#how to get rid of eye floaters
water-based · 5 months
can you recommend a good floating plant for a smaller tank? please not red root floater anything but red root floater
Hello anon, of course I can!
I would say the easiest and most common would be duckweed.
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It has lots of pros:
✔️its really common so its easy to acquire
✔️its really sturdy so it will survive anything
✔️it grows fast so in no time you can have it cover entire water surface giving your fish perfect shade
But it has also cons:
❌it grows fast, really fast if you dont pay attention to it, it can literally cut any light reaching your plants and make it really hard for fish to reach water surface
❌its really hard to get rid of, because of its grow rate and because it reproduce by vegetative propagation leaving just one duckweed leaf may lead to once again having water surface completely covered
❌i dont know if its something that bother other people but i find it tedious also because of how small it is. You cant just avoid it, if you put hand in the water with duckweed you will end up with your hands covered in duckweed.
My second recomendation would be Limnobium laevigatum or amazon frogbit.
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Honestly i think its one od the pretiest floating plants i have. :3
Laevigatum is supposed to easier in maintanance then its cousin spongia but i cant tell from experience, cus i dont think i ever had spongia.
✔️beautiful effective plant
✔️in right condition it easily reproduce covering water surface but not completely giving fishes a way to reach it
✔️it produce extensive root system that can be a hiding place for fry
❌ its delicate and dont like water on the surface on the leaves, you can even see that on the photo above the brown spots are where water droplets sat on the plant
❌the root system is BIG. This plant wants to dig in the supstrate and it will do it.
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You can see its roots here. I had to move plant so we dont see the whole root system but it is reaching the ground. It might not be a big problem in big tanks but in small, if you dont keep an eye on it, it might hid all other plants behind its roots.
Last plant and my absolute favourite is Salvinia natans.
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Its bigger than duckweed but not as big as limnobium. It grow fast but not as fast and all consuming as duckweed. Its sturdy and hardy and its roots system, while thick never grows longer than centimeter or two. It doesnt care if some water land on leaves ir if you even fully submerge it for some time. Truly a perfect floating plant
And anon while i have no experience with red root floater i would love to hear from you why you dont like it so much :D
Hope this helped you at least a little bit!
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kopawz · 1 year
it is wip wednesday my dudes -cat yowling like in the vine- chapter 10 stuff hehe
In cold night air, 808 bounds down production cranes. Paw-pads skidding and scraping in a desperate rush against steel girders– She has to find him. She lands on all fours with a graceful bounce, finding herself on a thin shoreline that rests snugly against the steep cliff face, overlooking the ocean, hidden below Production's pier. She has to find him. She accelerates down the shoreline at a breakneck speed;
808 just has to follow the rhythm trail that only she and him can sense. She hears where the sound wants to go– where it *needs* to be! Chai is still alive! She knows this better than anyone; she can still feel his beat! It's slow, but *there.*
Peppermint’s voice, Macaron’s, CNMN’s, Korsica’s– hearing them all speak encourages 808 to keep moving; she barrels across sand, in a total rush to find her other half.
She pulses with colors through the dark shoreline as the gang discusses important matters:
"Ok, so– Kale’s done for, sure, but… Chai’s arm, and–?” Macaron sounded frantic, "He’s still leaking all that coolant!– If he goes without it for too long?–" 
Korsica’s voice was strained with mixed anger and concern– "Why'd he jump into the ocean!? Does he have a deathwish?"
Peppermint tried to stay cool by listing the facts, "He couldn't land a solid finishing blow on him with Kale’s stupid A.I. predicting his every move, so…? Chai probably decided to cheese a victory by dragging Kale down with him–
“But there’s still a problem, even if he got rid of his double," She sighed, "With how hard he was fighting and running, his power unit's still too hot to not be hurting him."
CNMN’s chimed in, "There *is* a silver lining to this, however– Even if Mister Chai’s core is emptied of its coolant, the cold ocean water will keep his core stable, until we can locate him!"
"Although…" His voice had a hint of worry after a moment, “Hm. Well– this doesn’t calculate very well, actually.”
