#how tf am i supposed to work if i cant pull a bad bitch from cali????
istillseeeverything · 3 months
im so fucking nervous abt my first day of work omfg omfg omfg omgfffffffff
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gimmesumsuga · 6 years
So I was in bio dissecting a pig and trying to not vomit when some fuck decided to throw a firecracker into the hallway and I thought we were being shot tf up and I'm very pissed atm so your sts update is clearly a sign from the heavens as a token of apology God bless you
Oh jesus :/ I hope it made up for what sounds like a pretty trauamatic day otherwise! 
Anon: A part of me feels bad for namjoon.. the other part of me feels bad for everyone else, namjoon tried to kill yoongi before with no real reason and now I’m anxious
Yeah, I just feel kind of bad for everyone, to be honest.  What kind of sadist even writers th-.... oh... >.> lol 
Anon: Oh damn....oh thank god but I don’t really like Sam knowing who knows it’s strange but thank god the boys helped hopefully jimin and Yoongi find out what happened and go to her. I’m loving this chapter and I’m loving the protectiveness that Jin, Tae, and Kookie showed damn just perfect brb reading it again
I hope you enjoyed it just as much the second time around, nonnie! 
Haha I’m gonna take that as a good god dammit, hopefully?  
@shedevil65 - Wow how is MC not traumatized
I don’t think she’s had chance for it to all sink in yet, to be honest 
@shynerdybtssblog - *shakes* holy moly that was not what I was thinking what was going to happen!  
Pt 2. I love you and take your time 
Always nice to have a surprise, right? :P  Thank you sweetie
@riverlakepondstream - Yo with all due respect fuck you dude
I probably deserve that lol 
Pt 2. Ok wow. So I read it. Took me long enough. Now what am I supposed to do????????? How can I wait???? Aghhhh you’re such a good writer ♥️
Ah I’m glad you liked it, and I hope you didn’t get in trouble at work! haha thank you lovely 
Anon: i'm so angry at namjoon in sweeter than sweet oh my g o d. i genuinely thought that maybe he would get a redemption arc-- and i was rly rooting for that too!! but after this shit he jos pulled??? bitch needs to die smh there really is no excuse for him fuck that noise anYWAY i lov ur fic sm and i got so excited by this update that i fuckin hit my ankle on my coffee table :(( i'm suing u
Ow ouch!  I hope it didn’t bruise too badly anon! Don’t sue *smooch*
@keideonseu - I've been following Sweeter than Sweet since Chapter 9 and I gotta tell ya, YOU REALLY KNOW HOW TO KEEP ME HOOKED!! I mostly read it on Archive of our Own, and just recently did I find your tumblr. 😂😂 I am hella torn between Jimin and Joon tho... Joon is my UB but Jimin is just a CINNAMON ROLL who deserves all the love
Ah I’m glad you found me here! I can’t blame you for still feeling conflicted, especially when Joon is your bias! 
@einekleinecubasianfraulein - Woman! YOU'RE KILLING ME, SMALLS!! I love STS so far... The angst is so real. I'm only allowed to leave kudos once on AO3, which is a very stupid system. I'LL LEAVE ALL THE DAMN KUDOS I PLEASE!! All the love to you, gorgeous. Hope you're well. 🖤
Aww thanks sweetie! I appreciate the want to leave more even if you can’t lol 
I soooooo enjoyed writing Jin very differently to how I usually would!  It felt great! Glad you liked it ^^
@nnn3r5 - Lord STS wrecks me further into oblivion with each new chapter. You truly are great at what you do Steph. You're such a good writer😭😭😭💜💜💜💜
Thanks hunny, I try my best :) 
@yoonnggii - OMG i just finished reading chapter 67 and IT WAS SO GOOD!!! I CANT WAIT FOR CHAPTER 68, i’m in love w this series!!! IM SO GLAD THEY KICKED NAMJOON OUT but i’m sad jimin and yoongi weren’t in this chapter:((( either way i still loved it!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH💓
You’re welcom, and thank you very much!  Yoongi and Jimin should be back next chapter! 
Anon: Omg!!!! Namjoon is kicked out!!! I have a feeling he’ll be back though. I really hope Jimin and Yoongi Forgive Her And they can have more cute couple time together I miss that they was so cute!!!!! UWU
Ah, I miss it too.  In desperate need of some fluffy times in STS again soon! 
Ohhhh, I hope you recovered just as quickly anon! 
@jaetaebum - *slams fists aggressively on a table* WHAT THE FUCK !!!!!!!!!! I WAS LITERALLY HAVING A PANIC ATTACK DURING THAT FIGHT SCENE AND I HAD TO STOP READING FOR A MINUTE TO CALM MYSLELFV???? i'm dtill hyperventilating and idk what to do with mysenlf??? help??? i'm in love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg !!!!!!!!! you are an absolutely legend and im sp inspired by you
Bless you sweetie, you’re so cute! lol you’re welcome *hug* 
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hunchoskeazo · 4 years
Chapter 3 “The Breakdown”
“So its been a few days that ive been in this hospital and aint heard from nobody wtf is up.?” As i sat there and thought because what else am I suppose to do.
