#how did it get 900+ notes in the first 24 hours??? that’s insane!!!
evansbby · 2 years
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uwumessenger · 4 years
Hey, could you do RFA and V reacting to MC who turns into a dog for one day? weird I know lol
yes!! and sorry for taking oh so long fjdjndnd if u see dis i hope u enjoy eht
let's assume u do understand english as a dog and dont think in dog language. also this is super silly haha i had a lot of fun with it while trying to make it realistic!
+ btw since some ppl asked, yes my requests are open ! im just going in order so feel free to continue sending them in !! i only have 5 requests in my inbox now as of 5/11/2020 so ill get around to yours soon :)
when he wakes up and cant find you he immediately panics
calls your name and lifts anything that can be lifted to find you
he even checks the fridge!! wink wonk
when he finally quiets down and hears your barking he goes into panic mode AGAIN
when he finally finds you (as a dog) his mind begins racing
wait...is it our anniversary?!?!!! what exact day did MC join RFA again? um um is it my birthday? is it MC's BIRTHDAY???
ignores you and does a group call with zen and seven, trying to figure out what is happening
seven verifies that it is not a day of any importance
poor yoosung is just SO CONFUSED
but how do u even tell someone u transformed into a dog
i dont think yoosung would ever find out you turned into a dog
everyone would help with searching for you, and of course panic again bc the way you met them was lit rally bc u walked into your own kidnapping
yoosung is the physical embodiment of panic
but he takes care of you normally (LUCKILY HE DOESNT TURN YOU INTO THE POUND OR SOMETHING–)
when u turn human after 24 hours you explain EVERYTHING
and now he feels better
a few nights ago, zen had a psychic dream that you turned into a dog so
he brushed it off as a nightmare and his symptoms appeared bc the AC was broken and it was extra hot that night
but when he woke up and opened his eyes to a whole ass dog next to him
at first he didnt know what was going on but then he remembered his dream
so he tells you to bark once for yes and twice for no
are you MC?
are you hungry?
this goes on for 25 more minutes until you stop cooperating and trot away
hes very glad that at least youre not a cat
he feeds you and allows you to go do your potty business outside by yourself then cleans up after ur finished
he doesnt want you to be alone with nothing to do while hes at rehearsals so he asks yoosung to watch you!
but doesnt tell yoosung it's you lol
when he comes back he just chills w/ u until ur back to your ol' human self :')
initially she'd be pretty calm, thinking that you had to leave early to go do something
but after checking her phone every 2 seconds and searching every nook and cranny yet not recieving a text/finding a note from you, she begins to panic
she calls all the others, wondering if they knew where you were or what you were up to
no one knew what was going on so everyone panics!!!!
tbh she forgot about dog MC until u start scratching her
eventually jaehee starts considering the idea of u turning into a dog....but....what are the odds...
after trying everything you could think of to tell her it's really you, you realize that she wont catch on
after shes done getting ready for work she starts to wonder how to care for you
eventually decides on just bringing you in to work and hiding you the whole day
luckily jumin had back to back meetings so he wouldnt have any time to check in on what jaehee was doing
she tries to feed you something you absolutely hate and when you refuse to eat it she says
wow, MC hates eating these too
you wag your tail, jump, can dogs nod? if so you nod your head, etc etc trying to tell her that IT IS ME IT IS MC!!!'sisj@;!/&:&82
wait...there's no way. am i crazy or did you turn into a dog?
jaehee decides to bring you home instead of turning you into a shelter just in case
when you turn human again you guys strategize a plan, should this ever happen to either of you again haha
when he wakes up and sees you (as a dog) and elizabeth playing he thinks hes still sleeping
intense eye rubbing
he calls for you and you keep running to him
but he doesnt understand :c
similar to yoosung, he double checks to see if it was a significant date or anything
now he starts to panic
on the RFA panic scale, he is at the tippity top eue
calls off from work and calls for all the help he can get
you can communicate with elizabeth i guESS so she helps you communicate with jumin
jumin looks crazy as hell rn with a cat and dog on his bed, trying to talk to them
elizabeth points at you then points at your jacket on a chair 900 times and then jumin finally connects the dots!!!
