#how is that movie so memorable. why does it have a 90% on rotten tomatoes. yes it's early sci-fi but NOTHING FUCKING HAPPENED
mikumutual · 1 year
it's possible that i have bad taste in cinema. i thought the first scene in scream was so poorly acted that i genuinely thought it was a fake movie that the real protagonist was watching. i thought 2001 a space odyssey was fucking incomprehensible and had five sentences worth of plot such that a 140 minute movie could've been condensed down to 20. i thought cocaine bear was good because even if the story was lacking it delivered on the promise that it was about a bear doing cocaine. i will never be a film critic
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the-cat-chat · 2 years
May 7, 2022
The Fifth Element (1997)
In the 23rd century, a cab driver unwittingly becomes the central figure in the search for a legendary cosmic weapon to keep Evil and Mr. Zorg at bay.
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JayBell: I have to admit, I was disappointed by this one. I’m a big fan of sci-fi, so I was looking forward to watching this popular movie from the 90′s that I missed out on.
Let’s start with what I enjoyed. I love watching sci-fi movies that take place in the future, where they imagine what technology, fashion, and culture to be like. The worldbuilding is enjoyable, and the alien lady’s opera performance was very...memorable. The acting wasn’t terrible, but it’s the writing and poor character development that irritate me the most.
The plot was more convoluted than it had to be, and the whole movie felt like it would never end. I think what bothered me most was the main characters, Bruce Willis’s character and the character of Leeloo. Bruce Willis was supposed to be this cool military guy, but I never actually got around to liking him. The best thing about Bruce Willis’s character was his tank top. Also, some of his actions just don’t age well, like kissing the unconscious Leeloo. The age difference between Bruce Willis and LeeLoo is also really disturbing to me, so all the “romance” was hard to watch. And let’s be honest, there should not have been any declarations of love at the end of the movie.
Leeloo’s character had so much potential. Setting aside the dubious science behind her creation, I like that she’s supposed to be a powerful badass. I just hated that besides one fight scene, the most important aspect of her character was how “perfect” everyone thought she was. What does “perfect” really mean? Well in this case, it mainly means she’s super hot, and because she’s super hot, let’s put in a bunch of topless scenes and have her wear some straps instead of actual clothes. Sure Leeloo can fight, but don’t worry, she’s actually really fragile and would die without the love of a good man (which is apparently Bruce Willis?).
And finally, there was a running gag that Bruce Willis’s character has this bitchy, annoying mom, but it just wasn’t funny.
I really wanted to like this as much as everyone else seemed to. Maybe the characters and the concepts are too outdated for me now. Maybe everyone is viewing it through nostalgia-tinted glasses. Who knows. I just know that it was a miss for me.
Rating: 3/10 cats 🐈‍
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Anzie: Ummmmmm…….soooo unpopular opinion but I would rather be subjected to 48 straight hours of listening to whale sounds than watch a Bruce Willis movie. I had knowledge of this movie but just assumed it was your run of the mill, “yeah that tough guy saves the world because space is scary and there’s evil idiots.” But on seeing some stuff- like “I’m a meat popsicle,” and the crazy outfits, I figured I could forgive Bruce Willis for his transgressions of starring in the same movie 150 times. I can’t, I’ll never forgive him, ever, and that back cut out latex tank top or whatever it was made of, well it made him look like an annoying traffic cone and made me sweat just looking at it.
I thought this movie would be a good weird with a cool plot, but it ended up being just weird weird with a (graciously) D+ plot. Rotten tomatoes should really get real with this one. First off- when the good alien robot things are on Earth the first time, you know when the young handsome Luke Perry just gets killed immediately because understandably in 1914 you’d be scared too- ummm I know what’s going on but I had no clue that the “Fifth Element” would be what it ended up being in the next scene. And bam she is- without any actually background on WHY? The fifth element is the fifth element- she just is she’s soooo hot and she’s naked and she’s like a scared little animal, sparrrrre meeee plllllsssssss. I wanna know why it’s her and why she was created out of the robot hand they found. How does a beetle looking robot alien thing turn into her???? And poor Milla Jovovich, so beautiful and with so much potential has to wear the dumbest, and I mean the DUMBEST outfits. That’s all I wanna say. And I get I’m not probably the intended gaze and audience - but she’s the one right, that’s saving the whole world not Bruce Willis, the least common decency anyone can have is make a outfit that isn’t a nip slip waiting to happen bathing suit.
