#however to me ‘OMG IS THE US OKAY?? 🤣🤣’ is starting to sound like omg op must have been on so many drugs when they made this 🤣
francisforever2014 · 1 year
my toxic trait is that whenever i see one of those polls/posts like what do you think the CRAZIEST thing about the us is and the options are like. the existence of garbage disposals and other things that are just straight up lies i get all USA USA 🎺🎺🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🎺🇺🇸 not out of any actual loyalty obviously but just out of pure annoyance like can you find something new to talk about
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taegularities · 3 months
rid, my lovie !! my sweets !!
🚨 : ( rant incoming )
some of these recent asks have been making me want to start throwing gang signs or sum 💀 i know there are always gonna be some of these asks given the vast audience you have, and that they are just drowning in anticipation.
however, the undertone? 😭 do these people realize that you are a prolific writer, churning out quality contents faster than locusts can reproduce and infest? 🤨 RELATIVELY SPOKEN !!
good contents take time to plan, produce and publish !!
REMEMBER THE TRIPLE P. for an author who doesn't even ask you to pay, and responds with kindness only.
so, let's learn and practice more kindness and respectfulness here. thank you. ( sorry, if i sound like a teacher's pet, but rid is just too good to us )
anyway, we are nonetheless excited for your next releases, and 'entertainer' even after all this time.
( rant end )
꒰ ❛ ❜ personal lil message ꒱ ‎
rid, am so sorry for not getting back to your last 'ruined' response. i thought you hadn't answered it yet !! and are you kidding me? a!oc is my babiest baby !! of course, i adore her a lot. i remember somebody saying she is like a 'sunny weekend after a wet weather' or something, but bit more condescending— made me wanna throw some gang signs again, tafaq 😫 had to overcompensate with my repeated 'ruin you' asks, but i promise i equally read and enjoy your other stories. even sent asks about them before ( just not in my 🎀🖇🩵 style, haha ) and i'm thankful for each of the sweet responses from you : every. single. time!!
oh, by the way, i came across this pin today : https://pin.it/2rY2xnZtj
kinda ruined!tae on wedding night coded? 'i missed this' x 'it's only been two days' x 'and? i miss you all the damn time' ❤️‍🔥 can i please just ask what's the duo's moodboard like? ik they are a v monetesque, pastoral, serene and the whole artists garden at giverny + the water lily pond + beach at saint adresse!based couple.
but if possible i still wanna see them more from your artistic mind, my love. thank you. xo.
last but not least, must i mention how proud i am of you bc of the whole gaza take and activism on this platform? 🍉 it might be a bare minimum for a reality so cruel, but it matters. thank you for using your resources, and for saying how you listen to certain artists less bc of their lack of voice on this issue. every act matters. let's stay strong and
—take care. 🎀🖇🩵
gang signs omg lol 😭 honestly, i'm so thankful for the audience and the excitement everybody brings! the tone was a little off, but as i said, i'm pretty sure they didn't mean it that way, so i'm like, not mad or anything hehe. i hope they enjoyed entertainer!! it's true, though, that i've been a bit slow this year, but we try our best in this corner of our world. but thank you so much for saying that 😭 i'm flattered you appreciate my existence here and are so kind <3
it's okay, love, no reason to apologise. a!oc was everyone's baby, like she's still one of my favourite ocs i've written!! it's beyond crazy that people still remember her and this story overall. lmao yeah someone said she feels like a wet weekend after a sunny vacation or something idk it was way out of line, but what can we do.. i laughed 🤣 THANK YOUUUU for dropping by, whether with your signed asks or in any other way ily ily!!!
plsss on their wedding night?
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more like always 😂 but so true. their mood boarddd hmmm, wait i'll go and make one rq brb *5 minutes later* i'd say that's them 🥺 def some monet, rain and autumn vibes
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and ofc!! i think i could do even more and share even more. every thought counts. i can't even remember saying i listen to artists less, but it's 100% true, and i also try to avoid big chains such as starbucks, which i think we all should. take care as well, love 🤍
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lazzarella · 3 months
Back again with my Wandee Goodday weekly rambling! I will say that, while I'm still adoring it, the editing is starting to feel weird? Like, I know there's not a cut and an uncut version but sometimes it feels like it.
But! I'm also the kind of person who can nitpick something I love to death, so I'm not going to do that because I'm trying to ~ac-cen-tchu-ate the positive as Mr Mercer wrote. And, like, I'm just here to see two beautiful idiots fall in love XD Anyway! Here we go:
- Dee going straight for the necklace! XD
- HAND HOLDING SHOT!!! Will never get enough of those!
- Love that they don't talk >:) (No, really, I'm not being sarcastic lol I love it haha)
- Aww, I want to know what the souvenir is!!
- Love their apologies! I especially love that he said he'd have let Yak beat Ter up if he wasn't a doctor 🤣
- Seriously, though, his apology made sense! I'm totally extrapolating(?) here but I almost feel like he didn't know why he acted the way he did in the moment
- Okay, kissing only once is silly 🤣 but I'm here for silly! And he did say Yak has to learn to wait, which must mean he does plan on kissing him again. At some point. I can just FEEL Kao's long suffering BFF senses tingling however many apartments away haha
- (I weirdly love being frustrated by shows I love??? Just me??)
