#however the dark & cold dont have a good effect on my mental state
bunnihearted · 1 year
i need summer so bad rn i cant cope with this anymore
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unicronian · 4 years
a bunch of powers/hybrid smp character design hcs based around their powers in the mod:
(small warning for slight body horror in tubbo and wilbur’s sections, and horror themes in wilbur’s section)
this got long so here’s a snapshot of my fav bits above the read more:
tubbo can open his stomach up like a shulker, and just reach in there and put stuff in and get it out again
wilbur’s physical appearance is dependent on how well rested the person looking at him is
tommy glides by t-posing because his arms are his wings
ranboo can open unhinge his jaw and open his mouth like an enderman, and he has like an extra layer of mouth skin like a snake that you can only see when his mouth is unhinged
Phil hates places with low ceilings cause his wings are super long and he can’t stretch them out
Niki’s got gills on her neck to help filter water, so when she wants to talk to people above water she has to stick just her head out of the water and leave her neck beneath it
You know su!peridot’s augments she had at her intro, jack can like do that with his clawed fingers. Just like detach them at will and control them but they can’t go very far from him so it isnt very useful
tubbo has pretty thick skin with a slightly sickly pallor even though he’s perfectly healthy
he also has a carapace that’s similar in color and texture to a shulker’s shell covering the parts of his body that don’t bend(arms, legs, top of his head, upper chest) he can use these to block sword blows but if the sword is sharp enough it’ll stick cut into his skin
the carapace itself doesnt bleed, but it does heal and tubbo feels pain if it gets cut
like a lobster or turtle the carapace is a part of tubbo’s skin and can’t be removed(without extreme pain)
his hands are also reinforced by his carapace, giving him sharp claws at the tips of his fingers, and this is why he can punch through stone easily and without breaking his hand
he’s also pretty heavy underneath this extra armor and as a result he’s got a lot of intense muscle mass
tubbo can open his stomach up like a shulker, and just reach in there and put stuff in and get it out again, but it has limited storage
it kind of makes his stomach look like a shulker, with interlocking squares
the stuff inside his stomach exists in a type of hammerspace(we’ll just call it shulkerspace) so if you were to cut him open the stuff wouldnt be there
you do NOT want to stick your hand into tubbo’s shulkerspace, he can do it with no ill effects but if someone else did they might as well wave goodbye to that hand even if tubbo doesnt close his shulker mouth on your hand
wilbur can do like... ghost things like turning invisible and walking through walls in phantom state
particularly astute(or anxious) people can sense when wilbur’s nearby in phantom state, but not accurately guess where he is
wilbur oftentimes goes in and out of phantom state without even realizing it, sometimes just vanishing in the middle of the conversation because he let his mind wander
he also burns in the daylight which is sadge but not when in phantom state so he sometimes goes into the phantom state on reflex when entering a very bright room
wilbur can sense how tired people are, and if they are tired enough to summon phantoms wilbur can sense whose insomnia the phantoms are targeting on sight
wilbur looks like how you’d expect a ghost to look: see through, human, or at least... that’s what he looks like when you wake up in the morning
his physical appearance is dependent on how well rested the person looking at him is, but he is always corporeal when out of the phantom state
by nighttime, when you’re getting ready for bed wilbur’s eyes are green and if you look closely they glow in the dark, and if you look closer a skeleton makes itself clear beneath wilbur’s skin. it is not a human skeleton
by morning the next day without sleep transparent membrane stretches between wilbur’s claws and you can clearly see the skeleton. fangs protrude from its mouth and its rib cage stretches grotesquely outwards with every breath wilbur takes
by the second night wilbur’s transparent skin is blue and phantom membrane has escaped the confines of his hand and run down the length of his arm, extra bones begin to grow from the skeleton to accommodate the growing wing. it is harder to see through him.
by dawn of the third morning you can see a tail, more bone than blue, leathery skin, lashing behind wilbur, it seems to always whip itself in your direction. it stings when it touches you, but not for long. his frayed wings are fully formed.
night falls and wilbur’s glowing green eyes are sunken in, practically floating in black eye sockets. his skin looks vacuum sealed, giving you a perfect map of the meatless bones inside. he is entirely opaque, you cannot see through him but his stark white skeleton, expanding, stretching, and clawing at you, is clearly visible
you sleep, and wilbur looks human once again
this version of wilbur doesn’t only exist in the minds of the sleep deprived. if you let him stay in the edges of your vision too long, no matter how rested you are, you can see this form
by the time you focus your vision on him wilbur will be back to his normal state. you can’t see what your brain desperately tries to refuse. it is only when your mental walls have been broken down that you can witness wilbur’s form. for better or for worse.
