#how many times can i say skidaddle in one post
the-purple-possum · 2 years
Please join me in welcoming, the cream to the carribean, the briggant of barbados, the skidaddler of Saint Augustine. The Gentleman pirate.
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He skidaddled from his family. Planned to skidaddle with his boyfriend. He then skidaddled from said boyfriend. He skidaddled from his family... again?
The ultimate skidaddler.
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intothespideyverses · 6 years
a modest reinterpretation of “andi’s choice” in c-minor (inspired by a post by @ambimack)
in which bowie ghostwrites a song, andi tries to go ghost on walker, and [insert third awful ghost pun here]: 
so bowie is actually ringing up customers for once at the music store that I figured rarely got business because helloo it’s always damn near empty but I guess today there was a surge of customers seeking out guitar picks and vinyls to show how Cultured and Unique they were for listening to the beatles or whomever. anyway jonah is on his guitar, doing as jonahs are wont to do, and bowie drops the bomb on him with “so yeah remember that music coach I told you about? she hates you. she quite frankly and literally wants you dead. she told me this herself. why didn’t you show up???” and jonah’s like “andi don’t fw me anymore :(” which isn’t rly an answer bc lbr here homeboy was ALREADY running late. you mean to tell me him staring at that painting took 4 whole minutes? nah. 
so anyway bowie’s like “hm let’s change that” bc manipulating your daughter’s emotions behind her back is cool I guess. bowie, totally not projecting in any way whatsoever, suggests that jonah write andi a song. jonah’s not about it tho. “I can’t talk about my feelings!” he says, which is true considering he only just started exhibiting negative emotions for the first time ever last week. bowie goes, “sure u can! what rhymes with back?” and jonah almost says “crack!” bc thats clearly what bowie’s been on for the past 2 episodes but lemme not.
anyway jump to andi @ the spoon and her boo thang who’s not rly her boo thang yet bc terri hates us is facetiming her again. “so andi, my wife whom I would die for, what’s up?” and andi replies “my best friend is moving away :(” so walker, the understanding king he is, goes “aw pick your head up queen, your crown’s falling :’)” and tells her to go be with her friends and something about a bubble machine idk but w/e we still stan.
buffy comes in w/ all the junk the ghc left at her house including a knockoff tamagotchi which seems kinda before andi’s time?? like she was supposedly 7 when she got it which would have been around 2010? but once again w/e we still stan. and buffy reads the recommendation letter cyrus’ mom wrote for him which seemed a tad incomplete. “I can’t believe my mom forgot to add three references, what a waste...” he sighs.
but walker comes in and andi’s like “tf didn’t u just tell me to drink bubble soap and be w/ my friends? what r u doing here?” and walker, the modern day da vinci, says “im here to draw ur friends as a going away present for your fellow queen, buffy” and buffy looks shooketh like hey if andi don’t want him go get him sis! 
so walker draws a louvre level artist rendering of the ghc and instead of appreciating the fact that walker could probably make an exact recreation of the mona lisa, andi’s like “*rolls eyes emoji* *sucks teeth emoji* now i got TWO of these little boys after me what the fuck -_-” but that doesn’t matter bc buffy and cyrus are LIVING for it. 
“im gay so clearly im the better sassy best friend, step tf back bitch”
“the sassy best friend stereotype was made for my black ass cyrus so if you think for even a second I won’t claim my rightful spot you are sadly mistaken”
“let me have this one thing buffy I can’t even say the word gay out loud on this damn show can I at least have this?? can I?”
buffy takes a sip of her virgin margarita and goes...
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anyway back at the music shop, jonah has just finished practicing the song bowie ghostwrote for him. jonah’s like “great this is perfect for me to sing outside andi’s window” and bowie quite litcherally flips a table and goes “you rly thought u were gonna pull that corny shit??? what year is it?? 1985 called they want their courtship technique back lol what a loser” and jonah’s like hm perhaps he really is on crack but doesn’t say it out loud bc that would hurt bowie’s feelings :/. bowie says that he already booked jonah to perform at the open mic being held THAT NIGHT lmao and jonah just about has another panic attack bc what??
