#how does matt play off giving jen a drink at a bar
murdcck · 2 years
me watching she-hulk just for matt.  i’m sorry. i can’t take the cgi seriously.
BUT ALSO??? DID THEY LITERALLY HAVE MATT SNIFF THE AIR AND PUT IN A PRONOUNCED SNIFFING SOUND? LIKE DUDE RIDICULOUS.. YES, I am biased. I’m sorry. Netflix showed Matt’s abilities way more subtly than this SNIFF!! sdjkfsd.
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toxic ~ (t.h!mob x reader)  chapter 2.
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A/N: a playlist and a new aesthetic should be out sometime tonight! 
summary: click here 
warnings: minor violence, language. 
word count: 3k 
Tom’s eyes opened–his head still pounding from the night prior. He noticed the faceless body next to him asleep, he rubbed his forehead cursing at himself, he didn’t mean to get that drunk.
He stepped out of his bed and grabbed boxers from his drawer and put them on, his maid was here and he didn’t need the older lady seeing too much of him. He grabbed one of his worn down button-downs and put it on, leaving it undone–he walked out of his room and down the stairs into the kitchen–when he ran into Jen, his maid.
“Good Morning, Mr. Holland.” she smiled, “Morning Jen, there’s a young lady upstairs. When you get the chance can you get her out of my room? I have some work I have to do and I don’t want her around much longer.
“Of course sir, I’ll get onto that now.”
Tom turned and began to make his coffee, and Jen walked away and up the stairs. He honestly wasn’t even sure what happened last night, he knows he went to one of the bars he owned with Harrison–and then the rest is kinda blank. He didn’t know who the girl was, let alone what she looked like. He put his hand through his hair, chewing on his bottom lip–when his phone began to ring, he furrowed his eyebrows confused not sure where the ringing was coming from when he saw his phone on the countertop, he smiled to himself ‘even wasted me is still pretty smart.’
He looked over the name ‘Harrison’ and answered it.
“How was your night, mate?” Tom could tell Harrison was smiling over the phone.
“Wish I could remember, anything interesting you need to tell me?”
“Not really–You–”
“About business, Harrison.”
“Oh,” Harrison laughed, “Someone wants to buy your restaurant. They’re offering–a lot.”
Tom was silent for a second, “How much?”
“500 thousand, but–there’s a catch.”
“A catch? They do realize who I am right?” Tom sounded confused.
“It’s the restaurant Y/N plays at.”
Tom blinked a couple times, the silence over the phone made Harrison a little nervous–Tom took a sip of his coffee.
“Absolutely not. Tell him to fuck off, and don’t be nice about it.”
“Have you asked her yet?”
Tom was getting aggravated, why was Harrison pushing him so much about it–why did he give a fuck?
“No, I–”
“It’s been a week Holland, you better hurry–before someone else gets their hands on her.”
Tom hung up, not wanting to hear his friend anymore. If Harrison wasn’t a friend of Tom’s he would have shot him a long time ago. Toms' fingers taped on the marble counter, as he took another sip of his coffee–he saw his pack of cigarettes laying on the counter and grabbed it–lighting one up and taking a long drag.
Was this even a good idea? Y/N as a business partner? Would she even be able to get the job done? He sighed, his mind lost in thought.
“Sir, she just left. Didn’t have a lot of nice things to say.” Jen removed him from his thought.
You sat in the coffee shop, the laptop in front of you. You weren’t sure where to start–it was either this or call them, and calling them was too dangerous. They could get caught. You sighed rubbing your eyes and slowly started typing.
‘Hi, Dad–”
You were writing everything you could without giving your location because if they found out were your parents where–then they’d found out where you were. The email was short and sweet and you just wanted to know if they were okay. You just wanted to know if they were alive.
The ringing of your phone made you get out of your daydream, there was no name, just a number so you hesitated to answer it–especially after the email you sent.
“Y/N,” the British accent was familiar, “Surprised you answered.”
It was Tom, you rolled your eyes–how the hell did he get your number?
“I wouldn’t have if I knew who was calling. How did you–”
“You work for me, remember?”
You sighed over the phone, he was silent–”What do you need, Holland?”
You didn’t notice the heads turning to look at you in the coffee shop.
