?” 
“Do you know why Santana and Brittany stopped talking? I thought she was so in love with her, but now they barely talk.” You tried to avoid the topic of her suddenly being super into you. 
Rachel leaned in onto the bed next to you. “From what I heard from Finn, who heard from Puck, who heard from Quinn, who heard from Mercedes, who heard from-” She was about to go on and on about the relaying gossip between the whole group. 
“Rach...” you draw out as you tried to get her to explain faster.
“Sorry. Well apparently, Santana expressed that she was in love with Brittany, but she refused to break-up with Artie. And I guess it caused a divide between them. Rumor has it, Santana went to someone else as a rebound type thing. Poor girl or guy,” she rambled, “Why?” 
Your face fell at what your best friend said, but you immediately covered it with a smile, “I was just wondering. But yeah poor whoever it is...how long ago was this?” 
“A couple months, I think. I’m surprised you didn’t hear about it sooner.” Rachel said, going back to brainstorm lyrics.
“Yeah...me too.” 
Later that night, Finn went on a date with Rachel leaving you all alone in your hotel room. Alone with your inescapable thoughts that are telling you that you’re that poor girl. Who fell in love with Santana Lopez and she was just using you this entire time. 
There was a knock on your door, that snapped you out of your terrifying thoughts. You trudged your way towards the door to see the one person you did not want to see the most. A big smile plastered on her face, “I heard your room was empty so I thought we could...ya know. Have some fun lady kisses.” 
“I’ll pass.” you said, sharply. You tried to close the door, but she pushed her hand out stopping it. You walked over to the bed you were once curled up in, 
“What’s got your panties in a twist?” she asked, following your every step. 
“Why were you all of a sudden into me? You were in love with Brittany for a really long time, so tell me San, why were you into me?” you shot at her and a look of shock washes over her features, “Wait...let me guess. Brittany didn’t want to break up with Artie, so you crawled to the one person who you knew was in love with you. What was your plan there? Break my heart too? Keep it going long enough until Brittany broke up with him?” 
She was speechless, the same stupid look of shock on her face. Anger and betrayal boiling through you, “I’m so in love with you and I thought for once in my life you might actually be in love with me too. But no! This was all some sick game to get back at the girl who didn’t love you back! So no Santana, I don’t want your lady kisses or your hook ups or anything from you. Please get out of my room!” 
Mr. Shue came bursting in through the slightly opened door. Loads of pizza boxes in his hands, “Is everything alright in here? I was heading towards the main room and heard screaming.” 
“Just peachy, Mr. Shue.” you said, walking past Santana and towards him, “Let me help you out with those.” 
But before you could Santana grabbed your arm, causing you to turn around, “Y/N-” 
“Just don’t. We’ll go on pretending like nothing ever happened. No one will find out. We’re fine. I’ll still be that wide-eyed girl who’s pinning after you and you’ll be that girl whose in love with someone else. Nothing changed.” you told her, your heart breaking at each word. 
You pulled away from her grasp. Grabbing the pizza boxes Mr. Shue was holding, he gave you a sympathetic look, but you just matched it with a smile. Not wanting to be pitied for something so stupid. 
“I’ll be in the room in a second, I’m just gonna use the bathroom.” Santana called out to Mr. Shue and he gave her a thumbs up before leaving. 
Santana closed the bathroom door. Her heart falling into her stomach. The thought of not being able to kiss you anymore screaming in her head. She ran her hand under the cool sink water before splashing it onto her face. 
But that wasn’t the thought that was screaming the loudest. It was the thought that she’s been in love with you this whole time and now you want nothing to do with her. 
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brittelizzabeth · 4 years
Quinn and Santana
before glee
Quinn and Santana are best friends since kindergarten
They were the top bitches in high school but it wasn’t always like that
when they were younger they weren’t popular and they only had each other
in this headcanon, Santana was already Quinn’s friend when she was called Lucy
So Quinn was bullied by the other kids and Santana always stood up for her
Both of them went through a lot of shit but they supported each other
They met Brittany in their first high school year at McKinley
Santana and Quinn wanted to forget how much they suffered in the past so they started to act like the school popular bitchessss
People worshiped them and were “afraid” to talk to them. Except for Brittany of course... one day she just came up to them and said “do you want to be friends?” And they thought that she was adorable and that she was precious and probably needed some protection from the world
The Unholy Trinity name was Santana’s idea
season 1
They obviously thought that glee club was super lame but they started to enjoy it
They didn’t want to be bullied again because they promised to forget that part of their lives
The difference here was that they weren’t alone anymore, they had a new family that accepted them and love them
Of course they had a lot of fights because their personalities were similar and it was a trouble
During Quinn’s pregnancy, Santana actually supported her and was always asking her how was she doing and if the baby was ok
Santana payed for parenting classes and baby clothes just in case Quinn would want to keep Beth
They felt like they finally found their place
season 2
Quinn ALWAYS knew that Santana loved Brittany in a way that she didn’t love her
Quinn knew that sooner or later her best friends would end up together
Quinn tried to talk with Santana about it and said that she was there for her and that was ok if she liked girls
Santana got upset and she dated Sam to prove that Quinn was wrong
Quinn forgave her of course
They were so excited for Nations in New York and they practiced a lot
Santana wrote Light Up The World for Brittany and Quinn
In New York they sneak out in the middle of the night to have some fun. They asked Brittany if she wanted to come but she was too tired and they hang out and got drunk in NY
They had a girls day when Quinn got her haircut, they had lunch together and they went to Central Park
season 3
Santana was the only one that kept in touch with Quinn during summer
Quinn almost never answered Santana’s calls or messages but sometimes she did and Santana was really worried about her
Santana was even more worried when she saw her in the first day of school. She thought she was hot as hell but that Quinn wasn’t her best friend
Santana was with Brittany all the time so they kind of stopped hanging out like they used to but that didn’t change what they felt for each other
Quinn was so happy when they assumed their relationship, she always knew that day would come
Santana yelled at Quinn when she found out about the whole story about Beth. She said that Quinn was different and she would do whatever she could to help her
Quinn cried and she said that she missed her so much
Santana cried so hard when she found out about Quinn’s accident. She spent the night at the hospital with her and Puck. They refused to leave her alone
