#hugo friis // alleyway howler
shatteredminds · 2 years
Vipin, Rosemarie, Reidar, Wolfe, Lucy, Lumír, Chara, Neith, Uriel, Gabriel, Siegfried, Hazel, Coraline, Osvald, Nala, Hugo, Marshall, Jesibel, Viola, Silvester, Hana, Domink, Helios, Selene, and Saorr all photosynthesis.
This is due to them all being some part flora.
So it wouldn't be odd to see then randomly sitting/laying in a patch of sunlight with flowers blooming from their head and poking out through their hair.
Their faces when photosynthesising vary-
On guard and clearly ready to attack at a moments notice- Osvald, Marshall, Viola, Neith, and Hazel.
Peaceful look on their face- Lucy, Chara, Gabriel, and Nala.
Dorky as fuck look on their face- Wolfe, Hugo, Saorr, Lumír, Jesibel, Domink, and Siegfried.
Lol what's emontion- Hana, Coraline, and Silvester.
Grumpy looking mf's- Rosemarie, Reidar, and Uriel.
They be sleeping- Vipin, Helios, and Selene.
(shruby bbys they are)
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Word- Laundry
Letter- O
Osvald Chane Valnicii Friis
Nora Synnove Säde Väyrynen Friis
Hugo Kip Valnicii Friis
Nala Mystique Valniciala Friis
Ulfric Valter Wolvranii Friis
Lucy Itiunnr Leiashrala Rosenqvist-Tähtinen
Uriel Perachia Berunsarii Fevold
Bïsvěr = Bitch
Lívánø = Little shit
Vïz ná tůlvï gïrłïvát máhïté = Mother fucking cock gargling cunt faced bitch
Laundry day
Osvald groaned as he looked at the chore calendar that his mother made for him and the other souls chained to the Átøsálian Provence known as Shådøwy Isles. Today it was his turn to do the last week's worth of laundry, which ment not only did he have to scour his room for every piece of dirt clothes he had to make sure no pair of briefs were hidden under anything, but he had to make sure his little siblings did the same.
Though that was not because His, Hugo, and Nala's mother would have a fit about a few dirty clothes not making it into the wash, but their fathers military ass coming in today to do a his bi-weekly check in on his four eldest children's house to see if anything needs to be fixed and stock up on.
Sure Ulfric was fine with some dirty clothing being on the floor, though he might make a bit of a fuss due to Nora having a weaker immune system then Osvald, Hugo, and Nala due to her being... what did that four eyed doctor prick say? 'Equally as human as she is immortal genetics wise.' Yeah that was it, that's what his mother's cousin said.
"That bïsvěr should just mind his own fucking business." Osvald thought, fishing out a pair of boxers from behind his dresser. Why were they back there exactly? Well they happen to be crusty with dried blood from challenging his last potential mate to a duel three nights ago, she didn't pass so he killed her. Though that was evident from the other garments in his piled high laundry basket that were also caked with crusty dried blood.
Once all his dirty linens were acounted for he did a quick sweep of the room just in case, there was nothing. But he did have a who lot of blood smears to wash off of the walls later. Picking up the overflowing basket he carries it to the laundry room, cussing a storm whenever he had to pick up a piece of clothing trying to flee it's soapy fate.
Once getting there he stuffs the two weeks worth of clothes into one of the four washers, puts a ton of detergent into the dispenser along with tossing a pod or two in with the clothes, and puts everything to the appropriate settings before turning the washer on and going to his siblings rooms to collect their clothes for the same fate.
Heading to Nora's den he didn't even have knock on the door as she already had her basket outside her door. It contained a lot less clothing than his did but that was due to her doing her laundry three days ago. Picking it up he went back to the laundry room and repeated the process but with way less detergent.
He made an internal note that both Nora and Nala were in there and by the sounds of it they were chatting about some boys from the school they went to. Though that was none of his concern and he knew that if he were to confront them about it they would just berate him and call him a hypocrite since he stalks the girls he's interested in before challenging them to a death fight which ultimately ends with the girl dieing.
