#hurog duology
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Dragon Bones Cover Art by Jean Pierre Targete
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diamondnokouzai · 7 months
my dealer: got some straight gas 🔥😛 this strain is called “the fall of magic” 😳 you’ll be zonked out of your gourd 💯
me: yeah whatever. i don’t feel shit.
5 minutes later: dude I swear I just saw some dragon bones under the keep
my great-uncle/ghost servant oreg, pacing: king jakoven is lying to us
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puppbyboy · 2 days
The Hurog duology by Patricia Briggs is truly a fantastic because it asks the really important questions. Such as what if your 6’ 7” epic fantasy protagonist had big warm brown eyes like a cow. And was really niceys. Or what if a wizard had ptsd would they be able to access a bigger scarier “wizard ptsd”? Or what if there was a dragon would that be cool or what. The book answers all these questions and more. Thank you Patrica Briggs.
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Dragon Blood by Patricia Briggs
I forgot how damn good this story is!!! #PatriciaBriggs #HurogDuology
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Title: Dragon Blood Author: Patricia Briggs Series: Hurog Duology #2 Rating Out of 5: 5 (I will read this again and again and again) My Bookshelves: Dragons, Magic, Medieval fantasy Dates read: 30th November 2019 Pace: Fast Format: Novel Publisher: Ace Fantasy Year: 2002 5th sentence, 74th page: Her tail curled around her front paws and she purred when my eyes met hers.
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amusewithaview · 5 years
Have you ever read The Rook by Daniel O'Malley? I think you'd really enjoy it. Also, what are some of your favorite books? I love your writing so the things you read must be just as great!
Googled it and it looks interesting, I’m putting it on my “to read” list - thanks!
(Note: this got really long so it’s going under a cut.)
I…read a lot of…stuff.  Some of it may be to your tastes, some of it may not.  Here’s a list of some of my faves/the books that made me who I am today, in no particular order:
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
Ilona Andrews’ series “The Edge”
Anything written by Sharon Shinn, start with Summers at Castle Auburn
White Fang by Jack London
Crown Duel/Court Duel by Sherwood Smith
Firebird by Mercedes Lackey
The Abhorsen series by Garth Nix
The Valdemar series by Mercedes Lackey
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Young Wizards series by Diane Duane
The Immortals series by Tamora Pierce
The Nichomachean Ethics by Aristotle
Tam Lin by Pamela Dean
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
The Hurog series by Patricia Briggs
The Door in the Hedge by Robin McKinley
The Green Rider series by Kristen Britain
The Tale of Lanen Kaelar series by Elizabeth Kerner
Maus by Art Spiegleman
The Song of the Lioness series by Tamora Pierce
Heidi by Johanna Spyri
The Republic by Plato
The Girl with the Silver Eyes by Willo Davis Roberts
The Time Quintet by Madeleine L’Engle
The Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan
The Dark is Rising series by Susan Cooper
A College of Magics by Caroline Stevermer
A Little Princess by Frances Hogdson Burnett
The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
The Enchanted Forest Chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede
The Riftwar Saga by Raymond E. Feist (specifically the Magician duology)
The Unicorn Chronicles by Bruce Coville
The Black Swan by Mercedes Lackey
Bambi by Felix Salten
The Moorchild by Eloise Jarvis McGraw
Blood & Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants by Ann Brashares
The Fledgling by Jane Langton
Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi
The Dragonlord series by Joanne Bertin
(most of) the Redwall series by Brian Jacques
Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
The Unicorn series by Tanith Lee
The Women of the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong
The Truth series by Dawn Cook
The Two Princesses of Bamarre by Gail Carson Levine
The Sevenwaters series by Juliet Marillier
Candide by Voltaire
The Princess Diaries by Meg Cabot
The Wayfarer Redemption series by Sara Douglass
Hawksong by Amelia Atwater-Rhodes
The Firekeeper saga by Jane Lindskold
The Symphony of Ages by Elizabeth Haydon
The Hounds of the Morrigan by Pat O’Shea
The Tredana Trilogy by Joyce Ballou Gregorian
The Keltiad by Patricia Kennealy-Morrison
Gossamer Axe by Gael Baudino
The Dragonriders of Pern by Anne McCaffrey
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faejilly · 7 years
every odd number for the OC questionaiire, with a different OC for as many of the numbers as you have. if you run out, use canon characters you have made your own~
oh my gosh nonny.  THIS IS VERY LONG. OBVIOUSLY.