Santana went to some physiotherapy sessions with her
They had tons of sleepovers with Brittany at the end of their senior year. They just wanted to enjoy the year and have a blast together
Quinn encouraged Santana to go to college and she promised to visit her whenever she could
season 4
They visit each other all the time
When they came back for Thanksgiving it was like they were back to high school and they had something to prove
Friends again
After Will’s inexistent wedding, they dated for a while
They broke up because they realized that they were just really good friends that liked to hook up sometimes
Also Santana knew that Quinn was still in love with Puck and Quinn knew that Brittany will always be Santana’s love
season 5
Quinn was too heart broken that she couldn’t go to Finn’s tribute week but Santana told her everything about it
They cried together and they laughed together and they remembered Finn together
They kept in touch and Santana visited sometimes when she needed a pause from New York
Quinn knew every gossip
When they came back to McKinley for the 100 class they visited Finn’s memorial and Quinn told Santana some stories that happened there
Santana is a big Quick fan and she was truly happy when they sang Just Give Me A Reason
And Quinn was so happy for her and Brittany
season 6
She cried after the wedding proposal
She was there when they choose the dresses, we didn’t see her because she was helping them putting the dresses on
She couldn’t attend the wedding because her mom died (sorry but that’s the only explanation I can think of)
But Puck recorded the whole wedding and took a lot of pictures to show her later
Her wedding gif was a album with pictures of the 3 of them and a picture that said “Family is the friends we choose” to put at home
after I lived
They are neighbors: Santana lives with Brittany and Quinn lives with Puck
They all have breakfast together everyday at Brittana’s (it’s like their spot)
They attend to yoga together classes every Thursday morning
Quinn is Santana’s first child, Lucy, godmother
Santana made Quinn’s children calling her auntie Snixx
When Puck and Brittany built a tree house for their kids - because they have a common backyard - they had a lot of fun watching them arguing about it
Game night at Brittana’s of course
Quinn and Santana cook for everyone
They are really close friends and spend a lot of time together
Their kids are best friends
Sometimes they go out to have dinner and go to clubs and Brittany and Puck stay home and take care of the kids
Their kids have sleepovers almost every weekend
Santana and Quinn even grocery shopping together
They are like a really big family
asked by -> anon
-> glee headcanons
send me a character/couple/ friendship and I’ll tell you my ✨headcanons✨ about them
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ginsburg-sam · 5 years
WHO: Sam Evans (with mentions of @puckermansjake, @thepuckrman, @letsgsantana, @daniharps, @lyricalbowties, @zizeschmizes, @pearhipshummel, @ginscohenchang - yeah a lot of people here)
WHERE: Random frat party
WHEN: November 18th, night
WHAT: Sam goes to a party and makes questionable decisions, feeling guilty after everything that’s happened
WARNINGS: This is long. Also, it includes alcohol and mention of needles
“You’re definitely a loser”
“So you wanna play nice now?”
“Fuck you, Sam”
“I trusted you”
The alcohol had had the complete opposite effect than Sam had hoped for. It made the voices replay every word that had been said over the past few days to him, by the people that he’d cherished spending his time with. The people that had come to mean a lot to him.
What time was it? It must’ve been late, because the sun was starting to rise, and there were only a few people left; some dancing, some sitting on the couch talking, some having collapsed and fallen asleep in the most random places, like the bathtub and the kitchen island. 
Sam’s legs felt wobbly as they dragged him through the house of the party, looking for someone that he could socialize with, and actually befriend and keep in his life, without screwing it up. Someone to have a fresh start with. 
He was lonely. So incredibly lonely. While he was extremely thankful to still have Jake and Puck in his life, it was limited what he could do with those guys; Jake had his own troubles to deal with, with Lauren, and Puck was more the guy that Sam turned to for a good time - something that he’d taken him up on a lot lately. Santana hadn’t completely turned her back against Sam; maybe it was because it had been clear from the beginning that they were just sex. And whilst all three of them had given him some extremely helpful advice and had been straight with him about the truth, it wasn’t like his friendship with Dani. Or Blaine. Or Lauren. 
It had been several days since he’d last talked to Dani. After what had happened at the party, where the two had hooked up drunkenly, he found that there was just this weird and cold vibe between them; and he regretted doing it. He knew, the moment that he woke up and found her naked body next to his that it had been a mistake, and that it was going to get in the way of their friendship. How was he supposed to save that one? There was no going back, they’d done the deed - was there any moving on from that? Sam didn’t know, but he knew that he missed Dani, so much. He missed their drunken adventures and the stories that came from them. 
“Fuck you, Sam”
Blaine had been loud and clear about his feelings for Sam, during their fight over the texts. What had happened between them was something that Sam could only have nightmares about; he’d never intended to say the things that he had about Blaine’s relationship with Rachel because it was honestly none of Sam’s business. But Blaine had pushed the young Evans’ buttons enough for him to reveal his thoughts to him; despite how cruel they were. Sam felt that he couldn’t just stand by and get lectured by Blaine about relationships and happiness and hurting someone when he himself constantly looked hurt in his own relationship. The thoughts kept playing in Sam’s mind, and he knew that it was a vicious circle of feeling guilty, but then telling himself not to, when Blaine had said what he had. There was no getting out of that evil circle of thoughts right now. Although, the thought of the two of them hanging out again did make his way into his mind every now and again. He missed their GoT rewatch parties and their sword fighting plans. He missed them, so terribly much. 
“So you wanna play nice now?”
What had happened with Lauren was one big misunderstanding. How it had happened, Sam had no clue about. One minute, he was being honest about what had gone down between him and the girl, to Jake, and the next, he was told that it was the worst thing he could possibly do. For three weeks, Sam had been texting Lauren Zizes, talking about the most random, yet amazing things that could ever be conversation topics. He’d grown fond of the girl. They clicked, they shared the same attitude for ridiculousness and there was just no denying that she was so much fun to talk to. Sam always looked forward to Lauren’s reply to his text, because it meant that he would smile, laugh and feel good. That had gone away, all in a few hours. He’d messed it up, because of his own good intentions. How had he messed up something so good up, in such a bad way?
