#how do I become as guillable as jaime maussan
turndecassette2 · 7 months
How did get good at writing in English
the swedish school system is pretty good at teaching english imo. also, games don't get localised here since it's such a small market so I had to gain a passive understanding of english at age 7 or so in order to play Pokemon. and I lived in the us for a couple of years. I speak english with foreigners online etc etc. no real method to this.
(I'm taking forever learning spanish, I know w english I was reading shitty old lovecraft stories before I had my first proper conversation with a native english speaker. so I need to get to a 'reading borges' level before I can stop feeling awkward trying to express myself ha ha. rn I'm getting my news from the Jaime Maussan 'tercer milenio 360' news podcast, which usually starts with normal takes on the climate, palestine etc then tops it off with some story about a ufo fighting a dog in a mexican backyard & we have blurry footage from a security camera; I guess that part is there to remind us there is still wonder & magic in the world)
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