*Picked up the phone and called Rik*
*No Answer*
( Called Ashley)
Ashley:Hey Boo How you doing I been up there but you was sleep so i was gonna comeback today.
AJ:Oh... You been up here to see me?
Ashley:Why wouldn’t I? She asked so confusingly.
AJ:Oh... Nah i just aint know you came up here....They say I can get discharged tomorrow you gonna come get me..? I asked
Wait.. where is my car hold on..
(I checked my app)
“Yes i have a tracking device on the whip A nigga like me gots to.”
AJ:Oh its outside in the parking garage... Who drove it here.? You did.? I said with concern 🤔
Ashley:Uhhh no rik drove it up there...
Aj:Oh ok... (How she know that I thought to myself but didnt say nothing).“Well ight wyd rn”
Ashley:Nothing Missing you she said. She gave me the cutest look when she said that.
AJ:Dont be saying it like that girl i said with a smirk on my face.
Ashley:Ha Whyy? And Do you still need me to come get you?
AJ:Oh yeah actually leave your car imma send you a uber come here and we’ll drive my car.
Ashley:Oouu yes Ok ill be there in the morning.
AJ:Ight Bet
(Phone Hangs Up at the same time the doctor walks in and some man in a suit.)
I grimmed him “Who tf is you?” i said with a aggressive tone.
Detective:Hello Mr.Davis My name is Detective Johnson(He put his hand out for me to shake it)
(I just looked at him and his hand.)
Detective Johnson:Oookkkk then anyway. Im here for your case to try and figure out and find the person that did this to you.
“Nah Im good bro bro”
Detective John: Whether you good or not Im still on the case and im here til its closed. So either you gonna let me help you because as of right now your an innocent victim. Or you can become a prime suspect Your choice.!
“Man whatever” I said with a attitude like a bad bitch😂😂😂
DetectiveJ:Oh ok thats what i thought now can you tell me what happened.(He pulls out his pad and pen.)
“I went to visit my mans and someone started shooting next thing i know i woke up here”
Detective:(Writing on the pad) Ok who is your mans? He asked
(Dead Silence)
Detective:You gonna answer the question Mr.Davis?..
(Dead Silence)
Detective:Ok We’re done for the day Thanks Doc we’ll be in touch and i will be seeing you very soon mr davis. (He hit the back of his pen on the pad and put them both in his pocket. Right before he walked out the door He said...)
Stay Safe Mr.Davis (He side eyed me with a smirk and walked out)
Doc:Why was you not cooperating with the detective?
“I dont move like that doc” i said with a nonchalant tone.
Doc:But he’s here to protect you and help you.
“I dont need help or protection this some street shit i gotta handle that the feds cant handle the only thing they get out of it is a ceremony and funeral that they family and coworkers gotta plan for them so no i dont need they help.”
Doc: Smh just dont learn... You know what can i tell you something? She asked
“Yea go ahead” as i stared out the window.
Doc:I get alot of patients just like you in here from gang violence and me being a young black doctor its hard. Seeing young black kings lose their lives in my hands because of the streets it breaks my heart everytime.
(Guilt knocked down that brick wall of pride i had built up just moments ago.)
Im going to just say this one thing before i leave out this door just please cooperate please, because i see something in you and obviously you are on gods green earth for a reason. So please cooperate but get some rest before you leave tomorrow i will come check on you 1 last time before i let you go ok.
“I looked at her and shook my head and said “Ight I gotchu doc”
Doc:Ok Bye Mr.Davis she said so innocently and walked out the door.
(I laid back moments later the nurse walks in and looks at me with a grumpy look)
“Aye you the one that forcefully put me to sleep man you betta not be coming in here to that shit again and you in here by yourself aww hell nah this old lady about to rape me I cried out.”
Nurse:Boy shut yo ass up i dont want you im married.
“SO” i yelled out🤔
Nurse:I am about to put you to sleep tho(She hurried and grabbed the IV and injected the sleep juice in it.
“Wait wait let me—-
(Right before i fell asleep i heard the door open)
——:Pay close attention to the people around you adrian....
(It got dark)..
“I popped up it’s the next morning Dr.taylor and the nurse are already in the room.
Doc:Hello Mr Davis are you ready to go home? She said with a big smile on her face.
“Yea I am actually”(Picked up my phone and texted ashley and sent her money for the uber)
Ashley:Ok imma be on my way in 15 mins.
Doc:Ok let me finish up your paperwork and you can get dressed and leave.
“Ok” I said
As she finished my work i thought to myself was I dreaming or did someone actually come in here and say that to me.... “Fuck It” i said out loud.
Doc:Whats that..?
“Oh oh nothing” I looked at my calls Rik called me but its not a missed call...
Wtf maybe i answered but was still sleep. I hate when people call me while im sleep man.
(I called back no answer)
Ashley:Im omw babe.
I texted back “Ok im about to get dressed im just waiting on them to get done with my paperwork.
Ashley:Ok im omw.