Tom was biting his cheek–if he wanted you to join him he had to be nice to you, just for a little. So he ignored your comment over the phone. “A date. I wanna talk to you about business, in person.”
You cocked your head to the side a little with his offer. “Business?”
“Tonight, at 8.”
You smiled, he really had no idea what he was getting himself into.
“I guess I’ll see you then, Thomas.” and you hung up.
You already knew how tonight was going to play out, you knew by now even from that small encounter a week ago–you two did not exactly go together, you got under each others skin–but there was something about him that made you want to go on this ‘date’ and talk about whatever business he was implying, you didn’t care. You just wanted to be able to stare at him a little longer.
You gathered your things from the coffee shop and started your walk home.
Your mind began to linger on your family–so what if they even did get the email? They probably won’t answer just for your sake. You were getting so sick of them running all the time, it had been a couple years since you’ve seen them–and you missed them, but you knew there wasn’t much you could do.
Well, maybe not you.
You took one last look at yourself and applied some more lip–gloss. You wore a tight black dress, with black thigh-high boots, your neckline dropped low and the necklace you wore had one single diamond on it. Your hair was wrapped up in a tight bun, this wasn’t just a date–this had something to do with business. You threw a couple rings on your fingers, and your dangling diamond earrings before wrapping your knife holster around your thigh–slipping your favorite knife into it.
You looked at the clock that read ‘8:01’ when your phone beeped.
You smiled grabbing your silver clutch putting your phone and wallet into it.
When you walked outside you weren’t at all surprised at the car he drove, a matte black Audi R8–you smiled to yourself. Tonight was gonna be interesting, you opened his passenger door and sat down.
“You’re late,” you said sternly looking over at him.
“Starting already, I see.”
And he took off, your eyes quickly scanning what he wore. His hair was slicked back–his suit was black and it hugged all the right places. You couldn’t help but realize you two were matching, which made you smirk.
“I should've known not to wear black,” you commented.
A small chuckle left his throat, and he looked at you–that look in his eyes again.
“Why do I have this feeling you did it on purpose.”
Your laugh was full of sarcasm, “You wish, Thomas.”
His eyes hadn’t left you, and you winked–you loved testing him.
“Stop fucking calling me that,” he growled, was he really gonna try to scare you?
“I’ll call you whatever I want.”
His eyes were back on the road, and his knuckles turned white as he gripped the steering wheel.
“You’re a goddamn headache, has anyone ever told you that?”
You ignored his comment with a smile and continued the ride in silence.
When you and he walked into the restaurant, he offered you his arm. You looked up at him cocking your head to the side, a smile on your lips. You huffed taking his arm, as you two walked in–all eyes on the both of you. People coming up to him and greeting him with a hello, and looking right through you. They must be used to him bringing girls out, you were nothing special in their eyes, and for once you felt out of place. You didn’t like the feeling of being less, and next to him you were. When you were on stage you were never invincible, it always all eyes on you–and now it wasn’t and you hated it. People here didn’t recognize you, they didn’t even know who you really were. It was the name, not the face people were attracted to.
When you and Tom got to your seats, you sat down silently–and Tom couldn’t help but take you all in. The outfit, the hair, the makeup, all of you. He couldn’t help but stare–as your attention was on the drink menu. There was something he liked about you, and it wasn’t just your looks or your angelic voice. It was the nasty attitude, that he wanted more of–he hated the feeling of being challenged, but when it came from you he was into it. He almost didn’t want it to stop.
“Can we get this over with?” you asked, shooting a look his way.
He nonchalantly leaned over the table a bit–getting a little closer to you. “You agreed to this darling, I’ll take as long as I please.”
Before you could say one of your snarky comments the waitress came over, before she could ask anything you answered, “I’ll take a shot–of your strongest tequila.” your eyes didn’t leave Tom’s. If he wasn’t gonna hurry, you were gonna just get drunk. Free alcohol always made you happy.
“The regular, Mr. Holland?”
All he did was nod and flicked the waitress away.
“What the fuck is your problem?” he sneered
Your jaw tightened, “You’re powerful.” you said simply, “But you need to also understand, that you’re not.”
“What the fuck does that even mean? You do realize who you’re sitting with correct?” Tom’s voice started to get louder, “You work for me, and if you keep up this little act of yours you won’t work for anyone, ever again.”