The opera singer was the best attempted at anything sci-fi-esque- I mean where was the budget——— in the fabric for Leeloo’s outfit?????? And Chris Tucker’s screaming, kinda funny for his character at first, but just annoying by the end. Don’t even get me started on the ugly aliens that are buying weapons from Gary Oldman’s freaky character either. Or that weird pastel elephant thing.
Ugggg, and the forced romance and objectification and kissing and the Savior for all of humanity needs a man??? Sure, yeah, whatever, I give up.
Rating: 2/10 aliens 👽
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Judd Apatow’s 5 Best (& 5 worst) Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes
Judd Apatow is one of the most successful directors of all time and has managed to create a handful of major box office hits. His movies stand out from most Hollywood flicks due to the authenticity behind the characters he creates, capturing people and circumstances that we can all associate to our everyday lives.
RELATED: Guillermo Del Toro's Movies, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes
Specializing in "underdog" characters, we can always count on Apatow to deliver content that is as hilarious as it is relatable. Most of his films have made their way into becoming instant classics, yet some weren't quite as lucky. Here are Apatow's best and worst rated films according to Rotten Tomatoes.
10  10. THE BIG SICK -(BEST)
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The Big Sick is an Apatow-produced rom-com from 2017. It is his highest-rated film to date, and we can certainly understand why. The romantic comedy genre seems to be the man's strong suit and you can tell how passionate he is when it comes to portraying realistic relationships in his films.
RELATED: The 13 Best Romantic Comedy Movies Of All Time, According To IMDb
In The Big Sick starring Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan, their characters Kumail and Emily share a bond that is as endearing as it is genuine. Plus, there is an incredible storyline that involves family dynamics and it is hard not to feel touched at the authenticity of these characters along with their relationships with one another.
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Drillbit Taylor is an Apatow-produced comedy about a group of kids who need protection from their high school bullies. So what do they do to get said protection? They hire a soldier to protect them. Who other than the loveable Owen Wilson to play their own personal bodyguard?
Although the Drillbit Taylor means well, most critics describe the film as "clunky" and "frustrating to watch" with too much violence and uneven characters. According to Apatow though when it came to his name attached to the film, he had this to say: "I had nothing to do with Drillbit Taylor, my name was added as a courtesy. When I was originally pitched the concept I was told it would be funny... unfortunately that is not what we got."
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Bridesmaids is heavily regarded as one of the funniest movies of all time, thanks to Judd Apatow and the all-star cast. With bigtime comedians such as Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, and Melissa Mccarthy, Apatow as the producer along with the rest of the film's creators seemed to trust these talented stars enough to let them improvise the majority of their scenes rather than relying too heavily on a script.
RELATED: MBTI® Bridesmaids Characters
Giving these actors the freedom to riff off of each other ultimately makes for a film that is filled with endless laughter. What makes Bridesmaids so incredible is the amount of energy bursting throughout the film. Everyone seems as though they are having a blast while making Bridesmaids, and you can tell that the entire cast is doing what they love best (which is making people laugh so hard they nearly pee their pants).
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Year One is a 2009 comedy starring Michael Cera and Jack Black, with Apatow as the producer. In this historical comedy, the two play cavemen who get kicked out of their tribe.
They must venture out on various quests filled with biblical references that you don't have to be religious to understand. (If you zoned out during Sunday School as a kid, you will still get these references just fine). With a 15% score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 32% from audience scores, most felt as though the film was sloppy and uninspired despite the great talent from the cast.