instead of having an extra set of limbs like phil tommy’s wings and arms are the same limbs, like a harpy(and like wilbur)
where the wing’s wrist is(essentially where it bends, if you’re unfamiliar with bird anatomy) Tommy has some extra human-like clawed fingers that he uses as hands
tommy isnt strong enough to fly with them, even if he is very light thanks to hollow bones. he can glide, though
yes, this does mean that tommy glides by t-posing
tommy also has talons for feet, which sort of assist him in being slightly faster than everyone
his feathers are the same colors as a red parrot’s, and he keeps them very well maintained so they keep their lustrous color
he’s also got a lot of feathers dotting his body, like around his ears and stomach and they protect him from the cold in the high up areas he likes sleeping in
ok i dont really have anything to say abt his veganism he’s just Like That because parrot(cause god knows chickens are omnivores)
he has a beak that he uses for nuts and seeds and he can make bird noises!
And he’s got a small feathery tail that isnt useful for much but does look cool
Even though he can’t fly Tommy does have a third eyelid like a bird, it goes side to side and is transparent, he mostly just uses it while gliding or swimming
Very tall boy with very long arms
Honestly very similar to dsmp!ranboo
Water burns him like acid and leaves behind very distinctive burn scars but he heals pretty easily from water burns
He is Constantly bamboozled by people wearing pumpkins and he’s Not a fan
Ranboo can open unhinge his jaw and open his mouth like an enderman, and he has like an extra layer of mouth skin like a snake that you can only see when his mouth is unhinged
He’ll avoid eye contact at all cost because it agitates him and gets him unreasonably angry at whoever he’s talking to, the others have gotten very good at avoiding eye contact with him, though
Teleporting is a lot of fun to him and he’ll sometimes just teleport around just for the sake of it, because he can sense the change in location when teleporting in a way humans with ender pearls cant
Enderians are the results of people trying to fuse together with end-based magic and so all of them have the half and half texture of their skin, but most of them all have the same powers
Speaking of skin, Ranboo’s ender skin is strangely smooth and he doesn’t have a protruding nose, just slits in his face he smells through
He also doesn’t have any body hair at all, but his long ears generally distract from that
Phil is an incredibly light person, compared to a human he’d be dangerously underweight
He’s essentially skin, hollow bones, and elytra because if he was anything else he wouldn’t be able to fly especially with armor on
However this and his hollow bones means he’s pretty weak in all areas, especially underground
Thanks to his Brain he gets slow and weak under low ceilings and also sadge
Aside from the kind of unearthly tint to his skin Phil looks pretty human, aside from the elytra of course
He’s got insect wings protected by an elytra. So, elytra on beetles and things are kind of like a half circle protecting the wings and pressing them to the body of the beetle, and this works because beetles are wing shaped- phil is not
So, phil has very unique elytra that completely encase his wings, and the top part moves out of the way to let his wings fold out so they’re like twice his height- and that partially adds to his dislike of low ceilings, he can barely stretch his wings
Phil’s got fragile beetle wings so they look pretty fragile but they can withstand a beating and carry Phil a ways(though it’s partially phil’s innate magic that lets him shoot into the sky)
Phil has a transparent third eyelid just like Tommy
And, he has antennae that he uses to feel the wind while flying
Niki essentially has two types of skin: a human-looking thick layer of skin that covers the upper portion of her body and an even thicker scale-like layer that covers the lower half
Her human-like skin is very rough and it doesn’t absorb water like human skin does, the scales are smooth but also don’t absorb water
She has two legs and a long, thick tail she uses to propel herself through the water, the tail is entirely covered in her blue scales
Her hands and feet are webbed so when she swims she spreads her hands out to help push herself through the water
Niki also has decorative fins on various places on her body like her ears, legs, arms and stomach, they’re all blue and can’t be controlled in anyway
She’s got gills on her neck to help filter water, so when she wants to talk to people above water she has to stick just her head out of the water and leave her neck beneath it
Breathing in air and rain at the same time is extremely uncomfortable and leaves her constantly feeling short of breath but she considers it well worth it to walk on land for a period of time
She also has sharp teeth because: yes
She doesn’t have eyelids, though, her eyes are built like a fish’s
Jack constantly gives off heat, he wont burn anyone but you’ll get very hot if you stand too close to him for too long
He has metallic blaze skin that glows like molten metal if he was recently on fire or in lava
You know su!peridot’s augments she had at her intro, jack can like do that with his clawed fingers. Just like detach them at will and control them but they can’t go very far from him so it isnt very useful
And, of course, he’s immune to poison and hunger because he’s basically an android, he’s like a gold material and metal cant get poisoned or hungry
Jack will, however, become fatigued if he’s away from intense heat like fire or lava for too long, like a week
He gets hurt in water because the water basically sucks the heat away from him and that actually hurts him
Staying in a cold biome too long would do the same thing if jack didnt go prepared with warm clothing and probably a flint and steel but tbf to jack humans also die in cold biomes if they’re unprepared
I’ve got nothing for fragranceman right now as i’m not sure if schlatt’s going to be on the server a lot
But i might make skins for these!
