#hurtsy fiction
meerkathideout · 6 years
Do you have any gay craft fics you’d recommend. I’m in need 🙏🙏🙏🙏
I just went through my fanficition tag, and unfortunately a lot of the fics are gone these days :(
@hurtsy-fiction is still left and active :D They might even accept requests if you ask them really nicely. They also just finished a 6 chapter fic, super proud of them, go and have a look!
As for older stuff that’s left in public, I recommend @gabrielthequeenofsass (go through their “gaycraft” or “my fanfiction” tag). Her stories are awesome! Brings back some good memories.
(and if I get to toot my own horn, I recommend our Demon!Hubby AU stories. There’s some pololo there too. And message me off anon to get gaycraft that my partner and I have written lately)
Do we have more current authors out there? Feel free to reblog and mention more names! :D
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hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
Winter time - part 1/4
Adam had been looking forward to this day for a long time. He just needed a break from work and the stressful atmosphere that always reigns the city and especially now that Christmas was only a few weeks away. Anyway, he was happy he could flee from all that into the sweet calm of the mountains for a few days. He had booked this holiday almost a year ago already, otherwise he wouldn’t have been able to get a room anymore anyway. This hotel was booked for months and months in the future and as he drove up the road to his destination, he could already see why.
The hotel looked stunning itself, but surrounded by all the mountains and with everything covered in white, it was an absolute breathtaking view. Adam parked his car in the parking lot and grabbed his suitcase from the trunk before he entered the hotel through the sliding door. There was a big reception in front of him to which he promptly headed to, a big smile on his face in anticipation of what was ahead of him.
After he had shown his passport and filled out some personal data, the kind man behind the desk had informed him about the dining times and what services the hotel offered before he handed him his room card. Adam thanked the man and grabbed his suitcase, pulling it along behind himself as he headed to his room in the ground floor.
Theo and four of his friends were on a men’s trip for the weekend. They planned to go skiing and most importantly, drink themselves senseless afterwards and maybe find some nice company to party with, or spend the night with if something arose out of the situation. Anyway, he was sure it’s gonna be an absolute blast, just as it had been the times before. It was almost a tradition for them already to go on a short trip to the mountains in the second week of December.
They had booked their usual accommodation consisting of one double room and one triple room with single beds, which were connected by a living room where they could hang out together.
The men quickly brought their entire luggage into their rooms before they hurried downstairs to borrow some skiing equipment from the hotel’s own store and headed out into the cold. Just as they stood in front of the hotel with their skis and ski sticks, it started snowing slightly. With happy faces, they walked over to the lift that was nearby, meanwhile fooling around in the powder snow.
However, as they finally sat down in the chairlift and were on their way up the mountain, they got more and more excited, barely awaiting until they could finally ski down the slopes. It took them almost half an hour until they arrived up on the top. The four of them then put on their bonnets, Theo would’ve preferred to wear a helmet but that wasn’t cool, and ski goggles before they slid down the mountain, laughing and screaming excitedly.
They spent the whole day on the slopes and of course quite some time in one of the typical huts to get some delicious food and have their first drinks. It was already in the evening when they came back to the hotel and stored their stuff in the ski depot. Afterwards they quickly took a shower and got ready for dinner, after all they needed a base for all the alcohol they were planning to consume later.
Adam had had a perfect first day of his vacation. He had walked for hours through the white paradise, watching children have fun on the ice rink and drank some mulled wine on his way. He wasn’t really the skiing kind of guy as his skills in terms of that were rather meagre, to say. Nonetheless, there were plenty of other options for him to spend his days with and he wanted to explore them all.
However, when it started to get dark outside, he made his way back to the hotel. As he was back in his room again and checked the time, he was pleased to see that it was almost 7 pm, which meant his grumbling stomach would soon get some delicate food.
Of course, he had eaten more than he had actually wanted, but what is one supposed to do when there are just too many appealing choices? After all, he was on holiday and therefore allowed to gain some weight.
Adam didn’t feel like doing anything more on his first day. Thus, he went back into his room, took a shower and brushed his teeth before he got ready for bed.
He comfortably lay down in his huge and cozy heaven of a bed, turned off the light and switched the little bed side lamp on before he got his book out from the drawer of the small cupboard and started reading. Adam always enjoyed a litte read before bedtime and so he turned page by page until he dozed off with the open book resting on his chest.
It must’ve been in the middle of the night when Adam was suddenly woken by some noises outside his window. Not thinking any of it at first and as he was in fact really tired, he chose to ignore it. When there were suddenly clearly some knocks heard, he opened his eyes in a flash and sat up. Luckily, the little lamp from his bedside table was still illuminating his room but well, maybe without the lamp there wouldn’t be anyone or anything outside. Fucking damn it.
Anyway, Adam glanced into the direction of where the sound had come from but of course, he couldn’t see anything as he had closed the curtains. He wanted to ignore it because who the fuck knocks onto a stranger’s window in the middle of the night except maybe some killer in a horror movie? As the knocking just wouldn’t stop but instead got more and more quiet, he eventually put the book aside, got up and walked to his balcony door.
He grabbed one of the curtains and pulled it back carefully, just a smidge, so he could glance outside. At first, he didn’t see anything but then he recognized the shape of a person, a man to be more specific. He was freezing and shaking, which was no wonder given the fact that the poor guy was just wearing a pair of boxers. What the hell was he doing out there? Without thinking too much about it, Adam quickly pulled the curtain back completely and opened the door, letting the freezing stranger into his hotel room before he closed both right after him again.
“What the hell were you doing out there?”, he quietly threw at the man, to not wake anyone up.
The man wanted to answer but the constant clattering of his teeth kept him from it.
“Shit, I’ll get you something to warm you.”, Adam said and walked over to his closet to get the blanket he had seen in there earlier.
He grabbed the fluffy piece of fabric, went over to the stranger, who was still shaking like mad and wrapped it around his thin frame. Doing so, he came in contact with the other’s skin and quickly pulled his hand away as the poor dude was ice cold. God damn, how long had he been out there? Where did he come from? As the stranger was apparently not able to answer any of his questions just now though, he had to wait until all of this could be revealed. First of all, he had to take care of the man and get him warm
“Oh god, you’re ice cold!”, Adam stated and started rubbing the man’s back.
“Shit”, he muttered, as his effort didn’t seem to help as the other was still shivering all over.
“Come on, get into my bed”, he suggested and tried to guide the other to said furniture but to his surprise, the man apparently didn’t agree with that.
It almost seemed as if he’d resist his offer to help. Thus, he looked at him confusedly. The man’s blue lips were trying to form words but nothing came out of them before he just slightly started to shake his head, barely visible as the whole man was shaking.
“Come on now mate, don’t be stupid. Get into the damn bed.”, Adam slightly grumbled, not understanding why the other would refuse his help.
Eventually he just pushed him into the bed and covered him with the duvet. Of course, the man welcomed in the cosiness of his bed without further ado and snuggled into the duvet. Adam was hoping that this would finally bring some warmth to his new acquaintance but the minutes passed and he was still freezing. As his warm bed also didn’t seem to be much help at getting the man warm, he started to get frustrated when suddenly an idea popped up in his head.
Therefore, he took off the t-shirt he was wearing and got into the bed as well. He lifted the duvet under which the stranger was still shaking badly and holding on tightly to the extra one, in which Adam had wrapped him up before.
“Open up”, he said gently and nodded towards the blanket.
He saw the other look at him horrified, probably not understanding why he should give away the only source of warmth he still had.
“Trust me, I’ll get you warm but please open the blanket.”, he said firmly.
The man eventually did as told because to be honest, what did he have to lose? Adam sent him a small smile before he moved close to him, until their bodies were touching and wrapped himself in the blanket as well before he put the duvet on top of both of them.
“Oh bloody fucking shit”, Adam groaned as the ice cold body of the stranger was partly touching his’.
His first instinct was to quickly get away again but he couldn’t. If that was already cold for him, he really didn’t want to know how this poor guy was doing.
However, he wrapped his arms around the cold naked frame of the guy and felt him stiffen, his arms held tightly in front of his chest, keeping him from getting too close.
“Come on, don’t be an idiot. I’m just trying to get you warm.”, he muttered, sensing the other’s ‘no homo’ vibe and suddenly his resisting from before made sense to him as well.
“Or would you rather keep freezing?”, he then asked a tad annoyed by the man’s behaviour.
Hearing that, the stranger did in fact lower his arms and let himself be hugged close to Adam. At the touch of Adam’s hot body, the man let out a sigh and greedily placed his cold hands onto the other’s back, getting them closer. He then also entwined their legs, trying to get as much warmth from him as possible.
“T-t-thank y-you.”, he then heard quietly mumbled into his ear, ice cold lips gracing his skin.
“It’s alright.”, Adam replied with a small smile.
The stranger then pulled him even closer and pressed his face onto his warm chest, resulting in Adam gasping quietly at the coldness.
“Sorry.”, the man mumbled against his skin.
Adam procceeded to rub his hands up and down the freezing man’s back, hearing him sigh at times. They just lay there cuddled together for a while, neither of them saying anything.
“I’m Theo, by the way.”, the stranger suddenly said after his shivering finally seemed to calm down.
“Nice to meet you Theo, I’m Adam.”, he gave back grinning.
“Are you feeling better?”, Adam asked, sensing he could try and start a conversation now. After all, there were still quite a few questions that he had.
“A bit, yeah. Thanks to you.”, the other gave back quietly, almost seeming a bit shy.
“So, why the hell were you out there at this time and on top of that in just a pair of boxers?”
“I uhm...”, Theo started and sighed. “My friends and me were having a party and I went on the balcony for a quick cig but when I wanted to go back in, the door was locked and inside it was so loud they didn’t hear or notice me. So I wanted to climb down the balcony and slipped but luckily there was a bunch of snow below to cushion the fall. Then I tried to go to the reception but there was no one there either and the doors were locked so I rounded the building in the hope of finding someone to let me in. I was so happy when I saw the light in your room because you were my only chance, Adam. Thank you.”, he then explained and gave him a firm squeeze.
“Oh my god, you fell down the balcony? Are you hurt?”, Adam asked worriedly and tried to back away a bit so he could check the man for injuries.
Theo didn’t let him though as he pulled him close again right away and held on to him tightly.
“No, no. I’m good. I’m just cold.”, he stated.
“You sure?”, Adam asked.
“Yeah.”, Theo gave back with a little smile and rested his head against the other’s chest, closing his eyes.
“So, you’re staying in the hotel as well?”, Adam then asked.
“Yeah, me and my mates are on a men’s weekend.”, the other explained and opened his eyes again.
“Oh, of course, a men’s weekend.”, Adam thought to himself and mentally rolled his eyes back.
“Do you think they’ll notice your disappearance?”
“I don’t think so to be honest. If anything, they’ll probably think I got myself some company for the night.”, Theo uttered.
“Luckily you do have some company.”, Adam chuckled.
“Yeah”, the other laughed nervously. “But I rather meant some female co-“
“I know”, Adam interrupted him, sounding more annoyed than he had intended on. “But for now you have to settle with me.”
Figuring the other was now warmed up and as he apparently couldn’t think of anything other than his straightness, Adam pulled his hands away from the man’s body and dissolved their legs. They were still lying very close but not all wrapped up in each other anymore.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. I’m glad you’re here with me.”, Theo mumbled, biting his lower lip.
“It’s alright. We should probably try to get some sleep now.”, Adam suggested and turned onto his back.
“Yeah... Good night.”
“Good night.”
After a while of silence between them, Theo figured the other had probably fallen asleep. Thus, he cautiously lifted his head and looked at the peaceful face of his lifesaver. If it wasn’t for him, he’d have probably frozen to death out there. He scanned the man’s features and had to admit that he was quite attractive, actually. Well, if one was into guys, of course. Which he obviously wasn’t.
Suddenly Adam blinked his eyes open though and looked back at him.
“What?”, he asked sleepily.
“Nothing”, Theo quickly mumbled and lay his head down again.
A moment later, when he presumed that Adam had closed his eyes again, he lifted his head and took another glance at him. It wasn’t too long until there were two blue eyes looking at him once again though, catching him staring.
“Alright, what is it?”
“Nothing”, the man tried again. “I’m just... looking at you.”, he added.
“Are you just gonna creepily watch me sleep now or what?”, Adam asked, resulting in a slight blush creeping up the other’s cheeks.
Even if he didn’t let it show, he had to admit that he did feel uncomfortable with Theo looking at him like that when he was asleep. After all, he didn’t even really know the man. He just met him like an hour ago in pretty weird circumstances. The man could be a killer for all he knew. Thinking about that, it kind of scared him how carelessly he had handled this situation. What was he thinking letting a total stranger into his room, sleeping in the same bed with him? How easy could he even make it for the other to kill him?
“No. I’m sorry.”, Theo mumbled quietly and thus tore him out of his thoughts.
Adam blinked his eyes for a second, before he focused his gaze onto the face in front of him. Alright, he had to admit that this guy didn’t really look like a killer but still, there was this uneasy feeling in his stomach.
Eventually Theo lay down again and shifted slightly, trying to find a more comfortable position, which involved more and more body contact with his host.
“Are you still cold?”, Adam therefore asked.
“Yeah”, the other replied before he ultimately just rolled on top of Adam, sighing contently and enjoying the other’s warm skin against his own still slightly chill one.
“Hmm you’re so warm.”, the man mumbled and lay down his head on the other’s chest, closing his eyes and sighing contently, meanwhile his hands made their way to the other’s warm shoulders.
Adam was gobsmacked for a moment, as he hadn’t expected this turn of events at all. Not too long ago this guy didn’t even want to get into his bed and now this?
Anyway, Theo then stretched his head and nuzzled his cold nose in the warmth of Adam’s neck, his cold lips sending shivers down the man’s back but he quickly shook himself out of it, a chuckle leaving his lips.  
“Yeah?”, he asked. “You comfy there?”
“Very”, Theo mumbled against his skin and exhaled deeply.
A moment later, Theo suddenly started moving his lips against Adam’s neck, presumably to warm them up. It almost felt like soft kisses though and Adam clenched his teeth, trying not to make any inappropriate sounds, which wasn’t too easy with the other man accidentally caressing his sweet spot. Apparently, the unknowing seducer seemed to notice Adam’s tension and thus lifted his head.
“Something wrong? Am I being too brashy?”, he asked.
“I’m sorry, you’re just so warm.”, he uttered and seemed to blush slightly, about to get off him again.
“No, uh- It’s not that. It’s just uhm...”, Adam stuttered, not sure how to explain his problem to the other.
“What?”, Theo asked, now seeming confused by the man’s behaviour and hovered over him.
“It seems like you’ve found my sweet spot.”, he admitted, slightly embarrassed.
There was a moment of silence after his confession.
“Yeah?”, Theo suddenly giggled and settled on top of him again. “Does it work with guys as well?”
Now Adam’s cheeks turned rosy and he avoided looking even close to the other before he mumbled, “Especially with guys...”
Theo’s eyebrow shot up at that and Adam wasn’t sure what to think of it.
“Even with me?”, he now asked with a strange tone of voice, seeming really curious about the answer.
“Apparently, yes...”, he admitted and glanced up at the other.
For a split second, Adam thought that he had seen something like excitement in Theo’s eyes but all of his thoughts were vanished when the man suddenly lowered his head again.
“Is it here?”, Theo then asked and placed his by now warm lips against his neck once again.
“N-no uh-”, Adam tried to say but interrupted himself with an almost moan as the teasing lips wandered to that exact spot.
Of course, Theo had noticed that as well and now actually started placing feather light kisses to his neck.
“Oh god”, Adam mumbled and started squirming beneath his teaser, his eyes fell shut and hands clawed into the mattress below. If Theo didn’t stop with this sweet torture right now, things would get really embarrassing for him.
“Theo”, he tried to say but it rather came out as a moan, making said one lift his head and look at him with dilated pupils.
Adam could only stare back at him with his mouth slightly agape. What the hell was happening?
A moment later, Theo’s mouth hungrily crushed onto his, making him moan in surprise, which only seemed to spur the man on. At first, Adam hesitated and responded rather passively as he didn’t know what had caused this sudden change of behaviour of his visitor and more or less expected him to pull away any second. Therefore, he just let his visitor do as he pleased, his tongue exploring his mouth, teeth nibbling on his lip, sucking on his tongue. It seemed Theo knew exactly what he wanted and he didn’t complain as he enjoyed it very much actually.
Eventually, Adam wrapped his arms around the man’s thin frame and responded to the tempting kiss. Theo brought up his hands and cupped his face as he passionately moved his lips against the other man’s. When Theo shifted back a bit, taking the duvets with him, he suddenly tore away from Adam completely and stared at him with wide eyes.
Adam’s head turned deep red when he realised why the man had suddenly stopped kissing him and was now reacting like that. Theo had probably noticed the bulge in his boxers. As said man then shifted back some more and glanced down at his lower region, his assumption was proven right.
By now the duvets were lying somewhere behind Theo, apparently he didn’t need them anymore.
“Listen, Theo I-“, Adam started and moved his hands downwards to cover himself, but was stopped by the other getting a hold of his hands and keeping them from going lower.
“Don’t. I can take care of it.”, the man stated hoarsely, his gaze fixated on the man’s hard on, only meagrely covered by the thin fabric.
“You don’t have to.”, Adam hesitated, recalling scenes from earlier.
At that Theo looked up at him shortly, licked his lips before he moved lower and straddled the man’s legs. He grabbed Adam’s boxers and swiftly pushed them down to his knees, freeing his member. Theo just looked at the erection in front of him for another moment before he lowered his head and took him into his mouth as far as he could.
Adam threw his head back at that, lustful moans leaving his lips and echoing through the room. As the other started to move his head up and down, some more lewd noises made their way out of his lips. His hand moved to the back of Theo’s head, softly running through his hair. Eventually Theo concentrated onto his tip and swirled his tongue around it, dipping it into his slit while his hand took care of the rest.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck, Theo- I’m close.”, Adam moaned, feeling the familiar heat build up in his lower region.
Hearing that, the other just kept sucking harder and eventually Adam’s hips stuttered up and he came in the man’s mouth. Theo swallowed him whole, even though his face shortly scrunched up, presumably due to the unusual taste. Theo looked up at him for a moment with an unreadable expression, before he broke their eye contact again. He then wiped his lips to get rid of some cum and hastily pulled Adam’s boxers up before he lay down next to the man, facing the wall and not sparing him another glance.
“Good night”, he uttered, his voice slightly trembling.
Adam just lay there confusedly for another moment, not really knowing what the hell had just happened.
“’Night”, he eventually replied and pulled the duvet up to cover both of them with it.
Part 2
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hurtsy-fiction · 5 years
Winter time - part 4/4
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
When Theo came back to his hotel room, wrapped up in the blanket, his friends were gathered on the couches again, watching some TV.
“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be doing some hot stuff with your Adam?”, Ryan exclaimed when he noticed the other.
“I told you he doesn’t want to see me...”, Theo grumbled and slouched onto a chair nearby.
“But how did you get in then? And whose blanket is that?”, Eric asked.
“Well, Adam let me in.”
“But you just said-“
“He warmed me up and then told me to leave.”
“That’s a good thing though, right? I mean he could’ve let you freeze as well.”, George stated.
“He’d never do that. He’s way too nice for that.”, Theo mumbled and let out a deep sigh.
“I guess I have to accept that I screwed up.”, he uttered and got up.
“I’m going to bed, ‘night.”, he mumbled and trotted into his bedroom.
“Good night, mate!”, Ryan shouted.
“’Night”, Eric said.
“Head up, Theo!”, George called after him.
“Seems like our friend has fallen hard for this guy.”, he said as Theo had closed the door behind himself.
“We have to fix this before we leave. I can’t stand seeing him so sad.”
“And how do you wanna do this?”
“I’m not sure. First of all I’m gonna talk to Thomas in the morning and find out what had gotten into him. But for now we should probably get some sleep too.”, Eric replied.
And with that the three men went to bed as well.
+++ the next morning +++
When there was a knock heard on his door, Adam already prepared to tell Theo to finally leave him alone. As he opened the door and saw Thomas standing there though, he stiffened immediately, not knowing what to do. As his brain finally seemed to work again and recognized the threat right in front of him, he quickly tried to close the door, but Thomas put his foot into it before he could succeed.
“W-what are you doing here?”, Adam thus asked scared, still trying to shut the door.
“Hey, I just want to talk. Can I come in please?”
Adam just stared at him dumbfound. This was surely a trap. Thomas would beat him unconscious as soon as the door closed behind him.
“I’m sorry, Adam. I promise I won’t do anything. Just please let us talk for a minute, let me explain my behaviour.”, Thomas said.
Wait, what? He came to apologize? Could this be true?
“Uh, ok-kay”, he eventually uttered, opened the door and stepped aside to let him in.
He had to admit that he was curious to find out how the guy justified his actions but he wasn’t so sure if letting him in was a good idea.
When Thomas was in his room and the door fell shut behind him, Adam felt his heart hammer madly in his chest, not knowing what was about to happen. The man was straggling around nervously and Adam really didn’t know what to think about it. Eventually, the other stopped though and turned to face him, his eyes fleetingly finding his’ before he focused his gaze onto the floor, almost seeming embarrassed.
“Listen I... I want to apologize because of yesterday. I never meant to wack out like that. It’s just... I was completely out of it and...”, the man started and paused to take a deep breath. “I mean there was a time when... I... had a crush on Theo. I never told him though because he wasn’t interested in men, or so I thought. The years passed and he was always dating girls. I eventually got over him and stuck with dating girls as well, telling myself it had been just a phase. And then he got this letter from some mysterious shag as we assumed and he refused to tell us anything so we wanted to have a little fun and therefore sent a message to the number. I mean we were drunk and curious and- Anyway. When I opened the door and you were standing there, something went off inside me. I was suddenly so jealous and mad at you, even though I had no idea who you were but Theo somehow seemed to be interested in you, despite you being a man. I mean, I’ve never seen Theo as more than a friend since back then but that night... I snapped. I really don’t know what got into me and the fuck load of alcohol I’ve had was surely just fueling things as well. I’m so sorry that I lashed out at you. I know this is no excuse for how I treated you but maybe, even if it was intolerable, you can kind of understand my behaviour? I mean I have absolutely nothing against you, not at all! I’m also not a homophobe, as you probably thought. And if you and Theo have something going on, I’m happy for you, I really am. Just please promise me to never tell him or anyone about what I just told you. No one except you knows about it and I’d prefer if it stayed like this.”, Thomas finished his confession.
“Oh, wow.”, Adam uttered surprised. “I mean I’d have never expected anything like this. I have in fact thought that you were just a bloody homophobe.”
“I’m so sorry, I really am! I swear I’m not an asshole!”, Thomas pled.
“Now that I heard your story, I can understand your reaction, I mean like in a totally fucked up way and I’m glad you came to apologize. But it still doesn’t make it any less worse. I mean if your friends wouldn’t have held you back you would’ve probably knocked me out.”, Adam said, still feeling a shiver running down his spine thinking back to that night.
“I’m really sorry. If I hadn’t been so drunk I’d have never reacted that way, you have to believe me.”
“I appreciate your apology and I’m glad you came by. It really shows some strength and that you’re sorry for what happened but for now I can’t forgive you yet. I guess it’ll take me a while to figure things out, I hope you understand.”, Adam stated
“Of course. I totally understand that, please take all the time you need! I’d also understand if you’d never forgive me, which I don’t hope but- uh- yeah...”, Thomas uttered awkwardly and scratched the back of his head.
“Anyway, uhm... You know, Theo’s pretty devastated and stuff... I mean I don’t know what happened between you but-“
“Oh shit, Theo.”
“What is it?”
“Well he... kind of told me that he has feelings for me but I was sad and angry and I didn’t even realize it until he was gone and I recalled our conversation. I guess I’ve been a bit too harsh with him.”, he sighed.
“You have feelings for him too, don’t you?”, Thomas asked with a soft expression on his face.
“Yes”, Adam admitted.
“Do you think you could forgive him and stop being mad at him?”, the other  asked.
“I’ve never really been mad at him, just disappointed.”
“He seems pretty out of it to be honest. I mean he should pack his suitcase but he refuses to even get out of bed. Would you mind coming upstairs with me and talk to him?”
“Well, I guess I could do that.”, Adam stated and earned himself a smile from Thomas.
“Awesome. You know, you seem like a pretty cool dude. Maybe we could even become friends one day when you have forgiven me?”
“That’d be nice.”, Adam replied with a small smile.
“Hey guys”, Thomas greeted his friends as he entered the room.
The men greeted him as well and smiled until they noticed whom he had brought with him.
“Hey”, Adam uttered quietly and shyly glanced at them as he stepped next to Thomas.
“Hey Adam!”, Eric greeted him happily.
“Adam! Oh shit man, I’m so sorry!”, George exclaimed, got up from his seat, almost stumbling over his own feet, and hurried over to the man to hug him tightly.
“Yeah, uhh... We were idiots. I mean for us it was fun but we didn’t realize that we hurt you with our childish behaviour.”, Ryan uttered and walked towards the man as well.
“Sorry”, he said and patted the man’s back.
Eric joined them as well and smiled at Adam.
“Good to see you again.”, he stated.
Adam felt a bit awkward but he appreciated their apology.
“Alright, alright let the poor dude breathe.”, Thomas said and shooed the men a bit back.
“Where’s Theo?”, he asked.
“Still in his room.”, George mumbled and nodded towards said door.
“Oi Theo!”, Thomas shouted for the man. “Get your tiny ass out here, we need to talk.”
“Fuck off!”, came a muffled reply through the closed door.
“Don’t make me come in there!”, the other threatened playfully.
At that there were some muffled sounds heard and then some angry stomping. Suddenly the door was opened in a flash and Theo stood there in boxers and a t-shirt, his hair tousled.
“I told you to-“, he started angrily but his face fell when his eyes set onto the man next to him.
“Adam?”, he asked in a soft tone. “Wha-?”
“Hey”, the other said with a small smile.
Theo’s gaze switched between Thomas and his lifesaver, a frown appearing on his forehead. Of course, he had no idea why those two were suddenly standing next to each other so peacefully.
Anyway, Theo took three careful steps towards the man before he eventually just stormed at him and wrapped his arms around him, not realizing or caring that his friends were present too. Due to the unexpected embrace, Adam stumbled back a bit but quickly caught himself and hugged the other back.
“I’m sorry, Adam. I’m so sorry.”, Theo sobbed into the man’s shoulder, tears streaming down his face, while clinging on to him.
“Shhh, it’s alright.”, the other hummed softly and swayed them a bit.
“Awww aren’t they adorable?”, George suddenly asked.
Hearing that, Theo’s body stiffened for a moment and his eyes flashed open. Adam already thought that the other would now let go of him and come up with some stuttered excuse for his behaviour. Instead, the man uttered a “Shut up” and tightened his hold around the other though.
“Oh go get a room already!, Ryan laughed. “But you better hurry, we have one more hour until we have to check out!”
“Oh shit.”, Theo mumbled and let go of Adam at that, a sad expression on his face.
Of course, he had to leave now that Adam seemed to have forgiven him.  
“I totally forgot about that.”, he uttered and quickly brought his hands up to wipe the tears from his face.
Eric and Thomas exchanged a meaningful look at that.
The latter cleared his throat before he directed his words at the two men.
“Theo, Adam. I know this can never erase what I’ve done, but please take it as an apology.”, he stated and handed Theo an inconspicuous looking envelope.
The man took it with furrowed brows and opened it, his eyes widening.
“Are you serious?”, Theo uttered disbelievingly.
“It’s the least I can do.”, Thomas replied.
“What is it?”, Adam asked confusedly, trying to get a glimpse.
“It’s a voucher for three more nights at the hotel. For two persons.”, Theo exclaimed happily.
Adam looked at the man a bit dumbfound, after all this was not some cheap hotel but rather an epitome of luxury.
“For real?”, Adam asked and thus the other handed him the piece of paper, so he could see for himself.
“Thank you Thomas”, Theo stated happily and moved to hug the man.
Thomas hugged him back tightly and a second later Adam joined them as well, hugging both men.
“Thank you”, he uttered.
“Gosh, look at them!”, Ryan exclaimed and hurried to hug them as well.
Sure enough, Eric and George joined the group hug too with a happy smile on their faces.
“Adam, I’m so sorry.”, Theo mumbled and snuggled close to the man. “I mean I was scared how my friends would react if they found out about you but turned out they’re actually really cool about it and I was the asshole all along.”
