demonxofxlight · 4 years
The lovers & the chariot?
the lovers: do you have a crush?
“Um, well, saying a crush sounds so childish, doesn’t it? I’m not really sure. I don’t really think about those kinds of things too much...”
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the chariot: thoughts on astrology?
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16. Claude Monet or Vincent Van Gogh?
“As much as I admire the work and skills of Van Gogh, I’m going to have to say Monet. Just the way he paints landscapes and flowers looks so soft and delicate, almost like you’re seeing these places and subjects in a memory.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
tarot questions - justice: favorite color of rose?
“Lavender roses, perhaps? Those are nice, I think. Or black-- aesthetically speaking.”
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faunafaer-a · 4 years
Soft asks - What's your favorite book?
“Oh! My favorite book? Hmmm--... I really like aesop’s fables. I have a collected anthology of them, illustrated, and I used to read them to Aurora.”
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Getting Old: Would your muse rather live 50 years loved, or 200 years alone?
50 years loved. Hilde barly remembers anyone whom truly loved her for... her. It’s a panicky topic for her... the whole love fiasco. 
Mindset she’s ready to spend at least 200 years being alone, as long as she’s accompanied by power. She could care less about the rest.
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
🙇- They meet someone new and first impressions are good
“I will...-- not stab them.” Beat. “Oh, you wanted a real answer? I would probably speak to them about books. Or go to dinner or coffee with them, if we so chose. Simple, distanced acquaintanceship bordering on friendship of they like. And... I will also not harm them.”
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vivacissimos-a · 4 years
👪- They see their family (Rapunzel, Cassandra, anyone from before Cass was born)
Simply... Cass is her remorse and Rapunzel is her regret.
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demonxofxlight · 4 years
What is your biggest fruit-related regret?
“I let an apple rot in my room when I was young just so I could watch it decompose. I didn’t think about the consequences of bugs and mold finding their way across my desk. And while I found it interesting, my parents were less than happy to come across that mess. Might not sound like something super regret worthy, but I can’t think of any other times in my life that I’ve either gotten in trouble or missed opprotunities because of fruit.”
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demonxofxlight · 4 years
the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms?
“I do. There is something very relaxing about their turbulent nature. The howling of the wind that rushes through the trees, the feeling of the electricity on the air, the smell of the earth as the rain crashes down, the way the thunders rumbling echoes across your chest. There’s something quite comforting in it all, even with the violent nature it so often portrays.”
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28. Do you believe in soulmates?
“Not completely, no.I don’t believe there is only one person out there for everyone, but I do like to think that people can find someone that is their perfect match. My parents always seemed to have had that sort of bond.”
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demonxofxlight · 4 years
the chariot: thoughts on astrology?
“I don’t believe that just some random websites can predict things about you because of when you were born or any of those personality quiz type things, but I don’t discredit it. I definitely believe there can be some truth to what the stars have to say about you and your journey.”
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faunafaer-a · 4 years
15. What's a topic that fascinates you?
“mythology, nonnie! i love mythology! and folktales. they make me feel closer to myself.”
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faunafaer-a · 4 years
anonymous asked: do you ever think you’ll get married?
“ maybe ! it would have to be with the right person, I think? “
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faunafaer-a · 4 years
2. Do you prefer tea,coffee or hot chocolate?
“Hot chocolate! Tea is a close second, though.”
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faunafaer-a · 4 years
3. What's your favorite mythical creature?
“I am heavily biased towards the fae--, but other than that? Hmm, I think nymphs are lovely!”
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