"...Although?" Macaron’s voice sounded small.
"As we've seen, Mister Chai currently only has *one* functional arm, has gone on record to be *unable* to swim regardless of whether his arm is in-tact or not, is most likely *incredibly* sleep deprived, and physically *exhausted* from an intense battle…"
“So, if too much time passes," His voice is tense, there is still the potential risk of Mister Chai sinking below the ocean waves, and drowning."
The silence was suffocating.
808 shook her head at the idea. Drowning? Chai’s not a drowner! Drowning’s for squares– She was already running as fast as her legs could carry her; she had to find him. She kept looking across the beach’s horizon, eyes darting across the–
Chai was clinging to a floating device bobbing on the water, a buoy. He was lying unconscious on the large, metal platform. Half submerged in water, he…
Well, from what 808 could tell from this distance, he looked bad.
His sheared off robotic arm was still on the fritz, the left side of his jacket appeared torn to shreds from the sound-wave blast, and he was all bruised and scraped up in general… But, the most important thing is that he was alive.
“Alright, so he landed on something– Good, but, uh… How are we getting him out of the water?” Macaron stared out at the horizon, sounding hopeful, “Just… drag him out, right? The buoy isn’t that far out.”
Korsica lists off all the problems with that idea, “Well, my arms can’t get wet, *your* arms can’t get wet, CNMN and 808 would fry, Peppermint can’t swim with her leg–” She made an annoyed grumble, “None of us can swim.”
Macaron shoots out another idea, “Can’t we just sync up 808 to someone who *CAN* swim, and have them go grab him? Anything to get him out of the water, I don’t know how long he can hold onto that floater.”
Peppermint sighed, “There’s an idea, but he's too far out of range. You'd just get warped back… Even then– her tail is still missing; nobody can warp to her.”
She groans, aggravated, "Who the fuck would be willing to get up at four in the morning to go wading into the freezing cold ocean for something like *this* anyway?!"
Peppermint thought for a few moments, before realizing–
There was still one person who understood this problem, was likely up at this hour, and could help.
She inhaled deeply, before 808 heard her facepalm with a loud smack, “Hangon, I’m calling my mom… 808? Watch over him for me.”
While Peppermint hung up the cat-call to contact her mother, 808 sat on the beach, watching after Chai. He continued lying unconscious with his free arm hooked around a buoy, looking like something the cat dragged into the ocean.
…The threat of Kale had passed (or rather, exploded in a violent sound-wave of nanomachines), so 808 decided now was a good time to take a nap on the beach. She’s curious to see if she can access his dreams again.
She circles in place, curled up on the cool sands of the beach, and slumped into 'Sleep Mode'.
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sometimes i look at my drafts and see shit like “what if we eventually develop the technology to extend life indefinitely but we never figure out how to get rid of eye floaters would that suck or what” and then i close my drafts
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rich652012 · 1 year
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harbucksho · 2 years
Will Eye Floaters Go Away On Their Own?
A common question that eye doctors hear is whether or not eye floaters will go away on their own. The answer is usually no. While it’s possible for some floaters to eventually disappear, most will remain indefinitely.
There are a few exceptions to this rule, however. If you have new-onset floaters or a sudden increase in floaters, it’s important to see an eye doctor right away as this could be a sign of a more serious problem.
Eye floaters are small, dark spots that seem to float in your field of vision. They're actually tiny clumps of cells or gel that have collected in the vitreous, the clear jelly-like substance that fills the inside of your eyeball. Most eye floaters are nothing to worry about and will eventually go away on their own.
However, if you suddenly develop a large number of eye floaters or notice them accompanied by flashes of light or increased sensitivity to light, it could be a sign of a serious problem with your retina and you should see an eye doctor right away.
How Long Does It Take for Eye Floater to Go Away?
Eye floaters are small, shadowy shapes that seem to float across your field of vision. They're usually harmless and don't require treatment. In most cases, eye floaters will eventually fade away on their own.
However, if you have a large number of floaters or if they interfere with your vision, you may need treatment. Most people experience eye floaters at some point in their lives. Floaters are more common in people over the age of 50 and tend to occur more often as you get older.
