#skidaddle skidoodle i like noodles
the-purple-possum · 1 year
Please join me in welcoming, the cream to the carribean, the briggant of barbados, the skidaddler of Saint Augustine. The Gentleman pirate.
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He skidaddled from his family. Planned to skidaddle with his boyfriend. He then skidaddled from said boyfriend. He skidaddled from his family... again?
The ultimate skidaddler.
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thestuffedalligator · 2 months
Thoughts on magic words in fantasy settings.
I really like the idea of magic words as just a release pin on a trebuchet. The word itself is meaningless. A wizard makes a spell, winds it up to take effect, and designates a word to trigger that effect when spoken aloud, and the reason magic words are so weird is because you really really emphatically don’t want the trigger to be something that comes up in conversation.
This is different from magic rhymes. Everything sings, and old magic, truly old magic, wants to sing. The Kalevala tells us that Väinämöinen could sing the mountain cliffs to crumble, could sing a wooden sledge to turn back into budding branches. “Grandly sang wise Väinämöinen/Till the copper-bearing mountains/And the flinty rocks and ledges/Heard his magic tones and trembled.” Magic sings, and making a magic rhyme is to harmonize with magic itself.
And that includes “Skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle”
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garysprites · 7 months
Not a request but im still quite sorry for spamming reblogs on that one equius post, I have no idea if its like now allowed on your blog but my friends said it was super weird to do that
Also fantastic work on the sprites!! :3 they look quite rad
a while ago i had a mutual would would put "skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle" on my dash up to a hundred times a day.
what im saying is this is a pvp website and you can spam reblogs as much as you damn well please. i am flattered you like my equius post enough to want to reblog it so many times!
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Hi, I'm a witch so I'm gonna banish the Sugimura defense squad. May they never enter your askbox again and may misfortune fall before them. Jfc.
Thank you for your service,,,,,
They’re apparently out in full force tonight because I’m not the only one they’re bothering
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certified-sloth · 3 years
Oneshot idea for you:
The brothers & MC are practicing magic spells and helping each other by giving feedbacks & correcting spells.
MC tests a spell they learned from Solomon on the brothers while the bros stand across from MC to observe said spell to give feedback after the incantation.
MC: *utters a spell* Skidaddle skidoodle. Your dick is now a noodle.
Wait- hold on-
Creds to the owner of the pic below btw
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The brothers stood across from you, waiting for you to cast the spell you had said that Solomon taught you.
"Skidaddle, Skidoodle, your dick is now a noodle." You chanted.
Causing the brothers to freeze in place.
"...Just why did he have to teach you that?" Lucifer asked while some of his brothers began to freak out.
You shrug. "Solomon said to use it on dicks." You answered honestly.
"I think he didn't mean it LITERALLY." Satan joined in while Mammon, is screaming in the background, looking in his pants.
"SHUT UP! YOU AREN'T THE ONLY ONE!" Levi yelled back before going to the corner to sulk.
You looked at the twins confused.
"The both of you look calm..." you trailed off.
Beel was likely thinking that it wasn't a big deal while Belphie well...
"Bold of you to assume I need it." He answered.
Lucifer sighed. "You gave him another reason to not go to the bathroom."
Asmo shrieked and clung onto your leg. "MC! Turn it back! I need it!" He begged.
You looked at Asmo who was basically crying at your feet by now.
"Hehe, the thing is... I don't know how." You said sheepishly.
All five of the brothers turned to you with wide eyes.
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The Brothers + Solomon as Things From My Own Brother
Because I am my brother's biggest simp and I was I T C H I N G to make something that would allow me to show off HOW MUCH I AM WILLING TO KILL JUST TO SEE HIM SMILE.
Always makes sure to have things ready for me, like a cup to drink from at lunch, a little snack besides my plate as a dessert, keeps doors open when he knows I will pass through them after and always leaves the things he uses in close range from me if he knows I am going to use them too after.
Also opens my bedroom door and stares me dead in the eyes when I was told to do something that I obviously didn't go do it's been half an hour now.
Comes inside my bedroom just to mess with my stuff like almost shutting down my computer and stealing my stuffed animal (which he actually was the one to give it to me in the first place when he stole it from a birthday party's decorations).
The king of mocking voices and he will never let you live it down, the longer he carries the mocking the more ridiculous and exagerated he will make his voice sound.
Comes into my bedroom to rant about a game or anime or youtuber or anything for pratically half an hour about either how good or how bad it is and striking up conversations about it whenever I am in the same room as him just to rant a little bit more.
Play fighting when he doesn't know what to do with his hands where he slowly pulls punches in which he has taught me beforehand how to catch, sometimes even giving each punch a sound effect.
Comes into my bedroom just to look at the window to see if he can spot any birds. We are always running for and calling each other to "come and see" when there is a bird around and make sure to take pictures and even mimic it's sounds between squeals and giggles.
Makes me want to choke him as he purposely misplaces things everyone in the house is using or eating from, and the worst thing? He always moves it only just slightly to get it out of our line of vision, which is enough to send us on a goose chase when whatever we were searching for was basically just slightly on the other side of the same place it was beforehand all along.
