#how to deal with u fuckin; uzumakis
yenni19 · 3 years
The show goes on pt 4
Kawaki and Himawari go back inside to enjoy her birthday
Kawaki(stretching out his hand): can I have the pleasure of dancing with you miss Uzumaki?
Himawari(accepting his invitation): yes you may Kawaki...I would love dancing with you
On the other side of the room Sarada, Mistuki, Inojin, Sumire and Shikadai are sitting at a table together
Sarada: talk about a disaster
Mitsuki: Boruto never could control his temper when it came to his sister
Inojin: well now he has to put up with it...don't they look cute together dancing the waltz?
They look in thier direction and see Himawari smiling and dancing with Kawaki with a plain white shirt that was tight enough to shape out his big figure and some blue pants looking like a greaser from the fiftys
Inojin: what a sight to behold...he must of had his way with her before getting here
Sarada: Inojin that's not funny....
Mitsuki: he's not lying...I can smell his sent on her and fresh blood of a woman who just lost her virginity
The table went silent as all of them except Mitsuki turned to look at Inojin
Shikadai: your a pain in the ass when it comes to your accuracy on reading someone Inojin
Sumire: are you sure....
Mitsuki: I'm never wrong.....let's just hope they used protection and she's not pregnant
Sarada: what a way to spend a birthday....and with Kawaki of all people
Sumire: at least Himawari got to see him again...
Shikadai: yeah which means I have to reign in Boruto on a tighter leash it will be a fuckin drag since he was drunk when he heard Himawari admit she slept with Kawaki
Sarada: which means he won't remember by tomorrow the argument they just had...
Inojin: so it's best not to mention it to Boruto that his baby sister is no longer a virgin....
Sumire: let's just hope for the better.... and hope he doesn't try killing Kawaki
All five: yup what a disaster
On the dancefloor Kawaki is dancing with Himawari and as the music stops he bows and she returns the gesture and sit at a nearby table
Kawaki: so if your not busy tomorrow can we....
Naruto(interrupting): Kawaki it's good to see you
Kawaki(surprised): lord seventh....its good to see you
They embrace each other
Naruto: not to be rude but the birthday girl needs to have a dance with her father
Kawaki: sure it's no problem
Naruto takes Himawari to the dancefloor and they start to dance to a slow tune
Naruto: so you want tell me what's going on between you and Kawaki?
Himawari: we just saw each other today and he happens to be here on my birthday...no big deal daddy
Naruto: you are only telling half the story...knoahamaru said there was an incident between Boruto and Kawaki that he had to drag your brother out of here....mind explaining?
Himawari: he was angry because he saw Kawaki come with me as a guest to my birthday party he made a scene and konahamaru escorted him out
Naruto: your still hiding something...
Himawari: daddy please let me enjoy my birthday....the one you threw for me...can I have just that right for tonight?
Naruto: ok....but we pick up this conversation next time I see you...take care and be careful around Kawaki....happy birthday princess
The song stopped and Naruto left her to attend a matter at hand, she jumped when Kawaki appeared behind her
Kawaki(puts his hands up in surrender): sorry you must be on edge...I'm really sorry if I scared you
Himawari(turns around to hug him): just hold me and don't let go...your my peace when everything crumbles
Kawaki: ok I won't
One week later
It's been stressful in the Uzumaki household, besides spending time with Kawaki, Himawari is prepping for finals of her senior year at the academy.
Himawari(studying): crap I can't figure out this equation with X....I need a break
She gets up and makes a Ramen with a boiled egg and adds vegetables to the mix...she goes back upstairs to her room to study. After 15 minutes of eating, drinking, and studying she falls asleep on top of her study sheets
Himawari(waking up in her bed): how did I get here....
Boruto: you look horrible....a nice sleep isn't always a bad thing
She focuses on the nightlamp and to her surprise it's her brother sitting at her desk
Himawari: what do you want....
Boruto: just seeing if you are ok, your always tired, you burst out crying when u stress, and you haven't looked well these days
Himawari: I'm just coming down with a flu or something it's just stress.....
