#however ive also finished none of them. well actually i checked earlier today and ive finished 1 out of 4 so like good for me. however
hopeheartfilia · 3 years
ive decided im making this crotop tshirt today,and i keep wondering "how much more ridiculous will this endeavour get", as it goes on
#i mean its going fine? i am winging half of it because i refuse to like not do that. i am the mebodiment of Just do it#in a way i canonly be at 3 am where im gonna do that thing for hours and only think of that thing#however theres been this problem where i forgot to washmy linen before i drafted my patter#so now im waiting for it to dry after i handwashed it at 2 am#so i almost just started learning java script but luckily for this project i didnt#so now im watching some more sweing videos ive watched before and a few new ones#yes i intend to sew this by hand because i have no sweing machine#yes i lost count of how many times ive watched the bernadette banner video on the topic like two years ago#... wait when did that video even come out#well its definetly been an year#i Have tried to sew some half assed peojects before and by that i mean that ive modified a few of my clothes that i intended to trow out#however ive also finished none of them. well actually i checked earlier today and ive finished 1 out of 4 so like good for me. however#i havent worn it because i didnt like how the trifted skirts fabric actually acts as a skirt even if the patern is cute#and i may have sown a pocket to it already but at this point i might try and turn it into a top#perhaps hop on the corset trend fashionably late with mariah tewers inspired style boning#and also a week of looking into historical corsetry because thats hoe i usually do thing#yes ive been meaning to do thid crop top for 2 weeks and im doing it today because i actually went and god the old wraping paper#and a bunch of terry pratchet books and also unopened at least 7 year old scrabble#aaanyway i based the pattern on like 3 seperate tops and put most of the lines in the middle because thats how i wing stuff#But Basically its going to be black linen ive had for.. 2-3 years and never done anything with#i mean i intended to make an edwardian skirt at some point but I dont really want to fuck it up at my current skill level#anyway so im making this black linen cropt top tshirt with white textile painted ivy design on the sleeves#thats the part im confident about because i like the shape of ivy and also i embroidered ivy on a choker semi successfully so it probably#wont be my worst rendition of ivy to date#however i am wondering if i should just leave the Ivy shapes white or mix it with some of my acrylic ink in order to have some green ivy..#Aaand that is the way madness lies so i probably wont do that due to the high plausibly fuck it up likeliness#anyway. ivy sleeves#Which summer hobby in which i should be working on art portfolio will be more time consuming? Sewing or Web Development?#both of theese are tangently related to the protfolio bussiness but not what i should be focusing on in general#sewing
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itdisneymatter · 7 years
Day 02 - Epcot
TLDR: Epcot. A slightly later start today though a pretty full and non stop day once we began. Spaceship Earth up first, squeezed into the Ellen's Energy Adventure, then Test Track with a touch of competitive spirit. Living with the Land, Circle of Life and then Soarin’ in quick succession. Finished off with the new ride - Frozen Ever After and decided to skip out on World Showcase in favour of heading straight to Miller's Alehouse for my first proper meal of the trip. Walmart, then home, early (earlier).
The future is what you make it!
Sooo Robert had been unimpressed by the shops we had visited to far, mainly because they didn’t stock Pokemon cards. With the thunderstorms last night, we promised we visit Walmart first thing, which we did prior to picking up my Mum & Dad for Epcot. That meant skipping breakfast. Again. Picked up a wee rucksack so we could carry around all our rain jackets and little extras. Robert got his Pokemon cards and Gracie managed to find yet another collectable in the form of Hatchimal miniatures. Patrick and I had been speaking prior to the holiday about another card collection called Magic: The Gathering, but neither me nor him knew much about them. He picked up a starter pack to have a look. As someone who like his RPG and Fantasy things, I was a little intrigued. I dont think it will take Patrick long to become an expert.
Swung back around to pick up my Mum and Dad who were waiting for us at their Hotel with coffee in hand - result! The other party (which I'll cover in just a sec), were heading to Mass first and planned to catch us up at Epcot when they were done. So let me backtrack a little and explain who is actually all here as I havent yet done so and were already two days in - thats just impolite, so sorry.