Your mouth opened a little to say something, but Tom put up his finger. “You are no one compared to me Y/N, I can stop everything for you if I wanted to.”
“So DO it.”
The tension in the room grew–and Tom blinked at you, his mouth hanging open and little. The waitress finally came over and put down the drinks, and before she could say anything Tom shot her away again. He leaned back taking a swig of his drink, your eyes not leaving his.
“So,” Tom squinted at you a little, “What is this act? What are you scared of, because you’re obviously not scared of death.”
You blinked at him not sure how to respond, you were scared of someone–and it wasn’t him.
“I wouldn’t say that.” you picked up your shot, taking it down with one gulp–placing the empty glass on the table.
“I have a gun holstered to me right now, and could very easily kill you, with no hesitation.”
You cocked your head to the side about to reply,
“Just like you have a knife holstered to your thigh–you’re scared of someone, or something–maybe a past? Not sure, and I don’t really care–what I care about is how I could use that attitude for my business.”
And for once with Tom you were speechless–how did he know? How did he know about the knife? Tom leaned up again, his voice softening but still stern.
“I can offer you a whole lot more than the restaurant ever could. More money. More power. Safety, anything you want, darling. It could be yours.”
You bit your cheek–you weren’t scared just stunned. “What exactly do you want from me.” you hissed, and Tom could see he was finally hitting a soft spot–a spot he was hoping to find.
“I want you, to join me.”
“Your attitude might be good for my benefit.”
“So you’re gonna use me.”
Tom shook his head, “Not exactly, recently business hasn’t been the best. People not taking me seriously–and with someone like you.” Tom smirked at you, looking you up and down–and you felt your heartbeat quicken, “I feel like you’d be able to get people to talk.”
“I’m not selling my body.”
Tom chuckled, “Wouldn’t get to that point.”
“I make enough money, I’m not your charity case.”
“What about safety, are you safe? Because once word gets out your working with me, you will be.”
‘No’ you thought. You didn’t want him to know that, you didn’t want him to know that your family’s been on the run, and you’ve been undercover–at least trying to be undercover, but ever since the restaurant job, you knew your name was getting out. That definitely wasn’t safe.
“I’m not worried about me.” you looked down–you were about to tell the most corrupt man in New York your weakness.
“Who,” he spoke flatly.
“My family, Tom.” You looked up at him and his jaw was clenched, he looked less mad and a little more concerned.
Tom had a family too, he had brothers and a mom and dad he would give his life up for–and if anyone hurt them he would have them torn to pieces.
“If you can promise me there safety. I’ll join, I’ll help, but you have to promise me their safe. At all times.”
“You have my word, darling.”
You took out your hand for him to shake it, and he looked confused at first but then took your hand gently and you felt the wave of heat as he touched your skin–he softly shook your hand.
“When do I start?”
“I have a job for you. Now.”
He grinned, “Let’s see what you got, love.”
You looked at him shocked, “What do I hav–”
“There’s a man over there sitting at one of those tables, alone–he owes me money, and he’s got the audacity to come into my restaurant.”
Tom pointed him out to you, he had short black hair and was wearing a navy blue dress shirt. His hair was messy and he looked drunk, looking up and down all the girls that walked by.
“Go to the table,  and get details. Where he lives, what he’s doing tomorrow. How much money he has–it’ll help me figure out if he’s going to be paying me back or not,” Tom paused looking at the Rolex around his wrist, “He’s got 24 hours until he’s a dead man, so think about it–you could be saving him.”
“What did he need the money for?” you whispered to him
“He hired one of my hitmen to kill his ex-brother-in-law. He owes me 40 thousand.”
You scoffed, “Any reasoning?”
“Money, but the guy had a family–and I hate the fucker.”
Tom took another swig of his drink.
“Why don’t we just kill him?”
Tom cocked his head at you, and an evil smile on his face. “We?”
You smiled back at him, “We’re business partners now, aren’t we? Thomas.”
And for once Tom didn’t hate hearing his full name, if anything his heart sped up a little, maybe he kinda liked it.
“Indeed we are. Let me get my money first–and then I’ll see what I can do.”
