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Join The Official illuminati | Billionaires Club Today‎ Call Lucas +27623585868 whatsapp in Argentina Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Brasil Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Rep. Ecuador El Salvador France Germany Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Korea Malaysia Mexico Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey UK USA Ukraine Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Spain Italy UK Germany USA France Chile Argentina Mexico The Netherlands India China Brazil Portugal Peru Canada New Zealand Austria Switzerland Russia Belgium Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Australia Philippines Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong Japan Poland Ireland UAE Romania Pakistan Sweden Morocco Ukraine Tunisia Indonesia Turkey Vietnam Thailand Myanmar (Burma) Nigeria Denmark Panama Kenya
Join The Official illuminati | Billionaires Club Today‎ Call Lucas +27623585868 whatsapp in Argentina Australia Austria Bangladesh Belgium Bolivia Brasil Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Rep. Ecuador El Salvador France Germany Greece Guatemala Honduras Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Italy Japan Kenya Korea Malaysia Mexico Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Nigeria Pakistan Panama Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Romania Russia Singapore South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Thailand Turkey UK USA Ukraine Uruguay Venezuela Vietnam Spain Italy UK Germany USA France Chile Argentina Mexico The Netherlands India China Brazil Portugal Peru Canada New Zealand Austria Switzerland Russia Belgium Venezuela Colombia Ecuador Australia Philippines Singapore Malaysia Hong Kong Japan Poland Ireland UAE Romania Pakistan Sweden Morocco Ukraine Tunisia Indonesia Turkey Vietnam Thailand Myanmar (Burma) Nigeria Denmark Panama Kenya
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The Illuminati +27623585868 whatsap
Over the years, the Order has become a popular topic for movies, novels, websites, and even video games. From the Great Depression, which was ultimately necessary, to world wars. In many people’s minds, the Order idea ties in with the New World Order, a current political idea about a one-world government, religion, and financial system. The New World Order is…
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gothicprep · 4 years
so heres all you need to know abt the Qanon follower crowd
a former high school classmate, who, incidentally, tried to Shoot His Shot with me when I was 14 and he had already graduated, is very into it, to the point where the Qanon logo is his Facebook profile picture and a graphic that says "an invitation to the great awakening" is his cover photo. im more active on Facebook these days because most of my friends are in their early 30s and do not care for other forms of social media, and he's very annoying on my posts there. like, during the height of the george floyd BLM protests, when I was talking abt ways to get involved, dropping donation links, educational resources, and local protest times and locations, he's in the comments talking abt how if I "rly wanted to help" i should apply to join the illuminati
I mostly keep him on my friends list out of morbid curiosity and my taste for schadenfreude that I should have outgrown by now
i was talking the other day abt how street etiquette (ie, a man walking closer to a road than the woman he's with) is outdated and somewhat silly – "if a car loses control, it's mowing both of us down anyway". and he comments that it originated from sex solicitation so "the girl is closer to the road so she can flag down johns". which isn't true, by the way. this dates back to 1200s England from when people were dumping their chamber pots from windows. walking closer to the wall meant that you're less likely to get covered in someones shit, or splashed from horse poop puddles along the roads. so I told him that i didnt care to hear his piece.
the man goes off accusing me of not giving a shit abt trafficking, and, in a rant that closely resembled the navy seals gorilla warfare Internet tough guy copypasta, claimed to have bought "over 300 girls" during his trucking career, so he could drive them across state lines and call the trafficking hotline
so, obviously this is a massively overblown lie, but let's say, for arguments sake, it isn't. in his 4 years of working as a trucker, he'd have to be contributing financially to trafficking rings at a rate of once every 4.8 days. hes probably given more money to them than, like, any other working class person. not to mention he straight up admits to contributing to something he's apparently so hellbent on stopping, instead of calling the hotline himself when he sees something fishy and allowing the appropriate people to intervene
so there you go. these are the kind of people who are proponents of that idiotic conspiracy theory
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americangodstalk · 3 years
Notes about S2E3: Muninn
# As stated previously, Betty is the modern form of Sleipnir, and we see its reincarnation here.
# Note that on the newspaper Wednesday reads that is an article about how the “Deep State is watching”, a foreshadowing of Argos. 
# Ibis is seen here eating pieces of the corpses he dissects (something that Jacquel did in the novel).
# Argus Panoptes is mixed up with “Argus”, the dog of Odysseus. He is also referred to as a “peepin’ Tom”.
# Argus backstory is honestly a mess... The backstory is told in an Egyptian style. Ibis says that Argus Panoptes was rebirthed by Hera as a “god of surveillance” (it is actually merely a metaphor, and it is show that Argus had other incarnations before the American god of surveillance, but many people took it for literal). And it is mentionned that he was a god of surveillance before joining the New Gods - in fact it is the fading of his worship that pushed him to an alliance. 
# Argus is confirmed to be the eye seen in season 1 through the bank’s security camera.
# Argus is described by Wednesday as akin to Mr. Wood, a being that adapted into “something else”. It is mentionned that his “many eyes faded”, and that only his memories stayed intact - in the form of the Argus archives. Argus actually appears to the world as a private surveillance company - we can note that the symbol of the company appeared on the jumbo screens of the “Media reinventing herself” scene.
# Argus is connected to Black Briar and offers its “eyes” to them. We see he uses drones as part of his many eyes. When one of said drones is taken down by Muninn (or Huginn), the Caretaker complains that the system was not updated and the GPS files are corrupted. Tech Boy answers that he told Argus to upgrade the system, and complains that he is not a “micromanagement”. However Mr. World quickly tells Tech Boy to put “your man on the line” (here Argus is identified as an agent of Tech Boy). Mr. World mentions the “broken window theory”, and insists that visiting Argus instead of texting him is “per tradition”. Mr. World has this very interesting concept that “We build the new world on the ruins of the old”. 
# Before New Media appears, Mr. World has strange hand gestures - which almost makes it look like he is “downloading” informations from Technical Boy he then injects into the screen New Media comes out from. Or am I reading too much into this? 
# New Media appears dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl (some mentionned a Harajuku vibe), with a Hello Kitty-look alike on her collar (hinting at the influence of Japanese pop culture over the Internet and the youth). In the background you can see the screen she comes out from becomes full with social media posts of New Media - one can see Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, a lot of selfies and videos... She is shown disdaining things that are “old”, and she also is seemingly aware of who, what and how her previous-self acted since she makes a reference to Media by imitating the Marilyn Monroe persona. Of course, one can see she literaly manifests emojis, emoticans and picture filters in the real world. She also refers to Argus as “the man with the fiber optic”. 
# The headquarters of the Argus company have a parabolic satellite antena. Wednesday explains that, for the “local tinfoil hats”, this building is a stronghold of the Deep State, the Illuminati and/or the Men in Black. But to the “local city council”, it is just an old warehouse filled with computers. And in Wednesday’s words, in the end “truth and lies mix up”. Again, it is mentionned that in the warehouse there are “miles” of fiber optic cables, and that “only the memories remain”. 
# Interestingly, we see Argus doesn’t just archive information, but also himself or rather his old versions. We get to see the “cast-away husks” he collected after he changed into “something else”. Here, we get to see the original Argus - the monstrous sheperd that was supposed to guard Io in the Greek mythology and was killed by Hermes. Apparently, only a sacrifice can allow one to move forward from this stage of the archive - the killing of Io. The fans have been splitting their head over what exactly the wooden tool Wednesday uses is - on top of that, it has an eye symbol engraved on it. 
# Wednesday mentions that Laura is a “revenant” and like all revenants, she is “single-minded”. Just like the archive and Argus, to move forward Laura needs change, but change only comes with a sacrifice. 