“Well, to be honest with you, I had quite some doubts about what you told me the morning after.”, Adam started and earned himself a confused look from the other.
“I mean your words hurt me, yes. But they didn’t fit to your actions from the night before at all. I mean, I’ve never been kissed so rapturously and passionately. Not even from my exes.”, he stated with a smile, recalling the memory. “And then you just went down on me like that! None of it fitted to what you were saying, especially not your lame excuses. I knew you were just trying to fool yourself, which is why I sent you the letter in the first place.”
Theo groaned embarrassed at that and hid his face in his hands.
“I’ve made a total fool out of myself, haven’t I?”, he asked and glanced at the other between his fingers.
“Hey”, Adam said softly and tugged the man’s hands away from his face. “It’s alright. You were confused.”
“But being confused doesn’t justify hurting you.”
“You won’t do it again.”, Adam smiled at him.
“No, no I won’t.”, Theo agreed right away.
“By the way, how did you and Thomas suddenly get along?”, he asked, still a bit irritated about it.
“Well... He came to my room to apologize and kind of explained himself.”
“Explained himself? What could possibly explain such behaviour?”
“I can’t tell you but we’re alright.”, Adam answered.
“What? Why can’t you tell me?”
“Thomas asked me to not tell anyone about it and now stop worrying your pretty head.”, he said and let his fingers run through the other’s hair.
“You know, it’s nice cuddling with you not being an icicle for once.”
“Yeah, it feels quite good not having to freeze my ass off as well.”, Theo laughed.
His expression changed to a serious one in the next moment though. There was still something he needed to know.
“Uhm, Adam?”
“Can I ask you something?”
Adam looked at him shortly until he replied. “Go for it.”
“Why did you react to the message you thought that I sent you if you assumed I wasn’t interested?”
“Well, I uh- I couldn’t stop thinking about you and if there was a chance to see you again, I just had to take it so I didn’t think anything of it that this message didn’t fit to the way we left things at all.”
“God Adam, I’m so sorry. I should’ve just been honest to you instead of trying to fool myself.”, he groaned.
“It’s alright, Theo. I mean, look where it has brought us in the end.”, Adam replied with a smile.
“I don’t even deserve you, you know that?”
“Yes you do.”, the man smiled at him and shortly ruffled his hair.
“I love you, Adam.”, Theo uttered.
“I love you too, Theo”, the other replied right away.
Theo sent him his biggest smile at that and pressed a passionate kiss to his lips. Adam not missing a beat, wrapped his arms around the man’s middle to pull him close to himself and responded immediately, both sets of eyes falling shut. Soft sighs were leaving Theo’s lips as he got lost in the kiss. Eventually they had to part for a moment to get some air though, which Adam shamelessly used to his advantage. He rolled the other over and straddled him, leaning down to plant a kiss onto his mouth.
“I guess I still owe you something.”, he mumbled against Theo’s lips and felt him shiver.
Adam sent him a smile before he started placing kisses on his neck, moving lower to his chest and stomach until he arrived at the hem of his boxers.
He looked up into Theo’s face at that and saw his reddened cheeks and dilated pupils. However, he then focused onto the bulge in front of him again, licking his lips. Adam let his fingers slip behind the elastic band and dragged the man’s last piece of clothing down his long legs and eventually completely off them. He then moved up to his erected member again, letting his hot breath gush over it.
“Oh god”, Theo sighed.
Adam moved up and kissed him hard on the mouth as he let his hand wander down between them and wrapped it around the man’s erection. Theo moaned loudly at the first contact, his hips arching up.
“Mmmmh oh shit, Adam”, he brabbled as the other started stroking his dick while he was sucking on his neck, surely leaving some marks behind.
As he didn’t want it to be over for the other already though, he eventually took his hand away again, resulting in a groan coming from the man below.
“Needy, are we?”, he smirked.
“Oh shut up!”, Theo grumbled.
Adam had to smile and planted another kiss on the man’s pouty lips before he moved lower to his hard on again. He stuck his tongue out and let it run all the way up the man’s shaft, resulting in a loud moan coming from him, before he took him in all the way. That was when Theo completely lost it and started moaning like a champion. His fingernails clawed into the duvet beneath as he desperately tried to lay still and not thrust up into Adam’s mouth while said one sucked him off with pleasure, his head moving up and down.
“Oh god, Adamm- Shit I-Ih- mmmmmmmhh”, he moaned and his hips shortly stuttered up before two strong hands moved up to gently hold them down.
Figuring the other was close already and keeping one hand on his hip, Adam dragged down his own boxers and wrapped a hand around his own hard on, stroking himself while he kept sucking off Theo. The moans that constantly left the man’s mouth brought him closer and closer to the edge as well. Eventually Theo ejaculated into his mouth and that was the last straw for himself as well, making him jizz all over the place. Adam swallowed him whole before he let himself fall down next to the other.
“Shit Adam, that was... wow.”, Theo mumbled, breathing heavily.
The other chuckled at that and moved to straddle the man once more.
“There’s still some more stuff that I’m dying to do to you.”, he said lascivious and captured the other’s lips with his'.
“Oh, I’m all up for it.”, Theo mumbled between hot kisses.
“I’m just afraid your loud organ might wake up the whole hotel, so maybe we’ll go for round two tomorrow?”
Theo had to laugh out loud at that, making Adam cover his mouth with his hand, silencing him and resulting in the man shaking beneath him soundless.
After he seemed to calm down and his shaking had stopped, Adam took his hand away again.
“I’m sorry”, the other chuckled and wiped some tears from his eyes.
“It’s all your fault anyway! You’re just too damn good with your mouth.”
“Oh, that was nothing compared to what I can do but I’m glad you enjoyed it.”
Theo sniggered at that when suddenly a yawn interrupted him.
“Tired?”, Adam asked.
“Don’t worry, I could use some sleep as well. I’ll just get something to clean up the mess I made.”, he replied and with that jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom.
He came back a minute later with a bunch of toilet paper in his hand to remove his jizz. When that was done, he threw everything into the toiled and flushed it before hurrying back into bed.
Adam crawled under the duvet and snuggled close to the man, wrapping his arm around his waist.
“Good night”, he said.
“Good night”, Theo replied.
“I love you”, Adam mumbled.
“’love you too”, the other replied and pressed a soft kiss to his lips, before resting his head against his chest.
Both were asleep within seconds.
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hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
Day X - part 6
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5
Adam blinked his eyes open and stared right into Theo’s sleeping face. He couldn’t help the stupid smile from promptly appearing on his face. So yesterday hadn’t been a dream. It had actually happened. He snuggled closer to the other, careful, not to wake him up and closed his eyes again. He sighed contently and quickly dozed off again.
A couple of minutes later, he was woken from his peaceful slumber by the loud noise of the garbage disposal outside. He lazily opened his eyes and thus saw that the sunlight was already illuminating his whole room. Adam therefore hurried out of the bed and almost stumbled over his own feet due to his fast movements, some curses leaving his mouth.
“Oh fuck, what’s the time? I need to go to work!”, he rambled to himself and looked around, searching for his mobile phone.
Damn he had totally forgotten to set an alarm the night before. But to be fair, he had been quite distracted.
That eventually woke the singer, who had still been sleeping, up as well.
“Adam?”, Theo asked sleepily and lazily opened his eyes.
“What is it? Why are you freaking out?”, he asked and had to yawn as he propped himself up on his elbow to look at the older one.
As he glanced over at the man, he couldn’t help but grin widely, biting his lower lip.
“Oh thank god.”, Adam eventually uttered relieved as he had found his phone in the pocket of his jeans.
“It’s almost nine. Work starts at ten.”, he stated and looked over at the singer who was apparently busy staring somewhere at his lower region.
Adam furrowed his brows and looked down at himself. That was when he realised, that he wasn’t wearing any boxer briefs, just his t-shirt.
“Oh my god”, he thus groaned embarrassed and quickly went into the bed and under the duvet again.
“Hey, now don’t hide!”, Theo complained immediately.
“Nothing I haven’t seen before anyway.”, he mumbled seductively and scooted closer to the man.
The singer then slightly lifted the duvet so he could climb on top of him and hovered over him.
He leaned down and started kissing the older one’s neck, making him sigh softly.
“Mhh Theo”, Adam hummed, his eyes fluttering shut while his hands came up to the younger one’s naked shoulders, holding on in a tight grip.
The singer continued his trail of kisses and Adam’s hands moved from his shoulders around the other’s neck, holding him close. One of his hands then moved to the singer’s hair, slightly tugging on it. Theo had to smile at that and slowly wandered up to the man’s lips, making Adam sigh and immediately got a response from him.
As they shortly broke apart and Adam eventually lifted his head and glanced down between their bodies, he noticed that the singer was still completely naked and quickly averted his gaze again.
“Oh my god”, he mumbled gulping hard, his cheeks reddening.
Theo had to smile at that.
“Like what you see?”, the younger one smirked, looking right at him.
“I uhh... I uhm- I really have to get ready for work.”, Adam uttered embarrassed, his cheeks reddened, as he stared into the other’s deep brown eyes.
He would have loved to stay in bed with Theo but he couldn’t be too late to work and risk losing his job. After all he needed the money. 
“You sure about that?”, the singer asked pouting.
“I can’t be late.”, Adam mumbled, avoiding looking at the other because honestly, he might just give in and stay here with him.
“You’re right.”, Theo sighed.
“But at least let me take a picture of you then.”, the singer stated and leaned over to his side of the bed to grab his phone.
“What? No please don’t, I always look shit on photos!”, Adam exclaimed horrified.
“Oh come on, now don’t say that!”, the singer replied and opened his camera, aiming the device at the man below him.
Adam quickly brought up his hands, covering his face and groaned embarrassed.
“Please Adam.”, Theo tried again, “I don’t have a single photo of you at which I could look at when I miss you and you got this huge poster of me.”, he stated as a matter of fact and looked over at said photo of himself on the other’s wall.
Hearing that Adam sighed deeply but actually freed his face again and covertly glanced at the man hovering over him.
“But I haven’t even been to the bathroom yet, my hair probably looks as if a bird had built it’s nest in it!”, the older man whined.
“Doesn’t matter. You look beautiful.”, Theo grinned and leaned down to peck his lips, seeing the man’s cheeks turn a bright red colour and avoiding looking at the popstar.
“Now don’t be shy”, the singer smiled and softly let a hand run through the other’s hair.  
“Smiiiile”, the younger one grinned.
Adam couldn’t help but grin at that and eventually shyly looked up into the camera so Theo could take his desired photo.
The singer then quickly looked at the outcome and had to smile widely.
“Aww thank you, it’s adorable!”, he stated and couldn’t take his eyes off his phone for another moment.
Meanwhile Adam looked up at the smiling singer and once again wondered how he deserved this man to be a part of his life. This man who could possibly have anyone and yet somehow seemed to have chosen him. Maybe he’d sooner or later realise that he deserved better and leave him. He wouldn’t even blame him. It wasn’t fair that Theo was so damn cute and adorable and good looking and talented while he seemed to be the complete opposite of that. All he could do was to enjoy the time they had together. 
“Hey”, a soft voice suddenly got him out of his thoughts. “What is it? Something wrong?”, Theo asked and put his phone aside, instead softly cupping the other’s cheeks and caressing them with his thumbs, wiping a single tear away.
“Adam?”, the singer asked as he didn’t get a response.
“I’m sorry”, the older man quickly uttered, his eyes blinking heavily and turned his head to the side, not wanting Theo to see him like this. “It’s- it’s nothing, really. But I uhm... I really need to get ready for work.”, he added.
Theo looked at him for a second and saw right through him. Of course it was not nothing, but he decided not to confront him right now. He’d wait for a quiet moment.
“Sure”, the younger one thus sighed, took his hands away from the other’s face and moved off him, letting himself fall onto the mattress next to the man.
The older man quickly got out of the bed and hurried into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Then he took off his t-shirt and stepped into the shower, turning it just a tad too cold.
When he was done, he dried his hair with a towel, before he wrapped it around his waist and unlocked the door again. Outside he saw that Theo was already dressed, just closing his belt. When the singer noticed him, he turned around to face him with a smile, shortly checking him out.
The man then walked over to him and stopped right in front of him.
“I need to go back to London. Mark left me a voice mail. There’s something important he needs to talk to me about.”, the singer stated with a hint of sadness.
“Oh”, Adam uttered dumbfound. “Sure.”
“Hey”, the singer said gently and took a step forward, wrapping his arms around the other’s waist, resting his forehead against Adam’s.
“I’ll call you in the evening, I promise.”, he added and pulled back so he could properly look at him.
“I’m looking forward to it.”, Adam uttered and sent him a small smile.
Theo then leaned in and placed a sweet kiss to the other’s mouth, making the man sigh, both sets of eyes fluttering shut.
“Bye”, he mumbled against the older one’s lips before quickly pecking him again.
“Bye”, Adam replied, trembling slightly and quickly moved to hug the other close to himself, making Theo smile and wrap his arms around him in a tight hold as well. 
They stayed like that for a moment until the singer pecked the other man’s neck and both let go of each other, leaving Adam to stare after the younger one as he left his apartment.
Theo was on his way to the second floor, where his manager had his office. He was curious what the other wanted to talk to him about.
“Hey mate, good to see you!”, Marc greeted the singer happily as said man entered his office.
“Hey Marc!”, Theo replied with a smile and moved to hug him shortly before both sat down on the big couch in the room.
“So, what’s up? Why did you want to see me?”, the singer asked curiously.
“Well, my friend that can wait. The question is what’s up with you? You’re beaming all over! Have you been with your little friend?”, the man asked with a broad grin.
Theo felt his cheeks redden slightly but nodded.
“Yes, I uhm- We were at his place.”, he said.
“I visited him at work yesterday and then we went out for dinner and I stayed over night.”, the singer elaborated.
“Oh, that’s great! I’m so happy for you!”, Marc replied smiling. “So the two of you are together now for real?”, he asked excitedly.
“I think so, yeah.”, Theo answered with a dreamy smile on his face.
“I mean-“, he quickly added then though, “we haven’t really talked about it so I don’t know how he feels about it... I mean everything was great and all and then in the morning he suddenly seemed like he was on the verge of tears for no apparent reason. I haven’t really asked him about it yet because he had to go to work but...”, the singer shrugged and let out a sigh.
“And you’re worried it was because of you?”, his manager asked.
“I don’t know...”, the younger one mumbled uneasily, not wanting to consider that it could’ve indeed been because of him.  
“But you’re in love with him, aren’t you?”
“I am.”, Theo replied and nodded after a moment of silence.
“Have you told him that already?”, the other inquired.
“No, I uh... I mean I wanted to but I didn’t know if it was appropriate. I don’t want to rush things and scare him away, you know...”, Theo mumbled, looking down.
“Maybe he needs to hear it though. To be sure that you really want to be with him. To make all his doubts go away.”, Marc replied, knowing how insecure the man was.
“You think so?”, the singer asked and looked up at him.
“Well, I mean he’s a self-doubting guy. Who knows what goes on in his head? What his insecurities tell him?”, the other went on.
“Maybe you’re right...”, Theo agreed and lowered his gaze again.
“What is this guy doing to you, my friend? I’ve never seen you so unsure about any relationship you had before.”, Marc stated after just looking at the other for a moment.
“He’s important to me, Marc. I just want to do this right.”, the singer replied and let out a sigh.
“Of course. And you will.”, the man replied with a smile and patted his mate’s back.
“Anyway”, Theo said and cleared his throat. “What did you want to talk to me about?”, he asked.
“Let’s move to the desk then.”, Marc suggested and gestured to his table where he had all his papers and his laptop.
The two got up from their comfy sitting position and sat down at the manager’s desk instead, Marc behind the computer and Theo on the other side of it.
“Well”, Marc started. “To promote your new album we thought about organising some special kind of secret gig here in London on the release date next week. So basically, what we had in mind is that we make some sort of ruffle. The fans take a photo of themselves in front of some promo poster of the album and we randomly choose some winners.”, he explained.
Of course. His new album. With everything that had happened with Adam, Theo had almost forgotten about the release of his new music.
“That’s a good idea. I like it!”, the singer replied excitedly.
“And how many winners will there be?”, he asked.
“The venue has room for about 500 people. Of course there’ll be some press and label people as well though.”
Theo nodded understandingly.
“By the way, there are these friends of Adam who are a big fan of yours as well, if I remember correctly?”, the manager asked.
“Yeah”, the singer gave back and looked at his manager with a risen brow.
“Do they know about the two of you?”, Marc asked.
“Uh, I think so, yeah.”, Theo uttered, remembering that Adam had told him about his friends being responsible that he had called him the other day. “Why are you asking?”
“Well, I was thinking that we could maybe invite them to the show? As VIPs I mean. Adam’s of course already on the guest list but I thought maybe his friends would want to come as well?”, the other replied.
“Oh, that is a brilliant idea!”, Theo exclaimed. “I’ll ask him about it when I call him tonight!”
Marc continued elaborating some more details of the album release and the gig but Theo only listened to half of what he said, making some agreeing humming sounds here and there. He was way too busy with his phone to focus properly, a smile lingering on his lips.
“Theo? Are you even listening to me?”, Marc asked at some point as he didn’t get any response from the man anymore.
Eventually that brought the singer back from his daydreaming. “Uh, sorry, what did you say?”, he uttered.
A warm smile formed on Marc’s lips.
“Is it him? Are you two texting?”, the man guessed.
“No”, the other replied. “I was just... looking at a photo I took of him.”
“Can I see it?”, the man suddenly asked.
“Uh, sure. Just please don’t tell him I showed you that. It took me forever to persuade him that he even let me take one and if he finds out I show it around, he’ll never let me do that again.”, Theo replied but brought his mobile phone up and handed it to his friend.
Marc softly chuckled as he looked at the photo. “Alright, that is adorable. I can understand that you got distracted.”, he said and handed the device back again. “You two make a really nice couple.”, he added and saw Theo blush slightly.
“We still need to discuss some more details about next week though.”, Marc went back to business.
“Of course, I’m sorry. Go on.”, the singer replied and put his mobile phone into his pocket.
After work Adam finally met up with his friends. They sat on his couch in the living room with some alcoholic drinks and snacks. Of course, the girls didn’t waste any time with small talk but bombarded him with questions right away.
After Adam had told them more or less about everything that had happened in the previous days between himself and the singer with a deep red head, there was stunned silence for a while. The girls just looked at the man and each other with wide eyes and open mouths.
“Oh my fucking god, Adam!!!!!”, Simone was eventually the first to exclaim.
“Damn dude! I don’t even know what to say.”, Hanna uttered stunned.
“Bloody hell I can’t believe it! Our shy friend sucked Theo Hutchcraft’s dick? You need to tell us everything! Every tiny detail! Is he big? Did he like it?”, Sandra babbled excitedly.
“And how did you even get there? I mean yes you said you were making out but how did Theo end up with your dick in his mouth then? And you with his’?”, Emily wanted to know.
“Oh god, do we really have to talk about this? It’s embarrassing on so many levels!”, Adam groaned, regretting that he had even said a word. He should’ve known that his not going too much into detail report wouldn’t be enough for his friends.
“Yes we do!”, Sandra uttered, “You have avoided talking to us for days and now you tell us this meagre story and think you can just leave it at that!? We need to know everything!”
Adam groaned with a deep red head but eventually sighed and started to talk.
“Well we came back from the restaurant and I was dozing in my bed while he took a shower. I didn’t even notice when he came out again but he was suddenly hovering over me and started to kiss me. I wasn’t even aware that I got hard until he mentioned it and then he kind of just dragged my boxers off and... started working on me.”, the man mumbled, not daring to look at the girls.
“Fucking shit dude! So how did it feel getting sucked off by him?”, Simone asked excitedly.
“Oh my god”, Adam groaned embarrassed, hiding his face in his hands. “What do you think? It felt damn good of course.”, he uttered and eventually freed his face again.
“And how did you end up sucking him? Did he ask you for it?”, Hanna asked.
“No... I felt his boner against me and figured it was only fair. So I rolled him over and...”,
“And?!”, Sandra asked impatiently.
“Well, I was kinda freaking out so I just palmed him with my hand at first but uh... I mean it was obvious he craved more-“, he wanted to continue but was interrupted.
“Obvious? Why? What did he do?”, Sandra asked.
“He uh- He was squirming below me and pressed himself into my hand so I...”, he went on but paused again.
“You what, Adam?”, Simone asked, grinning smugly.
“Got his dick out and took him into my mouth.”, Adam replied quickly to get it out with flushed cheeks and heard the girls squeal loudly.
“Well fucking done, dude!”, Hanna uttered and patted the man’s back.
“Did he like it? I bet he did, didn’t he?”, Simone asked with a broad grin.
“Judging by his moans and him coming, I guess he did...”, the man gave back with a deep red head, remembering how the singer had moaned his name. Just the thought of that sent shivers down his spine again.
“So is he big now or what?”, Sandra asked again.
“Of course he is, isn’t he? I mean we’re talking about Theo Hutchcraft and we’ve all seen his stage boners.”, Hanna smirked.
All of them expectantly looked at Adam at that, waiting for him to confirm their theory.
The man sighed heavily but eventually mumbled, “He is...”
Of course, there was some loud screaming following once more.
“But don’t you dare tell anyone about anything I ever tell you! And especially not any intimate stuff! Promise me that! It’s embarrassing as hell already if you know it but if anyone else ever finds out I don’t know what I’d do... And never ever mention to Theo that I tell you this stuff!”, Adam babbled embarrassed.
“Oh Adam, you know you can trust us. We’ve kept everything you ever told us to ourselves. I mean there’s four of us, if we ever feel the need to talk about you and him doing dirty stuff we can just do that between us.”, Sandra said.
“You don’t do that though, do you?”, Adam asked worriedly and glanced over to them.
Their sly smiles were already confirmation enough though.
“Oh my god.”, he groaned embarrassed.
“Hey come on, this is so much better than any fan-fiction I have ever read!”, Sandra stated.
“Exactly!”, Simone agreed. “This is real life fan-fiction!”
“Oh Adam, I’m just so happy for you! I remember when we first started talking online and you were worried that you’d never experience love and now you have a popstar boyfriend!”, Simone stated happily.
“He’s not my boyfriend...”, Adam mumbled quietly.
“What do you mean? Of course he is?”, Hanna uttered confusedly.
“Well, I don’t know what we are. I mean we never talked about that and I’m scared to ask him.”, the man shrugged.
“Oh, Adam! You fell head over heels for this guy and I bet he’s just as much into you!”, Hanna grinned. “You know what, I think you should just tell him you’re in love with him and see how he reacts!”, she added.
“Are you insane?! I’m not gonna confess my love to him when I don’t know how he feels about it. This could be the most embarrassing moment of my life!”, Adam groaned.
“Or the best.”, Sandra countered.
“Seriously dude, how can you be so doubtful when judging from your stories he’s the sweetest guy ever around you! He’s got the hots for you, I swear!”, Hanna put into account.
“But I don’t wanna lose him and screw everything up just because of some stupid confession.”, the man sighed.
“Adam, your feelings surely are not stupid.”, Simone uttered encouragingly and put a soothing hand onto his thigh.
As Adam’s vision already got slightly blurry, his phone suddenly started ringing. The man quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeve so he could see who was calling him. His heart did a funny flip when he saw Theo’s name on the screen.
Thus, he hurriedly got up and walked into the kitchen before he answered the call.
“Hello?”, he asked with a shaky voice.
“Hey babe, it’s me, Theo!”, the other replied happily.
Adam immediately felt his cheeks redden at the nickname.
“Oh h-hey, how are you doing?”, he asked awkwardly.
“Well, apart from the fact that I already miss you again, I’m good. But at least I got a photo of you now at which I can look whenever I want.”, the singer replied.
“How about you? How was your day?”, Theo asked, not wanting to ask about what had happened in the morning right away.
At that, Adam heard some rustling and turned around only to see the girls standing in the door.
“Uhh I’m good too.”, the man replied shortly.
“What are you doing here?”, he mouthed at the girls.
“Is that Theo?”, Sandra asked quietly, getting a nod from Adam, which made them jump in excitement.
“So you didn’t miss me at all?”, Theo suddenly asked, faking hurt.
“No, no! I mean, of course I did!”, Adam stammered uncomfortably and groaned.
“Adam, what’s going on? Why are you acting so weird?”, the singer asked, feeling that something was off.
“I’m sorry, it’s nothing. Just my friends.”, he uttered.
“Oh, they’re with you right now?”, Theo asked.
“Yeah”, Adam sighed.
“And you’re not comfortable talking to me when they’re around?”, the singer sensed.
“I don’t know, I mean it’s... kinda awkward with them listening.”, the older man uttered quietly.
“Alright, I understand that. How about you call me later when they left?”, Theo offered.
“Is that really ok for you?”, Adam asked after a moment of silence, feeling bad that he was behaving like that. After all, he really wanted to talk to the singer but he just felt damn insecure and uncomfortable with his friends listening to every word he said. He also didn’t want to tell them that though.
“Of course!”, the other replied right away. “I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
“Thank you”, Adam replied relieved.
“Sure thing! So until later then.”
“Yeah, bye!”, he said and ended the call with a sigh.
“Oh my god, was that really Theo?”, Emily asked excitedly.
“Yeah”, Adam mumbled and turned around to them.
“So what did he want?”, the girl asked further.
“Did he thank you for the wonderful night you spent together?”, Sandra smirked.
“He uh- He was just checking up on me.”, the man simply gave back.
+++ an hour later +++
Adam comfortably sat onto his bed and got his phone out, quickly dialing the singer’s number.
“Hello?”, the younger man’s voice was heard a moment later.
“Hi Theo! It’s me...”, he uttered.
“Oh, hey Adam!”, the singer greeted him happily and he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed that the other didn’t call him by some nickname as earlier which was stupid because he loved the way Theo spoke his name.
“I’m so sorry but they’re so nosy and want to know everything and I mean I understand that of course because they’re your fans but sometimes it’s just really exhausting.”, Adam sighed. “And embarrassing”, he thought to himself.
“It’s fine, don’t worry.”, Theo replied. “So speaking of them, there’s something I have to ask you. Do they know about us?”
“Uh, yeah, I told them...”, Adam uttered, not mentioning about what all he had told them about of course.
“Should I not have done that?”, he asked uncertainly.
“No, no! It’s all good! I was just asking because we’re planning this secret gig next week and them knowing about us means I can invite them too. So if you’re fine with it as well, could you maybe ask them if they want to come? As VIP guests? I’d love to get to know them better.”, the singer gave back.
“Oh my god, seriously? They’ll freak out if I tell them that!”, Adam stated excitedly.
“Yeah?”, Theo asked, chuckling.
“Of course!”, the other replied right away with a huge smile on his face.
“Alright awesome!”
“So uh.. There’s something else I have to talk to you about.”, the singer went on.
Hearing that Adam’s smile fell immediately. He got nervous and started chewing on his lip.
“What is it?”, the man asked uneasily.
Theo took a deep breath before he went on.
“What was suddenly up with you in the morning?”, Theo asked, hoping to get an honest answer.
Oh shit. He should’ve known.
“I’m sorry about that. It was really nothing. Just... some stupid thoughts.”, Adam mumbled. 
“Do you want to talk about it?”, the singer tried.
“No, it’s fine.”, the older man replied right away. 
“You sure?”, Theo asked, not liking the other avoiding him on this topic because apparently it had affected him in the morning to the point where tears fell down his cheek.
“Yes”, Adam gave back, feeling bad about it but he didn’t want to seem pathetic telling him the truth.
“Okay but you can always talk to me, you know? About anything. I’m always here for you if you want to get something off your chest.”, the singer said, giving in.
“Thank you. I really appreciate that.”, the older one gave back, sniffing quietly.
“So will you ask your friends and then tell me what they said?”, Theo asked, changing the topic. 
“Sure thing! I’ll ask them first thing tomorrow morning!”, Adam replied, excitement in his voice.
“Alright, speak to you soon then!”, Theo uttered happily.
“Good night and sleep tight!”, the singer added.
“Good night, Theo.”, the older man replied.
“I love you.”, Adam mumbled quietly after the singer had ended the call.
