wineauntie · 1 month
I’m in the hospital for a little bit and I’ve just been binging your Hughes!sister imagines! Any way you can do one of her in the hospital and they just don’t know what’s going on? I swear I’ve been poked and prodded for the last couple days wayyyy too much for someone that doesn’t like needles. If not no worries, just wanted you to know I love your writing
WE’VE GOT YOU — hughes brothers x sister!reader
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summary: where one trip to the grocery store ends with you in a hospital bed and three worried brothers
note: once again, I lowkey deviated from this ask, but I low-key live for angsty-fluff <3 I’m so sorry to hear you were/are in hospital and I hope you’re alright lovely!
warnings: use of y/n & y/n/n, medical stuff like insertion of needles, blood, IV’s and hospitals in general, fem!reader, fainting. (I think that’s all really)
word count: 2.6k
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Summer at the lake house was one of your favourite times of the year. It was one of the few times you could spend your days doing nothing besides spending time with your brothers. Your parents were busy for the next three weeks, leaving you completely in the care of your brothers as the four of you flocked to the lake house for some "rest and relaxation".
The four of you were two days into being there when Quinn decided that today was the perfect day to do the weekly, well-needed grocery shop, and he generously volunteered you to help him out.
With nothing better to do, you went willingly.
You'd been feeling off all morning, a sharp pain in your stomach had wracked around your body but in true tested fashion, you popped an Advil and tried to carry on with your day.
"Alright," Quinn huffed, knocking you out of your stupor as the two of you began walking down the grocery store's first aisle. You hummed and pushed the cart forward all whilst he pulled out a list of food to get. "Divide and conquer?"
"I can grab the cereals and snacks, you get the veg and meat?" You suggested, tilting your head to look at your brother who nodded with pursed lips.
"Deal," he confirmed, shaking your outstretched hand. Your warm hand met his cool one as he grimaced and pulled away. "Ugh...Your hand is all clammy."
"Shut up," you rolled your eyes and withdrew your hand. You felt a pang of pain bounce through you as you tightened your existing grip on the shopping cart. "I'll meet you at the registers."
Quinn nodded and the two of you separated, your head tilted to the side as you scanned the shelves for everything you needed. You'd given the shopping list to Quinn, having memorised everything you needed to pick up. As you reached to grab a box of cereal you let out a hiss, the box dropping as your hand shot to clutch your side.
Stars spattered across your vision as you stumbled to grip the cart. The pain in your side was now vicious, biting at your every nerve as your heart sped up. Glancing around, you searched for any sign of your older brother. Your face was fixed in a grimace as you slowly pushed the cart towards where you'd last seen Quinn run off to.
The pain, like daggers, cut through you, aiming for debilitation, you reckoned. The agony grew as you shuffled towards the fruit and veg section, spotting Quinn's blue backward hat from above the wooden shelving. 
"Quinn!" Your desperate call was more of a croak than a yell but, despite the distance and quietness of your voice, he somehow heard you.
His head whipped around, his eyes meeting yours as his eyebrows scrunched together. By this stage, you were leaving heavily against the cart with your face scrunched in pain as black spots danced their way along the borders of your vision. Quinn placed down what he was holding instantly, his eyes steady on your form as you began to tremble.
He knew something was wrong— call it that big brother instinct (or just having proper eyes...but nevertheless).
His eyes remained glued onto your form as you struggled to keep yourself upright. When he finally reached your side, you felt your knees buckle, his arms slipping under yours to keep you upright.
"Fuck," Quinn swore, steadying you as much as he could. His worried eyes spanned across your weak form as you let hot tears roll down the cushioning of your cheeks. "y/n/n, what's happening? What's wrong?"
"Hurts, Q," you let out, your voice shaky and small. If Quinn closed his eyes it was almost as if you were a child again with bruised and cut-up knees looking for him to put a bandaid on it. You put a hand against your side as the pain pulsed and thrummed like a hoard of drummers.
"Okay," Quinn took a deep breath in whilst he shifted in his place. Now wasn't the time for floundering, he needed to take charge. He needed to know what to do–even if he had no idea whatsoever. "I'm going to take you to the hospital, alright? You're going to be okay."
You nodded as he helped guide you out of the shop, ignoring any questioning glances you received as you abandoned the shopping cart and store. He helped you into the passenger seat of the car, reclining it for you before he buckled you in. You drew your legs slowly up onto the chair, curling into yourself as more tears spilt over.
"Just hold tight," Quinn muttered, brushing his hand over your hair before he closed your door and hurried towards his side to start up the car. He gulped as he scanned your small form once more before he drove out of the car park.
The drive felt like a blur, your tears flowing as you tried to focus on anything but the rattling pain. Quinn's voice spoke clearly to you, constantly reassuring you. His familiar voice was one you clung to for any semblance of comfort.
"Hey, Luke, is Jack with you?" Quinn's stern voice spoke and it was only then that you realised he'd called your other brothers, letting it connect to the car's speakers. "Put the phone on loudspeaker..." Quinn looked towards you briefly before readjusting his grip on the steering wheel.
"Y/N isn't doing so well," he continued, "She collapsed on me in the store, so I'm taking her to the hospital."
"Wait, what?"
"What do you mean hospital?"
"Quinn, what's wrong with her?"
Jack and Luke's voices overlapped in a flurry of questions as Quinn sighed and tried to pick through them.
"I think it's her side, she was holding it tightly but I'm not taking any risks," he firmly stated. "We're five minutes out from A&E, I'll keep you posted."
"Keep us posted?!" Jack scoffed, "We'll be there in thirty minutes, maybe twenty-five if I speed a little."
"No speeding!" You groaned, your voice cracking as you pried your eyes open. "Please be careful."
"Alright, y/n/n," Luke piped up, "I'll make sure he's safe...well as safe as he can be, you know how bad he can be at driving."
"I'm not bad," you could imagine Jack scowling as a soft thump resounded. If you knew anything about your brothers you knew Jack had just whacked Luke straight across the head. "We'll see you soon!"
Quinn hummed and hung up as he pulled off of the main road, into the lead up to the hospital. He still looked at you every few seconds, his eyebrows permanently furrowed deep as you carefully squirmed in the leather seats of his car.
"Just hold tight, y/n/n," he muttered, changing gears, "it's going to be alright."
That's the last thing you comprehended before your vision completely darkened.
The incessant beeping coming from what you presumed to be a machine was the first thing you heard when you'd woken up. You moved your head groggily, your eyesight blurred as you blinked heavily.
The room was washed in pure you,wokelights above blinding as you lifted your hand to rub at your eyes. You felt a sharp scratch and upon glancing towards the feeling, you eventually noticed the IV jutting out of your paled skin.
You were suddenly wide awake.
You heard the beeping of the machine speed up as you attempted to sit up in the uncomfortable bed you seemed to be lying in. Patting your hands down your body, you discovered a thin hospital gown and a section of bandages across the middle of your stomach.
The door to your left swung open as a woman in scrubs and a white jacket entered with her clipboard in hand. She had a warm smile across her face when she noticed you were awake.
"Hello, I'm Sara, your doctor," the woman's soothing voice explained, as you looked at her in pure bewilderment. "You may feel disoriented for a while, but you’re in one of our recovery rooms at the moment."
"Recovery from what?" Your voice felt chalky if that was even possible. Sara rushed to grab you a glass of water waiting on a table beside you, handing it over to you for you to sip.
"You were brought in around..." Sara paused and checked your chart before looking back at you. "Eight hours ago with severe abdominal pain. You were unconscious, your brother carried you. We ran some tests and discovered that your appendix ruptured."
"My appendix?" You breathed out, your head was swirling as your shaky hands placed the plastic cup of water down on the table.
"Mhm," Sara hummed, stepping closer to the bed with her clipboard. "We took you in for surgery to remove it and now I'm here just to make sure you're awake and alright, before we bring you up to your room!"
"Oh...where is my brother?" You asked quietly, your hands folding cautiously in ront of you.
"The one who brought you in is waiting upstairs, and two other young gentlemen joined him shortly after you arrived."
"Also brothers," you supplied, a small smile weaving its way across your face. You winced as you shuffled beneath the thin sheets of the bed. "When can I see them?"
"As soon as I check you over and grab some bloods!" Sara beamed, waving her clipboard and pen. You leaned back against the pillows and allowed the woman to assess you as you stared at the ceiling.
She pulled out a needle and vial, along with a blue rubber strap. You watched apprehensively as Sara expertly prepared the equipment, her movements precise and practised. Despite your best efforts to remain calm, the sight of the needle made your stomach churn with unease.
"Alright, just a little pinch," Sara reassured you, flashing a reassuring smile as she tied the rubber strap around your arm. With steady hands, she swabbed the crook of your elbow with alcohol before gently inserting the needle into your vein.
You braced yourself for the anticipated sting, but to your surprise, it was only a brief discomfort before the sensation faded. You let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the ordeal was over before you knew it.
Sara expertly filled the vial with your blood, her movements smooth and efficient. Once she had collected an adequate sample, she removed the needle and applied a cotton ball to the small puncture wound.
"All done," she announced cheerfully, placing the vial of blood into a small tray and labelling it with your information. "You did great."
"Thanks...You make it look so easy." You offered her a weak smile, feeling a sense of relief wash over you now that the ordeal was over.
"It comes with the territory." She chuckled softly, gathering up her supplies and tucking them back into her bag. "Now, I'll get these bloods to the lab and then we can get you settled into your room."
With a final wave, Sara left the room, leaving you alone once again. You let out a long exhale, feeling a sense of exhaustion wash over you now that the adrenaline had faded.
You took a deep breath in as Sara pressed a button to open the doors to your supposed room. As it opened, you spotted all three of your brothers jump to their feet, their eyes fixed on your incoming bed.
Your eyes met Quinn's, as he seemed to let out a breath and let his shoulders drop. The tension in the room eased as his gaze softened, relief washing over his features like a gentle wave. You could sense the worry etched in his eyes, the weight of concern lifting as he saw you safe and awake.
"Look who finally decided to join the land of the living!" Jack exclaimed with a grin, nudging Luke who was standing next to him.
"Yeah, we were starting to think you'd taken up permanent residence in the land of the appendix-less," Luke chimed in, trying to lighten the mood despite the worry etched on his face in the form of little lines between his brows.
Quinn, ever the one to keep his emotions close to the chest, simply nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Glad to see you're okay," he said softly, his eyes reflecting relief as he ruffled your hair. You couldn't help but chuckle weakly at their attempts at humour, grateful for their presence despite the circumstances.
"Thanks...and Quinn, I guess I owe you one for bringing me here," you quipped, wincing slightly as you shifted in the bed.
"His biceps needed a workout anyways" Luke teased, earning a slight glare from Quinn.
Sara stepped back to give you some space with your brothers, her smile warm and reassuring. "I'll leave you all to catch up. Just remember to take it easy. You're still recovering," she admonished gently before slipping out of the room, leaving the four of you alone.
As you settled back against the pillows, surrounded by the familiar faces of your brothers, you couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over you. Despite the pain and uncertainty, you knew you were going to be alright as long as you had them by your side.
Luke leaned in, his eyes scanning you with concern. "Seriously though, how are you feeling? You look like you've been through a wrestling match with a grizzly bear." He winced, glancing down at your IV.
"I've been better, I'm just glad it's all over now." You managed a weak smile, appreciating his attempt at levity.
"You scared the hell out of us, you know?" Jack plopped down in the chair next to your bed, his grin faltering slightly as he studied your face. "Typical youngest child behaviour, always the dramatic one."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes as Jack gently laced his fingers through your non-IV hand and squeezed ever so carefully.
"Yeah, I almost had to call in the cavalry to drag your stubborn, passed out self into the ER," Quinn added, a hint of teasing in his voice, though his eyes betrayed his worry.
You chuckled softly, feeling a swell of affection for your brothers. "Well, thanks for not leaving me to suffer." You lolled your head against your pillow as the boys shifted in their stances. The three boys stayed silent as they watched you move with a few groans.
There was a beat of silence before you spoke again.
"So...do you think I can use this whole appendix thing as an excuse to get out of doing chores for, like, the next year?" You asked with a mischievous yet lazy grin, earning a collective groan from the boys.
"You wish, y/n/n," Quinn retorted, rolling his eyes with a chuckle. "But nice try."
As laughter filled the room, you couldn't help but feel a surge of relief wash over you. Despite the pain and uncertainty, having your brothers by your side made everything feel a little bit brighter.
You listened intently as the three explained what had happened exactly from the moment you'd passed out to the very second you'd been brought into the room. Jack and Luke had apparently run over various traffic cones out in the parking lot whilst Quinn had apparently drunk his body weight in caffeine.
As you listened to them, a sudden thought dawned over you.
"Hey...so do Mom and Dad know?"
"Oh, fuck..." Jack grimaced, slapping a hand to his forehead as Quinn swore low under his breath. "We are dead."
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wintfleur · 29 days
omg stella telling her brothers she’s starting an only fans as a prank!! they would kill her
౨ৎ it’s just a prank!
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﹕─┈ pairings ( Estella Hughes oc! X siblings! Hughes brothers )
°. — details ( g; fluff, humor. w; Stella being a little goofy and her brothers are being protective. wc; 2.6k )
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( omg nonnie you are a genius, I had so much fun writing this !!! So sorry it took so long for me to get out. I hope you guys enjoy it !!! )
°. — ( in no way am I meaning to offend anyone who does do only fans or anything like that, by writing Stella’s brothers not being supportive of her doing only fans. I hope that makes sense )
°. — ( feel free to send any requests of things you would like to see in this series, or if you just want to share some thoughts! I would absolutely love that! Please comment if you would like to be added to the tag list! )
au masterlist — you can find asks under #💌stellahughes!
Stella was laying in her bed ⸺ well technically the guest bed in the guest room in her brother's jack and Luke's apartment. She was having her annual visit, and it was the time of day where her brothers were both napping, and she wasn't in the mood to go out by herself. She was honestly feeling quite bored not having her brothers around to annoy, that's why she was aimlessly scrolling through TikTok. But her boredom was quickly healed when she watched the latest TikTok lily sent her, a mischievous smile forming on her lips as her mind already formed a plan. 