Now it was Hugo and Nala's turn. Like Nora, Nala has her clothing neatly in the hamper which currently resided outside the twins den. Hugo's however... was not. Though the sounds of the younger dire wolf tinkering with some machines could be heard inside. As such, Osvald knocked on the door to announce his presence before entering the twins den.
"Oi, it's laundry day ya lívánø." Osvald says as he walls into his younger siblings den. The contrast of cleanliness between the twins was obvious as Nala's half of the room was neat with very little mess on the floor and tops of her dressers and such, only her bed was unmade.
However, Hugo's half was utterly chaotic. Dirty clothes scattered about with various stains ranging from blood to oil. Tools and weapons littered every surfaces alongside the various projects Hugo was working on and his bed was partially clawed up for gods know what reason. Yet there the dire wolf was, tinkering away on what looked to be a car engine. His face covered in smears of grease and grime, unaware of his elder brothers presence and not even hearing him enter as he was listening to music.
Eye twitching at the mess, Osvald grabbed one of the magazines that was sitting on the shelf next to door and rolled it up. He walked over to Hugo and smacked the younger wolfs head with the rolled up magazine.
Hugo yelped in surprise, dropping the engine mechanism that he had in his hands onto the workbench in front of him causing it to break apart as his hands darted to the back of his head to prevent any oncoming strikes.
"Vïz ná tůlvï gïrłïvát máhïté!" Hugo cussed as he rubbed the back of his head with one hand and turning the sound systems volume before turning around to face his assailant.
"Damit Osvald, you know I've been working on that for almost a month no-!" Hugo begun to say before getting smacked again.
"Today's laundry day ya lívánø and you damn well know it." Osvald scolded, his ice blue eyes staring straight into Hugo's emerald green ones once the latter recovered from the his latest attack.
"Ai, you know me well enough to know that I loose track of time easily." Hugo says while glaring at his older brother.
"Well you could have at least put your clothes in your basket instead of all over your room so I could put them in the wash!" The raven haired wolf snaped, pissed off by his little brother as this wasn't the first time he's done this.
"Like your one to talk Ozzy, your den was a damn pigstye the last time I saw it." Hugo growled, "No different then this half of mone and Nala's den."
"I'm cleaning it today and your going to clean yours right now." Osvald says after turning around and walking to the door. "You have fifteen minutes to get your clothes gathered up so I can put them in a wash. If that's not done when I get back I'm going to give ya a beat down."
"YoU hAvE fIfTeEn MiNuTeS..." Hugo mocked under his breath as he gathered up his dirty clothes. Getting hit by the magazine that Osvald was once holding.
Fifteen minutes later, Osvald went back to Hugo and Nala's den to collect Hugo's clothes. They weren't outside the door like Osvald was hoping they'd be. Eye twitching once more Osvald busts into the den, only to be met by a butt naked Hugo tossing what he was wearing into the now full laundry basket.
"Hugahh!!" Osvald exlaimed at the sight of his brother, turning around and rubbing his eyes trying to remove the image he'd just seen. "By the gods Hugo, why are you fucking naked when you should be cleaning! Never mind I don't want to know just push you basket outside." He says now exiting the room.
Hugo burst out laughing at his brothers reaction before opening the door wide enough to push the basket into the hallway. "You're just jealous because I'm bigger then you~" He teases before getting knocked onto his ass via Osvald shoving the door closed. Still snickering he got up and went for his shower.
Once all the laundry was done and switched over to dry, Osvald had cleaned up his room. When that was done her delivered the clean yet unfolded clothing to there respective dens. Nala's basket of clean laundry was placed on her bed while Hugo's on the other hand... Osvald dumped the clean clothing onto his little brother who was now napping with nothing but a towel over his nether regions.
Ozvald knocked on Nora's door before putting her basket down and telling her and Nala that the laundry done via yelling through the door.
"Laundrys done." He yells, "Just a warning Nala, Hugo's napping naked right now."
"That's nothing new Oz but thanks for the heads up." The she wolf yells back.
Now back in his room, he placed the basket on the dresser and plopped down on his bed. Doing laundry was tiring when one had to do nit only their own garments but the garments of three others as well.
