#ooofffff I love you guys thank you
evansbby · 2 years
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exhaustedwriterartist · 2 months
14, 27, and 40 for the tmnt asks.
Hi May!
Hi Crow!!!!
14.) Which version of Splinter is your favorite?
Ohhhh. I really like 2007 Splinter, but in coming up with things for OOH, I have realized I favor ROTTMNT Splinter. The poor guy.
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
Tiny details that end up having a role in the story. Or little hints/foreshadowing that you didn't know was foreshadowing. It makes me go feral. And emotion. Ooofffff there are many emotions that I love seeing art and fics. alkfj;elkjf.
40.) Do you give the turtles tails?
Hehehehehehehehehehe. Yes. Raph and Donnie have the longest tails when I draw them, and Mikey has the shortest. Leo's is just there. Not the longest or the shortest. Mazie has lovely long tail too.
Thank you for the ask Crow!!
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Because we need conflict
Let's try and have the Romanians cause up some shit - they wanna recruit vampires to take on the Volturi, and well they kinda liked Adam because Adam was a pretty fun guy
And at that moment - Adam wanted to get Evangeline as far away from the Volturi as possible so when they were like ayo let's meet up, he was like eh okay maybe in like a month or two ? (Bec that was when Evangeline had to turn)
So they just pitched up - and were like very threatening or idk the idea was for then to recruit Adam by threatening to kill Evangeline for good
So Adam was like okay fine but no harm comes to Evangeline
Evangeline gets info from Adam and then she goes and quickly emails the Volturi from a fake phone to get Demetri to track them and like save them
But Demetri doesn't come
Aro is back at Volterra like : give them some time. Let's see what they can come up with.
Meanwhile, Evangeline is trying not to die inside all the while playing secret assassin
But shit happens even more when her time is up and she has to turn (Adam doesn't turn her) so boom demetri is there and is like "yeah the kings want Evangeline." And Felix is with him, and Evangeline and Adam are like ???? Because what are they gonna do.
Plan is for Adam to be the two timing bitch - so he goes to the Volturi and obviously because Aro is tehre he figures out everything.
But oh shit. Then the Romanians know that Adam isn't on their side.
Okay no so wait, when Adam says he'll go with Evangeline, then Demetri is like, hm, how about no. And so Evangeline is the only one to go there.
Turns out baby Evangeline has to be the two timing vampire bitch (lol she SO asks Caius for tips - how to two time a coven)
Anyways, when she gets to Volterra she is (1) pissed because "DIDNT YOU GET MY EMAILS???" And (2) IF YOU GOT MY EMAILS THEN WHY DIDNT YOU REPLY? And (3) she's stressed about Adam especially since he's still with the Romanians and okay she thinks they started trusting him a bit because they didn't seem - okay no they seemed alarmed when Denetri and Felix got there but she's still so stressed.
Anyways Aro doesn't really like Adam because Adam is like a rebellious son you know (not to mention he knows Adam a bit from touching Edward's hand but now touching Evangeline's he obviously sees a different thing.) But Aro is old enough to know not to blindly trust people.
But oh, Evangeline? Thank god she doesn't have a mental shield because this means he can use Chelsea on her - and also, he thinks that it's a good thing she has such a good familial relationship with Adam, because that would mean the Romanians would believe if she played their side.
Damn, this whole war thing is gonna take a goddamn time - like a long time - because I liked the idea of the Romanians making a half vampire army - that'll take them, what, like, a full year from conception for the babies to be trained into being warriors?
Okay so it won't take that long but I think it'll take somewhat five years for Evangeline to adapt to vamp-hood and to also integrate herself into the Romanian ranks, because the Romanians won't trust her if she keeps on going back to Volterra (because Aro will wnat to touch her hand)
So oof the drama
Is dramatic
Because can you imagine essentially Caius and his mate being torn apart by war?
