#hulk yumyulack
My inspirations for The Solar Opposites Monster Forms and What they look like (Old Version)
I got the inspiration for what Ogre Korvo should look like in my Solar Monsters fanfic:
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The design was inspired by the Season 2 finale when Korvo created an ogre version of himself but I think and believe that Korvo should turn into an ogre for reals in my fanfic.
As Terry, Jesse and Yumyulack, their design in my fics are inspired by the artworks from Edimay who later started another profile called SuperMonsterfan on Deviantart.
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Terry’s design is inspired by Werecat Gumball,
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Yumyulack’s design is inspired by Mutant Scott from South Park,
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And Jesse’s design is inspired by Demon Pete from South Park, but this version is different because since Jesse is a girl, she wears a torn dress:
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The Pupa’s giant form is already inspired by Godzilla. You can find Supermonsterfan on Twitter and Deviantart if you want.
I hope you guys love the ideas for the designs for the Solar Opposites as monsters. Please send love to my profile. Have a great day and I hope you loved the full chapter I sent for the Solar Monsters fanfic. If one of you wants to draw the Solar Opposites as Monsters, be my guests. If some you don’t that’s okay. Have a great day! Kudos ❤️
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Solar Monsters Pt. 2
Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa quickly head inside the laboratory while Miss Frankie and her goons follows them.
Yumyulack: Okay, let’s just keep quiet so no one can hear us!
Jesse: Okay!
Pupa: Aha!
The kids heads towards the lab where they found the stuff that turned them into monsters. But then they found the cures
Yumyulack: The antidotes! Jesse, we can be cured! Jesse: Alright, let’s get out of here and get these stuff to Korvo and Terry and prove our innocence-
Miss Frankie: wearing a disguise Not so fast you little brats!
Yumyulack and Jesse: gasp
Pupa: Oh no!
Miss Frankie points a gun at the three alien children as they hug each other in fear.
Miss Frankie: I finally gotta right where we want you.
Yumyulack: What are you talking about?! Jesse: Wait a minute, notices the stuff are those the stuff that- grows angry Hey, you’re not being very nice!
Yumyulack: You guys did this! You motherfuckers! You turned us into monsters!
Jesse: You won’t fucking get away with this!
Pupa: Yeah!
Miss Frankie: Well guess what?! I just already have! Boys?!
Two of Frankie’s goons grabbed Yumyulack and Jesse as they screamed while the Pupa gets trapped in a net.
Yumyulack: Hey! Let us go you assholes!
Jesse: Put us down now!
Pupa: Help! Terry! Korvo! Help me!
Miss Frankie: evil laugh That’s right, wait till your two daddies come after you and try to save you!
Yumyulack: You won’t get away with this whoever you are!
Miss Frankie: Too late, I just did. Have you met Simone? Say hi Simone!
Jesse: Who’s Simone?
Suddenly, a giant mutated Goliath woman named Simone appeared as Yumyulack and Jesse gasp just right before they started to transform into their monster forms.
Yumyulack: struggling to break free once he started to hulk out Terry! Korvo!
Jesse: struggling to break free once she started to transform into her demon form Terry! Korvo! Help us!
Miss Frankie: That’s right, transform so Simone can-
Suddenly, the Pupa transforms into his giant form and roars in fury.
Giant Pupa: Bad monster!
Simone: roars
Pup and Simone then started fighting until Simone escape through the walls after pushing the Pupa outta the way.
Miss Frankie: Aw, what the fuck? Get back here you fucking idiot!
Goon #1: Uh, ma’am?
Miss Frankie: WHAT?!
Miss Frankie then gasp once she sees Yumyulack and Jesse transforming into their monsters forms as they growl and breaks free from the captors.
Miss Frankie: Holy shit! Let’s get the fuck outta!
Miss Frankie and the goons escape just as soon as Korvo and Terry arrived.
Ogre Korvo and Werecat Terry: KIDS!
Yumyulack and Jesse finished their transformation as they roar very loudly.
Miss Frankie: Oh no you don’t! gets out a gun that shoots a silver bullet
Hulkyulack and Demon Jesse: gasp
Ogre Korvo: No!
Werecat Terry: Replicants!
Korvo and Terry quickly grabbed their Replicants as the bullet hit Korvo.
Ogre Korvo: Gah!
Werecat Terry: Korvo! Are you okay?
Ogre Korvo: notices no bleeding on him Holy fuck! I’m bullet proof!
Werecat Terry: screeches Nobody shoots at my Korvo!
Terry tries to attack the goons as they escape.
Ogre Korvo: Children, are you okay?!
Demon Jesse: Yeah.
Werecat Terry: Oh thank goodness. We were so worried, thank the fuck you’re okay. kisses the Replicants on the foreheads
Hulkyulack: Thanks for coming for us.
Ogre Korvo: We’re just so glad you kids are safe. Come here.
Despite being transformed into monsters, Korvo, Terry, Yumyulack and Jesse hug each other in tears of joy. But then, Terry notice someone missing.
Werecat Terry: Wait, where’s Pupa?
The Solars then turned around and gasp in horror once they see the Pupa fighting Simone.
Werecat Terry: Oh my God! Our precious baby!
Demon Jesse: Pupa! No!
Hulkyulack: growling That’s it! These guys have messed with us long enough!
Ogre Korvo: Nobody harms our little Pupa! Come on guys, we got a Pupa to save.
Werecat Terry: Hell yeah!
Ogre Korvo: Let’s go stop that monster and save some lives!
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Hulk Shlorpian Yumyulack
Yumyulack was putting posters up for his locker. But he is still getting beaten up by his boy classmates.
Jayden: Up your ass Yumyudork!
Yumyulack growl in fury. Jesse came up and began to worry that her brother might go one revenge.
Jesse: Uh hey Yumyulack. How you doing? You okay?
Yumyulack: No! I’m not fucking okay! Grr! That’s it! Payback is gonna fucking happen, once I get to use animals poison.
Jesse: No, you have to work out if you wanna beat them up.
Yumyulack: The last time I went to that stupid gym, those muscle assholes were once fucking losers who took steroids that makes them buff up and- suddenly gets an idea Wait a minute…. develops a mischief grin on his face
Jesse: Oh noo. Yumyulack, don’t do it! Don’t-
Yumyulack: I’m gonna take these muscle drinks!
Jesse: Aw geez.
Two hours later, after school ended, Yumyulack went up to find where he can get the things that make people get muscle, until….
Miss Frankie: wearing glasses, an moustache and a trenchcoat Ahem!
Yumyulack: Huh?
Miss Frankie: disguised manly voice Hey kid. Heard you want the good stuff right?
Yumyulack: Yes. It’s the steroids right?
Two of Frankie’s goons came out and brings out a suitcase with the needle that is glowing purple.
Miss Frankie: Here! Take this suitcase. This needle will give you the strength you desired!
After the goons closed the suitcase, they handed it to Yumyulack as the latter grin in joy.
Yumyulack: Yes! I’ll finally get payback! Fuck you schoolmates of mine!
As Yumyulack run off victoriously, Miss Frankie and her goons snicker evilly. Later, at the Solar Opposites’ house, Yumyulack prepared to inject the needle when he suddenly heard the knock on the door.
Korvo: muffling Yumyulack! Open up!
Yumyulack: I’m busy Korvo!
Terry: knocking the door
Korvo: muffling Now!
Yumyulack: I’m coming geez!
Yumyulack quickly hid the needle under his bed and opens the door.
Terry: Hey honey. How you doing? Heard you had a rough day. Principal Cooke called.
Yumyulack: Oh sure. Yes, a group of guys punched me, but I’m okay. Things are good now! See you when dinner is ready.
Yumyulack starts to push his two adults out of the door as the two lifemates grew concern about this.
Korvo: Alright, you’re hiding something. What is it?
Yumyulack: It’s nothing Korvo! Fuck off!
Yumyulack slammed the door, leaving Korvo and Terry concern about one of their replicants. Yumyulack quickly grabbed the needle and injected in his arm as he groans in pain.
Yumyulack: groans and sighs in relief Oh yeah, that’s the stuff.
Unknown to him, Jesse heard the whole thing and backs away once Yumyulack exits their room and went to the workout room. Two days later, Korvo, Terry and Jesse starts to grow concern about Yumyulack. His behavior started to change, his eyes glow blue-purple every time he is upset and he started acting aggressive to everyone around him, including his classmates.
Braiden: Hey look! It’s Yumyudork!
Aiden: I am so gonna enjoy this!