Fifeteen of us in total. First off we have our wee family of five, Me, Ann, Patrick, Robert & Grace - Ive went on at length about all of us at some point in the past - yeah, you know who we are. Then its my mum and dad, Sadie & Wullie, Orlando veterans and all round great parents. My brother Michael is up next, with Sarah Jane, Corrie, Alessio and their wee baby who recently had her first birthday - Isabella. And finally we have my sister Pauline with Kevin & Emily. Both Emily and Isabella are first timers to Orlando and all things Disney, so makes it an extra special visit. Ourselves and my parents share the first car, My brother, sister and their families share the second. I'll refer to the latter as 'the other party' at times but this is entirely for brevity. Now, back to the story...
We ended up getting to Epcot around 10:30 which was right in time for our first Fast Pass - Spaceship Earth. A big slow moving train through the anals of Civilization, located in the big multi-faceted ball that Epcot is renowned for. Y'know its a fairly simple ride and I've done this it a fair few times now, but this like many others, never ceases to amaze me. If you've ever seen Inside Out, I imagine this whole place to be a core memory and have its own wee island somewhere in the depths of my brain, churning out little orbs of Joy. If you haven't seen Inside Out, then all of what I've just said will sound really really weird, but trust me - go watch it. Good start to the day!
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Hey You Guys! 
Next we checked out Test Track but it was down for some unknown reason, so grabbed some coffee and pastries will we waited for the other party (that being, oh wait right we did that already, didn't we?). By the wonders of Whatsapp and Feel at Home from Three (shameless plug), Kev let us know that they'd arrived and we arranged to met them back at the entrance. We'd coordinated our t-shirts today, those being our new Celtic Champions 6-in-a-row tee :) which made it real easy to spot them. On the subject of attire, zipped pockets - how amazing are they? I know I sound like I'm getting old, but they're definitely the way to go if you're on holiday!
Ann really hurt her eye over the course of the morning and it was progressively getting worse as time went on. I suggested that she patch over her eye to give it a rest, however this led me to call her One Eyed Willie, which didnt go down to well, so stopped in fear of my life (or having to walk the plank - right, sorry Ann, that was the last one, promise ;) x )
Next we headed to Ellen's Energy Adventure, a big moving cinema all about th wonders of energy hosted by the hilarious Ellen DeGeneres & Bill Nye, the science guy. Funny as well as factual too, couldnt go wrong.
Now came Test track, a ride where family loyalty went out the window as we went head to head to design the most efficient car. Super fast, fun ride and good to see the competitive spirit from everyone - even Gracie was doing a little trash talking (well she was in my team, otherwise I wouldn't have encouraged it ; ). In the end, we failed to hit top spot, but our car was easily the best looking one out the lot (all designed by my lovely co-pilot Gracie).
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Scores on the doors were as follows:
Ann, Kevin & Pauline - 208 Michael, SJ & Emily- 205 Me, Dad & Grace - 204 Patrick, Robert & Corrie - 156 (who intially claimed 226 - what a bunch 'a chancers!)
All  in all great fun and everyone loved it (especially Gracie who wanted go back on it straight away).
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Living With The Land Fast Pass (on the other side of the park) up next, which we made it with 5 minutes to spare. Nice boat ride about farming and such (seriously) with Patrick even enquiring about the Behind The Scenes tour (or Behind The Seeds as they called it) - he just loves learning new things! He also managed to spot 2 hidden Mickeys on the ride (thats disguised Mickey symbols all over the Disney parks) -  so well done PG!
Quick stop at The Circle Of life, a wee environmental film featuring The Lion King's Simba, Timon & Pumba, which began with the song of the same name. That song gives me goosebumps every single time! *shudder*
After that was Soarin', which we had passes for, but everyone wanted to ride so meant we had to split up into two groups, one to watch Isabella while the other went on the ride. While we were waiting to ride (with views of an cool looking India Jones-esque style journey being mapped out on the screen before us), Robert asked the attendant out of the blue if we could get in the first row - good ole Ro! :)
This ride was Epic - its the only word to describe it. Flying through the air, over different landmarks of the world aking in hugs vistas, they even had different smells. Everyone loved it and even my Dad rearked it was the best ride yet as we walked off the ride.