Part 7
4 notes · View notes
hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
Day X - part 5
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Adam was just cleaning some tables but his thoughts were far far away from his work. He was glad that he was assigned with this rather easy task for a start because he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to serve their customers the right coffee they ordered. He just couldn’t stop thinking about Theo. The singer had actually told him that he wanted to be with him and he had also kissed him. Really kissed him. Thinking back now, it all rather seemed like a dream though. How on earth could he be so lucky that the person he was into was into him as well? He had never really believed in love until he had met Theo on that memorable night back in Manchester. He was intrigued right away but that was nothing compared to what happened in London. Since that day he had fallen head over heels for that man. Adam sighed deeply. This was gonna be a long day.
After he was done with cleaning, Adam went to the back room of the café and poured himself some water. He sat down at a small wooden table and took a sip of the cold liquid. The man leaned his head onto his hand and let out another deep sigh.
“Hey, Adam!”, Amanda, one of Adam’s colleagues shouted for him as she joined the man in the little break room, “That guy you’re totally obsessed with is looking for you.”, she added with a broad grin.
Adam knew she was only making fun of him and was already about to give a rude reply. He grumbled and lifted his head, turning over to face his colleague. As he promptly stared into Theo’s grinning face though, his own face changed to a deep red colour in an instant, his eyes and mouth wide open.
“Theo?”, he uttered totally dumbfound, almost knocking over the chair he was sitting on as he hurriedly got up.
“What-?”, he tried to ask but the words got stuck in his throat.
“I’ll leave you two alone then.”, the girl stated with a smug grin and left the room.
“Thank you!”, Theo shouted after her before he turned his whole attention back to Adam.
“So, you’re obsessed with me?”, the singer asked bemusedly and raised his brow.
“Oh shut up.”, Adam muttered embarrassed, his cheeks  still red.
“What are you even doing here? And how did you know I was working here?”, the older man asked bewildered.
“Call it a lucky guess.”, Theo replied with a shrug, not mentioning that he had already been to two café’s nearby before he had found the right one.
“Anyway, you forgot this yesterday.”, he then said and got the grey t-shirt out from his suit jacket.
“Oh, thank you.”, the older man replied surprised and took the piece of clothing into his hand.
“So you want to tell me you actually came all the way from London to bring me this?”, Adam asked disbelieving and lifted the t-shirt a bit.
To his surprise, he actually saw the other’s cheeks slightly redden at that.
“Well, no. Uhm... To be honest with you, I missed you.”, the singer suddenly confessed and the older one just stared at him for a moment in shock, mouth slightly agape yet again.
“You... did?”, he asked, not believing what he had just heard.
“Yeah”, the singer confirmed and to his total surprise, the other suddenly seemed quite shy.
“Well, I uh- I missed you too.”, Adam admitted and couldn’t help but blush when he saw the other beaming at him.
“Hello, by the way.”, Theo said sweetly and closed the last distance between them before pressing a loving kiss to the other’s lips before he pulled back again.
Adam couldn’t help but grin widely at that, his cheeks rosy. Without thinking too much about it, he quickly took a step forward, wrapped his arms around the singer’s neck and pulled him close, planting a passionate kiss to his soft lips. Theo immediately put his hands onto the other’s hips and returned the kiss.
As they pulled back a moment later, both were grinning broadly. The singer licked his lips and shortly cleared his throat.  
“So, what does one have to do to get a nice cup of coffee here?”, the younger one then asked smiling.
“Follow me outside, I’ll serve you whatever you want.”, Adam replied, not managing to get the stupid smile off his face.
Theo was sitting on a small table all by himself, a cup of steaming hot coffee and a croissant in front of him. By now there were quite a few customers in the café, keeping the staff busy. The singer couldn’t help but watch Adam intensely, a dreamy look on his face.
A couple of minutes later, the older man made his way to the singer’s table, balancing a tray with dirty dishes on his right hand. He didn’t dare to look at him though.
“Would you please stop staring at me like that?”, Adam whispered, wiping some bread crumbs away from Theo’s table with the cloth in his left hand, “I have to work and it’s very irritating, actually.”
Theo slightly chuckled at that. “I’m sorry. You’re just too nice to look at.”, he stated honestly.
At that Adam actually looked at him, despite wanting to seem nonchalant in fear that anyone in here might actually recognise the star.
“But don’t worry”, Theo continued, “I’ll just finish my coffee and then leave.”
Hearing that, the older one felt like hitting his head. He didn’t want the other to leave and now he was on top of that the reason the singer left so soon already.
“Well done, you stupid idiot, really well done. Theo came all the way from London to see you and now you make him leave before even getting the chance to talk to him.”, Adam angrily thought to himself.
“I- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to- I mean you don’t have to-“, Adam stuttered embarrassed but was interrupted by the other before he could go on.
“Don’t worry, it’s fine. I have some stuff to do anyway.”, Theo said and shrugged, making Adam look like a beat puppy.
“Alright.”, the older man uttered meekly and watched how the other emptied his coffee and got up.
“So, when does your shift here end?”, the younger one suddenly asked, looking right at him and immediately saw Adam’s face light up.
“At six.”, the man replied right away.
“Alright, I’ll come by and pick you up at six then.”, Theo replied and sent him a smile.
“See you in a couple of hours.”, he said sweetly.
“Yeah, see you.”, Adam gave back happily and watched how the other made his way to the counter to pay his bill. As soon as he arrived there though, he was suddenly surrounded by some girls, who had recognised him and excitedly asked for a photo.
Adam smiled slightly at that before he turned around to the table where the singer had been sitting and loaded the empty cup and plate onto his tray.
“Oh my god, was that seriously Theo Hutchcraft?”, Becky, another of Adam’s colleagues, asked as soon as the man walked into the kitchen.
“Yeahh...”, Adam replied, putting the dirty dishes into the dishwasher.
“Oh, wow! But how do you even know him? Or better how does he know you?”, the girl wanted to know.
“Well uhm, I guess he just remembers me from his concerts.”, Adam replied, glad that he didn’t have to look at her as he felt his cheeks reddening. Even if he left out some key details, it was true. Everything had happened because he had attended his concerts.
“Bloody hell, mate! You sure are one lucky sod!”, she replied astonished.
“In case he comes here again you need to introduce me to him! I don’t think he has a girlfriend, does he? Maybe you can set us up? Or is he gay?”, Becky rambled.
“Well I, uh, I think he’s into both, men and women...”, Adam gave back uncomfortably.
“Both huh? Nah, then I’m out. That’s quite a bit too much competition, isn’t it?”, Becky laughed but then luckily left.
Adam sighed at that. He was just glad he had never told anyone at his work about his sexuality.
Finally this day was coming to an end and the closer the clock hand came to six o’clock, the more excited Adam got. Although, to be honest, he was not entirely convinced that the singer would really pick him up. This just seemed too unreal.
However, the last customers eventually left the café and he put the last dirty dishes into the kitchen and cleaned the remaining tables until there was no more work left and the café closed.
Adam quickly changed into his private clothes and hurried outside excitedly. As he was standing outside on the pavement, his face fell though as there was no sight of Theo.
“Hey there”, a soft voice suddenly startled him though and he turned into the direction where the sound had come from only to see the singer leaning against the wall, a smile on his face.
“Theo!”, he exclaimed happily and quickly hurried over to him, hugging him tightly.
The singer chuckled at that but brought his hands up to hug the other back.
“Oh hey, someone happy to see me?”, he grinned widely, tightening his hold around the other.
“You didn’t think I’d ditch you, did you?”, Theo suddenly asked, surprised by the other’s enthusiastic reaction.
Adam quickly let go of him at that, feeling embarrassed that he had actually thought that.
“I uhhh... Well...”, the older man mumbled, looking down.
“Wait, you really did?”, Theo asked bewildered.
“Oh Adam! Stop being so insecure. I’d never do that to you!”, the singer uttered and pulled him into a hug.
“I’m sorry”, the older man sighed, lazily hugging the other back.
“Alright”, Theo said and let go of him again, “I’m curious, where do you live?”
After twenty minutes of walking, the two eventually stood in front of Adam’s apartment. The man was quite nervous how Theo would react to his home. After all it was surely no where close to the singer’s luxurious one.
“So, welcome to my home.”, the older man said as he had finally managed to open the door.
The singer followed him on his heels and curiously looked around. The first room he went into was the living room, as it was the closest to the foyer.
Adam suddenly felt embarrassed because he remembered that he had this huge poster of the singer hanging in his bedroom but maybe the other wouldn’t even look there. He could only hope he wouldn’t.
“It’s nice”, Theo stated, “I like it!”
“Can I look around?”, he asked.
“Uh, yeah. Sure.”, Adam replied uneasily.
And with that Theo made his way through the remaining rooms of the other’s apartment, starting with the bedroom. Fuck.
The singer opened the door and the first thing he saw was the big bed in the middle of it, quickly followed by the huge poster of himself on the right wall.
“Oh, who is that good looking fella?”, the singer smiled and walked over to it.
“It’s a nice photo, actually. “, he stated before making his way further through the room.
As he came to the side of the bed where Adam was apparently sleeping, he saw the photo of the two of them, which had been taken in Manchester, standing there.
“Aw that’s cute.”, Theo stated and took the frame into his hand to take a closer look at it, a bright smile on his face.  
He put it back down again and inspected the door on the other side of the room, which led to the bathroom.
When he was done with Adam’s bedroom he walked into the last room left. The kitchen. The singer walked over to the fridge and opened it, looking at the other’s meager food supply.
“I’d ask you if you want some food but I have nothing I’d dare to offer you. Just some old bread, a few slices of cheese and some peanut butter.”, Adam uttered rather embarrassed. After all, the other had always spoiled him with super delicious food when he had been at his place.
“It’s just... I haven’t really had the time to go shopping yet.”, the older man added, not wanting the other to think that he couldn’t afford it.
“It’s alright.”, Theo gave back with a smile and closed the fridge again. “We could just go and eat at some restaurant. I’ve seen a rather nice place this afternoon. What do you say? I’ll take out out.”, the singer suggested happily.
“Oh, uhm really?”, Adam asked a bit startled.
“Sure, why not?”
“Okay but I have to change my clothes first.”, the older one stated, looking down at his crumplet and sweaty ones, already on his way to the bedroom.
“Of course. You change your clothes and I’ll reserve us a table.”, Theo replied and already got his phone out.
“And I’ll pay for my food!”, Adam shouted after the other, not getting a reply though. He just hoped Theo didn’t pick the most expensive place in town.
Adam had just changed into some elegant clothes, consisting of a white shirt and dark jeans when his phone started ringing.
He walked over to said device only to see Sandra’s name on the display. Damn. He had promised her they’d talk after work. He quickly answered the call.
“Hey mate! Sooo, how were things going? And don’t you dare leave out any smutty details!”, the girl’s happy voice was heard.
“Hey uh, I’m so sorry Sandra, but I can’t talk right now. Something got in the way.”, Adam uttered hurriedly.
“What? You want to postpone this conversation again! We’re desperate for some info Adam!”
“I know and I’m really sorry but-“, he wanted to explain when suddenly another voice was heard.
“Adam? You coming?”, Theo shouted for him from the living room.
“One minute!”, he gave back.
“It’s just-“, he tried again but this time was interrupted by Sandra.
“Oh my fucking god. Was that just Theo’s voice?”, the girl asked, totally taken aback.
“Yes, he came to visit me at work today and now we’re about to get some food because I don’t have anything at home.”, he quickly explained.
“Listen, I’ll tell you everything later but now I really have to go.”
“Wait a minute, he’s at your home?! Oh my god, Adam! Alright, I’ll forgive you if you don’t call me today because I guess you two will be quite busy but tomorrow I want a very detailed report about all your meetings! Promise?”
“Promise.”, Adam gave back right away.
“Okay and now go have fun!”, Sandra instructed.
“Thank you, bye!”
Just as Adam had ended the call, Theo suddenly knocked onto his door.
“You need some help with putting on clothes?”, the singer asked cockily, a smile on his lips.
“Yeah, no- I mean I’m done. Sorry. for the wait.”, the other replied.
“Alright let’s go then, I’ve reserved a table for 7 pm!”, Theo stated.
Turned out that the singer did choose one of the better restaurants in town, which surely wasn’t too cheep. Adam’s eyes scanned the menu and he quickly figured that he’d go with a salad as the other dishes were too expensive for his budget.
“Anything to drink, gentlemen?”, the waiter that suddenly appeared at their table, asked politely.
“Oh, yes please”, Theo replied sweetly.
“I was thinking of some nice red wine. What do you think Adam?”, the other asked him.
“Uh- yeah sure.”, the older man gave back, still busy with looking at the salads.
“Alright, any special wish of brand?”, the waiter asked, noting the order down on his writing pad.
“Surprise us!”, the singer smiled.
“Sure thing. Have you already decided for a meal?”, he asked further.
“Not yet, we need another moment.”, Theo replied as he saw Adam desperately looking at the menu in his hand.
The waiter shortly nodded and walked into the direction of the bar.
“Do you already know what you want to eat?”
“I uhm, I think I’ll go with a salad.”, the older man uttered.
“What about you?”, he quickly asked, hoping to avoid questions.
“I’m not entirely sure yet but I think I’ll eat the beef steak.”, Theo replied.
Adam glanced at the price of the beef steak, seeing that it was 70 £. No wonder this was so expensive though, as his chosen salad already cost 20 £.
“And you really want to take a salad?”, the singer asked him.
“Uh, yeah. Why?”
“Listen Adam, if it’s because of the price, don’t worry. I said I invite you. You can eat whatever you want.”, the singer smiled.
“No, I’ll pay for my food. I don’t want you to spoil me all the time.”, Adam muttered.
“But I like spoiling you!”, the younger one replied instantly. “So please, just do me the favour?”, he asked, sending the other his best puppy eyes.
In the end, Adam gave in and let himself be persuaded into taking the steak as well. He had to admit that it was absolutely delicious and the wine which the waiter had chosen fitted perfectly as well.
Overall, it was a perfect evening and almost felt like a date actually.
Adam was already laying in his bed after a quick shower, dozing off.
Theo had to smile looking at him when he got out of the bathroom. He slightly dried his hair with the towel in his hand before he threw it onto a chair nearby and walked over to the bed. He crawled onto it and moved to hover over the other.
“Tired?”, he asked and immediately saw the man’s eyes flash open.
Adam was, quite understandably, rather surprised at how close the other suddenly was.
“Uh, no. I’m... I’m good.”, he uttered, gulping hard, making the other smile.
“Yeah?”, the singer asked.
“Mhm.”, Adam uttered meekly.
The singer brought one of his hands up to caress Adam’s cheek before he leaned down and softly pecked the older man onto the lips.
The other inhaled sharply at that but then quickly brought his hands up behind Theo’s neck and pulled him down. The singer smiled into the kiss at that, settling comfortably on top of the man below.
As they had to break the kiss to fill their lungs with air again, Theo sent him an adorable smile before he lifted himself a bit up from the other and pulled the man’s t-shirt up, revealing his naked torso. He could feel Adam’s breathing quickening.
The singer bit his lip at the sight and leaned forward to press soft kisses all over the newly discovered skin in front of him. He heard Adam sigh at the touch, which made him smile. Theo shortly sucked on the other’s skin, leaving a red mark behind before he continued kissing the man’s body, going lower and lower with every kiss.
“Oh shit”, the older one sighed, biting his lower lip and trembling slightly.  
As Theo arrived at the other’s boxers, he couldn’t help but grin widely.
“Want me to help you out?”, he asked in a low voice, carefully tracing over Adams bulge with his fingers.
Surely the other couldn’t repress the moan that made it’s way out of his mouth.
“I- It’s not necessary.”, Adam fibbed, trying to repress some more moans, not really successful though.
“No? So you’re comfortable like this?”, the singer asked, now starting to gently palm the man’s erection through his boxers.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck.”, the older man hummed at that, squirming beneath the other.
“Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you.”, Theo said and with that he pulled the other’s boxers down and off his legs, freeing his hard on.
By now Adam’s face was deep red out of embarrassment. He could only hope Theo liked what he saw. He didn’t dare to look at the other, even though he really wanted to and thus covered his face with his hands.
A moment later his hands were tugged away again though and he came face to face with a smiling Theo.
“Hey.”, he said softly. “Don’t hide. I’ll make you feel good, I promise.”
The younger man sent him a sweet but seductive smile before he kissed him shortly on the mouth, making Adam’s eyes flutter shut.
The singer then licked his lips before he moved down to Adam’s erection again, sending the other a heated look. Without hesitation, he then wrapped his lips around the other’s cock and promptly got a loud moan from the man. He had to smile at that before he swirled his tongue around the other’s tip, sucking him off with pleasure.
“Oh god... Theo... Mmmmhh”, the older one sighed, clawing his fingernails into the mattress below.
Theo sped up his pace and it didn’t take long until Adam came with a loud moan, his whole body trembling.
The singer licked his lips before he moved up to the other’s head.
“You liked that?”, he hummed, wiping some cum from the corner of his mouth.
Instead of an answer, Adam pulled him down into a passionate kiss. His heart made a funny flip as he felt the other respond instantly. As Theo was lying flush on top of him again, the older man held his breath for a moment as he felt the singer’s hard on pressing against himself. Theo had just sucked him off so the least he could do now was to return the favour, right? He felt himself shiver all over, just thinking about it.
Adam then wrapped his arms around the other’s middle and turned them over, much to Theo’s surprise. The older one sent him a shy smile and planted a longing kiss to his lips before he started kissing his jaw and neck, trailing lower down his chest and stomach, feeling the man’s breathing quickening. He didn’t stop there though but went even lower, kissing the other’s hard on through his boxers, getting a desperate moan from the singer.
“Oh shit, Adammm”, Theo moaned, craving more.
The older man felt a shiver running down his spine, hearing the other moaning his name.
Anyway, Adam then moved up to kiss the singer’s mouth and while the other responded eagerly, the older man grabbed him through his boxers, squeezing and massaging gently, resulting in Theo moaning into his mouth.
“Oh my god- hnnnng...”, the singer uttered, completely losing himself.
“Adam... Mmmmmmmhhh...”, he moaned in pleasure, pressing himself into the other’s hand, needing more.
The older one eventually took his hand away, pleased with the other’s reaction. He then moved lower again and snuck his fingers behind the elastic band, trembling from anticipation. Before he could chicken out, he quickly pulled the other’s boxers down, freeing his length. He had to swallow hard but quickly shook himself out of it.
Adam licked along the other’s shaft before he took him into his mouth, hearing the man sigh in pleasure. He moved his head up and down, hollowing his cheeks, speeding up his pace.
By now Theo was a moaning mess, his hand slightly tugging at Adam’s hair. This only spurred the older man on and he started sucking harder. This was the last straw for the singer and he came with a loud moan of the other’s name.
Adam swallowed him whole and couldn’t help the goofy smile that formed on his lips. He had just made Theo Hutchcraft come.
“Oh my god”, Theo suddenly mumbled, totally exhausted. “I didn’t know you were such a tease.”, he added chuckling.
Adam had to laugh at that, moved up to the singer and pressed a sweet kiss to his mouth.
“You’re welcome.”, he grinned and lay down next to him, pulled the duvet up and covered both of them with it.
Theo turned onto his side, facing Adam and snuggled close to him.
“Good night”, he mumbled sleepily and pressed a chaste kiss to the other’s lips.
“’Night”, the older man replied, a bright smile on his lips.
Part 6
5 notes · View notes
hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
I know no one asked for this because I never get prompt requests anyway but I had this already perfectly planned out in my head so I decided to just write it down. Enjoy. 
They had scraped together the last quids they had and went on a holiday to Italy. The two had just quit their band and needed to clear their heads and figure out how things would go on from here. They still wanted to be musicians as it was their dream and after all, they had made a promise to each other a few years ago which they were desperate to keep.
Anyway, as they were almost blank they had rented the cheapest place they had found which happened to be a tiny room with a double bed right under an aspiring opera singer. The meagre room itself was usually not a problem because they spent most of their days outside anyway but today it was unbearably hot, so they decided to stay in.
Adam lay on the bed totally exhausted from the heat. He was not a summer person. Totally not. He was only wearing a pair of boxers but he was pouring sweat anyway, the black eyeliner below his eyes smeared already. The room they had rented didn’t have an air condition and so the air was stifling. With the last strength he could bring up, he opened the mini bar right next to his side of the bed, hoping to find some cool liquid inside.
“Hey now look at that!”, the older man suddenly exclaimed happily. “There’s a bag of ice cubes in the freezer!”
Spurred on by the unexpected discovery, he ripped the package open and put a few ice cubes into the glass of already warmed up water that stood on his nightstand.
“You want some ice in your drink as well?”, Adam asked his friend before he lifted the glass to his dry lips and eagerly let the cool liquid run down his hot throat.
The younger man had just taken a cold shower and was now drying his hair with a towel. His outfit matched the one of his mate, just a pair of boxers.
“I can think of some more things to do with ice cubes…”, Theo replied with a smug grin and threw the wet piece of fabric over a chair.
“Yeah? Like what?”, Adam asked and took another big gulp of his refreshing drink.
“Never mind.”, the younger one quickly shrugged it off and shook his head which resulted in a few droplets of water flying around the room.
“Come on man, first you get me curious now you gotta tell me too.”, Adam demanded.
“I can’t tell you. I’d have to show you and that’d be weird.”, Theo explained.
“Why’s that?”, the older man asked slightly confused.
“Because it’s quite... sexual.”, the younger one replied.
There was a short moment of silence between them before the older one broke it.
“So? I thought you were bi anyway.”, Adam countered, totally startling his friend.
The other just stared at him dumbfound for a moment, having not expected this reaction in the slightest.
“Or does your bi-curiosity not apply to me?”, the other went on as Theo still didn’t reply.
“It’s... I don’t know... I mean I thought- Are you bi too?”, the younger one stuttered perplex.
The other put his glass back on the nightstand, lay back down and slightly shook his head at that.
“Gay then?”, Theo tried.
“Nah”, Adam gave back. “I don’t like to label myself.”
“Okay uhm... If you’re up to it, fine. I’ll show you.”, Theo muttered.
He walked over to the side of the bed where Adam was lying and crawled on top of him, sitting down on his lower body.
“Just tell me if you want me to stop.”, he said and looked into the older man’s face. He quickly averted his gaze again though as the other stared back at him intensely and he was slightly embarrassed about what he was about to do. What they were about to do. After all, he had only seen the other as his friend up to now. In fact best friend, but still. However, he had nothing against it and apparently neither had Adam, so he might as well enjoy this little foolery.
“Don’t get too into it though because I’m not up for any more hot stuff in this heat.”, the younger one chuckled.
“Don’t worry, I think I can manage.”, Adam gave back, smiling confidently.
However, Theo then leaned over to the nightstand and grabbed an ice cube from the package.
“Close your eyes”, the younger one said and watched his mate obediently do what he had asked him to.
He then let the ice cube wander over the other’s heated upper body, sliding over his chest before trailing lower and lower. As he got dangerously low and saw the other’s stomach twitch and the man hold his breath, he took the ice away from the naked skin in front of him and moved it up onto the man’s lips instead. 
He shortly moved it over the slightly parted lips of his friend before he took it into his own mouth and leaned forward, moving his face closer to Adam’s, his hands resting on both sides of the other’s head to stabilise himself. He then let the ice cube slide into the older man’s mouth, which resulted in two deep blue eyes opening and looking at him intensely.
“Keep your eyes closed”, he said.
Adam shut his eyes again and the younger one smiled pleased.
“Now give it back to me”, Theo murmured and watched the other put the cube between his teeth, stretching his head slightly up to meet the singer.
Theo took the ice into his own mouth again and shortly enjoyed the coolness of it before he let it slide into the other’s mouth once more. As the ice melted fastly between their hot mouths, there was more and more contact with each exchange, lips touching, tongues slipping against each other. 
When it was Theo’s turn to take the ice again, he didn’t give it back to Adam this time. Instead, he let it slide onto the man’s lower body, receiving a quiet hiss from the other.
The small piece of ice melted fastly on the other’s hot skin, running lower and lower. As is eventually arrived at the hem of the older one’s boxer briefs, Theo snuck his finger behind the elastic band and lifted it up, allowing the ice, or what was left of it, to slide down to the other’s groin. At that, Adam let out a sigh, his eyes opening yet again, searching for the younger man’s. Theo just grinned at him and got out another ice cube from the package.
“Close your eyes”, he ordered once more.
Just like the times before, Adam did as told.
Theo took the ice into his mouth again and moved up to the other’s lips. As the other felt the cold cube, he immediately opened his mouth, knowing what was about to come. Theo smiled and let the other take the ice into his mouth. This time Theo didn’t let the ice cube get too small though before he placed it onto the other’s stomach again.
“Can you take the cold down there?”, the younger one asked in a low voice.
“Y-yeah”, the other answered, slightly trembling, his breathing getting quicker, eyes still closed.
Theo grinned as he sat back onto the other’s thighs and watched the ice start sliding down the other’s lower body. He lifted the man’s boxers again, guiding the ice cube in, before he let the elastic band snap back again. At the cold touch in his sensitive region, the older one let out a strange sound, that almost sounded like a moan. His breathing quickened as his eyes flashed open and he leaned up onto his elbows.
“Oh fuuuck”, he groaned. He’d have probably jumped up and gotten the ice cube out of his boxers if it wasn’t for the other’s weight on his legs pinning him down.
“Cold?”, Theo smirked.
“Of fuck you, asshole”, Adam groaned at him but the younger man just smiled.
“Lay back down”, he said and softly pushed his friend back onto the mattress again.  
Theo took out the next ice cube and took it into his mouth again before he moved closer to Adam.
Just as the times before, the ice melted fast between their hot mouths. But instead of retrieving before it got too small, like he had done before, Theo stayed close. As the ice was completely melted, he didn’t back away. Instead, he let his tongue slide into the older man’s mouth again, gliding against his tongue, exploring, testing how far he could go. Adam moaned at that unexpected touch, which resulted in the younger man smiling. He eventually pulled back again though and got the next cube from the package.
“Alright this is the last one. We need the rest to cool you down.”, he announced before he put it between his teeth again.
As the cube had melted yet again and despite Adam hoping that Theo had changed his mind about it all being over already, the other didn’t show the slightest inclination to get another ice cube but just sat in his lap.
“Can we do one more?”, the older one thus asked hopefully, yet a tad embarrassed.
“I told you we need the-“, Theo started but got interrupted.
Theo smiled at that.
“Fine”, he said and got out an ice cube.
“But this is really the last one.”, he announced before he put it between his lips again.
As he didn’t lean down to meet his mate right away, Adam sat up, eager to get close to the other again.
The younger one chuckled at that and took the ice out of his mouth.
“Impatient, are we?”, he hummed.
“Shut up”, the older man grumbled and avoided eye contact.
“Were you going for the ice or my mouth?”, Theo asked grinning.
The older man looked back at him again at that. There was a short moment of silence in which Adam seemed to be debating what to do.
“I want you.”, he eventually muttered impatiently and grabbed the man’s face between his hands before he pulled him close and passionately pressed his lips against the ones of his mate, making him moan and let go of the ice cube.
The older man smiled at that before he lay back down, taking the other with him.
As they moved their lips against each other, the kiss got more and more heated. Adam licked his way into the other’s mouth and sucked on his tongue, making Theo moan yet again. The older one smiled and started to nibble on his lower lip before he went back to kissing his mate again.
Theo had to smile at the other’s enthusiasm. As he felt the other’s hard on rub against his groin though, he realised where this was going if he didn’t end it right now. Adam was way too far gone to stop, so he had to do something.
“I’m sorry”, Theo mumbled against the other man’s lips between hot kisses and before the other could even properly process what the younger one was talking about, he already felt something ice cold at his lower region.
As Adam let go of him, the younger one quickly brought some distance between them and sat back onto his heels.
“Bloody fucking shit what the hell Theo?”, Adam groaned and quickly moved his hands into his boxers to get the ice cubes out, throwing them beside him on the bed.
“I’m sorry, but I’m really not up for sex in this bloody heat.”, the younger one uttered. Theo felt exhausted already and they hadn’t even started yet. He didn’t want it to be over in the blink of an eye just because of the lack of stamina due to the heat. Adam had to understand that.
“Well you could’ve just told me that instead of fucking freezing my dick off.”, the older man grumbled.
“You were already getting way too lost.”, Theo tried to justify his action.
“And you weren’t?”, Adam asked accusing, his gaze setting on the bulge in the younger man’s boxers.
As Theo glanced down at himself, the other took the chance while his friend was distracted and quickly pushed him back down onto the bed, moving on top of him and pinning him down. Theo looked up at him surprised
“Don’t worry, I’ll help you out.”, Adam said smugly, took the two ice cubes that were lying beside him into his right hand while he used his left to lift the younger one’s boxers. He quickly stuffed the ice inside and immediately heard Theo groan at the cold touch. 
