#however i also love jcole
frogalor · 6 months
nothing like the hatred of Drake to bring me back to rap music
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I like Tae’s vibe. I actually like the New jeans approach of multiple low budget MVs instead of 1 big bang cause it increases more revenue without triggering the hyper competitive K-pop space.
What do you think?
and this suits Tae, something about him just gives off not interested in the K-pop space. In fact, the only member I think who actually respects K-pop is probably Jimin. I judge this based on the artists they look up to. Jhope & RM like Jcole & Nas, American rappers. Forgot who Suga likes. Tae looks up to older jazz artists. JK likes American pop artists and Jimin likes Big Bang & independent artist. Idk about Jin honestly.
I’ve listened to Jimin’s playlist on AM: Springtime sounds and none of these songs are big title tracks/ singles. These are low key artists singing about their lives and loves. Jimin listens to Alec Benjamin, a guy with a great voice, small but loyal following and purposefully left the music industry behind after making a breakout hit so he could sing about his stories. My flex is that Jimin and I listen to the same type of music.
Went off on a tangent but my point is: These guys obviously have different views as to what a successful artist is. And they are all following that path. I think for Jimin a successful artist is producing good music for loyal fans rather than a general audience. I could be wrong of course. If so, Like Crazy’s success would be heartwarming as everyone and their mama knows that it’s carried by fans sharing & streaming.
The funny thing with Jimin though is that even if he tried to be a low key artist he couldn’t. Yes he does his own thing, sings about his story, doesn’t get major airplay and is listened mainly by a loyal fanbase who lives him and shares his music.
However his loyal fanbase is hugeee, so by virtue of that he’s left the lowkey artist category and also the K-pop category behind. What you mean you wanna release your long awaited album as an mp3?
Thinking about that sometimes makes me laugh. Jimin just wanna be lowkey, regular K-pop male artist singing his tunes then boom #1 on hot 100, Ryan Gosling giving him a guitar, song going platinum in the states(I’m calling it), fans demanding to buy his song. He’s non existent on socials rn and still trending
To be honest i kind of find Jimin fans funny. He said in Suchwita he wants to top billboard continuously. And everyone kinda knew he meant as BTS but his fans said “oh YOU want it? Here you go baby have a #1 on hot 100”. Making it look like it’s easy. Lol I’m sure Jimin knows his fans have plans for him.
They keeping him in the top 50 global just cause and I don’t think they gonna stop. Right now they have a goal to rechart LC also just cause and I’m interested to see how things unfold.
All of these are gifts they want to give Jimin. Almost like they’re proving to him we are here, we support you and we appreciate your music, and to cause a ripple in the company doesn’t hurt either.
Ok, this is the only ask I will answer regarding Tae's music so don't come sending more, please!
I don't want to answer Tae music stuff, other anons!
But I'll answer this one because I appreciate that you took time to share all this.
First question. Our opinions vary greatly.
I think with how competitive kpop is, you need that big trigger, especially if it's a debut album. Tae needed to risk it but didn't. For me, this all feels safe although it wasn't intended to come across that way.
I think that his visual album should have been released all at once. I know this way is done to create anticipation but I haven't been pulled into his story yet. Maybe that will change once the 3rd mv is released or his photos tie more stuff together?
It's interesting that you find the aesthetic fitting because I don't lol I do agree that Tae is not kpop at all but this album concept feels off to me. Like it's fabricated and doesn't show the real Tae. I feel like his fans would appreciate that. Perhaps the concepts worked for New Jeans since it's quirky cute. And I remember writing a few weeks ago how Tae had changed his style and if that was reflective of what he would show in his upcoming album. And we are seeing change but not in any sort of direction. I don't see the essence of Tae in this. Or his new style.
I like to see the essence of the artist even in their on-stage personas. I'm not seeing it here.
But maybe this is just me being intense as usual.
Second question. Jimin. I do agree that Jimin tries to tell stories through his songs and he does that beautifully. Even if his songs differ greatly, like Promise and Set Me Free pt.2, they both have that air of Jimin in it. But I'm not being biased, I'm not a fan of both.
I do think the pandemic caused the change in direction of Jimin's artistry. But I hope that he has seen the reception, BB charts and worldwide records, and sees that his music is meant for a wider audience even if the stories are personal to him. We can see that FACE was his struggle and rebirth so I'm looking forward to his next album, which he said was going to more upbeat.
With the right team and tools, his songs can achieve greater success. It is heartwarming that Jimin lovers are still carrying his song still. It's our token of love and appreciation but I hope that the his next project has the company support he deserves added to the fan support he has rightfully earned.
Hopefully we get to see this soon enough.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
I really like how you think. Maybe you won't like my take on Tae's music but do you want to be friends? Message me?
13 notes · View notes
phoenixmosheh · 2 years
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Your Assassination Attempts Are FAILING...HORRIBLY.