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
I wanted to make a DAO character who actually fit into the narrative/lore, rather than the more palatable from an outside-perspective rebel type. Someone who believed in the establishment, in Chantry doctrine, who was a normal human, in terms of the politics as they were described by the game. (You couldn’t really be “normal” with the origin choices though, so I ended up with Coraline Amell, human disaster.)
She turned into a terrifying angry force of nature, because honestly, you take someone who believes in the rules of the world around them, and surround them with inept blood mages and Circle politics and a failed Templar who jokes about being a bastard royal, heretics and apostates and assassins and murderers and literal actual monsters, and supposedly she has to be OKAY WITH ALL THESE TERRIBLE PEOPLE OR THE WORLD WILL END?!? FUCK ALL OF YOU.
3. How did you choose their name?
I let Thing 1 name my first mabari, who was Widget after one of his favorite picture books at the time. Ingva Brosca’s mabari was Scabbler, after a mining tool. Daryn, Adelaide Hawke’s mabari, is from Patricia Brigg’s The Hob’s Bargain. The source character in that one dies too soon, so I enjoy how mabari-Daryn lives to a ripe old age and has many many puppies post-game. The Dark is Rising/King Arthur’s dog.
Tisala Hawke’s name is from Patricia Brigg’s Dragon Bones/Dragon Blood (Hurog duology), though source material Tisala would despise Hawke Tisala, which is appropriate on several levels, if kind of sad. Hurog (Aeducan) is also from the same set of books, and exemplifies everything that has ever been terrible about the historical Hurog family, so that was me amusing myself yet again.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color?
Ingva Brosca’s hair is brown. Her eyes are brown, her skin is brown, her clothes tend towards brown… I really wanted to make someone who looked a lot like Rica (because Ingva looks a lot like Rica), whom everyone emphasizes is eye-catching and attractive, but who could legitimately fade into every background, who would look the part of every negative Duster joke ever told, and yet is actually really lovely once you stop and look at her.
7. Is there any significance behind their height?
Erana Lavellan is tall for an elf, almost raw-boned and sparse, not at all delicate. She’s basically the same height as Blackwall,, both because I enjoy them being the same height for aesthetic/battle couple/thematic reasons *eye-to-eye and hip-to-hip* and also because it adds to how disconcerting she is for most people who meet her as Herald/Inquisitor. She’s clearly Very Dalish, and yet not at all what most people think of as “elfy” in their heads.
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
Probably all of them are, in some ways, and none of them in others? Like, that’s a cop-out, but I never know how to answer that one. (I mean, as part of #11, I do tend to always use echoes of my own sexuality in most of my characters, just because I seldom see anyone in fiction approaching sexuality the way I do... maybe I’m still trying to figure out mine while I’m at it? Something like that.)
11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation?
I’m gonna cheat and not put a person here, because basically all my OC’s are various degrees of bi, except for, oddly enough, my two most recent tabletop PnP RPG characters, (Kaylani Seren, Star Wars Pilot, and Shan Xia, angry cursed selkie), who are both lesbians.
Probably because of how much @darthkrzysztof and  I tend to “joke” that lesbians make everything better?
13. How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
Well, Miri Hawke’s entire fic-life/inspiration is past canon? She is Princess of Starkhaven with an unofficial semi-secret second husband in Fenris. They’re a pretty happy and stable triad, though they are (mostly) careful that their first child is Sebastian’s to avoid inheritance issues. (Later, their twins have green eyes, which rather gives it away to anyone who didn’t already know, since Miri’s are brown and Sebastian’s are infamously blue.)
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
(aka the Adelaide Hawke/Sebastian Vael first time having sex fic for the kinkmeme... it was like, only the second thing I’d written for them, too? Adelaide Hawke exists because the kinkmeme was full of really sad and disturbing Sebastian prompts/fills when I first found it and I wanted SOMEONE TO LOVE HIM. Romantically. I mean, yes, physically too obviously I’ve written a lot of smut-fic, but the original inspiration was just that I liked the character and no one else I knew at the time seemed to.)
17. Is there some element you regret adding to your OC or their story?
Hmm. Neria Surana started with And/rs reminiscing after her death but then I wrote some earlier fic for her and had feels and she really deserved better than to be pre-emptively doomed. (Sorry Niall, you did too.)
