#how her guilt manifests into ghosts that she cant escape from
asyipyip · 5 months
jesus christ episode 5 of arcane was so fucking good
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harp-sicordial · 6 years
the dnd group (minus folmer’s player) played a quick non-canon/au improv campaign and it was SO stressful i thought this was going to be fun and light hearted and it was actually super stressful death game bullshit it was really great but im like extremely emo
highlights from it under the cut
we start in a trashed hotel room fdhsjkfhdks Party Hard
parsnip just has a general bad time bc she has light sensitivity and its very bright
“ah light bulbs, my one true enemy”
wolf pup!!! we meet marty whos a little wolf pup who can talk
parsnip and blimblam get to actually interact and be friends in this au, its nonbinary solidarity
folmer got a cameo reference, he is called “the creepy skinny elf dude” by marty
folmer is has become canonically creepy bc in the main session he 1. laughs at REALLY inappropriate times and 2. stared at parsnip really weirdly that one time
its implied he was possibly killed?
ok we each have to play these puzzels and which the dm stated at the end is connected to our characters fears/insecurities, dave went first
dave had to navigate a ball pit where the balls are in sections sorted by color, he had to navigate by ROYGBIV, every time he messed up he lost a life which actually meant pain was inflicted on the rest of us, i think the ball pit is a reference to childrens play places and thus his failings as a dad
nemeia plays a dart throwing gaming, she only misses the dart board once, the dart she misses manifests as a wound on the shoulders of everyone else, i dont know what this represents for nemeia since her player is more quiet 
carn is next (and akiira sneaks in with him) and his challenge is to not do violence, theres a battle scene of british knights trying to storm a french castle he is tasked with ending it peacefully he says he wants to punch a dude and as punishment has to choose on of use to die, this is suppose to represent how carns reckless actions hurt the group
he chose dave, dave explodes in a horribly gory fashion
akiira solves the problem by bribing the knights, we also dont get to see what akiiras puzzle was suppose to be
parsnip goes next and is tasked with staying afloat in a raging ocean for 5 minutes, my first roll was really good but my dice betrayed me, parsnip sinks into the ocean and get eaten by a whale shark, this represents her tendency to run away from her problems and her guilt for abandoning her mother
but in other words parsnip got vored to death THANKS I HATE IT!!!!
blimblam goes last GETS SENT DOWN THE WILLY WONKA BOAT RIDE SEQUENCE and has to choose to save parsnip or dave who are calling out for their help, blimblam not knowing if they are real sprints to the exit saving neither, BB’s player told me that since they arent assertive and care too much about others to the point where its a weakness that she thinks that giving in to the pleading and choosing one over the other would have resulted in something bad happening
the survivors then exit into a coliseum where god damned nerull of all people welcomes him to his show, dave and parsnip are ghosts and are hanging out in the stadiums seating
even in this au we cant escape from nerull’s bullshit
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