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So as your former admins, Feline, Beth and I (Shadow) would like to formally say goodbye. We understand that we have left many people in confusion, considering we’ve had a theme that consists of nothing but black, and the activity dropped off all of a sudden. We have an explanation for this, and that is simply that we got hacked. After much confusion and panic, although we were able to retrieve our blog back, we have decided to close down this RP. Call it a message from the universe to start knuckling down on school work. However, the temporary admins we had during our small break shortly before the hacking have created a new RP that we just know is going to be fabulous - have seen how fabulous it is, and while we won’t be sharing the site for security purposes, we highly encourage you join it if you do find it! We wish everyone the best of luck, and a sincere apology for any troubles our little happening has caused. Thank you for your time!
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can you not tag it with just the names? the tags are getting cluttered with your roleplays gossip, could you tag it like "G; (name)" like for example g; victoire weasley
Unfortunately I’m going to have to say that this blog has been running for too long with this tagging system for us to change right now, but seeing as a maximum of 5 tags on a post makes it to be viewed on tumblr from that tag, we’ll find a way to always make sure that any canon characters are put under the 6th+ tag.
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just wanted to say I love the event. Its been really fun and I don't think its too much. we appreciate all the hard work you're doing.
Thank you so much for sending this in! We appreciate hearing it more than you know. 
That being said. Please send us feedback when you feel the need to. If you are unhappy with something, needing something, excited about something, have and idea about something, send it all right on in! As admins it is our job to create a fun and safe environment for everyone to enjoy. We may run it but it wouldn’t exist without the members. Your input is important and we aren’t going to kick you out for voicing an opinion. This is your rp too!
Remember to always come to us if you need us! We are always happy to explain our reasoning behind anything going on around here!
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Do you have any banned FCs?
I believe there are some, but I’ll have to ask our main admins and get back to you off anon. I can’t think of any off the top of my head but our biggest rule is making sure there are enough gifs of them to use.
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If we recently were on the unfollow list, can we apply as our female character?
Since our ratios are pretty balanced we are getting geared up to lift the ban. So send in that app. We will get back to you with more information once you come off anon, but we would love to have all our lost babes back. We love you guys.
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Who is professor 51? I was recently looking at a bio and noticed this character.
I believe professor 51 is an Alien doll thing that professor Floryl keeps in her office. It’s a bit of fun, like Trevor the Choir Toad and not actually a playable character. (I’m pretty sure.)
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So once again we can't keep up the threads that we have going before the event? It makes it hard to process and develop our characters.
   You are correct in that events mean only event threads during the event, but really, there aren’t usually quite so many back to back. We usually have events for most major holidays, and most events only last five days to a week. So you’ll have to bear with this one. Fortunately, we have awhile before the next holiday so you’ll have plenty of time to develop.
On that same note, it is 100% okay to continue threads from before the event after they’ve ended, you aren’t required to toss them.
 I find scheduling replies for the end of the event keeps them from getting lost
Events are a way for us to do a couple things for you guys:
they are intended to give players who might not usually have a good reason to have interaction a chance to have some kind of plot.
your character is able to experience and deal with events that happen during the holidays which mean a chance for a different kind of characterisation and development
they are meant to be fun and keep an rp from being super monotonous all the time. how boring would it be if we only ever were in a castle during one time of year with nothing going on.
We as admins work hard to make interesting events for you guys so I hope that you appreciate them past the inconvenience of threads that must be put on hold!
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Aaaaaand there’s acceptance! Whoo! We love getting new shiny apps to read over and love on!
Unfortunately, there is some bad news coming along with that. We are going to have go back into a small ban:
Due to the number of female students we’ve been getting (and the lack of males) since the OC ban lifted, we are going under a female student ban. As of right now it will be for an indeterminate amount of time, probably until we’ve at least evened out the numbers. After the next activity check, we can tell you exactly what that ratio is and what we need our male numbers to be
For now, get those lovely, sparkly, apps in for all those boys (and men) that I know some of you have your eyes on. Our lovely most wanted list is being updated, so go ahead and take a look under the wanted section in the character page for our boys.
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A quick reminder...
Students, as the game comes to a close, deposit all flags in your possession into your house’s respective collection box! This includes flags you kept from being captured. The cumulative total is what decides the winners. Any flags which are not returned will not count. Enjoy the remainder of the games and good luck to each and every house!
As this event draws to a close, remember to make a post in the special event tags so we can tally up the winning team! If you won or kept a flag, tag it to the house your character is in under HTNGGryffindor, HTNGSlytherin, HTNGHufflepuff, or HTNGRavenclaw. Keep it simple, no need for any para. A short title of Flag Won, or Flag Kept will suffice! See you at the end, and remember to discuss the outcome and bring those threads to an end! I hope you enjoyed the event!
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Are you going to update the ages of people on the ooc list? I know for a fact that I'm a year older than what it says, and I'm sure others are too.
We noticed that a couple months back and had an admin post put in the queue about messaging us because we barely remembered to change the ages of our muns! And then we realised that was a really stupid idea because our queue almost never works, whether it be the main or the promo blog. So, we’re horribly sorry, and would like to ask you to send us in your current age so we can update it!!
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