#how fucking hard is it to replace balconies goddammit!
thehiddenhermit · 2 years
Please start raining so that the construction workers go away
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Heart of Stone | Timothee Chalamet
smut requests info wanna be on a Timmy taglist? click here
hey guys. so I’m really depressed right now and everything I try to write is shit. so if you want something good it’ll have to be depressing bc that’s the mood I’m in. sad shit is all I’m good at. ahahaha I am useless. just ignore that. hope you enjoy. thank you for all the love, I appreciate all your lil angel baby faces. xx (I listened to ‘diamond heart’ by alan walker before I wrote this. just some inspo) 
there’s something broken in me. anyone relate? 
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He called so many times he was worried you were going to block him. 
Tim knew he needed to give you space but he didn’t know how to do that. You’ve been by his side for so long he’s used to calling you about everything. Most of the time he doesn’t even realize he’s calling you until he hears your voicemail. ‘Hey it’s Y/N, uh call me back! If you want, or don’t I don’t care either way you can do what you want. I’m not the boss of yo-’ He always smiles when he hears your rambling voicemail, the beep eventually cutting you off. For the life of him he doesn’t understand why you never changed it but he’s happy you didn’t. It’s so you. 
Nothing tasted the same, if that makes sense. 
Timothee used to love orange juice first thing in the morning, but now it tasted too sour. He didn’t know if orange juice had changed or if it was him that changed. It was hard to tell anymore. Nothing fit together the same way it used to, like all the pieces to his puzzle didn’t go together. It all felt jumbled, he never thought this would happen. But according to you it wasn’t anything he’d done wrong, it was you that needed to ‘explore emotional experiences’ with someone else. Tim knew what that meant really though. It meant you started having feelings for someone else and wanted to pursue it. A really fancy way of saying she emotionally cheated on him. At least that’s how Tim sees it. You pulled out of the relationship emotionally and began to invest your heart in somebody else. How fucked up is that? Tim tried not to be angry but how could he not be? His heart has been crushed in his chest and he was here, alone, in the apartment you picked to put all his pieces back together again. As if that was even possible. 
His desk chair was too twirly. It spun too much. That’s what started this whole fiasco Tim found himself in. His desk chair spun too much. He had gotten a knife to try and pry the chair apart to tighten it when the knife slipped and sliced his hand open. This kind of crap never happened when you were around. You always stopped him whenever he reached for the knife, “Wait, what’s the knife for?” Tim can hear your worried little voice in his head, except this time he decided to promptly ignore it. So he’d cleaned the cut, and instead of getting stitched he opted to superglue it shut and slap a bandage on it. Even pain felt different. Were you a life dampener? Did your love shield him from dealing with crap like this? 
Tim leaned his head back against the bathroom wall, his throbbing hand resting in his lap. It was concerning how numb he felt to everything because at first Tim was pissed. He trashed your shared bedroom and smashed nearly all of your dishes. He was currently eating on paper towels until the replacements could be shipped. Normally Tim would have bought more from the store but you know- fucking COVID. He rubbed a hand down his face as the tears built behind his eyes again. Who was better than him? Who stole your heart right from him? Who on Earth could have caught her damn attention? Why did this happen? Tim had a hundred questions and no answers, but he didn’t know if knowing the answers would help. 
His friends called, they texted. They even tried to stop by. He didn’t answer his phone, or the door. There was no way he would ever feel comfortable talking about this with anybody- not even Dr. Phil. Even Jimmy Fallen reached out attempting to make some sort of contact with Timothee. But Tim for the life of him could not understand why nobody understood that he didn’t want to talk. He wasn’t expecting you to abandon him, he loves you. He wished he didn’t. Tim wishes he could wake up and for this to be some sort of extremely vivid nightmare. That he could wake up and pull you into his arms with a deep sigh, just inhaling your scent and pressing kisses to your bare skin. Thumping his head back against the counter, Tim squeezes his eyes shut as he feels tingles running south. 
