rosettas-roses · 4 years
“The orchids are on sale, today only!” Rosetta called out gently, the sweetness of her southern accent rolling off her lips as she pushed her flower cart through the park. Chocolate curls bounced swiftly as she walked, her smile sincere yet the slightly bit shy. That’s what was so interesting about Rosetta, that she could bring such a delightful amount of sass and yet still have an underlying shyness about her. It was quite the mystery sometimes. Her eyes scanned through the park curiously, cherry red lips pursed.
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snowspuremagic · 4 years
Classes were finally done for today, so Snow walked until the closest cafeteria. Noticing a unusually long line, that was already outside of the shop, the woman approached it with caution. Standing behind the last person, she asked. "What is happing today? I have never seen this place with a line so big before."
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findingnolan · 4 years
Nolan was more than stoked for the beaches to be opened back up for the summer. He loved being in the water and he loved watching all the women, and guys, in their swimming suits. It was a win-win situation for him. “God, I am so stoked to be here,” he said. “I haven’t gone swimming at all this year, unless you count indoor pools.” Indoor pools weren’t the same though. And the chlorine made Nolan’s head hurt. 
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wildinfawn · 4 years
“Don’t move but there is a deer about six feet away from you. It’s a mama one. Look at her baby. It still has it’s spots. Aren’t they beauties?” Fawn got excited whenever she saw a wild animal. She wanted to befriend them all. “Hey, pretty mama, we won’t hurt you!” she said. The deer looked in her direction as if it could understand her-- which it could. “I just love them.”
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demonxofxlight · 4 years
“Can I buy you something to drink?” Jack said, knowing it to be a friendly gesture, but not really realizing that to some it could sound flirtatious. “I’m not really fond of drinking alone and you seem like good company.” Really, he shouldn’t drink alone because he didn’t always know when to stop. But he didn’t need for them to know that.
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barrelmyers · 4 years
Barrel had stopped on the sidewalk to look at a sign in a store window. It was colorful, so that’s why he was bothering at all, but there was a word that was hanging him up. “Okay....I know what liquid is but what the fuck does that mean? No way it’s just a drink sale.”
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djtwofaced · 4 years
“As you saw everything in the kitchen has just been replaced,” Tiberius said to the couple standing across from him outside the apartment he had just shown them. “I still have one more showing left so if you’re interested act fast.” After wrapping up the conversation they left and Tiberius noticed someone standing nearby. He walked over to them and rose an eyebrow. “Are you here for the showing? Your appointment isn’t until tomorrow, you know.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
“The first rule of the library? Don’t shove books back haphazard, thank you very much.” Magdalene stands by the library cart, in the process of checking books back into the stacks and holding one of those old fashioned books for bookkeeping and cataloguing. Her voice isn’t angry, or even upset. Rather, she sounds good-humoured about it. Magda’s used to it by now. Or rather, Mona is. Even though she’s got the name printed on a small name tag, it still might take a time or two for her to answer to it. She holds out her hand, “I’ll take it if you’re done with it. Name of the book, please?”
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wideoceanspaces · 4 years
Ariel stared at the fish as they swam through the tank. She always thought they were quite cute, even though they weren’t as cuddly as a dog she found their little fins to be adorable. Being as social as she always was she spoke to the person standing beside her. “Do you think all that about fish forgetting what the front of their tank looks like by the time they swim back around is true?”
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“Why is it so difficult to find a decent assistant? I don’t ask for much but a strong work ethic and consistency. Pathetic weaklings can’t even put calls on hold” she scoffed as Grimhilde took a seat at the bar. Pushing her leather suitcase to the side next to her as the bartender poured her usual glass of crimson red Cabernet.
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chace-cheshire · 4 years
Chace was having a drink from his small bottle at the top of the stairs, in front of a building. He was taking a break before getting back to work. That’s when someone stopped on the sidewalk, with their phone in hand. The person would look around the town for going from a place to another. Chace sigh. "Hey, my friend!" He called the person. "You seem a little lost. Can I help you with something?"
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