You nodded, pulling the pin that was keeping your bun together–your hair falling to your shoulders than pulling your dresses neckline down a little more. The look that Tom gave you made adrenaline shoot through your veins. “This should be easy.”
“If he lays a finger on you–”
“Protective already,” you smirked shooting him a wink as you got up from your seat, “Don’t worry about me too much. I’ll be back in a minute.”
You began to realize that this wasn’t actually a date, it was more of an interview–but this was your time to show Tom you were very capable of handling yourself–you had to show him you could do this. Especially for your family’s sake.
You grabbed a glass of wine from one of the passing waitresses tray’s and made your way over to the table. Tom’s eyes didn’t leave you–he was almost impressed like you’d done something like this before.
When you got close enough to the table you made it look like you tripped of your feet spilling the wine right on the man, making sure to get it on his shirt and some on his pants–multiple sorry’s leaving your mouth as you began to pull napkins off the table and dabbing the wet spots on the man, he was cursing until he saw you–immeditley stating it was no big deal.
You sat at his table for a little trying to get something out of him. Alex. 28. Eventually, you got his address and then faked a text message to put it into your notes. You asked if he had any plans tomorrow, acting like you wanted to go get dinner. He wasn’t giving you much information–and then you started to feel his hand trickling up your leg.
“Meet me in the ladies bathroom”, you whispered in his ear. You got up looking at Tom, he looked confused, and you quickly texted him.
‘Give me 5 minutes, I’ll have all the information.’
You waited for Alex in the women's bathroom and when he finally came in, you pinned him against the wall.
“I got a surprise for you.”
“Oh yeah?”
His voice was husky, and you very swiftly grabbed the knife from your thigh holster, putting it against his neck.
“What the fuck.”
He struggled, trying to get to his gun.
“I’ll have Tom blow your fucking head off in 2 seconds if you lay a fucking finger on me.”
Your face was close to his, and he smelt of alcohol, as soon as you mentioned Tom’s name he froze.
“Y–You’re with Tom? Holland.”
“How stupid are you to show up to his restaurant, with all that money you owe him.”
Alex was silent, and you poked his neck with your knife.
“Did you know this vein right here, if I just press a little harder–”
“Okay! Okay!”
When you walked to the table, your hair was a little messier–but your smile was promising and Tom just looked at you.
“Check your bank account.”
Tom took out his phone logging into his bank account, surprised to see the money transfer.
“Maybe, it’s not my first rodeo, Tom.”
“I knew you’d be good in this business.”
You smiled at him, more genuine than usual, “I won’t kill, I’ll threatened–but as long as I can still play, and you keep my family safe–I won’t mind this being my part-time job. I need to start doing something exciting anyways.”
Tom laughed a little at your comment,
“They’ll be safe, and so will you. No one’s gonna touch you with me around.”
Tom pulled the car in front of your apartment building, the ride was silent–and as he went to get out he finally said something.
“Nice to see we can use that attitude of yours for something useful.”
You rolled your eyes, and before you stepped out of the car–you had to make sure you left with the last word. Just this time.
“Do me a favor though, Holland.”
He looked at you a little confused, his eyebrows furrowed.
“Try not to fall in love with me.”
And with that you shut the passenger door and were gone–but there was something in your gut telling you that that’s exactly what was going to happen.
Tom sat in the car a little before taking off thinking about what you said–he wouldn’t, there was no way. Tom Holland didn’t love, at least he didn’t anymore. Maybe when he was young and innocent, but nowadays it was way too dangerous, and he promised he’d keep you safe.
He promised he’d keep your family safe, and he doesn’t break promises.
His phone ringing tore him out of his trance, Harrison was calling.
“Is she in?” Harrison asked before Tom could say anything else.
“She is.”
But for some reason–in the back of his mind there was regret.
Because what if he did fall in love with you.
What would he do then?
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The Switch(Part 6)
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@marvelfanlife, @dontshootmespence, @literallyprentissstwin, @butsomeofusarelookingatthestars, @ultrarebelheart, @itsmeedee, @thebutterflyxx​, @cynbx, @jaqren, @sunflowerpsalms
Note: I apologize for the really long wait due to some personal issues as well as a shift in focus on other fics like The Good Ol’ Days. But I hope the wait is worth it as part 6 of The Switch is finally here. For those who are unfamiliar with it, it’s a body swap au where Reid and Matt mysteriously swapped bodies. (I’d recommend reading previous chapters to get a better idea of this fic) Anyway, enjoy.