He’s always had you here to help him take care of his sexual needs, he doesn’t even know how to deal with his hard ons without you. He curls his fists against his sides when he remembers you on your knees in this very bathroom, swallowing his cock all the way down your throat. Tim can still see you in front of him, your eyes locked on his. Standing from the bathroom tiles Tim pushes out of the small room, needing to get some air. There are tears in his eyes again as he paces the living room. He quickly reaches for his phone but instead of landing on your contact he keeps scrolling to a contact he had saved in his phone a few days ago when he was out at a bar. Tapping his fingers along his phone nervously he prayed to God she would answer. 
“Hello?” Her voice was groggy on the other side and in any other circumstance Tim would feel guilty for waking her. Not this time. “I need you.” His voice was nearly a whine as he gasped into the phone, his cock straining against his jeans. He was hard for you not for some girl he met at a bar but goddammit he needed to get off, and you left him. 
It wasn’t too long before whatever her name was arrived and as soon as Tim opened the door he was pulling her against his lips. “Not to be rude or anything,” Tim began as her lips chased his in a desperate and fast kiss, her hands grabbed at his curls to tug gently. “But I just need someone to fuck.” He gasps against her lips as her right hand slides down his body. She nods as her lips find his neck, “I know.” She agrees and as soon as she does Tim’s hands are hauling her legs up and around his waist. She ground against his hard cock, and he groans softly. “Sorry but what the fuck is your name?” Tim asks and she laughs against his mouth as he walks them to the couch. She pulls back from him, her blonde hair pulled up in a ponytail. She’s not nearly as pretty as you, but she’ll do. “Ashley.” She smiles but in all honesty Tim doesn’t really care. He just doesn’t want to call her ‘whatever her name is’ in his head anymore. 
Tim throws her back against the couch, her pupils dilated as he leans over her to pull her shirt up and over her head. He trails wet kisses down her body until he’s tugging her yoga pants down her legs. “Right to the point huh?” Ashley pants, lifting her hips to help Tim remove her pants. He doesn’t bother answering her as he literally tears her thong off. He doesn’t feel like doing the whole foreplay thing, he doesn’t want to ‘enjoy’ this. He wants to get off. 
Tim licks a line through her folds to ensure she’s wet as he hurriedly pushes his jeans down. Ashley hands him a condom, which he quickly takes before tearing it open. “Fuck you’re big.” Ashley muses as she spreads her thighs, watching as he rolls the ‘a little too small’ condom down his shaft. He presses his head into her, and when Timothee sinks his cock inside her all the way. He feels like a goddamn animal. 
Tim never was a smoker but he did it occasionally for movies. Tonight seemed like as good a night as any to give it a try. He leaned over the balcony of the apartment, overlooking New York. Ashley was asleep on the couch and he really should make her leave but he doesn’t feel like waking her up. Jeans hang low on his hips and he couldn’t be bothered to put his shirt back on. He feels like a bad person, for having sex with Ashley. It’s not his fault you left him. A cigarette hangs from his lips and for once the ambiance of the busy city soothes the storm brewing in Timothee’s head. He’s not used to you not being here, he doesn’t want some random girl named Ashley on the couch. He wants you on the couch. This fucking cigarette is doing nothing for him, why do people smoke anyway? In every damn movie you always see someone smoking after sex, why? What’s the point? 
Tim flicks the cigarette over the balcony with a shake of his head before he hears quick and desperate pounding on the front door. He turns to answer it, seeing Ashley having been jolted awake with a blanket pressed to her bare chest. Without looking Tim swings the door open and the sight before him nearly makes his eyes bulge out of his head. There you are stood, with your bags, at his door. Your eyes flicker to the girl on the couch, and there’s an unreadable expression on your face. “May I come in?” You ask politely, as though the two of you were briefly acquainted strangers. He sucks in a sharp breath before opening the door wider for you, seeing Ashley already pulling her clothes on. 