Stumbling into what looked like a study area, Sam saw a person sprawled over a desk, a few people hovering above them, and the last person sat in a chair, their face unusually close to their crotch area. Eyebrows furrowing, Sam stood there for a while, swaying back and forth for a bit, until he heard the buzzing. 
Someone had brought a tattoo kit.
He walked forward, hoping to see what exactly was being tattooed. Thankfully, it wasn’t actually a crotch that was being hit repeatedly with a needle, but rather someone’s thigh. Sam grinned at it. It was pretty epic that this person was getting Johnny Bravo tattooed on themself, it meant that they weren’t taking themselves too seriously. But Sam was also way too drunk to tell if it was actually a decent-looking tattoo. 
The guy with the electronic needle finished up, slapped the thigh and the person winced before getting off the table. “My turn!” Sam laughed and took off his t-shirt and sat on the desk. In the distance, he heard someone yelling; it was probably a fight between people. “You’re such a fucking loser, Jimmy!”
“You’re definitely a loser”
Kurt’s words rang out in his ears, and the grin turned upside down. Sam had felt like a failure many times in his life, but Kurt’s words especially had printed themselves on his brain - just like a tattoo. He felt like more of a failure. He felt like a loser. He’d lost everyone, acting all high and mighty about his life, and how lucky he was to have all of the people in it. Well, they were gone now. And he felt like a loser. Sam had liked Kurt. He’d really liked him. To the point where he could see his feelings grow deeper and harder for the boy. He’d been patient, he’d been sweet, he’d paid so much attention to Sam and he’d been incredibly affectionate; it was all things that Sam was craving. He was craving that tenderness that Kurt offered. He was craving the want that he felt from Kurt. He was craving giving it all back. And he’d gotten that with Kurt. And it had been so nice. 
The needle hit his chest. It felt like a cat scratching on top of a sunburn. Sam grimaced at first; it was a weird feeling. He listened to the buzz. It reminded him of one person. 
“I trusted you”
Tina. It was the same kind of buzzing noise that he’d heard after their first time having sex. Of course, there wasn’t any tattooing involved. But it had been so intimate, so erotic, so...passionate and loving, that after Sam had reached his climax and he was in Tina’s arms, that was the sound that was playing in his ears; completely overwhelmed with everything. The happiness that he’d felt that night, falling asleep under the stars, Tina’s naked body pressed up against his was not something that he could compare to anything else; how there were only blue skies and green grass and people smiling when he walked her home the next morning. That had gone away just as fast as it had started, and Sam was angry at himself for not stopping his ‘rotation’ sooner. He was angry at himself for not just going with his gut feeling and just making things exclusive with Tina. He was pissed off with none other than himself. He was the one who’d messed everything up. He was the only one to blame in this scenario. He’d fucked up. And he missed her. He missed her so fucking much, his heart was hurting and aching for her. 
The buzzing stopped, and Sam looked down at his chest. He didn’t see what the tattoo was but instead saw blood trickling down his skin. His head suddenly got really light, the room started spinning and his eyes went to the back of his head, as his body relaxed and he fell backwards, his body lying flat on the table. Tina’s text suddenly came into his mind.
“Did I love you? Probably yeah. Is that going to go away anytime soon? Who the hell knows.”
Then everything became black. 
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serpentlopez · 5 years
Never Can Say Goodbye
Who: Eliana & Ale @serpenthart
What: Eliana says goodbye the way she knows how
When: Oct 12, Late Night
Where: At Ale’s place
Notes: w. mentions of @sshardassanderson @serpentchar // tw: for mentions of a suicide mission, then some smexytimes.
Eliana put her hands on her hips and looked down at the box that she'd been careful to fill with the few things that she didn't want to completely disappear. Sitting beside her, Lucifer - the little black demon kitten she'd all but adopted when he appeared in front of her trailer - meowed at her. "Don't worry," she said. "B will take care of you." Reaching to pet the animal behind the ear and he let out a sharp hiss that she pulled her hand back immediately. "Well, fuck you too." Shoot a glare at the animal, Eliana picked up the box and walked out of her trailer, tying the box of items to the back of her bike. Boy, she was going to miss her motorcycle a lot. Pulling out her cell phone, she shot Ale a quick message: "Coming over." She just hoped that he was home and not out or at work. She really should have reached out to him sooner. Climbing on her bike, Eli ran her hand over the handles, took a breath to enjoy the way it felt against her fingerless leather gloves, and then started her up. Ale didn't live far - none of the serpents really did - but Eliana knew the way so well she could have done it blind folded.
Ale had planned to drive into town that day, mainly to buy some groceries and also to find some material needed for the renovation of the shop. It had be gone smoothly so far and it was near to be done, but things were always needed at some point and he had to buy them.  After doing some mild workout and also taking a shower, he waa pouring himself some coffee in the kitchen when his phone buzzed. It was Eliana. Short and to the point. He frowned and grabbed anotheelr cup, just in case she wanted some coffee too. The roar of the bike pulling over let him know she was there and he opened the door and looked down at her from the top of the stairs that led to his place. "Hey. What's with the box there?"
It was stupid and sentimental and Eliana kind of hated herself for it but she looked up at Ale standing there and thought how'd she'd miss that. They'd really become close over the years, and she'd relied on him a lot. They'd relied on each other sometimes. A couple years without him, completely on her own again, that scared her. Of course she didn't want to admit that. She smiled up at him, "Oh, this?" She pointed to the box that she picked up after putting her helmet on the handlebar. Carrying it up the stairs, she smiled at him, "Just a box of all my sex toys." Her voice said it was obviously a joke but she didn't want to tell him out here so she walked with him back inside and set it down on the kitchen counter. Seeing the second coffee cup, she smiled and briefly wondered if prison had good coffee. Probably not. "Actually, it's some stuff I need you to keep for me, if you don't mind?"