“what??” he asks bowie who is too busy thinking about him performing “you girl” to bex when they were younger to even remember who jonah even is. jonah’s quite honestly shitting himself and wondering what tf he’s going to do. “being around you” is cute and all but it doesn’t go nearly as hard as andi deserves, especially if he now has to compete with artsy fartsy walker who could probably redo the sistine chapel all by himself if he rly wanted to. “hm..........how can one convey how truly deep in their feelings they are for the one they love?” jonah asks the universe, bc hey it seems to always work for bowie. 
the universe responds by sending a speeding car full of college kids blasting aubrey graham’s newest hit single right into the storefront window. 
“that’s it!” 
jonah’s handing out flyers at the spoon and cyrus literally melts into a puddle and I’m pretty sure this is the first nod to his crush on jonah since he came out to andi wow. andi’s like “since when do u do anything aside from throwing a plastic disc?” and jonah’s like “last week 🤗"
they go to the open mic and some girlie is throwing it DOWN w/ her accordion but bowie being the uncultured swine he is, pulls her off the stage. “anywayyyy here’s our final performance and the only reason we held this show tonight, give a big round of applause to jonah beck!”
jonah walks out with his guitar and an amazon copyrighted product shaped like a portable speaker. bowie’s like 🤨 bc this was supposed to be an acoustic performance tf does he need a backing track for? jonah sits down on his lil stool and clears his throat. “alexa play ‘in my feelings, jonah beck cover’”. the device plays a track consisting of jonah’s angelic backing vocals, and our boy begins to strum his guitar. he opens his mouth to croon...
“trap...trap bowie bowie”
bowie’s chiseled jaw drops to dirty ass music shop floor. “this is...not what I planned.”
“this stuff’s got me in my feelings...gotta be real w/ it...”
the entire audience has a collective heart attack. 
“an-di, do u luv me? r u riding? say you’ll never ever leave from beside me, cause I want ya and I need ya, and I’m down for u always...”
buffy and cyrus catch whiplash from turning so fast to face andi. “the song’s about YOU bitch!”
andi shakes her lil head. “puh-lease, no it’s not”
cyrus, doing his best not to cry, says “he literally just said ur name but go off”
andi’s in denial bc eww j*n*h b*ck? singing a song? for her? disgusting. but jonah keeps singing his little heart out and the lyrics are more and more damning as they go on. 
“trap, trap bowie bowie...I buy you rice on a string cause you not that showy”
“art 101 cause u just like zoey”
“fuck he is singing about me...”
“fudge that netflix and chill what’s ur net-net-net worth?” jonah sings, hitting an impossible high note. queen of vocals. 
“you’re the only one I luv~~~” he serenades, serving us mariah carey level whisper notes. ariana is cancelled! our boy finishes the song, basking in the thought of how many careers he singlehandedly ended by performing at this small hole-in-the-wall music shop in bumfuck, utah. drake your days are numbered sis. 
everyone immediately deserts the shop en masse like did y’all see how fast they all left last episode?? damn. buffy and cyrus stay behind while andi is frozen sitting in her chair bc what the hell does one say to that. 
bowie goes up to jonah and is like “so um...that was...different.” and jonah responds “ikr! see, ‘being around you’ felt too old school, too...2002. idk why that year specifically, but idk it just sounds like it was written in 2002 for a completely different person, maybe even bex, but what do I know? im just your friendly neighborhood jonah beck.” bowie is shook. “anyway, do u think andi liked it?” bowie looks up to see his dorder who he’s more or less forgot about in favor of m*randa and demon child for the past couple of days walking in slow motion to the stage. how she was doing that was beyond him. “well, she looks like she’s about to cry so that’s either a very good thing or a very bad thing. ur on ur own now bud.” and he skidaddles to where bex is waiting. oh yeah bex was in this episode too I forgot. 
andi approaches jonah and he’s like “...so...song....you like?” and andi’s internally screaming bc everyone for the past several weeks has been pushing this relationship on her including jonah himself and now he just sung this song in front of all these ppl and now she pretty much HAS to kiss him so anyway ya she does. 
when she pulls away jonah blinks. “oh...dosche”
will andi finally break up with jonah for good? will jonah avoid copyright infringement for covering a drake song on disney channel? will bowie seek help for his crack addiction? find out next time on dragonball z!
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tocommercewithlove · 7 years
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To Lush
This post is going to be rather vague because, well, every time I walk into a Lush store, my eyes start watering and my nose starts acting up. Now of course that’s partially because my body can’t handle such beautiful, ethical goodness, but also because I react really badly to the atmosphere of bath bomb particles in the air - if that’s how you can describe Lush. 