# We step away from all that to go to the Corn Palace, a strip-tease palace where live Old Iktomi, the Native American shapeshifter and spider-spirit (compared by the Jinn to Anansi). Actually it seems it was originally the “Porn Palace”, but the P neon letter “died” in such a way it looks like a C now. The Jinn describes Iktomi as “manipulating humans like puppets” and advices him to not look at him in the eyes. We also get to see another Native spirit - Gnaskineyan, “Crazy Buffalo” an evil spirit, looking here like a tall blind man. 
# The next incarnation of Argus seems to have been in Roman times - indeed, we see that Argus was at this point the caretaker of the Library of Alexandria, renowned as the greatest collection of knowledge in the world. It seems Argus is locked in a cycle of rebirths and deaths - more precisely murders. Indeed, Argus always end up killed, because he keeps repeating his original myth - guarding something for which he will die. He murder because he was the guardian of Io, burned down along with his library... Note here that the Library of Alexandria was located in Egypt - which might explain why Mr. Ibis had Argus story told through an Egyptian point of view. Also note that here, Argus had his eyes ripped out.
# Iktomi appears in a wheelchair (hinting at his decay as an Old God). He grows marijuana in the background of his Palace - it seems he is an expert at tricks and potions. I honestly don’t know why people keep saying Iktomi and Whiskey Jack are the same being when, from my researches, they apparently are not. Whiskey Jack is a Crane spirit from the cultures of Algonquian and Dene people, while Iktomi is a trickster from Lakota mythology. Yes, both are considered equivalents, but they are not the same. 
# We need an explanation on how Iktomi ended up having Wednesday’s spear. It seems Iktomi is also aware of Thoth, as he mentions he will be against the use of the spear for it is an “instrument of death”. 
# New Media of course uses hashtags in her talk. In her talks with Technical Boy she appears friendly, childish, energetic, but she has a snarky and nasty side to her hinting at her rivalry with the technology god. She explains that Tech Boy and her have “different audiences” and she mentions that she needs “bandwidth”. 
# Tech Boy threatens Argus to come back on their deal, which would have Argus “go back to trolling the Dark Web on IRC bots and Geocities pages” - so that’s what he as doing as a god of surveillance before taking a deal with the New Gods. Interestingly, we here have an incoherence - before Mr. World identified Argus as an agent of Tech Boy, but here Tech Boy has the hardest time acting as Argus boss, since the “surveillance god” says he was offered a deal by Mr. World and works only for him. 
# Odin explains that he wants Argus killed because he “plays both sides” (how? We never saw Argus help the Old Gods), and apparently to kill him Laura needs to stab the tattoo in his neck. Though one may actually see how he plays “both sides” by looking at what Argus says - he says that entropy leads to disorder and all systems evolve towards chaos, “even alliances with gods”. It seems as a result that Argus has a sort of nihilistic view - he doesn’t wish to partake in the war, or to really help one side or another because ultimately it doesn’t matter who wins this conflict. That’s why he is so rebellious against Technical Boy. Or at least it seems like it... 
# New Media, to interact with Argus, brutally switches personality - you can literaly see her change. She becomes seducing, flirty, very sexual. She visibly wants to take over Tech Boy by stealing Argus to herself. She mentions that she has “likes, shares and subscribers” and that everyone watches her, but what she wants is “someone to watch them back”. She wishes to “connect and merge” with Argus - which takes the form of a strange sexual scene. I personally believe this is a reference to “hentai” in its primal form - the typical diea of “sex with tentacles”. Indeed, in this episode New Media has a strong Japanese pop culture influence, and for those of you who don’t know, “hentai” originally was a form of pornographic art of Japanese culture, very old, and that often involved tentacles and sexuality with octopuses. However, the Internet took over this “hentai” style and turned it into a true meme, a recurring joke and a “common knowledge” and “popular trope” of Internet works - it is a literal representation of how the Internet takes back for itself forms of traditional art and turns them into something entirely new. 
Anyway, she talks about her “fusion” with Argus as a “synesgestic expanding” and a “marketing opportunity”. 
# Despite his death, Wednesday mentions that “Argus will come back”. Which hints that maybe Argus has enough belief/worship/popularity to keep living, contrary to the other Old Gods.
# It seems Bast is part of Wednesday’s plans, or will act at Wednesday’s request when she will “heal” Shadow. 
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quanf99 · 4 years
Sovereign Citizens, and the Definitely Not Real Global Domination Pandemic
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It was 12:40am when I got out of bed to check my mail box, behind yet another fridge magnet from Josh Frydenberg was a postcard from the Protector Party, a political awareness group warning of a ploy by governments to control the masses through the current coronavirus pandemic, or something along those lines. The Protector Party are tied to the resurgence of sovereign citizens, members of society who believe they may choose exemption from the laws of society, a right supposedly outlined in the Magna Carta. While fringe political beliefs have always floated around, they're gaining traction in Australia after strict lock down laws imposed by the Andrews government. I was familiar with such ideas, but this was the first time I'd encountered said ideas in my mail box. I decided to look into sovereign citizenry some more, who were they? And what gave them the right to leave insane post cards in my mail box?
For many residents of Melbourne, Dan Andrews tough lockdown laws herald the rise of an all-powerful authoritarian state. These laws have made it illegal for people to visit other households, or leave home past 8pm, they force Melbournians to wear face masks when leaving home. Democracy is truly at threat when I can't order from the McDonalds drive-thru at 12am. Fighting on the frontlines against totalitarianism is a group calling themselves sovereign citizens or, Freeman of the Land. Freemen argue that laws only apply to corporations, which on their terms include the government. Birth certificates are a contract with the government as corporation and only apply to a person if he or she consents to it. This sort of imaginary legal argument has existed long before the coronavirus  pandemic and Dan "Stalin" Andrews' lockdown, cropping up whenever somebody gets summoned to court for unpaid driving tickets. Recently these pseudo-legal ideas have gained traction via Facebook groups. Through social media, thousands of middle-aged Australians are rallying behind the cause, who else will defend our rights to get pissed in the backyard on a Friday night. I thought I'd join one of these groups to get a read on the sovereign citizens. I found one group, Truth and the Unknown - Australia, it tends to focus on conspiracy theories in general but has recently shifted to uncovering the facts regarding coronavirus. The discussion surrounding the pandemic comes from livestreams of really intelligent looking people explaining to audiences that, coronavirus is not a virus, that even if it was viruses can't be caught by body, that coronavirus mortality rate is so low, no one should be worried even if they do catch it, despite 894 people dying in Australia. Unsurprisingly almost all of the information posted in Truth and the Unknown - Australia, contains no sources backing up any of the information provided. Discussion then shifts to memes explaining how 5G internet connections weaken the body making it more susceptible to coronavirus, a virus that isn't actually a virus, and even if it was you can't catch it. Further down the rabbit hole, GMO foods, vaccines causing autism, Rockefellers and Freemasons, government ties to Satanic cults and Bohemian Grove. All of this was mildly funny and maybe a little disturbing, but I was having trouble finding any concrete political ideas from any of these sovereign citizens. I decided to get in contact with the man who first sent me down this rabbit hole, that's when I got in touch with John Tiger Casley, leader of the Protector Party. Mr Casley is an older man, he speaks in old Australian figures of speech which find a balance somewhere between endearing and condescending, responding to you with phrases like "Alright young fella". Mr Casley used to be a history teacher, he now resides in Brighton presumably retired, spending his time making YouTube videos and sending people weird post cards. I asked "What do you think the end goal supposedly is for this deep state?" to which he replied "I believe their goal is psychopathic humanoid control over human bodies via violent injections and 5G, as well as human perception through media propaganda and AI." Q: Do you think this current climate of