Stella swiftly slipped out of bed and grabbed her hoodie and put it over her tank top before leaving the room. She heard the faint sound of her brother's voice coming from the kitchen, she could tell that they just woke up from their tone. Both of her brother's heads turned to her as she walked into the kitchen, Luke giving her a tired smile as Jack just groaned and rested his head on the cold island counter they were sitting at. “Can you grab us the milk?” Jack groaned tiredly and Stella rolled her eyes but got the milk for them, nonetheless, setting the carton next to the box of cereal the two were about to destroy. 
Stella pulled out a box of fruit snacks and set them on the counter, only using that as a distraction so she could prop up her phone to film them without them seeing it. She started the video and gave the camera a wink before she turned around and faced her brothers who were shoveling cereal into their mouths. Stella leaned back against the counter and asked, “Can one of you drive me too best buy?” 
 “Sure! What do you need at best buy?” Luke was quick to agree, wanting to spend more time with his little sister, Jack looked at Stella curious on what she needed at best buy, he was about to open his mouth to offer to give her his card, but she was already talking. “Oh! I need to get a ring light, i left mine at home.” 
“Why do you need a ring light?” Jack askes with a confused frown. Stella had to stop her lips from curling up into a smile at the genuine confusion, oh her poor brothers have no idea what they're getting into. Stella gave her brothers a smile and tries her best to sound as calm as she could as she speaks “Oh i need one to film my new only fans video and i left mine at home.”  
Stella bit her lip and turned to face the counter, pretending to do things, knowing that she would not be able to face her brothers without bursting out into laughter. The camera perfectly got both of her brothers' reactions. Luke choked on his cereal in shock and started coughing. Jack dropped his spoon in his bowl as his body went still in shock as he looked at the back of his little sister's head. 
“What did you just say?” Jack asked his sister, hoping that he and Luke heard wrong. There was no way she was serious ⸺ she couldn't be. Stella let out a quiet breath and tried to collect herself before turning around to face her brothers. She turned back around to face her brothers, holding everything in so she wouldn't laugh, she gives them a smile pretending to be unbothered “I need to get a ring light so i can film my on⸺” 
“We heard you!” Luke quickly cut Stella off after catching his breath from his fit of coughs, he shook his head in disgust he did not want to hear his sister repeat it. Jack looks at his sister in fear and shakes his head no, repeatedly muttering no under his breath. Poor boy was stressed. “Stella, you can't be serious! You can't have only fans” Jack nearly shouted as he placed both of his hands on the island counter. 
“And you sure as hell can't film your . . . your videos in our guest bedroom” Luke scoffs his face twisted in disgust, he did not need to know this about his sister, and he did not need to think of what she could be doing in their guest bedroom. “Gross” Jack whined in disgust at his younger brother's words. 
“Why not I really need the money” Stella did her best to frown, giving her brothers her puppy eyes that she knew always worked in her favor, but this time it was different, they were not going to fall for it. Jack's eyes nearly pop out of his sockets at his sister's revelation, she was doing this because she needed money? He quickly reached into his pocket for his wallet while Luke questioned her in shock “Money? Your doing this for money?” 
“Obviously” stella giggled with a shrug of her shoulder, gently biting her lip to hold in her laughter when she sees Luke hold his head in his hands and jack hold out his wallet for her “Here take my wallet, buy whatever you want as long as you delete your account.” 
“Awee you're going to buy my ring light for me?” Stella playfully cooed as she reached for the wallet, very much enjoying messing with her brothers. Luke's eyes widen and he quickly snatches Jack's wallet before she could grab it, over his dead body. Luke scoffs at the audacity “Neither of us are going to sponsor your bad decisions.” 
“Oh, trust me i don't need any more sponsors” stella stated as she tried her best to sound innocent and oblivious. Luke's mouth dropped in shock and Stella was sure she was going to see steam coming out of Jack's ears any second now. Jack pulled his phone out of his pocket with a mission “Thats it I'm calling Quinn, he can talk some sense into your delusional ass self.” 
Stella’s eyes widen and she quickly grabs jacks' phone out of his hands before he could get the chance to call their eldest brother, she also wanted to pull this prank on Quinn when she comes to visit, and she wasn't going to have them ruin that even though she wasn't really looking forward to it. Stella quickly shouted when she noticed the two heated stares from her brothers “Wait! Wait! It's just a prank!” 
Neither of her brothers believed her until she broke out into a fit of giggles and turned around to grab her phone, lifting it up and showing them that they were being filmed. A loud laugh leaves her lips at the sight of her brother's reaction to her phone. Both of their shoulders sag in relief and Jack drops his head onto the island counter and lets out a loud groan of annoyance, while Luke just crosses his arms and glares at his sister. Yes, he was relieved that it was all fake, but his heart was almost beating out of his chest from the stress she just put him through. 
Stella gives the camera a small smile before stopping it, she slides it into her pocket and clears her throat and gives both of her brothers an awkward smile. She could tell that they both were a little upset from the prank. Stella tries her best to sound enthusiastic as she asks her two now grumpy brothers “Who wants to help me plan out the same prank for quinny!” 
Now that got a smile on both of their lips . . . 
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Now Stella was way more nervous to pull the prank on quinn than she was with Jack and Luke. Quinn was different. She knew it was just a prank, but she was still scared to see Quinn’s reaction. She was honestly going to blow the whole prank off, but she was starting to get annoyed by the many texts from an impatient Jack asking her if she's done it yet. Not only was she nervous to do it, but there was also just not a good time for her to do it yet. 
She has been busy almost every day, going out with her brother almost every day, Elias and Brock joining them. She was having a great time, so she really didn't want to ruin it by pranking her older brother by making him believe she was starting an only fans account. But she said she would, and Stella doesn't go back on her word. Ever.  
Stella quickly glanced at her brother who was focusing on the video game he was playing on the living room tv. They were spending the day inside, neither of them wanting to go out during the hot day. Stella discretely sets up her phone against a pillow next to her, her phone getting a good view of both of the siblings who're sitting next to each other. 
Stella lets out a nervous sigh before quickly starting the video and leans back on the couch, letting her phone get a great view of both of their side profiles. Quinn was leaning forward with his arms on his knees and a controller in his hand. Stella sat Criss cross on the couch and tilted her head to look at quinn as she spoke “Quinn i have to tell you something.” 
“Hmm yeah, what is it?” Quinn quickly glanced back and forth from his sister and the tv a few times before settling his gaze back on the tv. Stella nervously bit her lip for a second, quickly glancing at the camera before looking back at her brother. She spoke calmly “I think I'm going to start an only fans.” 
Quinn physically recoiled in shock at his sister's words, and the both of them were surprised that his neck didn't snap with how fast it turned to her. The controller dropped out of his hand and hit the rug covered floor. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not believing the words coming out of his sister's mouth “Excuse me?” 
“I’m thinking of  ⸺ “ 
“Why the fuck are you thinking about that?” Quinn asked in a sharp tone as he fully twisted his body to face her. Stella felt her lips twitch up at how high his tone got; it always did when he was upset. Stella pursed her lips before she could smile and ruin the prank, she continued to speak calmly “A lot of people have asked me  ⸺ “ 
“Who the fuck is asking you that?” Quinn questioned stella, his tone angry as he thought of people trying to convince his little sister to start an account, fucking perves his hissed in his mind. No! Quinn was not going to let this happen. She must not be thinking straight, he continued to think. 
“You’d be surprised, apparently I'd make a lot of money!” Stella pretends to be excited at the thought, even giving Quinn a smile. Oh, he's so going to kill me, Stella thought to herself as she watched her brother's concerned expression turn into anger. Quinn shook his head in disbelief, bringing his hand up to rub at his temples as he closed his eyes, a sigh of stress leaving his lips before he opened his eyes and looked back at his sister. 
“Estella, you are 19 years old! You should still be playing with your barbies or somethin!” 
“The minimum age is eighteen . . . I’ve been researching it” Stella hummed as she nodded, biting her lip to stop herself from giggling at the dramatic exhale he let out.
“Oh, is that right” quinn muttered sarcastically under his breath, he didn't know how to approach the situation. He definitely did not agree with the idea of Stella doing that, but he also didn't want her to feel like he was judging her or was disappointed in her . . . but he knew it was a little late for that from his reaction. Quinn let out another sigh before speaking much more calmly “Stella . . . is this really something you want to do?” 
“I think so” she mumbled, starting to feel bad from how stressed he looked. 
“Well, I um . . . all I ask is that you really think about it okay?” Quinn spoke softly as he reached for Stella's hand, softly squeezing it. Yes, he wanted to forbid her from doing it, but he also didn't want to take her choice away from her, she had to make the choice herself, and he didn't want her to feel embarrassed to talk about things with him. He continued to speak as he locked eyes with Stella “This is a big decision, you know. Once things go on the internet, they never come off. Just really think if this is what you want to do.” 
Stella internally awes at Quinn's words, his initial reaction showed that he did not agree and was not happy with her words, but he calmed down and gave her a mature and sweet response. Quinn lets out a surprised “Oh!” when he feels Stella lunges towards him, wrapping her arms around his shoulder for a hug. Quinn is confused for a second, but he quickly returns the hug. Stella squeezes her eyes shut and speaks loud enough for her phone to pick it up “It's just a prank.” 
“What!?” Quinn exclaims as she pulls back from the hug, a giggle leaving Stella's lips at the confused look Quinn gives her. “It's just a prank quinny” Stella gets out between her loud laughter, her head tilting back against the couch. Quinn let out a heavy sigh, his body still tense even with the confession of it being a prank, he had to make sure “So you're not going to make an only fans?” 
“No, I'm not, don't worry!” Stella continues to giggle, her laughter only getting louder when Quinn lets himself lean back on the couch, his hand resting over his fast-beating heart. Quinn shuts his eyes and lets himself calm down, his body relaxing. “Oh, thank god!” 
“Why would you do that stella! Are you trying to kill me?” Quinn quickly shouts as he sits back up, many questions running through his mind. Who gave her the idea to do this? Why would she do this? And do you think I can guilt trip her into cooking dinner? 
“It was Jack's idea!” Stella was quick to throw her brother under the bus, quickly reaching to grab her phone to pause the video before it got too long. Quinn's eyes widen, and a look of betrayal comes across his face at the fact that she videotaped the whole thing. The last thing the camera gets is a shocked Quinn looking over a giggling Stella's shoulder. 
Stella tilts her head to look at her brother who got really quiet, her eyes widening at the glare he was giving her. She noticed a familiar look of mischief in his eyes, and she quickly got up from the couch and rushed down the hallway to hide in the guestroom, just as she closed the door, she heard the sound of his loud footsteps and the sound of him shouting. 
stellahughes has just posted a TikTok!
[caption: do you guys think jacks gonna be mad i blamed him? ]
username1 is Luke okay? I thought he was going to pass out from how hard he was coughing
username2 I- the way she blamed Jack. I can’t 😭
username3 they were stressing omg!
username4 the protective glare Quinn gave Stella when she said people were asking for it 🤭
username5 stella sweetie, are you okay?
Stellahughes no, I’m hiding from Quinn in the closet 🫤
Qhughes Hmm good to know
username5 did I just get Stella Hughes killed 😳
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°. — taglist ( @privatemythss @cixrosie @toasttt11 @lxvelyzoe @lovings4turn x )
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sunflower-lilac42 · 20 days
✧ 𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲 || hughes brothers ♔
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summary: in which she is asked to call her brothers to see who would send her money
warnings: luke being siblingly mean
publish date: 04/07/24
notes: just a little blurb idea thing i thought of when i was watching youtube shorts and yes there are two versions because i couldn't help myself. it is short and dialogue-heavy but oh well | add yourself to the taglist ➺ taglist!
nhl masterlist | main masterlist
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Version One | The One Where They're All Together
She was walking through campus with her friend, talking about what had just happened in the past day that they had seen each other. As they got closer to their destination a man approached them. He was around their age, maybe a year or two older, he had a microphone in one hand as a camera guy trailed behind him, “Do you guys have any siblings?”
The two nodded, a little skeptical, “I’ll give 20 dollars to whoever can convince their sibling to send them more money than the fiend person.”
Her friend whined, “No, her brothers are rich, this is so easy for her, it isn’t fair.”
“Oh, they’re actually all together right now so that works! Wait, why am I making them send me money? I’ll think of something.”
Y/n pulled out her phone and face-timed Jack, hoping that out of the three of them, he’d pick up, “Hey y/n/n!”
Quinn and Luke joined the frame soon after, “Uh hey, can I ask you guys a huge favor?”
All three raised an eyebrow, but Luke answered, “What is it?”
“Can you guys send me some money? I need to buy a new textbook but my paycheck hasn’t come-“
“How much?”
“Like a 100? I’ll pay you back, I kind of need it soon.”
Quinn, being the big brother he loved to be, answered right away, “Yeah, of course. no need to pay me back too.”
“I promise I will.”
“Nope, I make like millions a year, I think I can spare my baby sister 100 bucks.”
“Thanks, Quinny. good luck tomorrow you guys. Love you.”
“Love you too.” The three chorused back right before she hung up.
Quinn was quick to send her the money, yet instead of the 100 she asked for, he sent her 200. Attached was a note saying that they missed her and to go buy some food for her and her friend.
“Hah, have fun beating that.”
Her friend called her sister, getting a mere $30 from her. She frowned and rolled her eyes, telling y/n that she owed her for lunch now. And after the guy left, she sent all $200 back plus the extra 20 she had just got saying it was just for a video and that she loved him. Jack and Luke whined about losing 20 dollars after that.
Version Two | The One Where She Asks All Of Them Separately
She and her friend had been walking back from class, talking about the new project that they were doing. They were on their way to grab something to eat as it had been slowly approaching lunchtime. There was a guy in the courtyard, with a microphone and his own camera guy. It was a little weird and they became a little skeptical when he asked them if the two had any siblings.