19. What is your favorite fact about your OC?
Ella Shepard exists because of Ellen Ripley, even if she’s two or three incarnations removed from my very first vanguard Ellen playthrough of ME1, oh so many years ago.
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tagged by: @lxghtnxnggxrl tagging:  Whoever wants to do the thing
ONE ( ALIAS / NAME ):Ninji/Maegen  TWO ( BIRTHDAY ):   October 24th THREE ( ZODIAC SIGN ):   Scorpio  FOUR ( HEIGHT ):   5′5″ FIVE ( HOBBIES ):  Watching TV/Anime/Movies, writing, reading, playing games SIX ( FAVOURITE COLOUR(S) ): Black, Crimson blood red, shades of purple, grey.  SEVEN ( FAVOURITE BOOKS ): Ellen Hopkins books, DOUBT by Yoshiki Tonogai, The Hurog Duology by Christina Briggs, The Dark Elf Trilogy by R.L. Salvatore, and the original Dragonlance Chronicles (Fall, Winter, Spring) series by Margeret Weis and Tracy Hickman.  EIGHT ( LAST SONG LISTENED TO ): If There Is Light, It Will Find You NINE ( LAST FILM WATCHED ): Igby Goes Down.  TEN ( INSPIRATION FOR MUSE ): Thor movies, Avengers movies, comics.  ELEVEN ( MEANING BEHIND YOUR URL ): Prevaricator is defined as:  a person who speaks falsely; liar. a person who speaks so as to avoid the precise truth; quibbler; equivocator.
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OOC MEME! TAGGED BY: @gcddesscffidelity TAGGING: Whoever wants the thing to help them procrastinate on drafts
A. AGE: 24 B. BIRTHPLACE: Texas, United States C. CURRENT TIME: 10:54 D. DRINK YOU HAD LAST: Dr Pepper  E. EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO:   NNo one, really. F. FAVORITE SONG:  I have a lot... currently I am obsessed with Daisuki by Daoko  G. GROSSEST MEMORY: My brother wiped a booger on my pants once. He also ate grasshopper heads/bit them off  H. HORROR YES OR HORROR NO: Yes, but it needs to be better than just gore and sex.  I. IN LOVE?:  No.  J. JEALOUS OF PEOPLE:  Yes K. KILLED SOMEONE: Almost -literally. L. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT OR SHOULD I WALK BY AGAIN?:  Walk by again, do a full character analysis. Don’t trust your heart.  M. MIDDLE NAME: Anne N. NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2. O. ONE WISH:  Money money moneeeey  P. PERSON YOU CALLED LAST: My dad   Q. QUESTION YOU’RE ALWAYS ASKED: “Whats your name?”  R. REASON TO SMILE: My nephew and niece S. SONG YOU SANG LAST: All the angels say by My Chemical Romance T. TOP 3 FICTIONAL CHARACTERS: Ward (Hurog Duology) Loki and Raistlin (Dragonlance) and bonus Drizzt Do’urden U. UNDERWEAR COLOR:  Black V. VACATION: Japan !!!!. W. WHEN’S YOUR BIRTHDAY: October 24th  X. X-RAYS: None? Y. YOUR FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza Z. ZODIAC SIGN: Scorpio 
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spazmonkeydb · 13 years
The Book Corner. Part 1
Patricia Briggs:
Patty is a prevarication professional. She lies for a living, telling whoppers and fibs so outrageous that people pay her to fib some more. Her only concession to honesty is that she tells people she's lying to them. And that is what separates a fiction author from a politician.
Patty was born in Butte, Montana, back in 1965. If you're good at math, you'll have deduced that she's currently twenty-nine. In fact, she's been twenty-nine for a while and has no intention of getting any older. Fiction authors don't obey the laws of space and time, they invent them. Don't argue, or she'll make up a dragon right behind you . . .
Patty writes writes traditional and urban fantasy, mostly novels. In her stories, there really ARE things that go bump in the night, magic is real, and sometimes the good guys actually win. From the Biography on her website.
