#however i have a zero tolerance policy for entitled rude little brats and it’s best we establish that early on <3
wayliparker-co · 2 months
so are you copying campbyler's story too or just everything else?
hi anon! i was gonna just let this ask rot bc you’re being so rude abt it but i do think your question is something worth addressing so just as a blanket statement for anyone else who’s considering being a dick to us abt this:
we both adore suni and thea and the whole universe they have crafted with acswy, and it’s true that we’ve drawn some inspo from the way they set up the campbyler blog! however, blogs for fics aren’t a new thing by any means, and saying that we *stole* the concept from them is simply not true by any stretch of the imagination. plenty of people create blogs for fics, and ours is intentionally structured a little differently than theirs - for example, we intend to do multiple fics together both in and outside of the cmwygas universe, so this blog is more of a home base for our brand as co authors than it is a Fic Blog in the way that campbyler is.
additionally, once we start posting the fic you will see that it is Very Very Different to acswy in terms of vibes and content - the only real similarity is that it is also an au. however, if any part of that is going to upset you, you’re more than welcome to stop hiding behind the anon function like a coward so we can block you on all platforms!! reading privileges are for Nice People only 👍
finally, and possibly most importantly: it does not do anyone any good to compare authors and stories to each other. best case scenario you piss people (i.e. ME) off, worst case you intimidate or harass someone into not wanting to share their art! and that is never EVER okay. for anyone that might still be worried, i can assure you that we have the explicit consent of The thea wiseatom in creating this blog, and we would never Ever want to step on her or suni’s toes in any creative endeavors so we take this very seriously. hopefully this clears up any confusion, as we will Not be tolerating shit like this from now on ❤️ the defense rests thank you so much.
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