Ale raised a brow and chuckled. "Why? You ran out of space at your place to keep them?" He closed the door after she walked in and filled her cup with fresh coffee.  "You want me to keep your sex toys?" he said, also joking, then he frowned. "Wait, why? Where are you going anyways?"
Ignoring Ale's question, she opened the box and shifted through the contents. Some of it was stupid, tokens from the important moments of her life ever since she became a serpent. As far as she was concerned, life before then hadn't mattered. Everything started when she became one of them. "It's just stupid stuff," she said, noting the shirt she'd brought from the night of her initiation. "But this is important," she told him, picking up a picture frame with a letter attached to it. "If anything bad happens and I-" die "-don't make it, I need you to give this to Santana." The envelope wasn't glued so she didn't care if he saw it. The letter said only, I'm sorry for everything, and it had been addressed to her sister. Putting it back in the box, Eliana continued talking, trying to give him room to say anything before she could say everything she wanted. "Blaine's probably going to take the cat so you don't have to worry about that. I'm kind of behind on some payments for the trailer so they'll probably end up taking it or whatever, and that's fine. Anything that matters to me is in this box." And the rest aren't things. Grabbing her coffee cup, she took a sip of the burning hot liquid, letting it warm her cold insides.
Ale grew more confused the more he heard her talk, already forgetting about his own coffee. He definitely didn't like what he was hearing. "Why would anything happen to you...? Why wouldn't make it...?" He walked up to her and took the cup from her, a way to  force her into telling him. "What the fuck's going on, Eliana?" he said, his voice a bit harsh now, then he spoke quietly again. "Is this about what happened the other night? What you're gonna do? Where you're going?"
Eliana didn't want to look at him because she could see the confusion on his face, and goddamnit but that made her question whether she could do this at all. No, she had to. When he took the cup from her, she swallowed a hard knot in her throat and knew she couldn't avoid it any longer. That's why she was here. Her pulse started racing. Fuck, she hadn't realized how tough this was going to be. To answer his question, she spoke in an almost raspy voice. "I can't do nothing." She shook her head, "I-I-I tried, okay? I tried doing nothing and I can't."
Ale took half a step and ran his hand over his head. His heart sank when he realized it was what he had been dreading. "So that's it then? You just take the matter om your own hands, damn the consequences. Even if it means you're going to jail." He looked at box and sighed. "That's what you fear too, don't you? That's why you're giving me your things. You're... saying goodbye."
Eliana wasn't stupid. She may be pissed as hell but she knew that this guy had been going after Charlie for a long time, and Charlie wasn't weak. Then she'd seen him go up against Dare and it terrified her that he could get away with what he did. Hearing Ale say those words out loud made everything hurt that much more, more than she'd been hoping it would. Nodding slowly, she lowered her gaze, wishing she could change it. "I keep-" She let out a shaky breath. "I keep thinking he's going to kill Charlie, or Dare. Or Caroline and Christopher. You didn't see him, Ale. He's not going to stop." Jail was terrifying because she knew there would be people who hated serpents there. She just had to hope she'd find a way to survive and get back out. "Charlie and Dare, they should be happy, you know? They're blind as hell but they love each other. They're each other's family. They deserve to have that, to have each other. I'm just, me, you know?" She gave a small shrug, afraid to look up. "I'll-- be okay."
Ale shook his head, his own anger boiling up slowly to the surface. "I know it sucks, and none of us want for anything to happen to them, or to any of us. But how does you sacrificing yourself fix everything?" He stood closer to her again and cupped her chin so she would look at him. "What about your happiness? And as sure as I am about your toughness, you are you. Not 'just' you . It's not fair you walk into the flames to make someone else happy. It's not fucking fair.
Despite her attempt to keep from looking at him, his touch forced her to and when she saw that mixture of anger and upset in his eyes, it was almost enough to make her change her mind completely. "I'd never forgive myself if something happened and I didn't try." Aidan would keep coming, keep trying, and someone wouldn't walk out alive. "What do I have, Ale?" she asked, trying to make him see why it was better to be her. "There are other tattoo artists, other girls who sleep around, other--other everything." Those things defined her but didn't make her unique. She knew that. Her hands curled into the line of his shirt, keeping him close to her. "Say goodbye to me."
Ale sighed. "What does any one of us truly have? Really? But how is that a reason to be the sacrificial lamb?" He looked down at the fingers curling onto the fabric of jis shirt, their bodies standing close together. "I can't... I don't want to..." He swallowed hard. "What am I going to do without you?"
Eliana almost replied to his question, telling him that they had each other, that they were all a big family, but then it would have been an answer to her own question and she couldn't do that - not if she wanted to make it through this like she had to. Why did it hurt so much? A few years in jail and she could come back. Unless Aidan killed her. Eli hadn't let herself think much about that but now it was screaming like a warning in her head. "You never needed me for you to be okay," she said. He was strong and brave and could do anything. Her hand went up to the back of his neck and then she stood on her tippy toes, pulling him down a few inches so she could press her mouth against his. Words weren't her strong suit. Actions were.
Ale looked right into her big, beautiful dark brown eyes when he felt he was being pulled down. "I did. More than you know..." he was able to say just before their lips met. He hooked his arm around her waist and pulled their bodies together, his lips pressing hard on hers, while he used his hips to press her against the counter. The kiss deepened soon, their tongues rolling together with ease, his fingers sneaking under the fabric  of her shirt and caressing the skin on her lower back.