Books Include: Sianim Series || Hurog Duology || Raven Duology || Mercy Thompson Series ||  Alpha and Omega Series || Stand Alone Novels || Anthology
My favorite series by Patricia Brigg is her Mercy Thompson series and Alpha and Omega series.. The Mercedes Thompson Series is a series of urban fantasy novels that follow the adventures of Mercy Thompson, a Native American shapeshifter who was raised by Werewolves. The series is set in the Tri-Cities area of Washington state in an alternate world in which Werewolves and certain types of the fae have been forced to reveal themselves to the public. The series follows Mercy, a VW mechanic by trade, as she learns her true nature and is caught up in the affairs of the local werewolf pack, led by Adam, the Alpha who lives next door, and the local vampire seethe, a member of which she has befriended. The Alpha and Omega series is a new series by Patricia set in the world of the Mercy Thompson books but with its own rules.
On The Prowl: Alpha and Omega: "Anna never knew werewolves existed until the night she survived a violent attack and became one herself. After three years at the bottom of the pack, she’d learned to keep her head down and never, ever trust dominant males. But Anna is that rarest kind of werewolf: an Omega. And one of the most powerful werewolves in the country will recognize her value as a pack member – and as his mate."
The Mercedes Thompson Series: Moon Called Blood Bound Iron Kissed Bone Crossed Silver Borne River Marked Frost Burned Night Broken
Alpha and Omega Series: "Alpha and Omega" in On The Prowl Cry Wolf Hunting Ground Fair Game
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diamondnokouzai · 6 months
pleasles be reading hurog duology por patricia briggs <3 its like a regular dark fantasy novel but all the bad stuff happens to boys instead of girls <3
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faejilly · 7 years
3, 5, 9, 15 for the OC of your choice!
but I just made a list and realized there were too many of them
so many I mostly never even did anything with?
3. How did you choose their name? 
So, I’ve mentioned I stole a couple names for Patricia Briggs’ Hurog Duology. The hero of the books, Ward, is a really fascinating complex character, but he’s basically a good man in a terrible situation.
But his family history is awful and the entire reason for the terrible situation, so I named Hurog Aeducan (a rat-bastard of a Warden I made in the Keep to take most of the worst choices just so I could see if any of them played out in DAI) after them.
5. Is there any significance behind their hair color? 
Was I supposed to stick with one OC? Because Hurog’s hair is the color it is because it’s just a little darker than Bhelen’s, so he knows every day that his (evil) little brother is a tiny bit prettier.
Alternatively, if we move around a little, Adelaide’s hair is black and her eyes are brown and her skin is brown because I wanted her to be beautiful while being all the things most people don’t talk about when they talk about beauty. (She’s also short and kind of stocky and has small breasts and IS GORGEOUS SO THERE.)
*coughs* Sorry?
9. Are they based off of you, in some way?
Oh gods, I hope not? Have I mentioned Hurog is a rat-bastard? He was romancing Leliana (BY LYING TO HER A LOT) but then he poisoned the Urn and killed her. He slept with Morrigan but refused to do the ritual with her and forced Loghain into it and then tried to kill Morrigan in Witch Hunt. Basically he killed a lot of people (including Alistair) to make sure there were no loose ends anywhere. (He did help Bhelen become King though, because he had a son with the noble hunter and wanted to make sure his kid lived long enough to take Bhelen’s son out when they were grown. He’s quite appropriately Machiavellian but a little too brutal to always pull it off. He can keep people fooled for a long time though.)
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh? 
Hmm. Dying might cheer a lot of people up, honestly? It’s a good thing he disappeared. 
(I never got any Warden side-plot/contact when I played his import in DAI. He was just /gone/. I’m not sure if it was SUPPOSED to be gone or if it was a glitch, but it seemed to fit. I assume he has some sort of secret contact with the son whose name I have forgotten, but no one else has a damn clue, and they’re very happy about it most of the time... except sometimes in the middle of the night when they wonder if he’s hiding in a shadow remotely near-by and then they go get drunk to forget.)
Like, he exists almost entirely as a foil for Adelaide and Erana who are both pretty straight-forwardly heroic within the game timeline, even if Erana was a little stabbity-murdery when she was younger.  (Though I realized that meant that my Neria’s life is EVEN MORE TRAGIC because Hurog certainly didn’t use Niall’s information to save any mages.)
anyways. ANYWAYS. He is not a humorous fellow. RAT-BASTARD
I supposed thinking up new insulting names for him would make me laugh? I should do that. :D
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