Always comes to me when he needs help with his hair, to rant about clothing choices and to show me some kind of chaos happening on twitter. Often we lay on my bed for hours just being on the phone spilling some tea.
Honest tips and comments that holds no punches, he will just say it. But that always just means that whenever he compliments anything, he really means it.
The ammount of times I have caught him stuffing food in the most ridiculously exagerated way possible into his mouth are many. He is the kind of person who would make noises while feeding a baby and did you know that agressivelly grabbing/squeezing food is a thing??
When we take pictures together he has a habit of putting his hand on top of my head and saying 'smol'.
Pokes me on my tickling spots on daily basis to the point I get shivers down my spine whenever he stands behind me. Plays with strands of my hair when in range and has actually put a pillow on my face once for snoring too much. I didn't even budge, in fact, I wouldn't even know it happened if he didn't tell me.
We both got macaw plushies from our mom and if you press them on the belly they make a sound, before the quarentine he would always press on his whenever he arrived home from college.
He can do so many voices from all different kinds of characters and he always chooses the worst (or the best) times to say quotes like 'I like your funny words magic man' 'general kenobi' 'skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle' 'for mother russia' 'and what did it cost' 'mukatte kuru no ka?'
Has once put frozen bread on the microwave and almost set the kitchen on fire.
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@admiral-craymen replied to your post “skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle”
Your dick is now a book?
Yes, if I haven't read all the way through it yet.
It's the type of thing I like to refer to as a "gay joke." I used to have to look up the full phrase "gay joke" to make sure I didn't make it, because I would make it.
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just-antithings · 4 years
Sometimes I think Antis believe that certain works they dont agree with have like magical powers
i’m ngl i read this and my dumbass brain saw a random work of fiction gaining consciousness and going “skidaddle skidoodle you are now a bad noodle”
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jessc32 · 5 years
Ya know sometimes I scare myself... but not today
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haveacuppawithmary · 3 years
jokes on you I have a vagina 😎
only on tumblr would trolls be like this, I'd die for this app no cap.
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the-wonder-wall · 3 years
skidaddle skidoodle your dick is now a noodle
Wyatt shrugs,"Fine, whatever it's not like I get to use it much anyways." However, on the inside he was panicking.
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reversewerewolf · 3 years
does anyone have that post with the wizard that’s like skidaddle skidoodle your dick is a noodle?? i need to reblog it but i cannot find it
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ashes-2-cashes · 5 years
Misfits as things said by my friends and I
During a really important test
Zuckles: *whispering* skidaddle skidoodle my dick is a noodle
Fitz: *whispering aggressively* I want to break you.
Toby: *texting* “hey can u come to third building”
15 secs later
Fitz: *visibly panting from running* Are you okay?? Did you get hurt?? Did you fall??
Toby: *sitting with legs crossed on ground* I’m okay. I’m just poor and wanted you to buy me iced coffee.
Inutt: Oh hey, did you do the five pages for bio?
Zuckles: *punches locker*
Inutt: I’ll take that as a no.
McCreamy: *doing a polish impression* Put a gun against his head, ya?
Swagger: I am the king of the seagulls. I shall summon my children. CAW CAW!
Not even 5 seconds later
Misfits: *running for their lives and screaming while getting chased by seagulls*
Fitz: who’s the first president of the United States?
Zuckles: Michael Jackson.
Zuckles and McCreamy: *sticking Moto Moto pictures all over their friend’s lockers*
During lunchtime
Inutt: Hey, did you guys try to stick a Moto Moto picture on my locker?
Zuckles: *sarcastically* No, not at all, why would you ever think that?
Inutt: Cause you got the wrong locker, you moron. You got one of the cheerleader’s locker.
Zuckles and McCreamy: oh sHIT--
Toby: If you loved me, you’d get me my pinkety drinkety.
Swagger: What I’m going to do is shove your pinkety drinkety up your ass if you don’t shut up.
While dissecting an earthworm
McCreamy: Dude, I’m telling you, that’s its fucking anus! Not it’s mouth!
Zuckles: It has two holes, idiot!
McCreamy: You have two holes!
Fitz: I am not about to let you tie an apple to my head and attempt to knock it down with a bow and arrow.
Zuckles: Not even for 10 chicken nuggets?
Fitz: Chicken nuggets are like a cent away worth my life, so no.
Zuckles: 20 chicken nuggets.
Fitz: ….deal.
Toby: Can we just talk about how swole Phil Swift is?
Swagger: I come back to this with no context.
Fitz: I don’t think you even want to know the context.
Talking about the perfect murder
Swagger: You take them on a date to a museum, feed them poisoned carrot cake, then hide the body! And it would be perfectly legal!
Fitz: No it fucking wouldn’t!
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vkookieeuphoria · 4 years
Jungkook: skidaddle skidoodle, would you like my noodle?
Taehyung: your noodle?