- Awww! Love the scene with Yak and Yei <33
- Dee didn't feed him?? Tut tut, doctor! Not taking proper care of your boxer guy
- "Let's pound" uh, sure... But right in front of everyone? 🤣
- Lmaooooo, Cher! I love him! Telling Dee the necklace suits him better haha. I love the way that he and Yei have just accepted Dee into the fold and omg they don't know it's "fake" do they??? I would love to see their reactions
- I loved the whole som tam scene
- Hm. I guess Taem *does* like Yak then? Not really keen on that, but I'll just go wherever the show takes me, IDC
- Yak getting horny watching the others get oil massages lmao love that they used that 'o yeah' sound bite
- (actually, there's a bit in one of the songs that sounds like part of O Yeah by Yello)
- but he got his oil massage!! Dee is doing a thorough job
- Ahhh, Yak asking Yei about the consequences of him losing the fight!!! He looks so young there D: and I'm glad Dee asked some stuff, too!
- Okay, but what is UP with the Nazgûl dude???
- Dee knows Yak's lying!!
- ...wait, how does Dee know about the hallucinations to tell Kao? (Is it really a hallucination when you're asleep? Is that not just a dream? I'm guessing this is a translation thing though) Like, I can infer Yak told him at some point, but it feels like a weird choice to not show that. Whatever, I'm not going to think too hard about it
- Boo, Ter!!
- "No because I must bring my special someone" is the best response to Kwan asking if Dee was asking Ter out! Lmaooo (I paraphrased a bit I think)
- Okay, it's so funny that Dee knows Yak is his special someone and that's why he's asking him, and he's happy to let Kwan and Ter and whoever assume that, but he won't tell Yak 🤣
- "Just one more time" ??? One more time for what? Maybe I should stop watching this when it drops because I'm always half asleep by then lol
- Whatever Yak says about it would be nice to have someone cook for him every day and Dee's desperate 'oh pleeeease let it be meeeee' kinda look lol
- Costume time!!! They looked soooo good in the first ones (I don't know if they're specific characters or just traditional)
- I love how grandma describes dancing but I didn't note it down. Oops! It was lovely, though! And very true—you have to be in sync with your dance partner and you have to give and take equally, otherwise it's not going to work and you may hurt yourself or the other person
- Lmao, they're still pretending! So silly after the kiss and I LOVE IT! XD this is what happens when you don't talk. Please keep it up! lolll
- Tbh, I think Dee's equally afraid if he tells Yak how he feels he'll disappear now (he probably has abandonment issues, I get it! He said that thing about presents making him feel like he hadn't been forgotten about a child, so yeah...)
- Product placement time! There hasn't been much though
- Ooh, they're gonna get married :D
- Aww, that was a really sweet proposal!
- Thor is so much bigger than Fluke... Just needed to make a note of that lol
- More product placement!
- Dee! How are you going to feed your boxer man every day when you only have neatly arranged cartons of soy milk and a bowl of apples in your fridge??
- YAY ANOTHER HAIR DRYING SCENE!!! But this time with a hairdryer!!
- I knew Taem would be the reason Yak wasn't at the ball in the previews!
- gee, there aren't many people at the ball
- Yak is going to rock up at the very last second...
- ngl, I thought Taem was into Ohm as well!
- Just say no, Dee! Just say no!
- I mean, that's a pretty good speech, pity who it's coming from lol
- Phew! He pushed him away! I knew he would, but still
- Yesssss! I actually fist pumped at Dee telling Ter he wouldn't be a good dance partner and that HE'S TOO VANILLA bahahahaha
- He was very gracious about it, too, which makes it even better
- Ooh, Ter's crying! Tbh, I'd feel bad for him if he wasn't a manipulative jerk XD he cries pretty, though
- Poor Dr Kwan!
- Dee waiting for Yak is breaking my heart!! Come onnnnn, Yak!
- YES!!! THERE HE IS! Cinderelly, you shall go to the ball! (IDK...)
- "My prince!" (x 2) Ahhhhhh!!!!!!! MY HEART!
- This is the most awkward dance routine lmao I kinda love it
- Ooh! Slow dance time!
- (So what am I so afraid of, I'm afraid that there's no cure for, a love that I'm not sure of... Uh, ahem, where was I?)
- I think my whole heart leapt into my throat!! That was NOT what I was expecting at all and ahhhhhhhhh it was perfect! And Dee's happy little face!!!!! He's so amazed and happy and ahhhhh I don't want to wait seven days to see what happens next!!
-Also was that a new sing playing in that scene or something that already exists? Kinda sounded like Inn singing but idk
- Okay, but I am SO here for Yak trying to woo Dee next week lol like, he so doesn't have to, but I would definitely want to let the handsome man woo me for a little while too XD
- (I bet when Dee says enough and Yak's little face drops, it's going to be when he says the thing about loving Yak for who he is maybe, but IDK, I could be very wrong)
- Anyway. I THINK I LOVE YOU! Yesssss! Yak was so brave!! <333
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