Do you wanna build a snowman?
During the wait and switch-over of groups we came to the decision that the five of us and my mum and dad would head home after the last ride and try getting a proper bite to eat when it was a little quieter, whilst, Pauline, Michael & Co would remain in the park and finish off the remaining rides.
So onward it was to Frozen Ever After, Epcot's newest ride based on the extremely popular Disney movie and set in Norway (well Epcot's mini representation of Norway on their World Showcase). On our way, we bumped into Pluto (the dog, not the planet-oid-y thing), so used the opportunity to grab our first character autograph! Kids were really excited! There was a Disney Photo-pass photographer there too so managed to get some nice groups shots (except for ours, so had to use one of my own photos here as a backup).
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The ride was a great little boat trip through the Kingdom of Arendelle with Anna and Elsa (who is my favourite princess without red hair, ok ok, she isnt really a princess, yeah I know, but still). Even the Snow-gies made an appearance! And with the ride came another ride photo from the Memory Maker - excellent! :D The kids loved it and Emily was skipping out of the ride singing Let It Go at the top of her voice! :)
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So we said our goodbyes and left the other party then, who planned to continue their travels around the World Showcase and possibly grab Spaceship Earth, which they missed, on the way out. The World Showcase is an awesome thing, but I think the allure of a hearty meal after a long day was far too tempting for us.
We headed straight to Miller's Alehouse from the park in an attempt to avoid the queues and wait times... which we did! However once we were seated and after a quick scan of the menu - the Snow Crab that Gracie had set her heart on to share with me was no longer on the menu - she was more gutted than me! :( In its place I opted for a nice wee Flat Iron Steak & Coconut Shrimp combo, which was awesome. Grace and Ann chose to share the 35 Shrimp menu item (which was 35 shrimps funnily enough) and Grace inhaled about 18 of them. Man, that girl loves her seafood! The Nacho starter that Ann thought she might need however was an absolute mountain and in the end, defeated all of us (its really big enough for two peeps to share as a main meal if Im being honest). The food and menu options in the place are second to none so were definitely planning a return visit in the next few days with our entire group!
A second trip to Walmart rounded off the day in order that we could take a slightly more relaxed look at what they had to offer. The last time I was here I picked up some amazing Cinnamon Pecan coffee, but alas they appeared to no longer stock it or any equivalent. The boys picked up more trading cards, Grace picked up more Hatchimals and we got a variety of non-essential items including a Star Wars decal for the car, a Pecan pie (obviously I have a thing for Pecans) and some Harley Quinn Comics (and I have a thing for her too ; ). Had a look at the laptops too, which were ridiculously cheap, so toying with the idea of picking one up, but Ill need to do some in-depth investigations first.
Rest day on the cards for tomorrow with shopping planned in the am, so should a relatively quiet one. I'm kinda looking forward to it in all honesty, following the two successful but extremely packed days we've all had.
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heebiejbies · 8 years
Affliction - Chapter III
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Affliction Masterlist
Warnings: This series contains mentions of violence, abuse, and vulgar language. 
Characters: Lay, Suho, Chanyeol, and minor mentions of Sehun
Word Count: 3k
“The truth cannot be deceptive, and one who sees it cannot be deceived.”
The next morning, I came into work to find that Sehun had managed to keep his food down completely. His fever had broken during the night as well, but he still complained of a headache and faint abdominal pain. While that was good news, another patient seemed to have fallen ill with whatever it is that Sehun had.
“Yixing, if you will wait a minute I will help you to the bathroom.” He wasn’t as weak as Sehun was, but he still needed help to walk. The symptoms he showed were like the ones Sehun showed, but not nearly as strong. He also kept scratching at his throat, so I had to give him a bit of cream to subside the itch.