politics, sovereign citizens, and a general openness to these ideas will result in positive changes to politics in Australia? J: I believe it depends on the amount of human power given away to the Psychopathic Humanoids in JFK's Monolithic Conspiracy, although I've never known opportunity for political engagement to be higher. Q: How did you first become aware of things like, JFK's Monolithic Conspiracy? J: I began reading, gratefully, the logic, evidence, experiences and suffering of the most amazing mind of this century - David Icke's. While my interview with Mr Casely was interesting it revealed little in the way of concrete political beliefs, again it felt more like I was hearing a conspiracy theory check list be ticked off, rather than any solid politics. I decided to look into David Icke afterwards. Icke is a former football player from the UK, who writes about an inter-dimensional race of reptilians who run the Illuminati and have hijacked the Earth. These reptilians are known as the Anunnaki, ancient Sumerian deities of the Underworld. Again the formula for these ideas feels tried and true, pick an ancient pre-Judeo Christian deity (preferably from Mesopotamia) and center them around a secret shadow government conspiracy to rule the world. Whether its democrats sacrificing babies to Moloch, or underground Illuminati lizard men, the pattern feels obvious. Next I spoke to Zac Galloway, a practicing lawyer with a law degree from University of Tasmania. After moving to Melbourne a few years back, Mr Galloway has become active in promoting the truth about the pandemic through platforms like Facebook. I figured Mr Galloway would have to be well educated if he was a practicing lawyer, and should be able to back up his views better than the average Facebook conspiracy theorist. Q: I'm interested to know, are you connected to any particular groups or organisations? Mr Galloway: I'm not connected with any organisations, although I do follow a few Facebook pages where people share and spread information. I don't believe everything that gets spread in these groups and take most of it with a grain of salt however. Q: Do you believe the virus is real? Or a ploy by the government towards some other agenda? Z: I believe the virus is real but our perception of it is far from the truth. There seems to be overwhelming evidence the virus was man made and originated in a laboratory. Whether this was done intentionally doesn't matter as much to me, I think there's a clear agenda from government worldwide involving mass control and surveillance of the population. Q: Have friends and family been receptive to your message, or do you find a lot of push back regarding your ideas? Z: I find a mix of responses, I've got many people who message me frequently to show support, wishing they were brave enough to speak up. Q: What do you think the rising trend of belief in the sovereign citizen movement says about Australia's current political climate? Z: I think it shows that people are willing to stand up for their rights which to me is a no brainer. There's a very slippery slope between freedom and tyranny and when people voluntarily give up their rights so easily I become gravely concerned. To me it is good that people are willing to stand up for their rights. Although I think much of what he said was shaky at best I was glad someone could give me answers beyond vague gestures to Moloch and vaccines. I don't want to give Mr Galloway too much credit though, perhaps there's something even more troubling in the way he dresses up blatant disregard for the social contract as 'logical reasoning'. It can be harder to discredit arguments about Daniel 'Karl Marx' Andrews using coronavirus hysteria to destroy the economy, when they have more formal validity. And one can't avoid the irony of someone who supports sovereign citizenry, utilising his institutionally given power to practice the law. Regardless of the validity behind  any of the ideas I've gone over here, these ideas and their rising popularity represent something more troubling, perhaps more disappointing. It's undeniable that society is structured to segregate the common person from the powerful, while every day people are led along by the false promise of enough hard and honest work, those born into wealth use loop holes to consolidate their position on the throne. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to be mistrusting of governments and those in power, reasons that don't have anything to do with mass mind control, vaccines, 5G towers or ancient sub-terranean lizard people. I spoke to Dr Lauren Rosewarne, cultural commentator and lecturer at Melbourne University. Q: Do you think the popularity of the sovereign citizen movement ties in with the rise of conspiracy theories coming closer to public consciousness? Things like the death of Jeffrey Epstein, or Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. Elections? Dr Rosewarne: Sovereign citizens are nothing new in Australia. The internet however, has enabled them to connect, recruit and have a public platform for their views thus giving them greater visibility. Q: Do you think the rising visibility of such a platform, and these sorts of fringe political ideas in general, might suggest deeper political unrest in society? L: I'd be more inclined to say that Covid serves as a rallying cry for these people in a way that few previous events have. Whether that persists as unrest in a post-Covid world, only time will tell. When people take up these conspiracy theories, its disappointing to see how close to the nerve they hit, clearly something larger than everyday people puts us on an uneven playing field. Why then, do we look for answers beyond the real quantifiable structural devices that shape society? There are many complex reasons, the simplest one being that its much easier, much less ambiguous to imagine some sinister, wholly evil force is pulling things behind the scenes. It's easy to laugh at conspiracy theorists, a lot of the things I've seen people post are honestly insane. However, I think it's worth remembering too, that when people start believing these theories, a part of them must recognise the way things are really stacked against us, and from that place maybe we can hope that more people are on the path to greater political consciousness. Or who knows, maybe the democrats really do drink the blood of newborns in exchange for eternal youth.
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marvelloussynergy · 5 years
COMIC BOOK REFERENCES & EASTER EGGS - Avengers: Endgame (2019)
Woah. Avengers: Endgame is everything fans could have hoped for and then some. Concluding over 10 years’ worth of storytelling, it’s no surprise that the movie is full of Easter eggs and comic book references. The following is a guide to all the ones I’ve spotted along with any deviations from the source material (I will update this as more come to light). Note that owing to the convoluted and complex nature of comic books, I’ve tried to include only the most essential information regarding a character’s history and backstories.
Though Endgame isn’t a direct adaption of any particular comic book storyline, the concept of the Avengers travelling through time is present in the Avengers Forever arc (Avengers Forever #1-12, 1998-99). In this limited series, various Avengers from the past, present, and future come together to protect Rick Jones from Immortus, the Master of Time.
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Endgame opens with Clint Barton teaching his daughter, Lila, archery. At one point he calls her Hawkeye. There has in fact been a female Hawkeye in the comics, Kate Bishop, who is mentored by Barton. After losing his family to the Decimation, Barton takes on a new costume, which harkens to his Ronin identity from the source material. The original Ronin in the comics is Maya Lopez, a deaf woman with photographic reflexes who initially used the name Echo. In a flashback from The New Avengers #30 (2007) we see Clint Barton—who had given up being Hawkeye—wear Lopez’s costume and take on the Ronin identity to go on a mission to rescue Lopez from the Hand in Japan. It is the Ultimate Universe incarnation of the character, however, who loses his wife and three children (in this instance they were murdered by Black Widow).
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Five years after meeting the Avengers, we see Captain Marvel sporting a short haircut, a look taken from her comic book counterpart. Black Widow tracks Clint to Japan, locating him just as he kills Akihiko. A version of Akihiko also exists in the comics, and is a member of the Yakuza as well.
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There’s a precedent for a smart Hulk in the source material. First off there’s Gray Hulk, who, while not as smart as Banner, did have a higher intellect than the Savage Hulk. Then there’s Gravage Hulk, which came about when the Gray and Savage Hulk personas were merged. The film, however, seems to have adapted the Merged Hulk (also known as the Professor), who’s a combination of Bruce Banner, Gray Hulk, and Savage Hulk. 
In the film we see Thor establish New Asgard in Norway. This is taken from Thor #2 (2007), with Thor rebuilding Asgard on Earth (he has it floating over Oklahoma) after it’s destroyed. 