Previous chapters:(I’d recommend reading them first for those who have not read it or to jog some memories) Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Half an hour has passed and both Reid and Matt were still unconscious. As Kristy tries to figure out what just happened, she heard the doorbell ring as she opened the door to see Emily and the rest of the team arrive.    In the meantime, both Reid and Matt found themselves at a bar, where they suddenly see a server offer them two glasses with a yellow-greenish liquid. "What is this?" Matt asked. "The Green Fairy?" The server shook her head. "N-no, just a special recipe I made. I hope you guys enjoy." She gives them a wink before leaving, much to their dismay. Matt took a whiff of his drink, along with Reid. "I don't know about this, should we....?" Matt shrugged his shoulders. "I guess one drink won't hurt. Bottoms up." He and Reid tap their glasses together before chugging down on their drinks, where a flash up light shines them, promting them to wake up. "Are they up? Are they up?" They heard the voices from the team echoeing in their head as the wake up to see the sight of Luke and JJ waking them up. "Are they up?" Kristy asked. "They're up." JJ said as she and Luke turn back to them. "Rise and shine sleepyhead.....you okay?" Luke asked as he taps Matt's face, unaware that it's still Reid. "We're okay." Reid groans as he emerged from the couch. "What are you guys doing over here?" Matt asked, rubbing his eyes. "Kristy told us that you guys collapsed so we came here to see what happened." Emily responds. "Luckily, you guys are okay." "Yeah, we are." Matt responds. "But that's not all." Luke leaned close to Reid. "What do you mean?" Matt raised an eyebrow. "We're oka-GAH!" He and Reid suddenly felt another sense of light-headedness in their heads as they clutch their heads. "Easy. Just take a deep breath." Luke consoled. "Kristy, do you mind telling us what happen here?" Emily asked. The redhead scratched her head. "Uhm, I don't know how to describe it. They seemed fine when they got here and then all of a sudden they collapsed and............oh man, I think you'll get a better explanation from them." She looked at her husband and friend. "Matt, Spencer. I think you're better off telling them." "Wait, telling us what?" JJ turned to her friends. "Matt, what is Kristy talking about." Both Matt and Reid looked at each other and looked to their teammates. Seeing that there was no other choice, they took a deep breath. "Okay, seeing with all of you here, it seems that we have no other choice but to tell you guys." The team raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" Emily asked. "Wait a second..." Garcia adds as she looked at Kristy as she bites her thumb. "You two aren't-" "No, no, no, no." Matt hastily responds. "That's not why." "Oh okay." "Well, then spit it out and tell us what the hell is bothering you too." Rossi blurts out. "Okay, okay. Have you guys seen the movie, Freaky Friday?" The team nods. "Oh yeah, Em and I watched that movie before. Isn't that when the mother and daughter magically switched bodies one day?" Tara said. Reid snapped his fingers. "Yep." "Yeah, but what does that have to do with you guys." "Well." Matt scratched his head. "Funny you should ask that, cause that's what happened to us." "Wait, what? I'm confused." "Okay." Matt, in Reid's body stood up and put his hands together. "How should we put this." He muttered. "Okay......" He then looks to the rest of the team. "The truth is...................is that Reid and I swapped bodies, similar to Freaky Friday." He points to himself. "I'm not Reid, I'm Matt." He then points to Reid in his own body. "That person over there is actually Spencer." "It's true, believe it or not. We don't know how this happened but it did and now, our minds mysteriously swap." "So?" Matt released his hands as the others try to process the information both Matt and Reid gave them. After a brief period of silence, the group suddenly burst into laughter, much to Matt and Reid's dismay. "Seriously?" Matt groans. "Aw Reid, you're hilarious." Luke laughed as he pats Reid's shoulder, unaware that it's Matt. "I'm not Reid, I'm Matt!" "Oh come on, enough with the jokes." Emily snickered. "We're not joking, this is serious." Reid begged. "Okay, whatever you say, doctor." JJ teased. Matt sighs. "Kristy, come on, they won't believe us." Kristy then pats JJ and Emily on the shoulders. "Em, Jennifer, guys. I hate to say it, but they're telling the truth." "Oh Kristy, not you too." "I mean it, Jen." "Really?" She