#how even lkjdsafsda like howwwwww
not-poignant · 4 months
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Daily excerpt from chapter 44 (final chapter AHHH!!!!) of The Nascent Diplomat:
‘How often do you think of him, when you’re here?’ the Raven Prince said, staring up at the branches of a particularly tall fir. ‘Oxcillian.’ ‘Oh,’ Gwyn said. ‘Well. Often.’ ‘Today?’ ‘Yes.’ The Raven Prince scratched at his head where one of the longest feathers sprouted. He’d likely lose it soon and grow another and complain at how much his head hurt because of it. ‘Is there any way I can change this for you?’ the Raven Prince said. ‘I… There’s no need to-’ ‘That’s not what I’m asking you,’ the Raven Prince said, gaze sharp. ‘Then no, I don’t think so. He’s dead, and my mind is still like this. And I don’t want my mind and my thoughts and my memories altered.’ ‘Then I shall make a home for us beyond this Court,’ the Raven Prince said.
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