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This one is for the in the closet Crybaby D*ck and his bitter HIV Postive pregnant wife, who thinks I don’t know about every little spell, they pay someone to cast and send my way, just because it didn’t make it on a blog post. Blog post are not making it because I am making tea and stirring it.
 https://youtu.be/j3tVrEsHCKs  - Heart Attack Spell Failed
https://youtu.be/HUxef4OMSn4 - Plot to Spread STDS and more hate. Failed.
https://youtu.be/zm5ABNEOaJE - I know all my Energy Hoes miss me! - Jcole (when she plugged her nose at the end...I knew God was throwing shade at the basic betch). Elias you are developing clairalience, a heightened sense of smell. https://www.alittlesparkofjoy.com/clairalience/
https://youtu.be/3r7RvPjWgw8 - Round of Applause for Elias Making it Out Alive 
God Playing Matchmaker
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By the way, this particular reader was used continuously per The God of Spirits because she went through a similar situation with a man who chose another woman. This man is going to come across this blog and know that he should have chosen this woman instead of the other woman. God wants this man to come to him and ask him how to approach this woman because they will cross paths again and this is his soulmate. (awwww...i was wondering why I was using her back-to-back) and don’t be trying to take her man basic betch its a no. 
https://youtu.be/qxXDZ5fCovU - Get it Right by Tone Stith 
The Backfire (Karma)
God told me to tell Crybaby d*ck, that you and your wife are the cause of the fetal heart attack your unborn child will have in May (Taurus Baby). Unfortunately, you are approximately 30 weeks pregnant and live in a state where you no longer qualify for an abortion. You will carry this baby to term, and it will also be a stillborn. 
Whatever you send to Gods’ children will backfire and effect your own. I am going to break this down for all the slow bloodlines out there... STOP. CASTING. SPELLS.
You should have spent that money on your hospital stay or water.
(and no before you ask... the baby is not going to Heaven because it belongs to you)
Pay Attention To Your Abortion Laws People:
For Elias’ Adoptive Mother: Did You Not Think I Would Save Your School Principal with no Principles a$$ a spot on this blog? (when honor thy mother and father no longer applies)...
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Elias told me once in conversation not to talk about his mother (a son being protective and defending his mother which is normal). Out of respect for Elias this is why I haven’t said anything about you until now. But you deserve this. 
Concoct one more evil plan, you bitter, egotistical, racketeering, money laundering, jealous he is not about to give you a dime or anymore of his time hoe and I will concoct one too. Ask my family, I could give a f*ck about you being old, if you disrespect me or someone I love; you could be elderly limping on a cane with cancer and I would kick that cane right from underneath an old hag and keep on walking. I am the new Mother now betch, and you won’t see not half a coin before you die. What you need to do is focus on your real son (crybaby d*ck) and start planning his funeral; side by side graves...? I don’t know, you figure that out, since you like planning so much betch, plan that. All I know is Elias and I will not be donating to your cause dead or alive. So, I suggest you play bingo with somebody else. 
How does it feel to know nothing good came from your own flesh and blood (bloodline). You murdered Elias’ real Father, which is why you get emotionally triggered every time Elias would ask you about him. Aww poor Hoodoo Witchdoctor Godmother (Root magic). Elias’ real Father chose to be with Elias’ real mother over you; you got jealous, cast a love spell on his Father, poisoned his real mother and since they had a child (Elias), you upgraded from Godmother to Stepmother. However, Elias’ Father woke up from that love spell and still didn’t want you and wouldn’t allow you to legally adopt Elias. So, you killed Elias’ Father and took what he had. Placed Elias in the system (adoption) and then went back to adopt him, so that you could be tied to the inheritance and energy attached to him too.
It was your plan to bring that basic betch back into Elias’ life, the same toxic betch you knew hurt him in the past; the same one you had to help Elias get a restraining order against.  The first love spell cast on Elias as a teen was the basic masonic hoes idea; how dare a masonic betch come for your son right? 
But then Elias met a new woman and you found out this woman was his future wife and he was going to leave your leech a$$ behind and take his inheritance with him. You found out this woman who was his future wife could be a bigger threat to you than the basic masonic betch from the past. You were right, you psychotic narcissistic demon lmao. So, you teamed up with Elias’ ex girlfriend and her masonic family, who also wanted a piece of that inheritance. Do they know you were still planning to take them out, after you got Elias to put your name on the will? Do they know now? Jesus Christ. smh.
It was your plan to make Elias believe those children were his and not your real son crybaby d*ck.
Anyway...its no longer a secret that you are the mastermind of all of this betch.
You know what else I know?... you wanted Elias just like you wanted his Real Father. Did you touch Elias as a child?...I bet you did. Which is why Elias developed a sex addiction in the first place, right? You conditioned him to think sex meant love. You’ve been casting spells over Elias’ all his life which is why it was so hard for him to break free of them. You’re a child molester, whether Elias remembers it or not. I know what you are. 
Since you didn’t have the emotional intelligence to tell Elias this truth. I did it for you. I can see why you struggled. I can find a way to tell the world without exposing Elias and I, if you want? Or maybe I will let Elias decide. 
Damn, a child molester and a school principal. I wonder what people will think? Stay away from Elias, your pendulum magic isn’t working, mess around and fall right into a sinkhole if you want to betch per Angel Gabriel
I Am So Glad I Got to Meet the Family, 
Your Daughter-in-Law
(Elias do you think they like me?)
https://youtu.be/QJI-DuUsrrY- Elias’ Wife Roasting Elias’ Fake A$$ Wannabe Mom-Wife
https://youtu.be/-Mbr2s5lSLw - Elias You’re Forgiven (When you spin the block one more time to cuss this witch out).
https://youtu.be/6zckQ5kxXkM - Monster - Beth Crowley
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Cassandra A. There are 7 letters left in your last name...would you like to play Hangman? Middle Schoolers love that game, right? If I win, what prize do I get? How About a Leave Us the F*ck Alone?
