drgnnova · 5 months
Who is the most mischaracterize character in the Honkai Star Rail fandom and why is it Yanqing?
I could go into detail about how the fanon likes to mischaracterize him. they'll call him a brat and overconfident for thinking he could beat Jingliu, Blade and Dan Heng. but it makes sense Yanqing is a prodigy which is why he's the youngest lieutenant in the history of the Xianzhou, Cloud Knights. (this can be found in this character story) and it also mention that "No one can best Yanqing when he holds a sword in hand."
people treat like he weak just because he lost against Jingliu, Blade and Dan heng. which is weird, do you want some "random" kid to be stronger than immortals who are more than twice his age. you claim these characters as strong but then call him Yanqing weak for losing agaisnt them. so it makes no sense to me, It kind of contradicts what your saying lol.
also Yanqing was only doing his job, yes Jing Yuan told him to not go after them. but he was still doing his job, it his job as the cloud knight lieutenant and he wants to prove himself to Jing Yuan. (This was only hinted at when 1.2 came out with these quests, but was confirmed later in the ghost event when Yanqing was getting manipulate/control by a heliobi/heliobus name Apyra).
and people are calling him a brat because of how he acted in his companion quest and the 1.2 quest even thought he was literally talking to wanted criminals so of course he's not going to be all rainbows and smiles. ignoring how nice he is outside of those fights/scenes.
in the 1.3 quest, Yanqing is seen trying to make sure Jing Yuan rests after his battle with phantylia. he even apologises to Jingliu for assuming she can't see due to her blindfold. Yanqing in his messages (not everyone gets this because it's only if you get hie character) stays in the rain with some kittens, and feels bad for them as he waits for the mother to return. and in most if not all other interactions that doesnt include villains, Yanqing is shown to not act bratty and even has good manners, and isn't rude.
also after the 1.2 quest, when Yanqing is a visitor to the astral express, he shown to be kind to Dan heng who he was agaisnt in the 1.2 trailblaze quest, wanting to know what Dan heng is interested in who he can talk to him. he evens fell bad when he thought he misspoke to Dan heng, saying this to Trailblazer "I was worried I spoke out of turn or upset him." and this "I'll keep talking to him — maybe I can eventually unlock his chattier side!", he clearly wants to be friends with Dan heng, and cares about people.
he considers Trailblazer a friend, even talking about the General says it "show proper etiquette...". and Yanqing wants to repay the Trailblazer but doesn't know how. and gives Trailblazer some beautiful stones he found. at the end of this conversation he says "The next time I'm here, I want to have more conversations, watch the universe, and eat some good food together with all of you!"
also i think it weird if you hate a character (not gameplay wise, I can understand why people don't like Yanqing's gameplay wise) because you lose a 50/50. you losing your 50/50 to Yanqing shouldn't make you hate his whole character. you're ignoring his character lore/personality over a game/wish.
also it stupid to hate Yanqing because of what he did in HI3, Yanqing character is completely different than his H13 counterpart/Expy (the original) because he hasn't done what he did in HI3 and it a completely different universe (think of the multiverse, if you're in a different version you won't be exactly the way because of different events happening and molding you)
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