Eliana found herself saying goodbye with her body. She pushed her leather jacket over her shoulders and told him she would miss him by the way her hands trailed up his body. His hands pressed over the bare flesh of her back and she thanked him for all the ways he'd been there for her with the small shudder of breath. Her lips promised him she'd come back even if she wasn't so sure that she would. It was nothing and everything at the same time. Eliana tugged his shirt over his head and dropped it onto the kitchen floor, breaking the kiss just long enough so she could moved her lips against his now bare chest, pecking the flesh that kept her safe so many times before. This was one thing she needed to do alone and if she was going to jail or worse, it would be with the memory of this on her fingertips.(edited)
A soft gasp left his lops the moment they weren't touching Eliana's anymore, his arms up high so he could discard his shirt. His fingers trailed through the long, soft dark hair, on which he had fallen asleep so many times before, his skin burning with every peck of her lips. He pulled her shirt off too, his hands moving down the sides of her body, then also undoing the button and zipper on her jeans. He knew in his heart there no convincing her, and she also knew her . This was her goodbye. And all he could do was saying it too. He pulled her jeans down until they  were around her ankles, then turned her around, still pressed against the counter, only this time he was pressed on her back, his hands moving up her stomach and fondling her breasts, while he pushed his crotch on her ass, the fabrc on his sweats rubbing on her panties.
As she was turned to face the counter, Eliana made quick work of kicking off her boots and stepping out of the jeans, kicking them aside with the rest of their discarded clothing. Her back arched as she stretched against the length of his chest and stomach, eyes closing so she could let her skin soak in every second of this. Hands bent backwards so she could dig them into his hair, along his shoulders, as his hands pressed over the black lace bra. Reaching back, she unhooked the piece of clothing and tossed it away, wanting to feel his bare and gruff hands on her heated flesh. Heat thrummed inside of her, swirling in places deep down. Pinned between his body and the counter, Eliana let out a rasped moan at the feeling of his hardness against her. Turning her head to the side, the woman found Ale's mouth and kissed him deeply as she let her hands slide back and between their bodies, dipping underneath his sweatpants so she could feel him with her palm. It brought a hot shudder to her body as her fingers curled around his length, teasing along him.
Ale dipped his head when Eli turned her head to the side, his lips capturing hers in a rough kiss, not even for once stopping to think that could be the last time he would feel them. He grunted against her lips when he felt her hand teasing her hardon, and he quickly lowered his sweats enough (no briefs on) to giver her access. He then moved his hand down her stomach and slid under her panties, his middle finger sliding right between her folds and massaging her clit slowly.
It wouldn’t be forever, she told herself. What she was doing would only last for a little while. She’d get out and Ale would still be here. She’d find a life again. She’d find herself. Maybe she’d get kicked from the serpents for disobeying orders but it was a small price to pay to know everyone was safe. So trying not to think of this as a last time, Eliana found her hand stroking him slower than she usually did, matching the languid movements of his finger on the compact bundle of nerves. Breaking the kiss with a moan, Eliana opened her eyes and looked at him, wordlessly apologizing for leaving him. Her ass pressed back against his hardness, aching to feel him inside of her. “Please,” she whispered, finding his lips again, desperate to feel something more like herself.
With them groping each other slowly, one hand on her breasts, the other rubbing her slowly while her hand move up and down on him it wasn't long before he was hard as a rock. So when he heard her plea he wasn't about to let her wait. He pulled both his hands away and bent down behind her, his lips kissing his way down her spine, then kissing her buttocks and swiping his tongue down her crack, the tip licking the rim of her hole before going lower and he wrapped his lips around her folds and sucked on them hard.
Every movement of her palm around his girth brought a wave of arousal, spreading along her slick folds and spilling against his finger. Ale had always known how to fuck her. Even the very first time, it had felt like they’d had so many times before. Letting her hand fall free, Eliana felt him moving down behind her. Her teeth sunk into her lower lip as he spread kisses that fanned the flames inside of her. She shuddered as his tongue spread along parts of her that he knew so well how to please. His name fell from her lips on a moan as his skillful mouth worked on her heated mound. Eliana leaned forward against the counter, presenting herself to give better access. Reaching behind her, Eli’s hand buried in his hair, holding him against her as he swirled more heat inside of her.
Ale grunted when he saw Eli bending all the way over the counter, giving herself to him like that, and the tug on his hair all but set the heat inside of him higher. He dragged his tongue up and down on her, slowly catching all of her slick with the tip of his tongue. He held her leg up and bent it, so she would lean his knee on the counter so her legs were spread. He dipped his head between her legs and turned his head, looking up at her wet heat and he poked his tongue out and licked her slowly at first, his hands reaching up to grab on her hips and pushing her on his tongue, so she could ride it at will.
Eliana's eyes rolled back with the way that his tongue took her. He had always been skilled with her mouth and he never once disappointed. She moved her leg with his coaxing and it opened her up to him even more, bearing her soaked heat to his greedy mouth. As his tongue worked in her, through her, Eli felt her body react, hips rocking against him. Aching cries fell from her lips, lost in the searing heat of his body. Her knee started to buckle so she slammed her hand against the side of the refrigerator, holding herself in place as sparks of arousal filled her belly and shocked through her veins. Her body trembled and she cried out, "Ay dios, que rico. Justo asi, no pares."
And he did just like she was telling him, his arms hoisted around her thighs, fingertips sinking through the skin of her hips, no doubt leaving marks, to hold her on place. He grunted and shook his head rapidly, his tongue vibrating inside of her, while her juice dripped out of him and onto her face. He pushed his tongue even deeper and crooked the tip just enough to touch her on the right spot. And even if he was painfully hard, he wanted to focus on her first.
Eliana's fingers gripped the edge of the counter as Ale masterfully unwound her. The ministrations of his tongue took her places that some other lovers could only dream of going. Her thighs started to tremble and though she wanted to feel him inside of her, the raven haired woman wasn't looking to rush this. She wanted to delight in every moment that stretched between them, every inch of his body that filled her, until she couldn't do anything but explode all around him. Eli's eyes squeezed shut and she cried out, the edge of her orgasm lapping against her, teasing her until she couldn't handle it. With a ragged cry, Eliana came in a rush of desperate whimpers.