At least the clothes and his room were clean, he could care less about the state of his siblings dens now.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Ulfric's children current phisicall ages and Hight and full-grown Hight and what their phisicall ages will be by then.
Osvald- 16, 6'2 (Current). 19, 6'5 (Full-grown).
Nora- 15, 5'2 (Current). 18, 5'8 (Full-grown).
Hugo- 13, 5'11 (Current). 19, 6'3 (Full-grown.
Nala- 13, 5'3 (Current). 15, 5'5 (Full-grown).
Darrin- 13, 5'11 (Current). 18, 6'6 (Full-grown).
Harvey- 13, 5'11 (Current). 18, 6'6 (Full-grown).
Dante- 15, 6'1 (Current). 18, 6'8 (Full-grown).
Jessie- 15, 5'11 (Current). 16, 5'11.50 (Full-grown).
Dexter- 15, 5'7 (Current). 20, 6'1.77 (Full-grown).
Talia- 15, 5'9 (Current). 17, 5'10 (Full-grown).
Spencer- 12, 5'1 (Current). 15, 5'3 (Full-grown)
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Due to this post appearing on my dash.
Ulfric, Hugo, and Talia are notorious for getting injured via forklift because they due stupid shit with them. Such as jumping them off a ramp (looks at Talia).
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Funniest part of my story if I'm being honest.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
"Vïz ná tůlvï gïrłïvát máhïté!"- Hugo Kip Valnicii Friis out of context in what I'm writing.
Language- Átøsálian
Vïz ná tůlvï gïrłïvát máhïté = Mother fucking cock gargling cunt faced bitch
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Strength of the Friis's Lightning abilities from strongest to weakest
Litter clarification-
Ulfric/Lana- Twins
Osvald- Singleton birth
Hugo/Nala- Twins
Nora- Singleton birth
Dante/Jessie/Dexter/Talia- Quadruplets
Darrin/Harvey- Twins
Spencer- Singleton birth
Jupiter/Lena/Dove- Triplets
Ulfric- He's the malevolent God of Lightning. His happens to be the strongest of them all and the most volatile due to it being linked to his emotions.
Lana- Benevolent Goddess of Lightning. Hers happens to be the second strongest. Though it's only linked to her anger which is quite bottled up.
Osvald- His lighting is the strongest of his siblings. He's able to link it to his signature weapon, the bayonet.
Nala- Though she's only the forth born child of Ulfric her Lightning is the strongest of the girls. She's made a name for herself as the Static Phantom
Hugo- older twin to Nala. His lighting is somewhat unpredictable but it is powerful. He has pinpoint accuracy when he intends to strike someone with it.
Jupiter- Lana's eldest son. His temper makes his lighting strong but unpredictable. Like ulfric it's connected to his emotions but like Lana it's only with his anger.
Dante- strongest of his litter. His lighting is more useful for causing power outages which is helpful for his hunts.
Nora- she doesn't use jt that much but jts quite strong. Attached to her emotions just like Ulfrics. When she's really happy little sparks fly off her.
Talia- this energetic wolf lighting is unpredictable to say the least. Her hair is very fluffy because of it to say the least.
Harvey- while he's the more lax then Darrin his lighting is stronger. He gets struck by lightning quite often though.
Darrin- while weaker then Harvey's lightning. His lighting is more rulely than Harvey's. Though just like his twin he gets struck by lightning often.
Jessie- while she is the weakest of her litter her lightning is the third strongest. The only downside is that if overused she goes temporarily blind.
Dexter- his lighting is the weakest of the litter though stronger then his other siblings. If overused though he will go temporarily blind and have a splitting headache.
Dove- the docile one of her litter. Dove rarely uses her lighting unless it's self defense due to the backlash she gets from it via a terrible headache.
Lena- her lighting is mainly used to protect Dove and maybe Jupiter if he's injured. It's quite strong but not like her older brothers.
Spencer- her lighting is incredibly weak. She can't use it like her older siblings or cousins. She's only able to shock people and charge or power electronics. Other then that if she over does jt with the shocking she gets nauseous that can get so bad that she'll puke.
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