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Rhodey brings up the idea of killing baby Thanos so as to not have him grow up and collect the Infinity Stones. A similar idea is played out in Cosmic Ghost Rider #1 (2018) with Frank Castle from an alternate reality (who has gained the powers of a Ghost Rider as well as the Power Cosmic) going back in time to kill baby Thanos before he becomes evil.
The blue and red suit we see Rocket wear in the film is his classic outfit from the comic books.
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Steve Rogers says “Hail Hydra” as part of a ruse in the film, with his comic book counterpart uttering the same phrase at the end of Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 (2016) (though it would transpire that this Hydra-affiliated version of Captain America is in actuality not the classic Cap we all know). The character’s new uniform in the film is an adaptation of his classic chain mail costume from the source material.
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The Mark LXXXV Iron Man armour, with the red torso section and yellow arms and legs, evokes the character’s early armour models from the source material. For much of the character’s history, Tony Stark’s limbs appeared to be covered with form fitting sleeves instead of actual armour.
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When Black Widow and Hawkeye arrive on Vormir, the Red Skull notes that Romanoff’s father is named Ivan, with Barton’s mother being named Edith; this is also true for their comic book counterparts.
When infiltrating Camp Lehigh, Steve wears a uniform bearing the name “Roscoe.” In the comics, Roscoe Simons took on the role of Captain America after Steve became Nomad. In Hank Pym’s lab the original Ant-Man helmet from the comics can be seen.
In the film Peggy mentions the name “Braddock,” noting that he hasn’t checked in for a while. This is a reference to Brian Braddock who, after getting into a motorcycle accident, is saved by Merlyn and Roma who transform him into Captain Britain. It could also refer to Brian’s father, Sir James Braddock, who was also a member of the Captain Britain Corps.
The man who drives Howard Stark is Edwin Jarvis, Howard’s, and later Tony’s, butler from the comics. The character is played by James D’Arcy, who also portrayed him in the Agent Carter television series, making this the first time a character from a Marvel Cinematic Universe TV show has appeared in an MCU film.
The Hulk holding up the rubble of the Avengers facility is reminiscent of the character doing a similar act in Secret Wars #4 (1984) to save his fellow heroes from being crushed under tons of rock.
Thanos breaking Captain America’s shield occurs in both media, the Titan doing so in The Infinity Gauntlet #4 (1991). The comic book incarnation of Captain America is also deemed to be worthy enough to wield Mjolnir, first doing so in The Mighty Thor #390 (1988).
Pepper wearing her own armour is a nod to how the character gets a suit of her own in the comics, adopting the identity of Rescue.
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While the mainstream incarnation of the Hulk has yet to wield the Infinity Gauntlet, his Ultimate Universe counterpart has, this occurring in Ultimate Comics The Ultimates #25 (2013). In the Ultimate Universe there are eight Infinity Gems and two Gauntlets (with there being space for four gems on each). The Hulk was in possession of both Gauntlets, but only five of the gems. Iron Man using the Infinity Gauntlet has also occurred in the comic books, the character doing so in The Avengers #12 (2011). In the issue, Iron Man uses it to send the Hood back to prison and then make the Gauntlet disappear (in actuality he had it transported away, dividing the Infinity Gems among the Illuminati).
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Thor joins the Guardians of the Galaxy, dubbing them the Asgardians of the Galaxy. This is the actual name of a team from the comic books comprising of Annabelle Riggs, Angela (Thor’s half-sister), Kid Loki, Thunderstrike, Skurge, Valkyrie, and Throg.
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In both media Sam Wilson has indeed taken up the mantle of Captain America, with the comic book incarnation first doing so in Captain America #25 (2014). Interestingly, in both cases it’s an elderly Steve Rogers who appoints his successor.
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With Endgame being the culmination of 21 films, it is absolutely filled with MCU Easter Eggs and callbacks. There are way too many to list, so I’ll just go through some of the more notable ones. The Avengers revisit pivotal moments from past films on their quest to obtain the Infinity Stones. These include the 2012 Battle of New York (as seen in The Avengers), visiting Jane Foster on Asgard in 2013 (as seen in Thor: The Dark World), stealing the Power Stone before Peter Quill is able to on Morag (as seen in Guardians of the Galaxy), and going to Vormir to obtain the Soul Stone (as seen in Avengers: Infinity War). Minor characters reappearing include Jack Rollins (appeared in Captain America: The Winter Soldier), Howard the Duck (first appeared in Guardians of the Galaxy), Harley Keener (appeared in Iron Man 3), and Thaddeus Ross (first appeared in The Incredible Hulk). We also see characters on screen again that have passed away such as Frigga (died in Thor: The Dark World), Howard Stark (death seen in Captain America: Civil War), the Ancient One (died in Doctor Strange), Peggy Carter (died in Captain America: Civil War), Agent Sitwell (died in Captain America: The Winter Soldier), Brock Rumlow (died in Captain America: Civil War), and Alexander Pierce (died in Captain America: The Winter Soldier), while Arnim Zola is mentioned by Howard Stark. And while Avengers: Endgame doesn’t have a post-credits scene, the sound of metal being hammered can be heard over the Marvel Studios logo, recalling the scene where Tony Stark builds his first Iron Man armour while in captivity from Iron Man.
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Katy Perry Interview The Hot Hits Up Close & Personal Part 1
Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below
of the turning away
Katy Perry Worldwide Fan Club on facebook @kpworld1 is a page that openly cheats in the voting for awards for Katy Perry all sorts of cheating is rife on its timeline ANIK KARMOKAR is the owner and takes twitter accs of 'kittens' he calls the fans and abuses the VTMA awards katy perry awards are rigged return her awards she admits it herself calling all her awards 'worthless' @katyperry buys over half her follows and likes and the Katy Perry facebook presence is used for child sex abuse grooming ban Katy Perry from social media we can do without paedophile cheats🕵️♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🕵️♀️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👁️🤘🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐉
Dear MTV, I would be grateful if you could delete Katy Perry from the
Katy Perry voting for
2017 due to voting irregularities carried out by KATY PERRY SOCIAL MEDIA as we speak as they do every year discovered by underground journalist and Private Investigator [email protected] on www.facebook/@kpworld1 Katy Perry World Wide Fan Club continue with other Official KP pages to use fake accounts for multiple votes and are persuading fans called by page owner ANIK KARMOKAR 'Kittens' they are so young to hand over fake twitter accounts they call them and their passwords to inbox of Shahriar Anik who uses them on tweetdeck to make multiple
votes by www.twitter.com/@Anik_Chocolaty @anikchocolaty and @Kxtysboy in yet another concerted fraudulent exercise to con the public, MTV and Katy's fellow Award nominees in order for Katy to win yet another 'worthless' award she calls them recently in the Music press as Katy's company cheats at every public voting Award ceremony that is why she has won over 650 they use spambot software and buy the secret codes to enable KatyCats to clear the single one vote per person page after making their vote so they can make multiple votes and is orchestrated by Katy Perry clones and their MK Ultra Monarch sex slave handlers (usually pressing F5 after voting). They also cheat Radio station air play votes and requests to manipulate chart position and what else would we expect from @katyperry who has bought and paid for over 58% of their Twitter followers and social media likes and goes against the spirit of Award voting as the clones are seriously at it full time and persuade for example loyal mind controlled Monarch victims called KatyCats to open up multiple social media accounts which are against the terms of the sites like Facebook whose rules are one account per person on Facebook for example where some shady employees of Katy Perry Inc open literally hundreds of fake accounts and twitter.com accs who limit you to one acc per your one mobile telephone number and you should inquire like I AM under 'freedom of information' legislation how many millions of Facebook + Twitter names contain the names KATY KATYCAT HUDSON KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON and PERRY as Facebook + Twitter are compliant in this flagrant abuse of their own rules as we are looking to the integrity of a mass voting actuary org like
to take the lead and exclude Katy Perry as a nominee for award ceremonies which cast aspersions upon the Music Industry as a whole as Katy Perry social media is a front for more Paedophile grooming rings than any other operator currently (WARNING!) under secret police investigations on both sides of the Atlantic USA and UK. EG's of fake voting accounts on Twitter.com include the following I found on the @kpworld Facebook page are; @Kian8202 @KPizzas @guptautkarsh @Katyvotes4 @Katyvotes5 @Katyvotes6 @Katyvotes7 @Katyvotes9 and @Katyvotes. I suggest you take immediate action to remove the name of
from the complicit frame by banning @katyperry from Award nominations as the story is being exposed on youtube.com and Police forces are aware too. You may ask.fm how I know so much because I AM a whistle blower and Katheryn Elizabeth Hudsons Katy Perry ♥:xD husband and search on youtube.com for 'KATY PERRY EXPOSED' 'KP OCCULT EXPOSED' and 'KP ILLUMINATI EXPOSED' 'KP WITCHCRAFT EXPOSED' and 'KP BIRTHDAY BACKMASKED' and 'KP WIDE AWAKE BACKWARDS' and listen and watch the true Satanic Agenda of Illuminati Goddess Katy Perry, clones and mind control of the masses victims. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED DON'T IGNORE THE JESUS CHRIST for he is your Messiah. 🦋
Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below
of the turning away
Katy Perry illuminati Super Bowl Half Time isis / Phoenix SOS EXPOSED:
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Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed. The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable. Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace. Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.
