#talia friis // wild child
shatteredminds · 2 years
As far as I have goten for my guys sexualitys I've counted three lesbian and three gay. That will rise eventually tho I promise.
There is two grumpy and one hyperactive lesbian/guys in each.
Grumpy bois-
Uriel Perachia Berunsarii Fevold
Leonid (Leo) Premsyl Jäger
Grumpy girls-
Aphy Willetta Savage
Viola Leodora Valniciala Tähtinen
The hyperactive morons-
Hilmar Styge Zaishvaerii Nørregaard
Talia Kineta Zaishvaerala Friis
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Azura and Ulfric never forced the Tälnäverö's to wear clothes when they were littles unless it involved them having to go to town.
This is due to Ulfric and Azura having been the type of toddlers/littles/kids to just be like "Fuck clothing" and strip it off whenever they got the chance.
Since the Tälnäverö's were raised like this it's not uncommon for them to be walking around their house butt naked.
So it's always wise for one to call ahead of time otherwise Dante's going to have a nice conversation with ya involving his fists.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Ulfric's children current phisicall ages and Hight and full-grown Hight and what their phisicall ages will be by then.
Osvald- 16, 6'2 (Current). 19, 6'5 (Full-grown).
Nora- 15, 5'2 (Current). 18, 5'8 (Full-grown).
Hugo- 13, 5'11 (Current). 19, 6'3 (Full-grown.
Nala- 13, 5'3 (Current). 15, 5'5 (Full-grown).
Darrin- 13, 5'11 (Current). 18, 6'6 (Full-grown).
Harvey- 13, 5'11 (Current). 18, 6'6 (Full-grown).
Dante- 15, 6'1 (Current). 18, 6'8 (Full-grown).
Jessie- 15, 5'11 (Current). 16, 5'11.50 (Full-grown).
Dexter- 15, 5'7 (Current). 20, 6'1.77 (Full-grown).
Talia- 15, 5'9 (Current). 17, 5'10 (Full-grown).
Spencer- 12, 5'1 (Current). 15, 5'3 (Full-grown)
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shatteredminds · 2 years
This may not be a normal family dynamic but hey, when are the immortal families of Vittagarðr normal?
Family bonding time for Ulfric, Azura, and their pups Dante, Jessie, Dexter, and Talia involve-
Six obviously man made streams that are clearly used as mudslides somewhere in Tăchoveşh.
One giant mud hole at the bottom of said slides.
Sleds rainging from magic carpets to trashcan lids.
Bin for their clothes.
Med kit just in case.
Sliding down the mudslides ass naked on the sleds.
That's it.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Due to this post appearing on my dash.
Ulfric, Hugo, and Talia are notorious for getting injured via forklift because they due stupid shit with them. Such as jumping them off a ramp (looks at Talia).
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Strength of the Friis's Lightning abilities from strongest to weakest
Litter clarification-
Ulfric/Lana- Twins
Osvald- Singleton birth
Hugo/Nala- Twins
Nora- Singleton birth
Dante/Jessie/Dexter/Talia- Quadruplets
Darrin/Harvey- Twins
Spencer- Singleton birth
Jupiter/Lena/Dove- Triplets
Ulfric- He's the malevolent God of Lightning. His happens to be the strongest of them all and the most volatile due to it being linked to his emotions.
Lana- Benevolent Goddess of Lightning. Hers happens to be the second strongest. Though it's only linked to her anger which is quite bottled up.
Osvald- His lighting is the strongest of his siblings. He's able to link it to his signature weapon, the bayonet.
Nala- Though she's only the forth born child of Ulfric her Lightning is the strongest of the girls. She's made a name for herself as the Static Phantom
Hugo- older twin to Nala. His lighting is somewhat unpredictable but it is powerful. He has pinpoint accuracy when he intends to strike someone with it.
Jupiter- Lana's eldest son. His temper makes his lighting strong but unpredictable. Like ulfric it's connected to his emotions but like Lana it's only with his anger.
Dante- strongest of his litter. His lighting is more useful for causing power outages which is helpful for his hunts.
Nora- she doesn't use jt that much but jts quite strong. Attached to her emotions just like Ulfrics. When she's really happy little sparks fly off her.
Talia- this energetic wolf lighting is unpredictable to say the least. Her hair is very fluffy because of it to say the least.
Harvey- while he's the more lax then Darrin his lighting is stronger. He gets struck by lightning quite often though.
Darrin- while weaker then Harvey's lightning. His lighting is more rulely than Harvey's. Though just like his twin he gets struck by lightning often.
Jessie- while she is the weakest of her litter her lightning is the third strongest. The only downside is that if overused she goes temporarily blind.
Dexter- his lighting is the weakest of the litter though stronger then his other siblings. If overused though he will go temporarily blind and have a splitting headache.
Dove- the docile one of her litter. Dove rarely uses her lighting unless it's self defense due to the backlash she gets from it via a terrible headache.
Lena- her lighting is mainly used to protect Dove and maybe Jupiter if he's injured. It's quite strong but not like her older brothers.
Spencer- her lighting is incredibly weak. She can't use it like her older siblings or cousins. She's only able to shock people and charge or power electronics. Other then that if she over does jt with the shocking she gets nauseous that can get so bad that she'll puke.
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shatteredminds · 2 years
Out of everyone, who likes to make things go boom
1p Nyo Dřiśhvärän Province, Spencer Derrica Uvalashala Winchester
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2p Tälnäverö Province, Dexter Constantino Zaishvalii Friis
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2p Nyo Tälnäverö Province, Talia Kineta Zaishvala Friis
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2p Nyo Kírí State, Domink Kinsley Reshisii Rosenqvist
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2p Gëŕvańhøłstá Sector, Helsi Hedwige Zaishvala Durchdenwald
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1p Yäłvágěŕa Sector, Orion Morningstar Zaishvalii Deathbleeder
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2p Yäłvágěŕa Sector, Lycaon Vilmos Zaishvalii Deathbleeder
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2p Rulva das Kíngslánð, Toros Solaris Coinin
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1p Nyo Dacflur das Tăchoveșh, Sydall Colston Zero Bloodworth
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2p Nyo Dacflur das Tăchoveșh, Ziarus Aryzath Hunt
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