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https://youtu.be/DdwVDglxQvU - Tarot on Cassandra Behind the Mask
Cassandra, do you know what I hate. A stalker. Especially, when I catch them stalking me after I’ve told them to stop stalking me. Do you understand what prize you are going to get, if you do not stop stalking me? 
By the way you took your linked in profile picture down, but you are still on twitter. I’ve tweeted your pictures to a folder and am currently making copies. Oh and if I get hacked betch, you are getting hacked and I have a feeling the public will believe my evidence over yours? No spell work needed. 
Elias, although I am broke and have been homeless...as you can see, I have done this for free... I am not in this for the money. I did, however, need someone to practice on sorry it was your fake a$$ family, but I thought I might as well do a free favor for a friend. Anyone who knows me which I’ve found out is NO ONE!... knows that I have no desire to be famous and cannot be bought like most people can. I like privacy its peaceful. Elias, you have to decide what you want and what you are going to do ...but I am leaving in two weeks, whether you are here or not. I have gotten used to rolling the dice and free falling not caring if I live or die. So, you and God can figure out what you are going to do...I am leaving in 2 weeks. 
Bye Cassandra.
https://youtu.be/l3ZfjqyqEA4 - A Narcissist Worst Nightmare Tarot 
https://youtu.be/jz2nP0QzknE - Hard to Kill Lyrics 
Root Witchdoctors (Hoodooism) 
https://www.spiritualityhealth.com/articles/2021/02/Hard 23/the-hoodoo-blues
Does God Hate Gay People? God is Pro-Human. 
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https://youtu.be/Dkk9gvTmCXY - You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
So, this is a very controversial topic, I have been thinking about how to explain this in the best way possible, so that your perception on how God views homosexual/bi/pronouns etc changes. Just because crybaby d*ck and basic betch are a part of this community, does not mean we hate that community. In fact, The Melchizedek are pro-human. However, if you were to ask us what homosexuality is? We would place it in the mental illness category. Before you throw stones, look at it from a spiritual perspective that can be compared to a hormonal problem within your physical world (Earth).
So, you have estrogen (more for women) and testosterone (more for men) but when both of these hormones are out of balance a woman might start growing hair on their face or have a deeper voice, a man might develop less muscle mass, higher voice etc. Well in the spiritual world, you have people who talk about feminine and masculine spiritual energy. Energy is literally your soul (mind). So, if masculine and feminine energy are out of balance in the spirit...your soul (the mind) is going to think its feminine when your body is clearly showing you that you have masculine body parts and vice versa. So, in that humans mind, they are going to think “I feel like I was born in the wrong body.” 
There are many born like this due to the fall of humanity, this does not mean these people do not deserve human rights, like healthcare. This does not mean The Melchizedek or God support self-mutilating surgeries or same sex marriage. However, The Melchizedek understand that on Earth instead of fixing the problem, humanity has normalized it; this is how people have evolved overtime in order to cope with this mental illness because they don’t understand how to fix it (don’t be ashamed; The Melchizedek look at it like any other mental illness or Personality disorder).
For those who have developed gender mental illness later in life, it can kind of be compared to an “identity crisis’ where you are still trying to figure out who you are and so you start testing the waters (switching in and out of masculine and feminine energy, trend following “i’m bi-curious,” “i’m both genders” can also confuse your identity development or slow it down.) Which is why you have some people who have been convinced at a young age to partake in self-mutilating surgeries and later they may wish they had not (their masculine and feminine energies started to balance out whereas others may experience lifetime stagnancy).
This is a very difficult mental illness to correct, especially if a person is born like this but no holy water, nor exorcism etc is going to work and no being gay cannot send you straight to “hell” your character however can.
 The cure for a gender mental illness is learning to balance out the chakras, which is something that would need to be practiced within a community that is in agreement. Honestly, this topic is far from what The Melchizedek are focused on and we are not really here to convince people...but this is our knowledge you can take it or ignore it. We don’t care either way. However, the Rainbow...we need that back... its copyrighted. 
Heaven Sending signs https://youtu.be/aa7A-E9eIFY - Born This Way - Lady Gaga
Although, God did create humanity, humans evolve overtime on their own whether they have The Melchizedek as leaders or they do not. God created Humans, God does not create mental illness or sickness by way of who humans choose to be led by. 
Please do not go to anyone claiming they can cure homosexuality with chakra energy bundles. If they knew how to do it...it would have been proven by now and google would be all over that sh*t. 
How I Healed My Feminine Energy and Stopped Cussing These Hoes Out! 
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Men and Women need both feminine and masculine energy like they both need estrogen and testosterone. However, Men need more masculine energy to function properly and Women more feminine energy to function properly. Some Men and Women are born in the wrong gender energy i.e a girl being born with too much masculine energy (think of a birth defect) this can be corrected if the energy is balanced out. This does not mean a girl cannot like what you call “masculine things” like sports such as wrestling, just that they do not know how to revert back to the feminine energy without struggling.
 As for people, not born in the wrong gender energy, there was most likely something you experienced right before you decided to shift into a more masculine energy or feminine energy i.e a break up, an abusive relationship, lack of attention (neglect), being a child having to take care of your siblings or provide for the family etc etc etc. There are others who are just followers, confused and still don’t know themselves which is why you have women who claim to be lesbians who end up pregnant and then say just kidding “i’m bi-sexual.”It can be different for everyone. Think about the world you live in as well not everyone has access to do the things they love like in the video below and take the time to figure out who they are. Your systems are not built for that kind of freedom. 