Once Aiden grabbed Yumyulack by the arm, Yumyulack’s eyes glow again as he finally snaps and slams Aiden in the face by the locker.
Yumyulack: FUCK OFF AIDEN!
Principal Cooke: Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! What the fuck is going on here?
Aiden: Dude, that fucking bitch just slammed me into the lockers. Do something!
Suddenly, Yumyulack snapped again and grabs Jayden and throws him across the wall as it created a hole.
Students and Teachers: screams in horror and quickly evacuated the school
Principal Cooke: Holy fuck! What have we done! We created a fucking monster! Run for your lives!
Yumyulack starts panting in fury as he suddenly develop muscle on his arms. Meanwhile….
Terry: tidying up the kitchen with Korvo while humming
Korvo: Gah! His hand was cut by a sharp item Grrrrr! starts to transform
Terry: Oh my God! Heal Korvo! Fucking heal! It’s okay! I’m here! It’ll be okay.
Terry holds Korvo’s hand as Korvo calms down and regains control of himself as he washes the blood off with cold water.
Korvo: This is awful Terry. We have to learn to control ourselves. These monstrous forms can be very deadly.
Terry: Good point! We have to control our monster forms before we can find the cure. phone beeps Hold on, I’m getting a text message.
Korvo: sees what it says but grows horrified along with Terry Oh my god! Yumyulack!
The two aliens grabbed their Pupa and quickly drives over to the now nearly destroyed high school at sunset. Then, they see Yumyulack, who started to lift weights, while growing larger and muscular.
Yumyulack: Grrr….MAKE…..HUMANS….FUCKING….PAY! smashes a barbell and roars
Korvo: Oh my God…. joy in his eyes My little replicant has reached his growth spurt! Stops and realizes what happened Oh wait a minute, right! Clears his throat Yumyulack! I demand an explanation! Why are suddenly gigantic and strong?! And why the fuck did I get a text from Principal Cooke saying you beaten up two of your schoolmates, mister?
Yumyulack: snaps and grabs Korvo DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!!!!!!!!
Korvo: chocking Gah! Yumyulack, put me down!
Terry: Holy shit! Yumyulack is turning into The Fucking Incredible Hulk!
Yumyulack throws Korvo at Terry as the two adults screamed but look in horror as Yumyulack grows more taller and muscular as his shoes ripped, his pants and shirt is half town and his voice got deeper.
Hulkyulack which is the nickname for Yumyulack as a hulk Shlorpian smashes the walls and roars. He then ran out of the school and heads towards town.
Korvo: Yumyulack!
Terry: Korvo, we gotta save him before the army comes for him!
Jesse: driving a scooter Don’t worry, I have an idea to train you guys once we save Yumyulack.
Korvo: No. I have an idea!
Terry: Korvo, no! You’ll got killed by him.
Korvo: I know, but Yumyulack is still my little sapling. The monster is my replicant and right now, he needs his adult!
Korvo grabbed one of the scooters and quickly rides it to find his replicant as Terry, Jesse and Pupa look in worry.
Korvo: Korvo’s coming Yumyulack! Korvo’s fucking coming for you!
Korvo then drives up to see Yumyulack destroying half of the town. He then sees an army tent and gasp on what they’re about to do.
Korvo: Oh no! They’re gonna blow him up! Hang in there, kiddo!
Korvo quickly heads over to Yumyulack but starts to transform.
Korvo: Fuck no. Not now!
Korvo manages to keep his sanity in check as he sees Yumyulack about to throw a destroyed part from a building in anger.
Korvo: Yumyulack! Stop! I’m here mister. I’m here. You’re gonna be okay. You’re okay. Korvo’s here, please snap out of it. You’ve gone out of control. I’m sorry these few months have been rough. But Korvo is here, and I still got you. I love you.
Yumyulack prepares to launch at Korvo in anger but Korvo quickly transforms into his ogre form and grabs Yumyulack with embrace.
Hulkyulack: Huh? struggles to get free but suddenly calms down once Korvo starts soothing him Wh-what?!
Ogre Korvo: I got you son. It’s okay.
Yumyulack then starts to feel overwhelmed but his messed up monstrous emotions and breaks down crying into Korvo’s chest as Korvo continues to soothe him, just like he did when Yumyulack was just a sapling.
Ogre Korvo: Shhh. It’s okay. It’s alright, I got you Yumyulack. You’re okay. wipes the tears from Yumyulack’s eyes You’re safe kiddo.
Hulkyulack: I’m sorry. kept on crying in Korvo’s chest
Ogre Korvo: I know Yumyulack. Come on, let’s get you home.
The two monster Shlorpians left town as the humans look in shock. Later, the two made it home with Jesse trying to keep Werecat Terry distracted from any primal instincts with a yarn ball which got the Pupa’s attention as he starts playing with his adult.
Pupa: Yarn ball! plays with it with Werecat Terry but then gasp upon seeing a tired out Yumyulack Yumyulack!
The Pupa went up to hug Yumyulack, who has fallen asleep, but start to calm down as his effects started to wear off, as well as Korvo.
Jesse: Yumyulack! Is he-
Ogre Korvo: No. But, he’ll be fine.
Jesse: crying as she hugs Yumyulack Oh thank heavens.
Werecat Terry: purrs on Korvo’s legs as Korvo blushes lovingly
Ogre Korvo: But how did Yumyulack get like that?
Later, they check the Replicants’ room and sees the needle under Yumyulack’s bed as they gasp.
Jesse: Oh no! I knew this would happened! Yumyulack must’ve gotten so tired of being beaten up by his schoolmates, he must’ve taken this thing.
Ogre Korvo: But who gave him that needle?
Miss Frankie then sneaks into the bedroom and puts a serum in a tube on the Pupa’s bed.
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Scene: You’re Making Me Angry
When Korvo finds out Terry has gone after Windigo woman, he turns into his human form and has decided to go after them. But then, Mark Baine came and attack for getting him fired after the incident at the laboratory when the gang rescue Cooke. Baine attacks Human Korvo, which ends up scaring the kids who is protected by Phoebe which causes Human Korvo to turn back into his Shlorpian form. He tells Baine he is making him angry and transforms into his Super Shlorpian form. After throwing Baine to the wall, knocking him unconscious, Super Shlorpian Korvo grabs the family and flies off to find Terry.
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Scene: You’re Jsut Trying Too Hard
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As Korvo and Terry panics while pacing around, Yumyulack and Jesse continue looking down at the floor horrified while Phoebe comes downstairs after putting the Pupa down for a nap.
Phoebe: Okay, the Pupa is now asleep. We just need to come up with a plan to get you guys out of hou- notices the kids’ horrified faces Yumyulack? Jesse? Are you okay?
Yumyulack: This is all our faults.
Yumyulack: We should’ve known Barnaby was a crazy person. We trusted him and he fucked us like fools. Now, he’s took everything that is meant to help our friends, including the scanner, the files, everything! starts to hulk out as his horns appear on his head and his starts to grow bigger and muscular
Jesse: Ugh! I can’t believe we acted like fucking fools! Those headphone guys and the Stacies were right! We are total fuck ups! starts hulking out as she starts growing bigger and muscular and turning black
Korvo and Terry gasp as they realized how overwhelmed their children are and runs up to calm them down.
Phoebe: Whoa whoa whoa kids calm down!
Yumyulack: eyes starts growing lavender CALM DOWN?! CALM DOWN?! WHY SHOULD WE STAY CALM?!
Jesse: eyes starts glowing black and dark pink WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE UPSET!
Korvo and Terry: leaps towards and hugs their kids in a huge embrace Whoa whoa whoa! Hey! Hey now! Yumyulack… Jesse… soothing shushing sounds
The effects wear off on Yumyulack and Jesse as they shrink down to their normal sizes and starts weeping as Korvo and Terry gasp sadly and continue soothing them.
Yumyulack: tearfully We’re so scared guys.
Jesse: weeping What’s gonna happen to us guys? Barnaby was right. We’re just little kids. We can’t even do anything right.
Phoebe: What?! Who these bitches think they are- Korvo puts his hand on Phoebe as she grows surprised by the look on Korvo’s face
Korvo: to Phoebe Don’t worry, we’ll talk to them. turns to Terry; whispering You talk to Yumyulack, I’ll talk to Jesse.
Terry: Okay.
In separate directions, Terry takes Yumyulack outside while Korvo takes Jesse to her and Yumyulack’s bedroom as Yumyulack sits down on the picnic table and Jesse sat on her chair and looks at the mirror.
Terry: Buddy, what’s wrong? Talk to me.
Korvo: Jesse darling, is everything okay?