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Some of Judd Apatow's best pieces of work revolve around platonic friendships rather than conventional romances. He realizes that sometimes your soul mate is your best friend rather than your boyfriend or girlfriend. Apatow knows more than anyone how to perfectly capture the beauty of the bromance and he does so perfectly in Superbad where he worked as the film's producer.
RELATED: Booksmart: 6 Things It Does Better Than Superbad (& 4 Things It Does Worse)
Bromances are fascinating because the sight of two men openly expressing their love and affection for one another is unfortunately stigmatized, but luckily, this film embraces the love as opposed to making fun of it. Jonah Hill and Michael Cera have the perfect chemistry to replicate a beautiful friendship that we can all relate to, thus making the film an instant classic.
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With a 29% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Heavyweights reveals what really goes down at fat camp. Unlike Apatow's usual R-rated films, this '90s flick is a Disney film meant for kids.
Despite critics who deem the film as "lightweight entertainment", it has a fresh score by audiences of 77%. Perhaps people enjoy this movie more than critics because of the nostalgia element, perhaps they get a kick out of Ben Stiller's role as the evil fitness trainer. Regardless, it was one of Apatow's first written movies, so it's easy to cut him some slack.
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Knocked Up is a 2007 hit which is written, directed, and co-produced by Apatow. It tells the clumsy love story of two people who manage to make it work after having a one night stand. As expected from the title, this one night stand leads to Seth Rogen's character impregnating Katherine Heigel's character.
What makes the movie work so well is the realism behind it. It manages to paint an accurate picture of how most people would act in this situation rather than depicting a typical Hollywood story filled with glamour and unrealistic expectations. Sure, Rogen and Heigel may not be Romeo and Juliet when it comes to their budding romance, but even without all of the dramatized glitz, you still find yourself actively rooting for them to work out.
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Dick and Jane, (Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni), start as a well-off couple until Dick loses his job and is now swimming in debt. So in order to survive, the happy couple resorts to acts of robbery in this Apatow written comedy. With a 28% score on Rotten Tomatoes, most people are quick to say that Fun With Dick and Jane isn't all that fun.
Critics complained that the tone of the film was too mismatched to be consistent, with too few laughs to be considered a memorable comedy. Compared to the original Fun with Dick and Jane from 1977, many were quick to call the 2005 remake a lackluster film.
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May It Last: A Portrait of the Avett Brothers is a beautiful Apatow-directed documentary about the Avett Brothers, who describe themselves as "self-centered hillbillies." Yet despite their self-described personas, the documentary reveals two people, Scott and Seth Avett, who are loving and humble.
More than anything, the Avett Brothers just want to create music that will leave people feeling something. Even those who have never even heard of The Avett Brothers will shed a tear or two at this heart-warming documentary about a pair of brothers who get to do what they love most. Make music that speaks to people.
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Celtic Pride is one of Apatow's first written films, with an unfortunate 9% rating. Unlike some of his other films with low critic ratings and high audience ratings, Celtic Pride, unfortunately, is just as unliked by critics as it is by worldwide audiences.
The movie centers around massive Boston Celtics fans who eventually come to discover that their sports obsession is taking over their personal lives. Critics have claimed this movie to be a major disappointment even for the biggest Celtic fans. Luckily, Apatow would move on to become a well-respected director with a handful of epic films under his belt.
NEXT: Martin Scorsese's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
source https://screenrant.com/judd-apatow-best-worst-movies-according-rotten-tomatoes/
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Judd Apatow’s 5 Best (& 5 worst) Movies According To Rotten Tomatoes
Judd Apatow is one of the most successful directors of all time and has managed to create a handful of major box office hits. His movies stand out from most Hollywood flicks due to the authenticity behind the characters he creates, capturing people and circumstances that we can all associate to our everyday lives.
