hi there everyone! i’m running a little personal fundraiser so i can pay rent, groceries, and personally my most important issue; MENTAL HEALTH! I’m diagnosed with chronic depression, BPD, anxiety, and OCD, and as those who know, it’s difficult to live your life as a person without mental “disorders” do. but sometimes we just need a little push!!
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nothing that i can say will fix the hurt i’ve caused you, though, even if i could, you don’t wish to speak to me.
but if i were to have just one chance, i would say: “i hope it makes you feel better to know, i’ve never regretted anything as much as i have for these past 7 months. i wish i never left, and i took the second chance you gave me. i was just scared that i was going to hurt you again - and so i hurt myself. i knew i could’ve done it, but my anxiety wasn’t having it. i wish i never seeked out compliments from others, i just felt so low in my own skin that i was too selfish to think about how it would make you feel. i tried to kill myself 3 times since we ended us... i’m still alive but i feel more dead than ever. i know you f*coed my best friend - she told you lies and bought you drinks just so she could hurt me, i don’t blame you for hating me because i heard what she had told you, i don’t blame you for f*cking her because i know that i hurt you. i hope you’re happy with your new girl, i’ve seen some of your pictures... it makes me cry everytime, but i know i did this to myself. we used to say “if we’re meant to be, we’ll be” and i hope it’s true, because i’ve never loved anyone the way that i love you.” i miss you, your mom told me never to give up on you, but i knew, even before that, that i couldn’t ever forget about you.
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i’m so lost
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who would’ve thought that my voices would get so loud, and they wouldn’t shut up.
the way they insult me was ignored, until it got to be too much.
the things they said were horrible, using things i told them in confidence against me; just to get a hold of me.
they are much stronger than i am, pushing me to the back of my own head. i am never myself, as they come forth wrecking the happy life i was putting the finishing touches on.
they’ll always be apart of me, they say, so what’s the point of me living when i have no say?
if someone can tell me how to get rid of them, without them knowing; please let me know, because i’ve been at war with my own head for 10 years.
one day i’ll do what they want. i keep fighting and fighting, 10 years straight. but once i lose the love i know won’t last, i’m excited to be numb.
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Evidence of liquid cats
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Keep reading
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make your mental health a massive priority.
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sorry i’m bisexual and easily distracted
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“She’s not cold hearted, she’s just tired of getting fucked over.”
— (via karmadunutte)
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Big thighs and brown eyes.
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“I want to know you whether you’re afraid of sharks or spiders death or love. I want to know if it’s grammatical errors that drive you crazy or the people correcting them, if you’re more comfortable shaking sand out of your hair or snow, if you prefer coffee or tea, bars or board game nights. I want to know which of your friends you’ve cried in front of, if you’ve ever laughed chocolate milk out of your nose, or kissed someone you didn’t love. I want to know you the you beneath the layer of small talk always kept shined and smudgeless I’m just hoping one day you’ll invite me in.”
— Kristen Costello
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Reblog the Princess ™ for future happiness and mental stability. Let her cuteness cleanse you.
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Same, because then when you’re actually serious about it they won’t question or try to stop you when you actually do 😪
team i use humor and shitty jokes about wanting to die to cover up the fact i actually want to die
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ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.
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5 stories that will bring you to tears
I’m not crying, you’re crying 
Story 1
Story 2
Story 3
Story 4
Story 5
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