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yoon-kooks · 6 years
Pink Thoughts
Tumblr media
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Vampire!AU, Roommate!AU 
Summary: Your relaxing bath is interrupted by a vampire in need of a few things
Word Count: 2.5k 
Warnings: vampire blood, sex in a tub, bath bombs, masturbation
⤐ Story 2 in the Pink Trilogy; Story 1 // Story 3 (coming soon!)
A/N: this is was supposed to be a thing for jungkook’s bday but september 1st came early this year i guess;; also i dont usually write smut so it’s kind of soft🐰
You drop your backpack on the floor of your room and breathe a sigh of relief once you return home after a long school week. It felt as though you’d been fighting a new battle each day, whether it was taking an exam worth 30% of your grade, cramming for a different one, sitting through a painfully boring three-hour lecture, or loads of homework and dry ass reading to top it all off.
But it’s finally Friday, and you’re free to treat yourself to pizza, Youtube, that horror movie you’ve been dying to watch, or even just a good night’s sleep. Whatever the fuck you want. You just need some time to relax.
As you wash your hands in the bathroom, you spot a glittery pink bath bomb that your roommate, Jungkook, had kindly bought for you. You’d like to think the little shit was just trying to be nice, but you’re pretty sure it’s a hint that he wants to try taking a bath with you. Otherwise the bath bomb wouldn't be labeled “Sex Bomb”.
The good news is that you know your pesky roommate has class for another few hours, and that should be plenty of time for you to soak and enjoy your bath uninterrupted.
You hum as you strip out of your halter top and daisy dukes. Like an easily amused kitten with a ball of yarn, you toss the jasmine-scented Sex Bomb back and forth between your paws until the tub is filled with piping hot water. Once it is, you plop your naked ass down onto the rim of the tub and drop the bomb into the bath. Your mouth forms a small O as the bomb fizzes up and releases a sparkling, creamy pink color. It’s almost too pretty to bathe in.
Slowly, you slip your exhausted body into the pink ocean. The tingling sensation of being engulfed in comfort and warmth is somehow sensual when paired with such an intoxicating, sex-filled aroma. Your fingers naturally gravitate towards the inner, more sensitive part of your thighs until they locate your center. The Sex Bomb is no joke, you nod to yourself in satisfaction. Just a teeny-tiny part of you regrets not being able to share it with Jungkook, but you make a mental note to thank him later.
Just then, you hear the door to your apartment open and shut, and your hands shoot out from between your legs. The little shit skipped class.
Knock! “Y/N, are you in there?”
“Yeah, so fuck off.”
“Okay but can you hurry up? Because I need to pee.”
“Why didn't you use one of the bathrooms on campus? Actually, why the fuck did you skip your last class? Are you suddenly going through some rebellious stage in your life? What the actual fuck, Kook.”
“That’s uh… because you know…” Unfortunately for you, you did know. Jungkook, your seemingly innocent roommate, just so happens to be a lustful vampire, and it’s probably that time of the month for him—his monthly feeding. And both of you know it’s too risky for him to be outside around people until his cravings and huge appetite are satisfied. “Can I come in?”
“I’m taking a bath right now.”
“Ooh yummy.”
“That’s not what I meant, you pervert.”
“But it smells pretty in there.”
“That doesn’t mean you can come-.”
“Are you using that sex ball thing I gave you?”
You keep quiet because he caught you.
“Wait, were you in the middle of something before I got home?”