RELATED: Guillermo Del Toro's Movies, Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes
Specializing in "underdog" characters, we can always count on Apatow to deliver content that is as hilarious as it is relatable. Most of his films have made their way into becoming instant classics, yet some weren't quite as lucky. Here are Apatow's best and worst rated films according to Rotten Tomatoes.
10  10. THE BIG SICK -(BEST)
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The Big Sick is an Apatow-produced rom-com from 2017. It is his highest-rated film to date, and we can certainly understand why. The romantic comedy genre seems to be the man's strong suit and you can tell how passionate he is when it comes to portraying realistic relationships in his films.
RELATED: The 13 Best Romantic Comedy Movies Of All Time, According To IMDb
In The Big Sick starring Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan, their characters Kumail and Emily share a bond that is as endearing as it is genuine. Plus, there is an incredible storyline that involves family dynamics and it is hard not to feel touched at the authenticity of these characters along with their relationships with one another.
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Drillbit Taylor is an Apatow-produced comedy about a group of kids who need protection from their high school bullies. So what do they do to get said protection? They hire a soldier to protect them. Who other than the loveable Owen Wilson to play their own personal bodyguard?
Although the Drillbit Taylor means well, most critics describe the film as "clunky" and "frustrating to watch" with too much violence and uneven characters. According to Apatow though when it came to his name attached to the film, he had this to say: "I had nothing to do with Drillbit Taylor, my name was added as a courtesy. When I was originally pitched the concept I was told it would be funny... unfortunately that is not what we got."
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Bridesmaids is heavily regarded as one of the funniest movies of all time, thanks to Judd Apatow and the all-star cast. With bigtime comedians such as Kristen Wiig, Maya Rudolph, and Melissa Mccarthy, Apatow as the producer along with the rest of the film's creators seemed to trust these talented stars enough to let them improvise the majority of their scenes rather than relying too heavily on a script.
RELATED: MBTI® Bridesmaids Characters
Giving these actors the freedom to riff off of each other ultimately makes for a film that is filled with endless laughter. What makes Bridesmaids so incredible is the amount of energy bursting throughout the film. Everyone seems as though they are having a blast while making Bridesmaids, and you can tell that the entire cast is doing what they love best (which is making people laugh so hard they nearly pee their pants).
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Year One is a 2009 comedy starring Michael Cera and Jack Black, with Apatow as the producer. In this historical comedy, the two play cavemen who get kicked out of their tribe.
They must venture out on various quests filled with biblical references that you don't have to be religious to understand. (If you zoned out during Sunday School as a kid, you will still get these references just fine). With a 15% score on Rotten Tomatoes and a 32% from audience scores, most felt as though the film was sloppy and uninspired despite the great talent from the cast.
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Some of Judd Apatow's best pieces of work revolve around platonic friendships rather than conventional romances. He realizes that sometimes your soul mate is your best friend rather than your boyfriend or girlfriend. Apatow knows more than anyone how to perfectly capture the beauty of the bromance and he does so perfectly in Superbad where he worked as the film's producer.
RELATED: Booksmart: 6 Things It Does Better Than Superbad (& 4 Things It Does Worse)
Bromances are fascinating because the sight of two men openly expressing their love and affection for one another is unfortunately stigmatized, but luckily, this film embraces the love as opposed to making fun of it. Jonah Hill and Michael Cera have the perfect chemistry to replicate a beautiful friendship that we can all relate to, thus making the film an instant classic.
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With a 29% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, Heavyweights reveals what really goes down at fat camp. Unlike Apatow's usual R-rated films, this '90s flick is a Disney film meant for kids.
Despite critics who deem the film as "lightweight entertainment", it has a fresh score by audiences of 77%. Perhaps people enjoy this movie more than critics because of the nostalgia element, perhaps they get a kick out of Ben Stiller's role as the evil fitness trainer. Regardless, it was one of Apatow's first written movies, so it's easy to cut him some slack.