you and elizabeth are like ugh oh my gosh finally
jumin calls off all the emergency protocol stuff and simply chills with you and elizabeth until youre back to your human body
now you and elizabeth have a stronger bond...how beautiful.
luckily seven has security cameras, so when he sees you in dog form, youre sitting at his computer
the cctv footage of you somehow transforming into a dog plays and hes like oh what how is that eVEN POSSIBLE?
downloads the cctv footage to save it forever
unfortunately no dog food or anything there so he feeds you whatever is in the fridge and okay for dogs to eat
he has his fun, taking photos of you and imitating paris hilton
when vanderwood walks in to check on him, seven cant stop laughing as he explains the situation
he shares all of his photos with the rfa chat and no one believes him
and then he stops and starts thinking
??? MC are you naked? like when we sleep and you transform back....are you gonna be naked?
oh my gOSH
unlike the others he doesnt stay up and goes to sleep with you
whatever u do, do not let seven make a birthday slideshow of u </3
V would freak out, but definitely try to communicate with you as a dog before doing the absolute most
checks for human you everywhere, and when he realizes youre nowhere, he begins to consider the fact that you may have turned into a dog
googles it
he questions you, like zen does, and begins to think hes going insane
he texts you, just in case human you did go out and forgot to tell him
but while texting he scrolled up and saw a text you sent him a day ago while you were shopping
"if i were a worm would you still love me"
he picks you up and sits with you on the couch
worm, dog, human...i love you regardless. but not in an immoral and weird way. :)
spends the rest of the day taking you out to do dog things
like walking at the park and taking cute photos of you
at the end of the day he actually showers you, and talks to you until you both fall asleep
when u guys wake up he says,
i didnt waste $17 on dog shampoo for nothing...why dont we go out and get a real dog now?
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sandiegojeweler · 5 years
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WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU TRY TO SELL A DIAMOND RING? Let’s start with the most likely scenario. Unfortunately, most people out there are still buying their diamond rings in bricks & mortar jewelry stores.Let’s also assume the best case scenario within the subset of physical jewelry stores – the small independent (not part of a chain) jeweler that only sells GIA certified diamonds.In this case, the best (ie, the lowest) profit percentage you’re likely to encounter is 25%. In other scenarios (ie, large chain jeweler, high-end luxury, EGL certified diamonds, etc.), you’re likely to face much higher profit margins.How much can I sell my diamond ring for?Please excuse me now while I get a bit technical. Let’s assume for the purposes of this exercise that the diamond ring cost the jewelry store 100 (currency isn’t relevant here – only relative values matter).With a 25% profit percentage, that means the price you paid was 125. Let’s be generous and assume that diamond prices have risen 10% since the diamond was purchased.So in theory, at this point, you’re only losing 12%. 125 (price you paid) less 110 (price you get for the stone) = 15 total loss divided by original price paid = 12%.But here’s where the painful realizations begin to descend upon people who are looking to sell diamonds – whom do you turn to to sell a diamond at the current “market price?”The answer is unfortunately nobody.WHERE TO SELL DIAMONDSJewelry StoresLet’s say you walk into a similar type of jewelry store to the one you bought the diamond. When they originally paid 100 for that stone, they most likely had that diamond on consignment (ie, they borrowed it from a wholesaler, so it cost them nothing).This means that the true cost of that diamond was significantly less than the 100 they paid for it on paper.If they buy your diamond, they buy it cheap.For the store to actually make an investment in a diamond, and not just borrow one, it will have to justify it by buying at a very cheap price. Furthermore, relationships between suppliers and buyers in this business are extremely important.For a jewelry store to use its capital to buy a diamond from you instead of using it as an opportunity to deepen a relationship with a supplier means that they need to justify that decision through buying your diamond on the cheap.Additionally, just about anybody in the business who is faced with a private seller knows that this is a great opportunity to buy well below the market price.Overall, it’s very unlikely.Unless the diamond being offered is extremely rare for whatever reason (a situation I have yet to encounter), there’s simply no reason why a jeweler would be compelled to buy your diamond at the market price when he could buy an identical diamond at the same price from any one of hundreds of wholesalers (with