The fireplace created a soothing ambiance, but the current mood in the room is anything but soothing. Ashley hurriedly gets to her feet, her shirt only halfway on as she scrambles to the front door- swinging it shut behind her. Tim reaches for the carton of cigarettes, so this is why people smoke. He lights it, much to your disbelief. “You smoke?” Your voice portrays how utterly shocked you are, but that’s not what Tim is concerned about. “Forget something?” He asks bitterly, turning back towards the balcony. You stand dumbly in front of the fireplace as he turns his back to you, “you know where everything is. Careful there’s broken porcelain in the kitchen.” Tim adds as he steps onto the balcony, needing space from you. 
Tim isn’t all that surprised when you step out onto the balcony beside him.
“That’s not why I’m here.” You say softly, careful not to get too close to him. There’s a tension between the two of you that was never there before, and it’s all your fault. You look back inside at the couch, the blankets are messed up and the cushions are squished down. “You had sex with her didn’t you?” You ask, knowing you don’t have any right to sound as hurt as you do. Tim takes a long puff of his cigarette before blowing the smoke out into the New York night. “Yeah,” he breathes, although he doesn’t sound very proud of it. You nodded, your eyes looking out at the beautiful city laid out before you. “I think we both know that I made a mistake.” You start, your voice soft. Tim scoffed through a bitter laugh, his elbows resting on the railing. 
He doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t trust you not to hurt him again. “I love you Tim.” You say, your heart betraying you as tears well in your eyes. You wanted to try and remain strong. Tim’s eyes are downcast as the cigarette rests between his lips. Your eyes land on his hand, and you notice the blood soaked through the bandaid. “What happened to your hand?” You asked and Tim briefly glanced down at his palm before turning his gaze to you for the first time since you got here. “Please just tell me what you want.” He says, crossing his arms as he leans away from you. You hate that you did this to him. 
“You Tim, I want us.” You tell him, your eyes following him as he moved back inside. You followed him like a lost puppy as he moved into the kitchen. 
“But you want him too right?” Tim asks, a look of hurt and anger on his face as he eyes you. There’s a bitter smile on his face, and a look of guilt on yours. You shake your head, “I thought I did. I was wrong, I could never feel for him the way I feel about you.” You plead, tears threatening to spill down your cheeks as you stand and watch him move through the kitchen. “The problem Y/N, is that I knew that from the beginning. I knew right away that I would never love anyone the way I love you. I didn’t need to go gallivanting off with some other girl to figure that out!” Tim snapped, his voice raising as he looks into your eyes. There are tears falling freely down your cheeks now as you pull at the strings hanging from the sweater you’re wearing. It’s Tim’s sweater actually, and you’re sure he knows that. 
“I-I know, I wish I had the answer you want but I don’t! I don’t! All I can give you is what I got right now, I-I love you.” You beg, your voice breaking through the tears. Tim holds a glass in his hand, presumably to get a drink but he never gets the chance to use it. He chucks it at the wall, glass exploding off everywhere as he turns back to you. “You love me? That’s fucking hilarious Y/N. If you loved me you wouldn’t have left!” He yelled, the emotion on his face making your throat close. There are tears behind his eyes, and you can see how badly you broke him. You’d give anything to undo this, to go back in time. “What do I do Tim, what c-can I do?” You plead, trying to catch your breath through the sobs. Tim doesn’t bother responding as he storms past you and to the bedroom, slamming the door behind him. 
You stand in the kitchen and cry, you’re not sure this can be fixed. Why are you so stupid? You love him so damn much, why couldn’t you see that sooner? 
Tim slides down the door, part of him wants to take you into his arms and never let you go again. But the other part wants to hold you at arms length, wants to scream and break everything in this damn apartment. He hears you slump against the door on the other side, and his heart rate begins to slow. “I want to fix us.” You say softly. Tim rests his head back against the door, his knees are pulled up. “How can I trust that you won’t leave me again? I won’t survive this a second time.” Tim says, his voice calmer than before. It’s true, he will not survive this a second time if you up and decided to leave him. “You can’t, but I won’t leave you again. I promise.” You whisper, turning to press your forehead against the door. 
