#how many generations was it? and the fact his daughter was raised my michael. im in tears
lucifer-kane · 2 years
Raven really was the last person to find out he had a daughter....
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thefruitsofloveff · 8 years
Chapter 3.
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10:44 am
I fell back on the couch of Tiana’s new apartment couch. We been moving her shit for a good 2 hours now. I’m beyond tired and just ready to get to work on this case. I watched as she walked back from one of the rooms and sat on the couch, crossing her foot under her.
“Ok so this case. I know you said you’d rather just give information then testify. But the judge says that he will need from you...and your other son if he is able”.
She nodded. I was about to begin once again, but I had a burning question that was just being wanted to ask.
“I’m sorry, I know this is a little off track, but how in the world did a young female like you end up two kids deep in a situation like this”.
I said it with a little bit of a smirk, but I was dead serious. She laughed,shaking her head.
“Well Im actually not 2 kids deep, just one. Trent is my brother and Titan is my baby. I’ve had Trent since he was 3 so naturally I guess he became mine...”
I nodded as she paused, looking out the floor to ceiling windows.
“He helped me when I had nothing. Me and Trent would have been homeless, in the system but he took care of us. I guess I  felt I owed him for what he did. That’s how I ended up 1 kid deep”.
We both shared the laugh. I nodded, starring at her for a while.
“SO, don’t want to intrude. How did you end up with your brother?”.
Sighing she locked eyes with me, playing with her fingers a bit.
“My mother was addicted to the streets and drugs. My grandmother took him when he was 1. She died of a heart attack 2 years later. So I took him. I had to prove we was living somewhere stable and that I was in school before they gave it to me. I fought hard because I was not trying to have him grow up in the system. 15 years old and taking care of a 3 year old..”
She laughed to herself and shook her head.
“Anyway, I graduated highschool but didn't continue on with college. Then Dominic being much older then me said we could stay with him. That he would let us live with him if I .... watched his shit”.
I raised a eyebrow taking a mental note to dig deeper into that itself. But for now I didn’t wanna pressure her too much so I decided to change the topic. 
“Well, are you working or anything?”.
She shook her head.
“No, but I have office experience from when I was 18 and 19.
I nodded, rubbing my chin. This might be conflict in itself, but I might be able to get her a job at the firm. Not as a lawyer of course, but as a assistant. Just handle little stuff. Keeping files together, scheduling meetings, answering phones. That sort of thing.
“Well you got a interview Friday?”.
She laughed, kind of taken back and confused.
“At my firm. I think one of my lawyers might need a new assistant. I’ll interview you and get you started. But you have to bring your professional game. This is serious and I won’t just give it to you because you need it. You gotta show me you’re capable”.
She nodded with a bright smile. I’m not saying this job is guaranteed for her, but it’s worth a shot.
“Are there any schools in the area. I wanna get Trent Enrolled as soon as possible”.
I took my phone out, searching the schools in her area.
“Uh yeah. The top one seems to be Cornelia F Bradford 16. Or you can enroll him in the Manhattan are″.
She smiled with a nod, then rested her hand on the arm of the couch.
“So, since you asked me a personal question. can I ask you one?”.
I exhaled giving a slight chuckle and a nod.
“Do you have kids?”.
I nodded, shoving my phone in my pocket. I was praying she wouldn’t ask me about a wife or girlfriend. I’m just getting over Regina's death, but it’s still a hard topic to talk about.
“Yes a little girl, she’s 8″.
She smiled, looking down at the ground then back at me.
“How do you make sure she becomes a well rounded women? It’s just me with Trent and Titan now, and now that Dominic is out of our lives, I wanna make sure they have the best living skills, skills in general”.
I nodding in understanding as she spoke.
“Just time, and correction. And also leading by example and the men you allow in your life in the future. If you want them to be good students, you work with them, you read to them, take them to museums, discovery adventures. Those are all the things that build up a young scholar. Enroll them in sports, not only does that teach discipline but also opens the door for many things for them”.
She laughed lowly and shook her head.
“I’m not laughing at you, just the fact that Trent said yesterday he wanted to get into sports. I think I wanna get him in as many as possible for each seaso-”
“Yeah, it’ll help him decided what he enjoys more and what he’ll wanna stick with”.
She smiled. She was a pretty young girl. Seemed to have a good head on her shoulder despite the situation she’s in. There was a awkward silence between us before I stood to my feet. 