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Knocked Up is a 2007 hit which is written, directed, and co-produced by Apatow. It tells the clumsy love story of two people who manage to make it work after having a one night stand. As expected from the title, this one night stand leads to Seth Rogen's character impregnating Katherine Heigel's character.
What makes the movie work so well is the realism behind it. It manages to paint an accurate picture of how most people would act in this situation rather than depicting a typical Hollywood story filled with glamour and unrealistic expectations. Sure, Rogen and Heigel may not be Romeo and Juliet when it comes to their budding romance, but even without all of the dramatized glitz, you still find yourself actively rooting for them to work out.
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Dick and Jane, (Jim Carrey and Tea Leoni), start as a well-off couple until Dick loses his job and is now swimming in debt. So in order to survive, the happy couple resorts to acts of robbery in this Apatow written comedy. With a 28% score on Rotten Tomatoes, most people are quick to say that Fun With Dick and Jane isn't all that fun.
Critics complained that the tone of the film was too mismatched to be consistent, with too few laughs to be considered a memorable comedy. Compared to the original Fun with Dick and Jane from 1977, many were quick to call the 2005 remake a lackluster film.
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May It Last: A Portrait of the Avett Brothers is a beautiful Apatow-directed documentary about the Avett Brothers, who describe themselves as "self-centered hillbillies." Yet despite their self-described personas, the documentary reveals two people, Scott and Seth Avett, who are loving and humble.
More than anything, the Avett Brothers just want to create music that will leave people feeling something. Even those who have never even heard of The Avett Brothers will shed a tear or two at this heart-warming documentary about a pair of brothers who get to do what they love most. Make music that speaks to people.
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Celtic Pride is one of Apatow's first written films, with an unfortunate 9% rating. Unlike some of his other films with low critic ratings and high audience ratings, Celtic Pride, unfortunately, is just as unliked by critics as it is by worldwide audiences.
The movie centers around massive Boston Celtics fans who eventually come to discover that their sports obsession is taking over their personal lives. Critics have claimed this movie to be a major disappointment even for the biggest Celtic fans. Luckily, Apatow would move on to become a well-respected director with a handful of epic films under his belt.
NEXT: Martin Scorsese's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
source https://screenrant.com/judd-apatow-best-worst-movies-according-rotten-tomatoes/
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Tom Cruise's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
Tom Cruise is one of the biggest movie stars in the world, and this is mostly down to his versatility as an actor. He started off starring in action-packed blockbusters like Top Gun, but he’s also proven that he has comedic chops alongside the likes of Ben Stiller and held his own in more contemplative dramas for directors like Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick, and Paul Thomas Anderson.
RELATED: Tom Cruise’s 10 Most Memorable Characters
Few actors have the rare combination of talent and charisma that Cruise has – and on top of that, he’s fiercely dedicated, doing most of his own stunts and not letting something silly like a broken bone stop him. Here are Tom Cruise’s 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes.
10 Collateral (86%)
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Collateral is a fascinating two-hander focusing on the relationship between two strangers. Tom Cruise plays a hitman with jobs all over L.A. and Jamie Foxx plays the mild-mannered cab driver he’s commandeered for the night. The two share spectacular on-screen chemistry that keeps the whole thing riveting from start to finish.
Michael Mann directs this slick thriller with gusto – a midpoint neon-lit nightclub shootout stands out as a highlight – but it’s really Cruise and Foxx’s acting that keeps you hooked. Stuart Beattie masterfully introduces his characters in the first act, escalates the tension slowly throughout the second act, and delivers a gut-punch finale in the third.
9 TIE: Rain Man (89%)
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Although its use of an able-bodied actor to play a disabled role would be considered controversial in today’s climate, Rain Man is a fantastic movie, mixing comedy and drama in pitch-perfect ways and capturing the relationship of two brothers beautifully.