Many people notice them when they look at a bright background, such as a white wall or blue sky. Floaters are usually nothing to worry about and don't require treatment. In some cases, however, they can be a sign of a more serious condition such as retinal detachment or vitreous hemorrhage.
If you experience new or increasedfloaters, contact your doctor right away for an evaluation.
How Do I Get Rid of Floaters in My Vision?
If you are noticing floaters in your vision, it is important to consult with an ophthalmologist to rule out any serious underlying causes. While most floaters are harmless and do not require treatment, in some cases they can be indicative of a more serious condition such as retinal detachment. There are a few things that you can do to help reduce the appearance of floaters in your vision.
One is to try and move your eyes around frequently throughout the day. This helps keep the fluid in your eye moving, which prevents the formation of clumps that can cause floaters. Another is to eat a healthy diet rich in antioxidants, which can help reduce inflammation and improve eye health.
Finally, you can try using eye exercises specifically designed to improve circulation and decreasefloaters.
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Can You Heal Eye Floaters Naturally?
Yes, you can heal eye floaters naturally with a few simple lifestyle changes and home remedies. Eye floaters are tiny specks or strings that float across your vision. They’re usually harmless and don’t require treatment.
However, if they become bothersome, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. Here are some tips to help you get rid of eye floaters: 1. Give your eyes a break
If you work at a computer all day, take frequent breaks to rest your eyes. Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen for 20 seconds. Try to blink often to keep your eyes lubricated.
Also, make sure to take breaks during long periods of reading or other close-up work. 2. Eat healthy foods Eating plenty of dark leafy greens like spinach and kale is good for your eyesight since these foods contain lutein and zeaxanthin – nutrients that have been linked with reduced risk of age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Other foods that are good for your eyes include fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon), eggs, nuts and seeds.
3. Exercise regularly Exercising not only helps reduce stress levels (which can lead to eye strain), but it also improves blood circulation – including circulation to the eyes. This increased blood flow can help nourish the tissues in your eyes and reduce the risk of developing Floaters 4 Natural Remedies To Help Get Rid Of Eye Floaters
1) Consume more vitamin C rich foods Vitamin C is thought to increase collagen production which strengthens the walls of the blood vessels preventing leakage which causes those annoying specks in our vision known as floaters
2) Drink lots of water It is important drink eight glasses per day this will maintain proper fluid levels throughout the body including within the eyeball helping prevent dehydration which can cause vitreous humour shrinkage leading again to formation
3) Ginkgo Biloba The herb ginkgo biloba has been used medicinally for thousands years its properties improve circulation throughout body including supplying oxygen and nutrients needed by retina cells
When Should I Worry About Eye Floaters?
When you notice floaters for the first time, it can be quite alarming. After all, they’re spots in your vision that wasn’t there before! However, in most cases, eye floaters are nothing to worry about and are actually quite common.
Here’s when you should start worrying about eye floaters. If you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or other chronic medical conditions, you may be at a higher risk for developing more serious problems with your eyesight. If you notice a sudden increase in the number of floaters you're seeing, or if they begin to interfere with your vision, it's important to contact your doctor right away.
In rare cases, eye floaters can be a sign of retinal detachment – a serious condition that can cause blindness if not treated promptly by a medical professional. If you experience any flashes of light or severe pain along with your floaters, don't hesitate to seek emergency care. You can find more information at: eye doctor near me
I Cured My Eye Floaters
I had been dealing with annoying eye floaters for years before I finally decided to do something about it. I tried a few different things, but nothing seemed to work until I found this natural remedy. It may sound too good to be true, but after trying it myself, I can say that it definitely works! Here's what you'll need: -1 cup of clean water -1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
My Eye Floaters Disappeared
If you have ever seen small specks or strings floating in your field of vision, you were probably seeing eye floaters. Most people have experienced them at some point in their lives. Floaters are actually tiny clumps of gel or cells inside the vitreous, the clear jelly-like fluid that fills the inside of your eyeball.