Like ooofffff I love it but poor Evangeline she just hates it and wants to cry
I think this whole arc for her will really shape her into the character that wanted to write - like the lowkey person who doesn't want to fight anymore, and to have Caius understand that part of her (understand just why she is like that and just - you know? Be able to relate to her a bit, except he still wants to fight because his mind just works better that way)
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Sit with me bc this chapter was A LOT and I need to unpack all these feelings🥲
“My time will never be wasted when spent on you.” Ahhh my heartttt😫❤️‍🔥
“You’re the poem the universe wrote only for me.” He really found his other half and they’re literally cursed to be together ohhhhhh the angsssstttttttt when I read this my heart cracked a little for them🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲
“The pits of your stomach ignite with desire, along with an uncontrollable need to be closer to him. A pull so inhumane and sewn deep into your soul that you struggle to compare it to anything you’ve ever experienced. It's Jungkook’s breath warm against your lips that breaks you from the trance, gazing up at him with big eyes.” Wowwww I really love the intense attraction they feel and how you describe it so beautifully 😭like I can feel your writing! Idk does it make sense? Loolll❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
“His lips never leaving yours, kissing you with so much yearning and lust that it’s enough to make you feel as though you’re the only two people in the world. “ ooofffff and the smut hasn’t even started, atp I was already on fire🤣❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
“And as his ministrations grow more deliberate, dipping into where you crave him most, the rose begins to shed it’s petals. Layers of doubt, fear, uncertainty, falling onto the bedsheets with your discarded towel. Walls crumbling, only leaving the part of your soul that yearns for more.” OH MY GOD YOUR BRAIN, I LOVE ITTTTT how come this isn’t in a movie/book/series already?? This is so beautiful 😭❤️‍🔥
“He meets your eye contact with a smirk, still panting for air, “How can I put this to you?” He’s laughing, wetting his lips between smiles, “To call what we’ve just done ‘a good time’ is a fucking insult. I’ve never felt seduction like this, I want to have you, to take you, to consume you in every way imaginable until you’re mine.” Fffffffffuuuuuuucckkkkk you had me at the smirk LAURA TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY SANITY OK 🔪🔪you can’t expect to write something this HOT and leave me here to dieeeeee🥴🥴🥴❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🫠🫠🫠
(I’ll proceed to skip the rest of the smut bc I’m getting horny again and I’m at WORK and just-yeah)
He pleading to all heavens for her to stay with him??? That was a fucking roller coaster of emotions! I felt so bad for him oh my god he was so desperate💔💔💔💔💔
“We were meant to be forever “ 😭😭😭😭😭😭
“I spent centuries searching for you, longing for your touch… Only for my touch to be the weapon that kills you. I would’ve given you the world and yet I’m the one to take it from you.” NooOooooo waiiiiitttt it workeeeeddddd (me trough tearssss at 3am)
“…but when it registers in your mates brain his gaze snaps to yours instantly, and he grins.”wait so he can still read her thoughts????????
“I-I'm thirsty.” OH MY FFFFFFYEEESSssssssssss
You’re amazing Laura I hope you know that!! You captivated my whole heart and soul with this series and esp this chapter! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 I really really tried to keep this as short as possible but it’s impossible lol! I’ll be reading this chapter 98755times it’s so good💜🫶🏼 tysm!!
thank u so much for this message eeee!! thank you for your kind words and compliments they really made me smile! never feel bad about sending big asks like this because they warm my heart! i really enjoy writing fantasy actually so your comments mean so much to me! thank u so so much angel i hope you enjoy what’s to come!! 💜💜💜
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darke15 · 2 years
Okay so my obsession with Aftermath is super high rn so I would love to know about any songs or movies that sorta represent the story or inspiration for you? Like stuff you think of or listen to while writing the kick ass fight scenes?I'm just so in love with your writing style.
Ah! Thank you so much! And, yes! I've answered this a few times so I'll give you all links to all the asks//spotify playlists.
Here are most of my movie references/inspiration
I watch a lot of these on repeat, they make great background noise while I'm writing and have inspired a lot of the family/team dynamics and action sequences/locations in the BS:U. e.g. Rook inspired by the bad guy in No Time to Die, Alpha 1 inspired by the A-Team, Boone inspired by Atomic Blonde, etc.
Just for funsies, here's the refs to Ghost's Suit
As for music ooofffff I've got a lot of stuff going on over on Spotify. Including:
Aftermath Playlist
Aftermath 'Score'
The Soldier and The Spy
TS&TS 'Score'
Boone's Playlist
Duke's Playlist
The Red Room
You'll find me jamming out to these when I'm writing. I especially writing to film scores, particularly The Winter Soldier score and recently the Kingsmen score. They get me into the action sequence mood.
If I'm tryna write fluff I turn toward 40s music bc it makes me think of Bucky 😉
While we're on the subject of inspiration/references, here's the link to my Pinterest page. I have all sorts of boards with my inspo for TS&TS and Aftermath over there. And here's the link to my Spotify
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you're enjoying the BS:U!!!
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modernpolymath · 7 years
Eurovision Semis #1
a.k.a. Aria’s running commentary.