The other was about to get the ice cubes out again but Adam didn’t let him. Instead, he pressed both of his hands onto the man’s groin to make sure the ice stayed inside until it was completely melted.
“Oh shit shit shit Adam please no!”, Theo moaned and took a hold of the other’s wrists, trying to get his hands away, looking at him with pleading eyes.
“Cold?”, the older one asked grinning widely and pressed down with slightly more force, feeling the ice turn into water beneath his hands.
It didn’t take too long until the cubes were fully melted and just left a wet stain behind.
Adam eventually took his hands off the other’s crotch and couldn’t help but laugh at the stupid look on the other’s face that switched between his drenched boxers and his best friend’s face.
“F-fuck you”, the younger one then groaned, slightly trembling and stepped off the bed.
“Well it was your idea to play with some ice cubes.”, his mate mocked and couldn’t get the stupid smile off his face.
“Tonight you’re in trouble Anderson.”, Theo stated and got out a new pair of boxers from his bag which was lying on the floor next to the bed before he disappeared into the bathroom.
“We’ll see who is, Hutchie.”, the other replied, lay back down again with his arms crossed behind his head and closed his eyes, smile still in place.
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hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
Day X - part 4
I’m so sorry, I never planned on taking this long for the next chapter but time flies as it seems. It feels like it was yesterday that I posted the first part. Anyway, I hope you kinda like this one. 
Info: Due to personal reasons I won’t be able to write in the next weeks or maybe months so there won’t be any new stuff from me for a while, I’m sorry. 
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
“So he run away again?”, Marc asked the singer, placed two bottles of beer on the table in front of them and sat down beside said man.
“Yeah.”, Theo uttered and sighed.
To be honest, he had hoped Adam would still be asleep when he came back but he had found his apartment empty, as always.
“The boy is playing hard to get as it seems, huh?”, his friend said and smiled as he grabbed one of the previously opened bottles and took a sip of it.
“Well, either that or he’s just really not interested in me as I thought at first.”, the singer gave back disheartened.
“Oh Theo, come on! You can’t be serious! Do you not notice how he acts when he’s around you? How he always blushes and gets all shy?”, the other man stated with a smile.
“Sure I do. But other times he seems so distant and uncomfortable.”, Theo sighed.
“Maybe that’s because you’re a popstar and he’s your fan?”, Marc suggested.
At that Theo turned towards his manager and looked at him with furrowed brows.
The man sighed before he continued, “Look, I mean he’s probably admiring you for ages, way longer than you even know he exists and now you two have already shared a bed and probably some other things as well, you invite him for coffee. I mean what do you expect from him? Of course it freaks him out.”
“I just want him to like me.”, Theo mumbled and now grabbed a bottle as well and brought it up to his lips, taking a big gulp.
He had to think about that night in the hotel room back in London. The way Adam had acted and what is more, how he had reacted to his kisses. The singer had to smile at the memory.
“What are you thinking about?”, Marc asked, seeing the dreamy smile on his friend’s face.
“I think you may be right.”, Theo replied.
“Of course I am! And now stop worrying so much. After all, he did take your note with your number on it with him, didn’t he?”
“He did.”, Theo gave back and looked down at his phone, as if he hoped the man would call him.
To his surprise, his phone actually lit up and informed him that he had gotten a message.
Impatiently he opened it, his eyes quickly scanning the text and a bright smile covering his features.
“What is it?”, Marc asked, seeing the man’s reaction. “Is it him?”, he guessed.
“Yes”, Theo gave back excitedly.
“But why does he always think he annoys me?”, he muttered, more to himself, as he reread the text.
“I guess it’s just quite uncommon that your celebrity crush actually likes you back.”, his manager chuckled.
“I’m just gonna call him.”, the singer suddenly said, only to be stopped by the other.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea, to be honest.”, Marc quickly said before the other could press the green button.
“Why not?”, Theo asked and turned to look at him.
“Did you even listen to what I told you like a minute ago? It’ll freak the hell out of him if your name suddenly appears on his screen.”, his friend stated as a matter of fact. “Give him some time to adjust to this new situation”, he added.
There was silence for a moment.
“Fine... I’ll send a message then.”, Theo eventually mumbled, figuring the other was probably right and quickly typed out a text.
He waited for a reply in vain though.
+++ a few days later +++
Adam had met up with two his friends in his apartment in Manchester. It was already late in the evening and they were sitting around his kitchen table as he reported them about his recent encounter with the singer after their night out. Understandably, the girls had been worried as he had just disappeared without telling anyone where he went and he felt bad about it but he really hadn’t felt like talking to anyone back then. Luckily, he had a bunch of super awesome friends though who didn’t blame him for it. Of course they were all super excited that he had somehow managed to come across Theo yet again though.
Unfortunately, Emily and Hanna couldn’t make it to the meeting but they’d certainly be soon informed about every tiny detail by the other girls.
“I can’t believe you’re so god damn lucky! I mean how often does it happen you just randomly bump into your favourite singer? And you already met him several times! This has to mean something!”, Sandra stated, clearly excited.
“I wouldn’t exactly call it lucky when your favourite singer sees you looking like shit, crying and is on top of that the reason for it.”, Adam uttered, still feeling embarrassed about it.
“But at least you now know that he had absolutely no interest in those girls from the club!”, Sandra put into account.
“True that!”, Simone agreed. “You know what, I really think you should take the next step and ask him for his number next time you meet him.”, she suggested seriously.
Hearing that, Adam almost choked on the sip of tea he had just taken and started coughing violently.
“Oh my god. You already have his number, don’t you?”, Sandra thus detected.
The man only nodded meagerly and avoided looking at the girls.
“And you haven’t used it?”, the girl asked concerned.
“I uh... I did send him a message when I was home.”, the man uttered.
“Okay now what did you write?”, Sandra asked further.
“I thanked him for being so kind to me...”, Adam replied quietly.
“Adam. Oh Adam. Mate you really gotta step up your game or you’ll shy him away.”, Simone stated.
“Did he reply though?”, Sandra interrupted curiously.
“Yeah...”, the man gave back, seeming embarrassed about this whole situation.
“Show me.”, the girl demanded.
Adam sighed but got out his phone, opened the message and handed the device to his friend.
Sandra took it with a smile and started reading. The smile fell as soon as she was done with that though.
“Please tell me you called him and you two talked on the phone for hours.”, she said and hopefully looked over at her friend.
Instead, Adam looked absolutely devastated, his eyes getting glassy as he slightly shook his head.
“Oh god, Adam.”, she said, put the phone onto the table and hurried over behind him, letting her hand wander over his back in a soothing manner.
“What? What is it? What did he write?”, Simone asked worriedly, seeing her friend’s reaction.
“Well, basically he wants to meet up with him.”, Sandra said.
“What?!”, Simone shrieked, “And you didn’t reply?”.
“I just didn’t know what to do.”, Adam mumbled and took a shaky breath.
“I mean I always more or less met him accidentally. Setting a time and place to meet up with him would seem like a date and this just totally freaked me out. He’ll find out what a boring loser I actually am and never wants to see me again.”, the man uttered.
“Dude, believe me when I say you’re absolutely not boring. He wants to meet up with you because he’s interested in you and wants to spend time with you to get to know you.”, Simone stated with a smile.  
“I just don’t wanna screw this up.”, Adam sighed.
“You won’t! I’m sure you two’ll have loads of fun and spend a wonderful day together.”, Sandra beamed at him.
“And what if he wants to go somewhere public and people see us and start talking?”, Adam put into account.
“Oh god, Adam. You could just tell him that you don’t want to go somewhere public.”, Simone said with a smile.
“And make him think I want to be alone with him, get him drunk and spend the night with him and maybe take some pictures or videos and boast with it on the net?”
“Dude, I think he’d be totally up for fucking you but you’re clearly overthinking this. He knows you’re not that kind of guy. If that’s what you wanted you’d have surely already done it back in London.”, Sandra stated, having a point.
Adam groaned embarrassed at that and sighed heavily.
“I just don’t know what to do.”, the man uttered and brought up his hands to bury his face.  
“Alright, I’ll tell you what you’ll do.”, Sandra said and sat down on the free chair next to the man, pulling his hands away from his face.
“You’ll stop crying, get your shit together and call Theo to tell him you’ll be in London on the weekend. You can stay at my place in case you won’t spend the night with him and don’t even dare to object anything.”, the girl stated.
“But-“, Adam tried but was quickly interrupted by Sandra.
“What did I say?”, she said and pointed a warning finger at him.
“I can’t call him!”, the man shrieked. “What if I-“
“You’re tantalizing him since days now, he deserves a call.”, Simone said with the man’s phone in her hand and dialed the singer’s number.
“What the hell?! Are you crazy? I can’t do this! I’m not ready!”, Adam shrieked and tried to take his phone away from the girl opposite but Simone wouldn’t let him.
“Stop worrying, it’ll be fine.”, she said with a smile and waited until Theo’d pick up so Adam couldn’t chicken out.
“Oh god, I’ll make a total fool out of myself.”, the man sighed and sat back down.
As Simone heard the singer answer the call, she quickly handed the phone back to her scared friend.
Adam took a deep breath before he eventually took the phone with a shaky hand and brought it up to his ear.
“Hello?”, he heard Theo ask and could hear some loud music playing in the background.
Great, the other was probably at some super cool party and he had to disturb him. He was tempted to just end the call already but then the singer would probably be even more annoyed at him.
“H-hi”, the older one eventually uttered awkwardly and immediately felt like hitting his head against a wall. “It’s Adam.”, he added quietly.
“Adam?!”, Theo repeated and he could hear a door close, muting the loud music a bit.
“My Adam?”, he asked and Adam almost felt his heart crack at that.
“Uh n-no... We uh- I mean... You invited me for some coffee the other day.”, he replied quietly.
“Oh my god it’s really you, I can’t believe it!” the singer slurred and he could hear that he was smiling.
Adam couldn’t help but blush heavily at that. So the other had just really meant him when he said my Adam? Good god.
“So what’s up? How do I get the honor of you calling?”, Theo asked happily.
“I uh... I just called to say- I mean I uh- wanted to tell you that uhm... I’ll be in London on the weekend and uh I was wondering if- I mean if you meant what you wrote the other day and have time that uhm... we could maybe meet? I mean, only if you want to of course!”, he stuttered awkwardly and brought his left hand up to hide his face as he felt his head being deep red.
“Oh really?! Wait, give me a second.”, the singer replied and he could hear some rustling and quiet cursing which made him grin.
After some moments of silence, he could hear Theo speak again.
“Adam?”, he asked.
“Yeah, I’m still here.”, the older one answered, chewing on his lower lip.
“So Marc planned this record label anniversary party on Friday which I have to attend but I can bring some company. So, if you’d like to join me...?”, the singer asked.
“Oh, uhm... I don’t know. I mean-“, Adam was about to kindly decline the man’s offer as he imagined himself being at his favourite singer’s record label’s party quite awkward. And on top of that as company of said favourite singer.
“Please?”, the other suddenly asked and Adam was speechless for a moment.
“It’d be much more fun with you there.”, Theo continued as Adam still didn’t answer.
“You think so?”, the man eventually replied and let out a nervous chuckle.
“Of course! So are you coming with me?”, the singer asked.
“Uhmm...”, the older one hesitated.
“Oi!  Say that you’re coming with me.”, the singer demanded, more jokingly than actually serious though.
The other slightly chuckled at that.
“Say it!”, Theo repeated and he could hear that the singer was grinning.
“Alright, fine.”, he gave in, not able to resist this man as he apparently really meant what he had said.
“Alright, fine what?”, Theo demanded an explicit reply.
“I’ll come with you to the party.”, Adam answered dutifully and had to smile widely.
“Alright, awesome! I’ll text you the address. See you on Friday!”, the singer said happily.
“Ok yeah, see you.”, the other gave back with a pounding heartbeat and ended the call.
He looked up at the girls, feeling his head being deep red yet again and saw them beaming at him.
“So, party?”, Sandra was the first to ask with a huge smile on her face.
“He uh... He invited me to some party of his record label.”, he uttered, put his phone into his pocket and started nervously fumbling with the hem of his pullover.
“Holy moly, Adam that is a date!”, Sandra squealed excitedly.
“Oh my god! Okay but what did he say at the beginning?”, Simone asked.
“What do you mean?”, Adam replied, not quite understanding.
“You blushed so heavily I already feared you’d collapse.”, Simone thus explained grinning.
Adam couldn’t help but blush yet again at the memory, a goofy smile on his lips.
“He was drunk...”, the man uttered, his gaze fixated onto the floor.
“Oh my god! What did he say?”, Sandra inquired as well now.
“Did he confess his love to you?”, Simone guessed, her hands coming up to cover her mouth to mute some eventual excited squeals that dared to break lose.
“No! God, no.” Adam quickly replied and shook his head repeatedly.
“So what did he say then?”, the girl asked.
“He uh... He called me his Adam.”, the man answered and his head turned as red as a tomato yet again while the girls squealed excitedly.
So now the big day had come. Adam would’ve loved to have his friends as emotional stability with him but unfortunately they all either had to work or were at uni and thus couldn’t accompany him. He himself was lucky to have gotten the whole day off so he could properly prepare for the party, well as far as that was possible at least. Anyway, of course they had chatted for hours the day before and the girls had painted out various scenarios of how the evening would turn out. He had also gotten messages from all of them early in the morning telling him they’ll keep their fingers crossed and he shouldn’t worry too much and just enjoy it. However, that still didn’t change the fact that he was all by himself right now.  
Adam was nervous. He had just taken a shower and felt himself being sweaty again already. Thus, he quickly put on some deodorant before he walked into his bedroom where he had already put his chosen outfit onto the bed.
Adam had spent the whole day worrying what he should wear to the party. As it was quite an official occasion with high society guests, it was without question that a more elegant outfit was appropriate, but he didn’t want to exaggerate it either. It wasn’t as if he had that much of a choice anyway though.
In the end, he had settled with a black collarless shirt and black jeans, topped with his dark blue coat and headed towards the train station.
About two and a half hours later he had arrived at his destination and walked into the direction of the club. He had never been in this area of London but had of course checked it out online so he wouldn’t get lost.
As he turned round the corner, he could already hear some music and saw loads of people standing there, having a chat with friends or a cig before they’d walk inside. When he came closer, he saw the name of the club in illuminated letters and let out a breath of relief. At least he had found the place.  But how would he find Theo amongst all of these people? He was probably chatting with some friends of his’ and he didn’t fancy interrupting a conversation, especially because he had no idea what to say to him.
He was already starting to freak out, as he heard someone call his name. He turned into the direction where the sound had come from and was relieved when he saw Marc approaching him.
“Hey Adam!”, the man greeted him.
“Hi”, he siad meekly.
“I’m glad you came. Theo’ll be very happy to see you.”, Marc stated with a smile, resulting in Adam’s cheeks turning rosy.
“I’m sure he’ll join us in a bit. You can come with me until then if you like.”, the manager suggested.
“Oh, yes please.”, Adam replied, glad that he didn’t have to stand around all by himself like a lost puppy amongst strangers.
The kind man led him to a group of people consisting of artists and employees of the record label. They all greeted him and seemed to be really nice, thus he didn’t feel as uncomfortable around them anymore. He even managed to hold a conversation with a kind lady in a tiny dress and a red furish coat, who turned out to be an aspiring singer.
However, he didn’t know how much time had passed but Marc eventually spotted the singer in the crowd and thus shouted for him to come over.
“Hey mate! Good to see you.”, Marc smiled and moved to hug the man, patting his back a few times.
Adam felt his heartbeat speeding up as soon as he had set his eyes onto Theo. His mouth got dry and his mind felt blank. As always when he the other was around.
Theo then moved to greet the little group one after the other and shook their hands. As he arrived at Adam, he had a bright smile on his face.
Before he could say anything to him though, Marc beat him to it and said, “I think our friend here could use one of your special hugs.”
“Yeah?”, Theo asked grinning, his eyes never leaving Adam’s face which by now was already slightly flushed.
“You ready?”, he asked the nervous man but didn’t even wait for a reply.
Instead he wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly before he slightly lifted him up and swirled him around, resulting in an surprised squeal leaving Adam’s mouth and his arms coming round the singer’s neck instinctively, holding on tightly.  
Theo eventually stopped and put him down again, his arms still wrapped around him though. Adam moved his hands from the other’s neck to his shoulders and shyly glanced up at him. When he saw him smile brightly, he couldn’t help but smile back too, his cheeks reddened.
“Hello, by the way.”, the singer grinned.
“Hi”, Adam mumbled awkwardly and felt his face being deep red.
“Come on, let’s get inside.”, Theo said and let go of the older one, Adam mirroring his move.
The singer sent him another smile before he placed his hand onto his back to guide him along.  
The whole venue was fancily decorated, little round tables where people were having little snacks and drinks. Of course, there were also highly clichéd oysters and plenty of champagne amongst all kinds of various snacks and drinks. Seeing all this food made his stomach growl in protest. Due to his nervousness, he hadn’t been able to eat anything today yet. However, there was also nice music playing from the speakers but no one was dancing.
Theo led him to a table where Marc and some of the people he had met outside were standing and grabbed two glasses of champagne for himself and his company from a waiter who was balancing a whole tray of glasses with one hand on the way.
“Thanks”, Adam mumbled as he took the offered glass from the singer and quickly took a sip.
“Don’t worry, we won’t spend too much time here.”, Theo said to him as they arrived at the table.
“I’m not too much a fan of such events but Marc insists I attend them. After all, they signed me.”, the singer chuckled and took a sip of his drink as well.
“At least there’s drinks and food.”, Adam joked and felt his heart race at the look the other sent him.
“True that.”, Theo smiled and lifted his glass.
Adam grinned shyly as he lifted his glass as well to clink with the singer.
“Cheers”, the younger man said before he took another sip.
“Cheers”, Adam smiled and mirrored his movement.
“Thanks for accompanying me by the way”, the singer stated fondly and saw an adorable smile form on the older one’s face.
“I have to admit, I was quite surprised that you called.”, Theo said.
“Uhhh well...”, Adam started uncomfortably and cleared his throat. “To be honest, my friends practically forced me to it.”, he admitted.
“Oh did they?”, the singer asked smiling and took a mental note to thank them personally. “Well, cheers to them then!”, he chuckled and they clinked their glasses again.
There was silence for a moment, which made Adam a bit uncomfortable, thus he quickly said the first thing that came to his mind.
“I uhm... I’m sorry for falling asleep in your living room the other day by the way.”, Adam mumbled. “I didn’t mean to-“, he wanted to continue but was interrupted by the other.
“You mean my kitchen.”, the singer stated and smiled at him slyly, taking another sip of his champagne.
“...W-what?”, the older one asked and looked at him confusedly, not quite understanding.
“You fell asleep on a chair in my kitchen.”, Theo clarified. “I just thought it’d be more comfortable to sleep on the couch, so I carried you there.”, he added.
“You- Oh...“, Adam uttered and blushed heavily.
So that’s why he couldn’t remember getting into the other’s living room. Because he didn’t.
“God that’s embarrassing, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to fall asleep I just hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before.”, he blurted and stared at the floor.
“Hey hey, no need to be sorry. It’s alright.”, Theo smiled at him. “You did look quite... worn-out.”, he added and Adam couldn’t help but blush, remembering the cause for his miserableness.
“You can say it, you know.”, Adam muttered, staring at his glass uneasily. “That I looked like shit.”
“Now that I think back, I don’t even know how I can ever face you again after you saw me like that.”, the older man went on.  
“Hey, now don’t say that! We all have our ups and downs and you really don’t have to be ashamed of anything.”, Theo reassured and sent him a sincere smile.
“Thank you”, Adam mumbled and dared to look at him again, a faint smile on his lips.  
“So, was that why you didn’t reply to my message? Because you were afraid to face me again?”, the singer then asked.
Adam lowered his gaze again and sighed.
“Well, kind of, yeah.”, he admitted. Keeping all his other worries to himself though.
“Oh thank god.”, the younger one suddenly mumbled, making the other look up at him frowning.
“Sorry, that came out wrong. I just- I mean I was worried it was because you figured out I’m not the kinda guy you thought and lost interest in me.”, the singer explained.
“You really thought that?”, Adam asked dumbfound and was speechless for a moment.
“God, I’m so sorry, if I had known you’d worry about it I’d have replied right away! It’s just, I’ve embarrassed myself in front of you so many times already and then you saw me like that and... I thought maybe that was the last straw for good.“, the older one eventually uttered.
“Well, you won’t get rid of me that easily, I can tell you that.”, Theo said and sent him an adorable smile at which Adam couldn’t help but smile back.
About two hours of small talk with important members of the industry, three speeches and some more or less entertaining show acts later some guests of the party got quite visibly bored of the event and were mainly only jollying themselves along with wine and champagne. Adam on the other hand didn’t mind that at all. He could’ve listened to ten more men or women talking about the history of a global firm and would still not be tired of it. It wasn’t as if he’d be super interested in what they were saying, not at all. He just enjoyed being with Theo, regardless of the circumstances.
Anyway, speaking of the singer, Theo suddenly leaned closer to the older man and said one felt his heartbeat quicken in an instant.
“Wanna go to a real party?”, Theo spoke into his ear.
Adam felt his neck hair rise at the sudden closeness but nodded and followed the singer through the crowded room, which wasn’t so easy because there were groups of people everywhere.
On the way out of the venue, a couple of the singer’s friends, who were quite bored of the record label party as well, joined them and together they walked through London looking for a proper club.
They soon had found one and because he was out with celebrities, they came into the club right away, without having to queue like dozens of other party goers.
However, as they had had another round of drinks the group was now enjoying themselves on the dance floor, even though Theo did get recognised by quite a few fans who politely asked for a photo. Of course the singer patiently posed for a selfie with all of the girls and Adam could see them all beaming from happiness. He was just glad that none of them paid much attention to the singer’s company, as they just had eyes for the man himself.
As they were heading home, the group came across some photo booth. Needless to say, the five men immediately hurried inside the cubicle. Adam walked over to them with a smile but stayed outside.
“Oi, Adam! Come in here!”, a guy named Alex shouted for the man, holding the curtain back.
“It’s alright”, the other shrugged it off and swayed a bit, not wanting to interrupt the group of friends. “The booth is full anyway.”, he added.
“Oh c’mon, get in!”, Theo’s excited voice was suddenly heard.
“You can sit on my lap.”, he added with a grin and patted onto his tighs.
Adam had already opened his mouth to decline but in the next moment, Alex grabbed him by his coat and just pulled him inside the cubicle.
“There you go”, the dark haired man stated and pushed Adam towards the singer, who promptly grabbed him and pulled him onto his lap sideways, arms firmly wrapped around his middle.
Adam felt a bit dizzy due to the hasty movement, but being that close to Theo quickly made him forget about that. And about everything else, actually.
“Alright, we’re ready!”, the singer then announced happily.
“Alright then! Three, two, one – go!”, a blonde man named Evan started the countdown before he pressed the button to start the machine.
The guys were dorking around and pulling faces while the photos were being taken. Their joyous laughter was heard loudly on the otherwise empty street outside.
After the three photos had been taken, the others already went outside the small cubicle, leaving Adam and Theo behind alone. To be fair, the singer could hardly stand up with the other sitting on top of him but Adam didn’t seem like he’d want to move anytime soon.
The older man looked at the other dreamily with a stupid grin on his face. Theo couldn’t help but smile back at that adorable sight. Adam’s gaze started to wander down to the singer’ lips before he looked up into his eyes again. Suddenly he leaned forward and drunkenly pressed a kiss to the other’s lips, resulting in Theo slightly crashing against the wall of the photo booth behind him.
As Adam pulled back again and was grinning even brighter, the singer couldn’t help but laugh. It wasn’t that he had had anything against that little peck but he also knew how shy the other usually was around him. He was desperate to change that though. He wanted the other to open up and feel comfortable around him. Maybe even kiss him properly but without having to drink himself some courage first.
To be honest, Theo had to admit that he had had a little crush on that man since he had seen him for the first time in the crowd at his concert. He had invited him for a drink afterwards to get to know him a bit better and it had turned out that Adam was a great guy. Shy but lovely. And pretty damn good looking.
“You’re drunk.”, Theo stated fondly and brought his hand up to slightly ruffle the other’s hair which made said one giggle drunkenly.
“C’mon, get up. We’ll get you to bed.”, the singer said and patted onto the other’s thigh.
Adam grumbled a bit but in the end did as told and got up from his comfy seat.
“Any chance you remember where your friend lives?”, Theo asked as they were walking down the empty street.
Adam had just taken a big bite from the burger which the singer had bought for him as they had passed a McDonalds and the older one’s stomach had complained loudly due to the lack of food he had received today. The man seemed thoughtful for a moment as he chewed the delicious snack.
“Uh, I think it was something with road and a three at the end.”, Adam then slurred, seeming quite proud of himself that he actually remembered that.
“Something with road? That really narrows it down, doesn’t it?”, Theo replied and started laughing loudly.
The older one didn’t seem to get why the singer was suddenly laughing and thus looked at him with furrowed brows.
“What?”, he asked.
Instead of answering, Theo just cackled even harder though.
“God, you’re adorable.”, the singer eventually uttered as his laughing had tuned down a bit.
Adam sighed contently as he turned around and snuggled into the comfy pillow, hugging the duvet close.
“Good morning”, a soft voice suddenly startled him though and his eyes opened instantly.
He was confused for a moment, as he didn’t remember where he was and what on earth was happening because he very well knew that voice. Thus, he sat up in shock, his eyes looking around the room before eventually settling on Theo. Oh. Oh dear.
“Theo?”, he asked totally gobsmacked.
“What-?!”, the man tried to ask then but was hindered to speak any further as a stinging pain in his head suddenly demanded attention.
“Oh fuck”, Adam thus groaned, his right hand reaching up to his head, his eyes closing.
“Here”, the voice of his host was heard right beside him in the next moment.
Thus, he opened his eyes again and saw a glass of weirdly colored water being held out towards him.
“For your head”, the singer smiled at him, nodding towards the liquid in his hand.
Adam took it with a mumbled “Thank you” and immediately felt his cheeks redden.
“Drink up”, Theo said gently. “It’ll help”, he added.
The older man did as told and took a few big gulps of the somewhat oddly tasting liquid.
“Pancakes or omelette?”, the kind man asked him then.
“What?”, Adam replied a bit dumbfound.
“I’ll make us breakfast. What do you like, pancakes or omelette?”, the singer therefore repeated his question.
“Oh uhm... I don’t know.. What do you prefer?”
“I like both, so it’s your decision.”, Theo replied with a smile.
Adam thought about it for a moment before he mumbled, “Omelette?”
“Omelette it is then.”, the singer said happily.
“I’ll go prepare breakfast and meanwhile you may take a shower or rest for a few more minutes. Just come to the kitchen when you’re ready, yeah?”, he asked.
The older man just hummed at that, not comfortable at all with the other spoiling him like that yet again.
Theo sent him another smile before he left the room.
Adam quickly downed the glass of whatever miraculous liquid the other had given him and already felt much better. He sighed deeply before he lay back down onto the soft mattress, closing his eyes, glad that the thumping of his head had stopped. A moment later, he opened them in a flash again though as he remembered where he was. He was in Theo Hutchcraft’s bedroom. Laying in said man’s bed. But did that mean... He shortly glanced next to him to see what he had already suspected. The bed-sheets on the other side of the bed were crumpled too. So he had yet again slept in one bed with the singer, the man’s own one in fact, and didn’t even remember a thing because he had been totally wasted? Well done mate.
The next thing he noticed was the t-shirt he was wearing though. He was a hundred percent sure that he had definitely not worn a t-shirt yesterday. Besides, it wasn’t the kind of t-shirt he’d usually buy. It looked and felt quite expensive actually. He took a closer look at the hem of it only to be proven right by yet another assumption. The brand turned out to be Armani. Well shit. So, did that mean that... Was he actually wearing a t-shirt from Theo?
He sat up again and felt like hitting himself on the head for being such an idiot but in the end decided against it in fear of his horrendous headache returning.
How late was it anyway?
He quickly leaned over to grab his phone from the nightstand to check the time. Shit, it was already afternoon. So he has already spent half the day with Theo without being aware of it? Oh god.
Anyway, as he looked at his phone, he also saw that he had a new message. From Sandra. Thus, he unlocked the device and opened the message.  
