#how do i share my dilfs. my niche is so specific
moonssugar · 1 year
perforated circle of writers on here is like an ecosystem that keeps creating cringe fail pathetic young men with wet eyes that we all love to watch suffer but for some reason im the creature in the ecosystem thats like “best i can do is dilfs in their 30s almost 40s with some kind of trauma” and the one babygirl in his late thirties whos a sharpshooter, gay married and who changed his surname to his confirmation saint out of spite who also has curly hair and brown-grey eyes
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tsuzuruchipalace · 22 days
you're one of my favorite writers so i wanted to tell you some moments from your fics that i think about a lot
For Tax Benefits: really loved the feeling of the whole fic and the ending especially but the moment that sticks with me the most is when itaru says “I’ll wait for you, then. As long as it takes.” because my heart skipped a beat there
getting out of hand (and in your hands): just... when itaru starts waxing poetics about tsuzuru's hand and dick <333
Prisoner of the Heart: THIS ONE I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT JUST CHOOSE ONE MOMENT FROM. THERE ARE MANY SCENES I AM ALWAYS VERY EXCITED TO REREAD. the ones I think about THE MOST though? merlin and lancelot's first kiss. lancelot's love confession and “And how does it feel to have fallen for a human?” (you have no idea what this line did to my heart... i had to pause to let things sink in and scream into my pillow many times throughout the fic but this just made me feel SO much...), "Until I'm breaking, knight" (that specific line was just very hot) and THE ENDING... which was all i could hope for while reading. absolute perfection. what a masterpiece.
give me one good honest kiss and i’ll be alright: the entire conversation leading up to the kiss and the kiss itself! also, fun fact, it was this fic that got me into tsuzuita
Knights of the Round: Advent: merlin telling lancelot his wish!!! loved that scene so much!!!!
Hot Veludo Dilfs in Your Area: I MEAN THE WHOLE THING HAD ME GIGGLING. reread many times.
True Love’s Kiss: itaru calling tsuzuru a homely village maiden and their whole banter surrounding the prince/princess theme. i love how you write their banter
Who the Hell is Writing RPF in Veludo Way!?: when itaru walks in and tsuzuru freaks out a little 😭
a prelude to spring: again, this is a fic where there are many scenes i could call my favorite but the first ones that come to mind that i really love and like to reread are that conversation they have when they're alone at the other side of the ship (especially tsuzuru giving itaru his jacket and "An award-winning scriptwriter thinks I’m super hot~"), when they're dancing together and itaru asks if they should kiss, when tsuzuru asked itaru "do you say to all the college students you date?" (again, love the banter), the almost kiss and tsuzuru deciding to step up his game at the end of the latest chapter<3
a skirt and a pair: oh this was just. extremely hot. and when itaru finally starts really touching tsuzuru? yeah.
in-between your love (and your legs): that whole conversation where they agree to date was a scene i liked SOOO much there was just something about it and. THE LOVE CONFESSION
woAH WAHHHH this is such a sweet message thank you so much !! 🥹🥹 I'm really honored you enjoy my work so much, even enough to reread them. And putting the time to share what you liked from them, I really appreciate it!! 💕
I'm glad that even my more niche fics were included. I like to write for my own self-fulfillment (sometimes that's obvious lol) (funny enough, also a tzit theme lol) but whenever someone says they got into TsuzuIta because of my fics, I can't help but feel really happy and proud that I could portray them in a way that convinces others of their appeal. Especially with such a specific crossover AU I had ahaha. I'm glad that you like so many of my works ^^
And thank you for complimenting how I write banter and dialogue! It's always fun for me and I try my best to make it feel true to them! Both a prelude to spring and Prisoner of the Heart are personal favs and special to me, so it's nice to see they're both loved 😊
Honestly, there aren't enough words to display how much I appreciate your message, but thank you so so much for your support! I'll continue loving TsuzuIta and writing works for them ^^
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