For some reason humans like to make excuses and support people and ignore problems even with substantial evidence that something is clearly wrong. If you have a body with female genitalia (evidence) but your mind is telling you that you are a man ???????? Why do we go to school? 
But yes, God loves Humans including Gay People. Why? because they are humans too. 
https://youtu.be/J5IbRU0sRE4 - healing feminine energy by Jillz Guerin
Fun Fact: Melchizedek used to track their periods using the Moon Cycle (it was called the Lunar Cycle)
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https://youtu.be/nr9Fu88GdxE - Nurturing Yourself During Your Cycle -Jill Guerin 
***note: you really don’t need a huge house in order to be comfortable or happy. However being able to have some kind of comfortable space is ideal in order to feel good about yourself and relax which everyone should be able to have so don’t view this video and think you need the exact type of lifestyle this person has in order to live an amazing comfortable life. No I am not saying anything is wrong with the way the person in this video  is living so don’t be hating on her...***
I am more focused on ...
Where the idea of castles with 100 rooms or more came from? Then, I thought of Eve and how God told her to be fruitful and multiply ...and I was like “Oh wow...that makes sense.” Otherwise, call me jealous if you want to but, why else would anyone need that many rooms beyond bragging & hiring modern day slaves, whilst doing rituals in the downstairs dungeon?
Blood-Poisoning (can occur from disease, food, water, air etc.)
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https://youtu.be/QcIy9NiNbmo - Bad Blood by Taylor Swift (Sound Familiar?)
This is what crybaby d*ck wanted for Elias’ Wife right? ...to lure her in using Elias’ Energy, rape, transfer an STD to her and get her pregnant for revenge in a state where she wouldn’t be able to abort right? Great job doing your research. Although, you might have been able to get her pregnant, Melchizedek blood is immune to human disease, once they start to mutate their body will destroy disease causing pathogens and their body will experience detox like symptoms fever, chills, vomiting, diarrhea, hives, seizures, fainting and symptoms of some diseases but they will not test positive for the disease.
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Code For: (Were You a “Transfer” (from Heaven) too? Or Dauntless (Sinner) Born. 
Which is why Elias was feeling sick; Elias was healing from the diseases being transferred while his opponents have been testing positive. This is also why Elias did not test positive for COVID. The Melchizedek Woman, even though she was living in homeless shelters, with no soap in the bathroom or mask wearing has not tested positive for COVID. If you are someone who has been vaccinated, boosted several times and have recovered, have an Inconclusive or negative test. Samjaza is suspicious of your bloodline (Family). Elias you still need to get an HIV test before you see me for your peace of mind not mine. I know I am right. lol. 
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https://youtu.be/FVlkbs32vGo - The COVID Test Result
https://youtu.be/oBEPD_AJUbA - The Test Didn’t Work
https://youtu.be/8Diu6MR_Y8g - Don’t Let Them Know Who You Are (If you are a vivid dreamer, God can use dreams to train you, alert you, speak to you, if you have the same dream over and over again there is a test you need to pass).
https://youtu.be/5ttoICpH0Vc - Be Quiet & Play Dumb
https://youtu.be/0SfwHWzAfFQ - Become an Actor (What Would a Homeless  Person Do? God Training the Melchizedek Woman)
https://youtu.be/GKfwLeZDEEU - Pass the Final Test And Prove That You Are From Earth Because They Are Watching All Of You On Your Social Media Accounts and You Better Not Be Surviving In a Supernatural Way! 
 The Melchizedek Woman wakes up The Melchizedek Man (Elias under a spell) https://youtu.be/7UhFzTWxzBo
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(Nothing we have shared with you is news to our enemy (Samjaza), which is why we share...its not a fair game if you don’t know you’re in one. Right..basic betch?
The Mutant Cure (No More God Traits...No More Humans) 
https://youtu.be/D7QBdxLPc0c - Part 1 of 3
Let me explain this one more time, not for you, but for the innocent people attached to you. (if you have friends or family, they better call you and have an intervention before they all end up under judgement) 
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Now that no one is stealing my energy, this means I can heal even with attacks being thrown at me. I. absorb. the. attacks. The most that happens to my body now is ...I get a little sleepy and I take a nap. Before I was feeling the effects because you were all being greedy energy vampires. However, Elias lent me energy through Reiki Healing, so I am not as weak, which is why the attacks you are sending are no longer working. If you saw the post where I stated “it won’t stop my death” I am talking about a death-like coma (i.e the phoenix spirit resurrects) and no you won’t be able to steal my energy anymore, because we know who you are (I was blind, but now I see). Now go through those energy withdrawals, like a champ and take your low (loss).
We Are Ahead of Schedule (Samjaza cannot predict prophecy) his/her plan is always to find The Melchizedek before they awaken to who they are and then take their energy...Samjaza did not expect God to send two of his smartest players (they are smarter than the previous Melchizedek that came before them and advance faster in their gifts). 
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Samjazas’Plan Examples:
Part 2 of 3 https://youtu.be/yiizHdqhEag - Samjaza finds Jean Grey (The Melchizedek) who is manifesting but doesn’t understand who she is. 