“Naughty, naughty.” You can tell he’s smirking on the other side of the door. “Can I come in?” he asks again, as if you’re suddenly going to change your mind. But he’s not wrong.
“The door’s unlocked.”
“Wow,” is the first thing the little shit says when he casually walks in, his burgundy eyes glued to your chest. You’re just happy the pink water is opaque enough to keep the rest of your naked body hidden. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s seeing your bare skin, but you’ve never made yourself so vulnerable anywhere else besides the darkness and comfort of the bedroom.
Jungkook squats down in front of the tub and dips his pinky into the pink ocean but immediately regrets it, wincing in pain. “How can you sit there in a tub of boiling water so calmly? What kind of fucking monster are you?”
“I’m a human,” you snicker at him. “And maybe you vampires are a lot more sensitive to heat since you’re cold-blooded or some science shit like that. I don’t fucking know.”
“But I wanted to bathe with you…” He brings out his best puppy eyes. It always amazes you how he goes from shy and modest to shameless and needy when it comes to that time of the month. And to be honest, it’s a bit of a turn on.
With a sigh, you take in your last moment of heat and tranquility before turning the faucet knob with your toes to add some cold water. You shake your head at all of the sacrifices you make for your vampire roommate, but at the same time, you’re willing to do it for him because you know how sweet of a boy he is.
“Is this good?” You take your wet palm out of the now lukewarm water and press it gently against Jungkook’s pale cheek. If he had more blood in his system, you’re certain his face would turn a bright pink like the color of the water.
He nods and stands back up to rid himself of his clothes. You stare as he tosses each article of clothing aside, first his white t-shirt, then his torn-up thigh-hugging jeans, and lastly his cute bunny boxers. As thirsty as the vampire is, you can tell there’s an ounce of hesitance accompanying the thrill.
You retract your legs and bring your knees to your chest as a way of inviting him into the tiny tub. Once he’s settled, however, you crawl into his lap and wrap your legs around his torso, your arms around his neck. Suddenly you’ve forgotten how cold the water is.
You feel Jungkook’s breath along your shoulder up to your exposed neck, so close that his big nose tickles your skin a couple of times. When he finds his favorite spot, he presses his lips against you to mark his target.
“Can I bite?” It’s adorable how he keeps his good manners even in the heat of bloodlust and sex. Although once you give him the go-ahead, he doesn’t hesitate to pierce two deep holes into you with his fangs.
“Ahh-” A tiny sound escapes your mouth as the painful throbbing spreads throughout your neck. You’d like to think you have high tolerance for pain, but holy shit, vampire bites sure do hurt like a bitch. Each time Jungkook sucks more blood out from your veins, it feels like a pinch of fire that incinerates you from the inside out.
“Are you okay?” The boy takes a break to check up on you. Your eyes are shut, your nails are digging into the back of his neck, and your body shudders as the throbbing continues even in absence of the fangs sunken deep in your skin.
“Just hurry up… please,” you whimper. You know Jungkook’s being as gentle as he can, but there’s no way to sugarcoat the pain of having your blood drained by a vampire.
As you start to feel more lightheaded, you notice something stiffening and poking up into your crotch. To distract yourself from the trauma in your upper half, you try your best to pleasure your bottom half.
“Mmn,” Jungkook moans into your veins in response to your crotch grinding against his sprouting erection. The pink ocean swishes and sways in perfect rhythm with your thrusting hips. If it weren’t for the trusty Sex Bomb, you’d probably just be sitting there in tear-jerking agony. “Just a little longer, baby.” Bless.
Once the vampire has enough of your blood in his system, he’s hard enough to slip inside of you. But before that, he always makes sure to take care of you. With a cool tongue, he relieves and seals your wound, wiping the excess blood away with the pain.
His big doe eyes wait for yours to open, and when they do, the first thing you notice is a dry trail of red running down his lips to his chin. You let out a cute yawn and help clean him up with your thumb and some water.
“Are you still good for… you know?” That’s code for sex in Shy Jungkook language.
You nod, leaning in to steal a quick kiss from his unsuspecting lips. The loss of blood might take a toll on your body later, but until then, you want to indulge in the intoxicating euphoric effects of the Sex Bomb.
With a subtle smirk, Jungkook reaches down into the pink ocean. In the next instant, you feel a pair of his fingers stroking the suddenly hot area between your legs. Your body squirms in response to his soft, swift touch—the touch you’ve been subconsciously craving since the boy returned home.
