#husbandfirst ds marriage
kneelingfirewife ยท 5 years
Dear Husband,
Let me stay by saying that I will love you forever, to infinity, no matter what circumstances arise in our marriage. Even if the ability for us to be sexually intimate with each other is taken from either of us, I will love you. I will never leave you. My love for you is not based on whether we have sex. My desire for sex with you stems from the overwhelming feelings of love I have for you. A kind of love I never knew before you. The kind of love I wish I would have waited to give myself for. There is no way I could ever be happier without you. I will never let our marriage fall apart.
There are so many things that have contributed to where we are sexually now, but I never have our energy into seeing it through your eyes. I've been selfish. My selfish desires overcome my love for you sometimes, and for that I am sorry. I desire to have sex with the man I love, respect and admire... all the time. I selfishly try to control things sometimes, from sex to finances to life-changing decisions like having another child, when I should be trusting you and your guidance. I want to live in a way that means we maintain an intimate connection, that makes us husband and wife, and to finally relinquish the control I thought I wanted.
Know that this decision is not out of resentment, or wanting to change you, but to make myself the wife that was perfectly designed for you.
So here's my promise to you,
I promise to always say yes to sex and be available to you. I promise to submit to your sexual needs. I promise to not reject you. I promise to actively participate in sex. I promise to give you all of me. I promise to give you oral sex. I promise to be open to new things sexually. I promise to not be self conscious and let you always see me naked. I promise to not make excuses. I promise to make an effort to be romantic. I promise to always be open about talking about our sex life, no matter how challenging certain conversations might be. I promise to give you free unfettered sexual access to my body.
I promise to only build you up when we are in public. I promise to submit you your authority and not challenge it. I promise to listen to your guidance. I promise to let you have the final say on decisions. I promise to tell you what I need. I promise to think before I speak. I promise to challenge you appropriately. I promise to love you unselfishly. I promise to respect you. I promise to listen to your guidance. I promise to give you all of me.
I completely put my trust in your vision for our family. I wholeheartedly respect your place of accountability and authority in our marriage.
I love you forever.
Your Wife.
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