#how do people endure shit like this on daily basis. im just so tired
procyo9 · 5 months
i poke my head out of the gutter for one freakin second and fate shovels shit in my face!!!!!!!!!!!
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arsonbred · 6 years
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        -- HC. damien’s abilities / skills !! some of these are hc’s, some of these are based off of actual stuff from the game ( or have at least been ASSUMED from certain things )-- not all of them are abilities per say, but are still skill he has ! & weaknesses ! under a read more bc it got longer than i thought it would whoops. probably gonna add to it later on !!
                HEAT RESISTANCE ⇢ duh ! he’s the PRINCE OF HELL after all ! he needs the ability to be able to resist the hottest flames in hell if he’s one day going to be the KING. not to mention, there’s a reason why he’s able to start so many large fires & come out unscathed-- hell, he could probably sleep in one if he wanted.
                ENHANCED DURABILITY ⇢ doesn’t mean much apart from the fact that normal attacks / things won’t hurt him ! sure, they’ll HURT a fuckton ( to a level it could make him wish he were dead )-- but a few bullets, stab wounds & things of the like aren’t enough to make him kick the bucket. only when they’re lined with silver do they actually work-- otherwise, extreme blood loss WILL tire him out, but not kill him. not to mention that by now, all the self destructive things he’s done on impulse would’ve killed him had it not been for his enhanced durability. 
                TAIL ⇢ he’s able to control his tail at will ! it’s tip is NOT as sharp & pointed as he’d like it to be-- so instead in fights he uses it to help him trip up a guy, throw stuff at others, deal a sneak attack from behind ( such as holding a knife in it & stabbing them from behind ) and / or wrapping it around someone to stop their movements ( such as it wrapping around an arm that’s swinging at him in order to stop it from making contact ). 
                STRONG TEETH & SHARP NAILS ⇢ he needs strong enough teeth to be able to CHOMP right through bones & flesh ! strong enough nails to DIG & phase right into an enemies throat ! they’re a weapon on all their own, although he doesn’t use them very frequently. usually he prefers to use his knuckles, knives, & more than anything else, fire-- after all, what’s the fun in a easy kill ?
                OBSERVATIONAL SKILLS / ENHANCED ALERTNESS ⇢ he doesn’t use them as often, but he’s very observant to the world around him, picking up on social cues about others that would otherwise go unnoticed ( although most the time he ignores them ). this is usually to help him pick up on hidden signs of FEAR or AGGRESSION or other such things-- he needs them if he’s going to be a hell general & leader of the army after all ! he needs them when he’s bullying someone in order to get what he wants from them !! he also needs to be ALERT at all times-- he’s the prince of the 8th circle of hell & ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS on him are a norm ! a thing that happens on an almost daily basis ! & so are betrayals ! that’s not to say he can’t be caught off guard though-- just that he’s usually more alert than most.
                FIRE CONTROL ⇢ here’s where my dames is different from other dames & what other people usually think about him ( or if something contradicting this appears in canon, then im different from canon ). damien is NOT able to CREATE fire from inside of him. there’s a reason why he’s always needing to use gasoline & matches in order to start them-- he can’t CREATE any out of his own will, but once they do start, he’s able to control them, albeit slightly. while not an expert, he’s still learning & practicing on his own time.
                EXTREMELY COLD TEMPERATURES ⇢ he can’t handle them. AT ALL. having been raised in literal fire all his life, he’s able to endure normal cold weathers & the average cold things like light snow / water, but NOT at an extreme level. being exposed to constant snowfall or really negative degrees will cause him to falter / weaken him to the point he may not even be able to move-- or just make him super fatigued he doesn’t have the energy to do anything !
                PRAYERS / CHANTS / EXORCISM ⇢ anything that has to do with the lord above & all things holy are bad for him ! that includes prayers from the bible / other holy resources & holy water ! that shit BURNS in the most uncomfortable of ways possible. it usually isn’t enough to kill him-- he’s the PRINCE OF HELL after all, not your average demon-- unless the person who does the exorcising is a HIGHLY EXPERIENCED priest / exorcist / expert ( aka. not just your average apprentice-- they do nothing more than tickle him ), otherwise it makes him extremely uncomfortable & renders him unable to move.
                IMPULSIVENESS ⇢ given then enough taunting, he’s rather easy to manipulate ! he’ll do random impulsive shit ( sometimes even mid-fight ! ) that usually ends up hurting himself more than anyone else. he can be easily riled up & whatever cunning plan he’s thought up can go down the drain as he lets his instincts get the better of him-- so if your muse is smart enough to use that in a fight / get him to do what they want ( such as challenging him saying he’s ‘ too chicken to do smth ‘ ), then that’s your chance !
                OVERCONFIDENCE ⇢ kinda related to ^, but basically damien’s still a rather YOUNG demon. he may be more observant than most, but he usually doesn’t listen to warning signs that tells him doing something is probably a bad idea. he’s WAY too confident in his own skills & ability to come out unscathed that, even though he figures something out, finds a way to turn it against him by trying using it for his advantage / brushing it off like it’s nothing & other things of the like.
                SILVER ⇢ much like how basically anything is unable to kill him-- silver is one of the only thing that actually does. be it silver knives, silver bullets, silver ANYTHING-- they’re the only thing that, even with a single scratch of a silver knife, is enough to send a HELLISH amount of pain on him ( even though normal knives would barely do anything other than make him bleed ). they pierce through his skin with ease & are just uncomfortable in general.
                BACK ⇢ it’s sensitive. it’s his weak spot. there’s rly nothing else to say about this.
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