Part 3 of 3 https://youtu.be/oo52523RR3A - Samjaza convincing a Melchizedek they can take away the burden of their calling by convincing them to give up their energy or use them for evil.  (fast forward to 1:09 for an example of someone stealing energy).
https://youtu.be/cx7lbPE7Hpk - Please Don’t Go by Joel Adams (For Elias)
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The Result of Samjaza Getting a Melchizedek Woman Pregnant...an Abortion by any means necessary...Ask Eve. (Melchizedek Woman: I Don’t Know What Kind Of Money These Earth Hoes Are Receiving for Popping Out Abominations...But You Could Not Pay Me To Birth That)!
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https://youtu.be/kuV-i3yK9gI - Jean Grey Dies
https://youtu.be/53-jDbNCfqg- Laena’s Death House of Dragon
https://youtu.be/cl5caGn4_po - Eve Under a love spell pregnant by Samjaza secretly plotting to abort his mission because the love spell is wearing off
https://youtu.be/n2lTpPptOWA - The Love Spell Samjaza put on Eve wearing off and Eve finding out Samjaza is not Adam 
https://youtu.be/8nBFqZppIF0 - You should be sad - Halsey
As for the Earthside Magicians...Samjaza will use all of you and pimp you out for his/her own selfish gain...
https://youtu.be/HUHC9tYz8ik - Billie Eillish Bury a Melchizedek The Only One That Can Help You
You better learn to mind your own business and research who these bitter delusional people are paying you to send these attacks to before you send them. You don’t want to get caught up in a war and be surprised when your own bloodline starts dropping like flies out of nowhere.  
This is Your Final Warning. I am not going to keep posting the same old tarot messages predictions for you they have served their educational purposes...I am saving space on my blog to reveal all the things that you have done like crime. 
 smh (its almost like that unborn child has more brains than both of you combined at this point...I just can’t.) 
Silas on Standby: The Banshee Spirit (Angel of Death) the other half of this spirit is Azrael (Angel of Care). 
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https://youtu.be/WkoutXztQ_c - Releasing the Banshee (Final Warning) 
What happened was Azrael comes down from Heaven to keep a Melchizedek’s soul from leaving their body, if badly wounded. Silas, Azrael’s other half (her husband) collects souls; Silas was triggered by the soul of a spirit he recognized trying to Passover too soon “The Melchizedek Woman” who is like a little sister. So, while Azrael is busy keeping the soul intact, Silas has to come down and take out whatever is killing the soul. Silas is a warring spirit who outranks Arch Angel Michael and Samjaza (Satan).  (Wish the Melchizedek’s a Happy Marriage, Honeymoon and Life and Move on or Silas will help you and yours move on).
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Commercial Break: 
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True Story: 
When you find out the house you woke up in, is a house with a prostitution gang who have all kinds of illegal guns on the table but you are in their kitchen making coffee minding your own business...and one of the jealous drug addict prostitutes gets suspicious and starts threatening to beat your a$$ as she accuse you of being an undercover cop for being too pretty of a homeless person. (But your fear tolerance is unusually high)
The Melchizedek Woman: ***Sips coffee*** “Whoa...chill out, you can stay head prostitute I am not trying to take your spot hoe. 
 ***stands there awkwardly trying to figure out, if this betch is flirting with me as she tries to convince this gang I am a cop ..,smh.***
https://youtu.be/d-54NnZFEK8 - The Trap House
https://youtu.be/uBYy351FsUA - Elias’ Wife Riding the Bus 
https://youtu.be/3wmm3LDTHi4 -  Hood Princess lmao.
You Know God Has a Sense of Humor When He Uses the Sitcom Friends to Mock Elias and his Wife.
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https://youtu.be/YXOUOOtfTBs - The I Hate Elias’ Wife Club!
https://youtu.be/LHmMTZR30E4 - Elias’ Wife Finds Out Shes in a Love Triangle
https://youtu.be/XBjNcLnj4AY - How Elias’ Wife Reacted When She Accidently Left Him a Happy Birthday Voicemail Before They Lost Contact...Unsend it God!
https://youtu.be/EbFjP0Ajti8 - Elias Wife Being Cared for by Random Men While Carrying His Eggs (Real Babies Around) as he stalks her through false tarot readings. Gabriel said this would make Elias mad but it’s true. lmao.
https://youtu.be/L81XWiDgmTk - Elias Marrying the Basic Betch Under a Black Magic Spell...his poor subconscious calling out for his real wife...getting beat up by the basic betch whenever he fux up and calls out for help from his real wife...lmao.
https://youtu.be/Bnju9eUUuxo - When you keep asking God if you should wait on Elias or prepare to act like a damsel in distress at the tram station... does he need more time, Lord?