The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to replace it. It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one to which you have for so long been accustomed, as people come together to join in love and completely change the way society has been interacting for eons. Housing the homeless and feeding the hungry is the first priority, then, all across the planet, work will commence to repair the damage that large international corporations have done by mining, drilling, logging, dumping toxic wastes, and by industrial scale farming using utterly inappropriate pesticides and fertilizers.
Humanity is ready for change! And massive changes are occurring that will completely alter the way humans interact with one another and with the planet, your earthly home. Your true nature is Love, you know that, but you chose collectively to hide your true nature from yourselves in order to play the game of separation in the illusion, but the many games you could choose from were only possible if you actively and very effectively forgot who you were. You made that choice, and then renewed it each time you chose to incarnate as a human on your beautiful planet.
Having forgotten who you were, you became alarmed – many of you today have memory problems as humans and find this at the least unsettling and, sometimes, even terrifying – and feared for your very survival. You developed an ego to advise and protect you from the dangers you imagined surrounded you and programed it to be fearful and mistrustful of others and of the world in general. And this general lack of trust led to secrecy, betrayal and conflict, conditions that are now endemic throughout the human collective, and to most the states of constant caution that have arisen as a direct result seem wise and sensible when you live in such an apparently dangerous environment.
However, the dangers of your environment are but scenarios that you invented to make your games interesting, and you can remove them at any time you choose to do so. You are all beings of enormous power, in fact in the terms of your limited human environment, your powers, were you aware of them, would seem infinite. You change the environment in which you experience life and you change the experiences presented to you by the intent that you hold. Your intent is what you generally think about or dwell upon, but frequently it is at a level below your conscious human awareness because it is so constant and unchanging, mostly guided by an underlying sense of fear. It is a little like the electricity that flows in your homes and powers the appliances, you are generally unaware of it – although you use it almost constantly – until it fails. @1111twinflames​ @1111jesusandmarytwinflames​
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kehkatycatqueen · 4 years
Katy Perry - Rove - August 16 2009
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Katy Perry Interview The Hot Hits Up Close & Personal Part 1
Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below
of the turning away
Katy Perry Worldwide Fan Club on facebook @kpworld1 is a page that openly cheats in the voting for awards for Katy Perry all sorts of cheating is rife on its timeline ANIK KARMOKAR is the owner and takes twitter accs of 'kittens' he calls the fans and abuses the VTMA awards katy perry awards are rigged return her awards she admits it herself calling all her awards 'worthless' @katyperry buys over half her follows and likes and the Katy Perry facebook presence is used for child sex abuse grooming ban Katy Perry from social media we can do without paedophile cheats🕵️♂️👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🕵️♀️👩‍✈️👨‍✈️👁️🤘🐀🐀🐀🐀🐀🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐉
Dear MTV, I would be grateful if you could delete Katy Perry from the
Katy Perry voting for
2017 due to voting irregularities carried out by KATY PERRY SOCIAL MEDIA as we speak as they do every year discovered by underground journalist and Private Investigator [email protected] on www.facebook/@kpworld1 Katy Perry World Wide Fan Club continue with other Official KP pages to use fake accounts for multiple votes and are persuading fans called by page owner ANIK KARMOKAR 'Kittens' they are so young to hand over fake twitter accounts they call them and their passwords to inbox of Shahriar Anik who uses them on tweetdeck to make multiple
votes by www.twitter.com/@Anik_Chocolaty @anikchocolaty and @Kxtysboy in yet another concerted fraudulent exercise to con the public, MTV and Katy's fellow Award nominees in order for Katy to win yet another 'worthless' award she calls them recently in the Music press as Katy's company cheats at every public voting Award ceremony that is why she has won over 650 they use spambot software and buy the secret codes to enable KatyCats to clear the single one vote per person page after making their vote so they can make multiple votes and is orchestrated by Katy Perry clones and their MK Ultra Monarch sex slave handlers (usually pressing F5 after voting). They also cheat Radio station air play votes and requests to manipulate chart position and what else would we expect from @katyperry who has bought and paid for over 58% of their Twitter followers and social media likes and goes against the spirit of Award voting as the clones are seriously at it full time and persuade for example loyal mind controlled Monarch victims called KatyCats to open up multiple social media accounts which are against the terms of the sites like Facebook whose rules are one account per person on Facebook for example where some shady employees of Katy Perry Inc open literally hundreds of fake accounts and twitter.com accs who limit you to one acc per your one mobile telephone number and you should inquire like I AM under 'freedom of information' legislation how many millions of Facebook + Twitter names contain the names KATY KATYCAT HUDSON KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON and PERRY as Facebook + Twitter are compliant in this flagrant abuse of their own rules as we are looking to the integrity of a mass voting actuary org like
to take the lead and exclude Katy Perry as a nominee for award ceremonies which cast aspersions upon the Music Industry as a whole as Katy Perry social media is a front for more Paedophile grooming rings than any other operator currently (WARNING!) under secret police investigations on both sides of the Atlantic USA and UK. EG's of fake voting accounts on Twitter.com include the following I found on the @kpworld Facebook page are; @Kian8202 @KPizzas @guptautkarsh @Katyvotes4 @Katyvotes5 @Katyvotes6 @Katyvotes7 @Katyvotes9 and @Katyvotes. I suggest you take immediate action to remove the name of
from the complicit frame by banning @katyperry from Award nominations as the story is being exposed on youtube.com and Police forces are aware too. You may ask.fm how I know so much because I AM a whistle blower and Katheryn Elizabeth Hudsons Katy Perry ♥:xD husband and search on youtube.com for 'KATY PERRY EXPOSED' 'KP OCCULT EXPOSED' and 'KP ILLUMINATI EXPOSED' 'KP WITCHCRAFT EXPOSED' and 'KP BIRTHDAY BACKMASKED' and 'KP WIDE AWAKE BACKWARDS' and listen and watch the true Satanic Agenda of Illuminati Goddess Katy Perry, clones and mind control of the masses victims. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED DON'T IGNORE THE JESUS CHRIST for he is your Messiah. 🦋
Katy Perry Satan and the Superb owl:
Bad Blood:
Watch the video below
of the turning away
Katy Perry illuminati Super Bowl Half Time isis / Phoenix SOS EXPOSED:
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Humanity’s awakening process is further intensifying, as you may well have noticed. The need to awaken is emerging into the collective human awareness as the pain and suffering of the illusion, the dream or nightmare in which it seems you presently have your existence, becomes increasingly unacceptable. Violent and frequent conflicts and disagreements at every level of society in every nation and culture are leading to exhaustion and a deep seated desire for peace. Those who have been in control for so long are in disarray as the power they thought they had and owned dissolves leaving them confused and terrified.