See, I only go to Lush when I have presents to buy. This consists of me usually running into the store, grabbing what I know a friend loves - probably FUN because who doesn’t love FUN, - then skidaddling out before my face starts its own waterfall. That’s on a good day when I avoid a Lush assistant wanting to show me how their new bath bomb works, to which I rudely reject the offer and walk to the till with my dry eyes still in tact. 
So after all that whining (sorry), I want to state how amazing Lush is. While entering the store for me sounds like a challenge on Survivor (without Jeff Probst commentating or a million dollars on offer), the company is too fabulous to not celebrate. I love how the company has a cruelty free status, sticks to naked packaging, uses non-virgin (recycled) pots and of course how it attaches a name and face to the product so I can #knowwhomadeit (hashtag necessary thanks)
I do have one success story to end on though. My friend bought me the seaweed shower jelly for my birthday and oh my word it smelt and felt so good. I also didn’t die from a reaction so that’s a massive plus! So if you’re a little sensitive like me and a little apprehensive, I recommend giving the jelly a go. 
In the mean time Lush, keep doing what you’re doing
Edit: Maybe we know why I die everytime I’m at Lush. Because I’m hesitant with things in store, I’ve never taken the time to look at the ingredients. WELL WELL WELL thank Morgan Freemanatee that Laura from Trash is for Tossers has.  I just had a look myself on their website and there’s some sketchy ingredients such as sodium lauryl sulphate lingering in their products- but hey, at least they’re honest and open about their ingredients I guess (example here). A big hmmmmmm I say! So if you’re not a fan of synthetics (me too homedawg), then let’s just stay away aye. But if you don’t mind synthetics (many argue that it’s actually not harmful to you or the planet; i’ll look into it more) then you’re old enough to decide for yourself ;)
With Love xx
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ANNOUNCING: Our 2012 D-Moment Holiday Sweepstakes Winners!
New Post has been published on http://type2diabetestreatment.net/diabetes-mellitus/announcing-our-2012-d-moment-holiday-sweepstakes-winners/
ANNOUNCING: Our 2012 D-Moment Holiday Sweepstakes Winners!
The results are in for our 2012 DiabetesMine D-Moment Holiday Sweepstakes!
We asked PWDs everywhere to share, in a few sentences, their big "aha!" diabetes moment of 2012, as in:
What struck you hardest this year, in that you learned or observed something new?
The idea being that whether you've had diabetes for two months or 20 years, there always seems to be an "aha moment" to be had.
The contest ran from Dec. 3 through Dec. 20, and we received more than 50 entries from many segments of the Diabetes Community, including quite a number of type 2s (welcome!!).
Entries ranged from big "epiphany" moments of being diagnosed to "little victories" such as finding small ways to eat healthier or better communicate with doctors. While the responses ran the gamut of how people are living with diabetes, many reflected a similar theme of taking charge of their own health and discovering new patterns in their own D-management challenges. We love the running theme of EMPOWERMENT, and hope that is what 2012 was all about for many of you.
A few entries that caught our eye especially:
"I had a lot of 'Aha!' moments with diabetes this year, but the biggest is that I finally saw patterns forming in my day-to-day experiences that led me to recommend my own basal insulin changes to my doctor. I felt like I finally had influence over my health." - Rachel Kerstetter
"I'm a new T1 as of August, I'm 33 and a marathon runner. My biggest revelation is the shocking fact that most people have no idea what diabetes is or the difference between T1 and T2. It's shocking. I just remind myself of that, when someone tells me to 'exercise more.' - Corey Melke
"Our daughter was diagnosed March 19, 2011- two weeks before her 4th birthday. I sob when I see her pre-diabetes photos. Diabetes sucks! However, to provide the best care, I must find peace with diabetes and appreciate what it teaches us -- patience, awareness, strength, perseverance and selflessness." - Alison Schmidt
And this one, which was short of a shocker, given that it sounds like the doctor is taking the liberty of using the "carrot and stick" method on this poor PWD:
"My life as a type 1 diabetic started later than most being diagnosed at 19. Upon my diagnosis, about 7 years ago, my doctor signed me up to get a pump and CGMS very quickly. This past spring I decided that checking my blood sugar was no longer important. When my doctor found this out she took away my prescription for pump supplies and made me go back to needles and vials. Talk about an eye opener! There is no way to manage your blood sugars without checking when giving yourself insulin the old fashion way. I was only without my pump for 2 months, but it was one of the hardest times in my life. I took a lot from this, including to always 'test, don't guess.' I saw that sometimes when I thought my numbers were perfect they were far from it. I have been blessed with the opportunity to use the pump for better control, and I now know I do not want to treat my diabetes in any other way!" - Kim Wilborn
And now ... on to our winners. We wish we could give everyone a prize! But remember, this was a raffle, so using Random.org, here are the lucky NINE winners selected to receive prizes:
$75 Walgreens gift cards go to:
1. Andrew Bell: "I learned that yoga is changing my life. It is life. So I've become a certified yoga teacher. Yoga means union, and union is most important."