From Sandra, 7:22 am: Good morning my friend! So, as you didn’t spend the night at my place, I guess you spent it with Theo? Alright dude, I want a full report! Call me when you’re awake ;) xx
Of course, they were curious. There just wasn’t much to report as he had overslept most of the current day and didn’t remember much from the previous night due to too much alcohol. He sighed but eventually typed out a message.
From Adam, 1:02 pm: Hey! Yeah, I’m at Theo’s... He’s making breakfast. I’ll call you later! xx
From Sandra, 1:04 pm: OH MY GOOOOOOOOD!!!! 😱😱😱😱  Alright you lucky sod, enjoy your time with him but don’t forget calling me! We need information!!!!!!!!!! Like seriously OMFG!!!
Adam had to smile reading the message before he put his phone aside.
Anyway, he then took a quick shower and tried hard to suppress any inappropriate thoughts concerning him showering in the same shower where a certain singer had, judging by the wet tiles, showered just minutes before him. Uh yeah. However, as he was eventually done with cleaning himself, he changed into his clothes from the day before, that were neatly piled on a cupboard next to the bed.
He made his way through Theo’s apartment, following the scent of eggs and onions into the already familiar kitchen where the other was busy making omelettes.
Adam cleared his throat, resulting in the singer turning around towards him.
“Uhm... I guess this is yours?”, he then asked and lifted up the grey t-shirt he was holding.
“Ah yes, right! I just thought you might get a little cold sleeping shirtless. You can keep it if you like.”, the singer replied with a smile.
“Oh uhm... Thank you. That was very kind. But I can’t possible keep such an expensive piece of clothing.”, Adam mumbled.  
“You know what, you’re right, actually.”, Theo suddenly agreed, turned the heat on the stove lower, so their breakfast wouldn’t burn, and walked over to Adam.
“I should charge you appropriately for it.”, he then stated to the other’s discomfort, because he didn’t have much money with him and the few bucks he had were actually meant for the train ticket back home. Adam had no idea how much such a simple looking Armani t-shirt actually did cost but figured it surely was a ridiculously exorbitant amount.
“Hmmm, let’s see.”, the singer hummed, took the t-shirt into his hands and examined it as if he tried to remember how much it had actually cost him.
“If I remember correctly this one was rather expensive but because I like you, really like you, you’ll get it for a special charge.”, the younger man eventually said.
“I think a kiss would be a fair price actually.”, Theo then announced, totally getting the other off guard.
Adam’s eyes went wide at that. Did the other just really say that?
“What?”, he thus uttered totally dumbfound, not believing what he had just heard.
“A kiss for a t-shirt.”, the singer repeated, a smile lingering on his lips.
“That expensive?”, the older man asked, trying to sound jokingly to overplay his massive awkwardness.
Theo shrugged at that, his smile getting bigger.
“After all it’s one of my favourites.”, the younger man explained.
What he left unspoken was that he got dozens of clothing from his favourite brands for free but Adam didn’t have to know that, did he?
“O-okay uhh..., then that’s fair I guess...”, Adam mumbled and felt his cheeks redden already.
He watched the other put the t-shirt onto the kitchen counter and walk closer to him until he was eventually standing right in front of him. The singer sent him an adorable smile, his hands settling onto the other’s hips, pulling him closer. Adam felt his heart hammer madly in his chest, his cheeks flushed. He then brought his arms up behind the singer’s neck and smiled at him shyly.
Adam took a deep breath, inhaling Theo’s scent before he closed his eyes and felt his breath hitching in his throat. He eventually leaned forward and in the next second his lips met the singer’s in a soft touch. He felt himself shaking as Theo responded to the kiss right away, the other’s arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him flush against the man’s body. Adam sighed softly, moving his lips against the one’s of the man of his dreams. He was sure Theo could feel his racing heartbeat but he didn’t even care. The other probably already knew that he was crazy for him anyway.
Suddenly there was an odd smell detectable though and in the next moment, the singer quickly pulled back and let go of him.
“Oh shit, the omelettes!”, Theo shrieked and hastily turned away from Adam, hurrying over to the stove.
Adam couldn’t help but laugh as he watched the singer save their breakfast but also felt bitter that their kiss had been interrupted.
Shortly after, the younger one sighed relieved and put the food on two plates before he turned towards him again. The omelettes were quite dark at certain parts but not burnt yet. He already felt his stomach grumble by looking at their appetizingly smelling breakfast.
“I do think I deserve a bonus for saving our food, you know.”, the singer smirked.
Adam grinned at him broadly, his cheeks still flushed but quickly crossed the distance between them, wrapped his arms around the younger one’s middle and pressed a loving kiss to his mouth.
As he pulled back and let go of him again, the other sent him his brightest smile ever and Adam couldn’t help but smile back stupidly happy.
“Here”, the younger one said, got the t-shirt from the counter and held it out towards him.
“Deal is deal”, he added and grinned widely.
“Thank you”, Adam mumbled and took the t-shirt into his hands.
“No, thank you.”, the singer smiled.
After Adam had helped the singer with the dishes, despite the host insisting that he was his guest and didn’t have to do anything, they had moved to the singer’s big and comfy couch in the living room.
“You can come closer you know.”, Theo stated, as the other had sat down too far away for his likening.
“I mean judging by yesterday I thought you were more the cuddly guy.”
Adam’s eyes went wide as the other’s words had sunk in and realisation hit him.
“Oh god”, he groaned. “I’m sorry, I tend to snuggle things or well... people while sleeping.”, Adam muttered embarrassed.
“There’s absolutely no need to be sorry. I enjoyed it very much, actually.”, the singer stated and quickly saw the other’s cheeks redden at that.
‘Great. So you two have cuddled in bed and you don’t remember a thing. Good fucking job, mate.’, he angrily thought to himself.
As he was busy mentally scolding himself, he didn’t notice that the singer had moved awfully close and thus slightly gasped as he felt the other’s warmth right next to him. Suddenly Theo moved even closer though and had him straddled a moment later.
Adam gulped audibly, his mind catching up on the current situation. Here he was sitting on Theo Hutchcraft’s couch with his popstar crush sitting on top of him, grinning at him. What even?
After the initial shock had abated, he couldn’t help the broad smile forming on his face and hesitantly wrapped his arms around the younger man’s middle. The singer interlaced his arms behind his neck and leaned his forehead against the one of the man below. Adam took a shaky breath and felt goosebumps appear on his entire body. He was so damn close.
In the next moment, he felt the soft touch of lips on his own and his eyes fell shut immediately. He felt the other's heat and his weight pressing down on him, gentle hands slightly tugging on his hair. Eventually he responded to the kiss and pressed a couple of pecks to the other’s soft lips. Good thing he was already seated, otherwise his knees would probably give in beneath him. This was just so surreal.
Suddenly his low self-esteem and self-destructive thoughts found their way into his consciousness again though. What on earth did he do to deserve this? What was it that Theo saw in him? He could have anyone and yet here he was kissing the popstar. Why would the singer even hang out with someone like him, let alone get close to him?
“Something wrong?”, Theo asked, sensing the sudden mood change and leaned back a bit so he could properly look at him.
“No nothing, it’s just...”, Adam mumbled and sighed heavily.
“I mean out of everyone you could be with, you’re sitting here with me.”, he added quietly, not looking at the other.
At that the singer moved off him and sat down beside him again.
“Listen Adam, if you don’t want to be with me-“, he started hesitantly but didn’t get further than that.
“Of course I want to!”, the older man quickly interrupted him. “It’s just...”, he started and sighed, leaving the rest unspoken.
“And I want to be with you.”, the singer replied and looked at him fondly, resulting in the other finally facing him again as well.
“Is that really so hard to believe?”, he asked.
“Actually, yes”, the other gave back.
“Why’s that? You’re kind, funny, smart and bloody attractive. So now give me one good reason why you think you’re not good enough or shut up and kiss me.”, Theo stated.
Adam was about to open his mouth but the singer didn’t even let him take a breath. Instead, he grabbed the man’s head with both of his hands and pulled him into a loving kiss, almost making the other crash against him. Sure enough, the older one couldn’t find the strength to resist and responded right away.
After some excessive making out, they ended up snuggling together on the cushioned heaven that was the singer’s couch.
They spent the whole afternoon talking about all kinds of things to get to know each other. Theo wanted to know everything about him, starting from his favourite colour or his favourite book to his friends or what an ordinary day in his life looked like. Even though Adam already knew quite a few things about the other, he loved hearing it from the man himself. He also didn’t want to admit how much he actually already knew about him though because he’d surely come across as a creep when he just was a deliberate fan.
However, he didn’t know how much time they had spent talking but he figured it surely were quite a few hours. As it already got slightly dark outside, Adam eventually sat up from his comfy position.
“Oh shit, what’s the time?”, he asked drowsily.
Theo pulled out his phone from his pocket and squinted his eyes at the sudden brightness for a moment before he replied “5:10 pm”.
“Damn I need to catch my train in twenty minutes!”, he groaned.
“You have to go already?”, the singer asked, sounding a tad sad and sat up as well.
“I was hoping you could stay a bit longer actually.”, he added.
“I wish I could but I have to work tomorrow.”, Adam sighed.
“On a Sunday?”, Theo inquired, his brows slightly furrowed.
“Yeah. Cafés usually don’t know weekends. I mean I’d have had the weekend off but then I swapped shifts with a colleague so I could have Friday off instead and now I have to take her’s on Sunday.”, he explained.
“Ah, I see.”, the younger man mumbled.
Adam was already on his feet and straightened his clothes, the singer’s eyes lingering on his body.
Eventually Theo got up too and escorted him to the door.
There the older one put on his shoes and his coat, which the other had neatly hung onto his wardrobe.
“Adam?”, the singer suddenly asked.
“Yes?”, the man asked as he closed the zipper and turned towards him.
“Can you promise me something?”
“Sure”, the other replied a bit hesitantly and maybe even a tad nervous.
“Call me after work tomorrow.”, Theo said.
“I will”, the older man agreed right away, a smile on his lips.
Theo took a step towards him and hugged him tightly, making Adam’s heart do a funny flip. The man eventually brought his arms up as well and hugged the other too, enjoying the closeness.
The singer then pulled back so he could look at him and moved in to press a kiss to his lips.
Adam’s eyes fluttered shut and his heart hammered madly in his chest yet again. Theo eventually pulled back, resulting in the older one’s eyes opening again only to fall shut right after as the singer planted another kiss onto his mouth.
“Bye”, Theo hummed as he pulled back again.
“Bye”, the older man replied a bit breathless.
The singer sent him a bright smile before he opened the door and watched Adam step out into the corridor. The older one shyly brought up his hand and waved a bit awkwardly. Theo smiled widely at that and enthusiastically waved back.
“And don’t forget to call me!”, the singer shouted after him as the man was already on his way down the stairs.
As Theo heard the front door open and close shortly after he went back into his apartment and closed the door. He leaned against it and sighed, a happy smile on his lips. He had to admit that he was a bit disappointed that he couldn’t spend the whole weekend with Adam, which had been the reason why he had invited him to the party in the first place and didn’t suggest to do something together on Saturday instead. Nonetheless, he had enjoyed every single second he had got to spend with him and was already looking forward to when Adam would call him tomorrow. 
Part 5
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hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
Never call me by my name
Hey you guys. So below the cut I present you my newest writing. It’s more of an experiment and I mainly just wrote it down to get it out of my head. It’s the result of reading too much certain fanfiction... Also sorry for any mistakes and feel free to leave feedback. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it. x
Adam was nervously pacing. He was in an elevator, on his way to the top floor, to his boss’ penthouse. He was working in a quite dangerous business, which one could surely call illegal. His boss was one of the most dangerous men in Europe. Hell, he was probably one of the most dangerous men in the whole world. Murder and theft were just two banalities this institution dealt with on a daily base. Adam was quite new in this organization and thus had not gotten any super important or top-secret mission yet. He was more or less just a henchman who did the dirty works the higher-ranking members considered themselfes too good for.
Anyway, today he had been out on the field with some of the best men in the organization but then something went terribly wrong. They had gotten into an ambush from the MI6. It was suspected that there was some undercover agent amongst them, who had infiltrated their organization for months and thus gathered inside information, like the secret headquarter where they had been attacked. The intern investigations were going full-speed and it surely was only a matter of days until the mole was detected. That poor soul could already dig his grave. Trying to run from his boss was senseless.
Anyway, several had been injured in the attack but the worst was that the MI6 had gotten their hands on a hard-drive containing a list of the identities of people who were working for their criminal association. High-ranking members of government facilities all over the globe, giving their boss access to top-secret information and whom were also a big part of the financial income of their organization. Of course, the data was protected but eventually the hacking specialists of the MI6 would crack it and that’d be a catastrophe.  
However, as he was the rookie in this institute, he had been picked to bring the bad news to their boss. He had probably heard it from someone already but the man always insisted that good as well as bad news always got reported to him personally. Assumingly to reward or penalise someone right away.’They surely wouldn’t have sent me to convey good news.’, Adam thought to himself.
Anyway, up to now Adam had only ever seen his boss from afar at a meeting or on photos, which only made him more anxious. Judging from his appearance on photos, he guessed his boss to be about the same age group as himself, although he suspected him to be maybe one or two years younger. However, the elevator eventually had reached it’s destination and stopped with a ding before the doors opened. Adam took a shaky breath, trying to calm down and not present himself as a total moron to his boss. Weak employees were not tolerated in this business.
His whole body was trembling as he walked to the only dark wooden door on the floor. He took a few deep breaths and before he could chicken out, he lifted his shaky hand and knocked three times.
It wasn’t too long until the door was opened and he came face to face with his boss. Adam held his breath for a moment. Damn, he looked even better than he had thought. Photos really didn’t do him justice. Adam let his eyes wander over the slightly taller man in front of him. He had perfectly slicked back hair, a single earring in his left ear, sharp cheekbones, slight stubble, full lips, a dimple on his chin and this slim fitted tailored suit that adapted seamlessly to the other’s figure. As he realised what he was doing, he quickly tore his gaze away from his boss’ body and his eyes settled onto the whisky brown ones of the man in front of him. They had a dangerous twinkle in them. He was just glad his boss couldn’t read his mind or this would’ve probably been his death sentence. Adam gulped hard as he remembered why he was here. He felt his mouth getting dry, his mind blank.
“Oh, Adam.”, the smart dressed and stern looking man said, not really seeming surprised to see him.
Adam was quite gobsmacked, that his boss actually knew his name. He should’t be though because of course the other knew everything that was happening in his organization and therefore also everyone who worked for him.
“I should’ve known those cowards would send you.”, he then added.
As Adam looked at him confusedly, the other elaborated his previous statement.  
“They know I won’t kill you.”, his boss stated dryly and Adam felt his heartbeat speeding up.
He hadn’t even considered the option that his boss might just kill him like that to teach his coworkers a lesson. Those damn bastards were probably suspecting this sort of punishment though which was of course why they had sent him. Fucking damn it. But wait, what had his boss just said? They know I won’t kill you? What? Why was that? He was just a newbie, easy to replace. So what was it that kept the other from doing so?
“You’re good at your job and a very loyal man. You’d never dare to betray me.”, was the nonchalant reply to his unspoken question, as if the other could actually read his mind.
Adam realised that he hadn’t said a single word up to now but his throat felt corded up. He was intimidated by the man in front of him.
“Come in then.”, his boss then stated and moved to the side, allowing Adam to enter the private rooms of his penthouse.
After a moment of hesitation, the other eventually entered the room with a very uneasy feeling in his stomach. ‘Alright Adam, calm the fuck down. He just said that he won’t kill you. No need to freak out.’, he thought to himself. ‘Yeah, but what if he changed his mind?’, he then added.
The other led him to a room that looked like an office, with a big mahogany desk opposite of a glass front that offered a breathtaking view over the city of London. The man sat down onto a chair behind the desk and looked up at Adam, who stood in front of the piece of furniture, intensely.
“So, what brings you here?”, his boss asked, although he certainly knew why he was here.
“I’m here to apologize for what happened today, boss.”, Adam replied, not sounding a tad as confident as he had wanted to.  
His boss let out a sarcastic laugh at that, which sent a shiver down his spine.
“That’s brave of you Adam. But there’s nothing you could do to fix this. So why are you here?”, the man asked.
Adam felt his palms getting sweaty, his heartbeat quickening. He could’t bear the penetrating look of his boss and thus, lowered his gaze.
“I thought that- If there’s maybe something I could do for you to lift your mood.”, the older man replied meekly.
Adam had no idea if there was anything useful he could do for his boss in this situation. From similar situations in the past he knew that torture of the person responsible or killing a man that had wronged him in the past might make up for failures. But he wasn’t one of those in charge for said failed mission, so torturing him would hopefully not be desireable for his boss. On the other hand, Adam has never killed anyone before yet and therefore this wasn’t really something he’d hope to be commissioned with either.
“Well, there is indeed something.”, his boss stated after a moment of considering the other’s offer.
Hearing that, Adam looked up at him hopefully.
“But I don’t know if you-“, the man then started but Adam didn’t let him finish.
“I can do it!”, the older one interrupted him in a wave of enthusiasm because there was apparently something that he could do to ease the other’s anger.  
He regretted his sudden motivational outburst a moment later though, because you don’t interrupt someone like the man in front of him while he was talking. Especially not when he was pissed because of some incident that had only taken place a few hours ago.
Adam gulped hard at that, fearing that he indeed had tempted fate this time.
“You don’t even know what I want from you and yet you’re sure you can do it?”, his boss asked, laughing.
“I’ll do anything.”, the older man replied.
“Anything?”, his boss asked mischievely, a dangerous twinkle in his eyes.
“Yes”, was the imminent answer, even if the man who spoke it felt uneasy about it as soon as the word was out.
“So be it.”, the younger one spoke pleased, stood up from his chair and made his way towards Adam.
This move made said man very nervous because he now feared for his life for good. He stared shaking but didn’t dare to move. Even if he’d have wanted to run away, he couldn’t as he was frozen to the spot.
To his total surprise and also slight shock, his boss stopped right in front of him and just looked him up and down for a second before he firmly grabbed his jaw with one hand and roughly pulled him into a kiss. At that total unforeseen action, Adam’s eyes went wide and a surprised moan escaped his lips. He didn’t know what to do. What the hell was going on? In the next moment, the sharp tip of his boss’ tongue had already parted his lips and thrust into his mouth, getting another moan from the older one, which only seemed to spur the other on. Adam eventually got out of his trance like state and hesitantly responded to the kiss, getting some sighs in return.
It felt weird to kiss his boss, especially given the fact that he was one of the most dangerous man on the planet but it was also strangely exciting and it turned him on. His eyes fluttered shut as he felt the other’s tongue sliding against his own, exploring his mouth. In the next moment, the other was tugging at his suit jacket, dragging it off him and leaving him in his black short sleeve.
Adam didn’t even notice that they had moved until his back was suddenly shoved against a wall with a smack, pushing the air out of his lungs. It had hurt a bit but he didn’t dare to complain. Before he had even fully realised what was going on, his boss had already opened his belt and pants and stuck a hand into his trousers, grabbing him roughly through his boxers. A loud animalistic sound ripped through the room, his breathing hitched. His boss smiled at him, as he kept squeezing his lenghth, getting some delicate moans out of his servant.
“You like that, don’t you?”, the other snarled right next to his ear. It wasn’t really a question as he could very well feel that he did like it.
As Adam already felt himself getting hard, the hand was suddenly removed again. Disappointed he opened his eyes, coming face to face with his boss, seeing his swollen lips for which he was responsible. That thought immediately sent another jolt down south.
“Take your pants off”, the man then ordered, pupils dilated, sounding needy.
Adam just stood there for a moment before he pushed himself away from the wall. He was a bit wobbly on his feet but the adrenaline in his body quickly made him forget about it. He swiftly took off his shoes along with his socks before he shrugged out of his pants.
“Boxers too.”, he heard his boss say and thus looked up at him. He was watching his every move, standing there fully clothed while his employee undressed in front of him.
Adam felt uneasy being that exposed in front of his boss and therefore hesitated for a moment.
“I said boxers off.”, his boss ordered once more, tone more commanding this time.
Hesitantly, the older man snuck his fingers behind the elastic band and dragged his boxers down, stepped out of them and shoved them to the rest of his clothes with his foot.
“Good boy”, the man announced, as he got closer to Adam, eyes focused on his’.
When he was standing right in front of him though, his gaze trailed lower, settling onto the other’s hardening member.
“Big boy”, his boss said and looked up into his by now dark red face again, a bright smile on his lips.
He then leaned in and captured his servant’s lips again with his’, more gentle this time but still dominant. Adam kissed back right away, soft sighs leaving his lips. The older man then brought up his hands, grabbing the suit jacket of his boss but the other quickly smacked his hands away and pinned them onto the wall on both sides of his head instead. The younger one let his teeth sink into the other’s lips, receiving a hiss from Adam, which made him smile. He then moved his right knee between his servant’s legs, pressing up and making Adam moan.
“Mmmh”, the man hummed, biting his own lower lip as he watched the pleasurable expression of the man in front of him. Adam had his eyes closed, a small crease forming on his forehead, lips lightly parted. In the next moment his boss started to move his knee against the other’s crotch, pressing up with a little more force, his tigh rubbing against the older one’s hard on, resulting in some more lewd noises filling the room.
His boss then licked his lips and leaned forward to capture Adam’s lips with his’ once more. The other responded eagerly, moaning into his boss’ mouth. Suddenly those soft lips and the teasing knee were gone though, causing Adam to open his hazed eyes in displeasure.
“Lay onto the bed. Face down.”, was the next order he received and his gaze fell onto the big bed in the room next door, which he hadn’t even noticed at first.
“And take your t-shirt off.”, the other added as the man was already on his way into the other room.
Adam did as told and hurriedly took off his last piece of clothing before he obediently lay down onto the bed on his stomach.  
“You’re not allowed to turn around. Understood?”, he heard his boss say from the office.
“Yes boss.”, he replied dutifully, wondering what was happening next.
He heard some rustling of fabric, suggesting that the other was taking off his clothes too. Oh god. He already felt himself getting hot at the thought of what was to come.
It wasn’t too long until the matress shifted below him, indicating that the man had joined him on the bed.
In the next moment, his legs were slightly spread and his boss sat down between them.
“Relax”, he heard the almost calming voice of the other man from behind him, as a warm hand soothingly stroke down his back, trailling lower and lower, making goose bumps appear on the older one’s entire body.
The next thing he heard was the ripping of plastic and then some slicky sounds.
Adam took in a ragged breath as suddenly something cold and wet was teasing his breach. A moment later, it dipped inside and was removed again only to push in fully right afterwards.
“Ughh”, he grunted at the unusual feeling and pressed his face into the pillow under him to mute the sounds of his discomfort, as the finger started moving inside of him.
Shortly after, a second finger was added and then the third, moving in and out of him, spreading him, preparing him. It felt absolutely weird and uncomfortable but he knew better than to complain.
Suddenly he felt a jolt run through his entire body as one of the other’s fingers had graced his prostate and he therefore moaned loudly. At that, the other immediately repeated his movement, getting some more sensual sounds out of the man.
“Alright, that’s enough”, he heard the other murmur then and all fingers were removed completely.  
Adam would’ve complained at the sudden emptiness if it wasn’t for one of the most dangerous men sitting between his legs. Suddenly he was firmly grabbed by his hips, his rear slightly hauled up so that he was now kneeling on the bed.
He was almost tempted to look back but didn’t dare to, as his boss had strictly told him not to do it. Everything was already forgotten though, when he could feel something else at his entrance, teasing him. It was cold and slicky as well but much bigger. He gulped hard, heartbeat quickening in anticipation.
A moment later, the full lenghth of his boss pushed into him, slow but resolute. He bit down hard on his palm, surely leaving some marks there, but could’t fully repress some painful groans.
As he was fully mounted, the other didn’t move, letting him adjust to the feeling. The older one pressed his face into the pillow, muting some grunting sounds. It hurt a bit but he knew better than to complain.
“You good?”, the younger man then asked, his hands wandering up and down the other’s sides in an almost soothing manner. He seemed cautious, which was unusual for him but Adam appreciated it.
Adam didn’t trust his voice and thus just nodded his head, muttering a “Mhm”.
His boss then slightly started to roll his hips, adapting to the tightness around him. The older one let out a grunt at that, resulting in the other stopping his movement.
“Relax.”, the younger one mumbled. “Just tell me when you’re ready.”, he said, strangely sensitive.
“I’m ready.”, Adam replied right away, needing the other to move.
“You sure?”, he was asked, his boss not seeming convinced.
“Yes”, the older man grunted.
As he slowly got used to the feeling, the other testingly pulled out and then gradually thrust into him again, getting a quiet groan from the man underneath. The younger one adjusted himself to a slow rhythm, moving in and out of him deliberately, focussing not to slam into him as he would’ve wanted. He slightly moved his hips, changing the angle and soon got a breathless moan from the man under him. He pushed in again, hitting his sweet spot once more and promptly got another moan from his servant.
Satisfied with the reaction he got, his boss sped up his pace, thrusting into him in a steady rhythm that fitted both of them, getting the older one closer and closer to the edge. Adam was totally lost in the pleasurable sensation, delicate moans leaving his lips, the pain long forgotten.
Suddenly his boss pulled out fully though and he couldn’t help the desperate groan that left his lips. He had been so close already.
“Turn around.”, the man then ordered.
Adam’s brain had turned into jelly and he couldn’t grasp a clear thought at first, thus it took him a second to understand what his boss wanted from him.
“I said turn around”, his boss repeated, louder this time, impatient. “I want to look at you.”, he added in a softer tone.
Adam eventually turned onto his back and came face to face with his boss, which made him hold his breath. For a brief moment, he could see all the lust on his face, his pitch-black pupils, swollen lips, slightly messy hair. Damn he looked so fucking hot. In the next second the other already pushed into him again though, hitting his sweet spot right away and making him moan loudly. Noticing the pleasure of his employee, the man repeated this action several times, hitting his prostate over and over again, getting the sweetest lewd sounds out of those delicious lips.
“Oh god yes- mmmmmmmhh”, the older one moaned shamlessly, completely losing himself due to the pleasure he felt.
“I want you to say my name”, his boss stated while he thrusted into him frantically.
Adam lazily opened his eyes at that, looking at the man hovering over him.
“B-boss?”, he mumbled uncertainly between some sensual moans he couldn’t repress.
“You know it.”, his boss replied sternly, looking straight into his eyes.  
“Say it.”, he demanded, his thrusts becoming slower and deeper.
“I- hnnng”, Adam moaned.
“I order you to say my name.”, the other repeated his request, voice commanding.  
“Theo”, Adam hummed quietly.
A satisfied grin appeared on his boss’ face as he heard that. None of his servants has ever called him by his name and no one ever will. No one but Adam.
“Louder”, Theo ordered, speeding up his pace.
“Theo”, the older one sighed in pleasure.
“Oh god- yes.... Theo mmmmmhh Theooo”, Adam moaned loudly.
“Good boy”, the other hummed and continued to thrust his hips forward.  
As Adam could already feel his muscles twitching and the heat rise in his lower body, Theo suddenly stopped all of his movements, stilling inside of his servant. The older man opened his eyes at that, looking at his boss with pleading eyes.
“N-no mh... More please.”, he mumbled desperately.
“You want more?”, Theo asked cockily.
“Yes”, Adam sighed.  
“Beg for more. Beg me to make you come.”, his boss then announced, smiling down at him.
Adam was twitching below him, eyes wide and his cheeks flushed.
“I’m waiting.”, the man stated and let his hands wander over the other’s chest.
“Please-“, Adam grunted in despair.
“What was that? I can’t hear you.”, Theo replied teasingly.
“Please. I need- mhh“, the older one started but the rest of his sentence got stuck in his throat.
“I’m sorry, are you talking to me?”, the other smirked.
“Please Theo”, Adam begged louder, looking right into the other’s deep brown eyes.
“What do you want me to do?”, his boss asked innocently and rolled his hips forward.
“Oh gooood- hngg- Fuck me please!”, Adam groaned out in desperation.
“Oh, you could’ve said that right away.”, the younger one replied smirking before he readopted his previous pace and thrusted into the man again.
The older one moaned in pleasure, finally getting what he needed.
His boss then grabbed his leaking cock and gave it a few fluid strokes, tipping Adam over the edge. It didn’t take long until the older man came with a loud moan, spilling himself all over Theo’s upper body. The younger one buried himself in his servant once more before he came with a satisfied moan as well, cumming inside the other.