Ale felt the exact moment her orgasm started peeking, knowing her body so well, and he tightened the grip on her thighs to hold her as she came so she wouldn't fall, hos tongue lapping the slick that oozed out of her while she rode her climax on his tongue. He sucked her clean as best as he could, then stood and turned her around roughly, clashing their lips together so she could taste herself on his lips and tongue. "I'm not fucking done with you yet" he growled on her lips, then picked her in his arms and took her inside his room.
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owl-elementary · 7 years
Pezberry: Santana, a single mother of a adorable 5-year-old girl, doesn't believe in Christmas anymore. Her cute daughter then enlist her teacher, Miss Berry, to help her bring magic back to her mother's life.
Okay…so I went vague, pre-ship with this??? Maybe I’ll continue?
Read “Learning to Love Christmas” on Ao3
“I’m so happy to meet you,” Rachel said, ushering Lyanna’s mom into a chair.
“Same to you, Miss Berry.”
“Please, call me Rachel.”
“Santana. Lyanna loves your class,” Santana said. “I was…sort of worried when we moved here. She’s used to the big city, and she left all of her friends behind.”
“So what made you choose good old Saratoga Springs,” Rachel asked as she pulled out Lyanna’s file.
“I’m a museum girl,” Santana explained. “The city offered me a great position as a curriculum director for the museum circuit here.”
“That’s great!” Rachel said. “Lyanna did mention something about exhibits, but I didn’t know if you were an artist or something. Here’s her progress report.” Rachel passed a group of three papers over to her. “She’s doing great in class. Things were a bit rocky at first, socially, but they usually are with new kids. She seems to be settling in just fine now. She’s made friends with Alexis, Tori, and Ricky. In terms of academics, she’s doing well in history and math. Only really struggling with science.”
Santana nodded, looking over the report. “What can I do to help her?”
“Frankly, I think it’s a confidence thing. I suggested she put together an idea for the science competition we have in the spring. I think she’ll have fun with it, and it’s a good way for students to personalize their learning. There is…one other thing.”
“Yeah?” Santana said, trying not to get too distracted by her daughter’s gorgeous teacher. When Lyanna had told her that her teacher was “pretty,” Santana had just chuckled. Now? She was thinking her daughter had drastically downplayed things.
“Lyanna got a part in the Christmas pageant,” Rachel began. “She’s playing one of the elves.”
“Wait, what?” Santana asked. “When is it? She didn’t tell me anything about it.”
Rachel passed her a tiny invitation in the shape of a Christmas ornament. “It’s this Friday. She said you…hated Christmas and wouldn’t want to come.”
Santana sighed. “Thanks for letting me know. Of course I’ll be there. This is a rough time of year for us, but…. Thanks. I’ll talk to her tonight. Anything else?”
For a moment, Rachel looked as though she was about to say something, but she just smiled and shook her head. “No. It was nice meeting you.”
Lyanna had been in her room all evening, and as Santana had no idea how to talk to her about the conference, the woman had just let her daughter chill. But it was dinner time, and they’d have to talk this out sooner or later.
“Baby? I made pasta,” she said, knocking on her door. “Lyanna?” Santana pushed the door open to find her daughter sitting in the middle of the floor, surrounded by all of her clothes. “Ummm….”
“I’m trying to find something to wear on Friday,” Lyanna said, glaring around at the mess.
“Friday, huh? So for your Christmas party.”
“And your Christmas pageant? I hear you get to be an elf.”
Lyanna looked up at her in alarm, and then her face got red. “Am I in trouble?” she asked, looking down at the t-shirt in her hands.
Santana pulled her closer and held her in a hug. “Of course not, baby. I don’t want you to feel like you have to hide things from me, though. Okay? We have to be honest with each other.”
Lyanna nodded, but didn’t say anything else.
“And hey,” Santana continued, “I will be at your pageant with bells on. There’s nothing other than a natural disaster that would make me miss one of your events.”
“But you hate Christmas,” Lyanna said, clearly trying one more attempt at letting Santana off the hook.
“But I love you. And I don’t hate Christmas, per se. It’s just…this time of year is rough.”
“Because of Momma?”
Santana smiled and kissed her daughter’s forehead. “What’s your elf’s name?”
“Trixie Wigglescarf.”
Santana tried not to laugh. She didn’t succeed, and Lyanna whacked her with a sock. “Okay…so, I think we need to go shopping tomorrow to make sure Trixie is the most fabulous elf at the North Pole. But I’m hungry, and I wants my breadsticks! So let’s eat.”
The pageant went off without a hitch - the normal kid-friendly fare of Christmas hijinks. Santana was actually impressed with the writing. Something about Mrs. Claus not feeling appreciated and the elves banning together to give her a great Christmas. And Lyanna killed her singing part, of course. But in a moment of weakness, she’d agreed to bring Lyanna to the Christmas fair that weekend. Saratoga Springs was lit up brilliantly. Little tents were set up for the events, and the food stalls were lining Main Street.
“Mom!” Lyanna said, pulling her toward the tent. “Gingerbread contest! Oh, hi Miss Berry!”
Santana looked up to see Lyanna’s teacher waving at them. “Rachel - nice to see you again,” she said as Lyanna ran to hug her teacher.
“You too. How are you enjoying the fair?”
“It’s great!” Lyanna babbled. “I’m going to go get a gingerbread house kit.”
“She loves every holiday,” Santana explained. “Seriously, it gets scary sometimes. Halloween last year? She recruited her godfather to turn the house into a haunted pirate ship.”
“Fabulous - I might have to tag her in for our Valentine’s Day decorating.”
“So…are you staying in town for Christmas - or, sorry, Hanukkah, right?”
“Hanukkah, yes. And yes, I’m here in town. My dads are on a cruise, and….” Rachel stopped talking suddenly. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”
“Go on,” Santana said, giving her a playful nudge. “Don’t worry - the parents haven’t added me to the group text yet. Your secrets won’t get out.”
Rachel gave a little chuckle at that, and wrapped her red coat around her a little tighter. “I just went through a pretty bad breakup. It’s a little weird, you know? Right before the holidays.”
“Yeah. I know exactly how you feel. Lyanna’s mom - her other mom - left us around this time.”