As you roll your hips against his fingers, your lips locate the same part of his neck where he had bitten you. Although you have no fangs to bare, you nip at his baby smooth skin in an effort to taint it with sex and lust.
“How cute, Little Vampire,” he chuckles at your attempt. “But you know my skin isn’t tender enough for a hickey.”
“Bet.” You continue sucking on his neck, rougher, as if you’re desperately searching for a taste of his blood. After a good minute, you notice a naughty pink spot where you’d been working on. Satisfied, you poke the tiny spot until it fades away with the vampire’s rapid healing properties. “Ha,” you laugh in his face.
Jungkook only shakes his head at your giddy, semi-drunken state. And it isn’t until he slips his fingers inside you that you’re brought back to your senses. Maybe it’s a combination of an exhausting school week and being drained of your blood, but the fatigue is hitting your body a lot sooner than usual. Too soon.
But you can rest later. Shaking the lightheadedness away, you reposition yourself for a deeper penetration. You throw your legs up over his shoulders, the back of your thighs pressed firmly against his chest.
With the aid of Jungkook’s hands at your waist, you ease yourself down onto him to take in his whole length. You can tell he took more blood than usual because it’s taking an awfully long time for you to adjust to his swelled-up size. But as soon as his tip hits the deepest spot inside you, he throws his head back with a gasp.
“F-fuck…” His weak panting alone is almost enough to set you off. So you continue riding him up and down, with a little more pressure and speed each time. You set off raging waves in the pink ocean as the wet sounds of sex flood your mind.
With one hand, you yank his soft locks of hair, helping you keep balance as he thrusts into you. With the other, you grab his chin and press a lustful kiss against him, your sly tongue slipping between his lips. You taste a hint of your blood, his sin.
In the split second that you’re caught catching your breath between lip locks, the boy takes the opportunity to lift your body up and lay you down as he fingers you some more. Your body, weak and submissive to his every touch, lets out a needy whine when he stops to build suspense and frustration. He merely rests his slender fingers on either side of your swollen little bud, just begging to be played with.
“Fuck you, Kook,” you growl, shooing him away and shoving your own two fingers down to your heated and throbbing core. He licks his lips as you play with your horny self, running your fingers over your clit in vertical and circular motions. You’re strong and independent, but you aren’t gonna lie when you know Jungkook’s better at pleasuring your body than you are. Or maybe it’s just the thought of him doing these dirty things to you that makes the stimulation so fucking great.
Before you can drive yourself to the edge, Jungkook fills you once more with his length. Thrusting in and out, getting closer and closer, your moans are endless, breathy, loud, and you’re sure as fuck you’ll have a sore throat later to accompany the wound on your neck.
“I’m close…” you manage to gasp between moans, still rubbing your clit as fast as you can. The boy acknowledges your peak by going deeper and harder into you with every thrust. “Ahhh… fuck Kookie… I’m-” You’re cut off by an intense rush of ecstasy, pleasure, pure bliss. Your core twitches, trembles, still milking out every last ounce of sex.
As your walls tighten around him, he groans, grinds, and rides off the waves of your orgasm into one of his own. You’re filled with a sudden warmth as he comes deep inside of you, and you’re just thankful vampire babies aren’t a thing.
With the beastly sex drive of a vampire, you know Jungkook’s more than capable of going another round or ten. But after finishing just one, he settles down and pulls the plug to drain out the pink ocean. You lie in the tub and bask in your afterglow until the boy takes your hand and helps you out.
He dries your soulless body off with a towel and helps you get dressed in your pajamas with little ducks on them. You wait for him to throw on a clean pair of boxers so he can carry you off to your bed. To top it all off, he tucks you in under the blankets and gives you the most innocent kiss on the forehead.
“Sorry, Y/N,” he strokes the tender place where he had bitten you. You barely hear his soft voice because you’re drifting in and out of sleep, but you already know he feels bad about having to drain so much life out of you. He probably thinks he ruined your Friday night plans, but that isn’t really the case at all.
“Mmn, Jungkook,” you call out to him with a grabby hand before he can leave your room. “You can atone for your sins by cuddling with me, yeah?” You peak one eye at him and smile into the pillow.
Like the little cinnamon roll he is, he rolls his way into your bed and snuggles up to you. His arms snake around your waist, his chest presses against your back. For a cold-blooded creature, his body engulfs you in such warmth and comfort that evoke a feeling much different from the sensual heat you felt in the bath. Love. And you’d choose it over every pink ocean.
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