While her friend shook her head no, she replied, “Yeah, three.”
So while they couldn’t see whose sibling would send them the most money, they could see which ones out of hers would, “Okay we haven’t done this one before but I’ll give whatever sibling of yours who sends you more money 20 bucks.”
She called Quinn first, figuring that out of the three of them, he would be the one not doing anything at this time of day. He answered instantaneously, a soft hi coming from his side of the phone. 
“Hey Quinny, I have a favor to ask you.”
“What’s up?”
“Can you send me some money? I have-“
“Yeah, how much?”
“You didn’t even let me finish my question.”
“You’re my sister, I’m going to send you money no matter what. I mean unless you’re buying drugs, are you buying drugs?”
“No just my-“
“Yeah okay. How much?”
“Like 50?”
“Okay, I’ll send you the money. I have to go, but I’ll call you later, okay? I love you.”
“Love you too.”
She looked back at her phone and smiled when she realized he sent her 75 instead of 50. She looked back up as she moved to call Jack, “Alright, let’s see what Jack will do.”
Jack answered his phone within the first three rings, “Y/n.”
“What’s up sasquatch?”
“I got a favor to ask you.”
“Should I be scared?”
“I don’t know, do you have a reason for the Devils to stop paying you?”
“No?” His voice was more confused than worried at this point.
“Okay cool, can I borrow some money? Just like 50 bucks.”
“For what reason?”
“I need some new books for class.”
Jack raised an eyebrow from the other side, “positive?”
“Okay fine. 50 you said?”
“I’ll send it when we hang up.”
“Thank you, Jack. I love you.”
“Love you, you dork.”
And when the phone hung up and she got a notification, she realized Jack had sent her the exact amount she was looking for, “Cheapskate. Just kidding, I’m sending this back anyway after this video. Alright, I highly doubt Luke will send me any money, but we can try at least.”
“Hey y/n/n.”
“Listen I got this huge favor I need to ask you.”
“Whatever it is, no.”
“Not even for your favorite sister?”
“Not even for my “favorite” sister. What is it anyway?”
“I was just wondering if you could send me some money for my-“
“Yeah, no.”
“What do you mean no? You didn’t even let me finish?”
“I’m broke.”
“You play hockey for a living and make more than me right now.”
“So? Get your own money.”
She scoffed, “Rude. And this is why you aren’t my favorite.”
“Oh well.”
“Bye Luke.” She hung up before he could say anything else.
“And just for that I’m sending Quinn and Jack like an extra 20 each.”
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if your name is crossed out it means i couldn't tag you
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nicohischierz · 3 months
hiding in plain sight: hughes sister
tagging: @ivy-34, @francesfarhadi, @hzstry8, @cixrosie, @itsnotgray, @estapa94, @trevs-swiftie, @heartz4hischif you want to join the taglist let me know!!
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luke had walked into jack’s room rubbing his chest.
“what’s going on bud?” jack asked, lowering his phone. luke crawled into jacks bed and laid in his back. “my chest hurts,” luke answered.
jack turned to his younger brother and continued asking questions, searching his symptoms up online before deciding if it required a trip to the doctors.
“ever since i moved here, i’ve got this dull ache in my chest and sometimes it hurts more than other times,” luke explained.
“do you think you’re homesick?” jack asked.
luke shrugged. “i asked quinn about it and he said he gets it too sometimes but quinn isn’t homesick anymore,”
jack couldn’t help and luke decided to give up. so the two brothers left it alone.
luke monitored the feeling in his chest and found it lightening on december 5th.
the whole family was in vancouver. everyone except you.
ellen, jim, jack, luke and quinn were in quinn’s apartment playing games when his doorbell rang.
the group weren’t expecting anyone so quinn was a bit apprehensive in opening the door.
“your lives have been made better!” you exclaimed hugging your oldest brother.
quinn hugged you back after clocking who you were. the older hughes boy squeezed you tightly, making sure you weren’t a figment of his imagination.
luke was next.
with the two of you being close in age, luke had missed you dearly. upon inhaling your comforting scent, the ache in luke’s chest lifted.
actually. when all three brothers saw you in the doorway, the aches in their chest vanished upon seeing their younger sister.
you smiled at jack after letting go of luke. the two of you may have had a disagreement before he left but he was still your older brother.
so you pulled him in for a hug as he clutched you tightly. “i’m sorry squish,” he whispered.
you pulled away from him and gestured for the other two to come close. “i missed you guys,” you announced, pulling all three brothers in for a hug.
that weekend, you spent as much time as you could with your brothers. you pestered them when you were bored and followed them into every room they visited.
“i mean i’m seeing you for christmas right?” luke had asked.
the devils were getting ready to leave for their next game and luke wanted to make sure his chest never ached again.
you shrugged. “my boyfriends going to sweden and asked if i wanted to come along. i haven’t thought about it much but sweden’s nice and i’ve never been but i barely get to see you guys,” you trailed off.
quinn squeezed your shoulder. “you should go. luke, jack and i have travelled for hockey before and i know you’ve always wanted to go,” he answered.
“i think you should stay.” luke intervened.
“why?” you asked.
“like you said you barely see us, so why make it less by leaving to go to sweden with your boyfriend that none of us know about,” luke added.
“i want to travel the world lukey. i love you guys so much but why do i have to make the compromise everytime.”
you picked up your bag and headed it the door. “whenever you guys are in boston, i have to make the drive to see you. i have to make sure i’m at the lake house every summer just to catch a glimpse of you guys. i’m tired of not putting myself first luke,” you explained.
"its funny cause all your friends make the effort to come see me but I have to be the one to see you," you added.
luke tried to come up with an explanation but you stopped him. you bid goodbye to your family and called for a cab to the airport.
the hughes brothers didn’t realise it at first but that ache in their chest was back and stronger than ever.
it wasn’t till christmas that they all realised it.
luke thought being with his parents would help but the ache was still there, gnawing away at his insides. he felt useless as he lay on the couch rubbing his chest as world juniors played in the background.
quinn and jack were dealing with the same pain as they found refuge on one of the sofas. ellen thought they were being over dramatic babies in need of their mother's care.
"what is going on with the three of you?" she asked, lifting luke's legs onto her lap. the three boys groaned.
"my chest hurts,"
"i feel sick,"
"jack's lying on my arm," they all complained.
"lukey, your chest hurts? why didn't you say anything sooner?" ellen started panicking.
luke shrugged. "i told those two and they thought it might be home sickness but it still hurts and I am literally at home,"
ellen furrowed her eyebrows and looked at her three babies "has it ever not hurt?" she asked.
"earlier in the month," they all replied.
"when?" ellen pressed.
"umm mine stopped when we were all in van, even squish," quinn answered.
"mine too," luke added.
"same," jack joined.
it didn't take long for the hughes matriarch to realise the brothers missed their younger sister.
"whenever you guys feel this pain, who's missing?" she asked quietly.
luke wasn't trying to answer the question directly when he replied "squish!"
in actual fact, the stream had panned to the crowd and their younger sister just so happened to make an appearance. she was sat next to rutger mcgroarty's sister donning a usntdp jersey that the three brothers knew didn't belong to them.
you had waved to the camera, the number two clearly visible on your sleeve before the camera panned down to the owner of the jersey, will smith.
"your sister loves you guys and i know you guys love her. but that boy looks at her like she hung the stars and the moon. he gives her the space to be herself, not just your younger sister," ellen explained.
it took the brothers a few weeks for their mother's words to truly settle in.
it wasn’t until the three brothers were together again and were on instagram when they came across a video with you and will in the background.
the two of you were smiling at each other as will was in the middle of putting his cap on you. the brothers could hear the laugh you let out.
it’s the one in so many of their home videos where you’re having the time of your life.
it’s also the laugh they haven’t heard in a while.
luke felt guilty for suggesting you should’ve stayed.
quinn felt like a bad brother for not making the same effort as you did.
and jack.
well he still felt guilty for what he did before he left for jersey.
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drysdalesworld · 4 months
ducks, ducks, ducks
jamie drysdale x fem!hughes!reader
social media au set before injury & trade! (still salty about it)
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by adamfantilli, uoregon, yourbestie, and more
y/n.hughes: ducks, ducks, ducks 🦆
tagged: yourbestie, anaheimducks, uoregon
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yourbestie: ducks!!
userone: the best duck there is
usertwo: fr!
userthree: who? jamie or y/n?
userone: y/n 100% userthree
trevorzegras: i’m still petty over the fact that you didn’t hug me first
y/n.hughes: i would’ve if you didn’t take forever to leave the locker room
jamie.drysdale: you were too slow z
trevorzegras: ☹️
userfour: trev being petty over the fact that he wasn’t one of the first people to hug y/n after the game has me ROLLING 😭
userfive: fr!! i love how jokingly possessive he is over the hughes siblings. it’s too funny
usersix: esp over jack and y/n. it’s hilarious 😂
yourroommate: how much sleep did you get this weekend?
y/n.hughes: none ☺️
yourroommate: babes
yourbestie: she literally brought her suitcase to the party so she could immediately go straight to the airport afterwards
userseven: stop!! that’s so cute!!
y/n.hughes: worth it tho
jamie.drysdale: loved having you at my game baby 🤍
jackhughes: is that why you ignored my facetime earlier 🥲
y/n.hughes: yes. i had other priorities
jackhughes: wow. so your older brother isn’t a priority? i see how it is 😒
y/n.hughes: dramatic ass
jackhughes: i’m telling mom!
usereight: y/n knows where her priorities lie lol
_quinnhughes: hope you had fun sis!
y/n.hughes: i did! thank you quinny <33
lhughes_06: take notes jackhughes
jackhughes: i’m being attacked at all sides aren’t i
colecaufield: when are you going to visit 😖
y/n.hughes: bake me your moms homemade cookies and then we’ll talk
colecaufield: done ✅
anaheimducks: the best duck we know!
markestapa: visit us next!!
tyler_duke5: on my knees begging
alexturcotte: hope oregon’s treating you well girl hughes!!
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by trevorzegras, rutgermcgroarty, and more
y/n.hughes: why do i have to be such a studious gf that’s pursuing her college degree and not a stay at home gf 😫
tagged: jamie.drysdale
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trevorzegras: just drop out. problem solved
userone: that’s not
jackhughes: are you encouraging my sister to drop out of college z 🤨
trevorzegras: just saying j. it’s an easy fix
lhughes_06: that’s what you get for double majoring in english and communications with a minor in political science girlie
usertwo: did luke just refer to his sister as girlie?
userthree: yes, yes he did
y/n.hughes: at least i’ll have a degree in my name & not just on the back of a jersey
y/n.hughes: same goes for you trev
userfour: oop
jamie.drysdale: because you’re a smart and hardworking girl baby ☺️
y/n.hughes: awww jimmy!! i love you so much ❤️❤️
userfive: are we just going to brush over the fact that y/n is a double major with a minor?? babes is getting NO sleep
y/n.hughes: ZERO
y/n.hughes: sleep is for the weak!
usersix: praying for your health & sanity bbg
userfive: get some sleep girl!! it’s important for your health!
yourbestie: get that degree babes!! be the most studious wag ever!!
yourroommate: FRFR
anaheimducks: getting the jack ready rn
luca.fantilli: the smartest hughes
lhughes_06: offense taken
y/n.hughes: thank you luca <3 speaking the truth fr
rutgermcgroarty: speaking of the smart hughes, can you help me with my essay y/n.hughes 😖
y/n.hughes: ofc rut! i’ll call you at 9
rutgermcgroarty: bless thank you 🙏
elhughes: so proud of you baby 💚💚
y/n.hughes: thank you mama!! i love you so much 🤍
jackhughes: the smartest sister i have
_quinnhughes: she’s the only sister you have idiot
jackhughes: okay and ???
userseven: the pic of jamie tying her shoe 😭😭
masonmctavish23: the most studious person i know!
trevorzegras: idk why but i feel offended
y/n.hughes: babes, we all know you practically have an iq of a grape
jackhughes: she isn’t wrong z 😂
y/n.hughes just posted to their story!
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caption: last date night with lover boy until thanksgiving break jamie.drysdale :(
trevorzegras replied!
finally! i no longer have to deal with you and jimbo’s lovey dovey grossness 🤢
jk! love you 🫶🏼 you make jimmy more tolerable
jamie.drysdale replied!
i’m going to miss you baby! :( study hard & take care of yourself lovey 🤍
lhughes_06 replied!
since when were you NOT coming home for turkey break??! 🤨
421 notes · View notes
luvhughes43 · 5 months
blake hughes au
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summary: blake hughes, jacks twin sister, starts secretly dating nico hischier after she moves to jersey after a career ending figure skating injury.
dont have to pretend (how blake & nico get together)
instagram official (insta + tweet edit)
the proposal & the engagement
baby loves (blake & nico find out theyre pregnant + baby announcement)
jack finds out that blake is dating nico
nico helping blake through a panic attack
soft morning
blake has a bad day and only wants nico
blake passes out on the boat
nico takes care of a drunk blake
nico and blake talk about having kids
insta edits
i love life, thank you
introducing the au
realizing that they have feelings for each other
finally getting together
blake thoughts
lukes thoughts on nico and blake
brothers reactions to blakes injury
brothers reactions to blakes pregnancy + birth
blake & nico
pregnancy + thoughts
blake & the wags
parent edition
hischier house
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jackhues · 6 months
Now I can’t get Luke’s friends flirting with youngest!hughes out of my head… like I know me and my older brother fight all the time but the second one of his friends flirts all my brothers are ready to throw hands
ohh, i love this!! using ethan edwards and luke as the brother and bestie (should i make this a new au?)
you pulled a chair from the dining room, using it to climb up onto the table.
gripping the top of the fridge for support, you leaned over to grab a pack of pasta and a can of pasta sauce.
"don't fall, sweet cheeks."
ethan's voice caused to jump, nearly banging your head on the cupboard and almost dropping the pasta.