Both were breathing heavily. The younger man pulled out and sat back down on his heels before he looked down at himself, his expression surely not pleased at what he saw.
Adam followed his gaze and froze in an instant.
“Oh god. Shit Theo, I’m so sorry! I- I mean boss! God. I’m so sorry, boss!”, Adam thus uttered immediately, his face turning deep red as he had accidentally addressed his boss by his first name without the other’s explicit allowance.
As he was internally already freaking out not only because of the name calling incident but also the cumming all over his boss’ upper body, the other leaned forward, hands settling besides the older man’s head, his face coming closer to Adam’s.
“I- I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-“, he was about to apologize again, when he was shut up by a firm finger on his lips, keeping him from speaking further.
To his surprise, his boss didn’t say anything though as he removed his finger again but instead closed the last distance between them and pressed his lips against the other’s once more. Adam’s eyes fluttered shut but in the next moment, the younger man had already retrieved again. Disappointed he opened he eyes and leaned up on his elbows.
The older man watched as the other backed away and stepped off the bed. He was heading towards what he suspected to be the bathroom. Adam could only stare in awe at the well-defined and tanned body of his boss, his eyes scanning him from head to toe, now that he could look at him. Oh what he’d give to get his hands on that firm ass. Although, it would probably be the last thing his hands would ever get on.
Then the man suddenly turned around to him though, resulting in his eyes flashing up to two dark brown ones that were staring right back at him.
“Well, what are you waiting for? Do you think the mess you made will clean itself?”, Theo asked harshly.
“Yes. No- I mean of course not.”, Adam stammered, his cheeks reddening again and quickly got out of the bed as well, following his boss who smiled pleased.  
“You’ve been a very good boy today, Adam. I’m very satisfied with you.”, Theo praised his employee, meanwhile rubbing his own hair dry with a towel.
“Thank you.”, the older man replied meekly as he slipped his t-shirt over and felt his cheeks heating up.
“You may tell the other’s that I won’t punish any of you today. Everyone deserves a second chance. But if my data doesn’t return within 48 hours I’ll have to think about it again.”, his boss announced. “And now leave me alone, I have work to do.”, he added.
Adam let out a breath of relief. That was some good news he could bring the others, even though they didn’t deserve it as the had deliberately been willing to sacrifice him. If they wouldn’t manage to return the stolen data they’d be the ones to pay the price though.
However, the older man quickly put on his socks and shoes and picked up his jacket. He was already heading towards the door as he got stopped by a voice behind him.
“Oh and Adam?”, his boss suddenly said, making the other turn around to him again.
“Yes?”, the older one asked with uneasiness in his voice.
“One more thing.”, the man said and walked over to him.  
“Outside of bed you will never call me by my name.”, Theo stated seriously.
“Understood?”, he asked.
“Yes, boss.”, Adam replied immediately, his cheeks turning rosy at the memory of addressing his boss by his first name.
“Good.”, the other replied pleased and opened the door.
“You may go now.”, he allowed and watched his servant lower his head shortly before he stepped outside into the corridor.
Theo looked after the man shortly, his gaze setting onto the other’s arse for a second before he closed the door behind him with a small smile.  
Adam walked over into the elevator and pressed the button to the floor he came from. He couldn’t help the sudden goofy smile that formed on his face. He was still trying to process what the bloody hell had just happened.
11 notes · View notes
hurtsy-fiction · 6 years
It’s a kind of magic
Ladies and gentlemen, I hereby present you the story I never wanted to write and that absolutely no one asked for. I was writing on the next part for “Day X” when this got in between... Anyway, I hope you like it because it took me quite a while. Feedback would be very welcome! Enjoy. 
“Aah yes, the love potion. Our bestseller here.”, the shop owner said as he came up behind the singer, startling said man a bit as he had caught him curiously eyeing up a little bottle.
“It doesn’t really work though, does it?”, Theo asked, half jokingly, turning the bottle around in his hands. Of course he knew that this wasn’t a real love potion, he wasn’t stupid.
“Of course it does. At least most of the time. We don’t have a 100% guarantee.”, the shop owner stated with a sincere smile.
As the singer turned towards him questioningly, the man elaborated, “It can’t create love when there are no feelings from both sides. It can only increase or say stimulate feelings that are already there.”
Theo just nodded kindly. Of course this potion didn’t really work. This guy just made money from promising impossible things to desperate people. This was all nonsense. After all, magic doesn’t exist.
“Sure.”, he simply said and put the small bottle onto the shelf again, next to all sort of other mixtures, as he didn’t want to start arguing with the man.
The guy may be a fabulist but he seemed nice. And he apparently believed that the stuff he sold here really had some sort of magical power. It was a nice thought but that didn’t change the fact that none of it was actually working.
“Try it yourself then.”, the man offered with a smile.
“Although I don’t understand why a man like you would even need auxiliary material like that in the first place.”, he added with s smile.  
Theo chuckled nervously and glanced over at the simple looking bottle containing some red liquid once again.
“Aah, I see. Is it about a friend of yours?”, the shop owner guessed out of experience.
“No, no! Ad- We’re... friends. Just friends.”, Theo uttered, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks.
”Best friends.”, he added quietly.
“But you’d want the two of you to be more than just friends, don’t you?”, the man asked.
“I- I don’t- I mean I’m not-“, Theo stuttered, blushing slightly.
“You don’t need to explain yourself to me. It’s none of my business.”, the stranger said, noticing how flustered his customer got.
“It works over night. You’d have to give it to the person before they go to sleep. And they’d have to think of you when they drink it.”, he thus calmly explained the process how the mixture worked.
“Sorry but I don’t believe in such things.”, Theo stated, almost sounding a bit sad.
“It’ll also work if you don’t believe in it.”, the man said with a smile. It was surely not the first time he had heard this. A lot of his clients were suspicious at first. “Well, assuming your friend feels the same as you, of course.”, he then added.
“Just give it a try.”, the shop owner went on, seeing the doubt mixed with desire on his customer’s face.
“The worst that can happen is nothing and you can go back to grieving. But if it does show some effect, you might be the happiest person on this earth.”
“I don’t know.”, Theo mumbled and took the little bottle into his hand once again, examining it.
“How much would it be anyway?”, he asked, trying not to seem too curious.
That made a smile appear on the strangers face.
The man wrapped the bottle in some wrapping tissue and put it into a small bag.
“Don’t be too shocked though. Assuming that my feeling is right, he’ll get quite clingy and boyfriend-ish.”, he said and held the bag out towards the singer.
“Thank you”, Theo said with a smile on his lips and took the small inconspicuously looking bag.
Suddenly his eyes widened though and he stared at the other. He had never said anything about a guy.
“Wait. I didn’t- How-?”, he stuttered, blushing yet again.
“The goods aren’t the only magical things in here”, the shop owner said mysteriously and sent him a wink.
“Good luck.”
+++ later that day +++
“Hey Adam”, Theo greeted the other, seeing his friend comfortably slouched on the couch.
“Hey!”, the other replied, looked up at him and sent him a smile.
“I got you something.”, the singer said and couldn’t help the small blush creeping up his cheeks. He was just glad that even though the sun didn’t provide much lightning anymore, the lights in the bus weren’t switched on yet so the other hopefully wouldn’t notice it.
“Yeah? What is it?”, the guitarist asked curiously, got up and walked over to him, excitement clear to see on his face. After all he didn’t get presents from his band mate every day. And if, only to special occasions like his birthday or Christmas or sometimes even on their anniversary but today was neither of those special days, so this was quite exceptional and thus he was very excited what the other had for him.
However, Theo got the small bottle out of the bag and held it out towards his friend.
“I got it from such a small weird shop and it’s said to charge your inner energy in your sleep or something.”, he explained, or well... he rather made it up. But he could hardly say something along the lines of ‘This is a love potion and it’s supposed to make you fall in love with me’, could he?
Adam chuckled at that but took the little bottle from the singer and looked at it.
“I can imagine that too well. You aimlessly strolling around and ending up in the weirdest places.”, the pianist said, unscrew the cap and smelled the scent of it.
“Smells good.”, he stated.
“So I have to drink it before I go to sleep then?”, Adam asked.
“Yeah, at least the guy said so.”, Theo confirmed.
Adam nodded shortly at that and looked at the bottle again. There was no label or anything on it that’d explain what it was or what it contained but as he had gotten it from Theo, he didn’t question it any further.
“I was about to hit the hay anyway, so let’s give it a try.”, he said and took a sip of it.
Theo drew in a breath at that sudden turn of events. He was not expecting the guitarist to drink it already and was therefore quite gobsmacked. He suddenly was not sure if this was a good idea. What if the only thing it did was making his mate sick? Did he just poison his best friend? No that couldn’t be, could it?
Adam seemed thoughtful for a moment until his eyebrow shot up.
“You know what”, he started and took another gulp.
“It’s good, actually. Tastes a bit like pomegranate or something.”, Adam said.
As he looked up, he saw Theo looking at him with a mixture of curiosity and worry, like a scientist who observed an experiment.
“What?”, the pianist therefore asked.
“Is it some drug liquid and you’re waiting until it takes effect on me?”, he joked and saw the other’s eyes go wide.
“No! Of course not.”, Theo shrieked, his voice a little higher than usual.
“Relax, mate. I was just joking.”, Adam laughed and emptied the bottle with another gulp.
“It’s not like you��d find someone to replace me on such short notice anyway.”, the guitarist stated and winked at him, referring to the concerts they still had to play the upcoming week.
“And in case you ever get tired of being in a band with me, I do hope you’d just tell me instead of poisoning me.”, Adam laughed.
“Anyway, thanks for the drink. I’ll go get into my bunk. ‘Night.”, the older man said and patted the singer on the back.
“’Night.”, Theo called after him.
Now all he could do was wait and see. Theo sighed heavily. Maybe he shouldn’t have done that. But it wouldn’t work anyway. Hopefully it was just some ordinary fruit juice. He’d never forgive himself if it’d do any kind of harm to his friend.
When Theo woke up he could already hear muffled talking from outside the curtain. As always, he was the last one to get up. He yawned and stretched a bit before he turned around with a sigh. The singer pulled the curtain back, flung his feet over the edge of the bunk and stretched once more before he finally got out fully. He took a quick shower, put on some fresh clothes and brushed his teeth before he walked downstairs, where the talking came from. As he arrived in the lounge, there was no one there though.
“Oh, Theo!”, he suddenly heard from behind him and thus turned around.
Adam was standing just a few feet away from him. He seemed to be fine and didn’t look any different, thus Theo let out a breath of relief. To be honest, he was a bit worried what this weird mixture might do to him and thus didn’t really get much sleep. One thing he was now sure of though, he’d never give his friend anything to drink of which he wasn’t sure what it was and how it’d affect him. However, what happened next, totally got him off guard.
The pianist hurried over to him, wrapped his arms around him and hugged him tightly. He then pulled back and pressed a loving kiss to his lips, uttering a “Good morning”.
Theo’s face turned deep red instantly. He held his breath and his body stiffened. At his lack of response, Adam eventually let go of him and took a step backwards.
“Are you alright, love?”, the older man asked worriedly. “Is something wrong?”, he added and brought a hand up, caressing his cheek.
He was still so damn close. His face only inches away from his’, a hand persistently set on his hip.
“Uuuuhh... No I uh- I’m good.”, the singer stuttered awkwardly, blushing even heavier at the nickname and avoiding eye contact.
“You sure?”, Adam asked him again.
“Yeah”, the singer uttered, managing a little smile and eventually looked into the man’s deep blue eyes that worriedly looked back at him.
“Come on, sit down, I’ll get you some tea.”, Adam said, let go of his face and instead wrapped an arm around the other’s waist to guide him to the couch.
“I’ll be right back”, he said before he left to the little kitchen they had on the bus.
“Alright, what the everloving fuck did I miss?”, the singer suddenly heard someone say.
Theo’s head flashed up at that and he saw their bassist standing in the door with a mug in his hand, gaping at him.
“Did you two happen to forget to announce your relationship or what was that?”, Lael asked, obviously being hella confused after what he had just witnessed.
“No! No. We uhh- We had a bet going and I uh- I dared him to pretend to be my boyfriend for uh a week because I thought he’d never do it anyway!”, the singer quickly made up, hoping the other’d buy it.
There was a moment of silence at that.
“You and your silly bets, I should’ve known.”, Lael then laughed though and walked over to the couch, taking a seat beside the singer.
He was quite stunned at how easily the other had bought his lie but to be fair, they had done much worse things due to some stupid bet.
However, it wasn’t too long until Adam came back with the promised tea and put it down on the table in front of Theo before taking a seat on his free left side.
“Thanks”, the singer muttered,
“Drink up, you’ll feel better soon.”, the pianist said softly, his right hand coming up to rub the singer’s back soothingly.
“Aww, aren’t you two cute together.”, Lael said, looking at them and took a sip of his coffee.
Soon the whole bus knew about their “pretend relationship” for a week and no one wondered why they were exchanging loads and loads of kisses. Theo was quite uncomfortable with the other showing so much affection and seeming not to care in the slightest about their band members being present. He couldn’t help but blush awfully when Adam suddenly grabbed him in front of everyone to press a lingering kiss to his lips. Sure enough, he was never able to resist this easy temptation and responded eagerly.
Of course Adam did feel no shame in being so open with showing his love as he, due to the potion, considered it the most normal thing ever. This of course wasn’t the fact for Theo though. After all, he knew that Adam and him were in fact just best friends.  To the singer’s regret, the rest of the band seemed to notice this difference in their behaviour too. Thus, he of course was an easy target for some teasing from the other men on the bus.
“You know, sometimes I forget all of this lovey dovey acting is all fake.”, Paul said as he joined Lael and Pete on the couch.
They were looking over at Adam and Theo who were busy exchanging sweet kisses and love drunk looks yet again.
“Sometimes I feel like they forget about it too.”, Pete laughed and took a sip from his beer.
“Who knows, they might actually get together for real after all, once this week of pretending is over.”, the keyboarder added.
As Theo walked over to them they all grinned at him stupidly, which resulted in the singer blushing yet again.
“Shut up”, he grumbled as he sat down on the free spot next to Paul.
“Well, it’s your own fault.”, Lael sniggered from the other end, referring to their bet and the singer’s chosen stake.
“Does your boyfriend not want to come and join us?”, Pete asked sweetly.
“Uhh I don’t know...”, the singer uttered quite flustered at how easily the others played along.
“How about you ask him to come over?”, Paul teased, earning himself a glare from the singer.
“Hey Adam-“, Theo started but was interrupted.
“Oh come on, you clearly don’t put enough passion into this.”, Lael stated, getting a confused look from the man.
“I mean he’s your boyfriend, you could at least be a bit more creative in terms of nicknames.”, the bassist thus explained and grinned as he noticed the uneasiness of his friend.
Theo shortly cleared his throat and nervously fumbled with his hands, his gaze glued to the floor.
“Adam, love, don’t you wanna come over?”, he then shouted for his friend and felt himself blush instantly.
“Sure, babe!”, the other replied right away. “I’ll just get some snacks”, the guitarist smiled, meanwhile Theo got red all over the face.
Surely this resulted in some silly giggling of their band members.
“So you really wanna go through with this for a whole week? I mean including sharing a hotel room and all that stuff?”, Lael asked as he had caught him in a rare moment without his  role model of a boyfriend by his side. 
The singer’s eyes widened at that. Shit. He hadn’t even thought of that.
“Well, I mean it’s not like we’ve never shared a bed or something.”, Theo tried to quickly shrug it off.
“Sure, but back then Adam hadn’t merged into the role of your totally in love boyfriend.”, the bassist countered.
“What does that mean now?”, the singer inquired.
“I mean that there surely will be some excessive cuddling and heated kissing and god knows what else going on. Are you totally fine with that? Does it not bother or even scare you a tiny bit how he’s behaving? How serious he takes your little game?”
“Uhm no, it’s- Well... Uh-“, he stuttered awkwardly, not able to finish a sentence.
“Oh my god.”, Lael gaped at him before a broad smile covered his features.
“You actually have a thing for him, don’t you?”, he asked, smiling widely.
“No!”, Theo shrieked immediately. “Don’t be stupid. We’re friends, Lael.”, he replied tensely.
The bassist shrugged at that. “As you say.”, he said, lifting his hands in a defensive matter.
“You certainly don’t seem to mind making out with him though.”, the bassist stated as a matter of fact, grinning smugly.
Theo felt his face heat up instantly. There was no way in denying it. The other had seen them kiss plenty of times.
“Well...”, the singer thus started, his cheeks reddened, “He’s quite a good kisser.“, he admitted. ‘A damn good one in fact’, he thought to himself.
“Oh, I bet he is.”, Lael replied grinning.
As soon as their conversation had ended, Adam appeared at their table with drinks for Theo and himself. Lael quickly got out of the booth to make room for the pianist, so that he could sit next to his “boyfriend”. Adam shortly thanked him before all his attention was focused onto the singer again. 
“Thanks”, Theo uttered almost a bit shyly and pulled his drink over to himself. 
The pianist just smiled at him adorably before he leaned forward and pressed a loving kiss to his lips. This of course was enough the younger man’s cheeks redden, especially after the conversation he had just had with Lael.
Thankfully the rest of the band soon joined them and thus diverted from his slight embarrassment. 
+++ the next day +++
“Alone at last”, Adam sighed happily as they entered their shared hotel room.
“Yeah”, the singer replied meekly. He was still standing in front of their closed door, his bag besides him. The singer was quite nervous about sharing a room with his love drunk friend.
The pianist quickly threw his bag onto the bed and smiled widely as he walked over to Theo. He then gently put his hands onto the other’s hips and leaned his head against the one of his presumable boyfriend. At that the singer immediately felt his heart hammer madly in his chest. He felt bad about this whole thing but every hint of guilt was quickly forgotten when he felt Adams’s lips on his’, arms wrapped around his waist and holding him close. He held his breath for a moment.
Unable to resist, the singer gave in and kissed back lovingly, making Adam smile into the kiss. The younger man brought his arms up and wrapped them around the other’s neck, sighing softly. The pianist nibbled on his lips, tongue darting out to get a taste. The kiss got more and more heated and soon, Theo felt the other pressing up to him, making his eyes go wide. He could feel Adam’s hard on being tightly pressed against his own. Shit. What the fuck was he supposed to do now? Push Adam away and make him feel rejected? Let him do as he pleased and risk a hella awkward situation once the potion lost it’s effect on him? 
All thoughts were quickly forgotten though, as a loud moan ripped through his chest. The younger man soon realised what the other was doing. Adam had sneaked his hand inside his pants and palmed him through his boxers while tormenting his neck with his mouth, surely leaving some marks there. 
Theo felt his feet turn into jelly, uncontrolled moans leaving his lips, unable to resist the other. He was already way too far gone to stop him as he had actually wanted to. In the next moment, the other was kneeling in front of him, dragging his pants down to his knees, his boxers quickly following.
The singer looked down at him with hazed eyes.
“Adam”, he hummed, “Adam, please... sto-hnnngg”, he wanted to halt his friend but interrupted himself with a moan as the pianist took him in, swirling his tongue around the singer’s tip.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck”, the singer panted, hitting his head against the door behind him.
“Adammmm”, he moaned, his hips stuttering forward.
The pianist’s hands settled onto the younger man’s hips, keeping them from moving as his head bobbed back and forth.
Theo let his hands roam through the other’s hair, slightly tugging from time to time.
“Shit- Adammm... I’m... I’m- clos- mmmmmmh”, the singer moaned.
At that the pianist sped up his movement, his cheeks hollowing while his hands sneaked under the singer’s shirt, roaming his naked torso
It wasn’t too long until the younger one came into the older man’s mouth with a load moan.
Theo was breathing heavily, glad to have the door behind him as support.
Adam got up, tugging the other’s boxers and pants with him along the way. He wiped some cum from the corner of his mouth and looked at the singer with pitch-black pupils.
Theo gulped hard before he grabbed the other’s face and pulled him into a heated kiss. The guitarist responded immediately, making the singer’s heart do a funny flip. Adam slung his arms around the other’s waist and let his hands wander down to his arse, cupping it and squeezing gently. Theo smiled into the kiss at that but the bitter taste of his friend and the bulge that was pressed against him again quickly reminded him of something.
Of course. His mate had just sucked him off. The least his selfish arse could do now was to repay the favour and take care of him now. Thus, he softly pushed the older man away from him, earning himself a confused look from the guitarist. He just sent him a smile though and pushed him towards the bed, making him sit down on it.
Theo then quickly unbuckled the pianist’s pants and dragged them down with a bit help from the man. He then looked at the very visible erection, only meekly covered by the thin fabric of the other’s boxers. After a moment of hesitation, he pulled his mate’s boxers down as well and gaped at the other’s length, feeling his cheeks redden at the sight.
He looked up into Adam’s face and quickly leaned up to press a lingering kiss to his lips before he gave his attention to the erection in front of him again.
Theo woke up in the arms of his best friend. They had fallen asleep cuddling the night before. Theo had to smile looking into the peaceful sleeping face of his friend. He wanted to wake up like this every day but this was only a dream.
He suddenly remembered that he had totally forgotten to ask the man who sold him the love potion how long the effect lasted. But to his defense, he hadn’t expected it to work so of course he hadn’t given it any thought.
Theo wanted to stay in bed with Adam and enjoy this closeness but at the same time, he feared that when the other woke up he’d scream and push him away because he was himself again - his best friend who wasn’t in love with him.
Thus he carefully moved out of the pianist’s hold and away from him. At the cute sight of his sleeping crush he couldn’t help himself though and slowly moved closer again to press a cautious kiss to his lips for maybe the last time. His heart ached at the thought and he quickly got out of the bed and got dressed.
A few minutes later he was already in a cab on his way to the store he had bought the potion in.
When he entered the shop, there was a little bell heard, informing the owner that he had custom. A moment later, the man appeared from some small room behind the cash register and when he noticed Theo, he smiled at him.
“Oh, it’s you again!”, he said delightedly.
“What can I do for you this time, my friend?”, the man asked kindly.
“I uh... I was just wondering... How long does the effect of the love potion last?”, the singer asked quietly.
The shop owner smiled at him widely before he replied, “Ah, so it did work.”, at which he saw the cheeks of his customer turn rosy.  
“Well, the effect depends on many different factors but usually I’d say about 48 hours.”, the man answered.  
48 hours? Shit, when did he give it to the pianist? The day before yesterday? No, it was already the evening before that, wasn’t it?
“And uhm... Does the person who drunk it remember anything that happened in those 48 hours?”, Theo asked and couldn’t help but blush.
“Why are you asking?”, the man asked amused, being already used to get this question from some of his customers though. At least from those where the potion had worked. “What did you do? Have sex with him?”, the man asked curiously, yet in a friendly way.
“No!”, Theo almost shouted but then sighed, his gaze cast downwards, “Yes...”, he admitted and blushed heavily.
“Well, Theo. It’s a love potion, not a memory eraser, so yes, he will remember everything that happened.”, the old man answered truthfully.
“Oh my god, I’m so stupid.”, the singer cursed at himself, his face turning deep red.
“I should’ve never done this. How should I ever explain?”, he mumbled and started pacing nervously.
“Well, my friend. As I told you, the potion wouldn’t have worked if there weren’t feelings from his side as well and the fact that it brought you two so close means there were already strong feelings existent. From both sides. The potion can only fuel feelings that are already there. So all the potion did, was bring them to the surface.”, the man stated.
“Really?”, Theo asked hopefully. “So you mean he’s somewhat been in love with me as well, already before I gave him this stupid love potion?”, he inquired.
“Yes, Theo. That’s exactly what I mean.”, the old man replied with a big smile on his face, as the full implication of what it meant that the potion had worked had finally dawned upon his customer
“Oh my god.”, was all the singer brought out at that, being totally gobsmacked.
“So you said it lasts 48 hours? Not longer?”, he asked again, hoping to get a different answer this time. 
“Well, give or take a few hours maybe but longer than that would be extraordinary. Although I’m not saying that it’s impossible.”, he man answered. He was operating with magical products so of course he could never give a 100% guarantee in terms of impact or duration for anything.
‘Shit. It’s probably definitely been over 48 hours that the other had drunk it. So he’s figured it out and has been playing with me?’, Theo thought to himself. He was now seriously close to freaking out.  
“Oh this bastard!”, the singer groaned and practically ran out of the shop, resulting in the bell above the door angrily jingling behind him.
“How long?”, Theo almost shouted at his mate as he stormed into their shared hotel room.
The singer totally startled his friend with his sudden and loud appearance and thus saw him jump in shock before the man turned around to face him.
“Theo!”, the guitarist brought out surprised. “God, you scared the shit out of me.”, he uttered, chuckling a bit uneasily.
“How long?”, the younger man repeated his question, ignoring everything else.
“How long what?”, Adam uttered totally confused.
“Don’t act so innocent, you know what I’m talking about.”, the singer inquired.
“What? What’s suddenly up with you? What the hell are you talking about?”, the pianist replied, now being totally bewildered.
“How long ago did it lose it’s effect on you?”, the younger one therefore asked.
“Lose it’s effect on me? Wha- Oh my god! You bloody wanker! You did drug me, didn’t you! What the hell was in that drink?”, the pianist inquired fuming.
As it dawned upon the singer, that Adam did in fact have no clue about the potion, Theo quickly tried to shrug it off.
“Nothing!”, he thus stammered hastily, his face turning pale.
“Theo”, the pianist started in a dangerously low voice, “What. Was. In. That. Drink.”, he said calmly as he took a step closer to his friend for each word he said.
He was eventually standing right in front of the singer who couldn’t bear his intense glance and hence opted for staring at the floor.
“Theo, I’m asking you this only one more time. What did you make me drink?”, the older man asked.
The other let out a shaky breath at that.
“Adam please, I- I can’t tell you. You’d kill me.”, he eventually stammered.
“Well seems like you’re close to that either way so try me.”, the pianist offered furiously.
“I can’t! It’s too embarrassing. Really Adam, I... I can’t.”
“I’m literally so close to losing my temper so you better tell me right now. What was it?”, the pianist demanded. 
The younger one has never felt smaller in his’ friend’s presence than now. He sighed heavily. There was no use in denying any more. Sooner or later he had to tell him anyway. Why the hell did he do it in the first place? He should’ve known that this wouldn’t end good but he had just been desperate and weak.
“A love potion”, he finally admitted just above a whisper, his head hanging low.
“What?”, came the disbelieving response from his mate.
“Listen Adam, I’m sorry! I don’t know what I was thinking. I mean I- I went into this weird store and they had all this crazy stuff and this guy practically persuaded me to buy it and- God, I didn’t think this would even work! I thought this was all fake and this guy some trickster or something.”, Theo sputtered.
“You gave me a love potion? As in you wanted to make me fall in love with you?”, the guitarist asked, being close to losing his mind at what the other had just told him.
“I’m so sorry, I should’ve never done this! I can understand if you hate me now but please-“
“Answer my question”, the pianist interrupted the guilty babbling of his friend.
“Did you want to make me fall in love with you, yes or no?”
“Adam I-“, the singer started once more but was yet again interrupted.
“Yes or no?”, the guitarist asked again sternly.
The singer finally looked up into his friend’s face at that, fear in his eyes.
“Yes”, he eventually mumbled meekly, nervously chewing on his lower lip.
“Oh my god. So the biggest womanizer I know slipped love potion to me? Was I some kind of experiment before you give it to some model you’re hitting on since forever or what?”
“No!”, the singer gave back right away.
“No, it’s not like that! Really not!”.
“Yeah sure, you did it because you were actually trying to talk me round.”, Adam stated sarcastically, forcing a laugh.
As he looked up at Theo though and it dawned upon him that this was in fact the purpose of the other’s action, he drew in a breath.  
“Oh my god.”, the pianist uttered, a hand coming up to cover his mouth in shock.
“Listen Adam, you have every right to be mad at me, hate me and hit me but please, if you want to punch me in the face, could you maybe wait until after the gig tonight? I’d rather not have to explain a blue eye to the press and fans.”, the singer pleaded.
“Don’t worry, you’re safe in terms of that. I have no desire to punch you in the face. Right now I’m debating between just being mad at you and feeling flattered.”, the older man stated, resulting in the other look at him a bit confused. 
“I can’t believe you actually went that far though.”, he chuckled disbelievingly.