Jungkook: yeah my noodle
Taehyung: okay.... *Grabs his pot noodles*
Jungkook: no i-
Taehyung: wow these are goooood
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descendantsasmemes · 5 years
I like to imagine Doug Chad and Jane as a holy yet unholy and one time Jane accidentally turns Chad’s (or Doug’s) dick into a noodle (skidaddle skidoodle your dick’s now a noodle). they also just give cursed energy as a whole (I’m sorry but I like the idea djjebdjeje)
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prorevenge · 5 years
Skidaddle! Skidoodle! Karma turns you into a noodle!(I'm sorry...)
The People/Intro(I must warn you that this story spans over the course of several months and that names are fake for sake of privacy)
Me- South Asian gal, petite and not very athletic, can sing and play piano like nobody’s business though!
Clarice - An Italian girl in my PE friend group, sweet and shy, has a mean fashion sense, a year below me.
Jay - My best friend since 5th grade, Jay is a tall and pretty athletic Latino guy, wants to be a detective, a gentle giant
Howard “Howie” - A Vietnamese guy whose in Clarice’s grade, plays guitar and an amazing tech whiz, pretty average in height. 
Richard(cuz’ the short form is Dick)  - the bully, at the time of this story he had a dudebro ponytail and was a frickin’ weaboo and brony of all things. He was the new kid from hell. His family was quite wealthy and he took that fact to his head.
Story Time!
So this story takes place around the 2013-2014 school year when I was a sophomore in high school. In the high school I attended you had to take a year’s worth of PE for one PE credit to graduate or join a sports team. Since I wanted to increase my general fitness, I joined PE. So me and Jay are heading out from the locker rooms and to the turf room when we notice Clarice and Howie awkwardly sitting alone and decide to invite them to hang with us and viola! Friend group acquired! Flash forwarding to a week later, we are all laughing and just doing friendship things when the coach announces that we have a new student in the class and in comes Richard, looking as shy as anyone would be on their first day. Richard introduces himself and goes to sit down, Howie, wanting to pay it forward, asks Richard to hang with us and that’s when things slowly going downhill. 
All was well for maybe several weeks(with the occasional anime references, not that there is something wrong with that) and one Clarice walks into the ladies locker room and bursts into tears! I asked her what happened, dreading her answer. Clarice tearfully just hands me her unlocked phone with some rather questionable text messages from Richard! Richard had attempted to ask her out and Clarice politely declined that she’d like to be single so she can focus on school . In response, Richard had sent her some sexist and explicit messages back, scaring her. Clarice tells Jay and Howie, Jay kicks Richard out of the group and reports the incident to the front office and Richard sorta disappears for a little bit(I think he got in school suspension) and we sort of let the whole thing go, oh if only we knew what was coming!
Close to winter break, the school had a Holiday performance show that people could sign up for and preform and the performers would get a $20 gift cards to use at Starbucks.So me and Howie signed up together, him on the guitar, me on the piano and singing a rendition of “Rocking Around the Christmas Tree”. Clarice insisted she make the costumes for our performances and do my hair and makeup since she wanted to be a fashion designer and this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. We all worked super hard, Jay helped set up our practices where he and Clarice would listen to us. On performance night we were excited, nervous and looking awesome. Guess who just so happened to be working the sound on the mics that same night? Yup, Richard! He decided to sabotage the mics so Howie’s guitar and my piano would drown out my singing. Luckily, another member of the sound crew before every performance would double check the mics and our song went without a hitch. At this point you might be asking “How did you ever find out then?” well the person who double checked our mics mentioned what Richard did casually during the reception and we simply thanked them and moved on. That last week before break, a nasty rumor arose about Jay that his father had not died due to cancer but of a heroin overdose. It didn’t help that Jay was latino and came from a somewhat poor family either(kids, people are racist and classist assholes sometimes). People begin to cut off their friendship with Jay thinking that it was in fact true. At the end of all of it, Jay’s only friends were me, Clarice, Howie and another guy in his math class, mainly because I knew it was a bunch of horseshit and what not. That’s when we all began plotting our revenge on Richard, because let’s be honest, it was obvious Richard was the one starting this rumor, Jay did not have many enemies. We go on break and after is when sweet revenge takes up arms.
The Revenge/The Aftermath
 When we came back in January we set the plan into motion, we all knew that Richard was doing all of this because of way back when we kicked him out of our group and “omg nobody says no to the rich,spoiled boy(probably why he got away with so much stuff too tbh)!”. The plan was that a series of  events would ultimately get Richard into a load of trouble and what better opportunity would be school newspaper “Complaints Column” where students could make anon complaints about people/school and get advice if they wanted to. So we would submit multiple complaints over the span of several weeks so it would not be labeled as “spam”. We first submitted Clarice’s incident and the paper published it. Turns out we didn’t have to go any further because people began to send their complaints about Richard after that. Turns out Richard was very disruptive in class, had to make everything about himself and like every weaboo ever, would not stop shrieking “Kawaii! Nya!” during study hall. Eventually the admins at school gave Richard what he deserved by sending him to some alternative school since the “Complaints Column” became the “Richard Complaints”. The year wrapped up on a nice high note for the four of us and sometimes we would remember that year. So remember kiddos, karma will be served, just give it some time. According to Clarice, Richard’s parents kicked him out and forced him to get a job somewhere.
(submit your pro revenge story) (story by anonymous)
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