Doc:Ok heres your discharge papers and your prescriptions that you pick up later on today ok...
(She hands me the papers)
Doc:Ok im going to let you get dressed ill be out here when you leave.
“Ight thanks doc i really appreciate you and everything you do.”
(She blushed and clutched her clipboard said thank you and walked out the room.)
“YOU LEAVE TO LADY” i said jokingly loud
(The nurse giggled walked out and shut the door i hopped up and locked it to make sure she fasho couldn’t comeback in and went to the bathroom.)
*15 mins later*
I walked out the bathroom from a hot shower someone knocked on the door.
“COME IN” i yelled
(They jiggled the knob)
Lmao “Oh yeah I forgot i locked the door”
(I unlocked and opened its ashley she walked in smiling and smelling good than a mothafucka with a couple bags in her hand.)
“Ooouueeee who told you to come up here like that red bottoms on, hair laid, lashes on eyebrows done, cleavage out wassup.”
She said “Boy stop it” as she was blushing hard. “Look I got you some stuff to put on everything i just bought yesterday.
(Breds ,Purple brand all black Jeans and a red/black vlone shirt)
“Ight bet”
(Before i was just about to reach for the stuff)
“UNHT UNHT you not gonna give me a hug first damn can i at least get a thank you..!!
I smirked “You right you right im sorry babygirl”
I hugged her and wrapped my arms around her and grabbed her ass she hugged me so tight and she smelled so good I wanted to eat her. She kissed me on my neck i sat down on the bed and pulled her close to me by her hips we started kissing.
She tongue’n the kid down i started to get hard through my towel she felt that and grabbed me and slowly started kissing me from my neck down my chest to my 6 pack...😏
*Knock Knock Knock*
She jumped up i jumped up “UH YEAH COME IN” i yelled
Doc: Its me i have one more thing to give you so stop by the desk before you leave ok.
“Ight i gotchu doc”
(Door shuts i gasped and we looked at eachother and laughed)
“Yea let me hurry up n get dressed” and looked down at mini me and said.
“Control yo self man”
She sat down and crossed her legs, bit her lip and fucked me with her eyes. I grabbed my stuff and went in the bathroom and got dressed.
(Moments later) “Ight im ready”
We grabbed all of our stuff and walked out.
“Im about to stop at this desk realquick”
“Ok” she said and walked ahead”
“Ok whats the deal doc” i asked
“Here (She gave me a card) look on the back”
It was a sticky note with a number and a name on it. I looked down the hall at ashley she was looking the other way. I looked back at doc.
“Call me whenever you need something...Anything..”
I hesitated at first then said “Ok i gotchu” and walked away.
(Caught up with ashley)
“Whats that in your hand?”
“Oh its a card she said to call them if i have any questions about anything....”
(I hurried and put the card in my pocket.)
“Unht unht give it here let me see the bitch probably put her number on the back”
“Man what” i started laughing
“Give it here” she yelled
I pulled the card out my pocket she look at both sides.
“Mmhm sneaky ass” she said in slight disappointment. “Let me find out you fuckn her.”
“Come on na babygirl” i smirked and we walked to the car..
After a long day of shopping eating and talking shit we go back to her crib.
“Omg im so tired and my feet hurt” she cried out
I laughed and said “I bet they do”
“Boy shut the fuck up you always talking shit” she said so agitated.
“I walked over to her and said say it to my face”
“Boy fuck you”
(I picked her up and carried her to the room)
“Put me down Aj you gonna drop me stop playing.” She yelled out.
I threw her on the bed and got on top of her and started kissing on her she immediately calmed down and relaxed her body n started kissing me back. She placed her hand on the back of my neck while my hand maneuvered my way between her legs.
“Oh you ready ready” i leaned up and said
She smirked and grabbed my hand and put my fingers in her mouth.
“Oml”😩 this girl so freaky i think thats why i love her.😂
She hopped up off the bed and walked real slow and sexy to the bathroom while taking her clothes off at the same time.
“Come here daddy” she demanded and waltzed in the bathroom.
“Oh you aint gotta tell me twice” i hopped up so fast i fell flat on my face pants to my ankles shirt halfway on.😂 Its up there.
I walked in the bathroom she already hot and wet. Im about to fuck this girl like a dog.
I stepped in and stood right in front of her she looking up at me and im looking down at her.
I grabbed her neck kissed her i picked her up and Pinned her to the wall and started sucking on her neck she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck and moaned in my ear.
Now yall know when a female moan in my ears it do something to me.
I couldn’t wait i was so hard i was throbbing.
I stuck my dick inside of she gasped.
I went in slow to open her up she so warm and tight.
“Fuuuck” i said slow and low my strokes became faster her grip became tighter, she dug her nails in my back.
I went faster and deeper her moans became louder.
“Ahh AJ” she moaned
I just knew i was about to be a father.
“Fuck it” I said out loud and released.
“Dammnn“ i said outta relief because i just released so much stress.
“Damn the hospital fixed you up you aint never did that before.” She said while she finished showering.
“No cap”😂
We both finished showering she got out before me but i felt the vibes change mins later before she got out.