When these clumps cast shadows on your retina, you see floaters drifting in your field of vision. For many people, eye floaters are just a nuisance and they learn to ignore them. However, sometimes floaters can be a sign of a more serious problem such as retinal detachment or vitreous hemorrhage.
If you experience a sudden onset offloaters or flashes of light, it is important to see an eye doctor right away as this could be a warning sign of these conditions. In most cases, however, eye floaters are nothing to be concerned about and will not cause any long-term damage to your eyesight. Over time, many people find that theirfloaters gradually disappear as the vitreous gel slowly shrinks with age.
Eye Floaters Gone Success Stories
When it comes to vision problems, few things are as annoying as eye floaters. These tiny specks or cobweb-like strings seem to float around in your field of vision, moving when you try to focus on them. While they're usually harmless, eye floaters can be a nuisance.
Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get rid of eye floaters. In some cases, they may even disappear on their own. Here are a few success stories from people who have gotten rid of their eye floaters:
I had been dealing with eye floaters for years and tried every home remedy I could find with no success. I was about to give up hope when I came across an article about laser treatment for eye floaters. I decided to give it a try and it worked!
After just one treatment, my eye floaters were gone and my vision was clear. I've always been prone to getting migraines, so when I started seeingfloaters during migraine attacks ,I was really worried. But my doctor reassured me that they were probably just Migraine Auras and not anything serious.
They never caused me any problems until recently ,when they startedto interfere with my vision .After doing some research online ,I found out about vitrectomy surgeryand decided to give it a try .I'm so glad I did ! The surgery was successfuland now my Floaters are gone !
When you notice spots or strings in your vision, it may be due to eye floaters. While they can be annoying, they're usually harmless and don't require treatment. In most cases, they'll eventually fade away on their own.
However, if you experience a sudden increase in floaters or flashes of light, it could be a sign of a more serious problem and you should see an eye doctor right away.
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topproductsreview · 2 years
Eye Floaters No More Panic Review - How Do You Permanently Get Rid Of Eye Floaters? Find out here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8BvcJqE0_Q
#eyefloatersnomorepanic #eyefloatersnomore #howdoyoupermanentlygetridofeyefloaters
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holographickid · 6 years
how to get rid of eye floaters, spot on eye, eye... original: http://c0l0rme1d.tumblr.com/post/177697077276
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dollstravel · 6 years
how to get rid of eye floaters, spot on eye, eye... my source: http://c0l0rme1d.tumblr.com/post/177697077276
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kara-patili-kedi · 6 years
" https://youtu.be/yv8QxF1pnjg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpm3JKyhqJqwm3ioedQbi-Q " https://4yourtubeview.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-to-get-rid-of-eye-floaters-spot-on.html
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how to get rid of eye floaters, spot on eye, eye floaties,... from here: http://camelleiks.tumblr.com/post/177696997624
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sweetreena · 6 years
I found this https://youtu.be/yv8QxF1pnjg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpm3JKyhqJqwm3ioedQbi-Q from http://syndicator.myimplace.com/how-to-get-rid-of-eye-floaters-spot-on-eye-eye-floaties-floaters-in-front-of-eyes-floaters-vision-floater-in-eyes/ right here: https://bardzofajnewideo.blogspot.com/2018/09/how-to-get-rid-of-eye-floaters-spot-on.html
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uberclanger · 6 years
https://youtu.be/yv8QxF1pnjg https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpm3JKyhqJqwm3ioedQbi-Q how to get rid of eye floaters, spot on eye, eye floaties, floaters in front of eyes, floaters vision, floater in eyes via http://syndicator.myimplace.com/how-to-get-rid-of-eye-floaters-spot-on-eye-eye-floaties-floaters-in-front-of-eyes-floaters-vision-floater-in-eyes/ approved by https://www.google.com
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hauntedmusicavenue · 3 years
How To Get Rid Of Eye Floaters Naturally - How A Patient Of Mine Got Rid Of His Floaters In 1 Month https://youtu.be/TAiztlHq42M
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hellogoodbye14 · 3 years
All things Bath times and Bribery - Feysand/Nyx fluff (short one shot)
Feyre entered the room and groaned.