Mel, I don’t know how you’ve kept getting these assignments, but please don’t stop. I know GBBO isn’t around anymore, but please don’t leave just because you are now our default entertainment presenter. 
Ukranian rap/hip-hop artist? Eyesore? I’m confused. 
Okay so top of head braid ponytails are a thing now? Is this a trend I’ve missed out on.
Who are these three guys? I don’t think I could pronounce their names if I tried. Having three presenters is weird enough, not having a male-female double act is just wrong. I still think they missed a trick with not bring Verka back. EPIC FAIL UKRAINE.
#eurogenius The term is accepted.
I wonder if they actually speak French, or if he just learned these phrases. 
“And the odd horsehead.”
Their smiles are REALLY WIDE. 
And we’re off!!!
First act to ever start backstage? I mean sure, why not. 
I can’t get over these super 90s suits. The haircuts and the mock turtlenecks. Also his suit is purple? Props for diversity though. 
And I just gotta say: didn’t we move past the treadmill performances when OK GO did it like 8 years ago?
I think Sweden is trying to go retro and reclaim their former glory.
I LOVE THIS ALREADY. Her hair. Her cape. Her dress. Red and fog and minor keys. YES. 
That eye make is on point. Wink on point. 
I think she can actually sing...? Or not. She does well until the refrain, so I don’t know. 
FIRE FIREFIREFIREFIRE We have our first fire!
I really want to like this song. And I think I do.
OH SHIT, it looks like she stole the UK’s ball graphic. 
“Several key changes and a cloak.” Mel knows whats up.
“Which I don’t feel bitter about in any way.” Say it Scott. We all hate them.
OH MY GOD he’s in the graphics in the background. OZ!! I think you figured out how Eurovision works. Sorta. Hot guy who can sorta sing, over-do it on the effects
I am distracted by his lack of socks.
This song needs something more.
When I meant more, I didn’t mean riff Issiah, you’re not a strong enough singer for that. So In that, good job Aussies, you put forward an appropriate contender this year. You have learned your place.
“Another sockless man on stage.” MEL KNOWS WHAT’S UP.
What’s with all the ballads this year? 
Her eyes are so big.
Albania’s feeling like the white, purer version of Georgia. 
Wind machine. We have wind. 
I’m not sure she can walk in this dress.
Whoa? Did we move from sort of clock to a futuristic floating world? Don’t get it, but sure. 
At least this song picked up more than Oz did. But it still needed to drop the beat or something. It just stayed so constant. Meh.
It’s so Mumford and Sons. But wow, the audience is so into it. 
I am not entirely sure she’s singing more than 2 notes. 
This song is good but your staging sucks. 
UGH all of these ballads need to pick it up mid-song. They’re so monotonous. This one in particular. 
She should have sung in her head voice the WHOLE TIME. 
She seems like a super sweet girl who is maybe a bit overwhelmed. 
WAIT IT’S DETATCHABLE?!??!?! I am slightly less impressed now.
Nevermind. OMFG I love this entire thing so much already. 
This whole thing is so Eurovision. 
Rock it to the stars. Yes let’s do that. These pants need to shining down on us at all times. 
This overhead shot of him laying down on his face is amazing. 
It’s cheating if you twirl your braid with your hand! THERE WE GO. 
I get the feeling this is probably a better to watch on TV than in the audience. 
“Absolute quality.” MEL KNOWS WHAT IS UP.
This postcard posing is so Finland.
Fog so much fog this year. 
First singer who is actually singing and singing to the way their song is written. 
I still don’t get this song though... I mean I kinda get it, but the lyrics with the composition doesn’t make sense to me. Also is this a Eurovision song? Maybe? 
IS THAT A BURNING PIANO?!??!?! No, just a bit of fog, but I’ll count it. 
We’re red and angry now. 
I do honestly like this song, and she may be one of the best signers in the competition.
Azerbaijan, super props for making up for your rather sucky act last year.
This act is amazing. It is so out there, but it’s also so amazingly perfectly Eurovision? In a way that Germany’s last year was not but tried to be this. 
They are committed. Is she seducing a man with a horse head? Are these people actually members of the band, or just prop men? I don’t know but it’s working. 
Consistency and thematic integration A++ for Azerbaijan.
“Only at Eurovision.” “We have told Finland their piano is on fire.” CALLED IT.
“That means if you think she’s rubbish tonight you cant even tell him.”
Oh, we have a mini-stage!
What.... what is this? 
Don’t get me wrong, I love jazz and lyrical contemporary music. I go to jazz clubs for fun. But I.... what is this? What happened to Eurovision this year? 
