#how did i get odyssey brainrot help me someone help
possessable · 3 months
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my friend suggested that my Athena does the weird owl head tilt thing which is incredibly correct and real
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dis one ^
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vanillaverses · 1 year
you're the only person I know with just as much Pure Vanilla brainrot as me- I've been trying to figure out which comes first in PV's timeline and I just can't place it. Is it the pilgrimage journey that comes first, or his college years? At first youd think oh college came first, because it's implied that's when he met White Lily. But at his crowning, PV says he hasn't seen Lily since they graduated, and since Lily was with the group during their original adventures, that wouldn't make sense. If those original adventures took place before college though, would that imply that the Ancients were high school age when they got their Soul Jams? I might be missing something but idk, so I decided to ask another fan. ive been trying to put together a timeline of Pure Vanilla's life for a while now, fixation go brr
I’m sorry for the late reply, but I have no clue? There’s probably definitely something that contradicts this idea, but mayb pv founded his kingdom *directly* after his pilgrimage, and then went on his adventures with the group afterwards? If he was friends with the other ancients at the time, wouldn’t they have attended his coronation? but they’re nowhere to be found in the cutscene art…
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so mayb he just? didn’t know them at the time? and idk?? left someone else in charge of the kingdom while he was gone on his adventures?? but also lily has her SOUL JAM in that cutscene art which makes things. even more confusing. becauz there’s no way all the ancients had their soul jams at that point?? did they get them at different times???? maybe lily got hers before the others?? I could also point out how pv has his soul jam shape on his cape in that image,, but also it isn’t completely unlikely that he came up with the kingdom insignia shape before and his soul jam was made to match that instead of the other way around????? but the adventures coming before his school days doesn’t make sense either?? since he seems to have gotten his forehead star during his pilgrimage and he has it?? here?? which shows him from his adventures??
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and though I guess he *could’ve* had it during his school days, at is is possible becauz of how his hair is in those sprites that he’s simply covering it, if he was ashamed of it, why would he show it off during his adventures?? why only at school is it covered?? and if he wasn’t ashamed of it what other reason is there to cover it?? also he just looks older in the pilgrimage sprites to me too so there’s that.., that and he has his staff during his pilgrimage. which academy pv doesn’t have and. he’d probably want to use it if he DID have it since it’s like. heavily implied he uses that thing 2 see so like
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he doesn’t seem to have his soul jam during his pilgrimage, which implies he got it after, but again, from this line in his ingame description, it seems to imply that he founded his kingdom directly after the pilgrimage, or at least that’s how I’m reading it?? so like. what is this timeline
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I’d like to note it’d also mirror the main 5 quite well to have a member of some form of royalty in the ancients during their adventures. and especially since custard III is literally of vanillian descent, it’d only make sense for pv to be that ancient? so all I can assume is maybe. the timeline goes school > pilgrimage > founding kingdom > adventure funtime? which if that is true, then that’d imply lily got her soul jam before the others. and mayb pv too? though again, mayb the soul jam is based off of his kingdom insignia, instead of the other way around. but that’d bring up the question of What the hell did lily do to get her soul jam while pv was on his pilgrimage?? I’d like to make this the time 2 note that I. never finished all of odyssey. sooo if they revealed something about the soul jams there that’d help with this then. bleh I don’t know it. this timeline is sooo confusing and. just how in the world is this supposed to go. my conclusion is I don’t fucking know either can someone else help. it’s almost midnight I’m tired,,
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I was playing Odyssey yesterday and I got the delivery boots and now all I can think about is an AU where Kassandra works for like FedEx or UPS and reader gets the hots for her and one day after months of flirting Kassandra knocks on the door and reader is wearing either very little (maybe lingerie) or like a robe and Kassandra either just delivers the package and leaves (maybe reader tries again after a month or two w the same tactic to get her in bed and Kassandra actually gets the message this time) or they you know ;)
I have no clue where Ikaros comes in but maybe he just chills in the truck and sometimes helps w deliveries or keeps dogs away from her?? idk
Someone needs to take my Odyssey privileges away, it's bad enough that my Eivor brainrot isn't going away anytime soon and now it's happening w Kassandra (I need a new hobby so I don't get the hots for fictional ladies)
Bestie how did you miss Hermes? 😭
The image of Kassandra driving around with Ikaros just vibing in the front seat of the van is killing me. Definitely resonating with this; if Kass was my delivery courier I would dress for such an occasion in what can only be described as tasteful hoe shit.
And of course Kass' singular braincell isn't located in the brain, so the first delivery where you answer the door in flirtatious garb, her thought process would be “HellooOOO tits uh fuck package package package ok cool cool, nothing abnormal about this occurrence, who doesn’t wear lingerie at 2pm” - himbo supremacy - and it would be the third month where it finally clicks lmao
Keep your Odyssey privileges babe ❤️
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