https://youtu.be/AtEAowkhd1M - The Basic Betch still delusional after Elias Marrys his real wife
Meet the Basic Betches God Santa Muerte 
Today I got a new roommate and I pretended to know nothing about the spiritual world or the occult. This prompted this roommate to educate my dumb naive a$$ about how she was once a dark witch ...who served a spirit deity called Santa Muerte...apparently if you promise this spirit something you better be able to pay up with whatever you promised the betch or you will start seeing her skeleton-like-figure in your household haunting you. When I asked the roommate how she was able to go from a dark witch to a light witch after serving this spirit...she said she has never met anyone who has been able to end a contract with this spirit and lived to tell it. She told me she was still attached (enslaved) to this spirit and showed me her tattoos of Santa Muerte that she got in order to please this spirit. She has also practiced love spells on several men and mixed her menstrual blood in honey inside jars and dipped the pictures of her victims in it (never put it in their food though...if you want to give her props). Did you know Santa Muerte is a spirit with an actual name known by The God of Spirits?...If Elias calls this spirit by its actual name, he will be able to help you (basic betch) and your power of three witchy fake flimsy rooting for your downfall a$$ friends get out of that contract). I was wondering why over the past few days I have been hearing someone summoning a “Death Angel” or “Goddess of Darkness” at first, I thought you people were insulting me but now I understand it was all a misunderstanding. Maybe you should chant harder and let Santa Muerte know that your sacrifice is staying in the same room as one of your soul sisters under a similar contract just like yours. Let’s make a bet, if I am murdered in my sleep your God is more powerful than The God of Spirits and Santa Muerte wins as the most powerful God...Get to chanting, ok?  Oh, this roommate is also pregnant and her boyfriend just went to jail which is why she ended up in a shelter ...crybaby d*ck are you behind bars yet? 
The Originals - https://youtu.be/79PGD-QMPJ4
Jesus Sends Demons into Pigs
...just in case any of you stalkers were wondering what I did over the Eclipsed Moon. Yawn. Don’t Panic. I’m still breathing. I know you masonic hoes are happy for me.  
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(2 weeks ago... The Melchizedek Woman was trying to decide between spending the only money she had on an outfit for her date with Elias or renew the domain for the Phoenix Mosheh website... God told her to buy her date outfit. In her mind, this was a bad investment because “what if our enemies try to steal it (Boohoo tears) God: let them take the bait and don’t say anything). 
The Plot to Take God’s LLC...Unfortunately, you have taken the bait. Phoenix Mosheh is not our LLC otherwise we would have copyrighted this legally before putting it out to the public. It is however being used to bait our enemies (thieves). 
Why do you think Phoenix Mosheh has not made any money yet? ...because it is not time. We are very, very, strategic. So, if something seems too easy to steal, I would think twice about why it’s just sitting out there for anyone to steal. (However, you should not be stealing anyway). 
The Phoenix Mosheh book currently out there, isn’t even the real book. Only the Melchizedek will sell this book under their real LLC and under their real copyright. The fake book had to be made visible to the public which is why the book distribution companies including amazon were being used. So, if it’s not copyrighted by the Melchizedek, there is a reason dumba$$. For any future wannabe thieves, think twice before you try to steal and pirate The Melchizedeks’ intellectual property. If you are stealing from The Melchizedek, you are stealing from God. Be bold and steal from God if you want to. 
Once again...The Melchizedek are currently adolescents (children) which means they need people to practice on. You don’t want to be practiced on...unless you have a fetish for your life falling apart.  
https://youtu.be/599nHA_Cclc - Steal it Idiots. (tarot from 2 weeks ago) 
As of 4/18/2023 
Phoenix Mosheh is gradually transitioning over into its real business name created by both Elias and his wife in celebration of them becoming one.
(Elias never liked my business logos...What? Phoenix Mosheh wasn’t a good enough name for you Elias!)
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Did you know if you buy from someone with a legal business name under the Phoenix Mosheh brand you can sue them for Fraud?
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Phoenix Mosheh is gradually transitioning over into its real business name which will be revealed in time. You may have noticed Phoenix Mosheh does not ask for money on any of its social media pages, besides the GoFund me page (a set up), which will be taken down. If our enemies would like to use the name Phoenix Mosheh or any of the intellectual property that we have already copyrighted, under our real business name...this is committing fraud and The Melchizedek will sue you privately. Why? because we already told you brain damaged bloodlines...you are not getting any f*cking money. So go ahead and pretend to be Phoenix Mosheh, if you want to. If you accidently buy a Phoenix Mosheh book because you somehow missed this message, you will know because the books will have key identifiers such as errors, unfinished book cover prints, and different storylines, books will also be under a publisher ISBN owned by the book publisher i.e lulu.com instead of listing The Melchizedek new business name as the actual publisher. If you don’t know what that means...every book out there right now is under lulu.com as the publisher. Once the new Phoenix Mosheh business name is released this name will be listed as publisher instead of lulu.com. (lulu publishing has been an awesome resource for self-publishing... so don’t hate on them). Anyway, again if you buy a book or any other Phoenix Mosheh merchandise and someone owns this company under their LLC etc etc. You should sue this company for fraud and misleading the public because they are not the real creators of any Phoenix Mosheh products. 
Phoenix Mosheh was and is meant to supply free content to the public in order to help those who have been taken advantage of for generations with the wrong religious indoctrination no longer be taken advantage of 
Please continue to enjoy the FREE Phoenix Moshe content as we transition over into the real thing. 
Thank You. See You in Court Brain Dead Betches.
Did You Know in Heaven Elias and His Wife Get Promoted from Chief Detective and CIA Agent to Spiritual Hitman? Elias Surpasses Me.
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https://youtu.be/32RAq6JzY-w - FAST X Trailer
Did you know one of the ways Samjaza (Satan) could tell that The New Melchizedek were coming is because people of all complexions, races and ethnic backgrounds began to come into agreement about certain things.  Segregation is a sign of “No Melchizedek” in the world. Samjaza does not care about what color you are, where you are from, who you are etc., he would use and discard any one of you, if it meant he could win. Emphasis on the discard per basic betch and crybaby d*ck. smh. Where he at though?! lmao.
that bounce back is about to be fire …Yal Ready?