Yumyulack: tearfully; sniffles No Terry, everything is not okay. I can’t do anything right. All I do is fail and get beat up by other kids. I can’t even get Mark to notice me.
Terry: puts his hands on Yumyulack’s shoulders Hey come on, everything’s gonna be okay.
Jesse: tearfully No, it’s not okay. I wished I never found that glowing lipstick. chokes a sob Now it turned me into an ugly monster. sobs
Korvo: But why did you do that?
Jesse: sniffles as tears fall hard I just… wanted to be beautiful Korvo… just like the Stacies… and all the other beautiful women in the world…
Yumyulack: voice breaking I just wanted people to stop walking over me Terry… I wanted to be something more…
In each separate parts, Korvo and Terry put comforting on hands on their children’s shoulders as they deeply understand how their Replicants feel.
Terry: I know honey, but that is not true.
Korvo: You are the most beautiful sweetest girl in the world. You don’t need makeup to prove that.
Terry: You are so smart, so brave, yet stubborn. But, that doesn’t mean you should exhaust yourself from that. You are a very brave little alien who can do anything.
Korvo: To me, you are an amazing beautiful lady who is so kind and thoughtful and very caring towards other people.
Terry: Your father and I will always support you no matter what…
Korvo: And you have people who care about you too, and you are never alone…
Korvo and Terry: But most of all…
Terry: You don’t have to try so hard
Yumyulack sobs into Terry’s chest as Terry hugs his step-son and soothes him.
Korvo: puts his hand on Jesse’s shoulders You shine brighter than all of them.
Korvo puts his arms around Jesse for comfort as Jesse tearfully smiles and hugs Korvo by his arms. Phoebe smiles as she sees her friends comforting their children.
Two hours later, Yumyulack and Jesse fall asleep on the couch while Phoebe puts two blankets on them as she smiles. Korvo and Terry then approach each other as the two husbands look at each other lovingly.
Korvo: How come you never tell me how well you do with our kids?
Terry: Let’s just say, I got advice from a grumpy blue-ass alien who became my sweet hubby.
Korvo: Oh Terry. But don’t you worry, we’re gonna get out of here. Once and for all. It’s a promise I can never break with you.
Terry: And that’s something I can’t break with you either.
The two alien husbands French-kiss as they embrace each other lovingly.
Music for this Scene:
Phoebe MacCarthy belongs to @themagicwolf6677
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Solar Monsters Pt. 4 Epilogue (Old)
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(artwork is not mine) Once the Solar Opposites hide, the effects began to wear off as Terry, Jesse and Yumyulack started to transform back to normal.
Terry: breathing in and out as he turns back to normal with the cat device destroyed and fall off of his face Oh my God. It worked, the goddamn device is off my face! I finally got it off! Yes! No more fucking hairball! suddenly spits out a hairball Aw fucking sick.
Jesse: turns back to normal once her wings disappeared Yay! The pain in my back is more! gasp once she notices her dress is half torn and cover it Holy fuck!
Yumyulack: sighs once the steroids disappeared Well, I am sure am gonna miss those muscles. But at least I’m back to normal.
Terry: I’m so proud you two hugs the Replicants as they smiled
Giant Pupa: burps and turns back to normal
Terry: Hooray! We can hug the Pupa now!
Terry and the Replicants hug Pupa as the latter smiled. Suddenly, they noticed a worn out Korvo trying to turn back. Then, they realized they need to put on clothes.
Terry: Oh shit! Kids! We have to put on fully clothes! Quick!
After getting into their fixed clothes, Terry then notices Korvo finally beginning to transform back as Terry and the Replicants runs up to him with Terry carries Korvo’s clothes.
Jesse: touches Korvo’s arm with her hand for comfort Easy there Korvo.
Yumyulack: You’re gonna be just fine.
Ogre Korvo: breathing in and out calmly as he finally turned back to normal
Terry: Oh my God. Korvo. helps Korvo put his clothes on while the Replicants and Pupa look on worriedly It’ll be okay honey.
Korvo: finally back to normal as he breaths in and out It’s over. It’s finally fucking over. We did it fam. starts to feel faint as Terry catches him with the help from the kids The nightmare is finally fucking over.
Jesse: Group hug time guys. I love you guys.
Yumyulack: I love you guys too. But that’s just between us as a family.
Pupa: I love you guys. And I love Baby Shark!
Solar Opposites: D’aww.
Korvo: I love you all. Even though I hate to admit it.
Terry: Aw and I love you honey and you too kids. Come here.
The Solar Opposites gets in a tearful group hug as the sun rises while shedding tears of joy. Korvo and Terry shares a kiss while continuing to hug their children. Suddenly…
Angry Mob: Get the monsters! Yeah!
Principal Cooke: Wait, huh?
The angry mob stops and to their surprise and total shock, what stood the ogre alien, werecat alien, hulk alien, giant baby alien and demoness alien are now the family of five aliens hugging each other.
Kevin: Hey, what happened to the monsters?
Principal Cooke: They’re gone….. WE’RE SAVED! Mob: Yeah! Hooray! Fuck those monsters! Woo-hoo! They’re gone! We’re free! Yay! Fuck yeah!
Jesse: Huh? notices the mob What the fuck guys?
Mob: stops cheering Huh?
Jesse: Guys, those mysterious monsters saved us from Simone, who is now a fucking dead corpse of a woman. But, those monsters are misunderstood. These kinds of beasts have been tormented by a bunch of corrupted motherfuckers who were using it out of revenge. We shouldn’t misjudge monsters for what they are, we should just praise them for they are and try to learn to love them and-
Principal Cooke: Oh my God… what have we done… they’re just poor victims of an evil corrupted force who are trying to live normal lives until someone fucking turned them into ones!
Randall: What kind of people are we?!
The mob starts crying while Korvo and Terry comforts them.
Terry: It’s okay everybody. Those damn heroes are in a much better place now. Whenever they are.
Korvo: Hell yeah. Whoever those fucking monsters are, we’ll always remember them, as heroes.
The mob had a moment of silence while Korvo, Terry and Yumyulack smiled at Jesse.
Terry: That’s our sweet girl.
Korvo: We’re so proud of you and your brothers.
Yumyulack: Awesome speech sis.
Miss Frankie then came in a huff, now furious as she stomps towards the Solar Opposites.
Pupa: screams as he hides behind Korvo and Terry while Jesse picks him up
Yumyulack: Uh, you alright Miss Frankie?
Miss Frankie: No! I’m not fucking alright! You fucking aliens ruined everything! I was supposed to teach you guys a fucking lesson!
Principal Cooke: What?!
Mob: What?! Huh?!
Korvo: Uh, what the fuck are you talking about?
Miss Frankie: I was the one who did this to you guys! I was the crook who turned you into monsters, just to teach you guys a thing are too for fucking up our lives the Solar Opposites and Angry Mob gasp in horror I fucking hate you aliens so much! Ugh! To think?! The lies I told! The stuff I took to frame you two! points at Terry and Korvo
Principal: Uh, you’re scaring us man.
Miss Frankie: I even framed you with the stupid BBQ rib pig thing!
Miss Frankie gasp and covers her mouth as she notices the shock and horror from the Solars and the humans. The mob then summon their weapons along with the Solars as they surrounded her.
Miss Frankie: Uh, I was kidding? nervous laughing
The Solars look at each other, clearly disgusted by Frankie turning them into a giant savage beasts and framing them two seasons ago with the whole Peter the Pig thing. So, they got the perfect idea.
Three hours later, Miss Frankie is seen strapped in a rope on a chair while wearing a prisoner outfit with her goons.
Miss Frankie: Uh, what the fuck is happening?
Solar Opposites: showing up with the nets with the fire ants as a punishment PAYBACK FRANKIE!
The family put the nets on Frankie and her goons’ hands as they scream in pain with the crowd jeering at her for what she has done to them, their beloved town and the Solar Opposites.
Principal Cooke: crying while eating a carton of ice cream Why Frankie?
Jesse: There there Principal Cooke comforts Cooke things will be okay.
Terry and Korvo gave each other a toast while laughing slyly with a wine glass they drink. Later…
Terry: I am so glad things are back to normal, is on his bed at nighttime with Korvo now we don’t have to be under house arrest anymore now that we got the evidence to the police.
Korvo: clipping his nails while sighing Thank God, that’s fucking over. Things are finally back to normal. The Replicants and Pupa are fast asleep like little baby angels, you and I finally got rid of those awful devices and now we can finally relax. suddenly accidentally clipped the top his toe and roars like his ogre form
Terry: gasp and hugs Korvo It’s okay Korvy. I’m here, your Life-Terry’s got you.