I cleared my throat a little and looked at my wristwatch.“I think you’re suppose to be going to speak to Neal today around 4″.She nodded, standing up as well and walking me to the door.
“Right Right. So tomorrow am I suppose to drive all the way to Manhattan so we can go over this case”.
I laughed and nodded my head.
“yeah, these are the breaks. Just trynna make a good life easier”.
“Well I appreciate your help. I’ll talk to you later I guess”.
“Right... Uhh Goodbye”.
I watched as she closed the door, leaving me feeling weird. Who the fuck says goodbye instead of just bye. I shook my head at myself before getting on the elevator and heading downstairs.
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4:50 pm
“Trent, they’re going to ask you a few question and you have to be honest ok”.
Here we are at the station, giving our recorded testimonies. I had no Idea that they would also ask Trent for his but obviously they needed one from him too.
“What’s the question going to be about?”.
I took his jacket off, laying it across my lap
“About Dominic...When he use to hit me. They need you to tell them how it happened, why it happened and who broke it up”.
Smacking his teeth, he gave me a upset face and shook his head.
“I don’t want too”.
He whined. I shook my head, grabbing him by his shirt and pulling him gently towards me.
“Hey, you have to. Do you want him to come back and we be unhappy?”.
Shaking his head furiously I nodded.
“Ok then, be honest. No matter how scary the question is. Ok”.
Taking a breath of air he nodded, scooting himself into my lap, he laid his head on my shoulder.Looking down at my phone, I watched as a unknown number flashed across my screen. Scrunching my eyebrows together, I unlocked my phone and read the message.
From: 212-629-5555
It’s Kingston. Wanted to go over you case a little more tonight. Umm can you come to my office.
I shook my head to myself.
To: Kingston
I can’t I have no sitter for Titan, Are you able to just come back to my place
“We’re ready for him”.
My focus was broken as one of the detective came into the waiting room. I nodded, nicely pushing Trent from my lap and kissing his cheek.
“I’ll be right here, remember be honest ok?”.
He nodded, taking the hand of Neal and walking out of the room. I waited until they were out of my sight before focusing back on my phone.
From: Kingston
I can. I have to get my daughter ready for bed, so I’ll be there around 8:30
To: Kingston
That’s fine.
I slipped my phone back in my purse and looked at Titan in his strolled. Taking him out I placed many kisses on his on his face. His giggle was so soothing. No matter what, I’m glad I have him.
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5:02 pm
I sat in the chair in a office, enjoying my chips and juice that the police officer gave me when I came in here. At first I was scared, but I’m ok now. They said if I didn’t want Dominic to come back, I had to tell what I seen and how it made me feel. That’s easy because he always mad me feel, weird.“Hi Trent. I’m Detective Neal and this is Detective Michael. We’re going to ask you a few questions. It is ver-”
“I know I know, very important that I tell the truth”. They both laughed. I didn’t know what was so funny, I just was telling them what they was going to say. I watched him as he grabbed a little radio thingy and pressed a button.
“November 2nd 2016. The time is 5:04 in the afternoon. Witness Trent Williamson. 
So Trent, tell me about Dominic”.
I nodded, looking at the radio in the middle of the table, then drinking some of my apple juice.
Trent: Well he use to be Titi’s boyfriend. But I don’t think he is anymore
Neal: Why isn’t he 
Trent: Because before he went away they were mad at each other
Neal: Do you know why they were mad?
I nodded my head. I know Titi told me not to, but I always listen to them talk.
Trent: He brought toy guns in the house. Tiana doesn’t like toy guns in the house or the big plastic bags.
Neal: What kind of plastic bags?
Trent: The kind that made the living room really foggy. It smelled really bad. So so bad that we had to stay in the room if he took it out the bag.
I watched him nod to himself and look at the other officer, then back at me.
Neal: Had Dominic ever hit you, or Titi?
I looked at the glad window. I had to remember to tell the truth. I use to wasn’t suppose to but now I can. I nodded my head.
Trent: Yes. He hit her in the head and when I cried he gave me a whooping and told me to stay in the closet.
Neal: Why did he hit TiTi?
Trent: Because she was grabbing me and Titan to leave. And then another time because he kept bringing the bags from the laundry home 
I watched Neal smile then turn the radio off and rubbed my head.“You did good skippy?”.
I laughed throwing my head back and putting more chips in my mouth. Who’s skippy.
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