better payment terms).PawnshopsIf you try to take it to a pawn shop, you’ll be hit even worse because their selling prices are already expected to be well below the market, so their costs must likewise be very low to justify their low prices.Direct ConsumersYou could always try to go direct to the consumer. Craigslist has its own risks. You could try selling it on eBay or other peer to peer selling sites, but no consumer is going to be motivated to pay you the same price you paid when they could just go and buy the same thing from a store that will offer warranties, packaging, etc.YOUR BEST CASE SCENARIOIn my opinion, in a best case scenario, after diamond prices have appreciated by 10%, you could maybe find someone to buy your diamond for 90, leaving you with a loss of 28% (125-90=35 total loss 35/125 = 28% loss).If you try and sell your diamond immediately after purchasing it, then your best case would be selling your diamond for 80 or a loss of 36%. Again, this is in an absolute best-case scenario buying bricks & mortar.BENEFITS OF SELLING A DIAMOND BOUGHT ONLINE1. Better Value = Money SavedWhat if you bought the same stone online? Well, as we explain here, that means you received far better value buying that diamond in the first place. This will help you mitigate your losses.Take these diamonds for example. Here is a beautiful diamond from James Allen for $5,580 and a fantastic alternative from Blue Nile for $5,581. Both of these diamonds are phenomenal choices that would have cost you about $6,500 in a local store.We reached out to some of our contacts and the best offer for those two diamonds were $3,600 and $3,900 respectively.2. Return Windows and Upgrade PoliciesOne major advantage for these online vendors are their policies. Both James Allen and Blue Nile offer full refunds for 30 days. They also offer a lifetime upgrade policy.Buying online obviously makes selling a diamond much easier. Your cost basis is lower (so it will be easier to recoup your money if you need to sell on the open market) and the retailers give you options for returning and upgrading (so you retain full value for the ring).Upgrading your diamond through a typical retailer usually does not give you the value you would expect. We dig into that a bit more in our trade-in article.THE BEST WAY TO SELL YOUR DIAMOND ONLINEWe recently did a secret test that of the major online options for selling your diamond. We purchased a diamond ring from Tiffany & Co for other purposes (making videos and keeping our reviews current) and used this as an opportunity to see what the other side of the business is like. Here are the results.The ring we used was a 0.53ct round diamond in a classic Tiffany solitaire setting. We originally purchased it for $4,500. Obviously, we expected to lose a lot of money on the transaction. The question was, how much? Please note that we used a Tiffany ring for this test. Tiffany diamond rings are insanely expensive and very poor bang for your buck. That is the reason there was such a large gap between the amount we paid and the amount we were able to sell it for.The TestWhite Pine: Bringing up the rear. This was the lowest offer by far. After reaching out to them via their website, I received a pithy estimate of $900-1,000. I responded mentioning that it was brand new and had all the Tiffany paperwork. The door was slammed shut by Mark who said there is no way they would go higher than that. Given the other offers we had, it was a waste of our time to send it to them.Worthy: The middle of the pack. This one wasn’t too bad unless you dig a little deeper. Worthy has a different business model. They do not actually buy the ring, rather they auction it off to diamond wholesalers and retailers. We are not fans of this model as we explain in our review. After a couple of weeks (time to send the ring, get it inspected by GIA and auctioned) the highest bid was $1,458. That was BEFORE they took their commission. After the commission, the offer would have been somewhere around $1,200.Abe Mor: The hands-down winner. After sending them a message with the details we were given an estimate within 24-hours. Being as this was a Tiffany ring, there was little ambiguity as to the quality (unlike some other retailers or independent certificates, Tiffany’s grading and quality control is legendarily good).The offer from Abe Mor was $1,850. No hassle of an auction. Just straight cash.Offers on 1/2ct Tiffany & Co Classic SolitaireABE MORWORTHYWHITE PINE$1,850$1,200$1,000Not Just our Secret TestI should mention here that at some point we have given all three of these companies an opportunity to work with our readers (by referring people who contacted us directly). The number of satisfied sellers who worked with Abe Mor was exponentially higher than it was for Worthy or White Pine. The difference was so pronounced that we don’t bother recommending either Worthy or White Pine anymore.As this article hammers home, many people are in for a rude awakening when they try to sell their diamond. As this