Korvo: finally calming down Sorry Terry, don’t know what got into me.
Terry: It’s okay. Right now, we just need some sleep. kisses Korvo on the forehead affectionately Goodnight honey.
Korvo: Goodnight.
The two adults head to sleep while snuggling towards each other affectionately despite the ruined blanket covers shown from Terry’s werecat form’s teeth and claws and fur too as the credits role.
The End
Note: I hope you all enjoyed this fandom, and I promise you. For those of you who are monster tfs fans and/or Solar Opposites fans, feel free to draw each scene you choose from this 10-chapter event I made this week. Send me some love and no mean comments. And don’t worry, there will be monster transformations from other cartoon franchises soon. See you later! Kudos! 💖
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I’m here Yumyulack (Updated)
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(artwork by Lysieloo, because I love it so much and I wish there were flashbacks of Yumyulack and Jesse when they were baby Shlorpians) Ever since Yumyulack gain his Super Shlorpian form, he’s been having issues, like controlling his anger or something. He even started to despise his hulk form because he ended up hurting people the last time.
One day, Yumyulack got into a fight that involves him punching a bully in the face when she was picking on Jessie while his beast mode was about to awaken. Principal Cooke then called Yumyulack to the principal office and then has him suspended for two weeks. His dads started to grow concern about their son as Yumyulack walks through the door.
Korvo: Yumyulack? We need to talk!
Yumyulack: growling What?!
Terry: Honey, I think it’s best if you be banned from your devices for a week. We’re really growing concerned about your anger ever since you gained a hulk form.
Yumyulack: Wha? The fuck! That bitch deserved it! She was pissing my sister off!
Korvo: We know but sighing while placing his hand on his head because of your anger, you got suspended for two weeks. You should’ve just let the grown ups handle this.
Yumyulack: Well, I hate my Supee Shlorpian form! eyes started to glow purple as he starts gooblering Ever since I had this fucking beast inside of me, my life started to fall apart! I couldn’t even hang with the headphone kids! Even Mark! Why can’t anyone understands the pain I am going through?
Korvo: Yumyulack, please! Just head to your room and calm the fuck do-
Yumyulack: tears threatening to burst Just leave me the fuck alone!
Korvo and Terry gasp in shock but concern as Yumyulack runs up to his room in tears. Jesse and the Pupa are also concern about their brother as they notice him running away crying up the stairs. Korvo sighs in dismay as he start gooblering.
Terry: I don’t understand, Yumyulack should be happy with his monster form ever since we got ours.
Korvo: sigh I know Terry, but he’s just feeling out of sorts ever since that first time he gained it. He’s usually like this ever since he was just an infant.
Flashback opens up on Shlorp thirteen years ago where it shows baby Yumyulack crying in his sleeping chamber while Korvo was working on something.
Baby Yumyulack: crying
Korvo: voiceover Yumyulack would always have night terrors during his bedtime and it really scares him so easily because he was just a sprout at that time.
Korvo then heads over to baby Yumyulack while sighing but then, notices how scared his baby was because of that night terrors that he had during Shlorp’s troubles times. He picks up baby Yumyulack and starts cradling him while soothing him. Baby Yumyulack then starts to calm down as he feels the heartbeat inside of Korvo’s chest that started to soothe him. Baby Yumyulack then touches Korvo’s left cheek as he smiles.
Baby Yumyulack: cooing
Korvo: voiceover I always knew whenever I do that, Yumyulack would always come down. As if he was reassured that he is safe and okay. When I am here with him, he would always be calm and quiet for a little sprout. Korvo then sits back down while holding and nurturing baby Yumyulack as the little sproutling falls asleep As an adult, you do everything you can to keep their Replicant safe, even though when they never feel like it.
The flashback ends as Korvo continue to look down sadly at the floor while Terry puts a comforting shoulder on his doting husband and Jesse and the Pupa looked worriedly at him.
Korvo: And now, I think ever since we landed on Earth, Yumyulack has always felt like he is a pest to everyone. sigh All because I stopped looking out for him ever since he started high school. sits up Y’know what? Maybe it’s best if I go upstairs and check up on him.
Jesse: Wait, I need to make sure he didn’t destroy any of my dolls. Because, y’know how edgy he can be.
Once Jesse heads upstairs, she opens the door but then screams, once she sees Yumyulack transforming as he grows bigger and muscular, and his skin turns black and his wings popped out.
Jesse: Oh no! Jesus Christ in vain! Not again! prepares to run downstairs to Korvo and Terry but then Yumyulack, whose eyes starts glowing purple tries to grab her as if he has having troubles restraining himself from transforming Huh? Yumyulack? What the fuck?
Yumyulack: No! grabs his hand away from Jesse as he finishes transforming I’m… s-s-sorry….. JESSE!!!!!!!!!
Yumyulack then finishes turning into a Super Shlorpian after his horns and wings as he roars. Jesse runs downstairs screaming as Korvo and Terry luckily stop her and hugs her for comfort. So did the Pupa as he grows worried about Yumyulack.
Pupa: Yumyulack?
Korvo: Aw fuck! Did he finally transform?
Jesse: gulps Yes.
Terry: Aw, our poor baby. He’s really stressed out. suddenly hears loud crashes coming from outside What the fuck is that?
Korvo: Oh shit! Not again!
Korvo, Terry, Jesse and the Pupa went inside Yumyulack and Jesse’s room, only to see a giant hole in the wall.
Jesse: God damn it, Yumyulack! Did you have to fucking almost destroy our room again?!
Korvo: Oh God. Yumyulack, please tell me you’re not-
Korvo then gasp and sees Super Shlorpian Yumyulack a giant hole in the manc ave room.
Korvo: Oh shit! Yumyulack! runs downstairs to the manc ave
Terry: Honey, wait for us!
Jesse: Oh Jesus! carried the Pupa in her arms
Korvo frantically opens the door and sees Super Shlorpian Yumyulack tearing the manc ave apart in stress and anger.
Super Shorpian Yumyulack: roaring as he breaks apart stuff
Korvo: Yumyulack, no! Be careful! Those glass can really hurt-
Suddenly, a glass part went into Super Shlorpian Yumyulack’s right shoulder as he yowls in pain. Blue blood starts drip down as Super Shlorpian Yumyulack whimpers in pain.
Korvo: Yumyulack! went over to Super Shlorpian Yumyulack immediately as he vouche for his son’s shoulder
Terry: went downstairs with Jesse and Pupa and saw Super Shlorpian Yumyulack hurt Oh no! Yumyulack!
Terry then uses the same technique P.A.T.R.I.C.I.A. Did to him when he injured his arm with a foosball by getting the part of the foosball device. But Super Shlorpian Yumyulack screams in pain as tears burst from his eyes but Korvo managed to come up and hug his replicant soothingly as he started to calm him down. Terry then got a bandage and wraps it around Yumyulack’s arm.
Korvo: Shh…. sees tears in Super Shlorpian Yumyulack’s eyes It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m right here. I see you Yumyulack. I see you. You’re not a monster. You’re not alone. I’m here for you. I promise, on this Earth, no will one will ever take your place. No matter how old you get, you’ll always be my son. Monster or no monster, you’re still Yumyulack Solar-Opposites. A noble bounty hunter, a brave young Replicant, a good brother and a wonderful son, even when you drive me fucking crazy. But you are never alone. I’ll always be with you. We all will.
Super Shlorpian Yumyulack then hugs Korvo as he began to cry while Korvo continue to sooth him softly as Terry hug Jesse and the Pupa for reassurance that their big brother is okay. Super Shlorpian Yumyulack then turns back into Yumyulack as he continue to cry.
Korvo: Shhhh. It’s okay. You’re safe Yumyulack. You’re always safe. Korvo is always here. My sweet brave little sprout…
Korvo then hugs Yumyulack as he started to calm down while Terry, Jesse and Pupa smile. Later, Yumyulack is in his room sadly sulking while Korvo comes in calmly.
Korvo: Are you okay kiddo?
Yumyulack: sigh No. tears were shed in his eyes
Korvo: Yumyulack, you’re scared. It’s okay to be scared.
Yumyulack: No, I’m not- sadly realized what happened earlier yes. I am.