"ethan, you asshole," you muttered. "can't you see i'm in a dangerous position? stop being annoying."
"stop calling her sweet cheeks," luke added. "that's gross."
you rolled your eyes at the two boys' banter, climbing down from the countertop.
"here, let me help," ethan held out a hand, helping you climb off the counter, before putting away the chair you grabbed earlier.
"thank you, eddy," you smiled, before glaring at your brother. "unlike some people, those related to me by blood, you helped me out."
"anytime, sweets."
"okay, that's enough," luke said, quickly stepping in between you two. "none of that. not in here. y/n, leave the kitchen."
"what? no," you held up the packet of pasta. "i'm making my dinner. you leave."
"you're the one who has a problem with ethan and i-"
"ethan and you?" jack repeated, entering the kitchen, pointing between the two of you. "is that a thing?"
"it's not-"
"-oh it's definitely a thing," ethan said, putting a hand over your shoulder.
"stop that, stop that," luke walked between the two of you, dragging a laughing ethan out of the room.
jack glared at him, following the duo to try and 'intimidate' ethan.
it wouldn't make a difference. ethan had been around too long, he was immune to their threats.
"are you making pasta?" quinn asked, entering the kitchen, shaking you out of your thoughts.
you nodded.
"okay cool. make me some."
"i want the sauce mixed with the pasta, not poured on top."
"do you want cheese too?"
"obviously," quinn said. he motioned to the door that luke and jack dragged ethan out of. "what's going on with those three?"
"ethan was being nice to me, and luke thought it was flirting, so the two dumb butts are trying to intimidate him," you summarized. "they're so stupid."
quinn nodded slowly, "on an unrelated note, i'll be back."
you watched him head towards the boys, sighing to yourself.
idiots, they were all idiots.
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sweetestdesire · 18 days
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WARNINGS: hair pulling, extreme domination, public sexual acts, exhibitionist kink, etc. 18+ readers only
PAIRING(S): Trevor Zegras x Hughes!Reader
SUMMARY: in which Trevor Zegras and Hughes!Reader just need to find a way to get along.
"I've never known anyone so uncoordinated in all my life." Trevor laughed as he tightly gripped the handle on the top of Y/N’s backpack. "You're hopeless.” He said, dragging her none-too-gently onto the granite boulder where he'd spent the last five minutes waiting for her.
"Oh, fuck off." Y/N gained her footing and shoved his hand off her, annoyed by the way everything physical came so easily to him. She turned her back on him and stood facing the valley below, taking in the peaceful scenery so at odds with the tension inside her. She'd pulled her hair into a ponytail; the cool breeze whipped the ends and rippled across her t-shirt while she mentally cursed her brother for putting her in this situation.
"I've heard unrequited love often makes women a bit testy. Now I know it's true."
She sneaked a glance at him and snorted in spite of herself. "You wish."
Y/N pulled her water bottle from the side pocket of her bag and popped the top, tilting it to her mouth to take a drink. Trevor moved in beside her and bumped her shoulder, causing her to lose her grip and send water dribbling down her chin. She shot him a lethal glare.
Y/N caught the droplets and wiped her damp fingers on her shorts. "You did that on purpose."
His mouth tilted in a half-smile and he turned the full weight of his striking eyes on her. "I need to make my own fun. In case you haven't noticed, you're shitty company."
"I'm normally delightful. Trust me, it's you not me." Y/N watched as the afternoon sun played across his features, wishing he'd at least show some sign he was as tired as her. The breeze ruffled his hair and his skin glowed with a light sheen of perspiration.
"I've never seen you as anything other than a smartass.” Trevor said.
"That's because you're always around at the time." She slipped her bottle into her backpack. "You bring out the worst in me."
"Is this a sexual tension thing? If I let you get into my pants will it help improve your mood?" Trevor lifted his arms above his head and his eyes remained on her while he indulged in a leisurely stretch.
"Uh, no. There are things I want to do to you, but none of them would be enjoyable. Not for you, anyway." Y/N hated the fact that she couldn't stop her attention from drifting to the enticing vision of his abs revealed by his raised shirt.
A deep chuckle brought her gaze back to his and she had to steel herself against the humor his knowing smile stirred inside her. "Just checking.” Trevor said. "I'll take one for the team if I have to. Keep that in mind."
Y/N rolled her eyes and tried to decide which would be more painful, diving into the valley below or spending another three hours with him. "I honestly don't think I can take any more of this."
"Blame your brother.” Trevor said, dropping his arms to his side. "Jack’s always playing the peacemaker."
"All the stress of trying to make it into the playoffs must have finally driven him insane. Anyone can see you and I are never going to get along."
Jack decided a spur-of-the-moment bonding session in nature was just what Y/N and Trevor needed to end the hostility between them. So far the idea had turned out to be a complete flop. She couldn't stop sniping at him and he hadn't even tried to hold back from needling her during the two hours they'd already spent together.
"Awe, don't say 'never'." Trevor rested his arm across her shoulder and pulled her in against his side. "We'll be BFFs after this, I just know it."
Y/N pressed her lips together and tried to keep a straight face. She pushed his arm off her and took a deep breath, forging ahead in an effort to hide her amusement. Trevor only let her take the lead for a few minutes before he gripped her shoulders and physically moved her aside so he could pass through. She sighed and tried to focus on the scenery to take her mind off her predicament.
Her backpack was a heavy burden at her shoulders, blisters had formed on her toes and sweat trickled down her spine. The trail grew denser and the terrain more challenging the deeper they hiked. They hadn't passed a single person on their journey which only served to make her feel even more isolated. In normal circumstances Y/N had a lot of patience, but her control began to slip as the minutes ticked by and her exhaustion grew.
Y/N continued her verbal jousting with Trevor, becoming more personal and less tactful as the hike progressed. The main problem she faced was that her behavior appeared to annoy her more than it did him. Sometimes he'd reply with a witty comeback and other times she'd notice his shoulders moving in a silent laugh as he turned his head away from her.
Y/N released a loud breath and shook her head, knowing what needed to be done. There was nothing like an over-long hike in the Michigan air to help bring some clarity to your thinking. For the sake of her brother’s happiness, she had to put more effort into being less abrasive towards Trevor.
Over an hour later, they reached a clearing and Trevor slipped his arms from his backpack, letting it drop to the ground. He rested against a rock and pulled in air. Y/N wanted to cheer with relief as she slid free from her pack to join him.
A smile hovered at his mouth as Trevor glanced at her. "I only stopped so I could take a break from listening to you wheeze."
Y/N moved in beside him to share the rock. She let out a breathless laugh, too tired to fight with him. "I'd kiss you in gratitude if I didn't think you'd hurt me." She stared at the tree-filled landscape, listening to the wind rustle through the leaves while she braced herself for his reply. When the silence stretched on her gaze shifted to him. "Why so quiet?" She asked. "No more digs?"
Trevor’s body remained facing straight ahead; only his eyes slid in her direction. "We need to stop that."
She threw a furtive glance his way. "I've been thinking the same thing."
"It's going to take a lot of effort, more on your part than mine."
Y/N hummed her agreement, the humor in his tone making her smile. She soaked up the silence with him for a while, losing herself in her thoughts. She couldn't imagine what it would be like being friends with him now, they'd spent too long as... she didn't even know what to call the relationship they currently shared. Maybe a truce was the easiest option.
"Say something nice to me.” Y/N finally said, wanting to test him. "I bet you can't even come up with one thing."
Trevor pushed off the rock and took a couple of steps away, turning to face her once he'd put some distance between them. He appeared to be thinking it over but it didn't take him too long to find an answer. "Alright.” He said. “Even though you dress like Adam Sandler, I can tell there's a hot body hidden somewhere under there."
Y/N shifted gravel around with the toe of her sneaker and hid her amusement. "Wow, thanks. I guess a backhanded compliment is better than nothing at all." She looked up at him, deciding to have a try at this niceness thing herself. "I like your… that bit.” She said, pointing to the area between his navel and waistband.
"This?" Trevor asked, lifting the hem of his shirt.
She kept her mouth shut and nodded, not trusting herself to speak. He let his shirt fall back into place and said, "Okay, I'll admit I also find your sense of humor entertaining."
Y/N bit the inside of her cheek, enjoying herself. She wanted to draw the moment out even longer, but figured she'd be pushing her luck. "I think you're annoyingly funny sometimes, too.” She finally relented.
Trevor laughed as he bent to pick up her backpack. "Thanks. That's more than enough for one day. Let's keep moving before I get all emotional."
Trevor helped her slip into her straps, the gesture so considerate it left her feeling unsure how to respond. Y/N made the wisest decision and just offered a simple thank you. When he'd shouldered his own pack, he tugged her ponytail, a reminder they weren't quite friends yet, and headed off to begin the rest of their journey.
Y/N stood there for a while longer, feeling hopeful about this new development. A sense of warmth had begun to develop between them that she'd never experienced with him before now. Maybe Jack had been right and spending time in a situation where they couldn't avoid each other was just what they needed. She'd have to keep an open mind about it all and see where it headed.
Trevor’s movements briefly distracted her from her thoughts. Y/N’s gaze lowered to his legs and she watched him walk, taking note of the way the muscles shifted beneath his smooth skin. His shorts were just tight enough for her to get a decent rear view and once she'd set eyes on him she couldn't look away.
"You have a nice ass!" Y/N yelled out before she could stop herself.
Trevor lifted his arm, did a fist pump above his head and kept trudging on.
"So that's it, then." Y/N shoved her backpack into the trunk of her car and lowered the lid. Jack had urged them to travel in one vehicle, but there'd only been so much togetherness they were willing to tolerate. Trevor drove himself here and parked alongside her in what was now an otherwise empty lot.
Having already stowed his bag he stood with her between their cars to say goodbye. His hands were splayed low on his hips and he regarded her with a friendlier expression than she'd grown used to expecting from him. "Yep. It didn't turn out too badly after all.” Trevor said.
Her mouth curved with a hesitant smile. "You're actually an okay person once you stop trying to be so irritating."
He chuckled as he looked her over. "And you're pretty good company when you're too tired to speak."
Y/N huffed out a laugh and looked away, surprised by how much easier it was to be around him. The last few hours had opened her eyes to the man hidden beneath the egotistical exterior and she had to reluctantly admit she liked what she'd discovered. "I hope everything's going to be okay between us now." She said, meeting his eyes.
Trevor leaned past her to open the driver's side door, resting his arm along the top edge. "If we can manage to find some tape for your mouth, I think we'll be fine."
Y/N laughed and gave him a playful shove. "I was being serious."
"Hey." He let go of the door and grabbed her wrists in defense, holding her at bay. "So was I." Trevor’s patient amusement and the feel of his warm fingers on her skin encouraged a twinge of something intimate and unexpected inside her.
Y/N stared at him while he held her, not sure whether she wanted him to pull her closer or release her. Going by the expression on his face, she guessed similar thoughts were whirling around in his mind. "I'm done attacking you.” She said, reminding him that he still held her.
"I know. I'm not letting you go just yet." Trevor kept his eyes on her while he tugged her slowly toward him. "I want to show you something."
Y/N’s gaze narrowed. "What?"
"Relax. Stop looking at me like I'm going to hurt you." A sliver of space separated their bodies. She could feel the heat emanating from him. "My brother and I used to beat the shit out of each other when we were younger.” Trevor said. "Our mom always stopped the fighting and made us hug, her theory being that you can't be angry at someone when you're hugging them."
"Your mother's a hippy. I'm not getting all cuddly with you.”
The sound that came from him was somewhere between a laugh and a growl. "Try it, Y/N. Give me hell later if it doesn't work."
Trevor released her wrists and slid his hands slowly over the curve of her shoulders. He watched her while he touched her, somehow making the connection more personal. Y/N shivered and before she could take a bracing breath he drew her into his arms, wrapping her up in a hug so tight, so comforting, that she actually sighed.
Y/N sank into the moment and turned her head to rest her cheek against his chest. Her arms came up to encircle his waist and she held him, immersing herself in his strength and warmth. Trevor’s heart beat strong and steadily beneath her cheek, his chin resting on the top of her head while he kept her close. She had no idea how long they stood there like that but the feel of his palm stroking her spine, squeezing the back of her neck before it slid down again, felt so good she didn't want him to let her go.
Y/N could've sworn he placed a soft kiss on her hair before he eventually clasped her arms to pull her back from him. The separation made her want to cry out in protest. She looked up at him, still dazed by the contact.
"Do you feel like arguing with me?" Trevor asked, sweeping his thumbs over her shoulders.
Y/N moistened her lower lip and shook her head, overwhelmed by the tenderness of the moment. She felt like doing something but it had nothing to do with arguing. "I take it back. She was right." Her body swayed toward him of its own accord. She laughed, uncomfortable with her needs but unwilling to give up the opportunity for more. "You're good at that. I want another one.”
A look of amusement passed over his features and he tugged her back into his arms without even questioning her request. Y/N surprised herself by hugging him tightly and rubbing her cheek against his chest, soaking up the solid heat of him. His hands warmed her back, his fingers flexing against her muscles in a rubbing, massaging motion that had her closing her eyes to savor the touch.
Trevor located a sore muscle just above her shoulder blade and she arched her back, pressing her body closer. Y/N heard and felt the groan that traveled through him; a responding tingle of excitement hit her deep in her stomach. Even though she'd always found him physically attractive, she hadn't been able to see him as anything other than just the annoying best friend of her brother. Now she could barely remember what it was about him that had rubbed her up the wrong way.
Trevor dipped his head and left a soft kiss on her temple. He kept her snugly against him with one arm while his other hand tilted her chin. She clutched his waist and held her breath as she gazed up at him, wondering what she'd find in his expression.
His eyes were intense as they met hers, his jaw clenched while he looked her over. His thumb swept across her lower lip and his mouth tilted in the slightest of smiles. Trevor leaned closer and said in a low voice, "If I knew in the beginning all you needed was one good hug to make you more agreeable, I would've done it when I first met you."