Tom Cruise stars as Charlie Babbitt, who finds out he has an autistic brother named Raymond (played by Dustin Hoffman) from his wealthy father’s will and finds that he’s good at counting cards and takes him to Vegas to win big. Cruise plays Charlie as unlikable, conflicted, and irritable, which leads to some truly interesting character development and well-acted scenes.
8 TIE: The Color of Money (89%)
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Martin Scorsese’s belated sequel to The Hustler brought Paul Newman back to the role of “Fast Eddie” Felson to mentor a new student, played by Tom Cruise. The Color of Money is basically detached from The Hustler – the two work just as well on their own – but it’s still a terrific movie.
RELATED: Martin Scorsese's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
Until this movie came along, moviegoers thought that Tom Cruise was just some pretty-boy actor. However, holding his own opposite a screen legend like Paul Newman under the direction of a master like Scorsese, he won over those audiences and proved that he had some serious acting chops.
7 TIE: Born on the Fourth of July (89%)
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A biopic of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July was the second installment in the Vietnam War trilogy directed by Oliver Stone, who is also a veteran of the conflict. Like Kovic, Stone returned from battle with a staunchly anti-war stance and began conveying that in his films.
So, when the director took on a film adaptation of Kovic’s memoir, it was like a match made in Heaven. Stone and Kovic collaborated on the script together, so this is more accurate – and more political – than your average, run-of-the-mill biopic. Tom Cruise’s angry, bitter portrayal of Kovic told audiences that he wasn’t afraid to play an imperfect character.
6 Edge of Tomorrow (90%)
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When most moviegoers heard about the premise (and title) of Edge of Tomorrow – a soldier in a distant future relives the same day of a battle with aliens over and over again, a la Groundhog Day – they predicted that it would suck. However, when the movie came out in 2014, those fans were surprised to discover that it’s actually a mind-blowing sci-fi action thriller.
Director Doug Liman’s sense of pacing does a fine job of making sure the movie doesn’t feel repetitive, skipping over the repeated events quicker and quicker each time, and Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt make a compelling pair of leads.
5 Minority Report (91%)
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Philip K. Dick has always been a rich source of cinematic material. This Steven Spielberg sci-fi actioner has a juicy premise – focusing on a futuristic police force that can predict crimes before they even take place – and has an even juicier plot to back it up.
Tom Cruise stars as John Anderton, who is determined to be murdering a man he’s never met in three days and has 72 hours to figure out who this person is and why he’s going to kill him. In an almost impossible feat, the movie’s execution lives up to its lucrative setup from beginning to end.
4 TIE: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (93%)
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The fifth Mission: Impossible movie was the one where Christopher McQuarrie jumped aboard the franchise. He has since directed the sixth one, making him the first ever director to helm two installments of the franchise, and then signed on to shoot the seventh and eighth movies back-to-back.
RELATED: Everything We Know (So Far) About Christopher McQuarrie's Mission: Impossible 7 & 8
He clearly has a great working relationship with Tom Cruise, and it shows from the off. In the opening sequence, Cruise hangs from the side of a plane as it takes off. McQuarrie knows that this sight is interesting enough not to need any camera trickery, so he leaves a stationary camera locked on Cruise for the entire breathtaking sequence.
3 TIE: Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (93%)
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There weren’t any truly great movies in the Mission: Impossible franchise until Brad Bird came along with Ghost Protocol. It has an engaging plot that takes you along for the ride, and achieves this by using spectacular action set pieces to drive it forward.
From sending Tom Cruise into a sandstorm for a novel take on a foot chase to blowing up the Kremlin in shocking fashion to having Cruise dangle from the side of the Burj Khalifa using nothing but sticky gloves (and harnesses that were removed in post, but still), Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is a gorgeous showcase of mind-boggling big-screen thrills.
2 Risky Business (96%)
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Imagine if Superbad starred a young Tom Cruise and had an even racier plot involving scorned prostitutes and trashed sports cars and you might have a vague idea of what Risky Business looks like.