When I was helping Yixing lay back in his bed, I noticed he had the same marks on his neck that Sehun did. Some of his looked fresh, as if they had happened earlier this morning.
“How did you get these on your neck?” I inquired. He had fallen asleep before he could answer me, so I would just have to ask him when he awoke in a few hours.
I injected him with a bit of pain relief to help the abdominal pain he had. I went to dispose of the syringe, and I noticed how full the disposal bin was. I put gloves on, and went to get a garbage can so I could empty it. When I emptied his bin, I found something weird. There was a small vile and a few orange pills wrapped up in a towel in the pile.
‘Rifampin IV’ was imprinted on the vile. I remembered studying about this drug in nursing school, but what was it doing here? I knew it was used to treat Tuberculosis, but maybe it could have another use. Something told me that wasn’t the case, though. The orange pill, however, didn’t look like something I learned about. I decided that I would have to look it up later.
After I disposed of the trash, I sat down in front of my computer to look up Rifampin IV.
“Some side effects of an overdose include; Dizziness, vomiting and nausea, blurred vision, yellowing of the skin or eyes, pain in the stomach or abdominal area, seizures, and itching.” I kept reading the side effects over and over again, was someone purposely injecting them with a large amount of this drug?
I decided to look up the pill that I found wrapped up with the vile. It came up as Gleevec, a drug used to treat specific types of Leukemia and specific tumors in your stomach and digestive system. I read some of the overdose side effects, and they seemed to be a lot like the ones for Rifampin. The list included nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, edema, and decreased appetite. I didn’t know what the side effects of both of these would do if they were taken together, but I knew mixing medicines like this wouldn’t have a good outcome.
I went straight to Sehun’s room to see if the same was in his bin. Once I found that the same drugs were in his room, I had to check all of their rooms. I had searched every room except for one, and luckily only found them in Sehun and Yixing’s rooms. The last room to check was Suho’s.
I entered his room, not expecting for him to be sitting on his bed. It was their free period, so I assumed he would have been with the others in the rec room. Him being in here didn’t change what I came to do, though. I opened his bin, and again I was thankful to find that there was nothing out of the ordinary there. I let out a loud sigh, but my worries didn’t disappear for long.
“What did you find?” I turned to look at Suho, what does he mean by that? “You found something, or you wouldn’t be emptying out all of the disposal bins in the rooms,” He added.
“Is there something you’re not telling me?” I question.
“Actually, yeah. Soon enough you’ll see that the people you’re working for are not what they seem. They’re horrible people that use us as guinea pigs. The reason that we are split up from the others is because we found out what they were doing.” I’ve never heard him speak this much without being hostile towards me, so I was going to listen no matter what.
“They’ve been drugging us, with any and all drugs that they could find or think of to use. They drug us, see what reactions our bodies have to the drugs, and then they nurse us back to health. The others don’t know yet, and they split us up so we wouldn’t tell them what was going on.”
“You see them during your free period, don’t you? Why didn’t any of you say something then?”
He had a troubled look come across his face.
“There used to be twelve of us here. The other three… I don’t know what happened to them. There was Kris, Luhan, and Tao. Kris was the first one to find out. He told Luhan and Tao about it, but before they could tell anyone else they were gone. The four of us on this wing found out one by one after that. That bitch Lilly, when she knew I found out, she threatened to kill me. She even threatened to kill Sehun if I said anything. I love all of these guys like family, but Sehun… He’s like my little brother. I had to protect him, so I kept my mouth shut,” He finished his story, biting his lip to keep himself from crying.
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because I know you’re not one of them, yet. You need to be warned before they suck you into their sick game. Chanyeol thinks you’re one of them, which is why he reacted like he did towards you. That’s why I reacted like I did towards you. We lash out at them and want to hurt anyone that works here. We are not violent people, we are just violent towards them because we know of their bad intentions. None of us are crazy, we were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. They took us and put us here. They’ve convinced everyone that we are mentally insane criminals, but we’re not.”
