fatphobiabusters · 4 years
This was originally submitted as a fanmail which we can’t respond to and I think tumblr is mostly doing away with so here I copy and paste directly:
I’m sorry but I need to get a second opinion, my mom was watching some people talk about avengers recently and I said that that a straight, white man could relate to a character in any media, my mom said something about women in the mcu and I replied, “yes and they are all fit and attractive”. She told me now that in order to be a superhero you have to be fit because you wouldn’t have time to be ,,sitting on your ass and collecting fat’’ if you were out there being fit, I said that these superheroes are graced with supernatural abilities regardless of their weight and it has no effect upon it and she said that doesn’t matter because if you’re fat you aren’t flexible and can’t do anything superheroes do. Then she said I looked like I weighed 3 tons in my shirt and I walked away because she’s impossible to argue with. (my mom is also very overweight and mentions repeatedly that me, her and the rest of our family are gonna kill themselves from overeating.) — hveiti-poki
This is a multifaceted issue, your mom is dealing with internalized fatphobia and a utter lack of imagination. Superheros are fake, they can do whatever the heckies we want! 
If we want to have a so called “reasonable suspension of disbelief” Fat athletes are a thing that exist in reality right this moment. People who are fat and are exception for their physical talents and skills. 
And there is, for us comic nerds, a fat superhero, Zyphr!
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[Photo ID: A cover of the comic “Faith” featuring Faith Herbert the hero named Zyphr, both in her costume and civilian clothes. As a civilian her clothes are pink and she has on purplish tights. As a hero her costume is white and has blue trim. Faith is white with long blonde hair and the publisher and creator information is on a black bar at the top. End ID] 
So yeah, your mom is wrong. On every account. 
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