#how i touched each and every bottle at that supermarket thingy which is fun to say hey we have supermarket for alcohol
iftitah · 5 months
i cannot stop thinking about the alcohol world
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satans-helper · 5 years
Can you do a “what Valentine’s Day would be like with the boys” bullet point list thingy?
I absolutely can! Thank you so much for asking, anon! 
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Josh is the most fun and silly valentine you’ll ever have.
He decides to let loose with you and indulge in what you both deem the best part of Valentine’s Day–candy.
You two peruse the candy section in the supermarket forever, looking over everything and grabbing everything you want without a second thought, filling the whole basket.
Josh on a sugar high is quite an experience. 
His normal high-energy level is even more boisterous and chaotic, like he’s almost literally bouncing off the walls.
He’s super playful and teases you a lot, showers you with giggly kisses and will do anything just to touch you.
You often find yourself mirroring his energy and behavior, so it ends up with you two teasing back and forth, and the laughter from the two of you is so loud you just know it can be heard out on the street.
When you both come down from your sugar high, you cuddle up together with a movie on, you playing with Josh’s hair and his fingers tracing all over your skin.
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Danny is truly Mr. Classic Romantic
He has the whole night planned out, knowing just what you like, his most special girl.
He greets you with flowers and shy, blushing smile and you’re immediately smitten all over again.
Danny is the absolute sweetest–he’s attentive and his objective is to always make sure you’re having a good time and feel loved by him.
You share a quiet dinner, swapping little smiles, him making you laugh with his jokes, him looking at you completely lovesick the entire time.
Afterwards, you both kick back with a couple bottles of wine, leading up to one of your favorite things: cuddling.
Danny is the best at cuddling–so warm and strong and gentle. He’ll hold you as long as you want, though he also loves when you make extra effort to take care of him too.
He tells you how much he loves you, quietly and intently, in your ear as you’re dozing off in his arms.
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Jake is always full of surprises.
Valentine’s Day is really just another day to him, but he uses it to his advantage to show you how much he absolutely adores you.
And Jake adores you–he always treats you like you’re special, but he’s sometimes better in written word than spoken.
The card he gives you is beautiful, but what’s more beautiful is the love letter he’s written to you on the inside–there’s no fabrication with him. You know he means every single word and you never need to doubt it.
More beautiful than the card is the smile on his face as you’re reading it.
Jake likes to show the world how happy you make him when you go out but, when it’s just the two of you, it’s truly intimate, and that’s what the night leads up to.
You can talk to Jake forever, even just to listen to the sound of his voice.
He also gives the best kisses, especially when he just can’t keep his hands off you. You can’t keep your hands off him either. 
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Sam hates Valentine’s Day.
He thinks it’s cheesy and overrated and so commercialized, he’s actually gotten into heated debates with you over it.
But he loves you and he loves doting on you, so he shoves those feelings aside for the night.
Sam sets the table and makes dinner, not forgetting your favorite drinks, and lets you choose the music.
What he really looks forward to is tangling himself up with you with another record on, playing with your hair and talking with you about literally anything.
Sam isn’t very touchy-feely, but after a little alcohol and another little debate over which record to play next, he’s all over you. 
You love seeing him relax and join in on the fun of Valentine’s Day after griping about it earlier.
You are truly each other’s best friends and both just want each other to be happy, together and apart, so Sam is ultimately accepting of the hullabaloo of the holiday, as long as he gets to spend it with you.
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