Slowly the door opens and you immediately stand, seeing Tim standing before you. “I love you.” You whisper again, seeing the tears in his eyes. They match the fresh tears brimming in your own eyes. “I-I love you.” Tim breathes through shaky breaths, his trembling hands reaching up to cup your cheeks. Your forehead presses against his as your arms wind around him, and you feel at home again. Slowly, cautiously, you press your lips to his. Tim reacts immediately to you, his head tilting to deepen the kiss, his hands pulling you more firmly against him. The kiss is quick and desperate, but at the same time slow and sensual. You feel tears falling down your cheeks, and tears falling down his as well. You begin to walk him backwards towards the bed, you need to feel him all over your body. 
The two of you fall against the bed, your bodies tangled together as your lips continue to slide against each other. Your hands are the first to wander as they head south to his hardening cock. His chest is still bare and your other hand dances around his revealed skin. Tim’s hands push up the bottom of your shirt, slowly working it up your body as your hand dips under the waistband of his jeans. He gasps into your mouth when your small hand wraps around his cock and his grip on you tightens when you begin to slowly pump him in your hand. You break away from his lips to allow him to pull your shirt over your head and he groans when he sees your bare breasts and no bra. 
“I missed this.” He mumbled against the skin of your neck, his kisses trailing downward towards the swell of your breasts. Your head fell back as soft gasps escaped your mouth as his lips latched to your left nipple. You continued to work your hand over his shaft, feeling the head precumming all over your hand. “You’re hard awfully quick after the blonde bitch.” You say, your voice sharper at the end. Tim hummed against your skin, his other hand dancing down between your bodies to the waistband of your jeans. “She wasn’t particularly satisfying, just enough for me to cum though.” Tim says simply, kissing across your chest to your right nipple. You feel a sting to your heart but you say nothing because you totally deserved that. 
The pad of his fingers makes contact with your aching clit and you nearly cry out when you feel him beginning to softly press against your bundle of nerves. You pump him in his pants faster and when you feel his hips stutter one of his hands snatches your wrist in his hand. “I’d rather cum in your sweet little pussy rather than in my jeans.” Tim mumbles against the supple skin of your breast. You nod immediately as you begin to push his jeans down his legs, helping him remove your own jeans. You rolled onto your back and pulled you with him so that he was hovering above you. “Don’t think this fixes everything, we have a long way to go.” Tim reminds you, his hands planted on the pillow on either side of your head. 
“I know.” You say softly, parting your thighs for him. He groans at the sight of your wet pussy, this was definitely a view he missed enjoying. Tim smiles to himself as he leans down to part your pussy lips. He sits back and takes in the view of your glistening folds until you’re squirming under his intense gaze. “Please do something,” You plead softly, watching his eyes flutter over every detail of your soaked pussy. He softly blows cool air on you, causing a soft moan to tumble from your lips before he leans back up over your body. Tim nudges the head of his cock into your opening as he looks down at you, “look..you hurt me but I love you. More than anything.” Tim says sincerely, his eyes flickering between yours. You wrap your arms around him before you press your lips to his, “I love you.” You mumble against his lips as he presses into you. 
You wince as he slides inch by inch into you, the last time you were with anyone was him and that was a few weeks ago. You missed the feeling of his cock stretching you open. Tim squeezes his eyes shut with a long groan, “Christ baby you are so fucking tight.” Tim gasps, the feeling of you tightly hugging his cock is making him feel a little lightheaded. “I haven’t been with anyone since you,” you gasp once Tim slid fully inside you. He sat still for a moment, basking in the feeling of being fully inside you. You moaned softly, you loved feeling so stuffed full with his cock. How could you ever think you were better off without him? Or his Godly cock? Eventually Tim pulls his hips back, sliding out until just his tip rested inside you. Your legs spread even wider for him as he thrusted back in, his strokes long and deep. Tim kept fucking you nice and deep, keeping his pace steady as he panted above you. His mouth hung open and his eyebrows were pinched together as he frantically lowered his mouth over yours again.