“I mean I already thought I was crazy coming up with this whole bromance thing. Making up an excuse to get close to you, trying to get some kind of reaction from you, testing how far I could go.”, Adam started, not noticing Theo’s eyes go wide.
“But then you go and make me drink love potion and-“, he wanted to continue but was interrupted by a completely startled singer.
“Wait, what?!”, Theo asked totally perplex.
“You mean... You’re actually really in love with me?”, the younger man asked, not believing his ears.
“Of course I am.”, Adam replied almost a bit annoyed that the singer seemed to be totally unaware of what he had thought had been plain obvious all along.
“I’ve been in love with you the whole time. How could you not know?”, the guitarist replied, sounding a bit bitter.
“Well I thought- I mean-“, the singer started but couldn’t speak any further. What had he thought?
Of course he had noticed the behaviour of his friend but he had never thought that Adam being in love with him would be the reason for it.
“You never said anything!”, he eventually said the first thing that came to his blank mind.
“Because I thought I never had a chance with you anyway and I wanted to spare me the rejection and risk losing the band, losing you.”, Adam confessed.
“Oh my god. We’re such idiots.”, the singer eventually replied. “I thought the same.”, he admitted.
Both stared at each other for a moment before they awkwardly started to chuckle.
“We sure are.”, the pianist agreed, scratching his neck a bit embarrassed.
“Okay but uhm... Concerning that stupid potion... Did you notice anything being different? Weird?”, Theo eventually dared to ask.
“Well, I don’t know. Thinking back, now that I know you inflicted me with love potion, it was somehow different. But it was a really awesome feeling. I can’t even properly describe it. I just felt so happy all the time.”, Adam explained.
The younger man nodded at that, chewing on his lower lip. There was still more he needed to know.
“And uh... Do you remember what happened? All of it?”, the singer asked, getting as close as he could get without having to go into detail.
There was a moment of silence in which the older one seemed to recall everything.  
“I think so. I mean it’s all a bit clouded, like some very vivid dream or something, you know?”
Theo just nodded at that again, cheeks slightly flushed.
“I do remember what happened in our hotel room, if that’s what you actually wanted to know.”, the guitarist grinned, seeing his friend’s reddened face.
This of course resulted in said man’s face turning an even darker shade of red and some embarrassed groans leaving his lips. Adam had to smile at that before he remembered something else.
“But wait. What did the guys say about us making out all the time? Did they know about the potion?”, the older man asked.
“Uhmm...”, the singer started a bit uncomfortably, face still dark red, “I told them you lost a bet and I dared you to be my boyfriend for a week.”
“So you told them I had to pretend to be your boyfriend for a whole week and they just bought it without any further ado?”, Adam inquired.
“Yeah...”, the singer replied, chuckling nervously.
“Listen Adam, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to make you do any of this-“, Theo started but was interrupted by his mate.
“You didn’t make me do anything, Theo. I wanted this. All of it. The potion just gave me the guts to actually do it.”, the older one admitted.
Oh. Of course. How could he forget that? It was just like this guy in the shop had told him.
The potion can only fuel feelings that are already there. So all the potion did, was bring them to the surface.
Everything he had told him was true.
Theo chuckled nervously, not believing how this had turned out. There was still something he had to get off his chest though. 
“Okay uhm, after everything that happened I guess this is probably superfluous but Adam... I love you.”, Theo confessed, looking the other right into the eyes.
The warm smile that promptly spread out over his friends features was already enough to make his heart go mad again.
“I love you too, Theo.”, the pianist replied right away.
Actually hearing his friend say those words made the singer feel happier than he had ever been in his whole life. He sent the other a beaming smile before he took a hold of his shirt and pulled him close, pressing a loving kiss to his lips. At that, Adam immediately wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed right back, making Theo feel like the happiest person on this earth, just like the guy in the shop had said. 
Despite they had kissed plenty of times already, this kiss felt different and better than all the ones before. Because this time Adam was kissing him because he was really and truly in love with him and not because of some stupid potion.
As they eventually had to part because their lungs were craving air, they smiled at each other adorably.
“How are we gonna do this now though? Keep making out in front of everyone for the rest of the week and then do it secretly?”, the older man asked seriously.
“I have no idea.”, the singer sighed.
“I’m sure as hell not gonna tell them I inflicted you with love potion though and neither are you!”, he quickly added.
Adam had to chuckle at that.
“Well yeah, that surely would destroy their impression of you being a Lothario.”, the guitarist mocked.
“Oh shut up moron!”, the singer groaned embarrassed.
Adam smiled at him widely before he gently cupped his cheeks and pulled him into a loving kiss again. The younger one surely welcomed this and responded eagerly, getting lost in the touch and sighing softly.
“We’re still not gonna tell them about the potion.”, Theo stated as they parted again, making the guitarist laugh.  
+++ two days later +++
The band was comfortably hanging out on the couches while munching some take-away they had brought with them. Adam and Theo were still out though. They had said they wanted to go on a little walk and explore the city. On a beautiful and clear night under the stars. Perfect time for some sight seeing. Yeah right. Of course the guys didn’t let themselves be fooled. They knew exactly that that had just been a poor excuse to be alone and do some romantic stuff.
“Should we’ve gotten something for Theo and Adam too?”, Pete asked while unpacking his Chinese take-away.
“Nahh.”, Paul answered. “They’re probably sitting in some fancy restaurant and having a romantic dinner anyway.”, he added smiling.
“You know”, Lael started while poking his deliciously smelling noodles with his chopsticks, “I’m not buying their fake dating for a week shit anymore”.
“I never did.”, Paul stated laughing.
“What made you change your mind though?”, the drummer asked curiously before taking a big bite off of bis burger.
“It’s the way Theo’s acting lately.”, the bassist replied. “At first it seemed that he was quite scared to do anything couple-ish with Adam and now he’s the one who randomly kisses him on the mouth or comes up with ridiculous nicknames, even around us.”
“You mean they finally figured out what we have known all along, that they’re actually madly in love with an perfect for each other?”, Pete inquired.
Lael just shrugged at that, as he had his mouth full of noodles.
“Maybe we should just confront them when they get back from whatever it is they’re doing.”, Paul suggested.
“I wonder if that’ll still be today or if they’re renting a room for the night.”, Lael laughed.  
About an hour later the two missing men returned to the bus as well. Meanwhile their band members had already had some beers and therefore the atmosphere was quite cheerful.
As they noticed Theo and Adam everyone’s attention was immediately directed to them.
The first thing they noticed was that Adam was carrying a take-away bag as well, so they hadn’t been out to a restaurant. That of course didn’t change the guys’ assumption in the slightest though.
“Heeey guys! There you are!”, Paul slurred.
“You know we’ve actually just been talking about you aaand we’ve come to the conclusion to just confront you with it.”, the drummer stated.
At that Theo seemed to get a bit uneasy, gaze downcast and started to fumble with his rings, while Adam retorted the drummer’s gaze completely straight-faced.
“We suspect that you two are in fact a real proper lovey dovey couple.”, Paul announced straightforward.
“So, are you or are you together?”, Lael inquired impatiently.
“Well”, Adam started and looked over to the singer by his side. As Theo didn’t freak out immediately nor look like he’d collapse any second, he figured that he’s alright with the guys knowing about them.
“Yes we are.”, the pianist thus proudly confirmed.  
Needless to say, their band members didn’t really look surprised as they had already suspected it anyway. However, there were, quite understandably, some questions to be answered.
“So this whole boyfriend for a week thing was just an excuse to see how we’d react? I mean you’ve been together all along?”, Pete was the first to ask.
“No”, the pianist stated and could’t help the broad grin that spread out over his face as he turned to look at Theo once more.
“We haven’t been together at first.”, Adam explained.
“You just figured out that you two are in love during acting like a couple?”, Lael asked.
“Well... Kind of.”, the pianist replied.
“But Theo how did you even get the idea of daring Adam to be your boyfriend if he loses the bet? Were you in love with him before already?”, Paul asked curiously.
“Uhhh...”, the singer started, not knowing what to answer without having to give himself away. There was absolutely no way he’d tell them about the love potion that had started it all.
“And you just accepted it right away because you’re no lousy loser or because you had a thing for him already as well?”, the drummer turned towards the guitarist, not waiting for Theo’s answer, to the man’s great relief.
“Not exactly.”, Adam stated and as he could already see that Paul was about to bombard them with even more questions he added, “Let’s just say during the past couple of days Theo and I discovered that we do have mutual romantic feelings for each other.”
“But did you-”, the drummer tried again but was this time interrupted by the singer.
“Alright!”, the singer exclaimed, raising his voice a bit, resulting in everyone becoming silent.
“We’re a couple and we’re happy with each other. Can we please just leave it at that?”, the younger man almost pleaded. He feared that they’d end up revealing the truth if the guys kept firing questions at them. 
There came a defeated sigh from their curious band members. 
They eventually had to accept that they wouldn’t hear the whole story of how the two got together, even if they’d all willingly sell their right kidney to hear it. At least not today. Maybe they’d someday feel comfortable enough to tell them. After all stories of how couples ended up together were always cute, weren’t they?
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hurtsy-fiction · 7 years
Behind closed bus doors
“God, that’s weird.”, Adam laughed drunkenly as he turned his head away from Theo in the last second before their lips could touch.
“Oh, come on, Adam!”, the singer groaned slightly annoyed as he had been so close already but did take a step back.
“Alright, alright, I’m sorry.”, the pianist said as he managed to keep a straight face again. “Go on.”, he said after he had taken another deep breath and looked at the other with hazed eyes.
At that, Theo dared to get closer to his friend again, his hands finding their way onto the other’s hips. Adam brought his own hands up to the man’s shoulders and soon felt him slightly pressing up to him, pushing him against the wall behind him. The two just stared into each other’s eyes for another moment before Theo closed his own and carefully came closer before he brushed his lips over the ones of his friend. As the older man didn’t back away but stayed in place this time, he softly pressed a kiss to the man’s mouth. Adam’s grip on his shoulders slightly tightened at that and he carefully responded to the kiss.
After exchanging some rather coy kisses, they eventually parted and looked at each other again. Both had slightly flushed cheeks and lovely smiles planted onto their faces.
Figuring it had felt good for the guitarist as well, Theo moved in again for another kiss. Adam surely didn’t mind and kissed right back. This time though, both put more passion into it, their lips moving against each other, some nibbling and a little tongue here and there.
Eventually they had to part for a moment to fill their lungs with air again, but soon the singer attacked the older man’s lips again, stealing some more kisses, before he licked his way down the other’s jaw. Therefore, Adam stretched his head a bit to the side, giving his mate better access to his neck. The singer surely welcomed the exposed skin and started planting soft kisses along the guitarist’s neck, resulting in soft sighs coming from the man and his eyes fluttering shut.
“I like kissing you.”, Theo suddenly mumbled between pecks and made Adam grin.
“Yeah?”, the pianist asked in an amused way.
“Mhmm”, the other hummed approvingly and shortly let go of the pianist’s neck, instead looking into the man’s deep blue eyes.
“Your lips are nice and very soft.”, he continued and managed to press another kiss to the man’s mouth before said man started chuckling and turned his head to the side.
“Oh my god, are you flirting with me now?! Seriously?”, the pianist laughed.
The younger one had to smile as well and shrugged.
“Are you blushing?”, he asked instead of an answer and his smile got even wider when he noticed that his mate’s cheeks indeed had changed their usual pale colour to a slightly reddened tone.
“I like your face as well.”, the singer went on, liking the way his friend got all shy and cute when he complimented him. “It’s very handsome.”
“Just my face?”, Adam replied smugly, trying to cover up his embarrassment over the others sudden admiration.
“Well, I’m pretty sure I’d like the rest of you as well. I just haven’t gotten a proper look yet.”, the singer gave back in a flirty tone.
At that Adam laughed loudly, his face turning a deeper shade of red.
“Oh my god Theo, what are we even doing?”, he asked as his laughing had toned down a bit.
Meanwhile the singer just shrugged and sent him another smile before he went back to kissing his friend’s neck, grazing his teeth over the soft skin at times. Of course the soft sighs that left the guitarist’s mouth, which seemed to turn into little moans, didn’t go unnoticed by the man. Therefore, he continued with caressing Adam’s neck, sucking at some spots that seemed to cause the other the most pleasure.
“Shit... Theo- mhh..”, Adam moaned as his friend was tormenting some very sensitive spot on his neck. “If you keep doing this you might as well take off my clothes.”, he chuckled.
Hearing that, the singer actually stopped with his task for a moment to look the other into the eyes. Adam held his breath at the sight of the younger man’s face. There was barely a rim of whisky brown visible in his eyes, the pupils dilated, his lips reddened and slightly swollen.
“Yeah?”, Theo asked smugly with a grin on his face. “Is that a promise?”, he went on.
He saw an adorable smile appear on Adam’s flushed face at that, his mouth opening for a response. But before the pianist could say anything, Theo pressed up to him again and continued with his previous action, planting another line of sweet kisses down the pianist’s jaw and neck before he started sucking once more, which surely resulted in the desired effect of sensual moans leaving the other’s lips again. Adam’s hands eventually moved down from the singer’s shoulders and settled on his hips shortly, before he moved them a little up to his sides and got a hold of the other’s shirt, pulling him even closer. He sighed in pleasure and opened his eyes but as his clouded vision cleared, everything changed in a split second.
“Shit!”, Adam suddenly exclaimed and pushed the singer away from him rather rudely.
Theo didn’t know what had caused this drastic mood change so suddenly. Thus, he looked at the other in confusion. Seconds ago, the guitarist had practically melted under his kisses and now he was acting like that? As he followed the older one’s gaze though, he froze to the spot as well.
“Paul!”, he shrieked and fully turned away from Adam.
“Wh-what are you doing here?”, he asked, his cheeks turning red and quickly took another step to the side.
Both men stared at their band member in utmost horror. When they had noticed him, they seemed to have sobered up abruptly, their drunken foolery long forgotten.
“Well, I’m travelling on this bus as well as you but the real question my friend is, what are you doing here?”, the drummer asked, his look switching between the two men.
“We uh... We...”, Theo started quite obviously embarrassed and saw the other smile stupidly.
“It’s not what it looks like.”, the singer quickly stammered, meanwhile his face got even hotter.
“No? So you two weren’t just kissing? Because that’s what it looked like, actually.”, Paul replied, by now having a broad smile plastered on his face.
“Well yeah”, Theo started, “but-“, he wanted to continue but was interrupted by the drummer.
“Seriously guys, you could’ve at least told us that you two want some private time on the bus. It would’ve prevented us all this awkward situation.”, Paul stated casually.
“What?”, the singer shrieked, his eyes widening.
“No, it’s not like that. Like... totally not!”, Theo blurted.
He wanted to explain the whole situation but he also didn’t want to embarrass himself with telling the truth. He could hardly say that they had jut been kissing for fun, could he?
“Bambi was just curious.”, Adam, who had stayed silent until now, suddenly revealed and immediately earned himself a deadly glare from the singer.
“Shut up, moron! Why would you tell him? God, I hate you!”, Theo groaned at him angrily.
Adam was about to say something but the other beat him to it, a warning finger pointed at him.
“And don’t even try to act as if you didn’t like it because I could very well feel your boner.”, Theo spat at his friend, his finger lowering at mentioned body part while his eyes mirrored the movement.
The pianist’s face now turned a dark shade of read as well, presumably not only because of embarrassment though.
“Fuck you!”, Adam shouted in return. “That’s not true!”, he uttered, obviously very uncomfortable and also mad because his friend had exposed him like that.
“Oh no? So you’re telling me I’m a liar now?”, the younger man asked in a dangerously calm voice.
He was suddenly unbelievably mad at his mate, his body trembling, the anger visibly fuming inside of him.
Adam had already opened his mouth and was about to let out some more curses at his friend but the drummer beat him to it.
“Whoa guys!”, Paul interrupted them. “Stop lashing out at each other like that, would you?”, he uttered in disbelief that those idiots who were best friends for years treated each other like that because he had accidentally caught them doing stuff he rather wouldn’t have caught them doing.
“Damn it you’re best friends who happened to kiss for whatever reason which is totally none of my business but it’s not the end of the world alright? I mean calm the fuck down and stop behaving like total arses!”, he uttered, slightly raising his voice at them.
Theo sent his mate one last icy look, his jaw clenching but to the drummer’s relief then turned around without any more words he’d probably regret in the morning leaving his mouth.
“I’m going to bed.”, Theo stated and furiously stormed off the bus without looking at either of the two men again.
Paul then turned towards Adam, not sure if he should say anything but that decision was luckily taken from him when the guitarist huffed angrily and pushed past him to leave the bus as well.
The drummer sighed at that, shook his head and left the bus as well, shutting the door behind him.
+++ the next morning +++
“Can I come in?”, the singer asked.
Adam stepped aside to let him in and closed the door behind him.
“I’m sorry.”, the younger one said and shyly looked up at his friend.”I didn’t mean to lash out at you like that yesterday.”, he added.
The pianist shrugged at that.
“It’s alright. I’m sorry too.”, he replied.
“It’s- ... I was just embarrassed that Paul caught us like that and my drunk mind thought it was a good idea to blame it all on you. I’m sorry.”, Adam added and sighed.
Theo grinned a bit at that.
“I’m also sorry for pointing out your hard on. I should’ve just taken it as a compliment and shut up about it.”, the singer said and immediately saw the guitarist’s cheeks redden at the bluntness of his words.
Adam didn't know how to properly respond to what Theo had just said and was still somewhat uncomfortable about the whole situation and also their nosy drummer knowing about it, so he chose to just be silent about it.
“I still meant what I said yesterday.”, Theo stated after a moment of silence and saw confusion on the other’s still flushed features. The man was probably wondering which of all the awful things he had said the day before he was talking about now.
“You know... About kissing you.”, the singer thus added and blushed to the other’s surprise which resulted in Adam smiling at him shyly.
Anyway, the singer quickly recomposed himself and cleared his throat.
“So uhm, we should go. The other’s are probably already waiting for us.”, the younger man stated, gaze glued to the floor though, after what he had just confessed despite being completely sober.
“Yeah”, Adam agreed shortly and followed his mate to the door and into the corridor.
Theo had to smile as he watched the pianist trying to close the somewhat tricky door, but that smile fell immediately as he looked further down the corridor.
Paul was standing in front of the elevator nearby and smirked at them smugly, seeing them leave the hotel room together.
“One word and you’re dead.”, the singer muttered as he quickly walked past the drummer, sped up his pace and almost ran down the stairs.
Adam shared a swift look with their grinning drummer before he quickly cast his gaze downward as well and hurried after his mate.
Meanwhile Paul just shook his head, smiling as the elevator arrived with a ding and stepped inside.
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hurtsy-fiction · 7 years
From the life of a tattoo artist
Benjamin David Foster was a tattoo artist for many years now. He had always been passionate about this form of creative outlet and at the young age of sixteen, he had started with his first tattoos. 
Of course, he had first of all tried it out on himself and luckily on places which weren’t visible in his normal everyday life because oh boy did they look crappy. Later, as he had gotten better at it, he had also tried it on some friends of his’, who back then thought it was just the coolest thing. Admittedly, when he saw those tattoos, of which he had been pretty proud at the beginning of his tattoo career, now, it made him flinch. 
But everyone starts from scratch, right? And to get better at what you do and love, you have to keep trying and trying. Sure, there will be lows and it wasn’t any different for Benjamin. He as well had had his times where he thought he’d quit. Difficult times where he had barely any money. But the passion for tattooing kept him going and look where he’s now. He’s got his own studio and people are so hooked by his style of tattooing, that he’s booked up for months in advance.  
Anyway, today he had a quite popular customer. Theo from the band Hurts. He wanted a bluebird on his ribcage and said he’d bring his friend and bandmate Adam with him, as emotional support.
Ben had put up his headphones, played his favourite music on full volume and started drawing some drafts. He had to admit that he had to look up bluebirds on google for that, as he had never actually heard of their existence in the first place. But oh, if only bluebirds were the weirdest thing he got asked to tattoo.
 Anyway, after some slight difficulties in the first attempt, he soon had finished some sketches he was happy with. As he looked up onto the clock, he saw that it was 10:27 am already. So he had just enough time to accredit himself a nice cup of coffee before his appointment at 11 am.
The two men punctually arrived at the tattoo studio and Ben was nicely surprised. He had had some famous customers before and some had a quite diva like behaviour and were late without even apologizing. As if he wanted something from them and not the other way round. 
Anyway, this Theo and his friend seemed sympathetically to him already. Even though Theo did look a bit nervous, but who could blame him. After all he was about to be tattooed on one of the most painful spots one could even pick.
However, the man had shown his customer his sketches and the singer had quickly decided for the draft of the bluebird with his wings sprawled out. Pleased with this decision, as Ben liked this one the most as well, he prepared a stencil with the favoured motive while the two men already went into the tattoo room.
A few minutes later, he joined them and shaved the man’s fine hair from the chosen spot on his ribcage, before he applied the stencil. After the singer had checked and approved the position in front of the mirror, he took place on the comfy looking seat and Benjamin got a pair of disposable gloves and his needles ready.  
+++ two hours later +++
“Want me to hold your hand?”, Adam asked his mate, more jokingly than actually being serious, but in the next moment Theo had already grabbed one of his hands and held on to it tightly.
“Oh fucking hell.”, the man groaned and tried to breathe evenly, despite the pain.
Noticing his customer’s agony, Ben stopped tattooing and turned off the tattoo machine. He had already applied some numbing gel onto the reddened spot on the man’s body but the effect hadn’t really lasted long.
“You know, if it’s that unbearable for you, maybe we should just call it a day and set another appointment for next week?”, he suggested.
“To be honest, I’m surprised you could even take it that long as your tattoo is quite big and I’ve had people collapse at way smaller ones. The ribcage is an unbelievably painful spot to tattoo.”, Ben added.
“No!”, his customer quickly gave back.
“No.”, Theo repeated himself. “It has to get finished today. I won’t be in town anymore next week. We’ll head to Germany tomorrow.”, the singer replied through clenched teeth.
“Alright then. Just a few more minutes. I’ll try to make this as fast as possible.”, Benjamin replied and activated his machine again.
Honestly, he knew it weren’t just “a few more minutes” and the singer probably knew that as well but if he’d just say that often enough, they’d be done eventually.
Ben saw the pained expression on the man’s face as he set the sharp tip of the angrily humming machine to his skin again.
+++ 20 minutes later +++
“Oh my goooooood”, Theo groaned in pain and tormented his poor friend’s hand, which by now surely had no proper blood circulation anymore.
“Adam, please distract me.”, he mumbled through gritted teeth, his forehead sweaty and eyes tightly shut.
“What? How? What am I supposed to do?”, Adam gave back, having no idea how to help his mate and seeming totally overstrained with the current situation.
“I don’t know... Tell me something. Anything. A joke, what you had for breakfast- Fuck, I really don’t care just please do something!”, the singer almost sobbed.
The man was already shivering all over, the skin in the area of the tattoo heavily reddened. Ben quickly glanced at the singer’s friend and saw the despair in his face. He seemed helpless looking at his pained mate. Of course he wanted to help the other but what on earth was he supposed to do? Would a detailed description of scrambled eggs with bacon be enough to distract the singer from the pain? Very doubtable.
Suddenly Ben held his breath, as he saw how Adam leaned down and kissed his pained friend on the mouth. Quickly but gently. At that unforeseen action, he stopped his machine and noticed how Theo froze in an instant. His band mate’s face turned a bright shade of red as he hastily pulled back again, his free hand quickly coming up to cover his mouth and eyes wide open. He seemed quite horrified at his own action. 
However, said man’s anguished friend still did not move. Seemed like the rather unusual form of distraction really did help.
After Ben had shaken himself out of it and had finally set the needle to his customer’s skin again, he didn’t hear any curse or complaint or actually any other sound come out of the singer’s mouth. He almost seemed paralysed, his face seeming peaceful, the agony gone. Luckily, he was still breathing though and thus, the tattoo artist quickly took advantage of it and continued to finish his work. 
As he was almost done, he noticed the singer blink a bit irritated. Seemed like he was back to earth again.
“Thanks”, the man eventually uttered after what felt like an eternity, his face slightly flushed.
“Don’t mention it.”, Adam croaked, his voice a bit higher than usual and blushed heavily, avoiding to look at his mate.
By the way the man had said this, Ben thought to himself that what he actually meant was “Never, under no circumstances ever, bring up this incident.”
“I’ll uhh... I’ll just wait outside.”, the older man uttered and let go of Theo’s hand, which now had loosened it’s tight grip on his own.
As the singer and his band mate had left the shop, Ben’s thoughts still lingered on them for a moment. He briefly wondered if the two actually were a couple but quickly dismissed this assumption again because they hadn’t seemed like that. Despite the kiss. 
There certainly was a great chemistry between them though, Benjamin could tell that, even after only briefly getting to know them. After all, you don’t take anyone to the tattoo studio with you. At least not when you’re sober and clear thinking. It had to be someone special, someone who’d most likely see you in pain and very vulnerable.
He also had to admit that, just visually speaking, they’d make a nice couple, actually. He couldn’t help but wonder if they’d ever talk about what had happened today or just remain silent about it. Maybe they’d even- Wait. God fucking damn it, he really needed to stop. Was he seriously starting to ship his customers? Bloody hell, he had definitely read too much Johnlock fiction the night before.
Benjamin quickly shook himself out of it and focused onto the artwork he was preparing for his next customer. The guy wanted a rotting looking zombie on his back. That’d hopefully distract him for a while.
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hurtsy-fiction · 7 years
Tourbus Living 2017
maeggi hurtsy-fiction
Why did i miss this??? It’s fantastic
precious1610 said:
maeggi said:
😳 oh my god this is too good
Aw thank you guys so much!!! Sorry for the late reply but your comments really mean a lot to me! Motivates me to continue this little adventure :3
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hurtsy-fiction · 7 years
3niella mentioned you on a post “shootyourarrows: Adam via instagram story Adam was practically...”
@hurtsy-fiction nailed it with Bambi :D
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hurtsy-fiction · 5 years
Hurtsy fiction Fanfic-list
Winter time (4/4):  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 Day X (8/?):  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 Staring (6/6):  Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 Wanna bet? (2/2):  Part 1,  Part 2
Revelation Lipstick Problems “Sorry for calling so late - I couldn’t stop thinking about you.” Verona “Never call me by my name” It’s a kind of magic Waltz in the snow Tourbus living 2017 Behind closed bus doors From the life of a tattoo artist Abs Injuries and gummy bears 225 days Wild Comb The new guy “There’s no going back if we do this” A momentous lie Misunderstanding On holiday Curiosity Happy Halloween Lights Bêtises. An intruder After the gathering “I swear it was an accident” Abdam appreciation Winter day Drunk texting Hospital Proof Jealousy “That’s all I get?”
note: cursive ones were requests Fanart:
fanboy Adam man crush Monday
10 notes · View notes
hurtsy-fiction · 5 years
Winter time - part 3/4
Part 1, Part 2
Theo had no idea how he should explain going after Adam. He’d probably finally have to tell them the truth, unless they hadn’t figured it out themselves by now. The situation would’ve never gotten so out of hand if he hadn’t been such a coward anyway.  Hell, what if he had been with a man? It was none of their fucking business. If they really cared for him, they wouldn’t give a damn if he was into women or men, or both. Wait. What did that mean now? Did he have feelings for the man? He had to admit that he had more or less avoided that thought until now but it didn’t matter anymore anyway.  
Adam was a great, lovely, and attractive guy and he had ruined everything. He most likely would never want to see him again after all that he had done. Theo would understand that of course, but he didn’t want to give up that easily. He had to try and talk to him and explain everything to him. Explain why he had acted like a total moron. And most importantly, he had to apologize.
Luckily, he remembered from which door he had come out the other day and soon found the right one. He took a deep breath and quickly knocked, before he could chicken out. It wasn’t too long until the door was opened.
“Can I come in?”, he asked quietly, gaze fixated on the floor.
Adam stepped aside and let him pass, not saying a word though.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean-“, Theo started but stopped dead in his sentence when his gaze fell onto a familiar face.
Eric was sitting on the man’s bed.
“What the hell are you doing here?”, he asked hysterically, his cheeks reddening, all brave thoughts from seconds ago long forgotten.
“Well, someone had to go after him and you didn’t seem to do it.”
“So, can you finally spill the beans?”, Eric asked in a serious tone and stood up. “You do know Adam, don’t you?”
Theo’s look switched between his friend and Adam until he let his head hang low, letting out a deep sigh.