Boruto(hands her an appointment card): go see aunt Sakura....get a check up and make sure you are not sick...appointment is tomorrow at ten in the morning
Himawari(taking the card): ok....thank you
Boruto gets up and leaves her room, she goes the next day to her appointment
Himawari(tired): let's get this over with
She goes in at the reception desk and hands her the card the lady hands her forms to fill out. She hands the paperwork back to the nurse and waits in the waiting room.
Nurse: Uzumaki Himawari...we'll see you now
She goes in the exam room. The nurse asks for a urine sample Himawari goes to the bathroom to pee in a cup. And returnes to the exam room leaving the sample for the assistant. She waits as the Nurse comes in to see her
Nurse(looking at Himawari's chart): so can you explain what symptoms you are having miss Uzamaki
Himawari: excessive tiredness, moodswings, eating more often than usual, I believe I've gained a few pounds since my birthday
Nurse(hesitant): was it possible you might of had sexual relations without protection...
Himawari(scared): but I took an afterpill....
Nurse: well by these results....you are pregnant....congratulations....I guess
Himawari: but I made sure to take an after pill after my birthday....there's no way
Nurse: nine times out of ten the pill is at fifty percent effective after twenty four hours...if you want...
Himawari knew abortion was out of the question since her family didn't believe in killing life
Himawari: no abortion....I'll see to it that it comes full term...I just have to face the music...can you be discreet about this
Nurse: I can but you know Mrs Uchiha looks over the weekly paperwork of every patient that comes in here including first time patients
Himawari(upset): ok I understand....thank you
Disappointed she goes home and hides the results in her drawer full of sticky notes...for the rest of the afternnon she cries herself to sleep
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milkshake-fairy · 7 years
low-key high-key wish that we'd gotten more time w sasuke & naruto before their prosthetics, depending on e/o for seals etc. (when the anime in the final fight had them instinctively making seals w each other while fighting i fuckin died. they would be so good at it.) while sakura & tsunade work to develop prosthetics technology (and also might gai doesn't get screwed over? dunno how u can make perfect prosthetic limbs but not ANYTHING to help w his legs). 1/4
( cont.) it was such a big sacrifice for them, it should have been treated more seriously than just “well their arms always have bandages on now lol” like maybe even making it so they never get prosthetics. if anything sasuke and naruto needed to be powered down somehow. nobody’s going to be like kaguya again, she was around since the beginning of the naruto ‘verse, and you can’t have two ppl sitting around who could crush whoever they needed & not make the neighboring village feel like they also have to create super soldiers. how else r u going to deescalate inter-village conflict to make peace? sasu & naru were like walking nukes in terms of power. when it comes to convincing the village to let sasuke back, how would you even get clearance to give him his arm back when they see him as a threat? not to mention i was hoping we’d get more seals!naruto (being the last of the uzumaki clan!! and!!! minato was also really good at seals!!) like naruto taking up seals to cope with the loss of a hand would have been amazing not to mention the inclusion of actually disabled but still powerful leading characters!! agh but idk how do you feel about it? yes prosthetics, yes prosthetics but not as good as normal hands, or no prosthetics? (i think we can agree might gai got a lil screwed haha) sorry for the long long long ask, i have many naruto feelings ;_; 
Never apologize for naruto feels! :D 
A absolutely agree with seeing more of nart and sauce using seals together, it was beautiful and badass ( what a power couple tbh). 
Sasuke doesnt get a prosthetic arm does he? He leaves the village before they can heal his arm so thus far he only has one arm. 
Yeah losing limbs was a pretty big deal. i personally like the prosthetic idea but, yes, maybe it should be more than just bandages. Underneath the bandage shouldn’t be normal skin right? I think its like scarred, non flesh-like skin so it wouldve been interesting to see that. I’d like if it wasnt as good as his other hand, like it’s noticeably weaker, thus giving naruto an actual handicap?
I honestly dont think kishi really thought about that stuff though, considering how he initially wanted them to not lose limbs and just hold hands instead (  LMAO ). I think his editors asked him for a gory scene so made it a little less gay and more bloody but then didnt really think through the repercussions.  
Gosh gai sensei ( i love him to bits and I dont want any unhappiness to come to him) T__T Yeah it totally doesnt make sense that they can regrow a freakin arm almost perfectly but they cant do something about his legs :/ But then again i guess having a wheelchair bound character is also nice representation. ( though it doesnt make sense, but when has kishi ever made sense???) 
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