The nightmare that so many on Earth have been experiencing is drawing to a close as an era of peace, harmony, and creative cooperation flows in to replace it. It will be a new and gentle era, very different from the one to which you have for so long been accustomed, as people come together to join in love and completely change the way society has been interacting for eons. Housing the homeless and feeding the hungry is the first priority, then, all across the planet, work will commence to repair the damage that large international corporations have done by mining, drilling, logging, dumping toxic wastes, and by industrial scale farming using utterly inappropriate pesticides and fertilizers.
Humanity is ready for change! And massive changes are occurring that will completely alter the way humans interact with one another and with the planet, your earthly home. Your true nature is Love, you know that, but you chose collectively to hide your true nature from yourselves in order to play the game of separation in the illusion, but the many games you could choose from were only possible if you actively and very effectively forgot who you were. You made that choice, and then renewed it each time you chose to incarnate as a human on your beautiful planet.
Having forgotten who you were, you became alarmed – many of you today have memory problems as humans and find this at the least unsettling and, sometimes, even terrifying – and feared for your very survival. You developed an ego to advise and protect you from the dangers you imagined surrounded you and programed it to be fearful and mistrustful of others and of the world in general. And this general lack of trust led to secrecy, betrayal and conflict, conditions that are now endemic throughout the human collective, and to most the states of constant caution that have arisen as a direct result seem wise and sensible when you live in such an apparently dangerous environment.
However, the dangers of your environment are but scenarios that you invented to make your games interesting, and you can remove them at any time you choose to do so. You are all beings of enormous power, in fact in the terms of your limited human environment, your powers, were you aware of them, would seem infinite. You change the environment in which you experience life and you change the experiences presented to you by the intent that you hold. Your intent is what you generally think about or dwell upon, but frequently it is at a level below your conscious human awareness because it is so constant and unchanging, mostly guided by an underlying sense of fear. It is a little like the electricity that flows in your homes and powers the appliances, you are generally unaware of it – although you use it almost constantly – until it fails.
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useyourrwords · 5 years
Month Ahead // Going Off Grid – April
Oh it’s been two months since I last went on hiatus? Sounds about time for another one.
Listen, would it be Use Your Words without a hiatus every couple of months? No. Absolutely not.
March was…a lot, to say the least. So I’m switching off and going into hiding for awhile.
But first I want to share what I have planned for while I’m away!
If you would like to buy any of the following books please consider using my Book Depository Affliate link!
ContemporApril is the topic this month for Devour Your TBR.
Time to read all those contemporary books sitting on your shelf!
UnsolvedAThon was created by Laura @ The Book Corps!
This readathon is based on the Youtube series, Buzzfeed Unsolved, where supernatural believer Ryan tells his friend, skeptical Shane, about a famous supernatural or true crime case — all of which are unsolved.
I love Buzzfeed Unsolved! Ryan and Shane’s dynamic is perfect and I can’t help but think about how much more perfect it would be if my mum joined them because that woman has seen some shit.
When I saw Laura’s new readathon I knew I had to participate.
Now, the rules are to pick either Ryan’s or Shane’s path and to read a different book for each clue, ten in total. But I’m terrible at following rules so I’m bending them to fit me. Also I can’t read 10 books in a month at the moment, it’s just not possible.
So I’m picking a clue from either Ryan’s or Shane’s path for each step. They will still be in order, I’m just skipping between paths a little. Also for some of the clues I have books for each path so I’m including those as well. And I’m using books more than once! SO my TBR is gonna look a little different!
     UnsolvedAThon TBR
*Means that I had books for both clues.
Clue 1*
[Ryan’s Path] The Search for the Mysterious Mothman – Read a book about a mythical creature or a monster.
[Shane’s Path] The Harrowing Hunt for Bigfoot – Read a book about a mythical creature/monster.
│The Rook│The Checquy Files #1│Daniel O’Malley││││││
Clue 2
[Shane’s Path] The Strange Disappearance of D.B. Cooper – Read a mystery or thriller book.
│The Rook│The Checquy Files #1│Daniel O’Malley││││││
Clue 3
[Shane’s Path] The Haunting of the Salem Witch Trials – Read a book involving witches.
│Toil & Trouble│Tess Sharpe││││││
Clue 4
[Shane’s Path] The Horrifying Murders of the Zodiac Killer – Read a retelling.
│Toil & Trouble│Tess Sharpe││││││
Specifically – Daughters of Baba Yaga by Brenna Yovanoff
Clue 5
[Shane’s Path] The Secret Society of the Illuminati – Read a book about or involving a secret society.
│The Rook│The Checquy Files #1│Daniel O’Malley││││││
Clue 6
[Ryan’s Path] The Enigmatic Death of the Isdal Woman – Read a book involving spies or espionage.
│The Morning Star│Shadow of the Templar #1│M. Chandler│││││
Clue 7
[Ryan’s Path] The Haunting of Hannah Williams – Read a book involving ghosts or spirits.
│City of Bones│Cassidy Blake #1│Victoria Schwab│││││
Clue 8*
[Ryan’s Path] The Historic Disappearance of Louis Le Prince – Read an unknown book or a book that has less than 500 ratings on Goodreads.
│Rad Girls Can│Kate Schatz││││││
[Shane’s Path] The Thrilling Gardner Museum Heist – Read a book involving a heist or thieves.
│The Morning Star│Shadow of the Templar #1│M. Chandler│││││
Clue 9*
[Ryan’s Path] The Haunted Town of Tombstone – Read a book about an outlaw/a group of outlaws.
│The Morning Star│Shadow of the Templar #1│M. Chandler│││││
[Shane’s Path] Horrifying Cases of Ghosts and Demons – Read a collection of short stories/anthology.*
│Toil & Trouble│Tess Sharpe││││││
Clue 10
[Ryan’s Path] The Odd Vanishing of Amelia Earhart – Read a book with a female main character.