When you keep trying to save mankind and they keep on trying to tame you…
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https://youtu.be/RVd_71ZdRd4 - Strangers by Halsey 
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When You Take Back Your Energy
When that basic betch thought you were lying when you said “you were taking back your energy”...find a different Beauty SnapChat filter betch...
https://youtube.com/shorts/-YLB33nCvzw?feature=share - Energy Snatch Clip
https://youtu.be/61kYiio6tTE - Man Snatch & Gifts Snatch I told you basic betch
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When the light and dark-skinned people come into agreement and agree the basic betch is a walking hazard to society...no matter her skin color 
https://youtu.be/Vyp4BQjW3zg - Menstrual blood spell work ick...be careful who you take food from. 
https://youtu.be/ymPfRA10UXw - No seriously 
https://youtu.be/hzOs8i1SJ2Q- take caution.
https://youtu.be/r_3REvl0Ldw - lol.
The Copiale Cipher Masonic Family Update 
(Do I have to come on here and post in order for you all to feel validated (seen)?)
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If I were you all, I would call off The Copiale Cipher you are thinking of doing on the Eclipsed Moon, it’s going to backfire.  Also, if you are going to try and steal (cipher) my soul (energy) again, the least you can do is invite me to your Presbyterian Church. I am not familiar with that denomination, but I love sitting in church pews pretending like I give a sh*t just like you. Shouldn’t you be more focused on praying for your niece’s soul, instead of trying to take someone else’s? If you have a funeral for her ...you masonic hoes better invite me...don’t worry, I can keep a secret. 
The Copiale Cipher (Pigpen Cipher)
https://youtu.be/I_4rRM8CIwU - oh how the tables are turning...
FYI Some Shelters allow you to cook your own meals (no menstrual blood was used in the making of these meals) Elias remember when I used to send you pictures of my dishes and you used to put little hearts next to them?<3 God told me to show up that basic betches menstrual blood spaghetti and tell you your real wife is a gourmet chef in the making...(High Carb Fiber Protein Diet) 
Veggie Eggrolls & Mediterranean Grain (rice quinoa lentil mixed) w/Honey Glazed Peppers and Sweet Zesty Mandarin sauce made from Greek Yogurt.
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Creamy Fetta Kale Macaroni Pasta 
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if you have PTSD from that basic betch... I’ll let you watch me cook or cook with me until you trust that I am not trying to poison you. 
( I can’t believe I have to say this but basic betch don’t take screenshots of my dishes to catfish some other poor soul online into believing this was you ok...smh.) 
https://youtu.be/TNB0rgz_9Tc - Perfect Timing - Tone Stith
https://youtu.be/6nr8hPnZfMU - Upgrade You - Beyonce
You all are a bunch of sore losers lol. By the way once you talk to whomever you need to talk to in order to get my IP Address. I will be using a different IP address. Also, something you should prepare for in the future... the connections you think you have with larger corporations that own all these little social media sites that like to block, censor and hide the truth will start allowing The Melchizedek to sell you out simply for the fact that they do not want to be sold out. They are going to start saying...every man for themselves cartel cult...no need for all of youtube to be shut down because you got caught... because you are slow (low IQ).
What would happen if the Melchizedek Woman started to use all of youtube to expose you all...are they going to shut down all of youtube for your hush money?...that would be suspicious as f*ck in the public’s eyes... be careful. k? And I will cover the people and or readers I use...so if their accounts do get shut down its in their best interest... you dollar store skeleton worshipers however, will be in the dark and no opponent should go to war fighting blind, it is never a smart move. 
https://youtu.be/puRUhzyYaz8 - did you like the video where this reader stated you are so scared of being exposed that someone is trying to pay youtube to shut down her account. lmao. Did it get deleted yet?  It had a lot of curse words in it...a lot of vulgarity, a lot of truth. I love truth.  
And the truth is no matter what you will still be exposed...because I am being selfish, and I want to orgasm.
What is your IP address? (Yes, I am flirting with you don’t break my heart and tell me you’re not interested <3 it’s called sexting are you not turned on?)
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roskimag · 3 years
Musicmusicmusi by Lauryn Jones
I am really particular about my music. I’m one of those people you will not catch without either my AirPods or headphones, nodding my head or tapping to the beat of whatever song I’ve decided is the best backing track for the situation at hand. The amount of music I listen to in a day can almost seem absurd. From mumble rap to country music to original broadway cast recordings, I listen to it all. Because of this constant consumption of content, however, I find myself overwhelmed with choice when it comes to playing music for an utterly uninteresting task like getting ready in the morning, walking down the street to work, or taking a break in class. I used to find myself spending 20+ minutes frantically sifting through my recently played and liked songs, trying to find just the right track. It was in my desperate attempts to remedy this problem of wasting time that Top 10 was born. Top 10 is a weekly playlist curated by me of 10 songs (in no particular order) that I play when I don’t know what to listen to. These tracks have no rules. 