Korvo: hugs his son Yumyulack, I know how hard it is to have a monstrous bloodline. And I know how scary it is to have an ability that can turn into a Super Shlorpian. But, I want you to know that, you are one of the bravest people I know that can control such anger. Heck, you even did an awesome job on weaponry. But I want you to know this Yumyulack. You’ll always be my child and you’ll still be Yumyulack on the inside, even if you look monstrous on the outside. I love you…
Yumyulack hug Korvo in tears as Korvo hugs him back while smiling, knowing that his Replicant knows that he is okay and his family are still there for him.
The end
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Comic Titles for Solar Opposites: Mighty Solars Pt. 4
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Issue #35: “Starting Anew”: As the Wall People began to recover from their emotional trauma from the Wall and restart for a better life, Phoebe and the Mighty Solars team up with Cherie and Montez as a new foe kidnaps Pezlie. there will be a reference to The Incredibles
Issue #36: “Rampage on Earth-4”: A former wrestler woman gets kicked out for accidentally punching Jesse and is now a rampaging out of control muscular villainess bent on crushing the Mighty Solars with her brute strength?!
Issue #37: “Pinball Madness”: A new villain teenager, “Pinball Brat” has trapped Fung-irl and Lightspeed in a pinball machine and are now playing pinballs, this time with the two heroic BFFS trapped in human-sized pinballs.
Issue #38: “The Clock Strikes Midnight”: Korvo’s apprentice Parker is accidentally struck with some kind of power that involves her throwing electric like lightning blades from her hands. Now she must help the Mighty Solars stop an evil moon vilallness.
Issue #39: “Danger in Blood”: A young teenage girl is bent on revenge for the murder of her mother. She teamed up with the Mighty Solars’ old foe Crimson and goes on a blood-bending spree that involves putting everyone’s lives in danger by making them mind control puppets. Now, it’s up to Nova and the rest of the citizens, including an old friend, to distract the two out of control teenagers before they go after the Mighty Solars. But, will they be too late? This will be a reference to the episode from Avatar: the Last Airbender, “The Southern Raiders”.
Issue #40: “Stolen” Pt. 1: After the aftermath of Issue #40, Qourra is forced to suffer the consequences of her actions when the news about her blood bending on the south causes a dangerous cult of super powered crooks, called the Silver Spades, to kidnap the Mighty Solars and their friends, except for Korvo, Yumyulack, Pupa, Phoebe, Parker, Montez, Nova, Kevin and Sherbert. When a stubborn and thick-headed Qourra tries to take them down, she is forced to experience what the Mighty Solars and their allies went through. This one and Pt. 2 will be a reference to the Legend of Korra episodes “Enter the Void” and “Venom of the Red Lotus”.
Issue #41: “Stolen” Pt. 2: As Qourra gets poisoned by mercury, Principal Cooke, Miss Frankie, Ms. Perez, Mia, Jaime, Darcy, Sherbert and Randall ends up suffering from a testing project while Qausarblast, Vil-Gil-An-T, the Mighty Pupa, Starburst, Venus Tip and the rest of their friends try to free Mighton, Fung-irl, Lightspeed and the rest of the captured citizens from the Silver Spades.
Issue #42: “The Cavalry Has Arrived”: Some new Mighty Solars arrive when five rogue villains try to take down the Mighty Solars one by one. But these heroes are never going down without a fight, especially with some new additions to the family.
Issue #43: “Mighton Goes Crazy and Shit”: When Terry gets kidnapped by a mysterious mechanic, he transforms Terry AKA Mighton into a rampaging muscular mind-controlled monstrous out of control servant to take down the Mighty Solars, much to Korvo/Qausarblast’s horror and distraught because of his fear of losing his beloved Terry/Mighton. Until, a new Mighty Solar girl came along, and that girl is Nova! This is gonna involved HMG (hulking muscle grow; it’s gonna be reference to Bane from Batman and The Incredible Hulk)
Phoebe MacCarthy and Monica Miller belongs to @themagicwolf6677
Parker belongs to @prospitdaydreamer
Cheery Smithers belongs to me
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Solar Opposites in Mighty Solars: Silver Blades
Remember the subplot from Solar Opposites? The one with the Silver Cops? The one where it was just like SilverHawks but it’s corrupted force?
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Well this time, the Silver Cops have made new apprentices! The Silver Blades! After hearing about the Mighty Solars on Earth-4 on the news, the corrupted Silver Cops grow so jealous, so enraged that they made five Silver Cops super villains with upgraded Silver Cop Uniforms to take down the Mighty Solars once they felt Qourra’s blood bending powers with their mind manipulation from their suits. These villainous dangerous version of the Silver Cops are very dangerous and very deadly!
Here are the five members of the Silver Blades:
Maverick: The determined stubborn leader of the Silver Blades. A forest green four-eye snake-theme alien Silver Cop rookie who has the powers to master air-element abilities at once. Even flight. He is a determinator which makes him sometimes impossible to defeat. But not when he is fighting with Korvo/Qausarblast because Maverick’s weakness is not seeing people when they’re invisible. His suit color is silver-green and his crest symbol on his suit is air. His sexuality is Aromantic. His personality is based off of Zaheer from Avatar: The Legend of Korra and Red Hood from Batman: Under The Red Hood. His voice actor will be Henry Rollins.
Loo-Loo: The insane lancer of the Silver Blades. She is a golden-yellow midget pug-theme alien Silver Cop rookie that has the power of dangerous lightning that revolves around her body. The amount of speed the lightning has in her rivals Monica/Lightspeed’s speed. Her suit color is silver-yellow and her crest symbol is quintessence. Her sexuality is heterosexual. Her personality is based off of by Nifty from Hazbin Hotel and Kitten from Teen Titans ‘03. Sorry, I couldn’t yellow because the color is in not in the color changing setting. Her voice actor will be Kimberly Siu.
Bullet: The muscle of the Silver Blades. He has the powers of dangerous strength that causes the ground to split up into rocks and mud. Bullet makes it the perfect rivalry to Mighton’s strength powers, which led to a brutal heated fight between the two foes in Issue #41. His suit color is silver-purple and his suit crest symbol is earth. His sexuality is bisexual. His personality is based off of Abomination from The Incredible Hulk and Ghazan from Avatar: Legend of Korra. His voice actor will be Roger Craig Smith.
Zelda: The second-in-command of the Silver Blades. She is a Medusa-themed alien powers are molten lava powers, which is proven to be dangerous after she burn Cherie’s arm. She is served as a rival to Phoebe/Starburst since she doesn’t want anyone to hurt Cherie and her powers even rivals Starburst’s powers. Her suit color is silver-red and her suit crest symbol is fire. Her sexuality is lesbian. Her personality is based off of Azula from Avatar: The Last Airbender and Bonnie from Kim Possible. Her voice actor will be Mae Whitman.
Aqua: The brains of the Silver Blades. They are an ocean no pupil-eyed mermaid-theme alien Silver Cop rookie proven to have a very strong IQ, which rivals Yumyulack/Vil-Gil-An-T’s IQ, and their powers are controlling water with their mind. They are the youngest of the Silver Blades, because they are like in their early twenties. Their suit color is silver-blue and their crest-symbol is water. Their sexuality is non-binary. Their personality is based off of Ming-Hua from Avatar: Legend of Korra and Sage from Sonic Frontiers. Their voice actor will be Terry Hu (in case some of you don’t know them, they are known for the role as A-spen from Zombies 3).
These Silver Blades may be powerful, but not as powerful as the Mighty Solars. These super hero aliens never give up, especially when fighting much more powerful villains like these Silver Blades.