│The Rook│The Checquy Files #1│Daniel O’Malley│││││
│Toil & Trouble│Tess Sharpe││││││
│City of Bones│Cassidy Blake #1│Victoria Schwab││││
│I’ve Got This Round│Mamrie Hart││││
│Murasaki Shikibu│Khutlun│Sayyida Al-Hurra│Mochizuki Chiyome│Doña Ana Lezama De Urinza & Doña Eustaquia De Sonza│Bygone Badass Broads│Mackenzi Lee│││││
│”Stagecoach” Mary Fields│Yennenga│Annie Jump Cannon│Wilma Rudolph│Alfhild│Calafia│Keumalahayati│Marie Marvingt│Iara│Jane Dieulafoy│Rejected Princesses│Jason Porath│││││
  Structured TBR
│Must Read:  6/5│ 1/1│ 0/0│ 4/2│ 5/3│ 10/10│ 5/5│
│Allowances:  0/1│ 0/0│ 1/0│ 0/0│ 1/1│
Past Grey Reads
 Book Review // Girl Made of Stars – I Am Broken
 Grey Reads // Everything’s On Fire and I Couldn’t Be Happier – Girls of Paper and Fire
 Grey Reads // Bloody Moors & Candy Castles – The Wayward Children 2 & 3
│Game of Thrones│Season 2-3││2011│ David Benioff, D.B. Weiss│ Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Kit Harington│
│The Bold Type│Season 3││2017│ Sarah Watson│ Katie Stevens, Aisha Dee, Meghann Fahy│
│Brooklyn Nine-Nine│Season 6││2013│ Daniel J. Goor, Michael Schur│ Andre Braugher, Andy Samberg, Stephanie Beatriz│Watching weekly episodes│
│RuPaul’s Drag Race│Season 11││2009│ RuPaul│RuPaul, Michelle Visage│Watching weekly episodes│
│On My Block│Season 2││2018│ Eddie Gonzalez, Jeremy Haft, Lauren Iungerich│ Sierra Capri, Brett Gray, Diego Tinoco│
│Captain Marvel││2019│ Anna Boden, Ryan Fleck│ Brie Larson, Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn│
│Avengers Endgame││2019│ Anthony Russo, Joe Russo│ Brie Larson, Winston Duke, Karen Gillan│
│Us││2019│ Jordan Peele│ Lupita Nyong’o, Winston Duke, Elisabeth Moss│
Past Grey Watches
 Grey Watches // I Hate It So Much I Love It – A Christmas Prince
 Grey Watches // It Has To Be A Shit Show – A Christmas Prince: The Royal Wedding
 Grey Watches // I Wanna Bone Jude Law and Kate Winslet – The Holiday
I’ll be taking the rest of the month off blogging because I need to centre myself or whatever. Last month took a huge toll on me and I need some breathing room and to relax a little…well a lot, actually.
Blogging isn’t the only thing I’m taking a break from. I’ve also taken a page out of Elise’s @ The Bookish Actress book and decided to delete social media apps off my phone.
Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr are all gone. Those are the three I waste the most time on and I need to take that time and apply it to books instead. Also it always makes me sad or angry, with very few bursts of happiness in between that come in the form of animal and baby videos, which I can find on Youtube. If this goes well I’ll be continuing with it and just checking my notifications maybe once or twice a month. We’ll see!
I’m also visiting my Aunt for a few days this month to get away and get some clean air and be one with nature…More like I’ll sit on my ass for most of my time there talking non-stop with my aunt and cousins and playing with their babies. It still blows my mind that I’m at the age where my cousins have kids! But I’m determined to still go for walks while I’m there, but with a change of scenery—the beach! And hopefully I’ll read a fair bit too!
 Get back to going for walks on most days, if not 6 days a week. Baby steps again
 Read and read and read and read
 Keep Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr deleted off my phone
 Get some blog posts banked up
 Enter quotes and finish reviews for all read books
 Try to use Google Calendar more and make some digital planning spreadsheets because physical planner is too time consuming and annoying but I still need to stay organized
 Maybe start writing??? Like just one scene. Please
Past Monthly Posts
 February Ahead // I’m Finally Going To Read The Raven Cycle Series & It’s Black History Month + A Great Resource for Education!!!!!
 Month in Review // I FINALLY CHANGED MY NAME – February
 Month Ahead // Writers Week, Comedy & Too Much To Do – March
 Month in Review // The Month From Hell – March
See you again in May
What are you doing this month? What are you reading? What are you watching?
  from WordPress http://bit.ly/2uQsu5i via IFTTT
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carlosburbe-blog · 5 years
HELLO We at the illuminati initiation update invites you to learn more about our organization. Untrue rumours about the illuminati is now well spread on the Internet and its quite embarrassing how low people would go to rub our organization in the mud or for other selfish reasons. we've come across numerous posts about ILLUMINATI: Example: join the illuminati and get paid monthly, you will be given all money and Fame. Sell your soul for money. etc, etc. We advise everyone to be very careful. All the promises of money and fame are very enticing but know that the illuminati isn't a blood money ritual organisation. NOTE: The Illuminati doesn't pay you monthly or weekly. the illuminati's Thing is after initiation a seed (capital money) will be sown (given) into your career which you will use to start up any business (career) of your choice and because the money is from the light the business(career) cannot fail and the more you serve and show gratitude more your business, money and fame increases. But keep the most important rule LOYALTY. You can reach us at any of the addresses below for more details. Do you wish to be a member of the brotherhood or perhaps just want to know more about the brotherhood then this is for you as we are currently sending out invitations worldwide to every corner of this planet trying to reach as many as we can. (everyone). Contact: Facebook; Daryl fell Instagram; illuminati_initiation_update Instagram: outreach.illuminatiam Email: [email protected] For fast questions only contact our; WhatsApp : +18457315857 Telephone : +17474443125
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aboriginalnewswire · 6 years
4thWorldRadyo // AfroPolitical Drift: Indigenist Observations from the River Niger
- Summary: More spoken-word and satirical observations from the @TheAngryindian on a range of issues related to modern sociopolitical and neo-cultural messiness. EXTRAS: Our usual audio concoction of politically progressive PSAs and news items; archived analysis from the late Bro. James Baldwin and an interview with Black Panther and former political prisoner Eddie Conway conducted from the Jessup Detention Center to Baltimore's Red Emma's Bookstore Coffeehouse as part of a reading group studying BPP co-founder Huey P. Newton's "Revolutionary Suicide" and other thought-provoking goodies. Listen / Download: 00:00:00 // (mp3) / (ogg) - Further Reading:
How the Illuminati Stole the Mind, Soul, and Body of Hip-Hop
Rakem Balogun stories at Techdirt.
Gun Owner Jailed for Politically Incorrect Facebook Posts
Stop Using Hotep as an Insult | HuffPost
Hoteps and hip-hop: Bambaata molestation claims expose hip-hop's homophobia | Arts and Culture | Music | M&G
Black activist jailed for his Facebook posts - International Skeptics Forum
USA: A Secret Govt Document called: The Race Paper
Salute to Rakem Balogun! Glad You Home Family! – Amos Magazine
Washington D.C. Council Member Shares Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory
Huey P Newton Gun Club – About
Colin Kaepernick debunked “Stand on Your Rights” – Amos Magazine
D.C. Lawmaker Who Blamed Jews for the Weather Bails Early on Holocaust Museum Tour
Red Emma's: Celebrating the release of Marshall "Eddie" Conway!
Revolutionary Suicide – Wikipedia
Revolutionary suicide – bayareaintifada
Eddie Conway: Making Real News After Prison By Robert Scheer
Godlike Productions – RationalWiki
Are Hoteps race traitors for allying with Alt-Right?