I finished up turned the shower off and grabbed my towel and walked out the bathroom.
“Whats up?” I asked out of concern.
“........Im not ready AJ..”
“😕Wow You not ready....Why?”
I sat on one side of the bed she sat on the other side.
“Ive been taking birth control pills”
“Man what!!! When was you gonna tell me this we just talked about this a few weeks ago and you said you was ready.” I yelled
“Well yeah that was before you stopped answering my calls and stopped being over or around me all the time.” She cried out
“Ive been working you know that.”
“AJ you know ive been told that before ive been in this same situation before and the person i was in that situation with fasho not you obviously im just scared to go back down that road because im still dealing with that by myself you have to give me that.” She said with a scratchy voice as if she was about to cry.
I started to feel guilty again by another women.
It became dead silent...
“🤔You know i never understood why mothafuckas let otha mothafuckas hold them back from their blessings that they asked for... that they been praying for... A mothafucka standing RIGHT HERE IN FRONT OF YOU”
“Maybe Im too genuine.. Maybe I aint what she want..Maybe...”
“Man Fuck this shit” I said while jumping up and storming to the living room.
“WHAT” she yelled
(She jumped up right behind me and chased after me.)
I pounced on the couch and turned the game on.
She came and stood right in front of me with her hand on her hip silk robe half way open, skin soft and shiny with the meanest sexiest look on her face.
“AJ really this what you gonna do while we talkin.?”
*Pat Tap Tap* Controller Buttons
She scooted over in front of the tv.
“Man Move” i said in agitation
She dropped her robe and i dropped my bottom lip Along with the controller.😂
“You ready to listen now?”
“Yes maam” i said with such thirst that i was ready for whatever.
I laid back on the couch and she climbed on top of me and was under a spell after that.
What can I say Imma sucka😋😁
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Ig: HunchoSkeazo
Youtube:Huncho Skeazo
We The Future Ent Copywrite 2020
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!!!!!!!!! i’m! so! maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd ugh how tf does he do this!! im supposed to be stronger than this ;-; i just....let him have his way and im so mad at myself >:( im supposed to be sooo independant sooo flighty and hard to pin down but HEREthis FUCKING gemini virgo ass MAN comes and fucks me up like WTFFFFFF I was doing so well too I suprised myself. all week ahs literally beena battle of temptation versus control and sooo many times i wanted to just cave in and watch some porn ad come. there was this little voice in my ehad that as like ‘oh you know you could just...you know...’ and i wanted to listen but a strnger voice was like ‘no be good >:(’ and i had to like contain th urge of wanting to cum and after like a minute of struggling i was able to do it ( go me :’) ) but why did he have to do this to me. WHY AM I LIKE THIS????????? the tension almost killed me alone when daddy started talking about having his bad side take itself out on me and how it actually turns me on and the feminis/social decorm part of me was like so offended like how dare you even think i like that!! but the other side of me was woken riht up and he kept talking and talking and i kept getting wetter and wetter and iw a slike oh shit i do like this T_T too fucking much i wanted to cum as soon as i realized i had been lying to myself about feeling bad hwne he gets all shitty and negative trolly but its like it hurts but in a good way.the extrme of mean and nice is like ughhmy body like yassss but my mind like ???? body pls T_T we shouldnt like this. but i do :/ im at such odds with it. and he pisses me so off i hate how good he is at this im so mad ughhhhhhhhh why tf can he play me so well i hate how well he knwos me this is exatcely why i dont like letting peope in cause they can just use my weaknesses against me. how can i be mad at him if i like it?????? wtf is wrong with me???? even me being mad is like turning me on like me wanting to go off on him and fight him is laced with so much sexual tension like idk if i wanna suck his dick or knock him out. if i could so both i think id be most satisfied tbh im so mad idk like i realized im fucking with something i actually cant win against and its EATING ME INSIDE CAUSE I BEEN UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT NO ONE COULD DO THIS TO ME THAT I WAS IN CONTROL AND HERE COMES THIS ASSHOLE WHO JUST FUCKING UGHHHHHHHH im suppsoed to be working on trust issues but i feel so fucking vulnerable like im ina  lot of trouble if i let this go on and i want to protect myself from ever being that fucked up but i like it what am i supposed to do? I fight it and push him away that side of me suffers and she’ll get out of hand and im fucked. i give in and all sense of independance and strnegth i have is immediatey chaleneged by him im literally fucked either way like wtf do i do? but he makes it feel so good like a whole week??? after all of that??? i feel like i could cum for days and never stop literally feels like a floodgate was opened and im literally struggling right now to hold it back because i wanna be a good