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Just got back from London! Totally in love. ❤🎡🏤
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Our “Save the Date” 😊❤
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Love love love ❤
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less than 2 weeks till The Wedding!!!!
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I wish I could have had time to write on here and keep track of the crazy journey it was this wedding planning, but I'm here now!
So after I got the dress - that btw I'm going to see complete in 2 DAYS!! I was sad when I found out that the fitting in May was just to see how it was coming, and it was only half done - , we booked the venue.
What can I say... it was the first one that we saw, and I remember the night of the visit, before falling asleep, I pictured our wedding there, in my head. It was so clear to me that that was the perfect location!! It's so us and so intimate and with a nice view, just perfect.
I also went on DIY decorations, that I'm sooo happy about and I just can't wait to see in place!
Obviously some things went wrong - I designed the invitations by myself, I was so proud, but when we got them printed at the shop they came out like crap. We had to send all the american ones since Andrew was going to leave for 2 weeks the following day, and while he was gone I printed and cut all of the italian ones by myself. I was so tired but they came out just how I wanted them to be :-)
We even had problems with paperwork, apparently military ID cards or any kind of american identification is super strange in Italy so my townhall couldn't figure some stuff out about my fiancè and his best man. Painful - I'll find out on the 3rd if things worked out.
Also Andrew, a week after he got back from those 2 weeks, had to leave again for 5 weeks (he's coming back this friday, saturday who knows?!), and I totally freaked out.I had classes to take and had to study for the exams (my first one is on July 4th), I was trying to go to the gym regularly and I was sooo losing it. Until my friend recommended me this wedding planner. Oh gosh it's such a big help, finally someone that was not me gave me an idea on what you have to do with the wedding.
We're now finalizing the ceremony wording - it's so nice that we can do it and shape it on us and our relationship :-) - , the music, details, favors and flowers. Oh and I still have to find a wedding ring for him :-S crap. Hopefully we will figure everything out soon - only 48 days left!!!
Hopefully I'll get to do another update before the wedding, have a great day ❤
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And the more energized you are to accomplish other things during the day 👍 get your ass up and go #workout 💪
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Definitely going to incorporate this into our wedding day. 💖 #lovequote #corinthians134 #loveispatient #loveiskind #weddinginspiration
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1 YEAR AGO!!! 💕💕💕
My boyfriend’s homecoming from a 9months deployment… One of the best days of my life 😊💕🇺🇸 💏
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Our american Christmas break
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Wedding planning, life, school, future & update
I've been SO busy with EVERYTHING that I let this blog go, but I'll totally try to get back into a routine and write more! so let the update begin....
after we found out that FSTE (Andrew's contract extension to stay more in Italy) went through, the fear of not knowing what would have went on in 2014 disappeared. Which felt awesome because we were able to set a date for August 10th, which takes us back to the day of our first date and also to an Italian "festivity" - San Lorenzo's night, which by tradition is the "night of the shooting stars": you basically lay somewhere dark and quiet away from the city and look up to the sky waiting to see a shooting star and express a wish. Couldn't pick a better day for us to start our married life! :-)
Unfortunately we started looking for venues and catereres around February ("there's still a ton of time!") after we got back from the States and I got done with my first semester of the second year's exams. We're still torn between 2 locations, but we're planning to book it this week, we'll also book the awesome cateter that we met last week, and the amazing photographer Mauro Pozzer, my BFF's dad. I also already got my wedding dress which I'm DYING to see complete in May - how can I wait that long?! Totally not the typical dress!
I've been doing a lot of DIY (posting everything on my IG) for the invitations that I designed myself, and played a lot with the colors we picked for our wedding - basically coral/peach and gold. I'm having so much fun crafting & planning! We also started out registry and the wedding website which I'll finish when we book the venue.
So during Christmas' break Andrew and I went to Ohio to visit his family and friends. OMG!!! That was one of the best times in my life, I felt so comfortable, everybody treated me like family and made such great memories with my love and his american world that it seriously couldn't go better. We stayed there for two weeks (not counting that we got stuck at the airport for a day because of the crazy snow storm!), and everyday was something new. It was my first time in America, so everything was amazing to me, I shopped there which was crazy with all those sales!, I shot for my first time - definitely not something you can do in Italy!!, met all his family, and partied for NYE in Cleveland with his crazy friends. I was so happy and grateful for every moment I spent there that I still often think about it and wish I was still there. I can't wait to meet all of them again at the wedding!
Geez. University has been sucking up my life so bad recently but it's giving me a lot of satisfactions! Being that I spent the whole Christmas break in Ohio, and didn't study much through it counting that I had the exam session in January - and didn't plan to pass all my exams - but I actually did pass all of them and was super happy about it because I always followed all my classes and took my notes and that did the work for me. Now I just finished the first clinicals of the year, and tomorrow I'll start my second one. I'm kind of nervous but I learnt so much and proved so much of what I knew in the previous one that I just can't wait to kick it and better myself through this again!
well apart from the fact that we'll get married in August, hopefully get a house and live together (finally!!), and hopefully graduating next year, Andrew is looking into the Green to Gold program and go ROTC to switch from enlisted to officer, annnnnd... he's applying for San Diego State University! Living in California has always been my dream and he's giving it a chance, I love him :))) we hope he gets accepted, so please pray for us!!!! It would let us have 2 years almost away from the Army, for him to be with him a lot on my first time away from my family and my country, it would make things so much easier for us. fingers crossed!
I guess this is all from now, I want to try and post more pics here too... we'll see! Have a good day/night everybody x x
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So this morning, after having trouble with the famous “Atto Notorio” last week, I finally went with my two best friends and everything worked out. We went to have breakfast and the morning was going just fine… Till I came home and Andrew sends me a text:
“The fste came back….”
so I’m like “geez… they didn’t accept it?”
and he goes “I’ll tell you what happened when we meet, it’s fucking stupid”
I started asking him to tell me right away, I was shaking and picturing him leaving next year and me still having to finish school… Basically, the whole day seemed to suck!! He wouldn’t say a work about it!!
Well when he got off work he came to pick me up and asked me how the Atto Notorio went, and I said good, but YOU tell me now!!! I was so nervous, he handed me 2 papers, said “the first one says to look on the second paper"… I start looking and trying to decode all that Army vocabulary, I see some words but I was just like "WHAT DOES THIS ALL MEAN?!" … he points his finger on the phrase that said "extension approved" OMGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!! I almost cried, I was so so so happy!!!! I looked down and said that his orders got moved from July 2014 to July 2015, so our plans and dreams on having our big wedding next August will happen!
We are so happy and excited, we always got f***ed from his work bullshit, last time change of plans, deployment, birthdays and celebrations away because of trainings, this is finally a breath of fresh air!
He was driving me back tonight and said “finally after 2 years the army did something good to us”
and I said "yeah it’s the second time it did something good"
"what was the first thing?”
“Us meeting? 😜”
LOL today was such a significative day and we can finally set a date and start planning for real. Can’t wait to marry him!!!
PS: special thanks to Naomi @nai-is-dreaming on tumblr for bearing and hoping with me ❤
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Telling my fiancé "take your pants off" with the purpose of finding and palpating the muscles when studying how to do intramuscular injections.... #NURSINGSTUDENTPROBLEMS
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