This what the Silver Blades’ suits are gonna look like, and trust me, they are much worse and villainous and horrifying than the Silver Cops’ suits:
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Silver Cops belongs to Solar Opposites created by Mike McMahan
Phoebe MacCarthy and Monica Miller belongs to @themagicwolf6677
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Main Characters of Solar Monsters AU (For @avaveevo)
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Main Heroes
Terry Solar-Opposites (Mundane): The main protagonist. He is the pupa specialist, Korvo’s laidback upbeat husband, father of Jesse, step-father of Yumyulack, adoptive father to Sonya and Pupa. He is struggling to control his Mundane forms, after finding out the truth behind his family’s bloodline. (voiced by Thomas Middleditch)
Korvo Solar-Opposites (Super Shlorpian): The deuteragonist. He is the team-leader of the family, Terry’s husband, father of Yumyulack, step-father of Jesse and adoptive father of Sonya and Pupa. He is the first Solar Monster to appear after he accidentally revealed it to Terry and the kids. He began to accept it after his family found out about his family’s bloodline. (voiced by Dan Stevens)
Yumyulack Solar-Opposites (Super Shlorpian): One of the four tritagonists. He is the young bounty hunter of the family, son/replicant of Korvo, step-son of Terry, step-brother of Jesse, adoptive brother of Pupa and Sonya and Daryl’s boyfriend. His fueled emotions over being ridiculed by his peers is what to led to him transforming into his Super Shlorpian for the first time. (voiced by Sean Giambrone)
Jesse Solar-Opposites (Mundane): One of the four tritagonsits. She is the chronicler of the family, daughter/replicant of Terry, step-daughter of Korvo, step-sister of Yumyulack and adoptive sister of Pupa and Sonya. When Jesse was a baby, Terry transformed into his Mundane form after Shlorp was attack by a monster. She is also the third person to not trust Beverly. (voiced by Mary Mack)
Pupa Solar-Opposites: One of the four tritagonists. He is a color-changing alien infant, adoptive child of Korvo and Terry and adoptive sibling of Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa. (voiced by Sagan McMahan)
Sonya Solar-Opposites (Were-Kraken): One of the four tritagonists. She is the adoptive daughter of Terry and Korvo and adoptive sister of Yumyulack, Jesse and Pupa after her parents were aborted. She became the first youngest Solar Monster to transform after a horrific encounter at the pier (also voiced by Sagan McMahan)
AISHA: Super computer of the family. She takes on a human form whenever she travels and the first one to find out Beverly’s true colors after Terry’s rampage. (voiced by Ariana Debose)
Principal Cooke (Werehog): The head principal of the school Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa goes to, best frenemy of Korvo and Terry and Ms. Frankie’s boyfriend. After being infected by Werehog DNA, Beverly framed him thanks to David’s manipulations so he can get to the family. (voiced by Rob Schrab)
Ms. Frankie (Wolverine Mutant): The Health Class Teacher of Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa, best frenemy of Korvo and Terry and Principal Cooke’s girlfriend. She is the first one to not trust Beverly when she saw her visiting David and grows suspicious. (voiced by Kari Wahlgren)
Ms. Perez (Werewolf Mutant): The Gender Teacher of Yumyulack, Jesse, Sonya and Pupa, one of Korvo’s best friends and Mia’s love interest. She is the first person to witness Mundane Terry. (voiced by Natasha Rothwell)
Cherie (Goliath She-Hulk): A former Wallian hero who is one of the honorary family members of the Solars, Montez’s girlfriend, Pezlie’s mother and one of Korvo’s best friends. She is the second person not to trust Beverly when she saw her insulting Principal Cooke and Miss Frankie when they go to confront her. (voiced by Christina Hendricks)
Montez (Werebat Mutant): A former Wallian is one of the honorary members of the Solars, Cherie’s boyfriend and one of Terry’s best friends. He is the fourth person to not trust Beverly after he saw her with David. (voiced by Carlos Alazraqui)
Pezlie: The infant daughter of Cherie and Pupa’s best friend. (also voiced by Kari Wahlgren)
Nova (Were-Rabbit): A former Wallian/Bowenian, who is one of the honorary family members of the Solars, Korvo’s best friend who acts like a big sister to him, honorary aunt of the Replicants, Sonya and Pupa and Sherbet’s adoptive mother. She and Sherbet are the first humans to find out about Terry’s dark secret. (also voiced by Kari Wahlgren)
Kevin (Werefox): The dimwit neighbor of the Solars and one of Terry’s best friends. (voiced by Ken Marino)
Mia (Octopus Mutant): A former Wall Greeter who is one of Terry’s best friends, a new language-arts teacher and Ms. Perez’s love interest. She is the second person to witness Terry’s Mundane form. (voiced by Cristina Vee)
Randall (Were-Dragon): A redeemed poser-ad worker who is one of Terry’s best friends and is like a cool uncle around the kids. (voiced by Tim Robinson)
Jaime (Mutant Vampire): A pampered colleague who is one of Terry’s best friends and Darcy’s husband. He is the second person to find out about Korvo’s Super Shlorpian form during the hellhound fight. (voiced by Eric Bauza)
Darcy (Hellhound): A pampered colleague who is one of Korvo’s best friends and Jaime’s wife. She is the first victim of David after he sent a bunch hellhounds after Korvo. (also voiced by Cristina Vee)
Sherbet (Sweets Demon): A former teenage Wallian who is one of the honorary family members of the Solars, surrogate niece to Terry and Korvo, big sister figure to the Replicants, Pupa and Sonya and Nova’s adoptive daughter. She and Nova are the first humans to find out about Terry’s dark secret. (voiced by Eden Espinosa)
Janice (Werelizard): A timid soft-spoken kind young lady who works at the rake company Terry and Korvo works at who is one of the honorary family members of the Solars and one of Korvo’s best friends. She tragically became the first of Beverly’s victim to the mutant DNA. (also voiced by Mary Mack)
Alice (Medusa Mutant): A maid who formally works for Brandy and now works with Nova and Sherbet, new member of the Solar Opposites gang and the second victim of David, that led to her mutation at the pier. (voiced by Lauren Tom)
Main Antagonists/Anti-Heroes/Minor Antagonists
David Bushworth: The main antagonist. One of FBI’s most wanted criminals who escape and is the one who manipulated Beverly into trusting him, when he is really an insane criminal wanting to test dangerous mutation DNA on innocent people for cash. (voiced by Nick Nolte)
Beverly: The second anti-antagonist. A stubborn selfish and self-centered blond-hair woman who is rivals with Korvo and Nova and is jealous of Korvo’s brilliant work ever since he came to Earth and is later determined to strip away Terry’s Mundane form and end the monster thing, now knowing that it’s really part of his life-source. After being manipulated by David into trusting him and that those monsters are bad, she ends up causing big trouble for the family. (voiced by Selah Victor)
Tyler: One of the members of Beverly’s gang. He is hot headed and stubborn. (voiced by Andrew Rannells)
Shelby: A stubborn punk member of Beverly’s gang. (voiced by Noël Wells)
Nat: The arrogant member of Beverly’s gang. (voiced by James Sie)
Rina: The laid-back sarcastic deadpan member. (voiced by Lisa Key Jennings)
FBI Agent Sam Python: An FBI agent whom Beverly rivals with to get the Opposites. (voiced by Phil LaMarr)
Jack Horner: A violently-jealous short-tempered arrogant former hotshot army officer, who began to target the Solar Opposites family and their friends thanks to Beverly unknowingly putting the blame on them. (voiced by Andrew Rannells)
Hellhounds: Mutated dogs that David sent after to get Korvo’s Super Shlorpian blood. (sound effects by Fred Tatasciore)
The Headphone Kids (Aiden, Braiden and Jayden): A trio of bullying boys that pick on Yumyulack. (voiced by Andrew Rannells, Phil LaMarr and Karan Soni)
The Stacies (Stacy K., Stacy F. and Stacy H.): A trio of mean girls who pick on Jesse and Sonya. (voiced by Amanda Leighton, Emmy Raver-Lampman and Kari Wahlgren)
Brett: A mean neighbor who picks on Terry, starting at the golf-course. He ends up receiving Kharma when Korvo confronts him over harassing Terry. (voiced by Randall Park)
Minor Characters
Daryl: Yumyulack’s doting boyfriend who knows about the family’s dark secret. (voiced by Donald Glover)
Kevin’s Wife: Kevin’s sarcastic wife, who supports the Solar Opposites. (voiced by Spencer Grammar)
Kevin’s Son and Daughter: Kevin’s kids who are friends with the Replicants, Pupa, Sonya and Sherbet. (voiced by Gracen Newton and Tresi Gazal)
Injured Child: The Child Terry accidentally injured during his rampage. (voiced by Erica Luttrell)
Injured Child’s Parents: The parents of the child Terry accidentally injured during his rampage. (Voiced by Alex Deśert and Erica Luttrell)
Cleveland Schroeder: A friendly scientist and head boss of the science agency Korvo volunteers at. (voiced by Fred Tatasciore)
Brett’s Mother: Mother of Brett who is actually a very sweet old lady. She even remained uncertain about Korvo’s payback in Brett and even offer him a cookie. (voiced by Jeannie Elias)
Brandy: A redeemed rich woman that the Pupa redeemed in “Super Gooblers”. She was knocked out by David so he can infect Alice. She even decided to let Alice go after realizing how hard her job is. (voiced by Maribeth Monroe)
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Ultra Opposites in: New Allies Part 2 Sneak Peek #1: The Shocking Truth About Terry (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
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The Ultra Opposites and Daryl are cornered by the mob as Aisha, Eva, Janiz, Randall and Principal Cooke rush over there.