girl like wtffff ceci T_T why do i want to listen so bad? why do i want to please him so bad? my astrology never warned me about this. :/ well it kinda did fucking scoprio ass energy fuck and i cant even bullshit eitehr cause he just knows and will pull my card every FUCKING time like can a girl lie to herself sometiemes dam. he owns me and i hate it. its fucking me up how am i so willing to let someone playme like this? i can’t fight it. i just an’t. im like addicted and im so pressed about it. like i try to fght it and convicne myself ‘oh hey lets keep it platonic :) let’s not go there (@mypussy)’ but he coud literally just say ‘baby...’ and im done like what the hell. am i really that weak? im supposed to trust him and im trying but damn this is getting hard. my danger senses are like tingling like he like a patient hunter trying to convince me to trust him and im like okay :)!!!!! but!!!!! just know!!!! im !!! trusting you!!!!!! im a masochist!!!! I love people wit power and he got so much like fuckk mmm all that control my pussy been like looking for someone like him and she dont wanna pass up the opprotunity to expereince his control but??? like??? hi??? she so dumb sometimes ugh fuck i got so many emotions in me right now i wanna do 20 things at once and i still want to cum :’) but i gotta wait a whole week and fuck this is gonna be worse tha the nest week idk man wtf is going on im so mad at myself and at DADDY fuck even saying that is fukcing me up i want him to just push my head down and fuck me so fucking hardd til i cum all over his dick like i need him to be his damn annoying ass self and fuck me up again and im amd i need that >:( HAVE SOME FUCKING CONTROL @MY PUSSY DUMB ASS BITCH what happened to or plans ;-; what tf happeend to them???? pls T_T lets not ruin our lives for this fuck im so worried how does someone have so much control over someone?? is this normal?? hes never unleashed it this much and honestly im shookkkk but i refuse to pussy out cause fuck him and his dumb ass stupid gemini mind tricks i hate being manipulated and he dos it so smooth it pisses me off. now i understand the scorpio shit fuck. this like playing with fire but i dont wanna lose >:( idc how many times hes fucked me up I DONT CARE i wanna win >:( i hate losing i hate giving away my power this is why men are dangerous for witches!!!!! and he ashnt een FUCKED ME LIKE WTFFF THIS HOW U END UP BEING A SLAVE TO SOMEONE BUT WHY TF DOES THAT SOUND SO GOOD TO ME UGH BITCH WTF no >:( i can do this there is a way to win i know it im so mad fuck ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i cant even deny that hes so good like i cant. i hate how he reads me so well and keeps himself so tucked away he’s my enemy now >:( (just kidding i love him) but still >:(  dsaedtyrthdasfdbhtyhrrdsg FUCK YOU DADDY JUST KIDDING YOURE THE BEST >:(
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survivorarabia · 7 years
EPISODE 7 “Rocks for Roxy” Aren
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“Last tribal was soo wild and I didn’t even participate in it… The results had me shook though. I’m ecstatic that Jay, the only original Fawz member on that tribe, used his idol and survived because he’s someone that I trust and I would like to keep him close. Alex ended up going home and that was delicious news to receive because I definitely get mastermind vibes from him plus he was a Khiana. An idol was flushed out that ultimately protected Jay and forced Lena to vote out her own ally or herself. Issy proved that she really is on my side and I want to work with her moving forward.”
Well, SHIT. Jay (my cute lil overplaying BOT) just spilled some major tea or 'intel' in this new alliance chat.  So, this little fucker was recruited into this alliance which was mainly consisting of OG Khiana members, so Jay, just as his daddy taught him, started playing along for information from this alliance. Richie, Nicole & Lena are the co-ring-leaders of this alliance, and the little fuckers wanna vote-off everybody in our alliance other than Jay & Roxy. LITTLE BITCHES???? WANNA PICK A FIGHT WITH THE AREN MEISTER, EH? MEET ME IN THE PIT AND THROW FISTICUFFS WITH ME, YOU LITTLE PUSSY. Jay speculates that now that the merge is here they'll kick him out of the alliance and recruit Alex & Ruthie instead, but are we gonna let that happen? NUH-UHHHHHHH! As long as we get Emmott on our side, we can make this a 7-5 vote and I can still flush Alex, the turd, down the toilet! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
“WE OFFICIALLY MERGED! This is every survivor’s goal because no one wants to date somebody that doesn’t make the merge. :> We have a takeover and it turns out that someone is coming back with Pandora’s Box. I immediately guess Alex because out of all the eliminated contestants he knew what he was doing and he’s smart.”
“S h o c k e r, Alex returned and he’s acting super arrogant after being out of the game for about 5 minutes. -.- Issy tells me she’s highkey upset that he’s back, so maybe we can plot to send Alex right back out kind of like a revolving door! Apparently, he’s shocked Issy voted against him when he voted against her twice and almost got her voted out the second time. I reassure her that we’re on the same side and that I have her back.”