Okay, but he’s adorable. And I 100% love the audience for getting into it with him. 
Is this ballad year though?
“Pure art alert.” True story. I feel like this is Australia 2016 all over again: Portugal came back to win and forgot that this is not an event you send your best artist to. 
Whatever, I’ll take it. 
Ooofffff, harsh entrance girl. 
This is traditional Eurovision right here. 
I don’t even have anything to say about this act other than it’s a back to basics. Half-naked men, electric upbeats, high notes, dancibility, light shows, some odd staging gimmick. 
Here’s our quintessential be yourself, be stronger, ballad. 
This is very Rise like a Phoenix.
Could she be bound any tighter to get some cleavage out of her though?
Have I won ESC Bingo yet?
Violin and sax and tuxedos.
This song will so get stuck in my head for the next 3 days....
This leg move can’t be good for your hips though. 
Because I can’t get it the beat out of my head, it’s probably going onto the finals. 
Damn girl. You’re postcard is A+++++++++++. Be my friend. “In her spare time, she likes to bathe in unicorn tears.” YESSSSSSSSS
This is like Jessie J meets Madonna meets Gwen Stefani. And I’m kinda of digging it?
Capes are in this year. 
Her shoes are AMAZING
Iceland is my lady crush of ESC 2017. It’s official. 
I so wish this staging was more epic though. 
Laser show, lighting breakdown. Where’s the wind????
Awesome. Yes, more please. 
Czech Republic:
Wait, isn’t their country now Czechia or something??
I appreciate this outfit?
CZE is probably winning best use of lighted floor award tonight. 
I think this song would have been much better received earlier in the night. 
She can sing though. Which is always nice. 
“Lots of sockless behaviour this evening.” MEL KNOWS WHAT IS UP.
This song has promise, despite your ankles showing. But maybe that’s a positive to show off your footwork?
Camera work is good on this one. 
Okay the silhouette thing is cool. 
Sorry CZE, Cyrpus just stole your staging award. This whole performance is really well thought out and maybe a bit too good for ESC? I’ll allow it. 
Okay, I was going to count Armenia out 20 seconds in, but then the beat picked up and the camera jumped. Good. 
This has got to be so much better on TV than in person. 
I kinda dig this song. My pole dancing self would totally rock to this.
Dancing is good. 
He’s cheeky. 
I do like this song, I’ve heard it before. It just get weirds at point. Like maybe there should be the opera guy in here somewhere?
You know, it’s basically like a Josh Groban song.
Group act, bring it!
Neon. Crazy eyes. Insane hair. I don’t get this outfit. I don’t get this song. I don’t get this staging. Am I missing something?
Oh, well here it is. Maybe this is it. 
Nope still don’t get it.
My TV stream is confused by what to do and how to render all these lights and colours. Pixelation central.
I just don’t get it. Is this Georgia all over again for me?
These guys are too stiff. Please just stop trying to be funny. 
OH MY GOD - bringing it back to the OMFG new scoring rules and how fucking stressful that was. I am so ready for it again this year. 
I am still not over the political FU that has happened over this song and over Eurovision. I mean, on the one hand it’s just a song competition, but on the other, shit man, this is why Eurovision has a ban on political songs. That said the Drama has been delectable.
VERKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA  YES. Okay, but still. Ukraine fail that this wasn’t your host. I will never forgive you. Yes yes, Jamal’s great, but we really want Verka and laughs. Ukraine you’re not keeping it fun enough. 
“Wazitgutenuf.” I swear, I am normally good with accents, but wow, Aleks is taking this to a whole new level of speed and incomprehensibility. 
Moldova - duh, of course. 
Azerbaijan - I am so glad, I am so down with this whole thing. 
Greece - eh, sure, it’s traditional, but I thought others were better. 
Sweden - I dunno, this feels like a thank you more than deserved.
Portugal - I am secretly really happy?? He’s adorable.
Poland - nope, sorry, no. You were fine. Iceland was WAY better.
Armenia - okay, sure, but I don’t think you’ll hold up. 
Australia - fiiiinnnnnneeeeee.
Cyprus - totes, 100% well deserved. 
Belgium - ugggghhhhhhhhhhhh, I want to like this song, but it was as shitty performance. 
Montenegro was robbed in that you know this is what Eurovision is about and really he should have gone through on that alone. Ultimately, it wasn’t a strong performance though....
I’m pissed about Iceland. She should have been there. 
At least some of the crazy and stupid slow songs didn’t make it. 
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