Your lips moved quickly against Tim’s as you felt the heat building in your stomach. “I missed this pussy so much baby,” He groaned against your lips, his pace picking up a little. You began to moan uncontrollably as Tim began to pound into you, “I-I won’t leave you again, fuck I can’t live without you or your perfect cock.” You cry out, your arms flying around him as he bites down on your shoulder to try and silence his groans. Tim loves hearing the sounds you make for him. “Don’t stop baby please.” You plead softly as his pace slows to deep and hard strokes. Tim reaches down to harshly pinch your clit and you cum around him, your back arching up into his chest. Feeling you tighten around him sends Tim over the edge as he spills into you. Thank God for birth control. 
Tim pulls out of you and collapses onto the bed next to you, his arm pulling you into his chest. You both sit and catch your breaths for a second before you feel Tim pressing a kiss to your head. “I know you’re scared I’ll leave again, but I won’t and I’ll spend the rest of our lives proving it to you if that’s what it takes.” You tell him and he offers nothing more than a nod as he squeezes you to his chest. He doesn’t know the future, he only knows right now. 
And right now, he’s got what he needs. 
***taglist*** @irishbish​ @90sthemedsunsets​ @newletas​ @londonmademedoit​ @80sangelics​ @sflowercvol6 
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Drake's Diary ch.29 -The Chosen One
The Royal Romance canon from Drake's POV
Words: 2057
Master List (Catch up here)
This chapter was a bit difficult, because almost none of it was in the book. PB (in my opinion) dropped the ball with that. So, I put in what I think would have (should have) happened. I hope you enjoy it
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Drake stood hesitantly on the hotel balcony facing Emma. “We need to talk…about us.”
Please tell me I’m not too late. Please tell me things didn’t work with Liam.
She nodded. “Yeah, we do. Drake…Liam proposed to me tonight.”
“Oh!” His heart sank. I actually thought you might choose me, though. He tried to hide the hurt coursing through him. Trying to smile for her but failing. “I’m hap…”
“I said no.”
He inhaled sharply. Did she just say…. “….What?”
She took a step closer. “Drake…I might’ve come here for Liam, but I want to be with you. You’re the only one I ever really cared about.
  It’s…happening? Does she know what she’s giving up? Is she drugged?  “Rose…do you really mean that? Liam is a King. I can’t offer you half of what he can.”
She gave him a soft smile. “I didn’t come here looking for a Kingdom, Drake. I want to be with you. And I think you invited me out here tonight because you want that too.”
He stares at her, falling silent for a moment as his disbelief slowly fades into resolve. “I do. I have for a long time, Rose. I guess I’ve been afraid of what that would mean. For you, for Liam…and for me. But if you…”
“Drake. I’m sure about this.” She interrupted.
He nods, running a slightly shaky hand through his hair. They both take a step closer to each other. Drake’s gaze never strays from her face. It’s real. This is real. Our feelings are real. I am a lucky bastard. “Is this the part where you tell me to stop talking and kiss you? Because I really want to kiss you.”
She bit her lip and his eyes fell to it. “Well…So do I, but aren’t you worried someone will see us?”
He follows her pointed gaze over to a nearby building, where a few dozen people seem to be throwing a party on the roof. He grinned. Nope. I really don’t give a fuck.  “Let ‘em look. I’m tired of being careful.”
He pulls her toward him, his lips catching hers in a searing kiss as his arms wrap comfortingly around her waist. He can’t help but feel gentle, astonished joy as he pulls away. “I don’t know what the hell I did to deserve you, Rose. But I’ll never stop trying to be worthy of it.”
God, she’s everything and more. And she chose me. I’m in love with this woman.
She smirked. “So, you won’t resent me for being a duchess?”