well arabia has been fun thanks so much for hosting but my time here is done now !!!!!!!!!!! http://68.media.tumblr.com/38817c3e9059c7603d59e2cd59b17f7b/tumblr_oelryngZFq1vzwwmeo8_250.gif this is a letter to nicole: Nicole, we go way back, like super long time to a couple months ago, youre a cool girl and i like you so im sorry that i even tried to lie to you by saying it was a typo... i know youre not dumb and i dont want you to think i was insulting your intelligence by suggesting that you would even believe me when i tried to tell you that me saying "i want that idol in my pocket before nicole can get it" was a spelling mistake, i wanted to just own up and be like yeah okay bye but i figured i should at least try to play it off... and your "i saw that"???? ripped my scalp off iconic... but yeah that was a message suppose to go to alex because he had just told me he had found an idol so i went to him with the clue that you just gave me to try and get his help to figure it out because im GREEEEEDDAYYYYYY ohhh you know that im greedy for love but yeah... sorry bout that Love, Richie http://68.media.tumblr.com/80148f3ba599fe2ce93d4324978b2a20/tumblr_of3ougvqUC1vzwwmeo3_250.gif anyway im pretty much dead lmao i cant believe i accidentally sent a message talking about nicole, using her name directly, to nicole herself... like how fucking DUMBBBBB am i!??!?!? and nicole is someone i genuinely trust too she just told me about a fricken idol clue why tf would i want to betray her right now??? bc im paranoid about her using our kauai past against me down the road?? probably!!! but still..... i'm a fucking IDIOT!!! in a minority alliance of 4 (with someone who was just voted out bc no one trusted him) on a tribe of 12 and i just fucked up the one relationship i have with someone outside of that 4 group.... like.. who do i think i am to fuck up my game this bad????
GUESS WHOSE BACK BITCHES!!!! I have been feeling so down in this game, these Roblox kids got me SHOOK okay. I literally thought the only person I could trust was Richie, but now today he sent me some rude ass message about me that I think he meant to send to Alex, and I GAVE HIM THE IDOL CLUE. So, of course I was kind of annoyed. I knew I had to get the idol before him to ensure my safety. I FOUND IT because I read it over and decided to Google it since it was in quotes! Duh Brian said the idol clue!! I'm a flop, but I HAVE AN IDOL! Now I just have to decide whether I'm going to use it or not. My issue with Survivor is I am SO impulsive, I would hate to go out with an idol in my pocket so I rather use it like an idiot and then be able to find a new one, than go home. I am trying to see if I'm going to get any votes.
“I know how to get into people’s heads by pulling on their heart strings a little and controlling their emotions. :> I want people to feel like they can lean on me for anything, trust me with everything and ultimately strengthen my bond with them. I think I’ve been achieving this specifically with Emmott. If he feels like he’s being treated like an outcast, I definitely want him to stick up for himself and I will always be there to talk to him especially if no one else will. Note: If an opportunity falls in my lap, I’ll be the first take it especially if others don’t see any use for it.”
Shit is going down with this vote and I don't know which side I want to be on here There's Jay, Roxy, Aren, CI'ere, & Kat all (claiming) they want to vote for Alex Then there's Richie, Lena, Nicole, Alex & Ruthie voting for god knows who (Ruthie mentioned Roxy? Idk) And then there's Emmott who's totally reasonably pissed at the OG Fawz alliance because he's not in it, but Ruthie and Alex are trying to take advantage of this and it pisses me off that he's even considering flipping on Fawz because we need Alex gone NOW I want to work with Emmott, he's super nice, he's just unpredictable as FUCK and he keeps wanting to make big moves which I totally understand but this is not how you fucking win this game & I don't know what to do with him tbh Jay is a super huge threat and a sneaky bastard and I don't like how many alliances he's made (me/Emmott, OG Fawz, Ci'ere/Aren, fuck knows what else) & I'm not happy that Emmott is being excluded from the OG Fawz chat because not only is it a shitty game move to make him want to flip because he feels like he's on the bottom, but I don't like how sneaky Jay & Roxy & etc. have been about all these alliances
“Okay so now I’m going to do a brief merged tribe assessment! I will basically be expanding on the people that I already know or introducing players that I’ve just recently met or have gotten more info on along the way!
Alex: I’m not really happy that he’s back to be honest. He’s smart, he’s dictating the other side, and he does well in challenges. Alex will probably be a target for the rest of the game until he’s voted out or until he wins.
Aren: I still feel the same way about him since my previous assessment, but the fact that he questioned my loyalty kind of set off red flags in my mind. I think he just needs to chill out.
Emmott: He’s very positive and fun, definitely the life of the party. I mean, we did swap and he ended up voting out Blossom so I’m just very confused about that whole situation. We established that we’re gonna stay loyal to each other and I hope Emmott is being genuine about this. He seems concerned on a game level and it was actually quite relieving to know that he’s stressed and paranoid just as much as I am.
Issy: I was kind of iffy on Issy, but I think Shay really did mess up. She doesn’t have a problem with me and I’m not gonna let that affect my relationship with her. Issy proved that we were on the same side by voting out Alex. I definitely want to take her under my wing and I hope she flies through the rest of this game by my side.
Jay: I’m starting to see winner potential in this guy and he’s slowly becoming more threatening. He beautifully played an idol last tribal which would confirm Alex’s elimination. Then he puts together an alliance and starts taking initiative. I trust him and all, but I think Jay needs to be voted out a little before the end if you know what I mean.
Kat: Highkey irrelevant but we’re in an alliance apparently so I have to kind of work with her for now. If this alliance happens to be successful, I’m voting her out because I don’t want any goats at the end.