“I’m sorry,” Rachel said.
“We’re getting through it. Anyway - your ex is an idiot. I’m sure he’s somewhere drinking away his sorrows and realizing how much of a sucker he’s been.”
“She. My ex is a girl. But thanks.”
“I didn’t win,” Lyanna said, running back over.
“That was quick,” Santana told her.
“It was timed. Miss Berry, do you want to go to the hot chocolate hut with us?”
“I would love to, but I have to go back to the school and get some work done for next week. See you on Monday.”
Santana wasn’t sure what prompted her to say it, but she found herself blurting, “We’re going to make Christmas cookies tomorrow night, if you want to join us.”
Rachel smiled. “I’ll stop by.”
They wandered their separate ways. Santana and Lyanna decided to get their hot chocolate to go. Lyanna took her hand as they walked the few blocks to their house.
“Mom? I think Christmas is going to be okay this year.”
Santana hugged her. “I think it will be.”
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missizzy · 4 years
New Fic: The StarkPhone(Guardians of the Galaxy/Avengers)
It’s not even the fanciest thing Pepper Potts-Stark gifted Peter with. But the laptop computer actually came with the StarkPhone, since for the moment he needs it to update the device’s contents, until they can figure out how to hook it up to the ship’s computer. Although Bruce Banner’s already done further work trying to get it to work as a proper communication device in space. Plenty of people, including Nebula, have told him that Tony Stark would’ve managed all that no problem. At least he did set it up to make charging both phone and laptop with a power cell very easy. Peter’s pretty sure once he gets it to Shurlee, the exotic devices specialist can figure out the rest.
Between them they’ve got some impressive programs and games, what’s state of the art for most of Earth besides Wakanda, which is apparently hopelessly more advanced over the rest of the planet. But of course the main purpose is the music. Peter’s going to keep the Zune as well, if only as a reminder of Yondu, but the sheer amount of stuff this device can hold means it has to be his primary music repository. And it’s got a lot on it already. Potts-Stark made sure of that before she gave it to him.
The playlists are numbered, putting the songs from his original tapes and the Zune on top of the screen. Right after them come the playlists put together by Earth’s various superheroes for the Guardians of the Galaxy to remember them by.
Except Tony Stark hadn’t lived to do his, of course, so his wife and old bodyguard had put it together. It’s mostly “classic rock,” loud rock music from roughly his mother’s era, the stuff he thinks she liked only in smaller amounts, if that. The sort of stuff Rocket loves, and this stuff he’s had time to hear, too. Groot will probably soon grow to love it too-that’s something he’s vaguely worried about.
Peter expected Steve Rogers’s playlist to be mostly from the 30s and 40s. And about half of it is. But the other half is more modern. Some of it was very obviously introduced to him by those born more recently. Including Rocket. It was probably him who introduced Steve to Madeleine Quill’s favorites, and “Ain’t No Mountain High Enough” and “Ooh Child” both made his list. It’s a strange, surreal feeling, imagining Captain America-heck, he was still wrapping his head around him having shown up in the modern day-listening to those songs and thinking of them as ones she’d loved first. As part of her, and as part of Peter himself.
Of course, his fondness for Marvin Gaye must have also come from Sam Wilson; the latter’s playlist is indication enough of that. Peter’s never much classified his home planet’s songs by their artists; even with the Zune, there were too many of them where he only had one song by them. But Sam’s one of those that favors enough particular names it makes Peter curious about them. He might even ask Nebula or Thor what they know about them.
It’s Bucky Barnes’ playlist that’s mostly music from the 40s. It’s one of the shorter ones. What modern music he has is mostly from Wakanda. That really is unlike anything else produced on Earth. Thor has pointed out some aspects of it that he’s heard in other pieces of music from Africa, but also sounds and effects made by technology the rest of the planet is still getting introduced to, and is only just now finding use in the music of other countries. Some of it reminds him of the overhead music in commercial complexes and seedy bars and occasionally markets out in space, even though it's not all that like it in tone or style, because he can't help but hear the technology. Peter’s not sure how he feels about that kind of music coming from Earth.
Thor, of course, brought all his favorite music on board himself. But he added a playlist to Peter’s phone too, with contributions from his various other friends. That one’s mostly extra-terrestrial, and the majority of it consists of albums of traditional Asgardian pieces, recorded by the surviving Asgardians to fund the building of New Asgard. Apparently those are still making them plenty of money. There’s a good chance Peter won’t ever listen to this playlist all the way through, honestly, at least not on his own. Thor will probably play it all on the ship’s system enough for anyone.
Natasha Romanov’s is the shortest. Her friends did the best they could, putting anything on it they knew she liked, but so much of even that died with her. It’s mostly classical music, plus recordings of the Russian songs Clint Barton heard her sing to his youngest kid. Also two pop hits from the last five years. They’re neither of them directly about what happened, but they’re both about loss.
Peter hasn’t fully looked through Barton’s playlist. He’s listened to a few songs unique to it, and that put him off the rest. His mother warned him off country.
The one playlist he has listened all the way through already is from the other Peter. Peter Parker is the one who at least knew what was hot five years ago, and in between their all coming back to life and the loading on this StarkPhone, he even had time to hear and approve of two more recent hits, both of them a bit more cheerful than Romanov’s. Probably much of it is what Madeleine Quill would’ve listened to and loved and shared with her son had she been born thirty years later. Except maybe Peter Quill is finally getting old and ornery, because a lot of it leaves him cold, and he’s not even sure why. It just doesn’t seem to have the soul that the older music does, or at least, he can’t feel it.
Stephen Strange’s playlist has the fewest songs on it, five fewer than Romanov’s. Timewise it’s much longer, though, because it’s entirely classical. With some instrumental Asian music, much of which is also on the long side. Peter has to wonder if it even truly reflects his musical tastes, or if he’s just posing. But at least Nebula likes the half she’s listened to so far.