test showed, the offers we received were 78%, 73% and 59% BELOW what we paid for.Please keep in mind that this test was done with a Tiffany & Co ring. Tiffany has an incredibly high markup for their rings. A ring like that in white gold from Blue Nile would cost about $1,350. A diamond ring like that would get you a better return. For example, Abe Mor said they would buy that one for about $800. That would mean a net loss of only 39%.WHAT IS A DIAMOND’S “MARKET PRICE?”I’ve used this term a few times in this article, but the truth is, there really is no clear definition of what this means. Already in this article, you can see that there’s a difference between a consignment price, a cash price, or a price with generous payment terms.There are also “call prices” (the price a store will pay when they “call” a dealer with a specific request to sell to a customer who is ready to buy this particular item) and “business prices” (a lower price negotiated when many diamonds are bought together).Different Market Prices and RisksSo you see, in reality, a diamond has many different “market prices.” The lowest of these is, of course, the “cash price”—the price a store will be willing to pay immediately to acquire a diamond without a customer presently requesting this diamond.The reason this price is the lowest is because it requires an immediate outlay of capital in exchange for only the hope of a future sale. This involves taking on risk, and risk needs to be rewarded with a higher potential profit—otherwise, it’s not worth the cost of taking the risk.So if your diamond is a less popular cut, or has an ugly inclusion, or is a difficult item for a store to sell for whatever reason, expect to take a much bigger hit when trying to sell it.CAN I SELL MY SETTING, TOO?Yes, you can sell your diamond and your setting. If you go through Abe Mor diamonds, they’ll handle the resale of your diamond and setting. Remember that your setting will be worth the scrap gold price. So, even if you paid $2,580 for a unique setting, it will still be melted down to scrap gold. Why is that? Well, almost everyone wants a specific, custom design. Rather than reusing your ring, a buyer would prefer to have their own design created.While it is a financial loss to sell your ring for scrap gold, at least you are able to recuperate some of the cost. Most jewelry stores and pawn shops pay approximately 50 cents for every dollar of scrap gold value. If the value is $1,000, for example, a store will offer to buy the ring for approximately $500. At Abe Mor, however, they offer 75 cents for every dollar of scrap value. So, you’d receive $750 for the $1,000 scrap gold value, instead of $500.Learn more about selling your setting here.TIPS ON HOW TO SELL A DIAMOND RINGReady to sell? Provided you have realistic expectations about price, selling a diamond ring isn’t a particularly difficult process. If you’re thinking of selling, try using the tips below for a simpler selling process:Be realistic regarding the value of your ring. As we’ve mentioned above, you won’t get back what you paid for your ring, even if it’s in flawless condition. Be realistic about pricing from the beginning and be prepared to deal with selling at a loss.Avoid pawn shops. You will never receive a fair price for your diamond ring at a pawn shop. Instead, you’ll likely receive an offer for a small fraction of the diamond’s value, at best.Avoid local jewelry stores. Likewise, you’ll rarely get a fair price for your diamond from a local jewelry store. While you may receive more than you would from a pawn shop, the jeweler ultimately has other options that are more appealing than buying from you.Do consider selling online. While online companies like Abe Mor won’t give you the full amount you paid for your diamond ring, you’ll receive a higher amount than you will from any local business.Be prepared to wait if you sell privately. Selling on eBay or Craigslist is possible, and it may net you slightly more than selling elsewhere. However, pre-owned diamond rings rarely sell quickly (especially at near-retail prices), meaning you may need to wait for a long time before your ring finds a buyer. DIAMOND RESALE VALUEThe resale value of a diamond can vary hugely depending on its carat weight, color, cut quality, clarity and numerous other factors. Our guide to diamond resale value goes into more detail on the key factors that determine a diamond’s value.HOW MUCH DO PAWN SHOPS PAY FOR DIAMOND RINGS?Most pawn shops usually pay about 30 to 60% of what a diamond is worth. Once you add in the standard retail markup that’s applied to most diamonds, this means that you’ll usually receive an offer for a small fraction of the amount you paid for your diamond ring when it was new. The reason pawn shops pay so little is simple — their business model requires them to buy your diamond at a very low price in order to make a profit. We’ve explained this in more detail in our guide to selling diamond rings at a pawn shop.
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