What is this Hotep and Alt-Right alliance? - Hotep Nation
WHAT THE ACTUAL F**K! Hoteps And White Supremacists Are Joining Forces To Fight Together! | Urban Intellectuals
‘Blacks For Trump’ Supporter A Former Member Of Violent Cult – Talking Points Memo
(New) Black Panther Leader Says TRUMP IS RIGHT, Black Voters Are…
[Pics] Some Black Men are Tweeting that Menstrual Cycles are a Sign of Poor Health | Black Girl with Long Hair
Black Neo Nazi in South Africa – Stormfront
When Malcolm X Met the Nazis – VICE
Diamond and Silk Shill For Neo-Nazi – YouTube
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Apply to become an Illuminati member +27623585868 in Bloemhof Brits Christiana Fochville GaRankuwa Klerksdorp Koster Letsopa Lichtenburg Mabopane Mmabatho Mogwase Mothibistad Orkney Pampierstad Pomfret Potchefstroom Reivelo Rustenburg Schweizer Reneke Stilfontein Ventersdorp Vryburg Wolmaranstad Zeerust
Apply to become an Illuminati member +27623585868 in Bloemhof Brits Christiana Fochville GaRankuwa Klerksdorp Koster Letsopa Lichtenburg Mabopane Mmabatho Mogwase Mothibistad Orkney Pampierstad Pomfret Potchefstroom Reivelo Rustenburg Schweizer Reneke Stilfontein Ventersdorp Vryburg Wolmaranstad Zeerust
Welcome to the Illuminati community +27623585868 whatsap Email,[email protected] The Illuminati is an elite organization of world leaders, business authorities, innovators, artists, and other influential members of this planet, we help you to be one of us. To apply and be a member contact our agent on the number below. CALL AGENT LUCAS / WHATSAP
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About Illuminati
Join The Great…
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automatismoateo · 3 years
I have known this guy for about 11 years. He's recently joined a church and has gone from being a regular, friendly dude, to a complete zealot in about 5 months. Tonight, I snapped after he said he was against abolishing gay conversion therapy. via /r/atheism
Submitted January 25, 2021 at 02:34PM by abra5umente (Via reddit https://ift.tt/3r2AUld) I have known this guy for about 11 years. He's recently joined a church and has gone from being a regular, friendly dude, to a complete zealot in about 5 months. Tonight, I snapped after he said he was against abolishing gay conversion therapy.
He was a completely normal guy. Friendly, loved to chat, we played in bands together, hung out together, even worked together for a while.
He had a "come to Jesus" moment about a year ago, and then joined a church. Since then, his Facebook posts have gone from talking about his drums, posting his music, normal stuff really - to just complete insanity.
He believes that COVID is a scam and a test of our faith. He believes that COVID signifies the coming of the end, and that Trump should have won the election (we are Australian, definitely part of the 51st state mentality). He frequently posts about how Christians are demonised in the media for spreading the good word. He even had a status saying "God bless you Lin Wood" and straight up did not see the complete insanity that was.
He also frequently posts Qanon stuff and Illuminati stuff, seemingly unaware of the irony of sharing Illuminati videos and posts while also claiming to be staunchly Christian.
Tonight, he posted a photo of a pamphlet he received in his mailbox urging people to contact their local rep to block a new bill in Australia. This bill is to abolish the practice of gay conversion therapy, and to give more protection to LGBTQI people when they come forward with their identity.
At this point I've had enough, so I kind of blew up on him a little bit.
You can see the conversation and post etc here: https://imgur.com/a/4oO4Oxp
What I don't get is how the hell this makes any fucking sense. How does a normal, every day, happy dude get sucked into a church this god damn hard lol?
It's honestly saddening to see. We used to be pretty good friends and now I can not separate the religion from the person - mostly because the person has become entirely consumed by the religion. He NEVER used to speak like this, now it seems as though every single sentence has to tie back to Jesus, God, Christ, or something, in some way.
I don't know what the point of posting this is - I'm just really fucking frustrated lol.
EDIT: Image order was all messed up - have fixed that.
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bookclub4m · 7 years
In this episode, Non-Fiction Audiobooks! Join us as we discuss the power of narrators, the problems of technology, and what to do while you’re listening to an audiobook. Also: We actually enjoy things!
You can download the podcast directly, find it  on Libsyn, or get it through iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | Jessi
Green River, Running Red by Ann Rule, narrated by Michele Pawk (6 hr edition, which Jessi listened to) or narrated by Barbara Caruso (19 hour edition, if you prefer unabridged)
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote, narrated by Scott Brick
Information Doesn't Want to Be Free: Laws for the Internet Age by Cory Doctorow, narrated by Wil Wheaton
Welcome to the Goddamn Ice Cube: Chasing Fear and Finding Home in the Great White North by Blair Braverman, narrated by the author
The Skinny Rules: The Simple, Nonnegotiable Principles for Getting to Thin by Bob Harper and Greg Critser
The Dorito Effect: The Surprising New Truth about Food and Flavor by Mark Schatzker, narrated by Chris Patton
Cults, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies: The Straight Scoop on Freemasons, The Illuminati, Skull and Bones, Black Helicopters, The New World Order, and many, many more by Arthur Goldwag, narrated by Fred Sanders
Perv: The Sexual Deviant in All of Us by Jesse Bering, narrated by the author
Did Not Finish (DNF)
The Witches: Salem, 1692 by Stacy Schiff, narrated by Eliza Foss (Recommended)
Paddy Whacked: The Untold Story of the Irish American Gangster by T.J. English, narrated by David Colacci (Recommended)
Over the Edge of the World: Magellan's Terrifying Circumnavigation of the Globe by Laurence Bergreen, narrated by the author (maybe try the 6 hour abridged version instead of the 15hr unabridged version Matthew tried)
Meghan’s Many DNFs
Formula 50: A 6-Week Workout and Nutrition Plan That Will Transform Your Life by 50 Cent and Jeff O’Connell, narrated by Cary Hite
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown, narrated by Karen White
Rising Strong by Brené Brown, narrated by the author
The Midnight Assassin: Panic, Scandal, and the Hunt for America's First Serial Killer by Skip Hollandsworth, narrated by Clint Jordan
My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor, narrated by the author
Links and Stuff
Humble Bundle
LibriVox - free public domain audiobooks read by volunteers
Audible is one of many sites where you can buy MP3 audiobook downloads
A Study in Emerald by Neil Gaiman
Audie Awards
Beaver butt (i.e. Castoreum) has been historically used in perfumes and as “natural flavour” in foods
Stacy Schiff has won a lot of awards (including a Pulitzer for a biography of Vladimir Nabokov's wife, Vera) (Wikipedia)
Do you listen to audiobooks?
How important is the narrator to your enjoyment?
What do you do while listening to audiobooks?
Check out our Pinterest board and Tumblr posts for all the Non-Fiction Audiobooks people in the club read (or tried to read), follow us on Twitter,  and join our Facebook Group!
Join us again on Tuesday, May 2nd for our semi-regular “things we read that aren’t for the podcast (except now they are)” episode.
Then come back on Tuesday, May 16th, when we will inflict upon you the genre of Westerns!
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hypercitigh · 5 years
SA: Gospel Singer Rejects $1 Million Dollars Illuminati Invite
SA: Gospel Singer Rejects $1 Million Dollars Illuminati Invite
South African gospel singer, Dr Tumi has disclosed how he rejected a sum of $1 million (N360m) monthly offer to join the Illuminati.
Dr Tumi made the disclosure in a post on his Facebook page, while narrating how he was contacted.
According to the award-winning singer, the handlers had reached out to him on the claims that they noticed and believed that he would be influential in the society.
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okaynigeria · 5 years
I rejected R14 Million (N360m) monthly offer to join Illuminati - Dr Tumi
I rejected R14 Million (N360m) monthly offer to join Illuminati – Dr Tumi
South African gospel artist, Dr. Tumi has revealed how he rejected $1 million (R14 Million, N360m) monthly offer to join the Illuminati.
The multi-award-winning songwriter disclosed this information via a Facebook post he shared.
He also stated that he will not accept such an offer because “Christ gave his life for him”
The post reads:
So early today they tried to recruit me to join an Illuminati…
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sailorrrvenus · 5 years
Guide to Facebook Ads, part seven: Additional tools
In the last article about Facebook Ads, I went through how to optimize your Facebook Ads to get the best results. By now, you should have a solid strategy for your Ad Campaign and following its performance. Today, I want to talk about a few more tools that Facebook gives you to really customize your…
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