Bruce Banner’s playlist starts with a song somebody recorded about him. It’s called “The Green Guy and the Sky” and it’s one of the weirdest things Peter’s ever heard, and he’s heard Brae’Taro Chant. The rest of it’s more varied, with some Indian/Bollywood stuff that’s great for dancing to. But there’s also a lot of “relaxing” music that Peter personally thinks “boring” would be a better term for.
James Rhodes’ playlist has a good deal of the exact kind of disco music his mother always spoke disparaging of. Luckily Peter himself really isn’t picky about good dance music. Some of Stark’s classic rock favorites as well. She really would cringe. But it’s also got no less than six of her own favorites as well. Also the Star Wars theme, which Peter would have loved him for in any case. And another piece from the prequels called “Duel of the Fates,” but that one is just making Peter dread his inevitable watching of said prequels. All the Star Wars movies which have been made so far are on the laptop, and he hasn’t watched the newer ones yet, but he knows he must sooner or later.
Carol Danvers’ playlist starts with “Off We Go Into the Wild Blue Yonder,” which makes Peter laugh. Especially since aside from that, and some 90s songs that Peter suspects were more the favorites of her adopted daughter/niece, and one song with Carlos Santana called “Maria Maria,” it’s actually mostly extra-terrestrial music. Some of which everyone who’s been in space has heard, and some of which doesn’t even seemed to be commercially released; there’s weird instrumental stuff that Peter suspects to be Skrull music.
Some of the playlists are joint playlists. One of those is Wanda Maximoff’s, with a note that it included what favorites Vision had as well. This one, too, is more recent pop music, in this case tending more towards the 1990s, and what Thor has identified as “Europop” and “Eurodance.” (Peter's not sure the Asgardian actually knows the difference.) In other words, obviously the stuff she listened to as a kid, before her parents got killed. Maybe with ones her brother liked mixed in. That’s really sad, if Peter thinks about it. So he doesn’t. He just dances, because the music begs for it.
T’Challa and Shuri also sent a joint playlist, which multiple people have told him was probably mostly her. It’s possible Okoye contributed as well. (“She’d never admit it, though,” Rocket noted.) Obviously that one’s heavily Wakanda, and Peter wonders if it’s more a cross-section of the country’s musical history. There’s also a selection of Kendrick Lamar. Apparently he put out an album a couple of years back that made heavy use of Wakandan music tropes and is generally considered to be the best job anyone outside of Wakanda has done with that so far. But the playlist has only one song from that, which of course the King and his sister would’ve only recently heard. The rest of it’s older. If Peter ever sees them again, he’s going to have to ask who was responsible for the Lamar. He’s not even sure why he’s so curious; he just is.
Rocket and Nebula also made a playlist for the phone, even though they too brought what music they’ve become fond of with them. As well as the classic rock Stark introduced him to, Rocket’s got the stuff he no doubt loves even more: the really hard rock, of the guys screaming into their microphones. Not stuff Peter finds at all appealing for the most part, though he’s developed a weird weak spot for the Beastie Boys’ “Intergalactic.” It’s got a good beat.
Still, he kind of really wishes he and Nebula had done separate playlists, to make it easy to listen to just hers. That the playlist is entirely Earth music doesn’t keep her selections (or at least the ones that definitely aren’t Rocket’s) from being the most broad and interesting. If there’s any specific preferences she shows, it may, oddly enough, be for Asian pop. He wonders how many of Earth’s languages she’s learned; he knows she learned Chinese. But there’s plenty of stuff in English too, some of it in genres Peter’s never heard of. He thinks he might like the song that describes itself as “dream pop” way more than makes sense for him.
Of course, that might be out of the feeling he has that Gamora would’ve liked it. Though the playlists by the various Avengers are followed by seven playlists, apparently compiled as a group effort with Thor’s spurring it on, because he wanted to give each of his new crewmates some music they’d like, and also his possible future crewmate-to be. Peter hasn’t listened through any of those. He especially doesn’t want to touch the one meant for Gamora.
He is, of course, an optimistic man. And because he’s an optimistic man, he is very confident that they will, sooner or later, find the Gamora now wandering around this universe, he is hopeful that she will ultimately decide to at least try the life the original version of her had been happy in for four years, and he is even thinking of ways to convince her to choose the same long-term booty call she had last time around, even if there is now an Asgardian available.
But he knows she won’t be who she was. She hasn’t had any of the experiences that helped reshape the Gamora he knew and loved, not even breaking out of the prison with them. And when it comes to finding her tastes in things like music again, she may not at all like the same music she did before.
He grieves for that Gamora, is sometimes still consumed by rage at her father for what he did to her, and at the universe for letting him, for being that devoid of justice that it would let that happen. Sometimes he thinks that when they find the new Gamora, he’ll suggest she listen through the songs; he thinks she might agree to, if only out of curiosity. Other times he can’t stand the thought of anyone listening through it, even her.
Of the others, only Mantis has listened through hers so far, sitting through the whole thing with a rather confused look on her face. Peter doesn’t expect Drax will ever listen to his, but he figures the others will sooner or later.
Himself included. They made the longest of all the playlists for him. He’s glanced over the songlist, which didn’t tell him as much as it might have had he lived on Earth more recently, but at least he knows all the artists that had a song in either the cassettes or the Zune. Some of them, he’s glad to have more of them. Others, not so much. He’s started to seriously wish he’d figured out how to delete that stupid song about the dragon.
Truth is, it still stuns him, that these people who don’t really know him, who probably got a less than flattering picture of him from Rocket, went to all this trouble. Hell, there’s an argument they should still be mad at him for losing his head the way he had on Titan. (His Gamora would’ve had some pretty choice words for him over that.) “It’s for a fellow Avenger,” Rocket explained to him when he said so. “They’ll adopt you into the group whether you even like it or not,” and Nebula nodded her agreement.
So even if he doesn’t like every song they’ve loaded onto that StarkPhone, Peter is still happy every time he looks at it. He’s always wanted to belong to groups more than he’d admit.
Besides, multiple playlists on it contain “Old Town Road.” Whatever he thinks about the pair of genres it belongs to in general, that’s definitely his new favorite song.
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