I was going to respond, but I heard someone calling my name from the hallway. I gave Suho a sad smile, before exiting into the hallway.
Later on in the day, Lilly and I were finally alone together. I wanted to just come right out and ask her what the hell was going on, but I didn’t want to take my chances. Instead, I decided to bring up the medicines I found.
“Hey, Lilly? I found something weird today while in Yixing’s room today,” I started, I glanced over at her to see her reaction, “I found medicine to treat Tuberculosis and Leukemia? What was that doing in the disposable bin?” She seemed to hesitate to answer my question.
“Hello?” I asked, waving my hand towards her face.
“What was that again?” I knew for a fact that she heard me, but I repeated myself again just to play her little game.
“Ah, well. You do know about who they are right?”
“I was told a bare minimum about them, so not really.”
“I don’t blame you for being suspicious. They are masterminds of trickery. They might be insane, but they’re not stupid. They are deceivers, and they will play the victim and play helpless to gain your trust. Patient 94 and patient 10 are only pretending to be deathly ill to deceive you. I’m very sure that one of them found a way to sneak out of their room whenever you weren’t looking, and they planted those narcotics for you to find to try and turn your backs on us. Don’t fall into their traps, you’ll end up getting hurt.”
I felt torn with the situation in front of me. On one hand, what Suho had told me seemed like it was true, but on the other what Lilly was saying also sounded true. From what the other staff members here told me, these guys were nothing but crooks and murderers. They were sent here because they were found not fit enough to stand trial. I just can’t buy it, though. There’s something extremely odd about this situation. I saw how Sehun and Yixing were, you can’t fake being ill like that. You also can’t fake those marks they had on their necks. Why would Lilly be purposely drugging them, though? What would she gain from doing so? Why would she drug them just so she could bring them back to health? I wasn’t fully convinced that she was a victim, but I also wasn’t fully convinced that she was innocent.
Near the end of my shift, I decided I had to learn more about these three missing patients. If they were dead, maybe I could find death reports and clear up some of the confusion I was having. Lilly started watching me like a hawk since I asked her about the medicine I found. When I came out of a room, she was standing right there in the hallway. When I was working on my computer, she was standing behind me. She even followed me into the bathroom on one occasion.
I sneaked down the hall in the left wing, I had to ask Suho what the names were of the three. My hand reached for the door handle, but the door opened before I could grab it. I jumped back and hid behind one of the carts that were left sitting in the hallway. My heart almost jumped out of my chest when the cart was pulled away, but when I looked I saw that Lilly was pulling the cart away. I hurried into the room before she could turn around and notice me.
When the door shut, I locked it so that if someone tried to get in I would have enough time to hide. I turned around and rushed to Suho’s bedside. He had his eyes shut, but when I grabbed his hand he opened them slightly.
“Suho, I need you to tell me the names of the three patients again,” I called out to him, but he shut his eyes again. I tried to shake him awake, but it was no use. He was out cold. Out of habit, I checked his pulse. His pulse seemed normal, Lilly probably gave him something to make him sleep. Who was I going to ask about the names now? Who else would be easy to convince to speak to me? It would have to be one of the other ones in this wing.
I stood outside the door, my heart pounding in my ears. I looked up at the Roman Numeral on the door. LXI. Chanyeol’s room. I took a deep breath in, knocked lightly, and then went into his room.
“Back so soon, kitten? Have you thought about my offer?” He winked at me and licked his lips.
“Listen, Chanyeol. I don’t know what the hell is going on here, but I need answers. I need answers, and you can help me with them,” I said, walking closer to his bed in hope that he would believe me.
“Why should I help you?” He questioned.
“Because I’m trying to help you guys. I need to know the names of the three patients that used to be here with you all. Help me help all of you.”
“Alright, come closer and I will tell you.”
I crouched down near his bed so he could tell me. Before I could register what was happening, Chanyeol reached out and wrapped his hands around my throat.