Y/N scowled at him while trying to hide her smile. Just because there was a chance he might be right didn't mean she wanted him getting ahead of himself. "You think you can shut me up with a hug?"
"I doubt that'll keep you quiet. This will, though." His hand curved around her neck and he pulled her up on her toes to press his mouth to hers.
Her eyes closed and a sigh rippled through her. Y/N grasped his t-shirt and held on. Her heart thudded and her stomach plummeted at the suddenness of it all. One thought filled her mind in that moment: Oh, God. Finally. The kiss started out slow, his warm, firm lips coaxing hers to respond.
Y/N trembled with a quick shiver, flattening her palms against his chest. She no longer noticed the chill in the air, the tiredness in her bones. Her mind focused entirely on Trevor, still reeling at their change in circumstances. She leaned into him. A moan came from her as her arms slid around his neck and her tongue thrust against his. His hands supported her while his mouth took control, guiding, arousing. She couldn't get close enough.
Trevor’s lips moved over her exposed throat, flicking his tongue here, sucking lightly there and driving her to the point where she wanted to beg him for more. Trevor dipped his tongue into the hollow at the base of her throat and her mouth dropped open. She let out a sigh, neediness growing inside her until it took on a life of its own. She sank her hands into his hair and pulled him up so she could bring his mouth back to hers.
"You're a good hugger.” Y/N said breathlessly, brushing her lips over his. “And a good kisser. With that mouth, I knew you would be."
His teeth nibbled her earlobe while he gripped her ass and pulled her against him. "Wanna see something else I do well?" Trevor asked.
Although she heard the humor in his voice, his erection was impossible to miss. She knew the offer was a serious one. Desire rolled through her and she laughed when she least expected to want to laugh. "Yeah."
A husky chuckle vibrated against his throat. "Here?"
Y/N’s eyes flickered open, sweeping over their surroundings. They were still alone. At this late hour no one would be starting out on a hike. "Yeah.” She repeated.
Trevor groaned and took her mouth again, one hand cradling the back of her head while the other squeezed her ass, grinding her against his erection. He was hard, so hard. She slipped her hand between their bodies and stroked him, her fingertips running along his rigid length. He growled and his tongue swept over hers, his hands growing more demanding. She massaged his cock, wanting to feel his silky skin without any barriers, to find out what it was like to have him. The last man she'd ever expected to actually be with in this way, thrusting inside her, filling her and making her cum.
Trevor pulled his mouth from hers and spent one breath-stealing second looking into her eyes then he turned her and closed the door, pressing her against the car. She'd expected him to drag her into the back seat, now her stomach churned in anticipation. Y/N closed her eyes as his hands slipped under her t-shirt and smoothed over her ribs, roaming upwards to enclose her breasts. She let out a harsh breath, her ass pushing back against him. His hands kneaded her flesh, his thumbs slowly sweeping over her hardened nipples.
Trevor leaned down and kissed the back of her neck. His fingers tugged the cups of her bra down, shoving them under her breasts. He teased her nipple with one hand, the other drifting over her stomach to work on the button at the waistband of her shorts. He released the catch and dipped his hand inside, slipping his fingers under her panties to discover her wet warmth. The rapid change in movement and the confidence behind his touch had her heart pounding. She pushed back even harder and let out a whimper, needing to feel his cock.
"Jesus, Y/N, you're fucking soaked." Trevor clasped her breast, teasing her nipple while his fingertips stroked her pussy.
"I need you.” Y/N dragged in a breath and leaned her forehead on the car, the cool metal a stark contrast to her flushed skin.
His hand released her breast and he grabbed the hem of her top. "Get rid of this.” Trevor said.
Y/N straightened and tore her t-shirt from her body, dropping it beside her. The haze of desire had her barely able to comprehend what was happening between them. She'd started the day arguing with him and now he had her pinned against her car with her top off and his hand in her panties. "Inside me.” She said. "Put your cock inside me."
Trevor groaned and gripped the back of her shorts. "Not yet." He yanked them down with her panties until both dropped freely to her ankles. She only had a moment to feel exposed before he shocked her again by pushing his hand between her thighs. His fingers slipped into her pussy from behind while his other hand teased her clit from the front.
"Fuck, Trevor.” Her hips jerked and a husky moan tore from her. Her body wanted to push back against one hand and buck forward against the other. His wrist nestled between her legs, his fingers driving slowly into her. Her eyes clenched shut and she felt him kiss her throat. The cool breeze caressed her bare skin.
Trevor circled her clit, teasing and massaging, his strokes firm and thorough. His fingers kept steadily pumping, lifting her to her toes with the pleasure they brought to her. He surrounded her, overwhelmed her. He aroused her beyond control. Y/N pressed her palms to the roof of her car, needing to hang on to something, anything. Her eyes flickered open and she focused on his reflection in the glass. His mouth moved to her jaw where he left soft, damp kisses on her skin.
"I'm going to make you cum.” Trevor said, his voice a low rumble beside her ear. "Then I'm going to fuck you hard right here, where anyone could see you." He timed his words with the thrust of his fingers, each pump growing in intensity until he had her begging for release.
Y/N lowered one hand to her breast, cupping her flesh, rubbing her nipple. Trevor massaged her clit, caressing the sensitive bud until she just couldn't take any more. Her hips moved back again and again to meet the slide of his fingers. She bent her head and sucked in air as it came over her. Her body shuddered and her hips lifted from his hand.
She moaned, losing herself in the moment until she finally closed her eyes and cried out, "God, Trevor.” Y/N nearly collapsed but his arm wrapped around her. She relaxed against him, letting him take her weight as her body shook with the last of her tremors.
Trevor groaned and kissed her cheek, his lips lingering. "You might be a pain in the ass, but you're an unbelievably sexy pain in the ass."
Y/N managed a smile; she would have laughed if she still had her wits about her. She leaned her head on his shoulder and felt his fingers leave her. He kissed her jaw and moved behind her. A few seconds later, the sound of a zipper filled the silence and a new wave of desire crashed through her.
Y/N closed her eyes, tilting her hips backwards to welcome the thick glide of his cock. He sank inside her, filling her, letting out a deep sigh as she took him in. His hips rested against her then he drew back and plunged inside her again. "Oh, God.”
Trevor slipped one arm across the front of her hips, keeping her right where he wanted her. His other hand gathered her wrists together and rested them on the roof of her car. Her breasts flattened against the glass. He leaned on her back, his thrusts gaining intensity. Y/N felt his harsh breaths on her neck, the flex of his fingertips digging into her hip. The sensations were almost too much, but she didn't want him to stop. She wanted the closeness between them to continue on and on.
Trevor’s hold on her tightened as his cock plunged inside her. He lowered his head and gently pressed his lips to her cheek, her throat, his mouth hot and damp on her skin. "Fuck, Y/N.” He said, his deep voice sounding breathless beside her ear.
Y/N’s eyes drifted open. The way he spoke her name made her stomach flutter. He drove into her so hard that she cried out with every thrust. He kept up the pace for so long that his stamina left her breathless. She braced herself for something that seemed just out of reach but then without warning it came over her again. Her muscles tensed as it hit her in a rush. She pulsed deep inside, her stomach clenching, her thighs clamping around him. A low scream came from her and she quivered in his arms.
Trevor gave her a squeeze and let go of her wrists. He cupped her breast, holding her while his thrusts slowed to a deep grind. Y/N rested her palm over his hand, whispering unintelligible words. He pressed his lips to her cheek and let out a long, shuddering breath as he came inside her.
The only sounds for a while were the wind rustling through the trees and the distant call of a flock of birds. The afternoon had begun to slip into early evening, the shadows lengthening across the ground. Neither of them spoke as he withdrew from her and tucked himself back into his shorts.
Y/N felt exposed now the urgency had passed, the cold air sending a shiver through her. She pulled up the cups of her bra and busied herself redressing, trying not to think too much about whether or not she'd get the opportunity to do this again with him. Now she'd experienced a taste of him it only made her want more, much more.
She finally looked up only to discover Trevor standing there with his hands in his pockets, watching her with an amused expression. "You're overthinking this now, aren't you?” He asked.
"No, I'm not." Y/N smiled at him, refusing to let on what had been going through her mind just now. "I'm wondering how you're going to go about telling Jack you seduced me and took advantage of me."
Trevor’s eyes glimmered with humor as he looked her over. "Some things are best kept quiet. I'd hate for him to stress out. He has enough to worry about."
He dipped his head and pressed his lips to hers, silencing her with a deep leisurely kiss. When he eventually pulled away, the sweetness of it had her leaning forward for more. Trevor smiled and kissed her again, slipping a hand from his pocket to curve around her neck.
This time when Trevor broke the contact, he rested his forehead against hers. “I'm giving you fair warning we'll be doing this again soon, and if you say no I have my ways of convincing you to change your mind."
Y/N bit her lip to try to contain the happiness that wanted to break free. Despite everything that had occurred between them, she still couldn't resist the temptation to stir him up a little. "No.” She said, her smile issuing a challenge she knew he'd take on.
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dearstvckyx · 2 months
Singer Hughes (Instagram AU)
Luna Hughes x Nico Hischier
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⊹ ࣪ ˖ Meet Luna Hughes - Top 15 Singer ִ ࣪𖤐 Starting 03/10/24
✮⋆˙ series playlist (aka songs from luna’s “albums”)
⊹₊ ⋆ Instagram Posts
🎤 spoil yourself
⛸️ recording
🎤 album
⛸️ tour
🎤 concert
⛸️ boyfriend
🎤 off-time
⛸️ memory lane
🎤 back to it
⛸️ grand prix
🎤 barbenheimer
⛸️ album 2
🎤 twin
⛸️ tour 2
🎤 concerts & a surprise
⛸️ wedding
🎤 album 3
⛸️ expecting
🎤 babygirl - finale
✧₊⁺ asks
Luna’s Family Reaction To Luna & Nico
✶⋆.˚ pinterest boards
Photos That Remind Me Of Luna & ___
Photos Of Nico & Luna’s Wedding
Ella and Her Family
update\\ um so i pre wrote this series with notion and i JUST realized that Luna’s 2nd album and 3rd album will have the same song so… just ignore that when the time comes please 💗
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nathaslosthershit · 7 months
We all know what they say
Mat Barzal x Hughes!Sister AU
Link to rest of it
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liked by barzal97, trevorzegras, _alexturcotte, and others
birdiehughes Well you know what they say
view all comments
barzal97 Yeehaw
jackhughes no, Birdie, why don’t you tell all of us “what they say”
birdiehughes save a horse…
birdiehughes ride a cowboy
lhughes_06 what the fuck???
_quinnhughes grotesque 
trevorzegras you know what else they say?
_quinnhughes do not encourage this
trevorzegras wear the hat
birdiehughes ride the cowboy
colecaufield wow birds what would the public say
birdiehughes this is a private instagram account with 100 people on it. What “public”?
jackhughes what would mom say?
birdiehughes she thought it was funny actually
A/n: another out of order insta edit for Birdie & Mat🫶 this takes place after people know (im writing that fic rn)
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wineauntie · 2 months
Hughes!sister where maybe she’s the youngest, and gets her first boyfriend?
Angst twist he cheats on her 😨
LOOK AFTER YOU – Hughes brothers x hughes sister!reader
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summary: break ups are the worst, but your brothers are there to make things better.
note: angst and the boys being absolute angels (kind of!). Titled after the song "Look after You" by the Fray!!
warnings: cheating, swearing, fem!reader, use of y/n and y/n/n, implying of sexual acts, angst, friend betrayal,
word count: 2.3k+
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You couldn't tell if the wetness on your cheeks were tears or apart of the pouring rain that surrounded you. You also couldn't tell how long you'd been walking in the rain with your arms cradled to your chest as your heart broke.
Your boyfriend of ten months had cheated on you...with your best friend, of all people.
You'd taken the bus over to her house to drop off some ice cream because she'd cancelled plans claiming she was "sick". The door was unlocked and having known your best friend since you were four, and knowing that you were basically family, you had walked right in.
You had called out her name, but when you'd listened closely you could only hear loud bangs coming from upstairs. Startled, you grabbed a rolling pin from the countertop and ventured upstairs.
"Oh come on baby, you know you like it,"
You had paused in your steps, your heart pounding painfully as the voice echoed. You knew that voice. You knew that tone.
"Oh, yeah?"
Your friend's voice teased from the room down the hall. Your eyebrows furrowed as a pang of trepidation rang through your body, you took a few more steps down the hall, avoiding all the obvious creaks.
Your mind was screaming at you to leave, but your gut encouraged you to continue.
"Does she take you like this? Does she feel as good as I do?!" Your friend's moaning made you inwardly cringe. Her high-pitched voice was awkwardly timed and trying hard husky in a way you knew to be fake.
"y/n? Never...you know that,"
Your eyes widened at the voice as blood rushed into your ears. In an impulsive move, you bound forward and shoved open the door to the room. You heard joined gasps and clattering as your best friend and boyfriend separated as much as they could.
He had, had her bent over her childhood bed, both stark naked with their hands up almost comically.
You had let out a stiff laugh, a sob bubbling in your throat as you dropped the rolling pin.
"Wait, y/n, it's not what it looks like!" Your best friend had cried out, her widened eyes full of tears.
"So you're not sleeping with him?" You had scoffed, trying to keep your tears at bay as you glanced between the two. Your friend had gone to speak again before you'd raised a hand silencing her. "Y'know what? I don't care. I'm done with you...both of you!"
You had let out a breath before you rushed out of the house, ignoring all of the yelling for you to come back and to stay and to talk this out. Your bottom lip had trembled as you half-ran, half-walked down the street, knowing that you'd taken the last bus to visit your friend.
As you had walked home, you replayed the moments of your relationship in your mind, searching for clues, for signs that you had missed. But the memories were like shards of glass, sharp and fragmented, cutting through the fragile fabric of your hope.