It’s crazy to think that a guy who jumped out of a plane and piloted a helicopter for his last major movie got his big break starring in an ‘80s high school comedy, but Cruise fits the role of Joel Goodson like a glove. In fact, Cruise’s charismatic and likable performance is possibly what makes the whole movie work. In the wrong hands, his character could’ve come off as pretty despicable. With Cruise in the role, he’s just a lovable rascal.
1 Mission: Impossible – Fallout (97%)
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As soon as Christopher McQuarrie’s Mission: Impossible – Fallout was released last summer, critics were calling it one of the greatest action movies ever made. With the sixth M:I movie, McQuarrie and his star Tom Cruise were faced with a difficult task.
How do you top hanging off the side of a plane during take-off? Their solution was to make a movie where every scene is this intense. Chasing helicopters, dangling from a cliff, zipping around the Arc de Triomphe the wrong way on a motorcycle – McQuarrie and Cruise have left themselves with an even bigger challenge for Mission: Impossible 7.
NEXT: George Clooney's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
source https://screenrant.com/tom-cruise-best-movies-according-rotten-tomatoes/
0 notes
ramajmedia · 5 years
Tom Cruise's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
Tom Cruise is one of the biggest movie stars in the world, and this is mostly down to his versatility as an actor. He started off starring in action-packed blockbusters like Top Gun, but he’s also proven that he has comedic chops alongside the likes of Ben Stiller and held his own in more contemplative dramas for directors like Oliver Stone, Stanley Kubrick, and Paul Thomas Anderson.
RELATED: Tom Cruise’s 10 Most Memorable Characters
Few actors have the rare combination of talent and charisma that Cruise has – and on top of that, he’s fiercely dedicated, doing most of his own stunts and not letting something silly like a broken bone stop him. Here are Tom Cruise’s 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes.
10 Collateral (86%)
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Collateral is a fascinating two-hander focusing on the relationship between two strangers. Tom Cruise plays a hitman with jobs all over L.A. and Jamie Foxx plays the mild-mannered cab driver he’s commandeered for the night. The two share spectacular on-screen chemistry that keeps the whole thing riveting from start to finish.
Michael Mann directs this slick thriller with gusto – a midpoint neon-lit nightclub shootout stands out as a highlight – but it’s really Cruise and Foxx’s acting that keeps you hooked. Stuart Beattie masterfully introduces his characters in the first act, escalates the tension slowly throughout the second act, and delivers a gut-punch finale in the third.
9 TIE: Rain Man (89%)
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Although its use of an able-bodied actor to play a disabled role would be considered controversial in today’s climate, Rain Man is a fantastic movie, mixing comedy and drama in pitch-perfect ways and capturing the relationship of two brothers beautifully.
Tom Cruise stars as Charlie Babbitt, who finds out he has an autistic brother named Raymond (played by Dustin Hoffman) from his wealthy father’s will and finds that he’s good at counting cards and takes him to Vegas to win big. Cruise plays Charlie as unlikable, conflicted, and irritable, which leads to some truly interesting character development and well-acted scenes.
8 TIE: The Color of Money (89%)
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Martin Scorsese’s belated sequel to The Hustler brought Paul Newman back to the role of “Fast Eddie” Felson to mentor a new student, played by Tom Cruise. The Color of Money is basically detached from The Hustler – the two work just as well on their own – but it’s still a terrific movie.
RELATED: Martin Scorsese's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
Until this movie came along, moviegoers thought that Tom Cruise was just some pretty-boy actor. However, holding his own opposite a screen legend like Paul Newman under the direction of a master like Scorsese, he won over those audiences and proved that he had some serious acting chops.
7 TIE: Born on the Fourth of July (89%)
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A biopic of Vietnam veteran Ron Kovic, Born on the Fourth of July was the second installment in the Vietnam War trilogy directed by Oliver Stone, who is also a veteran of the conflict. Like Kovic, Stone returned from battle with a staunchly anti-war stance and began conveying that in his films.