“You stupid bitch! Do you think you could fool me? I know all of your games by now, I’m not an idiot! You all deserve to die for how you are treating us. You’re all going to die at my hands, I will see the life leave every single last one of your eyes. I think I will start with you, though,” He cackled.
I tried to pry his hands off of me, but his grip was too tight. My vision started fading, so I used the last bit of strength I had to say the first thing that came to mind.
I am thankful that I remembered one of the names that Suho had told me earlier. Chanyeol released me, letting me fall to the floor. I started coughing and trying to regain my breath. I felt extremely light headed, and I couldn’t see straight.
“How do you know that name?!”
I tried to respond, but I was so out of breath that I couldn’t.
“Tell me how you know that fucking name!”
“You nearly choked me out, why don’t you give me a damn minute before you start yelling at me!” My words made him keep quiet. I finally regained composure and was able to stand.
“Suho told me about them. He told me about all of them, but the only name I could remember was his,” I explained.
“What did you mean by ‘helping us’?”
I explained to him as to why I wanted the names, telling him that I would look for any information on their whereabouts. If they are dead, hopefully there would be reports of examinations on them to explain how they died. Possibly even the name of the coroner that handled the inspection of their bodies.
“Do you think I’m an idiot?” He spits out. Suho had told me that he was acting this way because he thought I was one of them. If everything he said was true, I am going to go with my gut that I have to prove my innocence to Chanyeol.
“Okay, listen to me for five minutes. Ever since I started working here, I have been absolutely confused as to what is going on. As far as I was told, all of you are mentally insane. I was only told I would have to administer medicine and provide bedside care to some of you when needed. Looking back on it, yeah I should have questioned why there was so little responsibility with the job, but I was desperate. I was told that all of you on this wing were violent, and you were chained up because you were dangerous. Everything that I have been told about this place has turned out to be all lies. Everything I have been told ends up getting contradicted by something else that is said.” I am fuming with anger at this point, I’m very sure my blood pressure was sky high.
“Well, you know-”
“I’m not finished! So then, Sehun gets so ill that he can’t even stand up by himself. I had to give him a sponge bath like he was an elderly person in a nursing home. He looked so weak, I felt so bad for him. Then Yixing comes down with what appears to be the same thing? Two healthy, young men have fallen ill with the same illness? There’s something going on there. And then I find these medicines in the disposal bins in their rooms, I looked up the side effects and over-dosage signs and the symptoms Sehun and Yixing had were covered under that. Then Suho tells me about how Lilly has been drugging you guys and that everyone in this wing found out so they moved you all here and threatened to kill any of you that spoke. He also told me that your three friends just disappeared because they were going to tell the others.
That’s not even the part that confuses me the most, I confronted Lilly about the medicine and she gave me some story about how you all were masters at deceiving and were just trying to gain my trust. She said that one of them must have sneaked out of their rooms and stolen the medicine and planted them, but why would any of you want to trick me? I’ve only been told about how insane and unstable all of you are, but of all people why would you want to trick me? I’m just so damn confused, and you still treating me like I am an enemy really isn’t helping me. Do you believe me now?!” I was breathing heavily from how frantic I was while explaining all of the events that had happened to me since beginning to work here.
Chanyeol seemed to be having a hard time taking in all of the information that I threw at him. I sat down in the chair beside his bed and laid my head in my hands. If he didn’t believe me still, I don’t know what I would do. I don’t know who else I could go to with this.
“Alright,” I looked over as he started to speak, “I believe you. You are going to have to be more secretive about snooping around and getting information about what’s going on from us. If anyone knows that you are prying around, they’ll try any means possible to get you back on their side. They’ll even go as far as threatening to kill you.”
“The names, Chanyeol. I need their names. Please, just tell me their names and I won’t ask anything else from you,” I pleaded. Who would have ever thought that I would be here begging a patient for information like this.
“You remember there were three of them right? Luhan, his name is Lu Han. Then there was Tao, his name is Huang Zitao. Finally, the one that you remembered, Kris. His name is Wu Yifan.” 
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