Like I could ever.  “I’d never re…Wait. What did she say?
“Wait, a what?”
“It’s been an eventful night. I’ll fill you in.”
Drake listened as Emma told him what transpired with her and Liam. He felt awful…to an extent.
I can’t believe he used her dog to propose…that’s genius. How am I going to top that?
“He also said that affairs are common in Cordonia, as long as you have the permission from your spouse.” She continued. “He asked me to sleep with him.”
Drake stared at her in shock. He what???
“Obviously I didn’t. But I think his ego may be a bit bruised. I just don’t want to go into this relationship without telling you everything, and even though we aren’t actually married yet, I just…I want you to know I would never do that. I choose you, Drake. I always have, and I always will.”
Drake let out a heavy sigh while running his hand through his hair. “Well…I’m a bit hurt he did that…but I also know that you’re pretty damn irresistible, Rose. And I know I can trust you, especially since you came right out with that. I have to ask though….” He trailed off, unsure of how to proceed.
“No, I never slept with him.”
His eyebrows shot up and she let out a laugh. “Are you really surprised that I knew you were going to ask?”
The corners of Drake’s mouth turned up. “I suppose by now I shouldn’t be surprised by anything you do. You’re amazing, Rose. And just so you know….it wouldn’t have mattered.”  Much.
“You can kiss me again, now.” She stated.
Drake grinned and wrapped his arms around her, capturing her lips in a ravenous kiss, his hands trailing down the curves of her body, grazing her breasts and moving lower.
“You look amazing.” He murmured into her lips. “But your dress is far too long.”
Emma giggled playfully. “I suppose it’s for the best. Although I love that you’re finally unafraid of being seen together…we don’t need to show everyone exactly how ‘together’ we can be.”
“Come on then, let’s go.” He said huskily.
She smiled at him before taking his hand and letting him lead her back to her room. She walked inside, leaving the door open, but Drake hesitated.
“Uhm, Rose…Before we go any further…I really want to talk to Liam. I just…” He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.
Why do I feel like I need Liam’s permission? I’m a grown ass man, and so is he. I still can’t believe he tried to sleep with her after she told him she wanted me. That’s a dick move.
Emma sighed. “I get it, Drake. You’re a good friend. The best friend. Liam’s best friend in particular. But, you do know that you can let yourself be happy sometimes, right? It’s not your responsibility to make him feel good about himself. I love that you care so much, I do, but…. Drake, I chose you tonight. And you still won’t let yourself be with me. What does that say?”
“It says I love both of you.” His widened in horror at what he said out loud.
Fuck!  I just told her I love her…for the first time…in the same sentence as I said I love Liam. Way to go, Walker. Really smooth. She must think I’m such a…
“I love you too!!” She squealed, before jumping in his arms.
“Whoa!” He kissed her back fiercely, spinning her around and grinning like an idiot.
“I love you so much, Rose. Er, Emma.”
“And I love you, Drake Walker.”
She paused, giving him a mischievous look. “You know…there are other ways to enjoy ourselves that aren’t intercourse…” She began trailing a finger down his torso and he gulped, grabbing her hand when she reached his pant buckle.
Fight it, come on, fight it, not yet, don’t give in…I really want to give in…I can’t give in. Oh god, why am I choosing to be moral right now?
He licked his lips and whispered huskily in her ear. “I won’t be able to stop until I cum inside you, Rose. You should know that I fully intend on coming inside your pussy the first time we do anything together.”
Her jaw dropped slightly, and he saw a hint of a blush on her cheeks. He smiled in satisfaction.
She cleared her throat. “Well then. You better go, because I have A LOT of pent up sexual tension to get out, and since you’re not staying…” She walked over to her nightstand and pulled out a jet black, smooth looking vibrator. “I’m going to get busy myself and pretend it’s you inside me instead of this toy.”