By the time you reached the familiar street where you lived, the rain had soaked through your clothes, seeping into your skin like the cold tendrils of betrayal. You quickened your pace, your heart racing with a mixture of fear and anticipation. The warm glow of light spilt from the windows, casting long shadows on the rain-slick pavement below.
With a deep breath, you gathered the shattered pieces of your resolve and stepped forward, your freezing hands shaking as you unlocked the door. Stepping into the home had you fighting your vicious sobs, as your hand covered your mouth.
"Y/n? Honey? Is that you?"
You let more tears spill over onto the flesh of your cheeks at your mom's soothing tone. Crap! You glanced down at your watch with a groan. You'd missed family dinner.
This wasn't good.
"Yeah, Mom," you called back, your voice cracking slightly as more tears escaped the corners of your eyes. Your head tilted upwards as you silently begged to not be beckoned into the room. "I'm just going to go dry off!"
"Y/n/n? Come here!"
You choked on a sob as Jack's usual teasing voice joined your mom's. The sound of chatter and eating paused and you knew there was no avoiding your family at this rate. You sucked in a breath before you entered the dining room, drops of rain dripping across the floor as you went.
As you stepped into the dining room, the warmth enveloped you, contrasting sharply with the chill that had settled deep within your bones. All eyes turned toward you, concern etched on your family's faces as they took in your dishevelled appearance.
"Y/n, what happened? Why are you all wet?" your mom asked, dropping her fork with a voice laced with worry.
"Oh, it's...uh, nothing," You forced a weak smile, trying to mask the turmoil swirling inside you. "Just got caught in the rain, that's all." You watched as Luke and Jack furrowed their brows, yet continued to chew through their food as you trembled from the cold outside.
But Quinn didn't seem to be buying it.
He studied you, with a penetrating gaze. "Are you sure? You look upset." He pushed, leaning back in his seat.
"Yeah, I'm fine, really," You averted your eyes, unable to meet his gaze as your lips shook. "I'm going to...I'm going to go dry off."
"Is something bothering you, sweetheart?" Your dad spoke up, his tone gentle yet probing.
"N-no," you croaked in response. Without another word, you fled. You could feel the weight of their concern bearing down on you like an oppressive blanket. With shaky steps, you ran from the echoes of their worried voices as they followed you like ghosts haunting the corridors of your mind.
Each step felt heavier than the last as you ascended the stairs, the creaking of the wooden boards beneath your feet a sombre melody accompanying the turmoil within you. The tears threatened to spill over again, blurring your vision as you reached the sanctuary of your room.
Collapsing onto your bed, you buried your face in the pillow, muffling the anguished sobs that wracked your body. The betrayal gnawed at your insides, a relentless beast tearing apart the remnants of trust and love you had held dear.
Your best friend was practically your sister, the two of you had been joined at the hip since meeting in pre-school and the fact she'd slept with...been sleeping with your boyfriend.
That betrayal hurt more than your actual boyfriend's betrayal.
You'd trusted her. You'd told her every single detail of your relationship with him, including your insecurities about not being enough for him or not having enough experience to be with him, with him being your first-ever boyfriend.
Despite going out with your boyfriend for ten months, you'd never told your brothers. Your mom and dad knew you were in a relationship but whenever you organised for him to meet your parents, he always found something to come up so that he couldn't. You weren't sure he'd even told his family that the two of you were together but you dismissed all those red flags because you had loved him and he had said he loved you back.
A soft knock on the door drew you out of your misery as you lifted your head from your now wet pillow.
"I'll be down in a minute," you called out in a shaky voice that was half-muffled by the pillow. You heard the door creak open and you buried yourself further into the comfort of your bed. "Please don't...just leave..." You felt someone settle on the side of your bed.
"Y/n/n? We're not leaving,"
You rolled over, exposing your puffed face and reddened eyes. Quinn sat beside you whilst Jack and Luke lingered by your door, both awkwardly standing with their hands in their hoodie pockets.
"Please just go," you mumbled with a sniffle. Quinn lightly shook his head, his hand brushing your mussed hair out of your face.
"What about 'we're not leaving' wasn't understood?" Quinn tutted, resting his hand on the side of your head. "You're upset."
"Great observation," you choked, shifting out of his comforting grasp. You were hit with a twinge of guilt as you shuffled away from your eldest brother. More tears escaped your eyes as you spoke again. "I just want to be left alone."
Quinn sighed softly, his gaze filled with understanding as he reached out to gently wipe away your tears. "I don't know why you're hurting, y/n," he murmured, his voice a soothing balm to your wounded soul. "But pushing us away won't make it any easier. Let us be here for you."
His words cut through the walls you had built around yourself, chipping away at the barriers you had erected to keep the pain at bay. With a heavy sigh, you relented, allowing yourself to lean into his touch, seeking solace in the warmth of his presence.
Jack and Luke exchanged a silent glance before slowly making their way into the room, their footsteps hesitant as they approached your bed. Jack cleared his throat awkwardly, his usually confident demeanour faltering in the face of your distress.
"We're not going anywhere, y/n," he said softly, his voice laced with sincerity as he sat on the end of your bed. "We're your brothers, and that means we get to beat up people who make you sad... let us help?"
Luke nodded in agreement, his expression mirroring the concern etched on Jack's face. "Yeah, y/n/n," he added as he cleared his throat. "We're here for you."
Tears welled up in your eyes again, but this time they were not tears of despair, but tears of gratitude. With a shaky breath, you reached out and squeezed Luke's hand that had outstretched towards you.
"I had a boyfriend," you sucked in a breath as the three around you stiffened and straightened up, exchanging glances as you spoke.
"Boyfriend? You've got a boyfriend?!" Luke burst, breaking the silence of the room.
"Not the time," Jack scowled, smacking him across the head.
"Had?" Quinn softly prompted, his eyebrows furrowing as you nodded.
"For ten months," you confirmed with a gulp, hot tears trailing down your cheeks.
"Ten?!" Luke exclaimed once more, but this time both, Jack and Quinn, reached out to hit him. "Okay, okay, sorry!" You let a small and amused smile at your brother's typical antics as you furrowed deeper into your bed.
"We dated for ten months and..." you pushed as your voice broke. "I found him in bed with my best friend."
Quinn's expression softened, his hand gently squeezing your shoulder in a gesture of comfort. "I'm so sorry, y/n," he said softly, his voice tinged with empathy. "That's a lot to deal with."
Jack's jaw tightened, his fists clenching at the thought of someone hurting you in such a way. "Those two are dead meat," he muttered under his breath, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive.
Luke's eyes widened in shock, his mouth hanging open as he struggled to find the right words. "I can't believe they would do that to you," he finally managed to say, his voice filled with disbelief. "And you've known her since you were younger!"
You nodded, tears still streaming down your face as you recounted the painful betrayal. "I trusted them," you whispered, the weight of the betrayal heavy on your heart. "And I...I thought they cared about me, but guess I was wrong, wasn't I?" You let out a terse laugh, that became engulfed by another sob.
Upon the change, Quinn wrapped his arm around you, pulling you up into a comforting embrace. "They don't deserve you," he said firmly, his voice laced with conviction. "You're better off without them."
Jack nodded in agreement, his expression fierce as he clenched his jaw. "We've got your back, y/n," he declared, his tone leaving no room for doubt. "Say the word and they're both dead."
Luke reached out, placing a reassuring hand on your knee. "I can egg their houses?" he suggested softly, his eyes reflecting the unwavering support of his words.
You let out a shaky breath, feeling the weight of their support lift some of the burden from your shoulders. "Thank you," you whispered, your voice thick with emotion.
Quinn pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, his embrace offering warmth and solace amid your pain. "I'm glad you told us...you don't have to do anything alone," he assured you, his voice a soothing melody in the quiet of the room. "None of us want to see you hurt and alone, what kind of brothers would we be if we let that happen?"
Jack and Luke nodded in agreement, their expressions determined as they echoed Quinn's sentiment. "We've got you," Jack reiterated, his tone leaving no room for doubt.
"Now, why don't you get up and get changed," Quinn suggested, his nose shrivelling as he thumbed the fabric of your soaking T-shirt. "You're shivering and your lips are blue." Your fingers reached up and brushed your lips which were freezing to the touch. "We saved you some dinner, so go shower and change."
"We can have a movie night or something, " Luke threw in, his eyes wide in realisation. "We haven't had one in a while...not since last summer at least."
"I'm with him on that," Jack agreed, pointing to Luke with his thumb. "We can make a quick trip to the store and grab snacks while you get ready." You bit your lip to stifle a fond smile as you slowly pushed yourself to put your feet on the ground.
"Thank you," you murmured, your voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with gratitude. With a shaky breath, you wiped away the last traces of tears from your cheeks, steeling yourself against the lingering ache of betrayal.
With newfound resolve, you straightened your shoulders and met your brothers' gaze with a small yet genuine smile. "Let's have that movie night," you said, determination lacing your words. "I could really use a distraction right now."
Quinn returned your smile, his eyes reflecting pride and admiration. "That's the spirit," he smiled, his voice filled with warmth. His hand squeezed your shoulder reassuringly as you passed him.
As you made your way to the bathroom to wash away the remnants of your tears, a sense of gratitude washed over you. Despite the pain of betrayal, you knew that you were not alone. With your brothers by your side, you would weather this storm and emerge stronger than before.
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wintfleur · 1 month
🪷 hugging them tight without saying any words when they're having a hard time, with luke Hughes! his older sister and he just needs his sisters comfort especially after how the devils have played and how tired luke has looked
౨ৎ Ice cream and much-needed hugs
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﹕─┈ pairings ( Luke Hughes x older sister! reader )
°. — summary ( Luke’s been having a tough time, and his big sister just wants to cheer him up ! )
°. — details ( g; little bit of angst, some fluff. w; none that I know of wc; 2.2k )
﹕─┈ prompt ~ hugging them right without saying any words when they’re having a hard time
˖ ་ 💭 roro’s notes ( LUKEY AHHH MY LOVE ! I love Luke sm if you guys didn’t know !!! I love writing sibling dynamics so muchhhh so thank you for sending the wonderful request !!! I absolutely loved writing it, I really tried to make it angsty but i think I’m terrible at writing angst, I’m sorry if the ending is kinda rushed, I was struggling sooo bad with the dialogue . . . also I of course had to add the love of my Like Brock boeser in it because like DUHHH I am so down for writing more for a older Hughes sister, I’m thinking she’s like 25??? I really hope you guys love it !!! Let me know if you want me to write more for older sister Hughes! Please don’t be a silent reader lovely’s !!! )
1k celly masterlist main masterlist nhl masterlist
There were a lot of upsides that came with being the oldest sibling, there were of course a lot of downsides too . . . but you chose to ignore those and focus on the upsides. Like being able to stay up later while your brothers had to go to sleep, having a good sense of leadership and responsibility, being able to read your brothers like a picture book. 
So, you knew right away that something was wrong with your youngest brother as you watched him play in the last period. You could see it clearly in his demeanor and the way he was skating, he was starting to overthink things, he had gotten into his own head. You of course had seen the way the public and media was shitting on your brother because he's made a few bad plays, and it broke your heart to see how defeated he looked sitting on that bench. 
Jack had voiced his worries about Luke to you over the phone a few days ago when you were out with Quinn and your boyfriend brock. Even with hundreds of miles between you and Luke you could tell something was bothering him, that's why your planned trip to visit your younger brothers this weekend was even more meaningful. 
You were leaning against the wall as you waited for your brothers to leave the locker room, your focus was down on your phone as you texted your boyfriend. A smile on your lips, you missed him dearly even though you have only been gone for almost two days. “Sis!” you heard the familiar sound of jack's voice call your name. You look up from your phone and smile as Jack rushes over to you and pulls you into a tight hug. 
“You played so well jack” You mumbled into his neck, cursing at the curse of being the oldest but the shortest. Jack smiles and gives you one more squeeze before letting go and taking a step back, even though they lost he wasn't going to let that bring him down from the fact that you watched him play in person for the first time in a few months.
 “Thank you, luke should be out soon, he's just being a little hard on himself” Jack sighed as he glanced back at the locker room entrance, there was only so much he could say to let luke know that he's doing okay. You let out a sigh and nodded, already getting an image of a pouty luke. Your eyes lit up with an idea, as a memory from years ago popped up in your mind. You smile at Jack as you ask “Do you think you can get a ride home? And can I have the keys to your truck?” 
“Uh yeah why?” Jack questioned with a raised brow as he pulled out his keys from his front pocket and handed them to you. You smiled gratefully and grabbed the keys and slid them into your front pocket with your lip gloss. “I have an idea on how to cheer luke up.” 
“Well good luck, cause I can't handle a grumpy luke anymore '' Jack jokes as he pats you on the shoulder, happy that you were now here to save him from the grumpy luke. You roll your eyes and cross your arms over your chest as you look at jack “I remember saying the same thing about you.” 
“Have fun! I'm gonna go catch up with nico "Jack grins as he chooses to ignore your words, placing a quick kiss to your forehead before rushing off down the hallway, turning to look at you quickly and shouting out an ‘i love you’ before turning the corner and leaving your sight. You look forward just in time to see Luke walk out of the locker room, well more like trudge. His steps were heavy, and you can see the exhaustion on his face. His shoulders were sagged as he carried his backpack, he was changed out of his suit and into some sweats and a hoodie. He looked like a sad cat. When Luke noticed you, his heavy steps turned into long strides as he moved towards you. 
Before you could open your mouth to greet your brother, he was throwing his arms over shoulders and nestling his head in the crook of your head, for a much-needed hug. Your eyes widened at how tight Luke was holding you, but you close your eyes and wrap your arms around your little brother, softly rubbing his back with one of your hands. Luke closed his eyes and tried to shut off his mind as he felt himself melt into the comfort and safety of your arms. 
You rested your chin on his shoulder as you whispered, “You, okay?” you felt him nod yes but the both of you knew he was lying. Luke let out a deep breath and reluctantly pulled away from the hug when his back was starting to hurt from leaning down for so long. You smiled up at him, brushing some of his curls out of his face as he asked, “Where's jack?” 