2. Melissa Thielen: "I learned that technology isn't everything when it comes to my diabetes. Having upgraded to both the t:slim and Dexcom G4 was exciting, but that excitement wore off and I realized that what matters most is the management of the diabetes, not necessarily the technology to do it with."
3. Aliza Chana Zaleon: "I've learned how the diabetes community can amazingly come together to support one another during the difficult times, and during the good times, with emotional support, supplies, and whatever else may be necessary. We are truly a family!!"
$50 gift certificates for Skidaddle diabetes bags go to:
4. "BooBooBear": "My 'Aha' moment came after the second time this year I was stopped by the police for suspected drunk driving and I was actually having a low blood sugar incident. It was scary and totally embarrassing. I will never get behind the steering wheel without checking my glucose levels again."
5. Rita Meadows: "My daughter is 11 years old and has type 1 diabetes. Over the past 3 months during one week per month, her blood sugars go on a roller coaster ride. On the third month, we thought, 'Aha! Puberty!'
6. Steven Grossen: "I just turned 16 on March 22, 2012, and a month later I was diagnosed with type 1. It was really hard for me. Sometimes, I feel depressed but I realize that I have a good family to help me. It's hard because my dad lost his job and my mom works, but she don't make much. I just want my family to have a great Xmas."
And sample boxes of LEVEL Life Glucose Gels with yummy new flavors go to:
7. Jasmine Cloud (currently living in Italy): "After countless visits to various offices trying to get into the Italian health care system -- and free diabetes supplies -- I've become disheartened at the amount of time, stress, and energy these visits have taken. But then I had my Aha moment: my health is worth it."
8. Carly Thompson: "My biggest day of 2012 was my wedding day. There was so much to plan, some D-related (like a wedding day basal program, 'Wasal,' and hiding glucose tabs in my bouquet). The kicker was hearing my Omnipod fail mid-ceremony...I smiled as my husband shook his head, recognizing the sound instantly."
9. Mom and Daughter combo, Carol and Casey Byrd:
"I'm sending this on behalf of my 9-year-old type 1 daughter, Casey, who says: 'This year diabetes has been discouraging me. I forgot I had diabetes and volunteered for a s'more eating contest. My skin looks different from my sister's because I have sensor insertion scars on my bottom. I can't drink pop at school for a class prize."
We want to thank EVERYONE for sending in your D-Moments. All of them are winning lessons and discoveries, and it's great to reflect at the end of the year, no? We are right there with you in holding up these moments as experiences that shape who we are.
To summarize our sentiments, these two caught our eye:
"In 2012, I learned that it's not always my fault if my diabetes gets out of control, like if my insulin is bad or something. All I can do is my best." - Leanne Ortbals
And from D-Mom Alexis Newell, who created the advocacy group the Blue Heel Society:
"Diabetes is here to stay. It's not leaving anytime soon. The faster I learn to accept that, the faster I will be happy and be able to enjoy each day of our 'new normal.' Everyday is a blessing, diabetes or not. And some days, diabetes brings us blessings too!"
Exactly! All we can do is our best, and perfect shouldn't be the goal — just being better is enough to help us appreciate the lives we have!
Congrats to our winners, and thanks again for playing.
Disclaimer: Content created by the Diabetes Mine team. For more details click here.
This content is created for Diabetes Mine, a consumer health blog focused on the diabetes community. The content is not medically reviewed and doesn't adhere to Healthline's editorial guidelines. For more information about Healthline's partnership with Diabetes Mine, please click here.
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