nods. "Yeah, well I mean at first I didn't believe them till Matt started saying things that only the two of us would know and that a IQ genius like Spencer wouldn't." "Okay, okay." Rossi said as he goes up to Reid and Matt. "If what you're saying is true, then prove it." "P-prove?" Reid croaked. "Yeah." Rossi nods. "If you managed to convince Kristy, then you might as well prove us that this actually happened by telling us things the other wouldn't know." "Like what is something Reid knows but Matt doesn't and vice versa." Tara said. "Oh okay." Both Matt and Reid try to come up with a few things about themselves that would prove to the team that they actually switched bodies while the others sat down on chairs and the sofa. "And take your time." Emily adds. "Ooo, I got one." Reid said. "Well, what is it?" "I remember the one time I thought JJ was a Redskins fan and took her to a game once." "Really?" Luke asked JJ. She nods. "Mm hmph." "Wow." "But that's not enough." She then turns to Matt. "What about you, 'Matt'. How do we know that its actually you and not Spence trying to fool us?" She squint her eyes. "Ooo." Garcia then kneels beside Reid, unaware that it's Matt she was staring at. "Say something?" "S-say what?" "Something quirky." "Like?" "Come on, if you're really Spencer, you could've ramble on about the average number of kernels on the average cob." Matt glares at Garcia. "I don't know how many kernels are on a-" "800 kernels exactly." The room was suddenly silent as the team and Matt turn to Reid, who answers Garcia's question, despite reciting his answer in Matt's body. "What did you say?" The bubbly blonde asked. "There are about 800 kernels of corn on the average cob arranged in 16 separate rows." "How do you know that Matt?" Reid shrugged his shoulders. "I just do, it's all in my head. And it's not Matt, it's Reid/" "I see......if you're really Reid, then I have one thing to ask: How many words can you read?" "About 20,000 words........per minute." "Wow." Rossi said, agaped. "Anything else you wanna say, 'Reid'?" He rubs his chin. "Let's see." He then snaps his fingers. "Ooo, how many existentialists does it take to screw in a light bulb?-" "Yep, that's Spencer." Rossi replies. "My god." JJ groans. "I can't believe it." Garcia stammered. "I thought you guys were just playing tricks on me but no. Apparently this has happened to my sweet nerd and military hunk." "Yeah......it has." Matt responds. Luke then turns over to Reid. "I still can't believe that it's you Reid." "Yes I am aware how weird this must be." "Weird? It's hard for me to imagine you sprouting these random facts straight outta Matt's mouth." Matt chuckled. "Yeah, even I find it hard to imagine." They started to laugh as Reid saw Emily and Rossi sat down. "Uh Em, are you okay?" "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine." She then motions Kristy as she walks up to her with a bottle of wine and some empty glasses. "You sure about that?" "I am. I-I just give me some time processing this. She pours some wine in her glass and drank, still unable to fathom the fact that Reid and Matt swap bodies. "Nope, not yet." She groaned as she squeezed her forehead, much to Reid and Matt's dismay. "Relax boys, Prentiss will be fine, just give her some time. I know I still need to process this." "So, you believe us?" Reid asked. "Yes Spence, we all do. It's hard for us to understand what's going on, but we believe you." JJ said. "And we'll do anything to help you guys get back to normal." Luke adds. Matt shrugged his shoulders as he and Reid looked at the rest of them team, seeing that they're serious about it. "Well, to tell you the truth, we don't know how this happened." "What do you mean?" "W-we just don't know. I mean, before, things were normal. Then all of a sudden, this happens the next day." Reid adds. "Well, there has to be some sort of cause to all this." Tara reassured. "I mean, what happened to the two of you couldn't have happened all of a sudden." "Well....." "The dreams." Reid snapped. "The what?" "Matt, remember on the plane you told me about that dream you had and how I also had the same dream as you?" "Yeah?" "Well......it's possible that whatever it was, it might have something to do with our situation." "But how? All I can recall are blurry visions and noises so loud it that it gave me-us headaches." Just then, the two and the team turned to see Emily stood up as she approached the two men after some time processing the situation in her head. "Guys, I think it's time for a cognition."
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