“Yes”, he mumbled.
“Without him I’d probably be dead.”
“What?”, Eric asked irritated.
Theo took a deep breath before he glanced up at him.
“Remember that party the other day? One of you idiots locked me out on the balcony. I almost froze to death but then Adam let me into his room and... let me stay to warm me up.”, he said quietly.
“I didn’t even deserve it taking into account how I treated him afterwards.”
“But- I don’t understand. If you just stayed in his room to get warm, why are you acting so weird about it? What else happened between you two? What did you do to get warm?”, Eric asked with a smirk, knowing that there was more to the story.
“That’s... none of your god damn business!”, Theo quickly uttered with a deep red head and glanced at Adam, who still hadn’t said a word. He looked like shit.
He had to talk to him. Alone. Without his nosy friend being present.
Theo took a deep breath.
“Would you leave us alone?”
“Alright. But Theo?”
“Hm?”, he asked a tad uneasily and glimpsed at his mate.
“I’m sorry for what happened up there. You know how stupid and childish they can be when they had too much but they didn’t mean to be hurtful and you know it. In terms of Thomas, I have no idea why he acted like that. Trust me, I’ll have a word with him.”, his mate said.
He shortly nodded and Eric patted his back before he left the room.
Theo then slowly walked over to the other man until he eventually stopped in front of him.
“Adam, I... I don’t know what to say except that I’m eternally sorry, for everything.”, he started.
“No, it’s my fault. I should’ve known that you couldn’t have sent the message. After all, you had made clear that you didn’t want to have anything to do with me. I was such a fool.”
“Adam please, all those awful things I said to you weren’t true. I was just shit scared and confused. I mean... I never did anything with a man.”, Theo started. “And- and I wanted to write you, I really did but I didn’t know what and I didn’t want my nosy friends to notice anything and- For fuck’s sake if I hadn’t been such an idiot none of this would’ve happened.”
“You don’t have to explain yourself. It was stupid of me to write it in the first place. I don’t know what I was expecting. I mean you obviously aren’t into guys and you told me that as well, unmistakable.”, Adam uttered, staring at the floor.
“But...”, Theo started and bit his lip, “Why did you react to the message and came to my room then?”
“Doesn’t matter.”, the other mumbled, avoiding to give him an honest answer.
“Listen, I’m so sorry! I never meant to hurt you and I sure as hell didn’t want you to come across my drunk asshole friends. I have no idea what had gotten into Thomas. He’s usually totally not like that! Maybe he had something other than just alcohol, I-”
“I think it’d be the best for you to go now.”, the other interrupted his babbling, his voice quivering.
“But- Adam, I-“
“Please, Theo. I need to be alone right now.”
Theo shortly nodded and glanced at the other. He looked awful and he just wanted to comfort him but Adam didn’t want him here, he had to respect that. Therefore, he turned around and left the man’s room. It was his own fault. He had ruined everything.
“Where is he?”, Theo grumbled as he entered their hotel room, his eyes glistening.
He saw the guys sitting on the couches, just Thomas wasn’t here.
“Where is he?”, he asked again, louder this time, his voice almost breaking.
As none of them answered, he figured the man was probably in his bed sleeping off his inebriation and thus headed there.
“Theo, wait!”, Eric said and quickly got up to hold him back by his arm.
“Please, don’t make this worse.”
“Make it worse? Are you kidding?!”, Theo asked disbelievingly.
“Just because of Thomas being a total dick Adam doesn’t want to have anything to do with me!”
“Wait a second.”, George interfered. “I thought you didn’t know him?”
“Yeah, me too. Theo, what’s going on?”, Ryan wondered.
At that, Theo’s cheeks reddened again.
“He does know him.”, Eric stated.
“But you said-“
“I know what I said!”, Theo quickly interrupted Ryan. “I was embarrassed... And on top of that you guys treated him like shit and I didn’t want you to treat me the same.”
“I guess we really weren’t too nice to him”, the man admitted. “But to be fair, you repudiated him which probably hurt him as well.”, he added.
Hearing that, Theo felt deeply ashamed. He really shouldn’t have done that. He should have stood up for Adam.
“Alright, so... What is he to you?”, George asked.
“Well he... saved my life.”, Theo mumbled.
The other men looked at him dumbfound at that, not understanding.
“One of us accidentally locked Theo on the balcony yesterday and he found shelter in Adam’s room. I’m not sure what exactly happened there but I assume they got pretty close...”, Eric thus explained.
“What?! Oh my god, Theo!”
“Oh, you bastard! Tried it with a man? How was it?”, George asked, grinning mischievously.
“Nothing happened, George!”, he squealed
“No? It sounded different in the letter he wrote you, by hand.”, the man stated.
“Come on mate, you can tell us.”, Ryan said encouragingly.
“I didn’t fuck him!”, Theo groaned, hoping his curious friends would finally shut up.
“So he did it to you?”
“No! Oh god...”, the man grumbled, his cheeks getting hot.
“I mean, I was fucking freezing and... he was so warm and soft and sweet...”, he sighed dreamily at the memory.
“And so you ate him up? Well done, mate.”, George concluded.
“I just kissed him!”, he blurted.
“Are you sure?”, Ryan smirked and wriggled his brows.
“Shut up!”, Theo uttered, his cheeks turning deep red.
“Did you... fall in love with him?”, George asked carefully.
“No!”, Theo shrieked. “I’m not in love with him.”
“I- I don’t know...”, he sighed.
“All I know is that I want him in my life but after what happened today, he’ll never want to see me again anyway. I mean I tried to talk to him but he threw me out and I totally understand that after how I treated him. I shouldn’t have been such a coward and stood by him.”
“Well, I mean he let you into his room when he didn’t even know you, so he’d totally let you in if you’d show up in front of his window again.”, George figured.
“So off you go, take off your clothes and go to your Adam.”, he said enthusiastically and made his way to the other, who was totally taken by surprise, got a hold of his sweater and pulled it over his head.
“Come on guys, help me out here.”, the man said and with that Ryan hurried to his side, Eric following with less enthusiasm than his friends. He wasn’t that convinced by the plan but hey, it might as well work so why not give it a chance?
“What the fuck are you doing?”, Theo shrieked and slightly stumbled back as he desperately tried to hold on to his trousers that one of his mates suddenly tried to pull off him.
He hadn’t even noticed anyone opening them in the first place or taking off his shoes. However, in the next moment he was standing in the middle of the room in just his underwear, surrounded by drunk idiots who thought they were playing wing-men.
While Ryan already opened the balcony door, George and Eric grabbed the half-naked man by his arms. Theo would never admit it to them, even though they probably knew it anyway, but he was the leanest of their group and so all the strength he brought up against them was no help and he eventually got shoved onto the balcony.
“Please don’t do that! I’ll freeze to death out here!”, he begged his friends and tried to flee inside again but a strong hand on his chest pushed him back outside again.
“No you won’t dummy. Go and knock onto Adam’s window again. He’ll surely not let you freeze out there.”, Ryan stated, closed the door and locked it.
“What if he doesn’t give a fuck though?”, Theo asked but they didn’t hear him anymore.
He looked at his friends inside with pleading eyes, his hands coming up against the glass but they just smiled stupidly and signed him to go.
“Please let me in!”, he pled.
Theo wrapped his arms around himself, trying to get warm when he noticed some snowflakes hitting him and melting on his skin. Great, of course it had to snow. It wasn’t as if the cold would’ve been unpleasant enough already.  
Anyway, as he still made no move to climb down the balcony, his mates closed the curtain, probably hoping he’d finally go then before he’d really freeze.
“Bloody fucking shit.”, Theo grumbled to himself. “He’ll never let me in.”
Figuring he might as well give it a try before he froze out here, he eventually climbed over the balcony, which was even harder than the last time as his limbs were already stiff. In the end, he just let himself fall, as his strength gave in and luckily landed on some snow again. Theo quickly got up and shook the ice-cold snow off before he then made his way through the snow to Adam’s balcony. He saw that he was apparently still awake, as the whole room was illuminated. Of course, he couldn’t see anything though because of the closed curtains.
He stepped onto the man’s balcony and just stood in front of the closed door for a while. What were his friends even thinking? Sending him to Adam when he had told them that the man didn’t want to see him? Theo had no idea what to do. He didn’t want to bother Adam but if he wouldn’t give it a try, he’d surely turn to ice out here.
The man let out a deep sigh and crouched down close to the balcony door. At least the snow didn’t hit him here. He spent some more minutes kneeling on the cold floor before he gave in, as he couldn’t feel his limbs anymore and lifted one of his shaking hands to knock onto the glass.
It wasn’t too long until he saw the curtain being pulled back and in the next moment the door was opened and two warm hands helped him up and dragged him inside, closing the door after them.
“What the fuck were you doing out there again?”, Adam angrily threw at him but then quickly took him into his arms to warm him.
“Shit, you feel like a bloody iceberg.”, he stated and started rubbing his hands on the man’s back.  
Theo immediately wrapped his arms around him as well, craving contact, not only because he was frozen but also because he had really missed being close to him. The man felt even warmer than the last time and his skin was slightly damp. Presumably, he had just taken a hot shower.
Theo tried to pull away and explain everything to him but he couldn’t bring out any proper noise except the clattering of his teeth.
“A-d-d-d-”, the man tried but he was shaking so badly.  
“Shut up. You can explain everything when you’re warm again. Now come on, you know how this goes.”, Adam said and guided him to his bed.
“You can already get under the sheets, I’ll just get you the other blanket.”
Theo surely snuggled into the soft duvet right away, glad that Adam seemed to care for him, even though he probably hated him.
A moment later, Adam came back with the already familiar fluffy blanket and quickly lifted the duvet under which the other was lying. Theo let out a quiet groan due to the warmth being taken away from him shortly. However, Adam quickly wrapped the blanket around him before he too got into the bed and shortly lifted said piece of fabric again to snuggle close to him, wrapping them both up in the warm duvet.
Theo was a bit hesitant in terms of touching the other even though he craved contact but he didn’t know if Adam would want that. To his relief the other wrapped his arms around the freezing idiot right away though and held him close. At that, Theo dared to put his hands around him as well and rested his head against the man’s warm chest, just as he had done last time.
“Another party?”, Adam eventually asked quietly as his hands continued to move up and down on the freezing man’s back.
“M-m-m-my fr-friends th-thought it was a g-g-good id-dea-“, Theo stuttered.
“They thought it was a good idea to purposely lock you out into the cold? Was this your punishment because you were with me?”, Adam asked, anger clear in his voice.
“N-no! T-t-they are n-no-not like that. T-they said tha-t-t w-w-way you’d s-s-urely let me i-in. I to-told them it was a s-s-stupid idea but they did-dn’t listen and jus-st shoved me outs-s-side. I didn’t want to b-b-bother y-you but they wouldn’t l-l-let me in.”
“Are you kidding? I mean I am pissed yes, but you didn’t have to go to such extremes to talk to me.”, Adam replied, not believing this.  
“I-I’m s-so sorry Ad-dam. I was-s so s-stupid. I never m-m-meant to h-hurt you. I know w-what I d-d-did was unforgivable but I d-don’t want to lose you.”, Theo said and pulled the other even closer.
“I appreciate your apology and that you’re aware that your behaviour was wrong and hurt me. But I need time to process everything.”
“You know, I r-really like you, Adam. Like... a lot.”, Theo uttered awkwardly, not really knowing how to put his feelings for that man into proper words. “I mean, you d-didn’t even know m-me but still let me into your room, even into your bed and you were so sweet to me even though I acted like an idiot and now I really h-hurt you and yet here I am in your arms again and as if that wasn’t enough already, you’re bloody attractive as well.”
“You think I’m attractive? You mean for a man?”, Adam asked, forcing a chuckle.
Theo winced at that. Of course, Adam didn’t get what he had tried to tell him.
“Well, I’d say you’re pretty hot yourself but I’m afraid your straightness wouldn’t appreciate that coming from me.“
“Maybe I’m not as straight as I thought...”, he mumbled quietly, hiding his face into Adam’s chest.
“I’m sorry, what?”, Adam asked, not trusting his ears. “What made you change your mind?”
The other lifted his head to look at him at that.
“You”, he simply said.
The man was gobsmacked for a moment. He had actually thought that the other had just been drunk and horny and as he had been the only available person, he had to do, despite being a man.
“What? When did you figure that out?”
“I guess I already knew it the night we met...”
Adam stared at him agape.
“And you still treated me like shit afterwards? Denying everything and coming up with this stupid favour for favour bullshit?”
“I’m so sorry! I was scared and confused and-“
“And were just as homophobe as your friends?”, the other finished his sentence.
“They’re not like that! They were pissed drunk and after all they thought they had texted a girl and then-“, Theo tried to defend his friends but got interrupted.
“If you’re warm again, I suggest you go back to your room. You can take the blanket with you if you want.”, Adam said, let go of Theo, shoved the duvet aside and sat up before he left the bed.
“Please, Theo. I’m not an arse and of course I wouldn’t have let you freeze out there but I’m still disappointed in you.”
“I’m sorry.”, he mumbled as he sat up, wrapped the blanket tightly around himself and got out of the bed, trotting towards the door.
He wasn’t warmed up yet, not at all but of course he couldn’t tell that the man. Adam wouldn’t want to cuddle with him anymore. He was lucky for what he got. It was probably the last time that he was so close to the other.
“Oh and Theo?”, Adam asked from behind.
“Hm?”, the man mumbled with a sad look on his face and turned around to face the other.
“Please don’t let yourself get locked out again or you might turn into a popsicle for real.”
Theo shortly nodded before he left the room. He felt like crying.
Part 4
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hurtsy-fiction · 5 years
Winter time - part 2/4
Part 1
When Adam woke up in the morning, there was no sight of his late night visitor. He almost thought that it had been a really crazy and vivid dream but he couldn’t make up something like that, could he? After all, everything had felt so real. Of course, he had to admit that it sounded kind of crazy and surreal. A hot guy in boxers just so happens to knock onto his window of all others. Adam shook his head at the thought but had to smile. It would've been too good to be true to come across the man of his dreams in such circumstances.
Anyway, he shortly stretched before he got up, took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before he put on some clothes and styled his hair, getting ready for breakfast.
When he entered the breakfast room, his gaze immediately fell onto the man he had let into his room the night before. So it had been real indeed and not a dream?! Good god.  
“Theo!”, Adam thus exclaimed happily and waved at him before he hurried over.
“Here you are.”, he stated as he arrived at the man’s table and took a seat next to him. "I already thought I had just dreamt everything.", he chuckled.
Apparently the other wasn’t that keen on seeing him though, judging by his shocked expression and following reaction.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”, Theo hissed at him.
“What?”, Adam uttered, totally confused.
“Get away from me! My mates will be here any second, they can never know what happened!”, he went on and glanced around like a scared animal.
“But yesterday- I mean, I thought-“, Adam tried, only to be interrupted.
“Nothing happened, Adam.”, Theo stated with an ice cold look in his eyes.
“It was nothing.”, the man repeated sternly.
“Nothing?!”, the other uttered, not believing this. This was clearly not the man from yesterday even though he looked like him.
Theo shortly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
“It was obvious that you enjoyed it and I didn’t want to unsettle you or anything to get thrown out because I had nowhere else to go, so-”
“So you just kept on going so I let you stay?”, Adam asked, not believing this.
“See it as a favour. You did me one and I returned it. We’re even now.”, the other replied dryly.
Hearing those words felt like a sting straight into his heart. Maybe he hadn’t let a killer into his room but this was worse to be honest.
“A favour?”, Adam asked disbelievingly, his sight getting cloudy. “So that’s what it was for you?”
“For fuck’s sake, I’m not gay, Adam.”, Theo hissed quietly.
“No? Did you figure that out while sucking me off or what? Was I just some experiment to satisfy your curiosity?”, Adam spat back. “You were the one who started it! I wouldn’t have done any-“, he added, blinking heavily to keep the tears from falling down.
“Shut up”, the younger one interrupted him sternly, making the other flinch at the harshness in his tone.
“Please, just... go and never talk to me again.”, Theo almost pleaded.
Adam just sat there, feeling numb. He couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Of course, he had to come across this homophobic piece of shit and on top of that, save his life.
“Go!”, Theo groaned at him, as he was still sitting at his table.
“I wish I hadn’t let you in.”, Adam brought out just above a whisper before he got up and stormed out of the breakfast room, tears streaming down his face.
Luckily, none of the other guests had seemed to notice the scene and, thus Theo let out a sigh of relief. The last thing he needed was his mates finding out about what had happened yesterday. He had to admit that he had maybe been a bit harsh with Adam. He didn’t deserve that. But how else could he make clear that what had happened yesterday had been a mistake?
Yes, he had been curious for fuck’s sake and Adam was sweet and lovely and into guys and somehow had gotten turned on by his actions. He had to admit that after Adam had told him about his sweet spot on his neck, he had been keen on getting a reaction from him, which is why he had started kissing him there in the first place. When he had then heard him moan his name, he couldn’t deny that it had been pretty hot actually and the look those damn blue eyes had sent him. God damn it, how was he supposed to resist kissing him?
Of course he couldn’t. And Adam had kissed him back so wonderfully. And then, when he had backed away shortly to get into a more comfortable position he had felt the bulge in the other’s boxers. The bulge he had been responsible for. He had let his body act before his brain could kick in and had wrapped his lips around it, which had made those beautiful sounds come from Adam’s lips. As he had then suddenly tasted the other’s cum, he had quickly swallowed it although it had been rather disgusting.
Then he had noticed that his own boxers had gotten uncomfortably tight too and had wondered if Adam had maybe wanted to suck him off as well? At that thought, he had glanced up at the man and seen the blissful expression on his face before said one had returned his gaze with lust in his eyes. It had then seemed as if his brain had suddenly kicked in again though, reminding him of what the fuck he had just done and of what was about to take place. No, he couldn’t have let that happen. Hell, he had been way too gay already for a straight dude so it had only been fair that he had to suffer instead of experiencing a mind blowing orgasm. Wait, no. It wouldn’t have been mind blowing. Hell, where did those thoughts suddenly come from?! He was into girls and girls only. What had happened with this Adam guy had admittedly been more pleasurable than it should have been but that didn’t change the fact that it would never happen again. After all it wouldn't, right? Men weren’t his cup of tea. But then why was his mind constantly occupied with this guy? Bloody hell.
Anyway, luckily Theo’s mates eventually showed up for breakfast and thus, the man was torn out of his not so innocent and sure as hell not so straight thoughts.
Adam threw the door shut before he stormed to his bed, lay down on it and pressed his head into his pillow to mute his silly sobs. He couldn’t believe the conversation he had just had with Theo. How could he be so stupid? Theo was just a bloody homophobe and nothing else. Who knew what had gotten into him the night before? Maybe it really was just his fear of getting abandoned into the cold again or his sick idea of “favour for favour”. Whatever it had been, he hated himself for falling for that man. He sure as hell had been a good actor though, because Adam had really had the feeling that he had enjoyed it.
Recalling the recent events, he couldn’t believe that the Theo he had let into his room yesterday really was the same man he had met this morning. Maybe he was just scared that his presumably homophobic friends would find out that he had had something with a guy and maybe Theo wasn’t like them. Maybe he just wanted to fit in and had thus denied his sexuality for so long, until yesterday, until he had actually been with a gay man.
However, no matter how hard he tried, Theo didn’t seem to get out of his head. He was constantly reminded of him and the way he had kissed him so passionately. But maybe it had really been just damn good acting. Fucking damn it.
He knew that it was probably a really dumb idea, but he couldn’t help himself. He just had to try and find out if it had been real or not. His head told him not to be stupid and forget about that guy but his heart didn’t want to hear any of it.
“Hey Theo, someone left a letter for you at the reception.”, Ryan said, waving an envelope with said man’s name written on it around.
Hearing that, Theo froze immediately. Oh no, oh no. Oh no, no, no. Adam didn’t. Please, please don’t let this be true. Hadn’t he made clear that he didn’t want to have anything to do with him?
“Oh really? Let me see!”, George exclaimed curiously and was about to take the letter into his hand.  
“Give it to me you bastards!”, Theo grumbled, quickly got up and snatched the letter from his friend’s hand before he sat down and opened the envelope. As he took the folded piece of paper out of the envelope, he noticed some scribbled digits written on it, presumably a telephone number. Anyway, he took a deep breath before he unfolded the paper and started reading with a thumping heartbeat.
Dear Theo,
I know you told me to go away but my mind keeps coming back to you. To the night we spent together. There was definitely something special between us, I could feel that and I think you did too. If what you said to me the morning after was true, I’m sorry for bothering you. But if that version of you was a mere overreaction because of confusion and the other you was the real you, reply to this-
Just as he had almost finished reading, someone from behind him snatched the paper from his fingers, making the smile that had formed on his lips while reading disappear in a flash.
“Hey!”, he protested immediately. “That’s mine, give it back!”
When he got up from the couch to face the rubberneck, it was already too late. Ryan’s eyes were already curiously roaming over the piece of paper.
Theo could just watch the scene with absolute horror written all over his face, not able to move. Great, now the thing he had feared the most actually became reality. He could never face his friends again.
“Seems like our friend here has made a new acquaintance and didn’t tell us a word about it!”, Ryan laughed and handed the letter on to Thomas, who curiously read it as well, Eric and George coming up behind him and catching a glimpse of the letter too.
“Aw, a handwritten letter. Isn’t that romantic.”, Eric sighed exaggeratedly.
“No wonder you were nowhere to find.”, George smirked.
Meanwhile Theo’s cheeks started burning, his head hanging low.
“Who’s A?”, Thomas eventually asked and Theo’s head snapped up immediately.
A? Dear god, he could’ve snogged the man for just signing with his first letter instead of his whole name. To be fair, he already did snog him and it had been wonderful. Wait, no, wrong trail of thoughts!
“That’s none of your business!”, Theo replied and grabbed the letter from Thomas’ hands.
“Oh, come on! Maybe she’s here with some cute friends of her’s with which she could set us up with!”, George threw in.
Theo couldn’t help the stupid grin on his face. Of course, they thought A was a girl. Thank god.
It was already in the evening when Adam came back into his hotel room. He had asked the receptionist if there maybe was some mail for him but of course, there wasn’t. The man was probably already on the way home again anyway. He had to admit, that he had hoped to get a reply to his message but apparently, the asshole he had met the morning after had been the real Theo indeed.
Adam sighed heavily. He still had more than a week of holiday ahead of him but right now, he didn’t feel like it at all. The man stripped down to his boxers and heedlessly threw his clothes onto the floor while doing so before he crawled under his covers. He sighed deeply and stared at the ceiling above. With the last bit of strength he could bring up, he leaned over and switched the lights off.
Just as Adam had finally fallen asleep, he was woken by the vibrating sound of his phone. Wondering who it might be, he grabbed the device and unlocked it. He had a message from an unknown number. Wait. Could it be that- Did Theo write him? He quickly sat up in excitement and opened the message.
From Unknown, 0:23 am Hey Babe. I miss you. I can’t stop thinking about you. Come to my room? Number 217. I’m waiting for you. Theo
As he read those words, he couldn’t get the happy smile off his face. So Theo wasn’t the asshole he had thought that he was. He quickly typed a reply and was up in a flash, getting dressed.
Adam knocked onto the door and felt himself shaking. He was nervous but mostly he was eager to see Theo again, despite what the other had said to him the in the morning.
Suddenly the door was opened and there were some men staring at him dumbfound. Judging by their alcoholic odour they were dead drunk, but he didn’t know either of them. What was going on? Had he knocked onto the wrong door? He took a step back to check the tag beside the door. No, this was room number 217.
“Who are you?”, he therefore asked confused.
Suddenly the men burst out laughing and Adam was now really irritated.
“Oh my god, A is a man???!!!”, one of them squealed and then it dawned upon him.
It hadn’t been Theo, who had sent him this message. Of course not, the man didn’t want to have anything to do with him. It had been these guys, which he assumed to be the other’s friends and suddenly he understood the man’s reaction at breakfast. What he didn’t understand though, is how he could be friends with people like that.
However, Adam just stood there paralyzed, his face getting pale. He had never felt so humiliated in his life.
Apparently, the loud noises had woken up Theo though, as his voice was suddenly heard in the back.
“What the hell is going on here?”, he asked and when his eyes fell onto Adam, he stopped dead in his tracks.
Adam would never forget the look of absolute terror on the other’s face.
“Hey Theo, come and say hi to your secret lover.”, the tallest of them cackled and the others joined in.
“I didn’t know you were suddenly into dick.”, one laughed.
“Maybe he was so drunk, he didn’t even notice that.”, another screeched.
“What the fuck are you talking about? Who even is this guy? I’ve never seen him before!”, Theo spat at them and made a deprecative gesture towards said man.
“No? I’m pretty sure he knows you though.”, his friend giggled. “I mean, this is your number, right?”, he asked and held Theo’s letter with some scribbled digits on the back out to Adam.
The man just lowered his gaze at that. He seemed pretty devastated, which was no wonder in his current situation.
Theo’s eyes widened. Those bloody bastards must’ve stolen the letter from him while he had been sleeping and sent a message to his presumable shag. He knew that his friends were damn nosy but they always had the most stupid ideas when they were drunk. Fuck. How was he supposed to get out of this situation? He was bloody busted.
“Imagine the stupid look on our faces when we were expecting a hot chick and then opened the door to this!”, one of them chuckled and pointed at the degraded man.
A rather quiet guy, who stood a bit on the side was absolutely not pleased with how his wasted friends treated the poor dude.
“Alright, alright you had your fun.”, he eventually interrupted the scene. “Let’s leave it be.”
“Leave it be? Absolutely not! Theo, you either admit that you have a gay thing going on with this fag and get the hell out of here or you knock him out to teach him a lesson!”
Hearing that, Theo stared at Adam in shock and saw a similar expression on the other’s face.
“Thomas please, you can’t be serious!”, another suddenly threw in.
“What?!”, Theo squealed.
“You heard me.”
“I don’t have anything going on with him but I sure as hell won’t hit him!”, Theo stated.
“You have nothing going on with him? Then why would he write you stuff like My mind keeps coming back to you. To the night we spent together. There was definitely something special between us?”, Thomas cited the letter.
“I uh- I-“, the man started but was interrupted.
“I’m sorry, there must’ve occured a mistake.”, Adam suddenly interfered. “The guy at the reception has apparently put the envelope into the wrong mail box. After all, I didn’t know his surname and could only describe him by his look.”
Theo’s heart almost broke when he looked at the man. Adam had thought that he had sent him a message and came to see him right away, despite how he had treated him. And now he even lied for him! Were there maybe even feelings involved from his side? He wanted nothing more than to hug him and tell him that he was sorry but he didn’t dare to out himself in front of his friends, especially because of Thomas’ reaction.
“Yeah, right and it just so happens that this guy you are looking for is also called Theo and looks like ours?”
“Yeah... Funny, isn’t it?”, Adam uttered and let out a fake chuckle. “Anyway, I’ll better get going. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Have a good night.”
As Adam was about to walk away, Thomas suddenly grabbed his arm and held him back with a mad look on his face.
“You’re not going anywhere! We’re not done with you yet!”, he shouted and Theo could clearly see the fear in Adam’s eyes.
As Thomas had already lifted his fist for a punch, two guys suddenly tore him away from Adam, who got pushed onto the floor in the uproar, and dragged the agitator into their room.
“Thomas for fuck’s sake! What the bloody fuck has gotten into you?”, one of them asked bewildered.
“Hell, how much did he have?”
Theo could just watch the scene in horror, not able to do anything.
Meanwhile another man helped Adam up.
“Shit, are you okay?”, he asked as he saw his tear streamed face but Adam just swatted the man’s hands away and ran.
“Adam! Adam wait!”, Theo shouted after him but the other just kept running away from him.
When Adam disappeared around the corner, Theo felt anger build up inside of him. He turned around and walked into their living room, where the guys had gathered around Thomas.
“You”, he growled in a low voice and walked over to the man.
“You bloody asshole!”, Theo shouted and grabbed Thomas by his collar before he roughly slammed him against the wall.
“Have you lost your god damn mind? Hell, what is wrong with you!”, he spat at the man.
“It’s enough, Theo. Stop it!”, George uttered and tore the man back, away from their friend, before he could attack him again. “He’s bloody pissed. He doesn’t know what he’s doing.”
“Doesn’t know what he’s doing?! That is no damn excuse for his behaviour!”, the man shouted and stormed out of the room.
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