#how tf do i tag rhese things
syntheticspades · 1 year
Disclaimer: this is just how I perceive things as a trans queer person. Not everything I have to say is 100% factually proven.
TWs for suicide mentions and homophobia/transphobia
the urge to write a fully cited, grammatically profound article of why the lgbt community is still threatened for those with the mindset that "they have pride parades so obviously they're not oppressed".
Clearly you're rotting your three braincells browsing the Twitter of bigots like Rowling and Musk and acting like you're so fucking smart.
Look at the fucking news.
82% of trans people have considered killing themselves (circa April 2020). Around 40% have attempted.
The worst part? This rate is highest among children. Fucking children are killing themselves because of this.
Bullying isn't helping shit, transphobia in general isn't helping shit, and these new laws certainly aren't helping shit.
In at least 66 countries, even being suspected of being gay is punishable by law. And you call us "pampered"? Not everyone has the money to emigrate to a safe country. Not everyone is safe.
So let me ask you this.
Do you know anyone who has been disowned for being straight? Who has been arrested for being cis? Do you and your black and white pebble for a brain know of any anti-hetero laws being put into action recently? Ever?
That's what I fucking thought.
We wave our flags and hold parades to show how far we've come and how much further we'll go, not to flaunt or say we're better. There's so much left to do and accomplish, just so we have the same rights as cishets. Calling us "pampered" or "snowflakes" is exactly what we're trying to fight against, and the fact you're spreading that misinformation will only encourage us to hold more parades.
Because clearly, there's more work to do.
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