What the…is she…how do I…what do I….uggghhhhh
Drake groaned, his dick jumping in his pants. “You make this so difficult, Rose. Maybe I should…”
“Nope, too late! You had your chance.” She smirked as she kissed him on the cheek, then turned the vibrator on and pressed it lightly where her lips had just been. He moaned lightly at the sensation before she took it away.
Good god, that’s going on her….
“Goodnight. Sweet dreams.” She shut the door right in front of his face, and he just stood there completely dumbfounded. He heard faint moaning coming from behind the door and he took several shuddery breaths before finally making himself walk away.
I’m so stupid. Goddammit. So, so, SO stupid
Scowling, he went to Liam’s quarters and knocked on the door. “Liam, it’s me.”
A moment later, Liam appeared at the door, clearly disheveled and looking at him in confusion. “Drake? What are you doing here? At this hour?”
Taking a deep breath, “Can I come in? I’d like to talk to you about something.”
A flicker of sadness crossed Liam’s eyes but in a second it was gone, his usual stoic look replacing it. “Of course. You know you’re always welcome.”
Sitting down in a chair, Drake began. “I understand you proposed to Rose, tonight.”
“I did. She turned me down.”
Drake nodded guiltily. “I…I’m sorry, Liam. I didn’t mean to fall for her, I tried so hard not to, it’s just I was always around her, and then I wanted to always be around her, and anytime we all hung out anywhere she would always put herself next to me and we have had so much spare time together and late nights at bars and playing games, searching for Tariq…it just happened. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you. I never in a million years thought she would ever choose me over a King. No one ever chooses me.”
Drake knew he was rambling, but he couldn’t stop the words that came rushing out of his mouth.
Liam gave him a half-hearted smile. “I admit I was…shocked. I had no idea that anything was going on between the two of you. For how long have you been together? I couldn’t bring myself to ask Emma.”
“We’ve never actually been together. We still haven’t been together. We’ve kissed and that’s it. I’ve never taken it further. I didn’t want sex to mess with her decision. Because it was her decision, Liam. And although I feel bad for hiding my feelings from you…I can’t feel bad about her choosing me. And I really, really want you to be happy for me. For her. For us.”
Drake looked pleadingly into his best friend’s eyes. Please Liam. You’re like my brother.
“I cannot lie and tell you that I’m not hurt. I am hurt. I have been planning for a future with her for months and you knew that, Drake. You knew how I felt about her.”
“I know.” Drake dropped his gaze to the floor. “I did know, and that’s why…”
But Liam rose his hand to stop him. “Drake, I didn’t know how you felt about her because you never told me. You’ve never kept something like this from me before. Would you ever have told me? If she had accepted my proposal tonight, what would you have done?”
Drake thought a moment before responding. “I would have wished you both the best. I never would have told you, and I would have convinced Rose to never tell you either. After that…I really don’t know. Because I can’t imagine my future without her in it. And I never want to. So, I haven’t even allowed myself to daydream about the possibility that she may return my feelings. I didn’t want to set myself up for disappointment. I just took things one day at a time.”
“Even after you kissed?” Liam rose an eyebrow.
Drake just shrugged and to his surprise, Liam let out a small laugh.
“You always were pretty dense when it came to girls, Drake.”
The two men chuckled before falling silent again. After a minute, Liam spoke again. “You’re my best friend. Of course, I want you happy. And if Emma makes you happy then…of course I support you. Always, Drake. We’re brothers.”
Drake grinned and stood up, exchanging a hug with Liam. “You’re a great guy, Liam. The right girl will come along for you, I know it.”
He watched as Liam’s face fell a bit, and he immediately wished he’d said something else.
“Yes, well. I’m quite tired after today, so I think I will turn in, Drake.”
Drake nodded, guilt slowly creeping back in. Dammit, why did I say that? Stupid! At least wait a day!
As he went back to his own room for the night, Drake couldn’t help the small smile forming on his lips.
I do feel bad for Liam. And I said one too many things to him… But fuck if I’m not completely ecstatic that Emma Rose chose me!!!!!
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