“Oh, he's getting a ride home with nico, so come on lukey I'm taking you out tonight!” You excitedly pull-out Jack's keys and wave them while your other hand is grabbing Luke's arm and dragging him along you as you make your way down the hallway. Luke gave you an unimpressed look even though on the inside he was excited to spend more time with you “I’m not old enough to go bar hopping.” 
“Is that really all you think I do in Vancouver?” You gasped dramatically as you pretended to be hurt from his words. You have one embarrassing experience when you go bar hopping, and now that's all anyone remembers, you think with a roll of your eyes. Luke felt the corner of his lips lift into a smile at your dramatics, Jack definitely got that from you. 
“Besides I'm a good big sister, I wouldn't provide my underage brother with alcohol, at least in public” you joked as you wrapped your arm around Luke's, holding on tight. Luke chuckles and slips his hand into the front pocket of his hoodie, comforting silence coming across them as they make their way to Jack's truck. 
“Need help? '' Luke asked sarcastically as he put on his seatbelt, his eyes on you as you struggled slightly to get into the truck. You gave him a quick glare before closing the door and putting on your seatbelt, quickly starting the truck, wanting to leave the arena before the traffic got even worse. You turned up the volume on the radio, an unfamiliar country song filling up the silent car. Luke let out a heavy sigh and relaxed into the seat, looking out the window and all the passing lights. 
The car ride to your choice of destination was filled with mostly silence between you and Luke, just enjoying the music and the faint sound of the world around them. You could see that Luke had a lot on his mind and you didn't want to pressure him into talking about it, so you stayed quiet, knowing that he would tell you when he's ready. Luke couldn't help but replay every single one of his mistakes he's made in the past few games, remembering every tweet he saw from disappointed ‘fans’. 
Luke could feel himself become more upset and discouraged the more he thought about it, so Luke quickly glanced at you before looking back out the window. Luke was slightly confused on how well you knew your way around the town, he was curious on where you were taking him. But he gave up on asking after the third time you told him it was a surprise. 
Luke’s eyes widen with excitement when he sees where you're pulling into, it was an old ice cream shop that he had driven by many times, but never had the chance to try it. You smiled and turned off the car and grabbed your wallet from your purse and gave Luke a big smile “Come on, I'll even let you get 3 scoops!” 
You laugh as you watch Luke quickly leave the truck and rush around the front of the truck to open your door. You giggle and take Luke's hand that he held out for you, doing your best to do a posh British accent “Thank you kind sir” Luke smiles and closes the door for you, following you across the parking lot, his spirit was lifted already. 
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“This is so good; how did you find this place?” Luke asked you before he took another lick of his chocolate ice cream, of course having a waffle cone. And despite you saying he could get 3 scoops, he only got 2. You look away from your bowl of your favorite ice cream and to your brothers whose focus was up at the stars. The two of you were sitting on the tailgate of the truck, neither of you realizing that your legs were swinging in unison. 
“Oh, I found it the last time I came to visit, and you and Jack were at practice, I've been craving it since” you answered him as you looked back on the day. Luke nods and continues to eat his ice cream. Silence came across the two of you again, Luke didn't know what to say and you could see the way his shoulders became tense that he was thinking of something. You had a pretty good idea what he was thinking about, hockey. 
“You played really good tonight luke” you broke the silence, and you watched as his shoulders sagged and a frown came across his lips as he looked down at his lap. You hated seeing how discouraged he looked, this wasn't like luke. He never let it get to him like this before, but it's different . . . it's the NHL, it's his dream. He whispered bitterly “We lost.” 
“You still played really good, i'm really proud of you luke” you vowed as you gently nudged his knee with yours, your tone proving how genuine you were. You were a good big sister you liked to think, so you would never have a favorite brother . . . but your little brother Luke will always have a special place in your heart. The little brother who would listen to you rant all about your school drama while the other two were doing God knows what, the little brother who fully trusted you to drive him to get ice cream when you first got your license while Quinn and jack swore you would kill them. Your sweet little brother Luke who was far too good for this world. 
Luke let out a heavy breath and his eyes started to water as he listened to you, he heard others say they were proud of him, but it was different, more meaningful coming from you. Unlike you he made it very clear that you're his favorite sibling, that you always have been. The big sister that he always knew would have his back no matter what, the big sister that always was on his side. He looked up from his lap and turned his head to look at you to see you were already smiling at him. “Thank you sissy.” 
“Not just for the compliment” Luke quickly spoke before you could, fully turning his body to face you, thankfully he had eaten most of his ice cream, so he didn't have to worry about it dripping. Luke never really liked talking about his emotions or just having deep conversations in general, but he didn't have to worry about any of that with his big sister who always made it clear that he could talk to you no matter what. Luke continues speaking “But for taking me here and for being here for me, for always being here for me.” 
“I'll always be here lukey” You promised as you set your ice cream bowl next to you before leaning over and pulling Luke into a much-needed hug. Luke smiles and closes his eyes, hugging you with one arm while the other holds his cone away from you, not wanting to get any ice cream on you. Luke lets himself melt into the hug; he really didn't want you to leave. You couldn't help tearing up as you think of Luke and everything he's been through and how strong he is, you really are so proud of your little . . . well not so little brother. You sniffled and whispered, “God why did you have to grow up so fast.” 
“Trying to catch up with you, you old lady” Luke jokes, wanting to lift the mood, he really hated seeing you cry, and he knew you so well that he was sure you were going to.  A loud laugh leaves his lips as you pull away from the hug and dramatically move away from him. Despite his words you smiled as you listened to luke laugh, it was the type of laugh that made you want to join in. You pulled the keys out of your pocket and slap them into luke's hand before jumping off the tailgate of the truck and snatching your ice cream “That's it your driving home.” 
Luke continued to laugh and watch as you stomp over to the passenger seat, the famous Hughes pout on your lips. Luke quickly gets off the bed of the truck and puts up the tailgate shouting a cheeky remark that only made him laugh harder at the quick glare you sent him.  
“Thank God! Brock drives you around so much I'm pretty sure you forgot how to drive” 
°. — taglist ( @cixrosie @toasttt11 )
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sunflower-lilac42 · 3 months
✧ 𝐌𝐢𝐝-𝐆𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐣𝐮𝐫𝐲 || nico hischier ♔
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summary: y/n's distracted mind causes her to get injured during the hughesbowl, leaving her brothers worried and nico suffering in silence.
warnings: injuries, slight mentions to fight, bruised tailbone
notes: nico!!! this is based off of this request -> idea. i had so much fun writing this but for some reason it took me so long to finish?? anyways, as always you guys eat this kind of stuff up so you're welcome friends. i'll see you guys in the next one or in my inbox. add yourself to the taglist ➺ taglist!
publish date: 02/06/24
nhl masterlist | main masterlist
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It was no one’s fault, she just hadn’t been focused that day. She had been playing both of her brothers for the first time and it brought nerves upon her. It messed with her head as the four of them skated to each other at the beginning of warm-ups, hugging each other. Jack and Luke were more excited than Quinn and y/n, that was for sure. The two older siblings acted as if it was just another game, and it was.
She hadn’t been really paying attention, trying to keep her eye on the puck. She saw Quinn from the corner of her eye, Luke coming onto the ice behind him as the Devils switched lines. They were in the Canucks zone, Quinn behind Thatcher and y/n to the side. They started their pursuit as Quinn passed the puck to Pettersson, who then passed it to y/n. She handled it well as she weaved through the Devils players, hardly noticing her two brothers and her boyfriend.
She passed it to Brock as they reached center ice. She had spaced out for only a few seconds when her eyes regained focus. She looked at Brock and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, didn’t he just have the puck? 
She happened to glance down to see the puck by her skates and her brother coming at her. She swore silently to herself before making a move towards the goal. She had been so flustered she forgot how to skate for a moment, getting her feet tangled up. At the speed she was moving, her right skate got caught with her left and caused her to launch forward. It didn’t help that Bratt’s stick accidentally got tangled within the already-made mess of blades trying to intercept her movement.
Everyone watched as she slid into the boards. It was silent when it happened, everyone on the ice coming to a stop. She couldn’t really tell what hurt, but whatever it was, it hurt like hell. She cried out, it was the hardest hit she had gotten in her career and it sent shockwaves through her. Quinn was the first one to make it over to where she lay, the trainers still making their way out there. 
He knelt next to her, with no regard for the trainers who were trying to do their job. His older brother instincts kicked in immediately, “Hey what hurts?” 
He got no response out of her, just the sounds of her sobs and whines. Jack and Luke quickly followed, leaving their sticks long behind. Jack took the left side of Quinn while Luke took the right, both equally worried about her. However, they couldn’t do anything as the trainers showed up, their teammates dragging them away from the situation.
Quinn was being held by Brock and Petey, both of them trying to reassure the defensemen that she’d be alright, also worried about their teammate. However, the two younger brothers weren’t doing as well. Bratt and Marino were on the ice and were able to hold Luke back but Jack was freaking out. Nico wasn’t of much help either, staring at his girlfriend and the trainers with concern in his eyes. 
Nobody knew about them so he tried not to react a whole deal. She had been worried about telling her brothers that she was dating him, let alone anybody. She knew that they would have words about it, but she didn’t need it now. Haula and Timo had to join their teammates on the ice, dragging Jack back from where he was yelling, “She’s my sister! I need to see if she’s alright!”
The trainers got y/n to calm down eventually, getting her to talk about what exactly hurt. She had barely managed to whimper out that there was a shooting pain in her back and a dull ache forming in her head. They were able to get her to stand on herself, even getting her to skate off the ice by herself as well. 
There were claps from around Rogers Arena, the Hughes brothers continuing to watch in concern. Luke and Jack were taking their permanent spots on the bench for the rest of the period, there were two minutes left. Quinn’s needs differed from theirs, having to occupy himself with something else besides her injury. 
When the period was over, Quinn was the first one down the tunnel, practically running as much as he was able to. After taking his skates off and his pads and jersey, he ran to see his sister who was practically begging for the trainers to let her see them. 
Quinn knocked and walked in, y/n immediately lighting up, “Quinny!”
The joy that she had was impeccable after sliding into the boards. He gave her a small smile, “Hey kid. What’s up with her?”
“Nothing’s broken, nothing’s fractured, which is good. However her tailbone might be and probably is bruised and has likely got a concussion, she needs to go to the hospital.”
“What no, I'm fine!” 
All of a sudden Jack and Luke came barging into the room, sweaty and out of breath, “What- what’s going on?”
“Nothing, I’m fine guys.”
“She’s got a concussion and a bruised tailbone. Needs to go to the hospital.” Quinn sat beside her and brushed her hair out of her face.
Tears made their way down her face, “But I haven’t done anything yet.”
The three boys looked at each other nervously, “Whatcha mean, kid?”
“It’s the first Hughesbowl and I’ve done shit. And my boyfriend is mad at me.”
Nico and her had gotten into a fight a few hours before the game. It was over something stupid but nonetheless, it left the Swiss man feeling angry at her. He had hung up on her and she had been left with her thoughts and sadness. She had tried to push the anger and sadness aside, tried to keep her composure, but once she saw him during warm-ups, it all fell apart.
Jack looked at his twin bewildered, “Your boyfriend?”
She nodded her head but groaned at the feeling, “Fuck.”
“Okay, okay. She needs to go to the hospital now and she needs to stop talking. We’re getting Ellen and Jim and you three go back to your teams.”
They tried to protest but the trainers were having none of it. They sighed and walked out of the room, Quinn saying goodbye to his younger brothers. When Jack and Luke returned, they were quickly met with questions, “How is she?”
Luke spoke in short sentences or more or less just five words, “Possible concussion. Bruised tailbone. Hospital.”
The team sat in silence as the brothers sat down next to each other, Jack throwing an arm around his brother. Jesper couldn’t help but feel bad about what had happened, he couldn’t help but feel like he contributed to her fall. Meanwhile, Nico sat in complete shock, not knowing what to do. How was he supposed to lead when his girlfriend was on his way to the hospital and no one knew about them, no one could find out about them?
His head hung low, eyes stinging with tears. He had just gotten into an argument with her not even 8 hours ago, he had just yelled at her for basically nothing. No one bothered to talk to him, noticing the way he was out of it. Lindy was talking but no one was listening, their minds replaying what happened to y/n over and over again. 
The same thing was happening over in the Vancouver locker room with Rick, he had tried to help the team move past the injury, knowing it would only hurt them in the long run. However, they sat staring at the ground, Quinn’s mind running at a million miles an hour. He was taking the brunt of the sadness, both because it was his sister and because it was his teammate. 
Before they left the locker room, Quinn stopped them, “Let’s do it for y/n/n.”
Everyone let out their responses, most of them being ‘Do it for y/n/n.’ They all skated out onto the ice, Quinn finding his brothers immediately. 
If the brothers were taking it hard, you couldn’t tell. Well, except for Luke. Quinn and Jack had been great about masking their worry, focusing on the game ahead of them, while Luke was practically screaming that he was panicking. Y/n was his older sister, and one of his role models. She had taken care of him when he was home with the flu, she gave him girl advice when he asked for it, and she helped him with his math homework when he was practically losing his mind at the kitchen table. 
“Any word?” Jack came to a stop next to his brother, leaning in closer so he could hear him.
“No. Lukey you okay?”
“What if she’s really hurt?” Quinn just tapped him on the back, not wanting to cause a huge scene, “She’s gonna be okay. Just keep your head in the game, she wouldn’t want us playing like shit right now. ”Quinn left the younger two to themselves, making his way back to his team. 
Meanwhile, y/n was with her parents in her hospital room, the doctor going through her injuries more thoroughly. It was confirmed that she didn’t have a concussion, just a large bump on her head, nothing was majorly injured besides the bruised tailbone she had. She had begged Ellen and Jim to turn the game on, needing to see if Quinn could beat the shit out of the other two.