These are some of the types of tracks that tend to make it on the playlist--
A song I obsessed over in middle school that I completely forgot about until this very moment
A song that’s been stuck in my head for the past few days
Something my friend told me I would “fuck with to the highest degree” 
My favorite track from an anticipated album that just dropped 
A song with a verse I want to commit to memory
The cool part about Top 10’s is that I make the playlists public. This means my friends, family, enemies, stalkers, ex-partners, and any other cool people who like music and want to see what I’m doing can check out my playlists and see what I’m listening to this week. Even cooler, my friends have also started making their own Top 10’s. For example, one of my friends updates weekly like me, another one updates whenever they have time, and another one does 10 albums rather than songs (updated every month or so). 
Honestly, it’s a really cool way to get into new music, get reintroduced to tracks you used to really like, or, at the very least, do something fun and creative with and for yourself every now and then. If you try it out, DM me on Instagram or Twitter (@suplauryn on both platforms) and I’ll give it a listen! 
This Week’s Top 10 (On Apple Music: @suplauryn & Spotify: @joneslauryn) -- 
Warm Enough by Donnie Trumpet & The Social Experiment feat. Noname and JCole
Drop the Game by Flume feat. Chet Faker 
Thank You by Dido
Monster Mash by Bobby “Boris” Pickett feat. The Crypt Kickers and Bobby Pickett
Self Love by MAVI
SWEETBABYRAE by stoop lee
Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd 
Thriller - Single Version by Michael Jackson
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newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/naija-gist/metro-life/wizkids-performance-with-drake/
Wizkid’s Performance With Drake: Fan Media Superiority War With Team Davido
Social media was recently set on frenzy after videos of Wizkid’s performance with top Canadian rapper Drake, surfaced online.
We reported earlier that the superstar rapper in the middle of his performance made an announcement that he needed one more song.
To help him with this song, he called on the Nigerian singer, whose emergence instantly excited the audience as he performed his 2018 hit single, Soco.
As expected, after the video surfaced, fans from the singer’s camp have managed to pick up a battle of comparison with star singer Davido’s camp.
A number of the singer’s fan received the news with mixed reactions and they could not resist taking a jab at the Fall crooner. See some tweets from team Wizkid below:
Wizkid fans about to go ballistic when they wake up. Isimma odeh preparing unknown facts about Wizkid’s shadow, and Davido fans looking for how wizkid didn’t enter with enough swag. Sigh, it’s going to be a long day. https://t.co/n60RiEA7Jk
— Umeh and 99 others (@UMEHoma) April 9, 2019
Wizkid always kills Davido’s erunrun achievements with bigger comebacks. A legend I stan 😂 pic.twitter.com/Z6KaCN1k3W
— Tessy Hyzeek (@TessyHyzeek) April 9, 2019
Upon all the hype frog and his follow froggies 🐸🐸 made ,they couldnt even perform with j.cole. not even a picture. DAVIDO 30bg na wash 😷👎🏽👎🏽👎🏽
— 🇳🇬 (@NonameSkipthat) April 9, 2019
I Preferred Davido to Wizkid but i deeply know in my mind that Wizkid is far far better than Davido.
— Cabrón 🐐 (@AbiodunFord) April 8, 2019
Simililary, Team Davido also had some dragging for Wizkid’s team, as they proved they would not just standby while their favorite was dragged. See some tweets below:
Imagine comparing Jcole to Drake ! Jcole > Drake Davido > wizkid ……everybody brought their match Davido performed for 2hrs, wizkid performed 1 and half song before drake pursue am .
— WOMB SHIFTER 😈🤾🏽‍♂️ (@iam_alenfrosh) April 9, 2019
Dreamsville festival sold out 40,000 capacity Davido performed. Drake sold out 02 arena 20,000 capacity wizkid performed. One currently has a song buzzing up urban charts The other one is giving us Instagram snippets after 3months on break I know my Fav! Do you know yours?
— FELA GRANDSON😎 (@badboyjerrie) April 9, 2019
King #Davido is being booked for the biggest festivals in the USA and the https://t.co/j6SI4dw8Tn.Dreamville festival,Summer jam festival etc.. till #Wizkid music career end,he will not smell these shows!! dis is because he is a fake artist,a song thief and a houseboy to drake!!
— GLOBAL PUBLICIST #BBNAIJA2019 (@NwanneChukwuka) April 8, 2019
It would be recalled however, that despite the efforts of some fans to undermine the achievement of Davido, he also recently made history as the first African-based artiste to perform on international rapper J.Cole’s Dreamville festival. See tweet below:
Davido has become the first African-based Artist to perform at J Cole's Dreamville festival in Raleigh, North Carolina. pic.twitter.com/YwQdwHysYu
— Africa Facts Zone (@AfricaFactsZone) April 8, 2019
Some fans expressed that both singers should both be commended for their achievements and the impact they have brought to Nigerian music, instead of the needless battle of supremacy pitted by their fans. See tweets:
Seen the DAVIDO performance at the JCOLE show?mad scenes,the love,the vibe,the joy,WIZKID killed it at the DRAKE show too,beautiful moment,drake was happy,wizkid as usual was a total vibe,we need more guys to step it up like these great men,Africa is blessed!Nigeria is blessed!!!
— omogbolahan🗣 (@Joyfultalks1) April 9, 2019
Wizkid and Davido are definitely the hottest export in Nigerian music Inc. at the moment. We all should appreciate them rather than always comparing them. They are both legendary, love them! but Wizkid is more mature and definitely better. Nobody should argue again pls.
— MC Wizz official (@mc_wizz) April 9, 2019
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