Randall: No stop! If you want the Ultra Opposites, you gotta go through me!
Janiz: And me!
Principal Cooke: Yeah and me too! puts his fists up as he gets ready to fight
Aisha and Eva: So fuck off, bitches!
The mob then charges at them. Suddenly, something in Korvo caused him to snap as he sees the scare looks on his family’s faces. He can’t stand by and let Miss Frankie get away with it as his eyes starts glowing.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: That does it! wings pop out of his back as he starts to transform
Yumyulack/Psylock: Uh Korvo? What are you doing?!
And with that answered, the Legendary Super Shlorpian transforms into his Super Shlorpian as he roars and flies up.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: EVERYBODY, FREEZE!
Legendary Super Shlorpian then uses his ice breath and freeze Miss Frankie’s mob. The Ultra Opposites cheered as Principal Cooke tapped the frozen ice statue of one of the mob members.
Principal Cooke: Uh? They’ll be fine, right?
Ultra Opposites: talking at once Oh yeah. Sure yeah. They’ll be fucking fine. Definitely. I’m sure they’ll be okay.
Terry/Solar Flare: suddenly his eyes started wincing Thanks for coming for us Randall.
Randal: No bet. Korvo really got through to me on Halloween that helped me become a better person and a child lover. The least I can do is return the favor for my neighbors.
Korvo smiled and shook hands with Randall, even though the latter is a bit spooked by Legendary Super Shlorpian’s Super Shlorpian form.
Randall: On second thought, how did you get the form?
Janiz: It runs in the family.
Principal Cooke: Wait, what?
Yumyulack/Psylock: I’ll inherit one day. But, we can also turn human now with watches.
Randall: Really? That’s cool.
Jesse/Electra: It’s okay.
Principal Cooke: Uh, are you sure we can trust you guys after what Miss Frankie said? Because, I’m not really sure.
Miss Frankie and the other mob came as she gasp.
Miss Frankie: Oh shit! Not you guys! How did you fucking escape?! Get ‘em!
Jesse/Electra: Of course you can. You can trust me. You have to trust us. We weren’t trying to hurt anyone. We’re just protecting the city. And saving lives. You people are misunderstanding, we would never-
Suddenly, Solar Flare started to feel a sharp pain in his head as he started to scream. The Ultra Opposites, Daryl, Aisha, Eva, Janiz, Principal Cooke and Randall turned around and gasp in shock as Legendary Super Shlorpian walks to Terry.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Honey? You okay, Terry?
Yumyulack/Psylock: Solar Flare, are you okay?
Jesse/Electra: Terry! What’s happening?!
Daryl: Dude?
Janiz: Terry, is everything alright?
Randall: What’s wrong?!
Aisha: Speak to us!
Eva: Terry!
Principal Cooke: Uh is your husband okay, Legendary Super Shlorpian?
Terry’s voice began to deepen and become distorted as his eyes started glowing orange.
Korvo/Legendary Shlorpian: Terry!
Terry/Solar Flare groans in pain as he begins to transform once his skin develops shades of shadow black and he starts to grow bigger and muscular and his clothes started to rip.
Terry/Solar Flare: Oooh yeah!
Korvo/The Legendary Super Shlorpian: Uh, Terry? A-Are you okay?!
Terry/Solar Flare: continues growing bigger and muscular as the size of a hulking beast as his whole body turns shadow black and the inside of his mouth started glowing orange and his super suit gets ripped into pieces, except for his mask and wrist cuffs I don't know. But I feel...good!
Terry/Solar Flare finishes transforming and pants as he turns towards his family and the three humans who defended them, as he has become some sort of monster.
Yumyulack/Psylock and Jesse/Electra: Holy shit.
Solar Flare roars which is loud as a siren as the whole mob cover their ears, as do the Ultra Opposites, Janiz, Aisha, Eva, Daryl, Principal Cooke and Randall.
Miss Frankie: Oh fuck! Look out! He’s gonna savage!
Mob Member: Run for your lives!
Solar Flare roars and attacks the mob as he throws some of them to a wall. The mob panicked and retreat after it shown they have been maimed and wounded by Solar Flare’s monstrous form.
Miss Frankie: Quick! Retreat!
Miss Frankie and the mob retreated as Solar Flare breaths in and out. Legendary Super Shlorpian starts to feel a connection towards this
Yumyulack/Psylock: Holy shit! Now we have two monster dads?!
Jesse/Electra: Aw geez! How did Terry get that?! How did this happened?!
Janiz: I don’t know! But we have to get Solar Flare out of here and get the mob to trust us once we figure out what happened!
Terry/Solar Flare: ROAR!
Principal Cooke: Oh shit! Easy there buddy! Nice monster! Don’t hurt us monster!
Jesse/Electra: sternly; disgusted Principal Cooke!
Principal Cooke: taken back; nervously Sorry. Still trying to get use this fucked up Sci-Fi stuff. My bad.
Solar Flare roars as berserk tears run through his eyes and streams down like a waterfall as he approaches the heroes savagely, like a monster. The Ultra Opposites and their allies gasp. Some of the mob members turned around and gasp silently.
Yumyulack/Psylock: to Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian L.S.S.! Do something!
Korvo then hears Yumyulack and flies up to Solar Flare as he touches Solar Flare’s face softly and pets it in a romantic comfort manner, for his husband.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: Ssh. It's okay. I'm here...
Solar Flare stopped snarling and begins to calm down as he starts weeping, because he is scared deep down on the inside. Legendary Super Shlorpian then kiss Solar Flare to reaffirm his love for his husband as Solar Flare melts into it.
Mob: touched by Legendary Super Shlorpian and Solar Flare’s undying love for each other Aaaww.
Miss Frankie: dumbfounded What?! How is that romantic?! It’s disgusting!
As the two superhero monster alien husbands continue to kiss, Terry/Solar Flare turns back to his normal self as he passes out and Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian turns back to his normal self and holds him.
Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian: There’s my Terry…
Miss Frankie: Oh enough of this! Just kill them already guys!
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Ogre Korvo
Korvo was working on the ship while drinking Mountain Dew.
Korvo: Terry, bring me the screwdriver.
Terry: Okay.
Korvo kept blushing at his husband’ laziness. It has been awhile since they landed on earth and Korvo has finally begin to enjoy his lifemate’s company. But suddenly…
Korvo: Damn it Terry! Did you just put one of your Doritos in the stabilizer?
Terry: Yes parqua?
Korvo: Damn it, it’s damaging the engines.
Korvo got to work, despite him loving his Terry, sometimes his stupidity can annoy him.
Korvo: God damn it you really got stop bring snacks up here!
Terry: Aw, but I love these snacks!
Korvo: Well, next time. Just eat downstairs. It’s enough bugging problems already!
Terry: Okay geez!
Korvo: Good, just make sure you don’t make a mess of this again. Just head downstairs and I’ll let you know when I’m done.
Terry: Alright, love you sweetie.
As Terry heads downstairs, a blast appears and suddenly blast Korvo.
Korvo: screams in pain What the fuck? Replicants, you better not be messing with one of our ray guns!
Suddenly, Korvo suddenly feels his headache as he feels his cells suddenly evolving.
Korvo: Ugh. My head… my cells…. they’re one fire…. panting Urgh, what is wrong with me?!
Terry: Korvo, is everything- Oh my God! Korvo! Are you okay sweetie?!
Jesse: Korvo, are you alright?!
Pupa: Korvo?
Yumyulack: What’s happening to you?
Korvo: groaning in pain Terry! Kids! Get out of here! Run!
As Korvo continues to feel pain, his DNA has been altered as he began to experience changes in his body. His body grew muscles, he body starts growing larger as it rips apart his lab coat, his feet got stronger and develop claws on it, his teeth got sharper and his voice got deeper.
Terry: K-Korvo?!
Korvo lets out a giant roar as he has fully become an monstrous hulking ogre Shlorpian. He then looks at a mirror and smashes it to pieces in a fit of rage.
Terry: Oh no my sweet Korvy!
Yumyulack: Oh my God! What the fuck happened to Korvo!
Pupa: Aaahh!
Jesse: Oh no! Korvo! No!
Korvo then smashes the walls and starts to attack the neighborhood. But luckily, Terry knows what to do.
Terry: KORVY! Stop!
Ogre Korvo: Huh?
Terry: It’s me Korv. Terry! Everything’s gonna be okay! Trust me!
When Korvo prepares to smash him, Terry luckily manage to tranquilize him as he finally calms down.
Ogre Korvo: T-Terry?