So, when the director took on a film adaptation of Kovic’s memoir, it was like a match made in Heaven. Stone and Kovic collaborated on the script together, so this is more accurate – and more political – than your average, run-of-the-mill biopic. Tom Cruise’s angry, bitter portrayal of Kovic told audiences that he wasn’t afraid to play an imperfect character.
6 Edge of Tomorrow (90%)
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When most moviegoers heard about the premise (and title) of Edge of Tomorrow – a soldier in a distant future relives the same day of a battle with aliens over and over again, a la Groundhog Day – they predicted that it would suck. However, when the movie came out in 2014, those fans were surprised to discover that it’s actually a mind-blowing sci-fi action thriller.
Director Doug Liman’s sense of pacing does a fine job of making sure the movie doesn’t feel repetitive, skipping over the repeated events quicker and quicker each time, and Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt make a compelling pair of leads.
5 Minority Report (91%)
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Philip K. Dick has always been a rich source of cinematic material. This Steven Spielberg sci-fi actioner has a juicy premise – focusing on a futuristic police force that can predict crimes before they even take place – and has an even juicier plot to back it up.
Tom Cruise stars as John Anderton, who is determined to be murdering a man he’s never met in three days and has 72 hours to figure out who this person is and why he’s going to kill him. In an almost impossible feat, the movie’s execution lives up to its lucrative setup from beginning to end.
4 TIE: Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation (93%)
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The fifth Mission: Impossible movie was the one where Christopher McQuarrie jumped aboard the franchise. He has since directed the sixth one, making him the first ever director to helm two installments of the franchise, and then signed on to shoot the seventh and eighth movies back-to-back.
RELATED: Everything We Know (So Far) About Christopher McQuarrie's Mission: Impossible 7 & 8
He clearly has a great working relationship with Tom Cruise, and it shows from the off. In the opening sequence, Cruise hangs from the side of a plane as it takes off. McQuarrie knows that this sight is interesting enough not to need any camera trickery, so he leaves a stationary camera locked on Cruise for the entire breathtaking sequence.
3 TIE: Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (93%)
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There weren’t any truly great movies in the Mission: Impossible franchise until Brad Bird came along with Ghost Protocol. It has an engaging plot that takes you along for the ride, and achieves this by using spectacular action set pieces to drive it forward.
From sending Tom Cruise into a sandstorm for a novel take on a foot chase to blowing up the Kremlin in shocking fashion to having Cruise dangle from the side of the Burj Khalifa using nothing but sticky gloves (and harnesses that were removed in post, but still), Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is a gorgeous showcase of mind-boggling big-screen thrills.
2 Risky Business (96%)
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Imagine if Superbad starred a young Tom Cruise and had an even racier plot involving scorned prostitutes and trashed sports cars and you might have a vague idea of what Risky Business looks like.
It’s crazy to think that a guy who jumped out of a plane and piloted a helicopter for his last major movie got his big break starring in an ‘80s high school comedy, but Cruise fits the role of Joel Goodson like a glove. In fact, Cruise’s charismatic and likable performance is possibly what makes the whole movie work. In the wrong hands, his character could’ve come off as pretty despicable. With Cruise in the role, he’s just a lovable rascal.
1 Mission: Impossible – Fallout (97%)
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As soon as Christopher McQuarrie’s Mission: Impossible – Fallout was released last summer, critics were calling it one of the greatest action movies ever made. With the sixth M:I movie, McQuarrie and his star Tom Cruise were faced with a difficult task.
How do you top hanging off the side of a plane during take-off? Their solution was to make a movie where every scene is this intense. Chasing helicopters, dangling from a cliff, zipping around the Arc de Triomphe the wrong way on a motorcycle – McQuarrie and Cruise have left themselves with an even bigger challenge for Mission: Impossible 7.
NEXT: George Clooney's 10 Best Movies, According To Rotten Tomatoes
source https://screenrant.com/tom-cruise-best-movies-according-rotten-tomatoes/
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