#how vecna is gonna go for Mike bc the way he kills ppl is by convincing them they deserve to die
booksandpaperss · 2 years
So, This may be depressing but.
I’m counting up moments in Stranger Things across the seasons where Mike has shown next to no regard (or simply none at all) for his own life… yall it’s concerning.
There are (so far) at least 3 glaringly loud instances where Mike has canonically not cared about his own life at all. We have:
-The cliff scene (s1)
-the scene where Mike hits flayed Billy on the head and is literally almost killed (s3)
-the shoot out scene where Mike throws himself in front of Will several times and even tries to do the same for Jonathan like one or two times (s4)
And ofc an argument can be made for *all of season 2* when Mike was willingly right by Will fully knowing that he was literally possessed by an otherworldly entity that wanted to kill everyone and yet Mike did not care at all, he was just focused on keeping Will safe hmmm
And these are just the biggest instances where it’s really clear, I’m sure if I actually got around to doing my ST rewatch I would notice subtler moments where Mike maybe wasn’t considering his own life as a primary or even secondary cause for concern.
Which brings me to my point: I’m REALLY worried for Mike in season 5. There are way too many hints that Vecna is gonna target him, and even some hints that vecna is ALREADY watching him in season 4. And with how his mental state has been lately, I really don’t think he would be able to emotionally handle dealing with vecna and fighting him off. I can say with 100% certainty that if vecna went for Mike RIGHT NOW, with where he’s mentally at as of the end of season 4, Mike would not make it out on his own; it doesn’t matter what song they would manage to find to play him, or what Will would be able say, because as of right now there is a part of Mike that wants to die. And as long as that’s the case, Mike will not be able to find it in himself to to choose to live despite vecna “persuading” him to die (that’s pretty much what he does), he just won’t. If he IS the one (ha 💀) that’s gonna get vecna’d on the flower field at the start of s5 instead of Will, El would HAVE to pull him out with her powers bc otherwise we’d lose Mike right at the start of the season and I really don’t think that’s gonna happen, the Mike angst is gonna be dragged tf outttt.
Most likely though, its gonna be Will in a Vecna trance at the start of the season, which is good (angsty as hell ofc but Yk, that’s gonna be the season 🥲) bc that gives Mike time to get to a better place mentally before it’s his turn. I’m thinking that by the time Vecna tries to kill Mike, he’ll be in a place to believe that he deserves to live, which means Will’s words WOULD be enough to save him.
This would also be such a beautiful message for people struggling with depression, it would be the same message as the running up that hill scene in s4 and let me tell u that scene had me SOBBING, and with Mike there would be the added layer of his mental health struggles being made worse by being queer and I just know that’s gonna hit home for a lot of ppl… god 😭😭
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so i’m not really into speculating about this show anymore bc all desire to do that crashed and burned after s3, but based on what i’ve seen on this site.. i do think ppl on tumblr are being a little bit ..hysterically reactive to part 2.
my thoughts below. no st extremist trolls. go somewhere else if you wanna start shit
do i think it was amazing television? absolutely not. do i think the duffers are good writers? nope. but do i think pt 2 set the characters up for the closures of their arcs for s5? yes
let’s start with el. el needed to hear mike say he loved her. it didn’t detract from her strength or abilities - to her, mike is the hero. mike is the one who saved her in s1. mike is the goodness in this world. she needed to know she was worthy (and accepted by that goodness). not just ‘the superhero’ part of her, but rather just el. now that she got that validation, she found complete inner strength. i mean she stepped in front of everybody in that last shot. that was the most on-the-nose symbolism ive ever seen. she has the determination now after getting that boost of confidence and endorsement. she has the drive to end all of this. she’s going to save everyone because she is loved for who she is.
will, my sweet precious will 🥹. this perfect lil bean is gonna get the love he deserves. his arc has clearly been set up to come back around, putting him in focus once again (he’s back in hawkins and he said nobody can escape). he’s going to help el end it all (the pic of noah in the harness, he obv levitates by vecna). so the wonder twins are gonna end it together! but el is going to sacrifice herself, like she was originally going to in s1. she’s going to repeat mike’s own words back to him, and tell him that no, she doesn’t need him (like he anxiously expressed in the past) but rather someone else does. and that someone is going to be will. will’s gonna get his happy ending.
mike has been set up to take his place as paladin once again! finally! ‘the heart’ that keeps getting emphasized. he’s going to spearhead the party to victory now that they’re all back together again.
max is going to live, but she needed to ‘die’ to absolve herself from the survivors guilt of wishing billy dead. she needed to die and get resurrected anew.
LUCAS my god LUCASSSSS and his amazingly satisfying “normal is just a raging psychopath” line. my fav line of the whole series. a privileged on-the-edge white maniac of a kid holding a black kid at gunpoint and lucas PREVAILS while that kid melts and burns into the fires of hell before our very eyes. so satisfying to watch. he’s gonna get max back and maybe he’ll even start his own basketball team 😌
jonathan and nancy are obviously going to work out their drama, or nancy will decide to go solo. but either way the whole jonathan/nancy/steve thing was just for drama’s sake. theyre gonna work out their college plans or mutually decide to lovingly go their separate ways. (i’m not that invested in their relationship but its pretty clear either way)
steve is going to realize he already has six kids, and that he doesn’t need to try so hard to be with somebody. he already has a loving family who needs him. he and dustin are going to ride off into the sunset together in a winnebago as partners in crime towards that coast in cali. and robin is gonna get her gf!
as for hop and joyce, i dont really care about their relationship (and tbh i fast forwarded and skipped all of hops scenes the whole season) but theyre very clearly gonna stay together. hop is also gonna have a second chance at letting his ‘daughter’ go when el sacrifices herself. and this time around he’ll do it proudly, implying that el healed an open wound. he’ll see his past daughter as a hero, just like he views el.
do i trust the duffers to actually execute this? or do it well? no, and i’m honestly not invested in how this show ends (unfortunately the magic of this show was killed for me in s3 but i do pick apart some things to enjoy on a surface level, like will & mike for example 😌) but these things seemed pretty obvious to me!
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