Terry: Yes, it’s me. You’ll always be my Korvo. kisses Korvo on the forehead
As Korvo manages to receive that kiss on the head, he has finally calm down as he began to transform back to normal.
Ogre Korvo: panting Grrr! Grrrr! Aaaaaaahhhh! turns back into his normal self
Terry catches Korvo as the latter smiles at his worker husband and blushes furiously.
Korvo: You found me.
Terry: I found you.
The two lifemates embrace in a kiss, but the town are still in panic by the monster.
Citizen #1: What happened to the monster?
Neighbor Kid: What’s going on?
Yumyulack: suddenly sees Korvo and Terry kissing Aw, eeww! Why do you guys have to be so fucking gross?!
Jesse: Aaawww. That’s sweet.
Pupa: Eeeewww.
Terry: Don’t worry Korv, I got you.
Terry carries Korvo as he smiles at his lifemate slash work husband in crime, but unknown to them, someone is watching them behind the bushes.
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Solar Opposites: Unleashed Episode List (Part 1)
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Darkness and Light Pt. 1: During Terry and Korvo’s 10th wedding anniversary, a monstrous epidemic begins when a nuclear experiment goes haywire, causing monstrous consequences that lasted for 3 months!
Darkness and Light Pt. 2: Tensions rises between the military and SWAT team over how they can handle the epidemic, which led to a distracted experiment failed, a tragic mistake and a newfound beast released.
Darkness and Light Pt. 3: After Korvo awakening from his coma from the lab destruction, he wakes suddenly to see the lab fixed, AISHA now a holographic home assistant Shlorpian that can change into human and a mysterious woman named Naomi that looks exactly like his friend Cheery. But when all hell breaks loose, this ended up leading to a shocking truth about Korvo and his side of the family, especially when a familiar face from his past returns.
The New Not-So-Normal: While Terry reunites with his good friend Cheery, he finds his life unraveling once the growing dissension escalate into a big fight when they vote either to get rid of Cheery or Naomi. But then, the fight goes too far when it causes an emotional turmoil on Terry which led to him discovering a huge tragic secret about his family.
Rescue Me!: The gang tries to rescue Principal Cooke from a secret base that wants to experiment on his Werehog form. Meanwhile, Terry receives a huge amount of suicidal depression, that causes him to reach his breaking point with a quarreling Ruby and Jaun.
Control: While Terry tries to recover from what happened last night, a Windigo woman appears and starts to attack Earth-4!
No Fear: While trying to control his Mundane form, Terry must team with up with Korvo and try to rescue Phoebe when she gets kidnapped by Martian.
Daddy, I’m In Love With a Zombie: Yumyulack grows distraught when a an accidental virus turns his beloved boyfriend Mark into a hulking Mutant Zombie.
Growing Pains: Yumyulack starts to grow stressed with a huge amount of turmoil, that causes him to release his own beast for the first time. But, now he is out of control.
Life at The Party Pt. 1: Sonya finds herself unwillingly caught in a feud between Popular and Unpopular when a teenage girl steal an experimental cream that is causing her and her popular rival to turn into mermaids.
Life at The Party Pt. 2: When the two girls’ feud goes too far and turns Sonya into an out of control Were-Kraken, it looks everyone’s day at the beach is not gonna end well.
Love at First Bite: Cheery begins to fall for Naomi after she and Terry rescues her from being merged with her, which led to a huge impact on Cheery.
Out of Control Pt. 1: While trying to help Naomi, some of the people, except for her family and friends, refuse to listen to Jesse’s reasons while a huge monster starts to attack.
Out of Control Pt. 2: When Jesse reaches her breaking point and turns into a Mundane, the Solars tries to find her before she gets hurt.
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Info about Beverly and her Gang (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
Beverly and her gang are a bunch of anti heroes who have been manipulated by David, so he can get the Mundane DNA. Beverly also did out of jealousy over Korvo’s work being praised through out GeenasDavisville.
Beverly is based on 1996 Betty Ross from the Hulk 1996 animated tv show. She is stubborn, short-tempered, selfish and very prideful. She thought she was doing what was best for everyone, but no. She was doing what is best for herself. Her ego and pride was let her being easily manipulated by David, which led to the Solar Opposites being in danger and Terry releasing his Mundane form for the first time in 13 years. Her ego and pride has been shattered later on after David reveal his true colors to Principal Cooke, whom Betty framed so she can get to Terry, the most wanted crook is defeated forever by Mundane Terry and a Were-Bat Montez while trying to rescue Super Shlorpian Yumyulack. She is finally broken forever thanks to Terry, who is now better than ever after accepting his Mundane bloodline as a true blessing, and that his family and friends will always love him no matter what, and there is nothing she can do about it. Nothing. Inspired by this:
Her members are Tyler, Shelby, Nat and Rina and are based on the four protagonists from the 2017 Power Rangers Movie. Tyler is based on Jason, Shelby is based on Kimberly, Nat is based on Zack and Rina is based on Trini. Their personalities are also based on the characters as well. They ended up clashing with each other once their own issues and problems get the best of them. Their heated argument with each other and Beverly after their plan to find Super Shlorpian Korvo and fight a bunch of mutated monsters, who are really victims from David failed thanks to Super Shlorpian Korvo and his family and friends failed, is what led to Terry’s Mundane to finally come out after thirteen years since back on Shlorp and Jesse was baby, which led the side effects to surface, that led to Terry, in his human form, to lashing out at them to shut the fuck up and flip a table in anger as he leaves in huff. They soon suffer the consequences after Beverly lashing out at Terry and David being defeated once and for all. Tyler, Shelby, Nat and Rina, ashamed of their actions, turn themselves in and are never seen again, as well as Beverly.
But, there are new bad guys that turn into monsters out there, but the Solar Monsters are always there to stop them, no matter what.
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Music when The Solar Opposites Gang Start Searching for Terry upon finding out the truth about Him while Mundane Terry fights to free Alice from her possession after Sonya falls into her three-hour coma upon receiving her were-kraken DNA thanks to Beverly and her gang messing things up (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
Human Korvo, Human Yumyulack, Human Jesse, Human Pupa and Nova were really desperate while searching because they had no idea Terry had a half-mundane form and Nova comforts human Korvo as he starts crying because he is really worried his husband. Jesse even cries because she wants her father back. The rest of the gang were also terrified because they didn’t know about Terry’s Mundane once they knew what it meant for Shlorpians and are really concern about his mental health and sanity.
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The New Members of the Ultra Opposites Suits Info (for @avaveevo and @crazychanuwu77)
The Description of what the new members of the Ultra Opposites look like:
Janiz/Lady Super Shlorpian
Her suit is just like Korvo/Legendary Super Shlorpian’s suit but girlier and the color for the suit is Icy Pink.
Miss Frankie/Shadow Lady
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Her super suit is all Black and White.
Principal Cooke/Super Cooke
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His suit is just like Superman but with a mask and the suit color is Tan.
Daryl/Dark Matter
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Daryl’s suit is Black and White with a crescent moon on the chest. It should’ve look like Yumyulack’s but with long sleeves.
Nova/Lady Roseus
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Her suit is like Rose/Pigella from Miraculous but more adult and her suit color should be Pink.
Kevin/Super Kevin
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Kevin’s suit should look like Ivan’s Minotraux suit from Miraculous but different and the suit color should be Sky Blue.
Randall/Ultra Man
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Randall’s super suit is look just like Invincible and his suit color is blue-green.
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Jaime’s suit is like the Human Torch and his suit color is maroon.
Darcy/Miss Darcina
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Darcy’s suit is like She-Hulk and the suit color is Electric-Lemon.
Ms. Perez/Shout Out: Sonic Scream
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Ms. Perez’s suit is like Shout Out from Danger Force but with a mask and her suit color is Yellow-Orange.
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Sherbet’s suit is like Pinkie Pie’s super form from MLP: Forgetten Friendship but with a mask and the suit color’s is Violet with different shadings of Colors from the Rainbow.
Cherie/Agent Red
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Cherie’s super suit is a lady’s Cherry Red ninja outfit but without a mask.
Montez/The Master
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Montez’s suit is like Martian Manhunter and the suit color is Silver.
Pezlie/La Oscuridad
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Pezlie’s suit is like Pinkie Pie’s Power Ponies outfit but with different shades of Pink.
Mia/Shine Light
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Mia’s super suit is like the Jessica Cruz’s Green Lantern outfit and her suit color is Glowing Neon Green.
Janice/Master Smasher: Super Strength
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Janice’s super suit is like Atom Eve’s suit but with a mask and her suit color is Orange.
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