Rhys who had Nyx in his arms and was feeding him his bottle snickered.
“Azriel gave you a tough time at training?”
“I made the mistake of teasing him about Gwyn.”
Nyx smiled around his bottle as soon as he spotted Feyre and wiggled his arms. She moved forward and gave him a peck on the cheek. She then gave Rhys a soft kiss before stepping back.
“I’d hold you baby boy but I need to clean up first.”
Rhys put the bottle down and rubbed Nyx’s back.
“He needs a bath too.”
Nodding, Feyre stripped off her leathers in the bathing room and took a quick shower to get rid of the grime. She then added baby wash into the clean lukewarm water and sat down in the bath.
“Ready whenever you are”, she called out to Rhys.
Rhys brought in a buck naked Nyx who was now wiggling in his arms.
“Do you think we need a floater?”, said a concerned Rhys who was also very distracted by his mate in the bath tub.
Feyre rolled her eyes. Mother hen.
“Come here, love,” she said, as she reached up for Nyx.
She placed him on her chest and gently poured water onto his back.
Rhys sat down on the tiles watching them both and placed a hand on her knee.
When Feyre moved Nyx onto her lap, Rhys shifted, moving in just in case. She snickered at him and washed Nyx’s soft hair.
“I know we both need to go to the Day court for the meeting, but I’m not comfortable taking him with us yet.”
Rhys nodded at her, “I agree, especially with all the uncertainty right now.”
Nyx slapped his hands over the water and babbled as if saying he agreed too.
Feyre laughed and wiggled her nose against his.
Once they were done bathing, Feyre dressed up Nyx and took him down to where everyone had gathered.
It was hilarious how everyone reached for Nyx and grumbled at one another when someone took him away. Nyx, being the social kid he was, was basking in all the attention.
Azriel was the one staying back alongside Amren to look over Velaris and Nyx. As he took Nyx into his arms, he lifted him up and blew bubbles against his tummy. Nyx squeeled and pulled at Azriels hair. As Azriel began to yelp, Nyx cooed at him as if trying to bribe him with his cuteness.
The minute Gwyn entered the room to hand over the scrolls Rhys had requested, both Nyx and Azriel’s eyes lit up. Nyx reached for the woman who often sang him lullabies and she took him into his arms gladly.
“Ah, there’s my favourite man in the universe.”
Nyx squealed in joy as she took out his favourite chocolate pudding.
Azriel raised an eyebrow at her, “Are you still trying to bribe him into saying your name before mine?”
She simply sniffed, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
He shook his head but smiled at her, “You’re impossible.”
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nervousladytraveler · 3 years
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Another wee bit from Duty (Chapter 3? 4?)
A single drop of water dripped from the crack in the ceiling, hit Demelza’s cheek, then rolled onto her pillow. At first she thought it was a tear--her own--then realised it was a leak coming from the flat above.
Now wasn’t exactly the proper time for any tenant to be asking any landlord for repairs. They all felt lucky each time they woke to find their buildings still standing; the growing piles of rubble in the city reminded them every day of this good fortune.
Ross hadn’t noticed the leak, but then again he didn’t visit her flat for the ambiance and decor. She made a mental note to shift her bed closer to the other wall after he left later that night.
“We haven't spoken of plans,” Ross said suddenly. He’d been so quiet she’d thought he was asleep. Now it seemed he’d just been lost in thought or trying to find the right words for whatever it was he had to say.
“Plans?” she said and sat up slightly. Of course she knew exactly what he was referring to.
“What’s to come next. As much as I enjoy my nights with you, and want nothing more than to enjoy the present, each moment, we can’t ignore it anymore…” he said.
“I know,” she said softly, “and believe me, I’ve found it rather impossible to ignore.”
“Have you been that sick?” he asked and laid his hand on her arm. It was both a protective gesture and also his go-to defensive move, when in truth there was nothing he could do for her.
“Not always. It hasn't been morning for me but early afternoon,” she explained.