Lena: We were on good terms when Khiana 2.0 ended, but I feel like she was just doing whatever it took to make sure she was safe. Lena made a mistake of trying to save Alex, so she can go.
Nicole: I really like Nicole and I think I want to take her all the way to the end. She is the physical player, I am the social player, and we balance each other out in terms of strategy. She wasn’t included in this new Fawz alliance and I feel like telling her about it, but I think there might be a reason she wasn’t added.
Richie: Cool dude that I could see myself working well with and going far together, but if tribal lines continue then it probably won’t happen. :[
Roxy: I absolutely love this girl and I know she’ll be loyal to me. Roxy has truly had to survive to stay in this game and she kicked butt to get to the merge. I’m extremely proud of her! She’s still hyper af tho. xD
Ruthie: She had a very sweet and enjoyable presence while we were together on Fawz 3.0, so I hope we can work together here as well!
As for me, I’ve been in a great position this entire game. I’ve been carrying out moves behind the scenes and playing stealthily. I have pushed myself in each immunity challenge to help my tribe win. I’ve made social bonds with everyone and I don’t believe I’m anyone’s priority target. I have been able to get people to trust me and just relate to them. I think I also managed to get in the majority of this merged tribe and I’m ready to start taking people out. I was able to blindside someone and get everyone to flip in unanimous vote. I just need to strategically get myself to the end and start making big moves.”
 WOAH THIS IS A LOT SO BAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA i get this message from jay the other day "wanna be a part of an OG fawz majority" i didn't reply i just ignored it couldnt give a fuck i look a little later to reply and he fucken deletes the message right. anyway, i seen this message.... so i say "oh btw, would love to do that alliance" then he was like "Oh dw, it fell through! No one is really wanting it" lol ok I get a message from my MAIN GURL BOO THANG #1 ISSY <3 <3 that there is an OG FAWZ ALLIANCE CHAT THAT I AINT IN AHAHAHAHAHAH ROXY'S FUCKING IMPACT omg im in love with these people there so fucking stupid im obsessed. dumb people actually bring me so much joy omg i hate them all so much. not even like as a group, as individuals they're all dried up grapes and so sad omg so issy's like telling me its okay we'll just go along with it. but i feel thats easier for her to say. 1) shes in the alliance 2) roxy doesn't hate her 3) people actually pm her juicy goss ^^^^ i dont have any of these things so the alarm bells are really going off for me right now, and i kinda wanna flip to the khiana people. i like alex and ruthie more anyway!!! fawz people (minus issy, aren and something ci'ere) makes me feel depressed and bring down my IQ being around them idk what the fuck is going on! all i know is im not in that alliance and that's there own stupid faults! THEY REPLACED ME WITH KAT KAT!!!! my boyf has been more active in this game and all his done is laugh at me when i told him "Some psycho woman (roxy) is yelling at me over the internet" on the topic of julia/roxy/crazy do you know how hard it is to talk to her! omg i talk to her so much and i know we're both bullshitting each other but i have to pretend like shes my favourite person in the world and oh my god, its like hurting my soul genuinely aw well remember shay...... ALSO IDK IF I'VE SAID THIS YET ROXY NEVER SPELLS MY NAME RIGHT - emot - emott - emmotte - emitte - emmot LIKE HOW CAN HARD IS MY CATFISH! i can't wait to tell her my name is actually nick she is gonna freak the fuck out omg
“Jay poured some piping hot tea on the OG Fawz alliance and now I’m glad I didn’t give Nicole any information. On Khiana 2.0, Richie and Lena linked up and formed a group that also included Jay and Nicole. They wanted to get out everyone in the alliance that Zak had made and exposed. The Fawz alliance needs Emmott on board with us so that we have majority. We currently have 6 votes which is enough to tie, but with Emmott we would have 7. I’m not really sure why he wasn’t included in Jay’s new alliance, but I’m guessing it was for voting Shay out.”
i literally dont remember anything that happened last night so like... who knows. anyway jay won immunity and i found out via ruthie herself that she is the target????? jay won't give me a name even though i know he's on the majority alliance which is totally BS because he told richie and i when we were on post-swap khiana that he was on the bottom of his alliance which we just found out (and knew previously tbh) was a lie. anyway so like... apparently we have emmott and issy on our side now? that will bring our numbers to 6, and their numbers are also 6
Aren has agreed to be the seventh vote, and has formed an alliance with Ruthie and I.  So, theoretically, if Issy and Emmott are with us, we should have seven against Roxy.  Theoretically.
I give it even odds at BEST.  I'm gonna tell Ruthie about the Idol, and because her neck is the one on the block, see what she wants to do, play it tonight versus keep it for the future.  I'll let her make the call either way, because I don't think I'm the one getting votes tonight.