She was extremely disappointed when Jesper scored his goal and no Simple Minds played in the next thirty seconds following. She threw her phone down on her bed and it bounced off, hitting the floor as a result. Ellen sighed at her daughter, “I know it sucks, honey, but we just gotta get past it.”
“Everyone’s going to think I’m a failure now, they’re gonna rethink their decision of calling me up.”
“No, they’re not.”
The three heads snapped to the doorway at the new, but familiar, voice, “Neeks?”
He gave the family a soft smile, Ellen and Jim taking the hint to leave the two alone. He walked into the room fully, moving to stand next to her. He grabbed her hand, pressing a kiss to her hair, “Hi schatzi. How are you feeling? What’s hurt?”
“What are you doing here? How did you get here so fast?”
“I didn’t do media, I ran out as soon as Lindy was done talking.” He took a deep breath, “I needed to see you. I needed to make sure that you were okay, I needed to apologize.”
She shook her head but he stopped her, “No, I do. I shouldn’t have yelled at you, it was stupid and I know you just wanted us to see each other. I’m so sorry for what I said, how I said it.”
“It’s okay, Neeks.”
“It’s not, schatzi. I love you and I shouldn’t have freaked out over something stupid.”
Nico looked down at the ground before looking back up at her, “I was so worried when I saw you trip. I knew something was going on, you didn’t even notice the puck by you.”
Y/n slightly giggled, “Yeah wasn’t the finest moment of my career.”
Her comment got a laugh out of Nico which she saw as a good thing, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Bruised tailbone but other than that I’m okay. I’m on a lot of drugs right now.”
He laughed again, kissing her head, “You’re special y/n Hughes.”
“That I am.”
It was two minutes later when her brothers came barreling through the door, making Ellen’s attempts to stop them unsuccessful, “Nico?”
The two whipped their heads toward the door, y/n groaning in pain, “Fuck.”
Nico was quick to react, placing his hand on the back of her neck, his thumb coming to rest near her hairline. She smiled at him, slight pain lacing it. Jack and Luke looked at the two in disbelief, “What the hell is going on here?”
“Oh right. Nico and I are dating.”
Quinn stepped in front of the two Devils, walking over to pat Nico’s back, “Hey man.”
She raised an eyebrow at her twin and her younger brother, “Quinn’s fine with it.”
“But he- he’s our-” The two of them were flabbergasted as they looked at the scene. 
The eldest Hughes rolled his eyes, “Can we not talk about this right now? Y/n is sitting in a hospital bed and this is the first time in months that the four of us have seen each other.”
The two nodded and moved over to sit down on the chairs by her bed, “Only if Nico can stay.”
Quinn nodded and raised an eyebrow when he saw Jack and Luke going to protest. They shut up immediately, slouching down into their seats like they had just been scolded by Ellen for doing something stupid. The four Hughes siblings caught up on the latest that had been happening, Nico all but staring lovingly at his girlfriend. 
They ended up leaving a little while later after eating dinner, Nico being allowed to stay with her for the night. She tried to move over to give him space but he refused, saying he’d rather stay on the uncomfortable chair than injure her more. 
“Love you, Neeks,” Y/n mumbled. 
Nico smiled, “I love you too, schatzi.”
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heavenlyhischier · 9 months
𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐮𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐝 | 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐩𝐚
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liked by trevorzegras, adamfantilli and others
yourusername skate date<3
View all 194 comments
jackhughes um?? _quinnhughes lhughes_06 are you guys seeing this????
lhughes_06 she's not answering her phone
lhughes_06 i’m booking a flight to michigan. i should’ve never left her unattended in ann arbor
_quinnhughes mom says she knows who it is but she won't tell me
yourusername love u guys🫶🏻
user1 are we shocked she has a hockey bf lmao
user2 i’d only be shocked if he WASNT a hockey player
trevorzegras i know something you don’t 🎶
yourusername shut UP trevor
jackhughes why tf does trevor know and not your own BROTHERS
╰➤yourusername pure accident. i regret it every day. like literally every day
jackhughes oh god it’s not trevor is it??
yourusername he wishes
╰➤trevorzegras true
╰➤_quinnhughes vancouver isn’t that far from anaheim zegras. remember that
edwards.73 still can’t believe he got you to skate
yourusername he achieved the one thing my brothers couldn’t. now i’m a pro 🤷🏻‍♀️
╰➤ edwards.73 must’ve been a pretty good teacher 🥸
liked by markestapa
lhughes_06 i don’t like this interaction. not at all
jackhughes hmm. interesting
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liked by dylanduke25, luca.fantilli and others
markestapa no one tell luke 🤫
tagged yourusername
View all 376 comments
edwards.73 lhughes_06
yourusername eddy did you not read the caption
╰➤ edwards.73 i’ve been keeping this secret for too long i couldn’t do it anymore
╰➤ lhughes_06 how long ethan??? HOW LONG
jackhughes at least it isn’t ethan
╰➤ edwards.73 ????
trevorzegras at least he’s wearing clothes
liked by markestapa
lhughes_06 i’m sorry??!
yourusername trevor please shut up. i’m literally begging you. please
╰➤ trevorzegras okay fine. but only because you’re my favorite hughes
╰➤ jackhughes no trevor. please elaborate or you’re uninvited from the lake house
╰➤ yourusername no he’s not. i can invite people too
╰➤ jackhughes no. you’re not even invited anymore
user2 sad day for the mark girlies </3
yourusername best 8 months of my life❤️
markestapa i love you
lhughes_06 8 MONTHS?? you were dating before I even left???
╰➤ yourusername surprise?
╰➤ edwards.73 i only knew for 5 😄
╰➤ user3 something tells me that doesn’t help ethan’s case
seamuscasey26 where is quinn???
edwards.73 Mark blocked him because Quinn scares him
liked by adamfantilli, luca.fantilli, dylanduke25, yourusername, erikportillo, jackhughes, mackie.samo
user82849492763 don’t worry. i’m still here
923 notes · View notes
drysdalesworld · 3 months
completely serious
jamie drysdale x fem!hughes!reader
ik the third pic is him wearing a ducks jersey but there’s nothing really of him in flyers gear that fit what i was looking for, so let’s just pretend <3
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by trevorzegras, jackhughes, and more
y/n.hughes: to a new era baby! hope philly treats you well 🧡🧡 (please take care of him flyers or i will violently cry)
tagged: jamie.drysdale, philadelphiaflyers
( loading comments ! )
trevorzegras: i too will violently cry
lhughes_06: so this is where you took your impromptu trip to
y/n.hughes: & what about it
userone: still can’t believe it tbh 😭
yourbestie: she very much will! philadelphiaflyers
yourroommate: she cried upon hearing the news
philadelphiaflyers: we will take great care of jamie! do not worry 🧡
philadelphiaflyers: we will make sure to water him daily & make sure he gets enough sunlight 🫡
usertwo: stopp!! the way they are describing him as a house plant 😂 i cant
mfrost16: we’ll take him out on walks too!
userthree: now he’s a dog 😭😭
userfour: i mean he did bark his first game with the flyers userthree
jackhughes: i will not be picking up the pieces if she starts to violently sob
lhughes_06: you never do
_quinnhughes: i do that
_quinnhughes: when have you ever done that bro
jackhughes: i feel attacked rn
userfive: the way the flyers flew BOTH y/n & jamie’s parents out for his first game 😭😭 warms my heart
usersix: they did?
userfive: yep! during his post game interview, someone asked if the flyers flew anyone else out for jamie & he said that he wouldn’t play if they didn’t fly y/n out as well! (jokingly of course)
usersix: that’s so freaking cute 😖
jamie.drysdale: i was completely serious userfive
philadelphiaflyers: he, in fact, was completely serious userfive
userseven: UGH GOALS 💞💞
usereight: they’ll treat him well y/n!
jamie.drysdale: i’ll miss you so much love 🤍 i’ll have the flyers fly you out whenever (& if not, then i will)
y/n.hughes: i’ll miss you more!! im so so proud of you & can’t wait to see the amazing things you’ll accomplish in philly ❤️❤️
philadelphiaflyers: y/n’s apart of the team already! we’ll fly her out whenever you want jim! just say the word ✈️✈️
y/n.hughes just posted!
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liked by luca.fantilli, masonmctavish23, and more
y/n.hughes: jamie photo dump during these trying & sad times
tagged: jamie.drysdale
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trevorzegras: the fifth picture is evil y/n. why you got to do my boy like that? (please send it to me asap)
y/n.hughes: check your messages babes 😚
trevorzegras: bless girl hughes 🙏🙏
userone: another shoe tying pic!!!
lhughes_06: uhhh, why am i not tagged in the sixth pic?? i so graciously taught your bf how to wake board & this is the thanks i get??
y/n.hughes: thank you so much luke for teaching my boyfriend how to wake board & almost kill him in the process 😑
lhughes_06: i am an amazing teacher! he did not almost die
jackhughes: dude, you almost broke his nose when you both went down after YOU jumped on him
lhughes_06: i do not recall such a thing
jamie.drysdale: i will let the fifth picture slide just this once bc i miss & love you so much 🥰 (also, almost died in the last pic 💀)
jackhughes: SEE!! lhughes_06
lhughes_06: 🎶 i cant see i’m blinnndddd🎶👨‍🦯
y/n.hughes: love & miss you more 🤍🫶🏼
_quinnhughes: the lake house that summer will forever be burned into my brain
usertwo: in a good way? 😀
yourroommate: i specifically remember the first pic like it was yesterday
userfour: babes spill! what happened!!
yourroommate: y/n was not having a good week so jamie flew out for the weekend & showed up with flowers & wearing that exact shirt userfour
yourbestie: he said, and i quote, “i saw this shirt on tiktok & though you’d like it” & y/n proceeded to cry :) userfour yourroommate
y/n.hughes: why am i and my bf being exposed in this comment thread?? 🙃
y/n.hughes just posted to their story!
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caption: from #6 to #9, here’s to new beginnings! jamie.drysdale
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luvhughes43 · 5 months
I BEG! BEG FOR SOME hughes!sister x Nico Au
Where Jack find out about them by accident, and Jacks like “You’re my sister, and THIS is what you do to me?”
i’m so happy that u like the au!!🫶
Dawsons the one to break the news to Jack. they’re sitting on his coach, both scrolling on their phones and gossiping with each other.
“crazy how Blake and Nico are dating eh?” Dawson says, his newfie accent thick as he pauses on the newest photo on his instagram feed.
Jack chuckles, “man what are you talking about”. he tosses his phone beside him on the couch and leans back, not believing for a second that his twin would be dating his captain.
“Nico and Blake?” Dawson continues cluelessly. he scrolls through Blake's photos, stopping at a very obvious pic of her and Nico with his silhouette cropped out. Dawson tilts his phone towards Jack.
“you’re fucking lying,” Jack gasps, sitting up from his position and taking hold of Dawsons phone.
“you didn’t know..?” Dawson’s so confused… the relationship between their captain and the Hughes sister was very obvious to everyone near the couple.
Jack shoots up out of his seat and quickly pockets his phone as he rushes out his goodbyes to Dawson.
“you’re my sister and THIS is what you do to me?” Jack shouts, storming into Blake's quiet apartment. she looks up from her book to see a fuming Jack in her entrance way.
“what…. did i do?”
“my captain?? you’re screwing my captain!” he shouts again, tugging on his hair as he walks through her apartment.
when he starts pacing, Blake's anxiety grows.
“i didn’t… i’m not-“
“don’t lie to me,” Jack bites, whipping around to face a shell shocked Blake.
Blake stares at her twin, anxious tears threatening her eyesight as she rushes out an apology. “i’m so sorry Jack. I know it’s wrong but we’re adults and he’s so-“ she gasps, “he’s so sweet and-“ she gasps again, tears winning their battle and steaming down her face.
“don’t cry about it” Jack scuffs, and as much as he doesn’t want to admit it in this moment Blake being upset always made him upset. he walks over to his sister, sitting quietly on the floor in front of her spot on the couch. he stares straight ahead, stewing in his own upset while also letting Blake know that they’re going to work it out.
truly though, this was so damn annoying for Jack. out of everyone, her sister would choose his captain? he sighed.
“i’m sorry” Blake whispers again, nudging Jack's shoulder with her fist.
“it’s whatever” Jack sighs, all of his energy being drained from his earlier outburst.
the twins sit in silence for a while, before Jack starts up again.
“oh my god is that why you have his jersey sitting in your closet?” he gasps, turning to face his sister.
“how do you know about that!”
Jack blinks at her, “you force me to bring you sweaters when you’re cold, what are you talking about?”
“okay well-“
“oh my god!” he continues. “that’s why you were fuming that night of the wag party… you were jealous that he was talking to somebody else!”
“okay i’m happy that you kind of moved on from your anger but we really don’t have to go through all-“
“BROO!!! that’s why Nico was asking me about your favourite things??? he said he just wanted to know your coffee order to make you feel better but he liked you!” Jack gasps, shifting himself so that he was laying on the floor and staring up at the ceiling.
Blake blushes at Jacks retelling. “Nicos so sweet,”
“ugh,” Jack groans loudly and dramatically. he thrashes around on the ground, before settling and staring up at his sister. “don’t say any of that shit to me,”
“I thought you were cool with us now!” Blake protests.
“no,” Jack states. “after that comment i take it all back”
“that was innocent though?” Blake laughs at Jack's struggle. he looked like he was in pain.
before Jack has the chance to say anything, Blake’s phone rings and she happily answers. she puts it on speaker and Nicos voice blares through the phone loud and clear. “hey babe!”
“UGH,” Jack groans.
“Jack?” Nico is immediately panicking thinking that he’d just blown their cover.
“he knows,” Blake responds for Jack, who hides his face in his hands.
“this is disgusting” Jack mutters.
“you told him?” Nico asks, completely bypassing Jack's comment.
“no,” Blake responds before turning to Jack. “wait… how did you find out?”
“Dawson,” Jacks voice is muffled behind his hands.
“Dawson knows?” Nico questions in disbelief.
“I guess we’re not too discreet,” Blake chuckles, causing another loud groan to rip through Jack.
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