Recently there had been bad headaches as well. She’d see floaters then vibrant lightning flashes at the edges of her vision, before it would all go black--just for a moment. Unlike the nightly blackouts enforced by the ARP wardens, her blackouts never lasted long. But they scared her nonetheless, especially when they occurred at work or on the street. She hadn’t told Ross about them, and suspected they were merely the result of not eating much. In time they’d surely pass.
“Do you want to be rid of it?” It was a bald question, but one she’d anticipated. Another drop from the crack fell on her face--this time she wiped it away.
“Do you mean…?” she asked. She knew exactly what he meant.
“Yes,” he said simply then exhaled. He was so used to smoking during difficult conversations that often his breathing followed the same patterns, even if he didn’t have a cigarette in hand.
“Is that what you want? Would that be easiest for you?” she asked.
“It wouldn't be easy for you, and not necessarily safe even with the best of doctors…” he said. The hand on her arm tightened yet again. “And no, I don't want that. But I can make arrangements, if that's what you…”
“No, Ross. That's not what I want either.” It wasn’t really something she could put into words but nothing made much sense to her these days.
“I had another idea, speaking of arrangements,” he said, and sat up so he was level with her. “What if we got you a spot on an evacuee train... to the countryside?”
“The countryside?”
“You'd be safe--both of you--and it could be rather anonymous. You wouldn't have to explain the details of your circumstances to anyone once you were there,” he continued.
“And then you wouldn't either,” she laughed.
“Yes, well that's not my driving motivation.”
“But Ross, to evacuate? Where would I even go exactly?”
“My family has an old farm with a house. In Cornwall. You could go there,” he said.
“Cornwall? Isn't that where your wife is now? Are you proposing I go live with her?” Of course she didn't believe that. He’d clearly given this some thought.
“No, she’s with her parents. Their estate is miles away from my farm,” he said quickly. “You’d have your privacy…”
“Privacy? Is that code for ‘all alone’?”
“I could engage a servant so you wouldn't be by yourself. That way you’d have help as things progress…” He put his hand on her belly which still showed no signs of thickening.
“The stoutness will come, Ross. Don’t fret,” she laughed lightly. “But tell me, don’t most evacuees become the servants?”
“Some but not all. Not you. And then…”
“Yes?” she asked.
“Then, when I can, I’ll come and…”
“We’ll be together. Stay together. Raise our child together.” He put his lips to her forehead.
“In Cornwall?” she asked but closed her eyes and allowed the thought to grow in her mind.
“Yes, I’m done with London. It's no good for a child.”
“Neither is a war, Ross.”
“That won’t last forever, Demelza. It can’t,” he sighed.
“It won't if we lose…”
“We won't. And when I get my divorce, we can…” he went on.
“Don't say it, Ross,” she said, and put a hand to his stubbly cheek. She knew he’d shave it close before he went into the office tomorrow but she liked the growth that crept over him in the hours he lay in her bed. It seemed a secret part of him.
And after all, secrets were their stock and trade.
“Don't make too many promises,” she whispered. “Especially not ones out of your hands. You can't win this war and you can’t be sure Elizabeth will agree to your terms. Just one promise at a time.“
“Okay, one promise at a time.”
“Tell me, how can you even get me on that list?” she asked. Her mind was not letting this idea go. “That whole operation is for children and those women with children or who are expecting children. They’d need my real name--these committees aren’t mucking about with false identifications--but in order to be eligible, I’d have to reveal my circumstances--that I’m actually expecting, and then that might be embarrassing for us--at least for you. And if I’m not married, might I not even qualify? I don't think they are keen on shipping out all of London’s ‘unlucky’ girls who just happened to find themselves in the family way.”
“You’re correct, you'd have to be upfront about the child. And to explain that would be a complication. We wouldn't have to name me as father--not yet--but I’ll see what our options are. I have a...man...I can talk to,” Ross replied.
“You aren't exactly filling me with confidence when you put it like that,” she laughed.
“Which part?”
“Your man…”
“The less you know about that the better.” Another secret. “But the other part…”
“When the time comes, you will name me as father. You can rely on that,” Ross said and pulled her into his arms.
“As long as you stay alive,” Demelza said.
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