TODAY HAS BEEN SO HILARIOUS, I have so much news and I really hope I pull off staying and I hope Alex, Lena, Richie and Nicole stay safe too. <3 SO I've definitely heard my name- that they are going to split a vote between Alex and I in case one of us has the idol, but then... GOOD NEWS.  Nicole spilled that she has the idol and will use it on me if she thinks I'm in danger and that just makes me feel SO good!  I really hope Julia goes because I want 'The Family' and Nicole super safe tonight.  I also have Aren and Emmott's votes... I hope.  Also Aren, Alex and I started an alliance together so that was new and exciting, it's nice to have backup, whew! Anyway, all this has been going on while I was at work and now I'm back home and on the computer and I'm happily trying to use my social game to my advantage.   Let me just add that Julia is HILARIOUS under pressure, she has me dying, I can't even bahaha.  And the thing is I REALLY LIKE HER!  Alex and I would have stayed aligned with her but she's just all over the place, I can't.
“I have been pushing on Alex to get voted out ever since he came back and right now we have 7 votes for him. I tell my alliance that we should tell the other side that we’re voting out Ruthie because Ruthie, Richie and Nicole have all came to me trying to figure out who my side wants out. On the other hand, I’m reassuring Ruthie that she’s gonna stay which is actually the truth lol. It’s pretty messy right now.”
FUCK YOU EMMOTT, YOU LITTLE FUCKING FLIPPING WEEDWACK. SO, since he flipped to the Richie/Ruthie/Alex/Lena/Nicole like a fucking dumbass and since he's incredibly paranoid and thinks Roxy's gunning for him and voted him this time for WHATEVER reason, it's gonna be a 6-6 tie on Roxy and Alex??? And all I have to say, is... FOR THOSE ABOUT TO PURPLE-ROCK, I SALUTEEE YOUUU!!!! (Can we get an episode-title on that one? No? Wow, fuck you guys.)
JULIA IS THE.MOST.ICONIC!!! PLAYER OF ALLL TIIIIIIME!!!!! EVERYTHING SHE SAYS IS AMAZING SHES SUCH A GLORIOUS MESS I LOVE IT SO MUCH THIS WHOLE DAY LEADING UP TO THE MERGE VOTE HAS BEEN SUCH A CLUSTERFUCK OF A MESSS AND I LOVE ITTTTTT!!!! my name hasnt been brought up once (at least to my knowledge but watch me get blindsided lmao) so i've just been talking to everyoneeeeee getting all the tea and taking notes and being a passive participant in all the mess watching like http://68.media.tumblr.com/05e3f3a1cccbad0a8494dbb4cede9e5d/tumblr_of3p41DFQy1vzwwmeo5_250.gif i really dont want to vote out julia just because shes so entertaining im going to be so bored without her messiness and unique juliaism... or roxyisms the girl is so messy she cant even decide on one name for herself I LOVE HERRRRR.... but at the end of the day im not an audience member so voting her out is what i have to do as a player RIP :(  i cant even begin to describe the full mess of what went down because i spent the last 2 hours in a mix of confusion and awe but hopefully after this vote i'll be able to process it all and just soak it all in bc whew iconic... P.S. fuck all yall in the viewing lounge for not picking my merge tribe name i cant wait to vote you out in all stars
https://i.gyazo.com/1be8248e4edff1d7ed768134ec2db491.png https://i.gyazo.com/e19c0acb752ac521d8aecdbf1643cd27.png https://i.gyazo.com/f5940ddc231a3f713a48a98f16d26198.png https://i.gyazo.com/465a114fe61239ed6fb2338a7a8fd2f8.png https://i.gyazo.com/83f620477610f6c6d5236273d8db38eb.png https://i.gyazo.com/df05067f6e3b5d593654c9ea08236bb9.png I HAVE A FEELING THAT HE'S JUST HAVING A YANK AT MY COCK BUT HOLY FUCK IF I LEGIT JUST FLIPPED HIM BACK TO ALEX I WILL BE SO FUCKING HAPPY OH MY GOD AREN YOU ARE A FUCKING SURVIVOR COGNOSCENTI GENIUS BOW DOWN FUCKERS
Well, FUCKING SHIT. That just happened. Roxy, one of my closest allies and best friends, is now out of the game. I should have her Jury vote if I do make the end though, as she's constantly like 'oh good luck aren' 'oh aren youre great' 'oh i love you aren' and I mean -- she 'aint wrong, I'm pretty fucking brill. Meanwhile, I did actually manage to flip Emmott back, which is always nice. Next vote, Alex should be leaving. I clearly had to play double-agent this round between my alliance and the other alliance, and I had to persuade the opposing side that Ruthie was getting the votes, just so if they were in possession of an idol, it'd go on her. And, hey -- it did work! Nicole played an idol on Ruthie, under the guise that she'd be leaving. HOWEVER, Alex unfortunately had an idol too, and he used it on himself, thus fucking up our plans. Unfortunately for me, I played double-agent at the expense of any shot of receiving the respect of our rival alliance. Apparently they hate me now, and I can't blame 'em! I fucked them over, and honestly, it's just because I'm that fucking good at lying. Alex just told me that I'm the NatT of this season, and he should honestly just go and fuck off. I'm fucking INCREDIBLE at this game, you little shit! Who's the one that's already been voted-off? Suck my LOLLIPOP, BRUH.
0 notes