#however much MC diverges from the law
surely-galena · 1 year
I think Rosa intentionally broke a law. Recently looked into some laws because of yt and found this.
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With what she says at the end of episode 7, it's not straight up evidence falsification but that is almost too close to breaking the law for comfort.
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She straight up admits that it isn't verified, yet earlier she presents it in court as if it was confirmed.
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This is a bit in the gray area because technically it would be valid... if they had a bit more time, but they didn't, so this is possibly false evidence, because if the report came out and it's revealed that the gloves teardd after...
I think it'd be interesting if that was illegal, because it marks a loss of Rosa's moral/ethical compass in her pursuit of black & white justice.
Hi Rose! Sorry this took so long, I was swamped with classes and exam season (my queue has been getting a lot of use recently), but now I've got enough time to answer this!
I don't know if MC/Rosa intentionally broke a law because I'm not super clear on how the legal system in Stellis works (if I had to make a guess, it would probably be based on the Chinese legal system but I still wouldn't be 100% certain). So I'd agree with you about it being in a gray area because even if it isn't explicitly illegal, MC does admit it -- she made a deliberate choice to trick Irene into confessing.
And yet, at this point in the story, I think MC is still aligned with the law, or at least trying to do things by the legal system she's training under. It feels very much like a point of transition because the more recent chapters of the main story have really been digging into gray areas and the places where the law doesn't rectify everything.
We know from the prologue that somewhere along the line, something changes -- either symbolically or in a more tangible way. If we are indeed going to see Rosa lose her faith in the justice system, this could be a key moment to represent that. It might be a sign or something to foreshadow future events, but either way, it is interesting that it's not something the story treats as 'morally/ethically bad'.
MC does admit that Irene got dealt a really bad hand in life -- "Miss Burke, we will get you all the justice you deserve for the pain you went through." So you're right that she's still walking this path towards getting justice, even if it means resorting to underhanded tactics.
Apologies for dragging another fandom into this, but it also sort of reminds me of the DRV3 trials where at certain points, you have to lie in order to get the truth. And given that the way that ToT cases and DR cases wildly differ, it's definitely very interesting to see MC drift away from being strictly lawful to being a little bit more neutral in the way she deals with the people around her.
Anyway, thank you for the interesting thoughts, Rose! I'm keeping an eye out for MC as the main story progresses. Is she going to keep on the lawful path to justice, or are her methods going to diverge in some way?
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